Tune In for January 2012 - Episcopal Church of the Resurrection
Tune In for January 2012 - Episcopal Church of the Resurrection
Time to Celebrate! January 2012 As of the middle of December 103 people, couples, or family units have had their pictures taken for Fr. Brent's Directory, demonstrating their support of the Resurrection Community Episcopal Church of the Resurrection 3025 Hilyard St. Eugene, OR 97405 541-686-8462 www.resurrectioneugene.org Mission Statement The mission of the Church of the Resurrection is to invite all people to unity with God and each other. We pursue our mission as we pray and worship, proclaim the Gospel, and promote justice, peace and love. Vision Statement The Church of the Resurrection exists to spread God’s love into the world through teaching and action consonant with the traditions of the Episcopal Church. We envision a world in which baptismal vows are made real by the expression of these core values: We welcome all to join us in worship and ministry We respect the dignity and unique gifts of every human being We seek and serve Christ in all people, loving our neighbors as ourselves We desire to grow as a community of God’s people by reaching out to others We strive for justice and peace among all people We desire to be active in the world as witnesses of God’s love We pledge ourselves to compassion and service, supporting one another in local, national, and international ministries under his leadership. This is cause for joyful celebration at Christmas and as we greet the New Year! A deadline has now been set for "getting in the Book." It is January 15 So if you have missed for any reason, we will be taking pictures on the 8th and the 15th of January, at the conclusion of the services. If you have had your picture taken, please get in your "bios" by the 15th also. HEAR! HEAR! This is a LAST CALL! Annual Meeting January 22 The Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 22. In order to have annual reports available to pick up on January 15, all reports must be turned into the church office by January 8. The meeting for prospective vestry members will be at 2:00 on January 8, after the advanced directives workshop). There is no need for convention delegate candidates to attend. Profile information deadline is January 9. Dear Friends in Christ, As I was working on a job description for hiring people to work in the nursery, I came across the Church of the Resurrection mission statement. It reads: The mission of the Church of the Resurrection is to invite all people to unity with God and each other. We pursue our mission as we pray and worship, proclaim the Gospel, and promote justice, peace and love. This is a good mission statement. I say this not because I agree with it (though I do), nor because it is well written (which it is). I say that it is a good mission statement because it is accurate. I do not know how the mission statement was written, whether form followed function or the other way around, but it does describe the Church I work for now. We invite well. Ours is an open table. On Sunday when I say “This is God's table, all are welcome,” we are keeping alive Christ's ministry of radical welcome. Whether someone is baptized or not, have a lot of faith or a little, wherever someone is on their journey into God in Christ, we welcome them. Our doors are wide open to GLBTQ folks through a spirit of openness here and our involvement in the Community of Welcoming Congregations. We pray and worship well. And, we are getting better. Our music program is superlative, and I suspect that Lucy and the choir will convince me that music written after 1900 may have a place in church. Our Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers, and ever vigilant altar guild help Deacon Maron and me lead an elegant if not fun liturgy, and the presence of a growing number of people in the pews energizes Sunday mornings. Of course our cookie baker and the matrons of hospitality cap off the day gracefully. We proclaim the Gospel well. Every time our children go home from church, I am confident they go home better, a little more aware that they are the imago dei, the image of God, a sheep of God's fold. We have dedicated teachers and parents to thank for this. Some of us bigger folks go home from church a little more enriched, a little more strengthened, a little more able to face the world and all of its challenges. When we care for each other, we are proclaiming the Gospel, and this church cares for itself. We promote justice, peace and love well. From the home starter kit ministry, to sharing our parking lot, to participating in the upcoming shelter week (January 23 – 30), to the overarching work of the Outreach Commission, ours is a busy community. We contribute to FISH. Our Piecemakers get quilts into the hands of people who need something beautiful and warm in their lives. We are a presence in the interfaith ecological organization (Earthkeepers) here in Eugene, and folks associated with Resurrection have been seen at the Occupy Eugene site. We are also responsible caretakers of this land and this building. There is always more to do, but we are on our way towards the promised land. All of these things that we do are fantastic. When the things we do are then overlaid on the people who we are, now there is a vision of the Kingdom I can abide in. It is a new year. It is going to be good one, with plenty of hard work, hard prayer, and God willing, a lot of full belly laughing. Happy New Year, Brent 2 Church of the Resurrection, January 2012 Join the Lunch Bunch The Lunch Bunch meets every Tuesday at a different restaurant, at 11:30 AM for food and fellowship. Don't wait to be invited; just show up! We’re also always looking for recommendations of places we haven’t tried. Keeper of the calendar, updater of restaurant list, and map consultant is Theda Heinzkill, 541-343-8367. January 2012 (Already?!) Jan 03 Empire Buffet 1933 Franklin Blvd Jan 10 Annie’s Bar & Grill 49 W. 29th Ave. Jan 17 Washburne Café 326 Main St., Spfd [free parking on street, or in 4 places in Diamond lot next to salon] Jan 24 Cha Pra Yao 589 Adams St. at W. 6th Ave. [just beyond Gray's Garden Center] Jan 31 Café LN [Lucky Noodle] 207 E. 5th Ave. at Pearl St. [free parking behind Steelhead, or Pearl St. lot next to Minor Theater] Adult Faith Formation The Christian Formation group will continue to reread the tales in Luke and Matthew concerning the birth of Jesus. For Advent, the study group has been taking another look at the Christmas Story, watching the. the DVD, "A Thrill of Hope" which illustrates each passage with the artwork of John August Swanson, along with commentaries by faculty members at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. The January sessions are: Jan. 8th Jan. 15 Jan. 22 Episcopal Church of the Resurrection (COR) 3925 Hilyard Street, Eugene, Oregon 97405 541-686-8462 [email protected] On the Web at: www.resurrectioneugene.org Coming of the Wise Men Presentation in the Temple Flight Into Egypt Matthew 2:1-12 Luke 2:21-40 Matthew 2:13-15 There will be no breakfast and no adult faith formation class on January l, 2012. Due to Shelter Week using facilities, no breakfast or meeting will be held January 29. Tune In is the monthly newsletter of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, Eugene, Oregon, available free or at website. Contact office by phone or email. Office hours are 912:30 M, 9 to 1 Tu-Fri. Tune In Editor: Pat Russell. Tune In Mailing Team: Gay KramerDodd, Helen Reed, Sally Smith, Vivienne Close, Pat Russell. Deadline for submissions for next issue: Jan. 19. Information to be submitted may be sent to Pat Russell, to COR at the email address above, or deposited in the Tune In box at COR. The Rt. Rev. Michael Hanley, Bishop The Rev. Brent Was, Priest-in-Charge The Rev. Maron Van, Deacon Ty Zeller, Organist Lucy Strandlien, Music Coordinator/Choir Director Carrie Peil-Warner, Director, The Choristers Betsy Smith & Fay Harris, Pastoral Care Team Gay Kramer-Dodd, Administrative Assistant Vestry Members: Jerry Jacobson, Senior Warden; Nick Crump & Kevin May, Co-Junior Wardens; Dave Beuerman, Ellen Cabeza, Brian Henley, Keith Pruett, Cathy Seltzer and Jane Smith; Ty Zeller, Treasurer. Annual Meeting Reports Don’t forget to pick up Annual Meeting Reports January 15 in preparation for a lively discussion beginning at 11:30 on January 22. Church of the Resurrection, January 2012 3 For an updated version of Church of the Resurrection’s calendar, visit http://resurrectioneugene.org/ and click on Resurrection Calendar Memorial Burial Rite II for Fr. Al Tyson will be Saturday, January 7 at 10:30 AM. Fr. Steve Tyson will preach and Bishop Michael Hanley will preside. Please keep him, his family as well as Doris Meyer (Dorothy Cramer’s sister and a cousin of Al’s) in your prayers. Eucharistic Ministers We are welcoming three new members as Rachel Nosce, Marie-Helene Rake and Jesse Papineau have completed their training and have begun to serve at the 10:30 Eucharist. We are grateful for their commitment to the church. Episcopal Church of the Resurrection’s List Serve Church of the Resurrection offers those who wish to join a COR ‘list-serve’. This is a quick means of communication for current and former members of Resurrection, a place to discuss and announce upcoming events, share stories, request prayers, etc. The list is not configured to allow attachments; if you send one, it will be stripped from the message. Also, if you reply to a message, you are only replying to the sender of the message, not the entire list. If you wish to reply to the list, then you will need to reply to [email protected] or [email protected]. To subscribe to the list, send a blank email message to [email protected]. You will get a message back to confirm that you really do want to be added to the list. You must reply to that message in order to confirm your subscription. To send a message to the list, address the message to [email protected] or [email protected]. To unsubscribe to the list, please send an email message to [email protected]. If you have questions about communicating with this group, please visit http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/groups/original/members/forms/general.html, Third Annual Earth Care Summit, January 30, 2012 MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT will be held from 5:30 to 8:30 PM at Highland Christian Center, 7600 NE Glisan in Portland. This is a gathering of congregations concerned about the stewardship of our planet, featuring a dinner, inspirational speakers, information, and discussion. The 2012 Theme is Environmental Justice and Faith. In linking environmental and social justice issues the environmental justice approach seeks to challenge the abuse of power which results in poor people having to suffer the effects of environmental damage caused by the greed of others. Cost is $25/person ($15/students), includes dinner. Register online or call Alison, 503-221-1054, x. 210, or register online at https://ssl.charityweb.net/emoregon/event/ 2012EarthCareSummit.htm OUTREACH COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Home Starter Kit ministry (HSK): Needed this week: blankets and can openers. Cash donations are always welcome as well. Thanks to all for the ongoing support of this important ministry. Want to help? Contact Dick Zeller. FISH BASKET: FISH food needs are: commercially packed, non-perishable foods, especially peanut butter, tuna, fruits and vegetables, rice, and staples of Hispanic cuisine such as pinto beans and masa. Thank you for helping fill hungry stomachs! Depressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed? You are not alone. A one-day workshop for adults living with depression or anxiety. In this free workshop you will: learn more about your symptoms and treatment options, engage in mindfulness-based activities, and practice relaxation exercises. Date: Time: Location: Monday, January 9, 2012 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM Center for Community Counseling 1465 Coburg Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 Facilitators: Vanessa Wallis, M.S., and Jessica Davis, BSW Registration is required. For more information or to register, please call 541.344.0620 (Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM). Church of the Resurrection, January 2012 7 Interfaith Shelter Week Begins January 23rd Needed for this congregation-wide effort are set-up and take-down crews clean-up crews dinner and breakfast hosts van drivers nursery attendants overnight hosts Volunteer sign-ups and food donations are posted in the hallway at COR. Help provide a safe and welcoming refuge for homeless families. For questions, call Marsha Shankman.