Central Times - Glencoe District 35
Central Times - Glencoe District 35
Central Times Volume 4 No. 3 Central Times Staff Charlie A. Josh B. Will C. Matt C. Bob H. Kelvin H. Shelby J. Jonathan K. Dylan K. Matthew K. Eric K. Alex L. Ben L. Emma M. Spencer M. Will N. Erik P. Celeste P. Rebecca R. Emma R. Brian R. Tyler S. Becki S. Jeremy S. Charlie S. Jessica S. Allison S. Ilanah T. Jonathan T. William T. Hayden W. Christian V. K. Margot Y. Faculty Advisor: Ms. Melamed Red Ribbon Week By: Rebecca R. Central School has a Red Ribbon Week every year to teach kids that drugs are bad for your mind and your body. Central has students dress up in different ways that represent why you shouldn’t do drugs. On Monday students dressed in sweats (being drug free is no sweat!), on Tuesday students wore a hat (put a cap on drugs!), on Wednesday students wore their favorite team shirt (team up against drugs), on Thursday students dressed in blue (drugs give you the blues) and on Friday students wore mismatched clothes (drugs and I don’t mix). The advisory with the most participation wins a party. The snowflake members also made posters. But how did Red Ribbon week start? It all started with a man named Enrique Camarena. He grew up in a dirt floored house and dreamed to one day make a difference. Camarena worked hard to go through college and then served in the Marines. He decided to become a police officer and then joined the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. His mom didn’t want him to go. He told her he went to make a difference. He was sent undercover to Mexico to investigate a major drug cartel that involved Mexican army officers, police and the government. On Feb. 7, 1985 five men shoved him into a car and drove away. He was later found dead and had been tortured by drug criminals. In his honor a California Congressman and Camarena’s friends and family members wore red ribbons. Then more community groups decided that the last week of October they would wear red ribbons as a symbol of a drug-free pledge. The first national campaign was in 1988. Red Ribbon week is now the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the United States. Single Gender Schools? By: Emma R. and Charlie S. The Statistics: boys in coed classes: 37% scored proficient girls in coed classes: 59% scored proficient girls in single-sex classes: 75% scored proficient boys in single-sex classes: 86% scored proficient” Information provided by: Dr. Leonard Sax, executive director of NASSPE PROS: -Studies have shown that girls and boys receive better grades when they are in a single sex class -Many teachers believe that their children focus more when they are in a single sex class CONS: -It costs a lot of money to go to a single sex (private) school -It does not prepare students for the real world because in the world it is not separated by sex Overall, many teachers at Central think that having single gender classes is not a good idea. They believe that going to a single gender school does not prepare you for the real world, where gender is not separated and girls and boys must learn to cooperate, and compete. Some Central Opinions Mr. Young-There is not enough information to determine whether it is better to have a single gender class. I think that it is better for boys to go to a single gender school because boys usually tend to have more ADD. Ms. Bailey-In Junior High having single gender classes is a good idea. Otherwise, as you get older being separated is not a good idea. Mrs. Geier-No, but being separated in advisory is a good idea. Mrs. Alsberg-It is not a good idea because it is not realistic in the real world. Ms. Melamed-It took girls a long time to get an equal education. Now I think school can help boys and girls learn how to work together. Emma and Charlie-It isn’t a good idea because gender is never going to be separated in real life. Opinion A Moment of Silence By: Tyler S. and Ben L. According to Illinois state law, a moment of silence at the opening of every day in the public schools used to be optional. However, last week the Illinois legislature modified the law from “may” to “shall observe a brief period of silence.” Legislators voted to override Governor Rod Blagojevich’s veto to pass the law. Controversy struck when complaints were expressed stating that the real purpose of forcing silence throughout schools is to encourage children to pray. I [Ben] believe that this is unnecessary. There is a reason that church is separated from state. They should not be mixed. If kids want to pray, they can pray in many other places, but not in public school. People have different beliefs on religion, and being forced to pray can be uncomfortable for some. On the other hand, some people think that it is important to reflect on everything that they have. It is a time to take a break and relax. It is a very debatable issue. What do you think? Interview with Mr. Couturier: By: Margot Y. and Jessy S. We interviewed Mr. C. because he is involved in helping Central School students to become more ecologically aware and the school to be more “green.” Q: What do you wish to accomplish for the environment at Central School? A: Mr. C would like the school to become “far more green.” Some ways that Mr.C finds that we could accomplish this is by recycling, using less energy, and by composting. Finally he thinks that we should recognize that “it is ok to be inconvenienced,” so that we can make our environment healthier. Q: How are you planning to make these changes? A: We should start by better educating the students about the problems of global warming and the solutions and getting the students involved. Q: What do you feel our world needs to change to make our environment healthier? A: He believes that we should accept that we need alternative fuel and “to stop caving into car companies.” Q: Do you feel the students are doing their part in helping our environment? A: He feels many of the students “are buying into its problems” and starting to recycle and compost. He noticed “the tipping point last year” when most of his students believed in global warming because of how much evidence there is. In years past the beliefs were usually “split down the middle.” Q: What do you do everyday for the environment? A: He uses Blackboard (an online homework system) to save paper, saving at least 100 sheets of paper for each assignment. Also he uses scantron tests, so he can save paper by reusing the test book throughout the day. At the moment, he is working on banning water bottles at Central School and selling Spartan reusable water bottles, so the amount of disposable bottles bought is reduced. He is also trying to get a composter for our school and solar panels on the roof. Q: What do you want the system of recycling to be at Central School? A: He feels Central School should continue recycling as much as possible: water bottles and paper, use reusable lunch bags, use less paper and reduce our use of energy! Q: Is there any extra information you would like the school to know? A: He feels the school “should be a model for the entire community,” which will eventually lead to home. The school needs to act responsibly by doing their part for the environment in order for the children to act the same way. One important fact to know is that 23% of the polar ice cap that is melting is the size of Texas. It acts as the worlds air conditioner. When the ice caps melt, the world will become much warmer. Q: What do you suggest the students do at home? A: He suggests students recycle, reuse, switch light bulbs, be less wasteful. Also, reusing towels and lunch bags makes a significant difference. Q: What is your major goal? A: Mr. C’s major goal is to turn our school into a place that is completely carbon neutral, which means not adding any new carbon into the atmosphere. Halloween 07 By: Will N. and Alex L. This year, at Central, there is the Halloween Hoopla, sponsored by the Glencoe Junior High Project and a Costume Contest sponsored by the 8th grade executive cabinet. You can compete for the scariest, funniest, most creative, best group, and best overall costumes. Remember, students can only enter in one category and costumes must follow school rules. The contest will be judged in Misner on Halloween, by the teachers. Beyond Glencoe, there are many haunted houses in the Chicago area. You can find ideas at HauntedHouseChicago.com One place to check out is the Skokie Scream Scene Haunted House (www.screamscene.com/) You can also visit the Statesville Haunted Prison (www.statesville.org/). But beware, these scary places are not recommended for kids younger than the age of 10. And you definitely will be scared. Also, for the first time the Daley Plaza in Chicago will become the Haunted Village at Pumpkin Plaza with Ghostly Games 2007. You can see the Midnight Circus , including a Human Pyramid, tightwire, acrobatic juggling,aerial acrobatics and other events Thursday through Sunday. Harold the milk man at Central By Matt K. and Erik P As some of you know this year we have a new milk man in the lunchroom. The custodian who used to take care of the milk at lunch was Harold. He was really great with the students. Even though I knew him for only a half of one quarter we became friends. But last Monday Harold was not there. The man there said Harold was going to work at West or South School. The new guy is supposed to be good also. Let’s hope so. But I will never forget my good friend Harold. He was nice to the students and we all will miss him. Do you recognize this logo? How about this one? This first design for the Chicago Olympic logo was not allowed by the Olympic committee The (Almost) Hopefully, now you do, because this second design is now the official Chicago Olympic’s logo. Chicago 2016 Olympic Games The thought of our city hosting the Olympics By: Spencer M. As you should very well know, Chicago is the official applicant from the United States to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. Chicago beat out Los Angeles, who have already hosted the games twice, and San Francisco to get the chance. Now, Chicago has to go up against Madrid, Spain, Tokyo, Japan, and Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, which just hosted a successful Pan American Games. Many people are making Chicago out to be the front runner, but we are somewhat behind the other cities. The final voting will take place on October 2, 2009 at the International Olympic Committee’s headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. It would be the first time the United States has hosted the Summer Olympics since the 1996 Atlanta Summer Games. The recent Chicago Marathon has caused a controversy. Many people think because the Marathon was a crisis, the same thing will happen at the Olympics. The Chicago Sun-Times wrote an article about the Marathon. It said that Chicago should not only be proud about the buildings and geographic location of the city, but also its people. There were many instances of people helping complete strangers during the marathon. One runner was taken by a spectator to a store and the spectator bought him two water bottles, and he was a complete stranger. The runner claims that he would have ended up in the hospital had that person not helped. We should not only be proud of the city but also of our hospitable people. One major problem Chicago is facing is the financial aspect of the Games. Chicago is struggling to find how to pay for the Olympics. The estimated price tag on the Olympics in Chicago is $5 billion. Many people also think handling the traffic will be a major problem. As you can see, there are many problems the city will have to overcome if it wants to host the Olympics. But, there are many positive attributes of our city, including being voted the best sports city on August 1, 2006 by The Sporting News. Regardless of whether we get the Olympics, we should be very proud of the city of Chicago. Are You Killing the Earth? By: Rebecca R. The PlayPumps are a new mechanism that is being used in Africa to provide a place where kids can play on a merry-go-round and also pump clean water. Water-related diseases are the main cause of death in Africa. Two out of every five Africans do not have access to to clean drinking water. Today, there are about 700 PlayPumps bringing safe water to about one million people in sub-Saharan Africa. Roundabout Out Door is the manufacture of the PlayPumps. They hope to have 4,000 PlayPumps installed by 2010 giving clean water to 10 million people in 10 different African countries. While the PlayPumps are providing clean water, children are playing on them and also staying in school longer instead of spending time dragging pots of water in their communities. Women also benefit from the PlayPump because they don’t have to carry big containers of water a long way either and have less injuries. After the PlayPump is installed, it is commercially paid to keep on going because people pay to have advertising on it and that helps maintain it each year. These PlayPumps will help many people, and hopefully bring better health to people in Africa. Here in Glencoe, West School is planning on raising money to buy a PlayPump for an African community. West will be selling t-shirts for the 50th anniversary of the school and that money will go toward buying and installing a PlayPump. They hope to raise $15,000 by the end of the year which will pay for the full purchase. By: Margot Y. Do you ever think the world is getting warmer, colder, and weirder? Well,you may be experiencing global warming. Global warming is when carbon dioxide and other gasses warm the surface of the earth and trap heat. This can cause the weather to change dramatically on the planet. The cause of this horrific change is pollution by human beings. If we walked more, polluted less, recycled, used florescent bulbs, and conserved energy, the environment would be much healthier. Some scientists believe that if we do not change our actions in 25 years, the deaths attributed to global warming could double to 300,000 people a year. I will probably be alive then and I know I do not want to experience people dying because of our filthy habits. Along with that outcome, some scientists predict the Arctic ice will melt by the summer of 2050. Not only are the glaciers beautiful, but if they melt, they will flood the cities and kill thousands of people, along with the animals living in its habitat. For example, the polar bears will become extinct. They already are dying because their habitat, the ice, is disappearing. Polar bears need the ice to rest and cannot keep swimming their whole life. They will drown. Also, have you noticed the many horrible hurricanes lately? Well, some scientists believe the strength of recent hurricanes is a result of global warming. In the last 30 years the number of hurricanes rated 4 or 5 have almost doubled. Other natural disasters like droughts and fires could become worse as well. And if you think it is only polar bears that will be extinct by 2050, well you are completely wrong. There will be more than a million species extinct. And do not think we have a long wait until our world is disrupted because animals and plants are already responding. Consider how warm the summers are now, and then imagine how it could be in ten years. The heat causes many deadly conditions and the dramatic changes of weather could become much worse. Sicknesses can accrue from global warming, for example malaria has spread to higher altitudes. If you do not believe that global warming is happening then you are ignoring all the science of global warming. The percentage of scientists who say global warming is true is now in the high 90’s. Some ways that you can help reduce global warming is by reducing your garbage and car pooling more places. You can take busses more, which are environmentally healthy because they transport many people efficiently. Some cities have also started using hybrid buses, including Chicago. Just by recycling you are already making a difference. Grab a box from your garage and there is your new recycling bin! And purchasing florescent bulbs can help because although they may cost more, they last longer. Turn lights off when you are not in the room and do not keep the water running unnecessarily. For more ideas on what you can do to save our environment go to Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth web site, at www. climatecrisis.com. There you will find many great suggestions to help with our environment. Most of the facts in this article are from the web site. So what are you waiting for? Does School Start too Early? By: Ilanah T. Is 8:20 too early for school to start? Often first period classes are the hardest because students need to wake up and try to pay attention in class. However, when you are tired it is hard to concentrate. Students need nine to eleven hours of sleep a night. But, with homework it is hard to get to bed early. When we are forced to wake up this early we almost never get enough sleep. But the real problem is that even with enough sleep, teenagers do not work well in the early morning. Most teenagers bodies naturally want to stay up later and get up later in the morning. Many studies have shown that if school started a little later, students would be able to concentrate better. Professor Russel Foster said that teens would be able to achieve more if they were able to start school in the afternoon. The Oxford University neuroscientist said that teenage students start their school days grumpy because they follow different sleep patterns than adults do. This makes them more alert, or awake, in the afternoon. Also, when kids are forced to wake up this early, there is less motivation to do well in school. "It is cruel to impose a cultural pattern on teenagers that makes them underachieve," says Professor Foster. A school in Wilton, Connecticut changed their starting times for middle and high school and it had an impressive impact. Schools that switched their starting times have experienced better test scores and reduced rates of depression. Teachers saw a positive change in students behavior and attitude. However, there are problems with that too because school would also end later, which might be a problem for after school activities. But what studies are saying is that it is better for teenager’s body clocks if school started later. Early Diagnosis for Alzheimer’s By: Hayden W. Tests have just been developed to enable doctors to diagnosis Alzheimer’s disease about six or seven years early. Alzheimer’s is a disease which affects the brain of almost 1 in 8 adults over age 65. It causes people to lose their memory, and eventually, it becomes fatal. The new blood test will work by looking at 18 proteins in the brain. If a person has an abundance of those proteins, then 95% of the time they have Alzheimer’s disease. If a person does not have a lot of those proteins, then 83% of the time they do not have the disease. Alzheimer’s continues to grow worse and worse the longer a person has it, until they can hardly remember anything, even family members. The people who have it need extreme care, and often live in nursing homes in the late stages of the disease. Alzheimer’s is a disease that is bad for the people who have it and their families, because they are unable to remember their family members and the people who take care of them. Hopefully, these blood tests will help considerably with Alzheimer’s and help families all across the world deal with the disease. Ipods in school?? By: Shelby J. Most kids these days almost all have ipods. Ipods can be used for many different things besides just listening to music. Today students in college are able to download lectures from their teachers onto ipods, though most middle schools and high school ban ipods from school use for many reasons. They think that ipods make kids unsocial, less attentive in class and may be able to cheat on tests with them. School’s think that ipods aren't things that should be used in school but only outside when your are just relaxing or walking home. Hopefully (this writer’s opinion) in the near future they will realize that ipods do help kids studey, help some kids concentrate and should be allowed in school. Dies The Fire Reviewed by: Will T. Dies The Fire is a science fiction story by S.M. Stirling. It is a story about the current world collapsed. I won’t spoil it but it is a story of when a world wide change happens. The drastic change is that everything electronic, or that uses gasoline and guns suddenly stop working. It doesn't have what you think it would have. Instead of peace in this new world, there is chaos. For example when everything stops working, many people die and the people who survive the mass deaths, begin looting and looking for food. Some move to the countryside and others resort to cannibalism. Think about it, everything stops working so all the cities in the world are pretty much dead. I recommend this book, for everyone twelve and over because it contains some harsh language and a lot of gore. Nobel Prize Committee Recognizes Gore Al Gore, former Vice President, and presidential candidate, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize Friday, October 12, 2007. “I will accept this award on behalf of all the people that have been working so long and so hard to try to get the message out about this planetary emergency,” said Gore. As you can see, Gore credits this to he and his coworkers who have been working to stop global warming. The Norwegian Nobel Committee explained that global warming “may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the Earth’s resources.” That is why the global warming issue was appropriate for the Peace prize. They think that Al Gore making the world aware of global warming will help everybody. Al Gore also won an Academy Award for his Bobwon H. for best film “An Inconvenient Truth.”By: That documentary. By: Bob H. MARRIOT... HILTON... By Kelvin H. Have you ever been to a luxurious hotel, like Renaissance or Marriot? Maybe even something special in Las Vegas? Trust me, nothing you’ve ever been to equals the breathtaking views of this hotel. It’s not made of the same stuff as a usual hotel is; it’s made of ice. Everything is made of ice; beds, cups, chandeliers, etc. Yes, this is the Aurora Ice Hotel in Fairbanks, Alaska! It was a good place to situate the hotel due to the temperatures there. It’s made of 14,000 tons of snow and ice, and if it started melting, it would be disastrous. It’s only open during the winter, so the temperature is cold enough and it doesn’t repel customers with fear. For your stay, you get a parka and boots to wear, but the price is $842 for 2 nights (customers who are brave enough to sleep there only!), and $15 for a day pass (for the cautious you get a tour). The question is... Do you dare? ICE HOTEL?! Pushing Daisies The Modern Day Fairy Tale- with a Twist. Reviewed by: Becki S. The show takes place in present A day with a pie maker named Ned ( Lee Pace). Ned can bring the dead back to life, but if he touches them a second time, they die again; permanently. When the Pie Hole, Ned’s restaurant, was near closing he is caught accidentally using his unique gift by detective Emerson Cod (Chi McBride). In return for keeping his secret Detective Cod forces Ned to help him identify killers by using his gift. Ned has to bring the dead back to life and ask them who their killer is, in the span of one minute. If he keeps them alive longer than 60 seconds; someone near them drops dead. Detective Emerson and Ned’s scheme was working like clockwork. Touch them, find out the killer, touch them again, and then collect the reward. Ned’s business was booming thanks to all the reward money, but he felt very awkward touching anybody, especially his waitress Olive Snook (Kristin Chenoweth). Her love for Ned keeps her trying to win his affection, but because of his gift he refuses to get close to anyone, even his dog, Digby, who he brought back to life. All this changes when Ned’s first kiss Charlotte “Chuck” Charles (played by Anna Friel) is murdered and Ned needs to bring her to life to find her killer. She was the first girl he loved, and he doesn’t have the heart to kill her. So instead of Chuck ending up six feet under again, the funeral director dies. Now, Ned cannot touch Chuck again or she’ll die. But Chuck refuses to leave until she finds out who killed her, so she becomes the third partner in their PI business. The pilot ends with Chuck, Ned, and Detective Emerson solving a murder together, showing that a beautiful business has begun. This show is a fantastic break from reality. The characters are wonderfully funny and seem so real. The narrator, Jim Dale, givesa setup that makes you believe that this place of death and life, is real, but still beautiful. The sad subject could mean a depressing and sarcastic show, but the cast keeps it light. They honor life instead of grieve death, making the even most gruesome death seem comical. I recommend this show to everyone, even kids, because the values and positivity that this show projects is something everyone could die for. She’s Got the Best of Both Worlds By: Allison S. Hannah Montana’s Miley Cyrus is getting ready for her 56-city concert tour, starting Thursday. Recently at Ticketmaster, it has been the most desired event to get tickets for. It has even beaten out Bruce Springsteen, the Chicago Bears, and the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus. Miley Cyrus became famous from the hit TV series Hannah Montana on the Disney Channel. In this show, Cyrus plays a normal high school girl who lives a secret life as a pop star, Hannah Montana. Miley’s dad, country star Billy Ray Cyrus, also stars in this series as Miley’s dad. Billy Ray Cyrus is not at all concerned that his daughter is growing up too quickly. At 14, she is still afraid of fireworks and plays practical jokes on the people she tours with. She still has her role models, such as Hilary Duff and Kelly Clarkson. For Miley, though, the highlight of the tour will be eating in restaurants. “We go to Cracker Barrel, which is my favorite, and Long John Silver’s,” she says. “I don’t eat meat, but I love their fish and their hush puppies. I’ll eat eight buckets.” Miley will have no problem keeping herself in shape during the tour. During it, she will perform as both herself and Hannah Montana. The tour is called Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds. The Jonas Brothers are touring with her. Also coming along are Billy Ray’s brother, Mick, who is her tour manager, Miley’s mom, Tish, her sister, Noah, who is six,Miley’s grandmother, Loretta, and two of the family’s five dogs. Miley is very excited for her tour, so buy your tickets today. The Red Jumpsuits Apparatus! By: Shelby J. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus is a band that came from Jacksonville, Florida. They formed in 2003. The name The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus has no meaning whatsoever; they just chose a name and stuck with it. The band is made up of Ronnie Winter ( lead vocalist), Elias Reidy (lead guitarist), Duke Kitchens (guitarist), Jon Wilkes ( drummer), and Joey Westwood (bassist). So far they have released three albums in America. Two of their most popular songs are Face Down and Your Guardian Angel. These two songs have two different meanings, in fact they are completely opposite of each other. Face Down is a song about abuse whileYour Guardian Angel is a song about falling in love. The group is trying to get their message across America through their music. By: Christian v.K. Lollapalooza is a music festival, held in Chicago where many good bands play. Bands and artists such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kanye West, Jane’s Addiction, and many more modern artists have played Lollapalooza, including Pearl Jam last year. Old bands such as Iggy Pop and the Stooges, Sex Pistols, Public Enemy, and many more older bands were the first to play Lollapalooza. This event happens every year in the summertime, and is hosted by radio station Q101, (101.1), a very popular station in Chicago. If you’re into the music that is popular this time period, go see your favorite artists and bands play at this festival. The festival has been around since 1991, and is the biggest music festival in Chicago. So what have you got to lose - buy your tickets today! This year it will be on August 1-3 in Grant Park Family Guy is an animated show about a family in Quahog, Rhode Island. I think it is so funny because it has mature humor! It is original and different because Peter Griffin, the father, is so dumb! Seth MacFarlane writes it and created it with David Zuckerman. LOIS! CHRIS Reviewed by: Jonathan T. Stewie is Lois and Peter’s infant son who has a British accent. The Gigantic Thing 1917 By: Will C. Captain Acrylimide received a call on his radio. This was unexpected, as acrylimide, a known carcinogen, was becoming rather unpopular lately, especially among health conscious groups. But this was a big job, and Captain A was happy to oblige. The gigantic thing had just been stolen from the containment facility. This was such a big deal that the President didn’t even have to announce it to the public. The public had already been informed. Actually they hadn’t been informed. They just knew. Somehow. The Gigantic thing had been created in 1982, and its true identity had never been revealed. After the Soviet Union’s demise in ‘91, the Thing became not much more than a conspiracy theory. But it was very real. And very missing. And very wanted. And very colorful. The Ninjas were sent directly from the White House to attempt to recapture the thing. Captain Acrylimide followed close behind with his delicious armed minions who looked like sausage links. “Very interesting,” noted the president, who was a yam that came from France. The plot thickened as the Ninja’s discovered that it had been stolen by Pirates. Not just any pirates. GOLD pirates! Who wanted MORE gold. The gigantic thing was not made out of gold, it was actually made out out of cubic zirconium. So the pirates threw it into the ocean. And nobody found it. Ever. The End. Actually it was not The End, as a new gigantic thing was made. As some may be wondering, no, the Gigantic thing served no purpose whatsoever. But the government still recreated it. Now it’s the end. The End. C R E A T I V E W R I T I N G By: Jeremy S. A crisp, cool autumn breeze blew through a small girl’s blonde hair. She smiled sweetly as she passed one of her neighbors, Lady Iris. The Lady rode on her white horse, Snicket. Feeding him an apple, Iris clambered onto Snicket’s saddle, and went off down a path through the West Haven Woods. Deciding to take a shortcut through the woods to get to her cottage by the sea, the girl crossed the cobblestone street and followed Lady Iris. and Snicket. The girl tripped over a small gravestone entitled Armada Sean, 1917. Twenty years old, the girl thought. A group of men dressed in black surrounded a hole in the ground, a little bit farther up the path. The girl took a side path, passing by Lady Iris ’s horse Snicket who was laying on his side. Snicket’s eyes were open, mouth closed, fur all messy. Lady Iris took off her hat as she ran towards her horse. …five months later… Lady Iris’s eye were filled to the brim with salty tears. Still she had been crying all this time since Snicket was injured. “Ma’am,” the girl said, as she brought out a pile of fresh sandwiches and a pitcher of iced water. “What exactly happened to --” Lady Iris cut her off. “Child,” the woman said, taking a silk napkin and wiping her face, clearing her face of those horrible tears. “Carmelita, many rumors have spread from the doctors and the Protection of Various Animals Squad.” Carmelita picked up a picture of the horse, Snicket. Many tear stains drowned out the original colors of the picture. The paper was torn and crumpled. “Now it’s time for you to go,” Lady Iris said. “Carmelita, thank you for stopping by.” The girl walked out of the cottage, and fished out her bike from a hydrangea bush. Carmelita rode down the street, towards her house by Blueberry Fields. Photoshop by: Emma M. and Celeste P. Happy Halloween By Margot Y. and Jessy S. Ghostly figures creeping down the street. Witches cackling, With their bubbling pots, Potions erupting into Frankenstein figures, Vampires skipping door to door. The clock has struck 5 Children are running The gooey candy sitting lonely in bowls. Grabbed rapidly from their homes The creamy delight Oozing into their mouths Now it is trick or treat night. NONSENSE POEMS! By: Matt C. The rodents made crazy talk The fireworks trumpeted like an elephant in the Monday newspaper in the tornado and bowls spread crows sounded like an angry poodle out like flying eagles. my dog burst into a Halloween candy bar The king was eaten by a dinosaur and the magnets made an exploding house on a trip to Jurassic Park when turn into a screaming rocket engine. nirvana stepped up and started eating the cattle When Bob started a harmonica solo and James Bond ate caviar while parachuting and Anakin Skywalker turned into a minimal and ate 14 hamburgers. Which Game is Best? Bubble Trouble vs. Bubble Struggle 2 Reviewed by Josh B. Many kids liked Bubble Trouble last year. This year Bubble Struggle 2 has become known and it is even better. Once you die three times you go back to the main page and if you click “single player” to play again, you can start from whichever you have finished or been to. You can do this over and over again. Or you can try to stay alive mode and that is fun too. If you are with a friend you might as well play two player mode. In single player and two player modes, after a certain amount of levels the bubbles can only be popped when there is a small piece of it in the middle of the bubble which is blurry. There are even non circle figures in the game. Also, in this game there are more levels than Bubble Trouble. Alien Disorder Reviewed by: Jon K. and Charlie A. This is the best game ever. You can find it on the Mini Clip website. The object of the game is to defeat all the aliens (also known as gleamishes) and to save the universe. Every level has its own difficulty. Some levels were easy, and some were hard. Sometimes it was dark or really bright. We think the best weapon was the ray gun, and the best secondary weapon was the “ticky ”bomb. Our favorite alien was the “galloping gleamish” We named them this because they hop really high, and we like the name gleamish. We give this game five out of five stars. This game is very fun and exhilarating Bubble Trouble Reviewed by: Jon K. and Charlie A. This game is exhilarating and fun. Trying to dodge the bubbles while trying to pop them is so intense. It’s a great game with twentytwo levels of fun. The last level is the hardest because you start with a huge bubble, and every time you pop, it splits into three other bubbles and so on. It is basically impossible. Throughout the game you can get shields or special “power ups.” Being timed is the most stressful part. We give this game four and a half out of five stars. It is one of the best games ever made, besides Alien Disorder. VS. World Series 07 By Alex L. and Will N. We think that in the Rockies versus Red Sox World Series, the Red Sox will crush a young Rockies team. Even though the Rockies are the hottest team in baseball, they come from the bad National League. We think Boston will beat them in the fifth game of a seven game series. The MVP of the 2007 World Series will be Josh Beckett, Boston’s ace. This would be Beckett’s second World Series MVP. That is our prediction for the 2007 World Series. Time to Face the Truth- The Patriots are UnstoppableWho, Why, and How By: Tyler S. Quarterback Tom Brady of the Patriots has a lot to smile about these days. The New England Patriots have rolled over each of their opponents in the 1st three weeks in the NFL. At first, the Patriots slaughtered the Jets, and off season pick up, Randy Moss had 183 receiving yards. But people said, Well, it’s just the Jets, right? Wrong. Sunday night football. Chargers. LaDanian Tomlinson. 38-14. And that was the game that washed away all doubts about the Pats. Moss posted another 100+ yard game, Brady threw for nearly 300 yards, and the defense played as normal. Shutdown. In week 3, they demolished Buffalo 38-7. Brady threw for 311 yards and Moss had yet another 100 yard game. It’s time to face the truth that is undeniable. The Lombardi Trophy, once again, will fall in the hands of the Patriots. Tom Brady, who many view as the best quarterback in the league, has been in this position before. After all, he does have three shiny rings. The surprise of the team is the incredible play of receiver Randy Moss. Four years ago, Moss was a star for the Vikings, but disappeared with the Raiders. The Patriots had undoubtedly the best off season of any team. They signed Moss, receiver Donte’ Stallworth, and defensive machine, Adalius Thomas. Not only do the Patriots have a virtually unstoppable offense, they have possibly the best defense in the league. The core is lead by Adalius Thomas, Vince Wilfork and Richard Seymour. The only question is, will Randy Moss be able to behave and keep out of trouble. If he does that, Bill Belichick will lead the Pats to their 4th Super Bowl in 7 years. Many wondered how the Patriots did so well. The answer is simple. Get the ball to your receivers. Don’t make stupid mistakes. Work in the running game, and value teamwork. Although the Patriots have several additions to their roster, they have been playing like they have been playing with each other for a decade. Poised veterans, classic quarterback, hard-nosed defense-- It’s no wonder that Arizona will be filled with red, white, and blue clad fans February 3rd. 2007-2008 NBA Preview Atlantic: Toronto Raptors: 49-33 Boston Celtics: 45-37 New Jersey Nets: 39-43 New York Knicks: 33-49 Philadelphia 76ers: 31-51 Division Races: Central: Chicago Bulls: 51-31 Detroit Pistons: 50-32 Cleveland Cavaliers: 47-35 Indiana Pacers: 38-44 Milwaukee Bucks: 32-50 Northwest: Denver Nuggets: 49-33 Utah Jazz: 48-34 Seattle SuperSonics: 41-41 Portland Trail Blazers: 35-47 Minnesota Timberwolves: 32-50 1. Chicago Bulls 2. Detroit Pistons 3. Toronto Raptors 4. Miami Heat 5. Cleveland Cavaliers 6. Boston Celtics 7. Washington Wizards 8. Atlanta Hawks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Dallas Mavericks San Antonio Spurs Phoenix Suns Denver Nuggets Utah Jazz Golden State Warriors Houston Rockets Los Angeles Clippers By Hayden W., Bob H., and Ben L. Southeast: Miami Heat: 48-34 Washington Wizards: 45-37 Atlanta Hawks: 40-42 Orlando Magic: 37-45 Charlotte Bobcats: 33-49 Division Races: Pacific: Phoenix Suns: 49-33 Golden State Warriors: 48-34 Los Angeles Clippers: 41-41 Los Angeles Lakers: 39-43 Sacramento Kings: 34-48 Southwest: Dallas Mavericks: 54-28 San Antonio Spurs: 51-31 Houston Rockets: 47-35 New Orleans Hornets:37-45 Memphis Grizzlies: 35-47 Playoffs: 1. Bulls over 8. Hawks Bulls over Cavs 5. Cavs over 4. Heat Pistons over Bulls 3. Raptors over 6. Celtics Pistons over Raptors 2. Pistons over 7. Wizards 1. Mavs over 8. Clippers Mavs over Jazz 5. Jazz over 4. Nuggets Mavs over Spurs 3. Suns over 6. Warriors Spurs over Suns 2. Spurs over 7. Rockets The Pistons great defense will overpower the Mavericks offense. The over in six games Pistons perimeter shooting with Billups, Hamilton, Prince, and Wallace will be minimized by the Mavs’ backcourt defense in Jason Terry and Awards: Devin Harris. MVP: Chris Bosh, FC, Toronto Raptors Coach of the Year: Flip Saunders, Detroit Pistons Rookie of the Year: Brandan Wright, F, Charlotte Bobcats out of North Carolina Sixth Man of the Year: Jerry Stackhouse, G/F, Dallas Mavericks Our Top 25 2007- 2008 NCAA Basketball Preview 1. North Carolina 2. UCLA 3. Kansas 4. Memphis 5. Tennessee 6. Indiana 7. Louisville 8. Georgetown 9. USC 10. Marquette 11. Arizona 12. Michigan State 13. Washington State 14. Kansas State 15. NC State 16. Texas 17. Virginia 18. Duke 19. Stanford 20. Syracuse 21. Oregon 22. Alabama 23. UConn 24. Southern Illinois 25. Butler By: Bob H. and Hayden W. Top Freshman: 1. Kevin Love, UCLA 2. Derrick Rose, Memphis 3. O.J. Mayo, USC 4. Michael Beasley, Kansas State 5. Eric Gordon, Indiana James Naismith Ballot 1. Tyler Hansbrough, C, North Carolina 2. Brandon Rush, G, Kansas 3. Chris Lofton, G, Tennessee 4. Sean Singletary, G, Virginia 5. D.J. White, C, Indiana 2007-08 NHL Preview By: Eric K. W-L-OT Atlantic Division: New Jersey Devils: 50-23-9 Pittsburgh Penguins: 45-26-11 New York Islanders: 42-30-10 New York Rangers: 40-30-12 Philadelphia Flyers: 35-35-12 Central Division: Chicago Blackhawks: 50-25-7 Detroit Red Wings: 49-27-6 St. Louis Blues: 45-30-7 Nashville Predators: 42-37-3 Columbus Blue Jackets: 40-35-7 Northeast Division: Ottawa Senators: 49-22-11 Northwest Division: Calgary Flames: 49-28-5 Montreal Canadians: 48-25-9 Minnesota Wild: 45-32-5 Boston Bruins: 43-35-4 Colorado Avalanche 42-39-1 Toronto Maple Leafs: 40-35-7 Vancouver Canucks: 40-40-2 Buffalo Sabres: 35-40-7 Edmonton Oilers: 35-40-7 Southeast Division: Tampa Bay Lightning: 55-25-2 Carolina Hurricanes: 49-29-4 Florida Panthers: 45-35-2 Washington Capitals: 40-30-12 Atlanta Thrashers: 30-45-7 Pacific Division: Dallas Stars: 48-27-7 San Jose Sharks: 45-35-2 Anaheim Ducks: 42-35-5 Los Angeles Kings: 41-39-2 Phoenix Coyotes: 35-47-0 MYSTERY PHOTOS! By: Emma and Charlie A:Where is this painting located? C:Where is this painting located? B:Where is this picture located? D:Where is this sign located? E:Whose room is this? G:Where is this picture located? F:Where is this banner located? H:Where is this poster located? A: The hallway to the art room---B: Next to the band room-- C: The hall way to Misner-D: The girls locker room near the lunch room-- E: Mr. Viator-- F: The hallway to Misner-G: In the library--H: Across from the health room