Griffin News, Feb. 15, 2016
Griffin News, Feb. 15, 2016
Griffin News Feb. 15, 2016 FROM THE DESK OF THE HEAD HEAD— —Mr. Hookey Mardi Gras Inside… Calendar … P.2 Competence … P.3 Confidence … P.4 Character … P.5 Community … P.6 March Break Camps … P. 8 In Depth … P.9 Calendar of Events: Feb. 17—Gr. 2-8 to Mary Poppins Feb. 18—U14 BB at Toronto Montessori From the KBS French department, and main chefs, Mrs. FitzGerald and Mme. Taverner, would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who helped organize the very successful Mardi Gras held last Tuesday. Thanks to cooks, Wendy de Gravina, Jan Westhaver, Jenn Dahinten and Karlene Chapman for their contributions to the feast. Thanks to servers and clean-up helpers, Jenn Gilson, Kelly Fletcher, Lia Rizzardo, Krista Chapman and Amrina Visram, as well as all of the Grade 6-8 students who pitched in to help with cooking, serving and cleaning up after the meal. Thanks to Ms. Heo for preparing the band for performance; to Ms. Martin for helping all students design masks; and to Mr. Monkcom for technical support during the day. Grade 2-8 to Mary Poppins—Wednesday, Feb. 17 Feb. 19 - Parent Council @ 2:30 Feb. 24—Boston Pizza Famiy Night—5-8 p.m. Feb. 27—Guys and Small Frys— 6:30 at the school for dinner The Grade 2-8 classes will be leaving the school on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. to attend the Kempenfelt Community Players’ production of Mary Poppins at the Georgian Theatre. Students should be in #1 dress and bring along a water bottle (no juices or pop) and a couple of snacks, as they will be late returning for lunch. Re-registration Packages Check us out at: Website: Facebook: Kempenfelt Bay School Link to Mr. Hookey’s Columns on—http:// Kempenfelt Bay School Mrs. Wallace began handing out re-registration packages for the 2016/2017 school year last week. If you did not receive yours, please ask her for it this week. Those not picked up by Thursday will be mailed home. Media On Google Last week I put two folders into the Videos 2015/2016 shared file on Google, one for the speeches of all Gr. 4-8 finalists in the public speaking contests, and one for the events of Mardi Gras. You can download any of the files you might wish to keep. The link for this video file is in the e-mail accompanying this newsletter. 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday, February 15 No Classes: Family Day Weekend Classes resume Tuesday, February 16th, 8:30 am Tuesday, February 16 Vedette Theatre Program, in the Gym, 12:00 – 1:00 pm JK/SK Games & Crafts, in the SK room: 3:45 – 4:30 pm Grs. 3 - 5 Knit Your Own Infinity Scarf, in the Grade 1 classroom: 3:45 - 4:30 pm U10 (Grs. 3 - 4) Basketball practice, meet at the Gym: 3:45 – 4:30 pm Gr. 5 – 8 Musical CAST, in the Music Room: 3:45 – 5:00 pm Gr. 5 – 8 Musical CREW, in the Art Room: 3:45 – 4:30 pm Wednesday, February 17 Grs. 2-8 attend Mary Poppins performance at Georgian Theatre, #1 Dress buses depart KBS 9:00am and arrive back to KBS 1:30pm, students to bring a snack in pocket for intermission, lunch upon return to KBS. Grs. 4 - 6 Environment Club, in the Grade 4 classroom: 12:00 – 12:30 pm Gr. 7/8 Yearbook Club, meet in the Library: 12:30 - 1:00 pm Gr.1/2 Building Club, meet in the JK Room: 3:45 – 4:30 pm U12 & U14 basketball practice, meet in the Gym: 3:45 – 4:30 pm Thursday, February 18 Vedette Theatre Program, in the Gym, 12:00 – 1:00 pm JK/SK Indoor/Outdoor Games, meet on the Primary Bench: 3:45 – 4:30 pm Grs. 1-3 Readers Theatre, in the Library: 3:45 – 4:30 pm Grs. 1 - 8 The Yoga Project, meet in the Gym: 3:45 – 4:30 pm Grs. 5 - 8 Concert Band, in the Music Room: 3:45 – 4:30 pm U14 Basketball Game @ Toronto Montesorri School, 500 Elgin Mills Rd. E., Richmond Hill: 3:45 pm, carpool departs KBS 2:30 pm and arrives back to KBS 5:30 – 5:45 pm Friday, February 19 Assembly: 8:30 am, #1 Dress Parent Council Meeting, in the Launch Room: 2:30 pm Grs. 4-8 Battle of the Books, in the Library: 12:00 – 12:30 pm Grs. 6-8 Jazz Band, in the Music Room: 12:30 – 1:00 pm Gr. 5 – 8 Musical CAST, in the Music Room: 3:45 – 5:00 pm Upcoming Events / the next 2 weeks: Tuesday, February 23rd: U12/U14 Basketball Game @ Pickering College: 4:00 pm, bus departs KBS 3:00 pm, bus arrives back to KBS 6:00 pm Wednesday, February 24th: KBS Night at Boston Pizza: 5:00 – 8:00 pm Saturday, February 27th: Guys & Small Frys Night: Pizza at KBS 6:30pm, Barrie Colts Game 7:30 pm Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 COMPETENCE Clockwise from above: Grade 4-7 public speaking finalists wait their turn to perform for the judges. (l to r) Kristinka M., Olivia G., Jackson A., Jenna D., Bronwyn S., Ms. Lane, Hilary R., Victoria R., Anushka A., Carter D., Malcolm A., and Indigo A. Public Speaking Winners: Indigo A., Oliver R., Jackson A., Daya G., Eve F., Jensen S., Anushka A., Marin R., Connor R., and Kristinka M. Girls’ Arm-Wrestling Champs: Jensen S, Maya C., Marin R., Hilary R., Hannah J., Reese L., Cassie D., Jamie C., Victoria H., and Libby M. Boys’ Arm-Wrestling Champs: Kai K., Patrick C., Preston H., Oliver R., Konrad W., Matthew F., Adam K and absent, Malcolm A. and Carter D. Girls’ Consolation Arm-Wrestling Champs: Mia K., Sienna S., Olivia S., Olivia G., Eve F., Ellis L., Anushka A., River V., Victoria R. and Sabrina G. Boys’ Consolation Arm-Wrestling Champs: Luke L., Tate D., Joshua K., Jamie D., Matthew K., William B., Andrew H., Adam M., and absent, Colin S. Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 CONFIDENCE Top: Grade 4 students Sophie H., Sienna S. and Malcolm A. participate in a choir exercise at the CISMF rehearsal at SAC last week: Grade 8 servers Hannah J., Frankie D. and Kate H. get ready for the Mardi Gras luncheon participants on Fat Tuesday. Middle: Grade 3s perform a French song, accompanied on the violin by classmate Luke L. at the Mardi Gras luncheon; Grade 6 table servers Jack J., and William H. looking dapper in their gold tophats. Bottom: Grade 8 arm-wrestling champ Hannah J. was challenged by Mrs. FitzGerald for an assembly match. (Hannah won!); Gr. 5 students Olivia G. and Anthony C. work on a Rangoli design piece of artwork to which the entire class contributed; the U14 basketball team won 32-15 against the Gr. 8 team from Timothy Christian on Feb. 11. U12/U14 Tentative Basektball Schedule Thursday February 18th—U14 vs. Toronto Montessori School (Elgin Mills Campus: 500 Elgin Mills Road East, Richmond Hill)- 3:45PM- Carpool leaves KBS @ 2:30PM Tuesday February 23rd—U12 and U14 vs. Pickering College (16945 Bayview Ave. Newmarket)4PM. Bus departs at 3:00PM. Bus arrives back at 6:00PM Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 CHARACTER Character Theme for February - LOVING Top: Grade 1 students Solomon K. and Reese L. check out some of the Mardi Gras samplings during lunch last Tuesday; Gr. 5 student Bronwyn S, presented a powerful speech on the affects of media on girls’ images of themselves; Gr. 6 student Jackson A., and all other public speaking winners performed their speeches at assembly last Friday. Jackson spoke on the topic of Shark Finning. Middle: Grade 3 student Jasmine K. accepts the Golden Broom award, on behalf of her classmates, from Eve F. and Corey G. Bottom: Grade 8 boys’ arm-wrestling champion, Preston H., held off a challenge by Mr. Hookey for two full minutes, ending in a draw at assembly last Thursday. The crowd was definitely on Preston’s side! Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 COMMUNITY—MARDI GRAS The French/Cajun/Creole cultural festival of Mardi Gras brought a great deal of excitement to the school on “Fat Tuesday” thanks to the organizational efforts of Mrs. FitzGerald and Mme. Taverner. Top: Kindergarten students model the masks they made in art; Cajun/Creole musicians, Swamparella, got the energy going early with their performance. Middle: Grade 4s get ready to perform for the luncheon guests; table settings for lunch; guests settling in and heading down the buffet line. Bottom: Gr. 6-8 line up to perform French music; one of the Mardi Gras characters (Vitale R.) Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 COMMUNITY KBS Boston Pizza Family Dinner—Wed. Feb. 24—5-8 p.m. As part of our support of the Free The Children Charity, we sponsor a family dinner each year at Boston Pizza. Grade 8 students provide some voluntary serving and 10% of all proceeds from KBS families are donated by Boston Pizza to Free The Children. Why not buy a VISTA gift car for Boston Pizza and add another 5% to the proceeds from the evening? Parent Council Meeting—Friday, Feb. 19 at 2:30 p.m. Main Topic—Planning for an “Old Tyme Family Funne Day” in the spring with games from the parents’ and grandparents’ eras. (No batteries needed!) Tax Receipts Tax receipts are mailed out, or handed out, throughout the year, but some have to wait until the new year. At this point, possible receipts you should have on hand include: Childcare receipts—A portion of tuition is tax deductible for childcare. Aftercare receipts—a childcare expense Capital Campaign Receipt—for any cash gifts to the “I Can, I Will” Capital Campaign. Griffin Fund Receipts—for any cash donations made to support school programmes through the January 2015—December 2015 period. If you believe you are missing any of these receipts, please contact Ms. Neal in the Business Office. Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 COMMUNITY—MARCH BREAK CAMPS Forms for the March Break camps (March 14-18) are available at the front office or in Grade folders but you need to register soon to meet minimum number requirements so that camps can be planned and staffed! Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731 IN DEPTH 5 Books That Will Motivate You to Achieve Your Dreams in 2016 Diane MacEachern If you’re already watching your new year’s resolutions fade away, you need back-up! I get my back-up support from the wisdom and advice offered in the pages of the following five books. Maybe they’ll motivate you, as well. The Success Principles, by Jack Canfield – Canfield is the co-creator of the phenomenal Chicken Soup for the Soul book series. But he’s also a self-described “success coach,” whose online coaching programs focus on helping people clarify their vision and goals, overcome their fears, live by their values, and stay focused on their “core genius.” His book The Success Principles highlights 67 powerful principles that are written to clarify, motivate, and inspire. The subtitle, “How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be,” says it all. The Art of Worldly Wisdom, by Baltasar Gracian – While Canfield’s book is very focused on the 20th century, Gracian will take you back 400 years. No matter. His advice seems as relevant today as it must have been when he wrote it in the 1600s. Gracian was a Jesuit priest described as “part life coach, part Machiavelli, part Yoda” by The book is actually a collection of short, wise statements, followed by about a paragraph of explanation. For example, “Cultivate those who can teach you,” he suggests. Then: “Let friendly intercourse be a school of knowledge, and culture be taught through conversations; thus you make your friends your teachers and mingle the pleasures of conversation with the advantages of instruction.” You can read it online for free at the website. But if you buy it, you can keep it by your bedside or reading chair and dip into it whenever you need some worldly wisdom that’s otherwise not easy to find. 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer – Wayne Dyer wrote many inspiring books about success and spirituality. This was the first of his that I read, and it remains a favorite. His “secrets” don’t seem so secret once he articulates them. “Have a Mind that is Open to Everything and Attached to Nothing,” he advises. “Don’t Die with Your Music Still in You,” he suggests, which makes perfect sense. He closes his book noting that “Wisdom is Avoiding All Thoughts That Weaken You.” That may be easier said than done, but with his guidance, you may be able to get on the right path. Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work, by Chip Heath & Dan Heath – You’ve probably heard of the Heath brothers. They wrote Made to Stick, which examines why some ideas thrive while others die. In Decisive, they identify the “four villains of decision making” and suggest strategies for vanquishing each one. Their advice to “find someone who’s solved your problem” is a good antidote to the angst you might feel if you’re facing a challenge alone and have no idea what to do. “Honor your core priorities” is another part of their framework. Why is that so difficult to do? The Heaths make a good case for knowing what’s at your core, and sticking to it. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg – Probably the most famous book on this topic heretofore is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen R. Covey. I like The Power of Habit because it actually taught me how to break bad habits and create new and better ones. Duhigg is an award-winning New York Times business reporter and his ability to explain the brain science behind how we form habits is both entertaining and enlightening. The good news coming out of his book is that “habits aren’t destiny.” Once we understand how to change bad habits into good ones, we can transform our lives. Read the book and see if you agree. Kempenfelt Bay School 576 Bryne Dr., Barrie, ON L4N 9P6 705-739-4731
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