PDF Issue - Windy City Media Group
PDF Issue - Windy City Media Group
Cupid, eat your heart out PLUS #1060 • February 1, 2012 Nightspots’ Valentine’s Day cards. page 13 ‘Myths and Mortals’ at Leather Archives. page 29 e v o L e W ason! a e S s thi Stag, Couple or Triad... join us Tuesday, February 14th for roses, kisses and and restaurant gift card give-aways thanks to our friends at /SidetrackBar ® 3349 N. Halsted SidetrackChicago.com That Guy by Kirk Williamson So I totally fucked up the online Jepoardy test last week. On any given day at 3:30, I’m sitting on my couch (it’s the only break I get while tirelessly working on this magazine) rattling off “questions” to rival the contestants on the show. “How easy would it be to actually get on the show?,” I think to myself ... and maybe vocalize to my cat. Well, not so easy, as it turns out. I’ve done the online test before and it was a breeze, but alas, not this time. So I figured (with the same brain that blew the test) that I’d try my hand at Family Fuss’n, the Wednesday game show at The Sofo Tap last week. It was a hoot. Host Dick Guhzinya (get it?) had apparently hunted down and skinned a rumpus room for his jacket, while a beturbaned Ethel Merman and Judge Judy (okay, I watch that during the day too) kept it moving along with wisdom and wisecrackery. Personally, I didn’t fare any better than on the Jeopardy test, but at least liquor was along for the ride. Lesson learned. Thanks to Gio at 3160 for including me in the 6th anniversary POP Goes the Gio show! Right as I walked in he dragged me on stage (kicking and screaming, of course) to favor the crowd with my rendition of Prince and the Revolution’s “Purple Rain.” It was such a blur I forgot to hand my camera over to Jason to take my picture. You hadda be there. Another thanks to Tom Wray, who, upon seeing me arrive at midnight at Touche, knew right away that I had come to photograph the lube wrestling event., which was the kickoff to Mr. Chicago Leather weekend. I was a bit late, but Tom graciously offered to send me some pics of the event, which are laid out on page 12. As you might imagine, a bunch of guys in loose-fitting onesies covered in lubrication might lead to a little slippage, of the “there’s no way I can print THAT” sort. Suffice it to say there’s a whole reel of pictures you’ll never see in these pages. Damn community obscenity standards! Welcome to Antronio’s, the new club at 6319 W. Roosevelt Rd. Combine the owner’s name (Antonio) and the Mexican slang for “hip” (antro), and there you go. You may remember Antonio from Chesterfield’s, which has been closed since 2008. Say hi to Antonio and all the folks for dancing, videos, drag shows, and billiard playing. And thanks to Pubert for his lovely pictures of the opening night party. [email protected] nightspots #1060 • February 1, 2012 MAIN COVER IMAGE Ben (as Cupid) and Joey Photo by Anthony Meade LOWER RIGHT Photo by Kirk Copyright 2012 Windy City Media Group/Lambda Publications Inc. All rights reserved. Reprint by permission only. Back issues available for $3 per issue (postage included). Return postage must accompany all manuscripts, drawings, and photographs submitted if they are to be returned, and no responsibility may be assumed for unsolicited materials. All rights to letters, art and photos sent to Nightspots/Windy City Times will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication purposes and as such, subject to editing and comment. The opinions expressed by the columnists, cartoonists, letter writers, and commentators are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Nightspots/Windy City Times. Publication of the name, photograph, or likeness of a person or organization in articles or advertising in Nightspots/Windy City Times is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. While we encourage readers to support the advertisers who make this newspaper possible, Nightspots/Windy City Times cannot accept responsibility for advertising claims. PUBLISHER Tracy Baim ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky Managing Editor Kirk Williamson ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Terri Klinsky, Kirk Williamson, Amy Matheny, Dave Ouano, Kirk Smid NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Media 212-242-6863 DIRECTOR OF NEW MEDIA Jean Albright Office Meghan Streit Photography Mel Ferrand, Kat Fitzgerald, Kirk, Kizzy, Anthony Meade, Dave Ouano, DJ Res-5 CAST OF CHARACTERS Andrew Davis, Homer Marrs, AK Miller, Marc “Moose”Moder, Jennifer Parello, Peter Pointers, Randy Pubert nightspots 5315 N. Clark St. #192, Chicago, IL 60640 773.871.7610, fax 773.871.7609 www.WindyCityMediaGroup.com [email protected] /nightspots LORNA LUFT Celebrates her mother JUDY GARLAND The Legend - The Music - The Memories FEB 12, 4PM “SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME” ParamountAurora.com • 630.896.6666 ANTRONIO’S Remember Chesterfield’s? They’re back! THE SOFO TAP 8 nightspots February 1, 2012 Photos by Pubert Game Show Wednesdays: Family Fuss’n with Dick Guhzinya. Photos by Kirk/Brian Wells DANCING ABOUT ARCHITECTURE by Marc “Moose” Moder BORN TO DIE ... FROM BOREDOM By the time you read this, Lana Del Rey’s “debut”* album Born To Die will be a huge Adele-sized hit, or a big old Beyonce-sized flop. You can’t say the label hasn’t tried, but you can say Lana didn’t. Fans of sexy trip hop and languid vocals were pretty impressed when we heard her lead-off singles, “Born To Die” and “Video Games.” Things looked good! She was somewhere in between Beth Gibbons of Portishead and early Imogen Heap backed by peak-time Moby. Then the bomb that was her two songs on SNL hit and took all the wind out of our sails, took the sails down, burned the sails then ate the ashes. She stunk. Well, now it’s all here, her new studio full length effort. How is it? In a word, “lazy.” that permeates every track to exhaustion, backed with pretty much the identical tricks as on the two previous singles, but done to lesser effect. There are a few bright spots on the discs like the popish “Lolita” and “Radio,” but you might even skip past those after two minutes. I’m not saying Born To Die is terrible. I’m just saying if you, like me, were looking for some indication of versatility, you’re going to be disappointed. If you’re looking for a ‘90s trip hop knock off to have lady-love to, then you go on ahead and pick up Born To Die. She may be born to die, but this overhyped society girl’s career may beat her to the punch. *Just like Katy Perry or Gaga, Lana did another CD under her really name, Lizzy Grant, which was lost to obscurity. “Like” Moosebox on Facebook for more on Moose’s musical musings. Photo by Nicole Nodland Now I don’t expect Ting Tings level power pop but I do expect some effort out of this much-hyped singer. She dubbed herself “Gansta Nancy Sinatra”, and much like that puss-in-boots, she has a sluggish delivery, little ability to sing live, and lots of daddy’s money to get her signed regardless. Also, like Sinatra, she’s pretty much had a new face put on. Nancy, at least, is seventy years old. What’s Lana’s excuse? But I digress. Nancy Sinatra has a sexy/dirty style that suited Lee Hazelwood’s quirky, cutting edge orchestrations. All Lana has is a lazy vocal style 10 nightspots February 1, 2012 This Valentine’s Day, you deserve a major heart attack. Karaoke by Creagh MON TUES TUE TUES WED WED Spin Jackhammer Cocktail Cell Block The Glenwood 10pm-2am 10pm-4am 9pm-2am NOW TUE. 8:30-11:30pm 9pm-1am (773) 327-7711 (773) 743-5772 (773) 477-1420 THU THU WED (773) 665-8064 (773) 764 -7363 Holiday Club 9:30pm-1:30am (773) 348-9600 THU THU Hideaway Crew The Closet Four Farthings The Call 9:30 pm-1:30 am 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 7pm-11:30pm (708) 771-4459 THU (773) 784-CREW (773) 477-8533 FRI FRI (773) 935-2060 FRI (773) 334-2525 FRI SAT DS Tequila Co. Bistro After Dark Bobby Love’s Hideaway Halsted Harp 10:30pm-1:30am Feb. 10, 6pm-10pm (773) 697-9127 (773) 525-2522 9:30pm-1:30am 10pm-2:30 am 9:30pm-1:30am SAT SAT (773) 525-1200 SAT (708) 771-4459 SUN (773) 348-3665 SUN Christina’s 10pm-2am (773) 463-1768 SUN Bobby Love’s Coppolino’s Four Farthings T’s Hideaway The Sofo Tap 9pm-Midnight 10:30pm-2:30am 9:30pm-1:30am 6 pm-10 pm 10 pm-1:30 am COMING 2/12 7 -11 pm (773) 525-1200 (773) 735-8647 (773) 935-2060 (773) 784-6000 (708) 771-4459 (773) 784-7636 NEW SONGS ADDED! Weekly raffles for prizes at Jackhammer Now contact us at 773-720-7347 or [email protected] Join Creaoke on Facebook TOUCHE Mr. Chicago Leather weekend gets off to a slippery start. BOBBY LOVE’S 12 nightspots February 1, 2012 Photos by Tom Wray, Cortex News Service Sing for your supper with Creaoke Fridays! Photos by Dave Ouano Here’s wishing you a SANTORUMFREE Valentine’s Night i want to the shit outta you Happy valentines gay loser Happy valentines DAY LOSER LOSER!! LOSER!! LOVER!! fucking autocorrect! Paging Dr. Freud... I’d hit that ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE FEBRUARY 14TH until 4 am VALENTINE’S DAY Chocolate Martini, Champagne, and Wine Specials 3534 W. belmont ave www.latebarchicago.com DICK’S R U CRAZEE? 3160 Indiana nights. Happy birthday POP Goes the Gio! 16 nightspots February 1, 2012 Photos by Kirk Photos by Kirk THE CALL SPIN If you seek Amy, you may find her at Britney Spears night. Photos by Kirk New Jersey Housewife Melissa Gorga and hubby Joe judge the Dragzilla contest. Photos by Kirk nightspots 17 February 1, 2012 MAIN: You can tell a lot about a man ... DETAIL: ... by the pins on his jacket. photo by Anthony Meade Classic CHECK OUR FACEBOOK PAGE EVERY THURSDAY, WHEN WE WILL UPLOAD AN ENTIRE YEAR’S WORTH OF ARCHIVED PHOTOS FROM A PARTICULAR BAR! Feb. 2 Feb. 9 b The Edge 2004 /nightspots l Cocktail 2004 No matter which way you swing, you’re gonna love the way we play ball! Saturday , March 3 Park West 322 W. Armitage Ave. Chicago, IL For tickets, visit chicagotakesoff.org or call Billy Surber at 773-989-9400 ext.235 BERLIN CULT’s 2nd anniversary with Mykki Blanco. Photos by Kirk WHERE MY DRANK AT? WEDNESDAYS 3160 Paul Marinaro and His Jazz Trio @mosphere Chicago Exclusive Male Dancers from Fierce Casting, $5 Bacardi drinks Berlin $1 select shots, $2 PBRs, $5 Tropical Sex pints, $4 Malibu black. 1st Wed.—Electrohouse w/DJs Pete Augusta an Adam EL.; 2nd Wed.—Dub Hangover with Jason Cox; 3rd Wed.— GLO Euro pop night w/DJ Gabriel. Last Wed.—Static Electroshock Therapy Big Chicks Euchre Club 7:30 p.m., $4 Stoli Martini, $6 Leinie Pitchers, $5 Quesadilla night (Chicken or Veggie) Bobby Love’s $1 off domestic, $1 Pucker, $3 Jäger shots Bucks $3.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $3.50 well The Call Curtains Up! Wednesdays with showtune videos at 8 p.m., $3 off Absolut & Skyy martinis and cosmos Cell Block Open 4 p.m. w/ Giani, All import beers (bottles & drafts) $3.50 Charlie’s $2 Miller Lites, $3 Skyy cocktails The Closet $5 all fruit cocktails Club Krave $5 Three Olive cocktails; $7 Three Olive martinis, 1st & 3rd Wed.: Island Girls meetings with bartender Miss Brandi Wyne. 2nd & 4th Wed.: So You Think You Can Drag Crew Open for lunch 11:30a.m., Monsoon pints $4.25, 1/2 price Martinis Downtown $3 Bud Light drafts, $6 Don Q DS Tequlia Co. Trivia and Black Out Buckets (4 bottle beers, 4 Jäger shots) Halsted’s $5.95 chicken fajitas, $3.50 Coronas Hamburger Mary’s “Cabaret Project” at 7:30, $10 cover. MaryOke with HamyBear at 9 p.m. $4 UV and Cruzan (all flavors) and $3 domestic bottles. No cover after 9 p.m. Hunters $4 Skyy/Skyy Bombs, $4 Cruzan Rum Hydrate 1/2 price Martinis, Hy-Drag Review 9:30 p.m., also DJ Laura B Jackhammer $1 well drinks, $5 buy-in, play Wii Jeffrey Pub Game night—Bid Whist, spades, dominoes, darts, drink tickets for every winning hand Late Bar Staff spin their favorite punk, garage and rock ‘n roll, $4 Stoli flavors, $4 Sailor Jerry Mary’s Attic MaryOke with DJ Matador at 9 p.m. $3 well cocktails and domestic bottles, sponsored by Nightspots minibar Mini University, Chicago’s hottest new college night, loaded with THE hottest bartenders, barbacks and boys! 9 p.m. Parlour Indie Parlour with community and music events. $3 PBRs Roscoe’s You’re the Star Karaoke with Honey West at 10 p.m., $3 off Martinis, $2.50 Miller Lite drafts, Last Thu.: Wet Boxer Contest w/ Frida Lay at midnight Scarlet Sorry For Partying: featuring Hi-Life DJs, $3 PBR tall boys, $4 Svedka drinks and $4 shot menu Scot’s $2 off all Cosmos Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Classic Sidetrack, 8 p.m.-2 am The Sofo Tap The LIVE Game Show ($25 Pyramid; Family Fightin’ or Win, Lose & Drink) at 9, $4 Hofbrau drafts, $6 Hofbrau big beers Spin Dollar Drink Night, $1 42 Below and well cocktails, wine and Miller Lite and Coors Light drafts, as well as $5 Corzo shots, $1 Jameson ice cream cones Touché Bear-Chested night Velvet Rope $6 pizza specials, $3 drafts THURSDAYS 3160 Arnie Lanza @mosphere Pants Off Dance Off: Male Dancers with TOMAS the Magician. $3 well, $13 Cosmo 22 nightspots February 1, 2012 pitchers Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 a.m. Berlin STARDUST Thursdays, with live performances and special DJs. 2nd Thu. is coconspired by Pyramids of Pluto/ Jean Shorts, Sisterman, & Smooth & Delicious. Last Thu. is co-conspired by ratcatchers.com and CULT. $1 select shots, $3 Bacardi Bombs, $5 “Tropical Sex” pints, $2 Old Style Light, $5.50 Ultimat Vodka, $6.50 Patron Silver, $5+ cover Big Chicks $10 Pitchers of Blue Moon, $2.75 Rolling Rock, $4 Cosmos, Chicken specials night—$5 wing basket, $6 Chicken breast sandwich $5 chickenburger Bobby Love’s $1 off domestic & draft, $1 Pucker Bucks $3.50 Domestics drafts & bottles, $3.50 well The Call After-work karaoke 7-11 p.m., $5 Absolut cocktails, specials on Long Island pithcers and buckets of beers Charlie’s $3 top shelf drinks and beer, ‘80s flashback night Circuit La Noche Loca w/ DJ Fast Freddy & DJ Rock-O-Mix, Miss Ketty’s show at 10 p.m. The Closet Karaoke with Creagh at 9:30 p.m., $5 Long Islands Club Krave StarFinder Craig’s Karaoke with bartender Andrew, $5 you-call-it top shelf Crew Karaoke Fun Time with Mr. Bill. $3 draft beers, $2.50 bottomless chips & salsa Downtown $6 Tito’s cocktails, Trust Us DJs downstairs, every 2nd Thu. is Clock Out/Rock Out 5-9 p.m. in Main Bar DS Tequlia Co. $10 Big Bottles of wine with plastic cups, $3 Jamo shots, $3 Soco shots Bar Olympics at 10 p.m. with prizes Hamburger Mary’s $1 off home-brew pints Hunters HXD (Hot Extreme Dancers), $100 Stoli bottle service, $5 Stoli Cocktails, $7 Long Islands, $3 Bud Light bottles, $3 Cruzan Bombs, DJ Kim Hydrate Effen Thursdays: DJ Phil DaBeatz, $5 Effen cocktails, $5 Effen bombs, Stage Door Johnnies perform Jackhammer $2 MGD/Miller Lite/Bud/Bud Light, $3 premium domestics and imports, DJ Man Scott Late Bar DJ Peroxide spins Dark Alternative, $4 Kir Royale or Mimosa, $6 Mini-Martinis Mary’s Attic Big Red’s Cabaret with Meghan Murphy (2nd & 4th Thurs), “Fatally Cool” (1st Thurs), “Hedwig Unplugged” (3rd Thurs). No cover. $1 off home-brew pints. Roscoe’s Alternative Sounds in front bar, $12 Three-O Pomegranate Cosmo pitchers; $3 off Martinis, $2.50 Miller Lite drafts, $10 Miller Lite Pitchers, $5 Three-O Bombs. Last Thu.: Wet Boxer Contest at midnight Scarlet Frat Night, hosted by Kevin, $5 40s of Miller Lite, Corona and King Cobra; $5 Long Island mini-pitchers, DJ Katy R Scot’s $4 all drafts Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3 - 8 p.m. The Sofo Tap Happy Hour Thursdays with $3 Miller Lite draft pints, $4 well, $5 Jameson shots, 5-9 p.m. Spin Dollhouse Drag Revue with Debbie Fox, PhiPhi O’Hara and special guests, $5 Skyy cocktails, $6 Skyy bombs, $4 Coors Light drafts Touché Handballer Night, red/white hanky specials, club room open Velvet Rope $3 Sapporo pints, $6 Cosmos, monthly local LGBT band performances FRIDAYS 3160 Pop Goes the Gio show @mosphere Bi-Polar Fridays with male dancers from Sarabia (7-9 p.m.) and Exclusive Manwatch of MI (11- close). Hosted by Regina Upright, DJ Eric Hall, $5 Stoli Blueberry, $13 Cosmo pitchers Berlin Cosmix: DJ Greg Haus, electro, progressive, and alternative, $1 select shots, $3 Bacardi Bombs, $5 “Tropical Sex” pints, $5.50 42 Below Vodka. $5 and up cover starts at 11 p.m. Big Chicks DJ and dancing 10 p.m., no cover, 1/3 lb cheeseburger $5, $3 basket of appetizers (zucchini, mushroom, onion rings, poppers) Bobby Love’s Karaoke w/ Creagh 9:30 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Bucks $10 Miller pitchers, $2 Schnapps The Call After-work retro video cocktail party 6-9 p.m., TGIF Video hits after 9, $4.50 Stella bottles, $1 Dekuyper shots Charlie’s Two-steppin’ lessons with Stina at 10 p.m., country with DJ Michael B ‘til 1:30 a.m., Afterhours dance with DJ LuLu Circuit Flashback Fridays with inexpensive drink specials and hits from the ‘70s, ‘80s, ‘90s & 2000s, Last week: Urbano hip hop party The Closet $5 Jose Margaritas Club Krave Male dancers w/ bartenders Eric and Romey, $10 dom. buckets, $16 import buckets, DJ Brandi Wyne Crew Wanna Play Fridays with free ping-pong and darts. $2, P.B.R. cans $3.50 Goose Island 312 Urban Wheat/Seasonal pints, $5.50 Mega Mojitos, 4th Friday-Frat Boy Friday, w/ Hot Jock Contest at 11:00 p.m. Downtown $5 Jack and Jäger shots, DJs DS Tequlia Co. Happy Hours 4-7p.m. includes ½ price apps, $10 Rum Fishbowl, $15 Marg Fish Bowl, bottle beer or draft special, $1 shots Halsted’s $5 Stoli mixed & bombs, $12 Bud Light/Miller Lite pitchers Hamburger Mary’s $5 Mary’s Punch pints Hunters $5 Sweet Tea, $3 Jager Bombs, $3 Miller Lite, HXD (Hot Extreme Dancers), DJ Ron G Hydrate TPAN’s Positively Aware party 8-11 p.m. on 2nd Friday of the month, Weekly DJs til 4 a.m., no cover til midnight InnExile Here’s the Beef male dancers 11 p.m. Jackhammer DJ Man Scott, 1st Fri.-The Flesh Hungry Dog Show, Last Fri.-ManHunt.com party Jeffrey Pub Guys All Night Out dance party, $3 cover Late Bar Soul, Mod and vintage rock ‘n roll, $3 PBR, $3 Schlitz Tall Boys Krush KRUSH FRIDAYS @ Krush Nightclub, 1675 N. Elston Ave. SEXY MEN SEXY MEN SEXY MEN. Local and national Artist. www. blackstoneave.com for more info Mary’s Attic Feel Good Fridays with Rogue DJ at 9 p.m. $5 Mary’s Punch pints. No cover Parlour Lipstick: hot girls’ dance party, $4 cocktails, DJ Teri Bristol Roscoe’s $15 Absolut Pink Lemonade pitchers, $3 off Martinis, $3.50 Peroni bottles, $5 Bacardi bombs Scarlet The First Ward Ball, $4 Well Drinks, $4 wine glasses, $4 domestics, DJ Dolo Sidetrack Showtunes 5-9 p.m., Best of Sidetrack 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. The Sofo Tap Grrr, It’s Friday bear party, $6 Miller Lite big beers, $2 PBR cans, $4 Red Stag shots and cocktails Spin The Shower Party, sign up by 11:30 p.m., contest at midnight, 1st prize $150, lots of swag from Next Door Studios 3160 POP Goes the Gio! Touché 1st week - MAFIA; 2nd week - Full Moon party and contest; 3rd week - ONYX Club night, Club Room open at 10 p.m. Velvet Rope Karaoke with Creagh, $6 Grey Goose SATURDAYS @mosphere Male Dancers from Sarabia and Exclusive Manwatch of MI with DJ Timmy Loop, $5 Stoli Blue Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 a.m Berlin $1 select shots, $3 Berlin Bombs, $5 Tropical Sex, $5.50 Ultimat. Twisted w/ DJ Chester or DJ Larissa, $5 and up cover starts at 11 p.m. 1st & 3rd Sat: House of Santana drag show 9 p.m.-midnight Big Chicks Euchre Club 6 p.m., DJ and dancing 10 p.m., no cover Bobby Love’s Karaoke featured artist nite, trivia shots & giveaways w/ DJ Tim The Call $5 Absolut cocktails, video dance party Charlie’s Country with DJ Michael B 9 p.m.-2 a.m., Afterhours dance with DJ LuLu Circuit Urbano hip-hop/house night, DJs Kenae, Anton and Corona, $10 The Closet $5 Jose Margaritas Club Krave Club Krave Divas drag show, bartenders Romie and Markie, $10 mixed drink pitchers, DJ KY Crew $3 Bud Light drafts and $3.75 Shiner Bock drafts, $6.50 double Bloody Marys, $12.50 Mimosa pitchers, $4 Jameson shots, VJ Ven spinning from 6 - 10 p.m., VJ Bobby Marley 10 p.m. Downtown $8 Vodka and Red Bulls, Scandalous Karaoke w/ Weston, 9 p.m. - 3 a.m. DS Tequlia Co. $1 shots Halsted’s $6 champagne cocktails, $4 22 oz. Bud Lights, 12 Stoli Bloodies during brunch Hamburger Mary’s Mimosa Brunch served ‘til 3 p.m., first mimosa free, then $2, $4 Leinie bottles Hunters $3 Miller Lite bottles, $5 Skyy Cocktails, $100 Skyy bottle service, Hunters Hunks, DJ Ron G. Hydrate DJ Ralphi Rosario 11 p.m. - 5 a.m. Jackhammer DJ Man Scott, 1st Sat.-Great Lakes Bears with DJ Chris Eterno, 2nd Sat.-Bear Dance Party with buffet, 3rd Sat.-Underwear Party with DJ Phil DaBeatz Jeffrey Pub Girls All Night Out dance party, $3 cover, show with host Indigo Blue Late Bar DJ Dave Roberts spins New Wave club classics, $3 PBR, $3 Schlitz Tall Boys, no cover Mary’s Attic Dance Party with DJ Oskar & John Murges at 9 p.m. $5 Frozen Slushies. No cover Parlour DJ Luis M., $4 well Roscoe’s No cover before 10 p.m., $5 cover after, $15 Absolut Pink Lemonade pitchers, $3 off Martinis, $3.50 Peroni Bottles, $5 Bacardibombs Scarlet Crossfader Kings DJ Group, $5 well, $5 imports Sidetrack Sidetrack Classics 3 - 9 p.m., Best of Sidetrack 9 p.m. - 3 am The Sofo Tap Doggy Days dog party 3-6 p.m. Spin Dance party with DJ Riley York and go-go boys, second Sat. of month is Fish Tank by Dummy Corps, $10 20 oz. Bacardi fishbowls, $1 Jameson ice cream cones Touché Open 3 p.m., 1st week-Great Lakes Bears, Weekly fetish parties @ 10 p.m. Club Room open Velvet Rope Guest DJs, $5 bombs SUNDAYS @mosphere 1st and 3rd Sunday: DIVA starring Angelique Munro. $2 well, $10 Miller Light draft pitchers Baton Shows 8:30 p.m., 10:30 p.m., 12:30 a.m., 2 for 1 admission with coupon available at www.thebatonshowlounge.com. Berlin $2 PBRs, $3 Heinekens, $5.50 So Co. 1st Sunday: Madonnarama w/ DJ Riley York. 2nd Sunday: True Faith ‘80s night w/ DJ Chester; Last Sunday: “Block Rockin” ‘90s Night w/Greg Haus & Chester Big Chicks Free BBQ/inside picnic at 4:30 p.m., $2.50 vodka lemonades Bobby Love’s Open at noon with Connie Bucks Sunday cookout, $10 Miller pitchers, $2 Schnapps The Call $12 Long Island pitchers, $5.50 Pinnacle whipped vodka, After-beach party until 9 p.m., showtune videos after 9 Charlie’s Euchre 6 p.m., karaoke with Man Fag at 9 p.m., $10 top-shelf pitchers The Closet Free darts, $5 Jose Margaritas Club Krave Drag Bingo @ 7 p.m. with Brandi Wyne, karaoke with Star Finder Karaoke at 9:30 p.m., $2 drafts, $5 draft pitchers Crew $10 Miller Lite pitchers, $6.50 Double Bloody Marys, $12.50 Beergarita or Mimosa pitchers, $4 Jager shots, $5 Jager bombs, VJ Ven from 3 - 9:30p.m., VJ Bobby Marley 9:30 p.m. Downtown $4 Stella, trivia w/ Craig @ 9 & 11 DS Tequlia Co. $10 Mimosa mugs, $1 Kick the Keg Halsted’s $6 champagne cocktails, $4 22 oz. Bud Lights, 12 Stoli Bloodies during brunch Hamburger Mary’s Mimosa Brunch served ‘til 3 p.m., first mimosa free, then $2 Hunters $3 Tallboy PBR, $5 24oz Miller Lt, $5 26oz Corona, $5 Skyy Bloody Mary, $2 Mimosas, Lilly Presents Sinful Sunday (2nd and last Sundays) Hydrate DJ Jeannette InnExile Karaoke by Mariah Productions Jackhammer $7 Long Islands, Amy Armstrong and Lloyd Young Open Mic Night Jeffrey Pub Ol’ Skool dance party, no cover Mary’s Attic MaryOke with Velicity Metropolis 9 p.m. $4 UV and Cruzan (all flavors) and $3 domestic bottles. No cover after 9 p.m. Parlour Kick-Ass Karaoke with Sue Heggeland, $5 Miller pitchers Roscoe’s Male Call hosted by Frida Lay at 5 p.m., $12 Absolut Long Island pitchers, $2.50 Bud Light bottles, $5 Bacardibombs Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Showtunes 4-9 p.m., best of the 60s-80s, 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Scarlet Liquid Brunch: DJs Nick Phoenix and DJ Dolo, $12 bottles of champagne, $4 Mimosas, $4 Bloody Marys, $3 domestic beer The Sofo Tap $5 “Sofo Marys”, $6 Miller Lite big beers Spin Super Size Me Sundays with $10 Absolut pitchers and $10 beer pitchers. Game Show trivia, 10 p.m - midnight, hosted by Mercedes, $30 1st prize. Real Housewives of Atlanta viewing party at 9, $1 Jameson ice cream cones Touché Open at noon, beer bust, 50¢ Bud & Bud Light drafts, pool tournament at 7 p.m., movie night in club room at 10 p.m. Velvet Rope Mean Girls Brunch: $25 for unlimited mimosas, buffet brunch and a show, beer bucket specials MONDAYS 3160 Open-mic comedy showcase Big Chicks $2 off all pitchers, $1 1/4lb burgers, $5 Veggie Burgers (dine-in only) The Call RuPaul’s Drag Race @ 8 w/ Ashley Morgan. All-request video night, $2.50 well, $3 Miller Lite bottles, $12 Long Island pitchers Charlie’s $2 well, $3 Bacardi, $10 Absolut pitchers, line dance lessons 7 p.m., It’s Just BINGO Bitch with Man Fag at 11 p.m. Circuit Mondays with Mz. Ruff-n-Stuff & the Rocketts, DJ Stoney Crew Pub Stumpers trivia, $50 bar tab for winning team, $6.50 Absolut Ruby Red/Mango Margaritas, $3 Labatt Blue bottles, 1/2 Price flatbread pizza (7 varieties to choose from) Downtown Industry night with ‘80/’90s music DS Tequlia Co. Half off all food Halsted’s $5.95 burgers, $4 22 oz. Bud Lights Hamburger Mary’s Charity HamBINGO with Velicity Metropolis at 8 p.m., $5 Sauza Margaritas & frozen slushies Hunters Service Industry Night, $2 all beers, $3 U-Call-Its, $4 top shelf Hydrate $1 drinks all night, no cover before midnight, DJ Laura B. Jackhammer $3 U-Call-It (excluding Long Islands and Martinis), free pool Mary’s Attic Live soap opera “The Ville” at 8 p.m., $10 Parlour Karaoke with Creaoke 9 p.m.-1 a.m., $5 Miller Lite pitchers Roscoe’s You’re the Star karaoke with Honey West, 10 p.m., $3 off all Martinis, $2.50 Miller Lite Drafts, $10 Miller Lite Pitchers; $5 Smirnoff Bombs Scarlet Live Music Mondays, $5 select Martinis, $5 wine glasses, $3 PBR tallboys Scot’s $3 all domestic bottles Sidetrack Cocktail Hour videos 3-8 p.m., Showtunes, 8 p.m.-2 a.m. The Sofo Tap $4 well cocktails Spin RuPaul’s Drag Race viewing party at 8, karaoke with Phoenix O’Hara 10 p.m.-2 a.m., $4.50 Absolut cocktails, $4 Miller Lite & Coors Light drafts, $4.50 Absolut cocktails Touché Barstool Jocks - WWF wrestling & sports at 8 p.m., free pizza Velvet Rope Chicagoland Gay & Lesbian Singles Meet-up sponsored by OPLAGA, $4 Martini flights TUESDAYS 3160 Cabaret open mic @mosphere $1 well, $1 Miller Lite and Bud Light drafts Berlin Sinful Circus with DJ Chester, $1 well and PBR, $5 cover Big Chicks $5.50 Golden Margaritas, $4 Margaritas, $5 Chicken burger night, $3 Meatball Sandwiches (dine-in only) Bobby Love’s $2 domestic, draft and well drinks. The Call Top 10 Tuesdays (watch Billboard topranked videos), $5 Skyy cocktails, $12 Long Island pitchers Charlie’s $10 Absolut pitchers, $2 Bud/Bud Light, $4 Jäger & bombs, karaoke 9 p.m-1 a.m. Club Krave College Jock Night: first drink 50% off w/college ID, $2 well, $1 draft beer, $4 dom. pitchers The Closet $3 well, Trivia Tuesdays Cocktail $2 tacos, $12 El Jimador carafes, $6.50 Infusion vodka cocktails, $3 PBR tallboys, Karaoke with Nolan in the Garden Bar at 10, go-go boys 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. Crew $4.25 Beergarita pints, Taco Tuesdays with $1 tacos Downtown $5 Jäger, Talentless Tuesday Karaoke with Off-Key Kenny DS Tequlia Co. $2 beer cans (including 16 oz. PBR) Hamburger Mary’s ‘Tini-Tuesday with $3 off all Mary’s specialty martinis, “Pop Quiz” trivia night in Rec Room, $3 off all Mary-tinis and $2 PBR cans Hunters $1 Wells, $1 Drafts, DJ Willyum Jackhammer Karaoke with Creagh 10 p.m., $3 Bacardi and Finlandia (all flavors) Parlour Grüve@Parlour: house music with DJs Butch Duncan, Psycho Bitch, Freddie Bain and Michael Serafini, $4 u-call-its Roscoe’s “Drag Race 2011” with Frida Lay, $12 Absolut Mandrin Cosmopolitan pitchers, $3 off Martinis, $2.50 Miller Lite Drafts, $10 Miller Lite Pitchers, $5 Three-O Bombs Scarlet ‘90s Night, DJ Heather Doble, $6 vodka lemonade mini-pitchers, $3 domestic beers Scot’s $2 off all Martinis Sidetrack U-Video, all request night The Sofo Tap Tringo (part trivia, part bingo) at 9, $5 Absolut cocktails, $6 big beers (excluding Guinness) Spin Glee viewing party at 7, $4 you-call-it beer, wine and cocktails, Mercedes hosts Bingo 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. with bartender Debbie Fox Touché Hard Core Tuesdays, club room open at 10 p.m. nightspots 23 February 1, 2012 WHERE MY BAR AT? 21 Cell Block 3702 N. Halsted St. www.CellBlock-Chicago.com 22 Charlie’s 3726 N. Broadway Ave. CharliesChicago.com 23 Circuit 3641 N. Halsted St. CircuitClub.com 24 The Closet 3325 N Broadway Ave. theclosetchicago.com 26 D.S.Tequila Co. 3352 N. Halsted St. dstequila.com 27 Elixir 3452 N. Halsted St. ElixirChicago.com 28 Halsted’s 3441 N. Halsted St. HalstedsChicago.com 29 Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted St. HydrateChicago.com 30 Kit Kat 3700 N. Halsted St. KitKatChicago.com 31 Little Jim’s 3501 N. Halsted St. LittleJimsChicago.com 32 Lucky Horseshoe 3169 N. Halsted St. 33 Manhandler 1948 N. Halsted St. 34 minibar/winebar 3341 N. Halsted St. minibarchicago.com 35 North End 3733 N. Halsted St. NorthEndChicago.com 36 Roscoe’s 3356 N. Halsted St. Roscoes.com 37 Scarlet 3320 N. Halsted St. ScarletBarChicago.com 38 Sidetrack 3349 N. Halsted St. SidetrackChicago.com BOYSTOWN 39 Spin 800 W. Belmont Ave. 17 3160 Spin-Nightclub.com 3160 N. Clark St. myspace.com/Chicago3160 40 Steamworks 3246 N. Halsted St. (bath) 18 Berlin SteamworksOnline.com 954 W. Belmont Ave. BerlinChicago.com 41 Taverna 750 750 W. Cornelia St. 19 Bobby Love’s 3729 N. Halsted St. DOWNTOWN BobbyLoves.com 42 The Baton 20 Bucks Saloon 436 N. Clark St. 3439 N. Halsted St. TheBatonShowLounge.com BucksSaloonChicago.com 43 Downtown 440 N. State St. DowntownBarandLounge.com ANDERSONVILLE 1 @mosphere 5355 N. Clark St. atmospherebar.com 2 The Anvil 1137 W. Granville Ave. 3 Big Chicks 5024 N. Sheridan Rd. BigChicks.com 4 The Call 1547 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. CattleCallChicago.com 5 Crew 4804 N. Broadway Ave. WorldsGreatestBar.com 6 The Glenwood 6962 N. Glenwood St. TheGlenwoodbar.com 7 Hamburger Mary’s/ Mary’s Attic 5400 N. Clark St. HamburgerMarysChicago.com 8 Jackhammer 6406 N. Clark St. Jackhammer-Chicago.com 9 Joie De Vine 1744 W. Balmoral Ave. 10 Man’s Country 5017 N. Clark St. (bath) MansCountryChicago.com 11 Parlour 6341 N. Clark St. ParlourOnClark.com 12 Scot’s 1829 W. Montrose Ave. ChicagoScotsBar.com 13 The Sofo Tap 4923 N. Clark St. SofoBar.com 14 Spyners 4623 N. Western Ave. Spyners.com 15 T’s 5025 N. Clark St. TsBarChicago.com 16 Touché 6412 N. Clark St. ToucheChicago.com 24 nightspots February 1, 2012 44 Second Story Bar 157 E. Ohio St. Near North 45 Club 2506 2506 N. Clybourn Ave. 46 Krush Nightclub 1675 N. Elston Ave. 16 8 11 2 4 The Southside 47 Club Escape 1530 E. 75th St. ClubEscapeChicago.com 48 Escapades 6301 S. Harlem Ave. 49 InnExile 5758 W. 65th St. InnExileChicago.com 50 Jeffrey Pub 7041 S. Jeffery Blvd. The Burbs 51 Club Krave 13126 S. Western Ave. Blue Island, IL ClubKrave.com 52 Hideaway 7301 W. Roosevelt Rd. Forest Park, IL hideawayforestpark.com 53 Hunters 1932 E. Higgins Rd. Elk Grove Village, IL HuntersNightclubs.com 54 John L’s Place 335 154th Pl. Calumet City, IL 55 Maneuvers 118 E. Jefferson St. Joliet, IL JolietManeuvers.com 56 Stonewall Inn 8143 W. 47th St. Lyons, IL stonewallchicago.com 57 Velvet Rope 728 W. Lake St. Oak Park, IL VelvetRopeOakPark.com 58 Temptations 10235 W. Grand Ave. Franklin Park, IL indiana 59 Dick’s R U Crazee? 1221 E.150th St. Hammond, IN DicksRUCrazee.com 9 7 1 15 10 12 14 3 13 5 6 21 30 35 19 23 22 31 41 28 20 36 35 38 26 34 37 25 40 39 29 27 18 17 24 32 33 53 58 44 46 45 42 43 52 57 56 48 50 47 49 54 51 55 CHARLIE’S CREW Naughty and 19! 7th annual Chili Cookoff for Care For Real! Photos by Pubert Photos courtesy of Crew nightspots 25 February 1, 2012 Brought to you by the combined efforts of WINDY CITY TIMES nightspots Wed., Feb. 01 Sidetrack Fundraiser to help elect Michael Forti as Cook County Circuit Court Judge. Michael is a proud member of the GLBT community and has been rated highly qualified by the Chicago Bar Association. 6 pm, 3349 N. Halsted St., www.michaelfortiforjudge.com QSC Leap Year. Since it’s Leap Year, QSC is welcoming back startender extraordinaire and favorite Leap Day b-day girl, Ashley. Good tunes, great people, and cheap drinks to help ease the winter cold away. $2 Hamms, $5 Pork n Beams (Ham + shot), $3 Beer Special TBA, $? Love. Free cheeseballs, pool, board games and sass. 9 pm, Archie’s Tavern, 2600 W. Iowa St. , www.facebook.com/qsc. archies Thursday, Feb. 02 Berlin Trannika’s Tea Party! Lady Trannika Rex invites you join her girls for a night of larger-than-life personalities, free-flowing champagne, strategicallyplaced balls, giant hair, & shit tons of confetti bombs. Featuring Trannika Rex, Miztress Vana, Ruby Dee, Chic Filet, Valentine, and Chicago’s bearded lady D’Juana Cyber. DJ Erik Roldan (Chances Dances) and DJ Dicks. No cover before 11 if you RSVP on Do312.com, $5 after. 10 pm, 954 W. Belmont Ave., www.berlinchicago.com Friday, Feb. 03 Sidetrack Join Equality Illinois PAC for the super-popular monthly First Friday Networking Social. Cocktails, and prize drawings. $10 donation to the Equality Illinois PAC gets you two drink tickets and a ticket for a door prize drawing. 6 pm, 3349 N. Halsted St., http://eqil.org/ events.html 26 nightspots February 1, 2012 The Call Down With Love: A Cabaret Show from Innatevloution Theater. Featuring the songs of Motown. Directed by Toma & Raymond K. Cleveland. $20 includes 1 drink ticket for well, house wine or Miller drinks. Seating at 7, show at 7:30, 1547 W. Bryn Mawr, www.facebook. com/thecallbar Parlour Monthly First Fridays event, benefitting Howard Brown Health Center. This month, featuring singer/ songwriter and Homolatte producer extraordinaire Scott Free. $10 for two drink tickets; a portion of the proceeds goes to HBHC. $5 raffle tickets for a chance to win a champagne cocktail party for 20 at Parlour and more. All are welcome (yes, all) and ladies can stay afterwards for Lipstick Fridays, featuring DJ Teri Bristol. 7 pm, 6341 N. Clark St., www. parlouronclark.com Hydrate Varla Jean Merman Live. Join Hydrate for an intimate evening of theater and insanity with the awardwinning comedian and star of Girls Will Be Girls.9 pm, 3458 N. Halsted St., http:// www.hydratechicago.com/ home/, http://https://www. brownpapertickets.com/ event/219314 Jackhammer Flesh Hungry Dog Show ,this month featuring Fatally Cool, Dyke Van Dick, Skinny Paul, with special guest Andrea Sottovocce. $8. Tickets at: http:// www.brownpapertickets. com/event/222230. 9 pm, 6406 N. Clark St. Scarlet Hell At Halftime- What could possibly go wrong? A tribute to failed performances throughout the year. 10 pm, 3320 N. Halsted St., http://www.scarletbarchicago.com Saturday, Feb. 04 Center On Halsted Danny Sotomayor NAMES Project. AIDS Memorial Quilt for the late activist Danny Sotomayor will be on display as a special tribute on the 20th anniversary of his death. There will be refreshments. 9 am, 3656 N. Halsted St. CAKE Chicago Madonna Theme. Prize for the best outfit of the night. Special guest Ashley Thornton. With Rebecca Kling, Vanessa Vincent and Roxy Swain. 9 pm, Red Line Tap, 7000 N. Glenwood Ave., www.facebook.com/cakechicago Berlin Anastasia Santana’s Birthday Extravaganza featuring the drag stylings of Anastasia Santana, Miztress Vana, Trannika Rex, and Tori Sass. Welcoming special guest performers Sissy Spastik and Ruby Dee. $5 cover. 10 pm, 954 W. Belmont Ave., www.berlinchicago.com Spin Jiggly Caliente & Phi Phi O’Hara. Two performances at midnight and 1 am. VJ Riley York, DJ Bryan Smith. $5 in advance, $10 at the door. $20 VIP ticket. 800 W. Belmont Ave., www.spinnightclub.com Sunday, Feb. 05 Halsted’s Super Bowl Madonna Blow Out Party. Edge Alliance presents the game in HD on all 12 TV screens. $10 donation to Edge Alliance will get you an all-access pass to a spread of Halsted’s favorite foods. 3441 N. Halsted St., www.edgealliance.org/ Spin Joe Green’s Super Bowl Bash, presented by Green Team Properties. $5 cover includes two drinks and buffet. $10 Miller Lite or Coors Lite pitchers. Doors open at 4:30. 800 W. Belmont Ave., www. spin-nightclub.com Scot’s Superbowl Sunday w/ Chili Contest. Enjoy the thirteenth annual “Slap My Ass and Call Me Sally” chili contest at halftime. Bring in your culinary creations before the game. Judging at half-time. First-place prize $100. 5 pm, 1829 W. Montrose Ave. Crew Super Bowl at Crew. See the Patriots take on the Giants in Super Bowl XLVI. Kickoff at 5:30. $6.50 double Bloody Marys, $10 Miller Lite pitchers, $12.50 Beergarita & mimosa pitchers. And what better place to see the Madonna halftime show? 4804 N. Broadway, www. worldsgreatestbar.com Berlin Madonnarama: The Super Bowl halftime show afterparty. What will she say? What will she do? DJ Riley York. 10 pm, 954 W. Belmont Ave., www.berlinchicago. com @mosphere Diva Drag Show w/Angelique Munro. Celebrate Super Bowl Sunday with drag divas Dena Richards and Monique Moyet, hot male dancers, DJ David Byrne and hostess Angelique. $2 well, $8 Miller Lite pitchers. 10pm, 5355 N. Clark St. Thursday, Feb. 09 Chicago Red Dress Party A national event dedicated to creating awareness and visibility for the HIV/AIDS movement and raising funds for organizations that provide vital community services. Dress for the fight, end AIDS. I {HEART} RED: $20/ on-line $25/door. Open bar, small bites, “Red” raffle. 7 pm, http://chicagoreddressparty. org/tickets/, http://chicagoreddressparty.org/tickets/ Friday, Feb. 10 The Call Club Kylie. Calling all the lovers to The Call for all Kylie Minogue, all night with DJ Riley York. 9 pm, 1547 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. , www. facebook.com/thecallbar Saturday, Feb. 11 Equality Illinois 21st Annual Justice for All Benefit Gala. Continuing its more than decade-long tradition as the largest LGBT black-tie gala in the Midwest, Equality Illinois hosts its 2012 Justice for All Benefit Gala. 6 pm, Chicago Hilton and Towers, 720 S. Michigan Ave., www. eqil.org IL Gender Advocates ‘80s New Wave benefit for IL Gender Advocates. Beer and wine. DJ Toast spinning the ‘80s New Wave. Suggested donation, $5. 10 pm, Tsubo, 1821 W. Hubbard St. Spin Cupid’s Ball. Get your heart on with porn stars Samuel O’Toole, James Huntsman and Marcus Mojo. Sponsored by Next Door Studios. 10 pm, 800 W. Belmont Ave., www. spin-nightclub.com Sunday, Feb. 12 Be My Valentine Family Event Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation’s brunch buffet, Valentine’s activities for children and special concert by award-winning children’s musician Justin Roberts & the Not Ready for Naptime Players. Lighting up the room “pink” will be Justin Jacobson and Platinum Events, providing DJ’d entertainment and dancing, and there will be a special performance by PINKALICIOUS: THE MUSICAL, currently playing at the Broadway Playhouse through spring. 10 am, http://www.lynnsage.org Lorna Luft Celebrates her mother with “Songs My Mother Taught Me,” a celebration of the music and life of Judy Garland, and a theatrical extravaganza melding one of the world‘s most familiar songbooks with personal memories of a loving daughter. 4 pm, Paramount Theatre, 23 E. Galena Blvd., www. paramountaurora.com, 630-896-6666 Tuesday, Feb. 14 Sidetrack Valentine’s Day at Sidetrack. Whether stag, couple or triad, join Sidetrack for roses, kisses and restaurant gift card giveaways. 6 pm, 3349 N. Halsted St., www. sidetrackchicago.com Late Bar All You Need Is Love--Enjoy chocolate martins, champagne and wine specials with your lovah. 3534 W. Belmont Ave. 10 pm, www.latebarchicago.com nightspots CLASSIFIEDS Adult DVDs XXX DVDs XXX DVDs! No computer necessary! Get DVDs the old fashion way, by mail order. FREE DVD catalog 1-800-722-4336. Mention Nightspots, get $10 coupon. www.RADVideo.com for online buffs. (TK, 2/29/12) ADVERTISE HERE Want to advertise your product, service, etc. to thousands of readers? Place an ad in Nightspots! We offer affordable rates, convenient service, and as a bonus, your ad runs in our online section for free. To place an ad, contact Terri at 773-871-7610, ex 101, terri@windycitymediagroup. com, or go to our website, www. WindyCityMediaGroup.com. FROM THE BOOTH by Randy Pubert & Dick Groeper You Got She-Mail from Channel 1 Releasing Pubert: In honor of a new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race we are reviewing She-Mail. Groeper: Girrrl, I think this is our first transsexual review. P: This cover is a lady boy. G: Good luck to our editor censoring this front cover! The first scene is set in a 1960s-style kitchen with a horny housewife stripping for her husband. P: Talk about Leave It To Beaver! G: Except she has no beaver. P: She does have a big set of knockers. G: Her husband is a nerd. P: Well he lost his glasses fast. G: How many husbands can say that they can suck on their wife’s penises? P: He is slapping those boobs. G: That is making a “joyful noise” for him. P: Dolly would be jealous of that rack. G: It’s as natural as hers. P: She is banging her husband on the table. G: Even with his argyle socks still on. What a happy homemaker! It’s office time with a secretary and her boss. P: That secretary has a secret. G: The bad lighting makes this scene look like it was set in the ‘70s. P: Maybe we are traveling through time with transsexuals. G: That boss was a sharp shooter. Next we take a hike in the forest with a camouflaged couple. P: Are they speaking Spanish? G: You would know more than me. P: I think it’s Portuguese. G: Their lips are so locked I am not sure that words can get out. P: It sounds like a dogfight in the background! G: The guy is hot and has a nice sausage. P: She is banging him over a picnic table outside. G: They’re doing a little flip-flopping for a change. P: This is the power couple on the video. G: He came like a garden hose! P: Maybe that’s why they kept it outdoors. The following scene is set in the basement on an eighties club. G: Look at those cheap mirrors. 28 nightspots February 1, 2012 JUDGING A PORN BY ITS COVER P: And that cheap wig. She looks like a run-overby-a -truck Ann-Margret. G: There is a clothing mannequin behind them, kind of strange. P: I feel like this as after a pageant at The Baton. G: The only thing she kept on were her heels for the missionary position. P: I finally figured out this is past footage collected from All Worlds Video. G: I love how she took off her wig to top him! P: “You betta work!” Flash forward into modern times with a twist. G: It’s two cowboys and a cowgirl. P: Riding it on a hay bale. G: We got one in the front and one in the back. P: Someone needs some anal bleaching ... Back to Brazil with more camouflage to boot. P: This time we are in a bunker. G: I wonder what this film was called originally? “Boobs in Brazil?” P: They seem to be very open-minded about the trans world there. G: And very open mouthed ... P: I have not seen many South Americans that I didn’t like. More scenes follow with a doctor, a pool and a vampire! P: With four hours of footage we couldn’t get to it all. G: There were transsexual vampires before True Blood, I noticed. P: This may not be for everybody but some definite hot scenes in Brazil. G: And good luck to all the Chicago contestants on RuPaul’s Drag Race. Start your engines!!! Pubert: Thumbs up the butt. Groeper: Finger down the throat. For something hot for your inbox visit http://www. c1r.com. Up in the air: Chicago House’s Clicquot In the Sky Champagne Wrapture event on the 99th floor of the Willis Tower, Thu., Jan. 26. Photos by Anthony Meade Of Myths and Mortals: Opening reception for the sculpture and artwork of Philip Hitchcock at Leather Archives & Museum’s G.A.G. Gallery, Fri., Jan. 27. Photos by Kirk nightspots 29 February 1, 2012 30 nightspots February 1, 2012 Photo by Kirk ouano dave photography fashion fitness portraits modelmayhem.com/daveouano daveouanophotography.com [email protected] 773.860.0162
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PUBLISHER Tracy Baim ASSISTANT PUBLISHER Terri Klinsky Managing Editor Kirk Williamson Photography Mel Ferrand, Kat Fitzgerald,
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