Northbrook Presbyterian Church


Northbrook Presbyterian Church
Northbrook Presbyterian Church
Resurrection Day, March 31, 2013
Prelude—Heroic Music
G.P. Telemann
J.J. Mouret
* Life in the Community of Faith
Welcome to Northbrook! Please sign and pass the Welcome Register along your row and back.
Please note joys and concerns on the Prayer Request Cards and place them in the offering.
* Call to Worship1
Carol Marsh
One: What are we to make of this day?
When graves are opened, when the dead awaken,
when life refuses to be contained...
Then nothing is impossible!
Hope is never extinguished! And love is never conquered!
One: We celebrate you today, Jesus,
because you have made it clear that death does not have the last word;
because you have filled us again with hope and faith;
because you have given us a vision of new possibilities,
new realities, and new ways of being.
Open our minds to believe what we cannot explain;
Open our hearts to hope for what we cannot see;
Open our lives to live and to love in the midst of death and despair.
Let resurrection happen again in us this day. Amen.
* Opening Anthem—An Easter Celebration
Chancel Choir
When directed, the congregation will please stand and join the singing with
Jesus Christ is Risen Today
Hymnal 123
Prayer of Confession
One: God, resurrection is not what we expect in our world.
On the face of things, life seems to be under threat…
our earth grieves, our families are fractured, our nations at war.
It can seem that the light of our hope grows dim.
We need the stone to be rolled away again.
One: Forgive us and all who have failed to honor and preserve
life in all its diversity and glory…
Forgive us and all who have allowed relationships
to become less important than riches or recognition.
Forgive us and all who continue to exalt our needs and desires over those of others,
and who are prepared to kill to prove it.
Forgive us and all who have grown blind
to the signs of resurrection that beckon us still.
—Silent Prayer —
One: And hear us as we pray together:
We need the stone to be rolled away again.
We need life to break out within us again. We need love to consume us again.
Resurrect us today, O Lord, and make us agents of your life
wherever dying and grief hold sway. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.
* The Peace
As we are reconciled to God and to one another,
share a sign of Christ’s peace and love with your neighbor.
* Response of Praise 106—Allelujah! Allelujah! Give Thanks
Scripture Reading—Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
Hymn of Praise 104—Christ is Risen, Shout Hosanna!
Scripture Reading—Gospel of Luke
Message—The Whole Story
OT p. 565
Sherrill Heinrichs
Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi
We Bring Our Gifts for the Ministry of Christ
Offering—Easter Allelujah
Jay Althouse
Chancel Choir
* Doxology 592—Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
* Prayer of Dedication
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Song of Preparation—We will Take What You Offer
We will take what you offer, we will live by your word,
We will love one another, and be fed by you, Lord. (3x)
The Lord’s Supper
We welcome everyone who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to join in this meal.
This morning, we serve by intinction. Please come forward by the center aisle,
take a piece of bread, dip it in the cup, and eat. Return to your place via the side aisles.
If you are more comfortable to remain where you are, we will gladly bring the bread and cup to you.
For those who so need, there is gluten free bread and wine on the table.
Please help yourself when you come forward.
Invitation and Prayer of Thanksgiving
One: Christ is risen!
All: He is risen indeed!
One: Let’s celebrate this irrepressible life; let’s open our hearts
to the joy and wonder of infinite possibility, unquenchable hope, eternal resurrection.
All: We celebrate, we raise our voices and our hearts
in worship and thanksgiving to the God who lives.
One: Resurrection happened because Christ was first prepared to die.
defying death, he refused to release his hold on life and love.
So now, as he encouraged us, we choose to remember as that we can truly live.
At supper on the night before he died, Jesus took bread and blessed it.
He gave it to his disciples, saying:
All: This is my body, broken so that you may know life.
Eat it and remember me.
One: After the meal, Jesus took wine and blessed it.
Then he gave it to his disciples, saying:
All: This is my blood, shed so that you may know life.
Drink it and remember me.
One: So now, Lord of Life, we share in this meal, we celebrate together,
and we remember you. And we will continue to do this until resurrection
has flooded the whole creation. Amen.
As this bread and this juice become for us in this moment
your life-giving body and blood, may we who share this meal
be joined with you and with one another as one body,
united in resurrection life, sharing with all of creation your eternal salvation. Amen.
All: As we break this bread, we receive Christ’s life.
In all our diversity, in all our individuality, as we share this meal, we are one.
* Sending Song—Come People of the Risen King
next pages
* Blessing
* Please stand if you are able.
adapted from, by John van de Laar. 2009.
Cover art: He is Risen, by He Qi, Thanks Giving Gallery.
Please join us for Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall immediately following worship.
Leading you in worship today are:
Liturgist: Carol Marsh
Director of Music: Todd Säger
Praise Band: Dan Gross as leader, percussion, guitar, Nic Cutean on guitar, Pete Zajicek on piano
The Chancel Choir
Brass Choir: Robert Lymperis, Robert Olson, Ray Oset; Trumpets: Ron Kischuk, George Troia, Trombones
Serving Communion: Peggie Schiller, Bill Stetson, Portia McDonald
Ushers: Barb Voight-Stetson, Stephanie Wicker, Jeff Wilhelmi, George Marsh
Sound Board: David Vander Weide
Visuals: Bryan Adair
Greeters: Sanctuary Door—Terri and Owen Hurbis; Center Door—Nancy Gifford
Coffee Hour Hosts: Diane and Doug Joppie
Window Flowers are placed by Jeff Keoleian in celebration of his mother, Georgenia, for her birthday.
Bill Gadsby, Bob Filter, Helene and Ray Mills, Irene DeNike, Margaret Babb, Celia and Keith Metcalf, Helen
and Bill Chapman.
If a member’s name has been inadvertently left off this list, please notify the church office. Also, please let the
church know when a member is entering the hospital or might like a supportive phone call.
This Week at Northbrook
SUNDAY, March 31
9:15 a.m.
Worship Rehearsal
10:15 a.m. Worship and Communion / KIDS’ Connection
MONDAY, April 1
Office Closed
8:00 p.m. AA Meeting—Men’s Group
8:00 a.m.
Men’s Connection
7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir
SUNDAY, April 7
9:15 a.m.
Adult Bible Class-Library
9:15 a.m.
Worship Rehearsal
10:15 a.m.
Worship KIDS’ Connection
11:30 a.m.
Adult Class / Confirmation Class
4:00 p.m. Mid Highs—Youth House
6:00 p.m. Senior Highs—Youth House
What’s the Story?
A Journey through
the New Testament
We will travel together through the territory of early Christianity starting with Galilee and Judea where
Jesus lived and taught in the Gospels, through the Acts of the Apostles, to the churches in Rome, Corinth,
Ephesus, Galatia, Colossae, Philippi and Thessalonika, ending with the mysterious Revelation of John
written on the Isle of Patmos. Using the Bible as our travelogue, you will read most of the New Testament
for this class and so grow in familiarity with The Story which is our story—and your story. Whether you
have never opened the Bible before or are veteran scholar, we will all find new relevance for our faith and
daily lives. Led by Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi.
Starts: April 17th (8 weeks long).
When: Wednesday mornings, 10:00—11:30 am
OR Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30 pm.
Where: The Library.
You can enroll by emailing Marjorie at [email protected], or calling the church office:
1. Volunteers, volunteers, volunteers! Especially security people. This year our guests will be staying all
day on Saturday so we have the option for daytime security for those who can't do nights!
2. Money for the costs associated with the program.
3. Current or relatively current magazines, VCR movies or DVDs you are willing to lend.
4. Any other ideas you have for a service you can offer
Please sign up or ask questions at the table in Fellowship Hall.
Questions? See Kathy Bauhof, Brian Long or Barb Stetson . Thank you
PWN Book Discussion
Join us as we read Rules of Civility by Amor Towles. The story takes place in 1938 in Manhattan and
is about a young woman’s adventures in New York’s high society. Our discussion will take place on
Monday, April 15th at 7 p.m. in the Library.
Fundraising for Youth Mission Trip
PYCT will be hosting a Mom 2 Mom Sale on Saturday, April 27 from 9 a.m.-noon. A Mom 2 Mom Sale is
where people can rent a table and sell their gently used baby, kid, and maternity items. Tables can be
rented for $20 each, and admission to the sale is $2. Come find some great bargains and support the
Youth Mission trip! Contracts for table rentals can be found at or by contacting
Tracey Watt, [email protected]. This event is open to the community!!
Adult Mission Trip May 5-10
We are fast-approaching our adult mission trip to Henryville, Indiana . If you have not received forms to
be filled out for this trip and plan to go with us, please call Sherrill Heinrichs at 248-798-7643 right away.
There were a few places that just opened up that were offered to us in case anyone else would like to go.
We will be staying in motel style rooms which will be very comfortable. There are all sorts of jobs in all
skill levels so come even if you don’t think you have any skills at all. There are opportunities for everyone.
DRIVER SAFETY CLASS POSTPONED The leader for the AARP-sponsored Driver Safety Program, scheduled
for Tuesday, Thursday, April 16, 18, was suddenly taken ill. It is necessary to re-schedule the program at a
later date. The checks will be returned to the owners as soon as possible. We appreciate the warm response
from those who planned to participate in this important community wide program.
We are Nurturing, Engaging and Educating young children at Northbrook Preschool.
Our children are very busy playing and learning. We are currently enrolling. If your child or someone you
know would like to attend our school or ask some questions, please contact Pamela Grim, director, at
642-0200 Ext 16 or by email [email protected]. Check out our web site at Northbrook Preschool needs you to promote us. We are the best kept
secret around. Spread the word!
Take Them A Meal
Would you like to provide meals for others in our congregation? From time to time, when members are ill or
going through a transition, Northbrook members provide meals, primarily dinners. Join us to be part of a
group to be contacted when the need exists. Contact Peggie Schiller at (248)539-2114 or 318-3350 or
[email protected].
Coffee Hour
Please sign up in Fellowship Hall to host a coffee hour. The Sunday custodian will prepare the coffee and tea.
Coffee cake and other treats are provided. You need to arrive a little early to set the table and cut the coffee
cake which is frozen and must thaw. If no member volunteers, only coffee and tea will be served. Please find
a week when you can do your part to bring your gifts of hospitality to others!
Condolences are extended to the family of Shirley Jones who passed away on February 15 in Lakeland,
Florida. Shirley was a long time member of Northbrook before moving to Florida to be near family. If anyone
would like to send a card of condolence, her daughter’s address is:
Mrs Joanne Church
P.O. Box 1205
Castelton, VT 05735-1205
Corinne Abatt
Floyd and Reed Abatt
The Annett’s
Bruce and Fran Annett
Diane Walker
Cheryl Ardis
Eric Schweinsberg
Michael Schweinsberg
Thomas Poster
Kathy and Michael Bauhof
Our fathers, Bud Muller and Fred Bauhof
Nancy Best
Anna and Carl Michayluk
Kim Bowden-Adair
Bill and Ann Bowden
John Adair
Janice Carroll
Our parents and son
Cheryl and Michael Clemens
Jack and Lorna Clemens
Josephine Colville
Jim Colville
Barbara L. Davidson
Family and friends
Cliff and Marilyn Dean
Alma Wetters
Kathie Doctor
Ivan Doctor
Sallie Dorer
Victor K. Dorer, Jr.
Nancy Gifford
Lawrence Gifford
Jennifer Forgach-Gross and Dan Gross
Bruce Gross
MaryAnne Glaza
Greg Heisey
Marie Heisey
Carolyn Hemmye
Flossie Milkins
Linda and Bruce Hermes
Loved Ones
Anne Howe
Robert and Elaine Howe
Judy Hogarth
Mary Jo Johnston
Our wonderful family
Dorathy and Donald Ketai
Our parents
Phyllis and Anne Klinger
Winnifred and Richard Klinger
Florence Frederick
Phillip Beckett
Lois Kurta and Family
John Kurta
Marilyn Nesbitt
Loved Ones
Kim, Frank and Kirk Norton
Stan and Alice Alger
Francis and Dolores Norton
Judy and Phil Owen
Harold and Mildred Owen
George and Eleanor Helberg
Seglinda and Clyde Pritchard
Our families and loved ones
Mary & Tom Sandercock
Donald Sandercock and Jeannette Woodley
Peggie Schiller
Ruth and Barney Kubisiak
Gloria and Sid Schiller
Beverly and Jeff Singer
John and Marilyn Murphey
Judy & Bill Swink
William F. Swink, Sr.
Carl A. Lamparter
Landa G. Dragich
Virginia Thackaberry
Milton and Ilene Thackaberry
Milton Thackaberry III
Margorie Gretsinger
Audrey and Don Upward
Barbara Pyett
The Voight-Stetson Family
Marvin Voight
William Stetson, Sr.
Norris Wetters
Alma Wetters
Jeff and Marjorie Wilhelmi
John Jaques
Gregory Wilhelmi
Cheryl Ardis
Eleanor Poster
Helen and Bill Chapman
Fremont and Jennie Moe
Irvin and Georgia Chapman
Cheryl and Michael Clemens
Walter and Barbara Allison
Jennifer Forgach-Gross and Dan Gross
Dylan Gross
Lee Anne and Don Hemberg
Our children, parents and grandchildren
Diane and Doug Joppie
Children and grandchildren
Tricia and Frank LaSota
Allison and Claire
Carol and George Marsh
Our granddaughters
Celia and Keith Metcalf
Our family
Judy and Phil Owen
Our children and grandchildren
Alma and Dick Ross
Our grandchildren
Sue and Christopher Smith and John Gialanella
Our families
Gayle and Bill Travis
Family and friends
Suzy and Carl von Ende
Our children and grandchildren
The Watt Family
Our family
Donna and Walt Young
Our family
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Deadline for the Bulletin – 3:00 p.m. Tuesday
E-mail bulletin announcements to [email protected]
Deadline for Northbrook Notes (newsletter)-15th of the prior month
E-mail newsletter articles to [email protected]
More news and calendar information can be found online at
Northbrook Presbyterian Church
22055 W. Fourteen Mile Road
Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025
Telephone (248) 642-0200 FAX (248) 642-7495
Office Hours : Mon-Fri: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi, Pastor