PDF Issue - Windy City Media Group
PDF Issue - Windy City Media Group
May 20, 2009 #988 Under the Leather Open wide for summertime with the boys and girls of International Mr. Leather XXXI and Bear Pride XV. inSIDE Pig play at Touché page 46 Bob Mould and Richard Morel “Blowoff” some steam with Pubert. page 30 GO NATURAL ™ INTRODUCING THE LATEST ADDITION TO THE LINE RANKED #1 IN TASTE. SKYY Infusions™. Vodka infused with real fruit and other natural flavors. 35% alc.vol (70 proof). ©2009 Skyy Spirits, LLC, San Francisco, CA. Enjoy responsibly. Learn more at SKYYINFUSIONS.COM SKYY Infusions voted best tasting by the Beverage Testing Institute. ® Infusions™. Vodka infused with real fruit and other natural flavors. 35% alc.vol (70 proof). ©2009 Skyy Spirits, LLC, San SKYY Enjoy responsibly. Learn more at SKYYINFUSIONS.COM Francisco, CA. out in the stars May 20, 2009 #988 cover RAY & STEVE photo by Chester Munro INDEX THAT GUY 8 THE DJ, THE MUSIC & YOU 12 WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO? 14 PRETZEL LOGIC 20 INTERVIEW - BLOWOFF 30 INTERMISSION 31 CALENDAR 36-37 WHERE MY BAR AT? 38 WHAT’S UP? 40-41 FROM THE BOOTH 44 The Sun boldly enters Gemini this week heralding a period of fun, flirtation and fickleness. Should you or shouldn’t you? Oh, what the heck; go, go, go for it. And the sooner the better! ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 20) Manifest a gay manifesto and start a revolution, gay Rambo. Take it to the streets or gather a few kindred souls together for a delightful chatfest. Plan a course of action that will take you through the rest of the summer in style. TAURUS (APRIL 21 - MAY 21) Financial issues are handled more effectively and the ability to make profitable decisions is sharper. Perhaps it’s just a matter of seeking the right advisor or asking the right questions. Whatever the heck it is, do it now while the planetary energy is profitable. GEMINI (MAY 22 - JUNE 21) Start new fires, begin new projects, plant seeds of ideas and meet new folks. It’s that time of year to make an excellent first impression and become the center of the universe. Let the lesser planets orbit around you for a change, pink Twin. CANCER (JUNE 22 - JULY 23) This week casts a warm light on any intuitive or self- sacrificing endeavor. That doesn’t mean that you immediately levitate to a higher personal plane, but good gay deeds now reap good gay karma. And we can always use a bit of good gay karma, can’t we? LEO (JULY 24 - AUG. 23) Friends come Out in force so crank up the music and rock and roll. And there’s a superb opportunity to make amends for all the gaffes you made last week. Become a diplomat. Who said the fates don’t have a sense of humor? VIRGO (AUG. 24 - SEPT. 23) Give your career the attention it needs when it seems like you can say and do nothing wrong. Score a few points now in preparation for your grand ascent to the first-class cabin, but please remember to think kindly of those of us still riding in steerage. LIBRA (SEPT. 24 - OCT. 23) Expand your horizons through travel, a fabulous course of study or with wildly exotic strangers. Whatever you decide to do, be sure that it brings you greater clarity of thought and purpose. Don’t waste this enlightening opportunity on dreck and dross. SCORPIO (OCT. 24 - NOV. 22) Whoever turned up the heat on the sexual stewpot must have known that you are ready, willing and able. Psychological enlightenment is also possible so if your sex life is overcooked, all is not lost. Whatever comes, make it worthwhile. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 23 - DEC. 22) A light has been switched on in any relationship matters. Be yourself—ratty clothes and all—and everything will fit into place. However, if that place by Charlene Lichtenstein happens to be the Family First headquarters, I’d reevaluate the situation... . CAPRICORN (DEC. 23 - JAN. 20) Any onerous, detailed task goes decidedly well and that even goes for new exercise and diet regimes. It’s obviously no time to be lazy. So stop smelling the flowers and get those sizzling gams into action. Do I smell success? AQUARIUS (JAN. 21 - FEB. 19) Aqueerians feel more expressive so dip into your creative well to see what sprays forth. (Chances are you may gush with aptitude.) Thinking of writing the quintessential gay breakthrough novel? Start pecking at the keyboard... or something. PISCES (FEB. 20 - MARCH 20) Guppies bask in the shine of domesticity and can effectively tie up a few loose ends with family members. If the ends are frayed and untieable, go on undeterred. Compromise ain’t in the stars now and you have to live your proud life. (c) 2009 THE STARRY EYE, LLC., All Rights Reserved. For Entertainment Purposes Only. Lichtenstein’s blog, www.thestarryeye.typepad.com covers everything new age. Her astrology book “HerScopes: A Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” is an international sensation. Buy it and feel the vibration. DOWNload: www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com PUBLISHER Tracy Baim ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky Managing Editor Kirk Williamson Photography Mel Ferrand, Kat Fitzgerald, DJ Greg Haus, Kirk, Kizzy, Ryan Kolodziej, Steve Starr CAST OF CHARACTERS Andrew Davis, DJ Res-5, graysong, Michael Hampton, Joan JettBlakk, Charlene Lichtenstein, David J. Magdziarz, Homer Marrs, Jennifer Parello, Randy Pubert ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Terri Klinsky, Kirk Williamson, Amy Matheny, Cynthia Holmes NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE RIVENDELL MEDIA (212) 242-6863 Promotions Cynthia Holmes DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright Office Cynthia Holmes Calendar Editor Jean Albright Copyright 2009 Windy City Media Group/Lambda Publications Inc. All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and photos sent to Nightspots/Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Nightspots/Windy City Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of a person or organization in articles or advertising in Nightspots/Windy City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. While we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make this newspaper possible, Nightspots/Windy City Times cannot accept responsibility for advertising claims. May 20, 2009 #988 Under the Leather Open wide for summertime with the boys and girls of International Mr. Leather XXXI and Bear Pride XV. inSIDE Pig play at Touché page 46 Bob Mould and Richard Morel “Blowoff” some steam with Pubert. page 30 nightspots 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL 60640 773.871.7610, fax 773.871.7609 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com [email protected] that guy by Kirk Williamson If it’s true that one never dies as long as their memory lives on, Miss Bernice Frankel (Bea Arthur, to the woefully uneducated among you) will live to about 500 years or so. The key to her spiritual longevity: gays. The “Love and Let Bea” bar crawl culminated with a stop at Mary’s Attic, where I encountered the rare baby blue version of my favorite T-shirt. It was like when Milhouse met the Shelbyville Milhouse. “So this is what it fells like... when doves cry.” Then at Scot’s I ran into these hansome gentlemen perusing the Bea issue of Nightspots. I had no idea what I had started. The evening ended surprisingly appropriately, as I ran into none other than local graphic guru Scott Nash, the designer of the very same Bea Is For Butch T-shirt at Jackhammer. And you’ll never guess what he had on! OK, you don’t have to guess as he is clearly pictured to the left, but you get my excitement level. photo by Kat Fitzgerald, MysticImagesPhotography.com It was with a similar amount of excitement that I helped accept the Michael Leppen Award bestowed upon Windy City Media Group by About Face Theatre at this year’s Wonka Ball. Thanks so much for the honor! And if Bea were here right now, she would almost certainly tell you all to play safe this big, big party weekend! This photo of Mr. Heart of America Continental Michael J. Valentine inspired some sublime stupidity. And it’s this stupidity I bring to each and every issue of Nightspots magazine! Leave it to local photographer Chester Munro to turn out a topnotch leather cover. This being his second year, he is our official Memorial Day cover guy. He sure has the eye for it. 8 [email protected] May 20, 2009 We like to watch. Sidetrack is gearing up for some of our favorite events with parties all weekend to welcome everyone in town for: IML•31 INTERNATIONAL MR. LEATHER BP15 BEAR PRIDE 15TH ANNIVERSARY NAGVA NORTH AMERICAN GAY VOLLEYBALL ASSOCATION 3349 North Halsted Valet Parking Available SidetrackChicago.com No Cover. Must be 21 thanks to our friends at Bear-a-palooza and Taqaseem at Touché photos by graysong Gasp and swoon at Hideaway photos by Kirk Stop the VIOLENCE! Shadow Boxer at Berlin 10 May 20, 2009 photos by Kirk the dj, the music and you by DJ Res-5 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town: and he’s wearing leather chaps Firstly I want to say that it appears word is indeed true, and “Radar” is going to be the next single pulled from Britney’s Circus album. There are a number of things I could say right now, but instead I will just go with a simple “whatever.” The single will be done and over with soon enough. Next, I want to say that it appears Kelly Clarkson’s “I Do Not Hook Up”, already has a CD single release internationally. As of press time, no official remixes have been confirmed, but that doesn’t mean we won’t get something for the US market eventually. Also, on the American Idol tip, did anyone else see Jordin Sparks burn up the stage with her amazing new look and solid new single “Battlefield”? I don’t know when she grew up, but she commanded that stage like a seasoned professional and, thankfully, there is no need to wait to grab the new single. It’s on iTunes already! I don’t really have a good segue, but I stopped in to Hydrate last Tuesday and was reminded by the everfriendly DJR that I had not mentioned the cute new David Guetta single yet. Well, it’s called “Love Takes Over” and features Destiny’s Child alum Kelly Rowland on vocals and a sample of “Clocks” (yes, the Coldplay song) at its core. While I think Brandy used the sample better on the Afrodisiac track “Should I Go,” this new Guetta/Rowland track definitely does the sample justice as well. Be sure to stop in to Hydrate on Tuesday to hear the hard electro mix that DJR is playing; it’s hot. Last words are that Matthew Harvat is doing the IML closing party! [email protected] or bust! 12 May 20, 2009 SOFO THURSDAY, MAY 14 2 1 3 4 1) Finalist Amy. 2) Finalist Michael. 3) Finalist Jason. 4) [Top; L-R] Judges Stephen Rader, Jerry (Pubert) Nunn and Sofia Saffire; [Below; L-R] Finalists Amy, Jason and Michael; host Amy Matheny. Photos by Kirk Williamson what do YOU wanna do? Nightspots’ Free Dating Advice (you’re welcome) catch these hot vids (is that what the kids call ‘em? “Vids?”) on TVN QueerTVNetwork.com by Michael Hampton So, after a long dry spell, I finally had a good date. I brought him to Uptown to Marigold at 4832 N. Broadway for some Indian food and a really beautiful room. We were greeted at the door by a large older man who was blocking the way to the host stand while talking on a phone. He then lit a cigarette off a candle, left his glass sitting there and stormed off. It was a little off-putting. Our table was cozy and romantic though. The colors are deep and rich and the food matches the décor. Deep rich Indian flavors and a little twist on classic fare make it a great place to try something new. We ordered three different curries—a bargain at $22—and a delicious fish stew called Taaza Machli. The lamb dish was excellent with rich mole sauce and the fish stew sauce was so wonderful that I wished I could bathe in it and ladle it over my head. Next time, I’ll have to go for lunch to try the “naan-wiches,” sandwiches made with naan bread. We walked down to Wild Pug at 4810 N. Broadway to have a post-dinner, pre-coital cocktail. Don’t forget that I am here for you. [email protected] 14 May 20, 2009 A heartwarming rendition of the Golden Girls theme at Mary’s Attic. The barn door swings open at the grand opening of Cattle Call. Welcome to Chicago International Mr. Leather XXXI & Bear Pride XV Get your sing on in any of the great locations! MON TUES TUE TUES WED Champions Avenue Tavern Jackhammer Scot’s Hideaway June1, 9:30pm-12:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 10pm-4am WATCH FOR DATES 9:30 pm-1:30 am (773) 743-1797 (773) 975-7000 WED (773) 784-1100 (773) 743-5772 THU WED (708) 771-4459 THU The Copa Holiday Club Pie Hole The Closet 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 11pm-? 9:30pm-1:30am (312) 642-3449 THU (773) 525-8888 (773) 348-9600 FRI FRI (773) 477-8533 FRI FRI Four Farthings Pap’s Tap Joe E’s Unforgettable Bobby Love’s 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 11pm-3am 9:30pm-1:30am (773) 935-2060 5532 S. Narragansett (773) 283-3422 SAT SAT FRI 10pm-2am 10 pm-2:30 am (773) 463-1768 (708) 771-4459 SUN SAT BEAREOKE! SAT 9:30pm-1:30am (708) 358-8840 BEAR PRIDE Sidetrack Bobby Love’s Christina’s Hideaway (773) 525-1200 Velvet Rope May 23, 1pm-5pm June 13, 8pm-11pm (773) 525-1200 (773) 477-9189 SUN SUN Coppolino’s Hideaway Star Gaze Brendan’s Pub 10:30pm-2:30am 9:30 pm-1:30 am 8pm-Midnight June 7, 8pm-Midnight (773) 735-8647 (708) 771-4459 (773) 561-7363 (773) 929-2929 for booking and hiring info: 773-720-7347 or [email protected] Circle takes the square at HollyWild Squares at Wild Pug photos by DJ Res-5 Hints of summertime out in front of Crew photos by Kirk Overexposed at Jackhammer 16 May 20, 2009 photos by Kirk ;IHRIWHE]W [IPP JVIIXVMZME[TVM^IW 8LYVWHE]W (.'LVMW)XIVRS ;-2(='-8= +%=-(30 ;IH1E] 7MKRYTEXTQ7LS[EXTQ 7O]]1MPPIV0MXI %2()6732:-00)1-(7311%6*)78 .92)2332'037) [IPP'SWQSW &YH0MKLXTMXGLIVW *VMHE]W 7EXYVHE]W (.)VMG,EPP (.8MQQ]0SST 7YRHE]W(ERGIVWEXTQ [IPP'SWQSW &YH0MKLXTMXGLIVW 8YIWHE]W [IPP &YHHVEJXW 8LY*VM7EX7YR 1%0)(%2')67 23'3:)623%88-89()1%68-2-7):)6=2-8) [[[EXQSWTLIVIFEVGSQ 2'PEVO7X Turnin’ Up the Heat at Alt-Q The 9th annual ALT-Q Festival was held May 9 at the Old Town School of Folk Music. The event, organized by Chicago Queer Music God Scott Free, benefitted the Gay Liberation Network (GLN), a direct-action LBGTrights group. The evening was headlined by Jeff Heiskell (former lead singer of The Judybats) and featured area performers Scott Free, Jenny Urban, Sweet Hello, Stella and the Heat Birds, Edie Carey, Gregg Shapiro, and Tret Fure. Congress of Starlings (Andrea Bunch and Erin Tedesco) served as emcees. In a bittersweet twist, we said goodbye to veterens Sweet Hello, who gave their final duo performance, and hello to Stella and the Heat Birds, a six-person ensemble so new they were handmaking their CDs the night before. Featuring an instrument mix that included guitar, string bass, clarinet, mandolin, ukelele, xylophone, accordion, percussion and what looked like a tennis ball can with a string through it, they brought the house down with an infectious performance that generated not one, but two mid-set standing ovations. It’s a year until the next ALT-Q. If your vision of queer music is just lesbians with six-string guitars strumming folky tunes in coffee houses, then you need your perceptions challenged. That’s only one seasoning in the pot, baby. Until next year, we recommend you check out the Out Music open mic night at Urban Café on the last Tuesday of each month or Homolatte at Big Chicks/Tweet on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Pictured: Stella of Stella and the Heat Birds. Pic by graysong. Skin and bones at Cocktail 18 May 20, 2009 photos by Kirk 87H!=H?BB MAY 22ND FRATBOY FRIDAY 50 $3 HOT JOCK CONTEST GOOSE ISLAND PINTS NO JOCK, NO WORRIES WE GOT YA COVERED! 1ST PLACE $300 CASH 2ND $100 CASH 3RD $50 BAR TAB MEMORIAL DAY MONDAY MAY 25TH CREW OPENS 11:30 AM DRINK SPECIALS $12 BEERGARITA’S AND SANGRIA PITCHERS $3 LITE AND BUD LIGHT PINTS CUBS WIN! YOU WIN! EVERY TIME THE CUBS WIN Crew will raffle a $25 gift card to those die hard Cubs fans watch the game at Crew. (You must arrive before the start of the 7th inning to be elgible.) 16#26*; /*()5 Mondays at Crew | 8pm $6 Ruby Red Margaritas $6 Mango Margaritas "!24!"&/27)..).'4%!-s$5.#%02):%3&/24(%7/234 00 $1 Tacos Spicy Beef, Chicken, BBQ Pork $275 Bud Light Pints $300 Bud Light Lime Bottles 4804 N. Broadway | (773) 784-CREW | WorldsGreatestBar.com by David Magdziarz pretzel logic International Mr. Leather week is once again upon us, and since it is such a super time, this year’s Pretzel Logic IML column combines a bit of leather with the theme of superheroes. I Heard It On National Pubic Radio A recent edition of the National Public Radio show Fresh Air included a story on a book called Secret Identity by Craig Yoe. The book’s subject is the S&M “fetish art” of Joe Shuster, one of the co-creators of the quintessential comic book superhero Superman. This Makes Bizarro Superman Look Normal By Comparison The salacious Superman stuff was drawn by Shuster for a series of 16 S&M magazines called Nights of Horror, which were published in 1953-1954. The characters in “compromising sexual situations” look very much like Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olson, Lex Luthor and Lois’ rival for Superman’s love, Lana Lang. Superman Gone Wild Other themes in the illustrations include bloodletting, whipping, chains, bondage, spanking, and women having their stiletto shoes kissed. What A Prick! One illustration from Nights of Horror shows a man who is about to beat a young woman with a cactus. 20 in a maid’s uniform whipping the Clark Kent look-alike (who is dressed in nothing but his undershorts) as he is chained to objects such as a huge a pole while standing up, or bent over a small table as he is on his hands and knees. Look-Alike Lois’ Lesbian Lady Love Looking through the illustrations found in Secret Identity, there were depictions of women kissing in bed, getting caught while having oral sex, whipping each other, spanking each other, and even engaging in bloodletting. Shit, No Clark Kent/Jimmy Olson Action! As for man-on-man action, all I saw was one cartoon of a brutish-looking man whipping a naked Lois and a shirtless Clark, both of whom are chained up. There was also a man assisting a blonde woman as she uses large tongs to pull out “Clark’s” toenails. Nipping Nipples In The Bud For some reason naked women are drawn with quite visible nipples, but all the shirtless men are drawn nipple free. You Could Say He Was “Hard Up” It is thought that Shuster made the drawings because he had relatively little money at the time, having lost his lawsuit against DC Comics, and also having gone through the money he did earn from the comic. She’s Got Ants In Her Pants Another shows a woman having red ants put down her panties. What’s In A Name? Too bad the publisher of Nights of Horror wasn’t AC/DC Comics. Maid To Order Don’t forget about the series of drawings of the woman who looks like Lois Lane dressed Nights Of Some Really Fucked Up Bizarre Shit The Nights of Horror books became a central part of a 1950s May 20, 2009 killing spree by four teenaged Jewish Nazis (complete with Hitler mustaches) known as the Brooklyn Thrill Killers. They set homeless people on fire and also drowned them; and used whips and switchblades to attack women at random. The killers admitted to using acts depicted in Nights of Horror as the basis for some of their criminal activities. In The Pre-Ebay Days As a kid in the 1960s I recall ads in comic books where you could buy X-ray glasses and “Sea Monkeys,” but Secret Identity includes a reproduction of an ad from a 1950s comic book for a six-foot “Big Bull Whip” that you can use, among other things, to “yank people off their feet.” Holy Bat-Boner! As a kid watching Adam West in his Batman TV show, there was this one episode in which the bad guy had Batman suspended over a vat of some sort of dangerous liquid. The bulge of a certain semi-erect Bat-appendage was clearly visible underneath his tight-fitting Bat-outfit. My Own Superhero For The LGBT Community! Forget the X-Men, what we need are a group of transsexual superheroes called the Ex-Men. Leave It To Beaver The main character would be named Beaverine, a butch trannie dyke who has auto repair tools that spring out of her knuckles when she’s ready for action. If you’ve ever heard of a hankie code color for superhero fetish sex, write me at [email protected] and let me and Joe Shuster know. THURS. MAY 28TH GAYSIA A NIGHT IN THE ORIENT, IF YOU’RE LUCKY! DJ OSKAR WITH HIS SEXY DANCERS & SHOT BOY FEATURING $3 SAPPORO DRAFTS $6 SAKI-TINI’S NPOEBZNBZUI 0QFOQN .FNPSJBM%BZ $12 Long Island Ice Tea Pitchers $2 Lite and Bud Light Pints Complimentary Memorial Day BBQ at 3:00pm T H E $5 L I V E G A M E COVER May 20th The HollyWild Squares May 27th Match Game June 3rd Bake-A-Date June 10th Match Game ALL MONEY GOES TO THE ACTORS S H O W W E D The return of Dick Guhzinya & his crazy celebrity friends. 9 P M h ’gs o s a 8 m a me vox box m FRIDAY JUNE 5th 9pm-2am vo Dart DartTourney TourneyTuesdays Tuesdays with $5 BUY IN One Complimentary Domestic Draft or Mixed Well Cocktail SIGN UP begins at 7:30pm GAME DRAW at 8:00pm sharp Wild Pug | 4810 North Broadway | WorldsGreatestBar.com | (773) 784-4811 When you gotta go... to Star Gaze photos by Kizzy Beer pong and togas and whiskers on kittens at Spin photos by Kirk Meet your new Mr. and Miss Heart of America Continental Michael J. Valentine and Aurora Sexton (left) at The Baton photos by Kirk Beers, steers and queers at the grand opening party at Cattle Call photos by DJ Res-5 To see video from this event, plus much more, go to QueerTVNetwork.com. Party Cruise Men and Dancin’ Boys on Yachts Sunday May 24th Boarding: 12:30 PM / Cruise: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM For Reservations and Info: www.bjpromoschicago.com Featuring: or call (630) 664-4203 DJ Phil DaBeatz Two Premium Packages $69+ Tax / Surcharge $125 Full Cruise Open Premium Bar Elegant Luncheon Buffet V.I.P Also Includes Private Reception + Mojito Mixer 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Private Lounge, Veranda, and cocktail Servers Tax / Surcharge Blowoff: Blown Away by Bob and Richard Interviewed by Randy Pubert Randy Pubert: What brought the two of you together for the Blowoff project? Richard Morel: We met six years ago in New York and we had a common ground on a lot of music. Then Bob was moving to D.C. where I live and we started working on what would be the Blowoff record together. Bob brought up the idea of doing a DJ party. Bob Mould: I moved from New York to D.C. in the summer of 2002, we were working together in Richard’s studio and he had a DJ rig in the corner and I asked him what that was about. So we decided to throw a party using it. This was my way of making friends. RM: As it turned out, I didn’t know anyone in town either [laughs]! RP: Blowoff is also the name that you two wrote under to put out a CD, correct? BM: The recording that Rich and I did in the fall of 2002 was released in the fall of 2006, as a Blowoff artist album. In 2003, we did the first Blowoff dance party at the Velvet Lounge in Washington. RP: For people that don’t know, what is a Blowoff event like? BM: Well, it’s a DJ event. We have live visuals with a video DJ. The music that we play is everything from indie rock to electro to house 30 May 20, 2009 to classic ‘80s rock to even classic ‘60s rock. RM: So it’s consistently good music... at least we both think so. BM: The primary demographic of it is guys in their 30s and 40s. But there are guys that come in their 20s and some guys that come in their 50s. So it spans a lot of generations, and it’s a very comfortable event. There’s not a lot of attitude and people come to hear the music and have a good time. It has been very successful for us in other cities and we are very excited about coming to Chicago. RP: Awesome! What time in the morning does this go to? BM: This event at the Metro is from 11 p.m. until 4 a.m. Rich and I will each do a couple of sets. We play the indie rock at the beginning and then move into the more beat-driven stuff. We switch off hours, then Rich finishes the night out. Rich has done a lot of remixing and I have done live performance my whole life, so we are very conscious of song and melody and telling a story in a night with music. We really put the music first. It’s a sexy crowd with sexy visuals. People take their shirts off, drink beer and have fun, but the essence of it is the music. RP: What music are you guys currently listening to? IML weekend has plenty of events to keep the leather man happy. Openly gay rocker Bob Mould (from the punk group Hüsker Dü), along with top remixer Richard Morel, will be bringing the party to the Metro, 3730 N. Clark St., on Saturday, May 23. RM: I am listening to the new Chris Lake record. He’s a UK remixer/ producer. His new record is great, a throw back to disco. BM: I am digging The Tinted Windows, James Iha’s project. I will probably drop some of that. RP: Yeah, James from the Smashing Pumpkins, I just heard about that. Bob, tell me about your most recent CD. BM: I just put out a new album last month called Life and Times. It’s more of my traditional singer/ songwriter side. I just played at Old Town School of Folk Music to get the record up and running. RP: Richard, I loved the recent Cyndi Lauper album Bring Ya to the Brink. How was it working with her? RM: I am glad you liked it. We are actually working on more music together. She’s a delight to work with and such an incredible talent. For me it’s a thrill to work with a singer like that. We are doing the Milwaukee Pridefest together, if I can make it to another Blowoff event the next night. RP: As long as you make the Chicago show, then we are happy! For more info or to buy tickets, visit www.blowoff.us or www.metrochicago.com. nightSPOTSMAFIA I’m sure I missed a few. - A.J. Probably Saved By the Bell, but more recently Meet the Press. - Nicholas Man vs. Wild. - Andrew House; people say I am the female version. - Kat Sex and the City. - Cynthia The Brady Bunch. - Pubert The Simpsons. - Kirk Pick me, choose me, love me... it’s Grey’s Anatomy. - DJ Res-5 Get a Life. - Creaoke I like to think that people change, but I’m probably deluded. - A.J. People are cheaters by nature. They slip up. - Nicholas It’s not always true... . - Andrew No, but the tendencies can always be there. - Pubert I wanna believe people can change but haven’t heard of “cured cheaters.” - Cynthia Yes; ex cheated on me twice. :-( - Kat Wow. “Once a pessimist always a pessimist.” - Creaoke No, people can change. It’s just a question of whether they really want to. - DJ Res-5 Yes. - Kirk Was the alarm over swine flu justified? Special Guest: Esquire Magazine Editor-at-Large A.J. Jacobs Special Guest: Actor Nicholas Galbraith I would say Taxi, but Do you agree with the statement “Once a cheater, always a cheater?” A TV show you’ve seen every episode of We’ll tell ya what ta think I’m quite paranoid about germs (I’ve got a Purell bottle-a-day habit), so I’m all for overreacting. - A.J. Cable news should focus on real news. Economy? civil rights? health care? - Nicholas Absolutely not. - Andrew Obviously not; I didn’t get it. - Pubert The aporkalypse is coming!!! - Kat No; the news sensationalizes everything... except for the Windy City Times, of course. - Cynthia Anyone who remembers Hurricane Katrina, the housing crisis, etc., knows what happens when the government UNDER-responds to a problem. - DJ Res-5 Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It’s always best to be damned for doing. - Creaoke No. - Kirk Are you special enough? If you want to be included as a special guest in Nightspots MAFIA, send an email to [email protected] and plead your case. photo by Anthony Meade MAIN: If you’re wondering about the complex mechanics of this shot from Hydrate’s Inferno party... DETAIL: ...you ain’t the only one. May 20, 2009 31 Inferno’s BOUND to be a great party at Hydrate photos by Kirk It’ll never Bea the same at Mary’s Attic photos by Kirk To see video from this event, plus much more, go to QueerTVNetwork.com. What’s Chris up to now at @mosphere 32 May 20, 2009 photos by Kizzy 13 already? They don’t look a day over 11 at Scot’s photos by Kirk WEDNESDAY @mosphere $12 Stoli pitchers, $3 Bud Light drafts, 50¢ well in February Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30p.m., 12:30 a.m. Berlin “Just Let Go...”, DJ Larissa, hosted by Shayna X, $3.25 Coronas, Disco Obsession last Wed. of month with DJ Pervy Big Chicks Euchre Club 7:30 p.m., $4 Stoli Martini, $6 Leinie Pitchers, $5 Quesadilla night (Chicken or Veggie) Bobby Love’s $1 off domestic, $1 Pucker, $3 Jäger shots Bucks $3.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $3.50 well Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, All import beers (bottles & drafts) $3.50 Charlie’s $3 top shelf w/ Mangina & David The Closet $3 well, $1 Schnapps shots Club Krave $5 Bombs, Starfinder karaoke Cocktail Jazz & cocktail music with Robert, 4-9 p.m., later: The Speakeasy, DJ Greg Haus & friends, Miss Saya and the Gin Joint Burlesque Revue, $6 Martinis, $4 Svedka cocktails, $5 Jägerbombs, $9 Miller Lite pitchers Crew Open for lunch 11:30a.m., Rolling Rock bottles $2.75, Blue Moon pints $3.50, Taco Salad $9.25, Top Chef at 9 p.m. Encompass All domestic bottled brews $1 Hydrate 1/2 price Martinis, Hy-Drag Review 9:30 p.m., also DJ Laura B Halsted’s $5.95 chicken fajitas, $3.50 Coronas Hideaway Karaoke by Creaoke, Ladies party with DJ Teri Bristol Hunters $3.50 Smirnoff Martinis, $2 well, $1 drafts, $4.50 beeer pitchers, DJ Ron G Hydrate 1/2 price Martinis, Hy-Drag Review 9:30 p.m., also DJ Laura B Jackhammer $1 well drinks, $5 cover, DJ Oskar Jeffrey Pub Game night—Bid Whist, spades, dominoes, darts, drink tickets for every winning hand Mary’s Attic MaryOke! at 9:30 with $3 well drinks & Lite draft, no cover Pie Hole All-You-Can-Shove night, $9.99 for allyou-can-eat slices and a soda, Poetic Hole open mic poetry reading 10 p.m. Roscoe’s You’re the Star Karaoke with Honey West at 10 p.m., $12 Skyy Sexx on the Beach pitchers, $2.50 Bud/Bud Light/Bud Light Lime bottles, $6 frozen cocktails, 1/2 price bottles of wine Rumors Hard Kore Karaoke with JBoy Scot’s $2 off all Cosmos Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Classic Sidetrack, 8 p.m.-2 am Spin What the Fuck Wednesdays, $1 well drinks, $5 cover, DJ Chris Eterno Star Gaze Pool Nite, $1 off imported beers 3160 Paul Marinaro Jazz Trio 9:30 p.m. Touché Sci-Fi Night, unworldly special videos and drinks with Joe at 10 p.m. Uncommon Ground 4 Women Only series- four female performers showcase their talents Velvet Rope $5 Stoli drink specials, $3 well drink specials Wild Pug Live Game Show night, 7 p.m., $5 cover goes to actors, $3 Fuller’s London Pride pints, VJ Bobby Marley at 7 p.m. THURSDAY @mosphere “Hot Mess” Thursdays with male dancers, $7 Bud Light pitchers, $5 martinis Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 a.m. Berlin STARDUST Thursdays, with live performances and special DJs, $2 PBR, $3 Berlin bombs, brought to you by Outdanced Big Chicks $10 Pitchers of Blue Moon, $2.75 Rolling Rock, $4 Cosmos, Chicken specials 36 May 20, 2009 night—$5 wing basket, $6 Chicken breast sandwich $5 chickenburger Bobby Love’s $1 off domestic & draft, $1 Pucker Bucks $3.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $3.50 well Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, all well and pints of Miller Lite draft $1.50, DJ Hale Charlie’s $3 top shelf Circuit La Noche Loca w/ DJ Fast Freddy & DJ Rock-O-Mix, Miss Ketty’s show at 10 p.m. The Closet Karaoke with Creagh at 9:30 p.m. Club Krave Latin night with DJ Saul, Corona buckets & Tequila specials Cocktail Go-go boys at 10 p.m., DJ Michael Serafini, $9 vodka cran/vodka lemonade pitchers, $3 Miller Lite pints, $4 Wild Turkey Honey shots Crew Labatt Blue bottles $3.75, Goose Island 312 pints $3.50, BBQ Cream Chicken Wrap w/choice of side $8.75, VJ at 8 p.m. Encompass Drink & Drown Thursdays, $1 house wells, $1 dom. drafts, $1 wine, sponsored by Miller LIte and Coors Light Halsted’s $5.95 Buffalo chicken wraps, all drafts $3.50 Hamburger Mary’s $3.50 Leinenkugels bottles. Kitchen open ‘til 11 p.m. Hideaway Trailer Trash Bingo w/ Cheryl, Chicago Beef Dancers Hunters Hunters Hunks 10 p.m., $2 import bottles, DJ Laura B Hydrate Hot Hydrate dancers, sponsored by Nightspots Magazine, DJ Greg Drescher, $5 Effen cocktails, $5 Effen bombs, $3 Bud/Bud Light bottles, members can win cash prize weekly Jackhammer $2 MGD/Miller Lite/Bud/Bud Light Jeffrey Pub No cover, free entry pass to first 35 guests to be used Friday or Saturday Mary’s Attic Lipstick Club ladies’ night North End Pulse: space for Chgo’s HIV community to relax and meet, in the back bar, sponsored by TPAN, 6-10 p.m.. Pie Hole Karaoke with Creagh Roscoe’s Alternative Sounds in front bar, $2.50 Miller Lite/MGD/MGD64 bottles, $6 Jägerbombs, $12 Smirnoff Raspberry Twist Tidal Wave pitchers Rumors Dinner and a Movie at 7 p.m., Wii bowling league at 9 p.m. Scot’s $4 all drafts Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3 - 8 p.m.,Comedy Night videos 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. Spin Fierce Drag Cabaret with Lady Vera Parker, $5 Pink cocktails, $7 Martinis, $2.50 Miller Lite/ MGD bottles, ALSO Tom & Jared’s Frat Party Star Gaze Cheap Booze Night — $2 well, $2 domestic bottles 3160 Jen Porter, 9:30 p.m. Touché Handballer Night, red/white hanky specials, club room open Velvet Rope Ladies Night, half off Martinis & Margaritas Wild Pug $3 Sapporo pints, DJ Steve Henderson at 10 p.m., 4th week is GAYSIA with DJ Oskar FRIDAY @mosphere Hot male dancers at 10:30 p.m., DJ Eric Hall Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 a.m. Berlin Cosmix: DJ Greg Haus, electro, progressive, and alternative, $5 after 11:00 p.m. Big Chicks DJ and dancing 10 p.m., no cover, 1/3 lb cheeseburger $5, $3 basket of appetizers (zucchini, mushroom, onion rings, poppers) Bobby Love’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 9:30 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Bucks $10 Miller pitchers, $2 Schnapps Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, DJ Hale Charlie’s Line dance lessons at 7 p.m., country with DJ Michael B ‘til 1:30 a.m., Afterhours dance with DJ LuLu Circuit 1st week-Versage Productions’ female drag show, 2nd week-Lipstick and Lace women’s hiphop night, 3rd week-Chix Mix women’s dance parties, Last week-Urbano hip hop party Club Krave $12 oversized Long Island, Blue Island, Vodka Lemonade/Cranberry Pitchers, DJ Rockin’ RC Cocktail Go-go boys, DJ Freddie Bain, hosted by Chicago’s very own Cher, $12 Long Island pitchers, $5 Jägerbombs Crew Crew Happy Hour 1/2 priced apps 4-6 p.m. (dine-in only), DJ Res 5, P.B.R. Cans $2.00, Goose Island Honkers pints $3.50, Fish Tacos w/choice of side $9.50, 4th Friday-Frat Boy Friday, w/ Hot Jock Contest at 11:30 p.m., $300 first place prize, Goose Honkers pints $3, sponsored by Nightspots Magazine Encompass Karaoke, $4 24 oz. Big Boy Lites Halsted’s $5 Stoli mixed & bombs, $12 Bud Light/ Miller Lite pitchers Hamburger Mary’s Fat Fridays with $4.50 Fat Tire Pints and $5 Fruit-Punch, kitchen open ‘til midnight. Hideaway Karaoke by Creaoke, Chicago Beef Dancers Hunters Video Dance Party, $2 Miller, $4 cover, DJ Dan Hydrate TPAN’s Positively Aware party 8-11 p.m. on 2nd Friday of the month, Weekly DJs til 4 a.m., no cover til midnight InnExile Here’s the Beef male dancers 11 p.m. Jackhammer Chicago Beef dancers 1-3 a.m., 4th Fri.-The Flesh Hungry Dog Show, $2 import bottles Jeffrey Pub Guys All Night Out dance party, $3 cover Mary’s Attic Feel Good Fridays with Rogue DJ, $3 Bamma-Slamma shots, 5-for-4 domestics Rumors Karaoke Dance Party with JBoy Roscoe’s $14 Absolut pink lemonade pitchers, $6 Bacardi bombs, $3 off Martinis/Manhattans Sidetrack Showtunes 5-9 p.m., Best of Sidetrack 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. Spin DJ Luis M, go-go boys, $5 Absolut cocktails, $7 Martinis, $4 draft beer Spyner’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 9:30 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. Star Gaze ALTERNATING WEEKS: ‘80s/’90s Urban Night with DJ XL and DJ Marshall Jones; Salsa Night with DJ Castro and free salsa lessons 3160 POP Goes the Gio! Touché 1st week - MAFIA; 2nd week - Full Moon party and contest; 3rd week - ONYX Club night, Club Room open at 10 p.m. Velvet Rope Karaoke with Creagh, $6 Grey Goose, $3 domestic Wild Pug $3 Fuller’s London Pride pints, VJ Bobby Marley at 7 p.m. SATURDAY @mosphere Hot male dancers at 10:30 p.m., DJ Timmy Loop, DJ Juno, hostess Anique Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 a.m. Berlin Twisted w/ DJs Chester & Larissa, $5 after 11:00 p.m. / $7 after 1 a.m. Big Chicks Euchre Club 6 p.m., DJ and dancing 10 p.m., no cover Bobby Love’s Featured artist nite, trivia shots & giveaways w/ DJ Tim Bucks $10 Miller pitchers, $2 Schnapps Cell Block Open 2 p.m. w/ Scott, DJ Earl Pleasure Charlie’s Country with DJ Michael B 9 p.m.-2 a.m., Afterhours dance with DJ LuLu Circuit 1st week-Girlbar lesbian night, 2nd weekCircuit All-Stars show, hosted by Miss Foozie, DJ Teri Bristol, 3rd week-Amigo party, with DJ Markski & Roei Rodriguez, stage performances and hot dancers, 4th week-Nitro monthly theme parties, DJs and theatrical performances Club Krave $6 flavored Martinis, DJ Pervy Cocktail DIVA DJs—rotating DJs include Dhanna, Miss Michaela, Tracy Tobey & Carla Starla, Go-go boys at 10:30 p.m. Crew Shiner Bock pints $3.50, Bud Select bottles $2.75, Paulie’s Pot Roast sandwich w/choice of side $10.25, Open for brunch 11:00 a.m. til 1 p.m., VJ Ven spinning from 6 - 10 p.m. VJ Bobby Marley 10 p.m. Encompass Resident DJ Tiff 11 p.m. Halsted’s $6 champagne cocktails, $4 22 oz. Bud Lights, 12 Stoli Bloodies during brunch Hamburger Mary’s Mary’s Mimosa Brunch ‘til 3 p.m., first mimosa free, then $2 Hideaway Karaoke by Creaoke downstairs, Dance party with Chicago Beef Dancers upstairs Hunters Ascent Saturdays with DJ Laura B., $3.50 Bacardi mixers, $4 cover Hydrate DJ Ralphi Rosario 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. Jackhammer Chicago Beef dancers 1-3 a.m. Jeffrey Pub Girls All Night Out dance party, $3 cover, show with host Indigo Blue Man’s Country Live nude male stripper show Maneuvers DJ Sit-n-Spin, dancing, Jello shots Mary’s Attic ATTIC-Tion with DJ Plez at 9 p.m., $5 frozen slushies and $2 Jell-O shots Roscoe’s No cover before 10 p.m., $5 cover after, $14 Absolut Pink Lemonade pitchers, $6 Bacardi bombs, $5 mimosas, double Bloody Marys on special Sidetrack Sidetrack Classics 3 - 9 p.m., Best of Sidetrack 9 p.m. - 3 am Spin Dance party with DJ Riley York and go-go boys, second Sat. of month is Fish Tank by Dummy Corps, $10 20 oz. Bacardi fishbowls Star Gaze DJ plays all mixes starting at 10 p.m. 3160 Join Luther & Will for Sexy Senior Saturdays, 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. Touché Open 3 p.m., 1st week-Great Lakes Bears, Weekly fetish parties @ 10 p.m. Club Room open Velvet Rope $3 domestic, $5 bombs Wild Pug Night of Dorian Gray, hot go-go boys, $4 Jäger and Cherry Bombs, DJ Oskar at 10 p.m. SUNDAY @mosphere Sabbath Strippers— hot male dancers 9 p.m., $5 Martinis, $1 well Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 a.m., 2 for 1 admission with coupon available at www. thebatonshowlounge.com. Berlin MODifyd, DJ Chester mixes alternative and pop. $2 Lites $3.25 Heinekens. 1st Sunday: Madonnarama w/ DJ Riley, 2nd Sunday: True Faith ‘80s night w/ DJ Chester Big Chicks Free BBQ/inside picnic at 4:30 p.m., $2.50 vodka lemonades Bobby Love’s Open at noon with Connie Bucks Sunday cookout, $10 Miller pitchers, $2 Schnapps Cell Block Open 2 p.m., $1.50 pints Miller Lite all day and night, DJs Freddie Bain and Chris Spinazzola Charlie’s Euchre 6 p.m., karaoke 9 p.m., Resurrection Sunday @ midnight with club classics by DJ LuLu, $2 well and domestic bottles, $10 Long Islands, $1 PBR bottles Circuit Noché Latina w/ DJ Fast Freddy & DJ Alex Perez, Veronica Zaid’s show at 9 p.m., 1st week-Noche Vaquera, free entry for cowboy attire The Closet $5 Bloody Marys, buckets of beer Club Krave $2 drafts & $5 draft pitchers , House Mama’s Bingo at 7 p.m., followed by karaoke Cocktail Super Saver Sundays—$1 well drinks, biscuits & booze with Paté, dogs welcome until 8 p.m., DJ Dealer & Chris Eterno at 8 p.m., DJ Pete Augusta at 11 p.m, go-go boys at 8 p.m. Crew Miller Lite pitchers $9, Beergarita/ Sangria pitchers $12, Miller Chill bottles $3, Paulie’s Pot Roast sandwich w/choice of side $10.25, Open for brunch 11 a.m. ‘til 1pm. VJ Ven from 3 - 9:30p.m., VJ Bobby Marley 9:30 p.m. DIVA Brunch Scooty & Jojo’s cabaret variety brunch with first-class menu and entertainment, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., The Spot, 4437 N. Broadway, scootyjojo.com Encompass Night Of Stars drag show 9:45 p.m. Halsted’s $6 champagne cocktails, $4 22 oz. Bud Lights, 12 Stoli Bloodies during brunch Hamburger Mary’s Mary’s Mimosa Brunch ‘til 3 p.m., first mimosa free, then $2 Hideaway Bitch Bingo with Ginger Lee, karaoke at 9 p.m. Hunters Karaoke 7-11 p.m., Boys Night 11 p.m., $1 drafts, $4 Martinis, DJ Lawrence K Hydrate DJ Jeannette InnExile Karaoke by Mariah Productions Jackhammer $3 U-Call-It (excluding Martinis and Long Islands) Jeffrey Pub Ol’ Skool dance party, no cover Mary’s Attic MaryOke! with $3 well drinks & domestic bottles, sponsored by Nightspots Magazine Roscoe’s Male Call hosted by Miss Foozie at 5 p.m., $14 Long Island Iced Tea Pitchers, $5 Mimosas, $6 Bacardi bombs, double Bloody Marys on special, $22 Smirnoff Bloody Mary pitchers, $24 Mimosa pitchers Rumors Drag show Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Showtunes 4-9 p.m., best of the 60s-80s, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Star Gaze All sports shown on 6 ft. projection Spin Teri Yaki’s Game Show, 10 p.m - midnight, $4 Skyy cocktails, $6 Martinis, $10 dom. pitchers, Foxy’s Basement (with the guys from Scarlet’s First Ward Ball) 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. Touché Open at noon, beer bust, 50¢ Bud & Bud Light drafts, pool tournament at 7 p.m., movie night in club room at 10 p.m. Velvet Rope Homopalooza -- drag show and more, $3 domestic, $3 well mixed drinks Wild Pug $6 Bloody Marys, $12 Long Island pitchers, VJ Ven at 4 p.m. MONDAY Berlin Manic Mondays w/ DJ Adam EL, feel-good music from all eras Big Chicks $2 off all pitchers, $1 1/4lb burgers, $5 Veggie Burgers (dine-in only) Bucks $10 Miller pitchers, $2 Schnapps Charlie’s $2 well/wine/beer, $3 Bacardi, $10 Stoli pitchers, line dance lessons 7 p.m., Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, $1 off Bud/Bud Light bottles, free pizza, raffles Circuit Mondays with Mz. Ruff-n-Stuff & the Rocketts, DJ Stoney The Closet $3 well, $1 Schnapps shots Cocktail Monday Madness with half off all drinks, tenders Kenny & reX 4-9 p.m., Industri-House with DJ Andrew C and bartender Jodi Crew Pub quiz trivia, $50 bar tab for winning team, $6 Ruby Red/Mango Margaritas 1/2 Price wings six $3/twelve $4.50,1/2 priced wings 5 p.m. ‘til close. Dick’s RU Crazee? Free pool Encompass Call cocktail party—$2.50 select call drinks Halsted’s $5.95 burgers, $4 22 oz. Bud Lights Hamburger Mary’s HamBINGO Mary’s charity bingo with Velicity Metropolis at 8 p.m., $5 Margaritas and $1 off Corona bottles, kitchen open ‘til 11 p.m. Hideaway Join the Revolution Ladies Night with Jessica, Rock Band competitions for prizes Hunters Karaoke with DJ Glen, $2 Bud, $4 Absolut Martinis Hydrate $1 drinks all night, no cover before 10 p.m. InnExile VJ Brad Jackhammer $2.50 well drinks Maneuvers Karaoke Mondays w/ Miss Bobbi Mary’s Attic Live soap opera “The Ville” at 8 p.m., $10 Roscoe’s You’re the Star karaoke with Honey West, 10 p.m., $12 Stoli Blakberi Lemonade pitchers, $3 off all double cocktails, $6 frozen drinks, $6 Grapebombs, $2.50 bottles of Bud/ Bud Light/Bud Light Lime, 1/2 price bottles of wine Rumors Trailer Trash Bingo w/ Cheryl Scot’s $3 all domestic bottles Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Showtunes, 8 p.m.-2 a.m. Spin $4 Jameson, $10 Finlandia lemonade pitchers, free pool and games Touché Barstool Jocks - WWF wrestling & sports at 8 p.m., free pizza Velvet Rope Chicagoland Gay & Lesbian Singles Meet-up sponsored by OPLAGA Wild Pug $2 Miller Lite or Bud Light pints TUESDAY @mosphere $1 well and Bud Light drafts Berlin Cheap Trix, hosted by Jay Jay, with DJ Chester, $1 well and PBR Big Chicks $5.50 Golden Margaritas, $4 Margaritas, $5 Chicken burger night, $3 Meatball Sandwiches (dine-in only) Bobby Love’s $2 domestic, draft and well drinks. Bucks $10 Miller pitchers, $2 Schnapps Charlie’s $10 Absolut pitchers, $2 Bud/Bud Light, $4 Jäger & bombs, karaoke 9 p.m-1 a.m., after hours with DJ LuLu Club Krave $1 drafts, $4 draft pitchers, $1 well Cocktail Go-go boys at 10 p.m., DJ Timmy Loop, Hostess Miss Foozie, $9 vodka cran/vodka lemonade pitchers The Closet $3 well, $1 Schnapps shots Crew Bud pints $2.75, Bud Light Lime bottles $3, Taco Tuesdays with $1 tacos Encompass Karaoke, $4 24 oz. Big Boy Lites Halsted’s $5.95 entrée salads, $4 22 oz. Bud Lights, $5.50 glasses of pinot grigio or merlot Hamburger Mary’s Tini Tuesdays with $6 Martinis, kitchen open ‘til 11 p.m. Hideaway Stud Puppy Tuesdays with male dancers, hosted by Cee Cee Hunters Retro Re-wind—$2 Miller bottles, $2 Mike’s Hard Lemonade, DJ Brad Jackhammer Karaoke with Creagh 10 p.m., $3 Bacardi and Finlindia (all flavors) Mary’s Attic Retro Rewind ‘80s night at 9:30 p.m., no cover. Roscoe’s “Drag Race 2009” with Frida Lay, $12 Absolut Mandrin Cosmopolitan pitchers, $6 Jägerbombs, $2.50 bottles of Miller Lite/MGD / MGD 64 Scot’s $2 off all Martinis Sidetrack U-Video, all request night Star Gaze Dart nite, free pool 3160 Open mic with Dan Stetzel, 9:30 p.m. Touché Hard Core Tuesdays, club room open at 10 p.m. May 20, 2009 37 WHERE MY BAR AT? BOYSTOWN 737 W. Roscoe St. 773-525-8888 Berlin 3356 N. Halsted St. 773-281-3355 www.roscoes.com 3160 N. Clark St. 773-327-5969 www.Chicago3160.com 954 W. Belmont Ave. 773-348-4975 www.BerlinChicago.com 800 W. Belmont Ave. 773-327-7711 www.spin-nightclub.com 3726 N. Broadway Ave. 773-871-8887 www.charlieschicago.com Circuit 3641 N. Halsted St. 773-325-2233 www.circuitclub.com 3325 N Broadway Ave. 773-477-8533 www.theclosetbar.com The Closet Cocktail 3359 N. Halsted St. 773-477-1420 FireFly 3335 N. Halsted St. 773-525-2505 Halsted’s Bar & Grill 3441 N. Halsted St. 773-348-9696 38 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted St. 773-404-3169 Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted St. 773-871-3339 minibar/winebar 3341 N. Halsted St. 773-871-MBAR www.minibarchicago.com North End 3733 N. Halsted St. 773-477-7999 May 20, 2009 5355 N. Clark St. 773-784-1100 www.atmospherebar.com The Anvil 5024 N. Sheridan Rd. 773-728-5511 www.BigChicks.com Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted St. 773-871-6116 @mosphere 3246 N. Halsted St. 773-929-6080 1137 W. Granville Ave. 773-973-0006 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted St. 773-525-1111 www.kitkatchicago.com Steamworks (bath) Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted St. 773-975-9244 www.hydratechicago.com Spin UP NORTH Sidetrack 1547 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. 773-334-2525 www.CattleCallChicago.com Crew 4804 N. Broadway Ave. 773-784-CREW www.worldsgreatestbar.com Eagle 5001 N. Clark St. 773-728-0050 www.ChicagoEagle.com COMING SOON!!! 5419 N. Clark St. 773-561-7363 www.stargazechicago.com 5025 N. Clark St. 773-784-6000 www.tsbarchicago.com 6412 N. Clark St. 773-465-7400 www.touchechicago.com 4810 N. Broadway Ave. 773-784-4811 www.worldsgreatestbar.com The Glenwood 6962 N. Glenwood St. 773-764-7363 www.theglenwoodbar.com Hamburger Mary’s/ Mary’s Attic 5400 N. Clark St. 773-784-6969 www.hamburgermaryschicago. com Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark St. 773-743-5772 www.jackhammer-chicago.com Joie De Vine Star Gaze T’s Club Krave 13126 S. Western Ave. Blue Island, IL 708-597-8379 Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Rd. Forest Park, IL 708-771-4459 www.HideawayNiteClub.com John L’s Place 118 E. Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 815-727-7069 www.JolietManeuvers.com The Baton 2433 Desplaines Ave. North Riverside, IL 708-443-1227 www.rumorspubonline.com Club Reunion Wild Pug Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Rd. Elk Grove Village, IL 847-439-8840 www.huntersnightclubs.com 811 W. Lake St. 312-943-5397 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio St. 312-923-9356 Club 2506 2506 N. Clybourn Ave. 312-533-1972 1543 N. Kingsbury St. 312-266-1900 Crobar The Southside Club Escape 1530 E. 75th St. 773-667-6454 www.clubescapechicago.com Escapades 6301 S. Harlem Ave. 773-229-0686 5758 W. 65th St. 773-582-3510 www.innexilechicago.com InnExile Maneuvers Rumors Velvet Rope 728 W. Lake St. Oak Park, IL 708-358-8840 www.velvetropeoakpark.com indiana Generator 306 N. Halsted St. 773-738-9971 Near North The Burbs Touché 436 N. Clark St. 312-644-5269 www.thebatonshowlounge.com Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffery Blvd. 773-363-8555 335 154th Pl. Calumet City, IL 708-243-2753 DOWNTOWN El Gato Negro 1461 Irving Park Rd. 773-472-9353 Spyners 4623 N. Western Ave. 773-784-8719 Big Chicks Cattle Call SoFo Scot’s 4923 N. Clark St. 773-784-7636 Bucks Saloon Charlie’s 5017 N. Clark St. (bath) 773-878-2069 3349 N. Halsted St. 773-477-9189 www.sidetrackchicago.com Man’s Country 1829 W. Montrose Ave. 773-528-3253 Cell Block 1744 W. Balmoral Ave. 773-989-6846 3320 N. Halsted St. 773-348-1053 3702 N. Halsted St. 773-665-8064 www.cellblock-chicago.com Scarlet 3439 N. Halsted St. 773-525-1125 Roscoe’s Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted St. 773-525-1200 www.bobbyloves.com Pie Hole 3160 Dick’s R U Crazee? 1221 E.150th St. Hammond, IN 219-852-0222 www.dicksrucrazee.com Encompass 2415 Rush St. Lake Station, IN 219-962-4640 www.encompassnightclub.com Welcome Inn 155 Gostlin St. Hammond, IN 219-931-3774 Wednesday, May 20 4 Women Only hosted by Kat Fitzgerald and dedicated to new women artists. Uncommon Ground Devon 1401 W. Devon Ave 773-465-9801 www.uncommonground.com Cattle Call Cattle Revue presents “A Touch of Leather,” featuring Angelique Munro and Ashley Morgan, special guests Sebastian Cock, Viviana Mendez and Reina Valentino, 9 p.m., 1547 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., cattlecallchicago.com Generation You, Bridging the Gap a live podcast forum. Cross-generational dialogue, breaking the barrier in the Chicago queer community, panel. 6 p.m. Free, but RSVP required.Center on Halsted. Manhandler Saloon Midnight Cowboy Bear Pride welcome party, 9:30 p.m. - 2 a.m., 1948 N. Halsted St., 773-871-3339 Wild Pug The Live Game Show, this week: HollyWild Squares, $5 cover (all proceeds go to actors), 9 p.m, 4810 N. Broadway St., worldsgreatestbar.com Windy City Gay Idol 8 p.m. sign up, 9 p.m. start @mosphere 5355 N. Clark www.windycitymediagroup.com/Idol2009.html Thursday, May 21 Fashion Café Series boutiques and designers together for a once monthly evening of shopping and discussion. 8 p.m. Chicago Cultural Center. 77 E. Randolph St. www.chicagofashionresource.com International Mr. Leather XXXI Opening ceremonies - Meet the Contestants, doors open 8 p.m., ceremonies begin 9 p.m., The Chicago Hilton, International Ballroom, 720 South Michigan Ave. www.imrl. com or 773-907-9700 Hydrate Official kickoff party for The Grabbys, featuring superstars of porn and ChiChi LaRue, 9 p.m., $5 donation to TPAN, 3458 N. Halsted St., hydratechicago.com Jackhammer Bear Pride XV welcome party, RECON/Folsom Street welcome party in The Hole, 6406 N. Clark St., jackhammerchicago.com 40 May 20, 2009 Roscoe’s Wet Boxer Contest, sponsored by BoyzParty.com, midnight, 3356 N. Halsted St., roscoes.com Sidetrack Bear Pride welcome party, 5-8 p.m., 3349 N. Halsted St., sidetrackchicago.com Touché Bear Pride Early Bird party, sponsored by BEAR Magazine & ButchBear.com, giveaways, raffles, free pizza at midnight, DJ Mark Vallese from Douglas Dunes, 6412 N. Clark St., touchechicago.com 2nd Annual Alternative Sexuality Conference by the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Institute and the Community Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities, register 8:30 a.m., programming 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. $120/ student w/ ID $90.. Center on Halsted. 3656 N. Halsted St. Register at www. centeronhalsted.org or Donna at 773.472.6469, ext.176. Info at [email protected] or Cathy Buksar at 773-472-6469, ext.488. Friday, May 22 Artist’s reception for Jason Messinger’s “The Travel Blooms” new tile murals, watercolor and ink paintings. 7to10 p.m. Show through June 6. Eyeporium Gallery , behind ‘Eyewant’ shop, 1543 N. Milwaukee Ave 773-782-1744 www.artslant.com/chi/events/ show/53766-the-travel-blooms Berlin DJ Greg Haus’ Wax Trax showcase, also featuring DJ Jenamax, followed by Cosmix electronica dance party, 954 W. Belmont Ave., berlinchicago.com Circuit Madonnarama, a tribute to all things Madonna, DJ Ed Bailey, 3641 N. Halsted St., circuitclub.com Club Krave Bingo w/ Brandi Wyne & Theresa Dawn at 7 p.m., followed by a Memorial Day BBQ and karaoke at 9 p.m., 13126 S. Western Ave., Blue Island, IL, 708-597-8379 Cocktail DJ Freddie Bain and sexy go-go boys, $5 Jägerbombs, $12 Long Island pitchers, 3359 N. Halsted St., cocktailbarchicago.com Crew Fratboy Friday with the Hot Jock Contest, $300 cash first prize, $3.50 Goose Island pints, sponsored by Nightspots magazine, 4804 N. Broadway St., worldsgreatestbar.com Decibelle Metro presents Peaches, Drums of Death. 18 and over, $20/$25. 3730 North Clark St. Tix www. metrochicago.com Hydrate Brent Corrigan Porn Star Search, hosted bar 8-9:30 p.m. courtesy of ChicagoPride. com, DJ Greg Drescher, 3458 N. Halsted St., hydratechicago. com International Mr. Leather XXXI 17th annual Internation Mr. Bootblack competition, Leather Market, Chicago Hilton, 720 South Michigan Ave. www.imrl. com or 773-907-9700 Jackhammer RECON Full Fetish Chicago party, 6406 N. Clark St., jackhammerchicago. com La Cage aux Folles, through July 11. $22/$27 Theatre Building Chicago, 1225 W. Belmont 773-327-5252 www.bohotheatre.com Roscoe’s The Tim & Roma Show, presented by Naked Sword, 6 p.m., 3356 N. Halsted St., roscoes.com Spin Sexy go-go boys w/ DJ Luis M, 800 W. Belmont Ave., spinnightclub.com Touché Mama Reinhardt’s birthday bash, buffet, raffles, benefit for LCCP & LA&M, DJ Hale, 6412 N. Clark St., touchechicago.com Saturday, May 23 Bear Pride XV Boystown Bar Crawl, events include: Party with Great Lakes Bears board at Spin; On-line party at Cell Block; Boxers & BBQ on the Patio at Bucks, Beareoke at Bobby Love’s and North End, noon - 5 p.m., greatlakesbears. org Bear Pride XV Anniversary Dance with DJ Eddie Ferrier amd the Mr. Bear Pride contest, hosted by Woofer, Double Door, greatlakesbears.org Circuit The Military Ball, DJs Teri Bristol and Psycho Bitch, Chicago Beef military dancers, $2 off any Lucid drink, $15 in advance, $25 at door, 8 p.m. - 5 a.m., 3641 N. Halsted St., circuitclub.com Cocktail Diva DJ Miss Michaela, 10:30 p.m., 3359 N. Halsted St., cocktailbarchicago.com Hydrate Jackie Beat LIVE, one night only, doors open 7 p.m., show at 8 p.m., tickets available at hydratechicago.com, followed by DJ Ralphi Rosario, 3458 N. Halsted St. International Mr. Leather XXXI 17th annual Internation Mr. Bootblack competition, Leather Market, Chicago Hilton, 720 South Michigan Ave. www.imrl. com or 773-907-9700 International Mr. Leather XXXI Pecs & Personality physique competition, 9 p.m., International Ballroom, Chicago Hilton, 720 South Michigan Ave. www.imrl. com or 773-907-9700 Jackhammer Forsaken: a fundraiser for TPAN, presented by rickysinzxxxlive.com, 6406 N. Clark St., jackhammerchicago. com Roscoe’s BigMuscle. com meet-and-greet, 1 p.m., 3356 N. Halsted St., roscoes.com Sidetrack ManMeet, with our friends from A Bear’s Life, 3-6 p.m., 3349 N. Halsted St., sidetrackchicago.com Spin Sexy go-go boys w/ DJ Chris Eterno, 800 W. Belmont Ave., spin-nightclub.com Touché Gear Party with Chicago Dragons, strip auction at midnight, barbers and bootblacks on duty, DJ Hale, 6412 N. Clark St., touchechicago.com Sunday, May 24 Berlin Kylie Minogue night, 10 p.m. - midnight, win tickets to her upcoming October show at Congress Theatre plus other Kylie prizes, 954 W. Belmont Ave., berlinchicago.com DIVA Brunch Featuring Scooty & Jojo with special guests Nikki Clix, Annie Gloyn and Vallery Dolls, 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. seatings, The Spot, 4437 N. Broadway St., scootyjojo. com, call 773-728-8934 for reservations Hydrate DJ Jeannette, 3458 N. Halsted St., hydratechicago. com International Mr. Leather XXXI The official contest to crown (or “sash,” as the case may be) the new International Mr. Leather, special perfromances by Linda Clifford and Madame, International Ballroom of the Hilton Chicago, 720 S. Michigan Ave., show-only tickets available at the door or at BoxOfficeTickets.com, IMRL.com International Mr. Leather XXXI Victory Party after the IML Contest until 4 a.m., DJ Matthew Harvat, House of Blues, 329 N. Dearborn, www.imrl.com or 773-907-9700 Jackhammer Welcome party for NAGVA 27, dancing, 6406 N. Clark St., jackhammerchicago.com Mad Boy Party Cruise Featuring tunes by DJ Phil DaBeatz, boarding 12:30 p.m., cruise 1-3 p.m., two premium packages available, reservations at bjpromoschicago.com or 630-664-4203 Mary’s Attic Grin & Bear It T-Dance, DJ John Murges, 4-9 p.m., followed by NAGVA host bar party, $3 well and domestic bottles, 5400 N. Clark St., hamburgermaryschicago.com North End Post-Grabby recovery party, meet your favorite porn stars, tickets $5 in advance, $8 at door, to benefit TPAN, 3733 N. Halsted St., northendchicago.com Nuts to Butts Annual Bear Pride party w. DJ Jose “Spinnin’” Cortes, 10 p.m. - 4 a.m., Vision Nightclub, 632 N. Dearborn Ave., greatlakesbears.org Spin Foxy’s Porn Star party starring Nash Lawler and Trevor Knight, hosted by Mandy Boom Boom, DJ Greg Haus, giveaways from HotHouse Entertainment, sexy dominatrix show with Lizzy Plastic in the back bar, 800 W. Belmont Ave., spinnightclub.com Touché Post-contest spanking fetish party, DVD previews from spankthis.com, live stage show at midnight, DJ Hale, 6412 N. Clark St., touchechicago.com Monday, May 25 Black and Blue Ball International Mr. Leather final blowout celebration, with Cyon Flare and DJ Ted Eiel, 8 p.m. – 4 a.m. Excalibur, 632 N. Dearborn St. www.imrl.com or 773-907-9700 Cocktail 1/2 off all drinks, 3359 N. Halsted St., cocktailbarchicago.com Crew Opens at 11:30 a.m., $12 Beergarita and sangria pitchers, $3 Bud Light pints, 4804 N. Broadway St., worldsgreatestbar.com Jackhammer Memorial Day cookout, 6406 N. Clark St., jackhammerchicago.com Sidetrack BearBQ, starts 1 p.m., no cover, 3349 N. Halsted St., sidetrackchicago. com Touché Memorial Day beer bust & cookout, 50¢ Bud/Bud Light drafts, grilling from 3-7 p.m., music by Lakeside Pride Band ensemble, 6412 N. Clark St., touchechicago.com Wild Pug Open at 1 p.m., $12 Long Island pitchers, $2 Lite and Bud Light pints, complimentary Memorial Day BBQ at 3 p.m., 4810 N. Broadway St., worldsgreatestbar.com Denotes IML XXXI event or event of leather/fetish interest Tuesday, May 26 Men’s Book Group, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Bool: Butterfly Boy: Memories of a Chicano Mariposa by Rigoberto González. Gerber/Hart Library, 1127 West Granville Ave. www. gerberhart.org 773-381-8030 Wednesday, May 27 Cattle Call Cattle Revue presents “Angelique’s Birthday Revue,” featuring Angelique Munro and more, 9 p.m., 1547 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., cattlecallchicago.com Wild Pug The Live Game Show, this week: Match Game, $5 cover (all proceeds go to actors), 9 p.m, 4810 N. Broadway St., worldsgreatestbar.com Thursday, May 28 Windy City Gay Idol Wild Card Night 9 p.m. sign up/10 p.m. start, Roscoe’s, 3356 N. Halsted St., [email protected], www. windycitymediagroup.com/ Idol2009.html NewTown Writers Fortnightly Writing Workshop 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Gerber-Hart Library 1127 W. Granville Ave. http://www.newtownwriters. org/ Wild Pug GAYSIA, DJ Oskar, sexy dancers and shot boys, $3 Sapporo drafts, $6 Saketinis, 4810 N. Broadway St., worldsgreatestbar.com supporting charity partners Howard Brown and Vital Bridges, win tickets to Windy City Rodeo 2009, raffles and prizes, 11 p.m., 5758 W. 65th St., innexilechicago.com Party with a Purpose An Insight Arts House music dance party 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m Loyola Univ-Chicago Lake Shore Campus. The Centennial forum’s Rambler Room corner of Sheridan and Loyola Ave. www.insightartsliberation.org/$5. West Suburban Gay Association Bike Ride, Illinois/Michigan Canal in Willow Springs 11 a.m. west_burbs_gay@ yahoo.com, 630-512-0100, www.wsga.com Windy City Gay Idol SemiFinals 2 p.m. sign up/4 p.m. start, Sidetrack, 3349 N. Halsted St., [email protected], www. windycitymediagroup.com/ Idol2009.html Sunday, May 31 Couture for Autism Victor Blackful “Tha Dizz” from Soul 106.3FM hosts. Spike’s Rebellion and comedian Damon Williams, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, entertainment 4-6 p.m.. Fashion show 6-7 p.m. DJ “Tha Dizz” 7-9 p.m $35. Holiday Inn at 500 Holiday Plaza Dr. Tix www.fabulosityavecamour.com Friday, May 29 HIV: Hey, It’s Viral, Beyondmedia screening. 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Free. Chicago Teacher’s Center, 770 N. Halsted St, #420, 773-857-7300 or beyond@beyondmedia. org Saturday, May 30 Circuit DJ Junior Vasquez, presented by Nitro, 3641 N. Halsted St., circuitclub.com InnExile ILGRA Variety Show, Denotes Bear Pride XV event or event of bear interest May 20, 2009 41 PRE S E NT S CHICAGO’S BIGGEST GLBT CONTEST! Produced by Windy City Media Group * @MOSPHERE ROSCOE’S 3356 N. Halsted WILD CARD NIGHT THURSDAY, MAY 28 • 9pm sign up/10pm start 5355 N. Clark $100 TO WINNER WITH MOST VOTES WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 9:00 PM SIDETRACK SIDETRACK $5 cover 3349 N. Halsted SEMI-FINALS SATURDAY, MAY 30 • 2pm door/4pm start 3349 N. Halsted FINALS SATURDAY, JUNE 13 • 2pm door/4pm start Singers sign up at 8pm/$10 fee AT SOFO YOU CAN WIN: TIX TO RHODA: GRAND PRIZE: FIDDLER ON SEASON ONE Over $5000 in c a s h a n d p r ize s ! THE ROOF ON DVD $1000 in cash , Ame r ic a n Air lin e s t ic k e t s , Broadway in Ch ic a g o t ic k e t s , a n d mo re F o r more, vi s i t w i n d y c i t ymedi agroup. com SPONSORED BY: * W i n d y C i t y M e d i a G ro u p i n c l u d e s W i n d y C i t y T i m e s , N i g h t s p o t s a n d W i n d y C i t y Q u e e rc a s t . c o m from the booth by Randy Pubert & Dick Groeper Ink Stain from Raging Stallion Studios Starring Logan McCree and Ricky Sinz JUDGING A PORN BY ITS COVER Pubert: Happy IML, Groeper. I picked a new video to appeal to the leather masses. Groeper: Good job! This is the one where the poster came to life in the Rear Deliveries video. P: Exactly. I wish that could happen for every fan. Our video begins with a victim tied to a table while a tattooed man in a jock and mask prepares him for action. G: This is a little like the movie SAW with the static television interrupting. P: He has a plastic guard to keep his mouth open. The orthodontist just used the same thing on me to fix my retainer! G: Talk about hitting the ground running! P: The other guy is staring at a black and white TV screen. G: “They’re here!” P: As long as Carol Anne doesn’t go into the light... G: Looks like he’s attaching him to the television. P: He’s slapping the victim’s balls. G: I think Mikey likes it. P: The ball slapping is in time to the background Nine Inch Nails music. G: Broadway in Chicago, eat your heart out! P: The masked man can’t be all bad: he has a heart tattoo of “MOM” on his arm. G: His dick has a lightning bolt on it. P: That reminds me, have you seen BOLT? G: The Disney film? Not yet… P: He has a full poem written in cursive all over his back. G: Well, this flick is called Ink Stain. The tattoos are going to keep coming. Two men wrapped in black sheets make out through the cloth. 44 P: Is this for men with black scarf fetishes? G: I like his colorful arm tattoo. P: The first one’s a hottie under that mask. Damian Rios, rico! G: And the other’s a daddy. P: Where can I buy that chair that he’s fucking him on? It looks comfortable. G: I think it’s a dentist’s recliner. P: It could have a variety of uses. G: The daddy, Dan, is collecting a sperm sample of the bottom in a jar. May 20, 2009 P: Is it for a science experiment later? G: Maybe since he’s adding his own sample to it now. P: Nope, he just drank it straight from the jar. G: Good ‘til the last drop. In the next segment two punks hang out and get to know each other. G: He just asked to borrow a cigarette. Does he know how expensive cigs are now? P: More pricey than the beer that they are drinking. G: Enough small talk guys, let’s get to fucking. P: There they go… G: He’s playing with the pierced hole he has in his penis. P: Now that’s a nice position: legs bent behind the back while he gets him doggie-style. G: It’s called “The Wounded Dog.” P: You made that up! Last scene features our cover boy and his man in a dark room. G: Check out the pleather pants. P: He’s going to slip off the bed with those silk sheets. G: You really have to be a special person to tattoo your head. P: I think I just saw the Thundercats faces on his ass! G: It’s a “Thundercat, ho!” G: This was a good pick, Pubes. P: I am sure this will be playing at the bars during IML week. I am looking forward to the “Stains” all week long! Pubert: Thumbs up the butt. Groeper: Thumbs up the butt. For more designs by Raging Stallion, visit www.ragingstallion.com. Here, piggy, piggy at Touché photo by Kirk 46 May 20, 2009
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