November 2014 - San Elizario Independent School District
November 2014 - San Elizario Independent School District
SAN ELIZARIO PREMIER PROGRAMS Volume 1 Issue 2 CTE Corner Michael Rodriguez CTE Coordinator The face of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is changing. Classes and programs that were once considered merely elective in nature, are now becoming more prominent and play an integral part in high school graduation requirements across the entire state of Texas. House Bill 5 has brought Career and Technical Education courses to the forefront and through its mandates are challenging school districts to offer more programs on the CTE side of education and to offer them at the appropriate industry level to include increased rigor and implementation of real world technology and other resources. San Elizario is in a perfect position to meet this challenge head on. Classes and entire Programs of Study (POS) are being revised to reflect new graduation needs. Instructional resources and other necessary technology, are being purchased to fill in gaps to ensure high rigor and industry standardized instruction is available in all CTE classrooms. Our mission truly is to provide all students with an opportunity to participate in a CTE program, which will promote leadership skills development and a seamless transition to postsecondary education and/or the workforce. San Elizario Independent School District November 6, 2014 Community Supports Bond Election Superintendent Sylvia Hopp San Elizario School District will recieve $28 million to fund 10 district wide projects. On November 4, 2014, the citizens of San Elizario had the opportunity to vote for a $28 million bond. A bond is a loan that is given to someone, in this case the district, to fund certain projects. Three-quarters of the voters, 491 out of 655, approved the bond for to allow San Elizario to receive $28 million to be used for district projects. The $28 million bond will be used for construction and renovations of school buildings. Some of these monies will go toward the construction of a new Career and Technical Education building. This building will consist of a fully equipped kitchen and cafe that will be used for Culinary Arts and other life nutrition wellness classes. It will also consist of three science labs to be used for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) courses and a full functional classroom, lab, and nail tech center for an updated cosmetology program. “On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the San Elizario Independent School District I would like to thank the community for their continued support and belief in the District,” Superintendent Sylvia Hopp said. “These ten projects will benefit all of our students and will serve as a reminder of the commitment that our district makes to their success.” The last time that a bond was voted on was in 1996, and the funds were used to build what is now the main high school. As of right now the current tax rate is $.0518 per $100 of taxable assessed valuation. The bond is scheduled to be paid off in February 2016. If the full $28 million were issued the tax rate would increase by $.07 cents, totaling to $.12 per $100 of taxable assessed valuation. This would have an approximate monthly impact of $2.62 on the average home and a yearly impact of $31.39. p r e m i e r p r o g r a m s CTE Instructor Spotlight Our November Instructor Spotlight shines on Ms. Juanita Perez. Ms. Perez is the Business Information Management (BIMS) and Digital Intermediate Media (DIMS) teacher at the high school and was previously selected to be the September high school teacher of the month. “I am very excited to be selected as the CTE teacher of the month,” says Ms. Perez. Ms. Perez is a graduate of Socorro High School and attended El Paso Community College and the University of Phoenix and has over 25 years of experience in the business field. She received her Career and Technical Education Certification from Region XIII in Austin, TX. Not only does Ms. Perez teach, she is also very involved with her students in various extra-curricular activities such as Business Professionals of America (BPA) and UIL. She is a co-sponsor for the class of 2015, as well as a sponsor for San Elizario’s student member of the Student Board of Directors for the Federal Reserve of Dallas – El Paso Branch. “We would like to advance to National Competition this year,” said Ms. Perez, “Ms. Whittington [another high school business instructor] and I have a group of about 20 outstanding students and we feel confident that they will be very successful this year.” Ms. Perez is also preparing students to take their Microsoft Office Certification Exam coming up in the fall. This is Ms. Perez third year working in education as a teacher and she feels that this was the best career choice she has ever made. “Being able to work with students and share their lives is very rewarding.” CTE Student Spotlight November’s student of the month is Alejandra Murphy – Senior, Class of 2015 – Graphic Design and Illustration Student Alejandra Murphy is a typical CTE student. She is enrolled in many college credit courses, completing a coherent sequence of CTE classes and participating in more extracurricular activities than would seem possible, when you think about fitting them all into a typical day here at San Elizario High School. Alejandra is the current President for the Class of 2015, National Honor Society Vice-President, San Elizario ISD Business Professionals of America (BPA) club Treasurer, San Elizario ISD SkillsUSA club Parliamentarian and she also manages the high school volleyball team. She also finds time to participate in the National Technical Honor Society and the National Society of High School Scholars. She is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) student intern, working directly for the San Elizario District CTE program and the first student to represent San Elizario as a member of the Student Board of Directors for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas – El Paso Branch. Because of her academic and extracurricular endeavors and her perseverance for excellence in all that she does, Alejandra Murphy is San Elizario’s November CTE student of the month. CONGRATULATIONS! Page 2 Warm Welcome to Our Newest Teacher Welcome to San Elizario High School Mr. Canonizodo rity Secu Law, Pu bli & We welcome Mr. Canonizodo as the new law enforcement teacher here at San Elizario High School. Last year was the first year a Law Enforcement program of study was offered in San Elizario, but under the guidance of Mr. Baca, the program grew into a huge success. Mr. Canonizodo plans to expand on this success. Mr. Canonizodo is an experienced teacher with more than 10 years on the job. He has taught various law enforcement related courses at institutions such as Sul Ross State University, both the Sul Ross and El Paso Police Academies, Defensive Tactic School, the University of Phoenix, and many others. In addition to his teaching career, he has quite an impressive work history with extensive hands on experience in the areas that are now being taught here at San Elizario. He has worked as a police officer for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, y, Correctio Military Intelligence Core, and as both a California State and San Diego police officer. ns afet S c Mr. Canonizodo sees a bright future for the law enforcement courses and plans to get trophies for his students who compete in SkillsUSA. His motto is “We may not win, we may not lose, but we will go and ruin somebody’s day”. CTE Has a Place at GEMS CTE is being offered at Garcia-Enriquez Middle School Most people know that Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses have been available to students at San Elizario High School for many years now; students have participated in courses such as Construction Technology, Cosmetology, Graphic Design and many others. What most people don’t realize is that several CTE courses have been available to students at Garcia-Enriquez Middle School as well. Courses such as Exploring Careers, Principles of Information Technology and Touch Systems have been offered to San Elizario students at the 7th and 8th grade level for several years as well. As courses such as Auto Technology, Cisco, Human Resources and Law Enforcement were added to the list of high school CTE programs, GEMS has added Principles of Arts, A/V Technology and Communication and Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance to its middle school offerings. “The students are really excited, and they have lots of fun with their projects” says Ms. Falcon, the campus CTE Coordinator at the middle school. Career and Technical Education at San Elizario is designed to be an ongoing educational system. Once the foundation has been put in place at the lower grade levels, students can build on that foundational knowledge as they progress upwards to the high school level and beyond. Page 3 I N D E P E N D E N T S C H O O L D I S T R I C T VISION STATEMENT San Elizario ISD’s vision is to graduate students with skills to meet the demands of a changing world by promoting student success as non-negotiable, channeling resources to match learning needs of students, employ and retain a quality staff so that San Elizario is a proud, innovative and academically superior district. CTE’s MISSION The mission of the department is to promote advanced skills for competitive wages in high-demand careers. All students will be provided the opportunity to participate in a CTE Program of Study which will promote leadership, skills development and a seamless transition to postsecondary education and/or the workforce. Board of Trustees Antonio Araujo Jose Rodriguez Irene Jaquez Vicente Delgadillo, Jr. Ramon Holguin Fernie Madrid Armando Martinez Sylvia Hopp Techn ol y og De s ign Build America ce Scale the World t ma S ci en Ma he tics rity Secu Law, Pu bli & y, Correctio ns afet cS President Vice President Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Superintendent Career & Technical Education Instuctors Michael Rodriguez San Elizario High School Richard Alarcon Angel Bustamante Rafael Cardoza G. Anthony Canonizado Manuela Diaz Delia Dominguez Debra Harris Ana Luna Jorge Maese CTE District Coordinator Automotive Technology Financial Literacy Construction Technology Law Enforcement Cosmetology Anatomy Physiology Culinary Arts & Child Development Forensic Science Engineering/Mathematics Juanita Perez Veronica Pulido Business Administration Information Technology (CISCO) Annette Rincon Graphic Design & Illustration Sylvia Ruvalcaba Graphic Design Assistant Michael Warfield Professional Communications Bonita Whittington Business Administration Garcia-Enriquez Middle School Camelo Caudillo Information Technology Lourdes Falcon Career Investigation Veronica Hernandez Business Administration San Elizario Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or age, in its programs, activities, or employment. El Districto escolor de San Elizario no discrimina en base a raza, color, nacionalidad, religion, sexo, discapacidad, /o edad, en sus programs actividades, o empleo.