Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshop
Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshop
Equine Veterinarians Australia EVA Education Partner Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshop The Core Skills You Need to Know! When: Where: 08:30am - 5:30pm Saturday 27 October 2012; 08:30am - 12:30pm Sunday 28 October 2012. Brookleigh Estate 1235 Great Northern Highway, Upper Swan WA 6069 Brookleigh is located in the Swan Valley, just 30 minutes drive from Perth City and 15 minutes from the International and Domestic Airports. The entrance to Brookleigh is just 10 minutes north of Midland, on the left hand side of the Great Northern Highway. Visit Presenters: Anthony Hatch, Fire and Rescue NSW Dr Christine Smith, Agnes Banks Equine Clinic EVA will host a Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshop which will cover essential skills necessary in dealing with many equine emergency situations on Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 October, 2012. Why not brush up on your equine handling techniques by attending EVA’s Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue (TLAER) workshop. The workshop will cover all of the core skills you will use in day to day equine practice, from how to safely handle horses recovering from an anaesthetic, to horses cast in stables, stuck in fences, ditches, gates, barriers and floats. The skills learned at this workshop will serve you well in routine equine practice, as well as stressful equine emergency rescue situations. Bruce the mannequin horse is kindly sponsored by: Equine Veterinarians Australia A Special Interest Group of the Australian Veterinary Association Ltd. ABN 63 008 522 852 Equine Veterinarians Australia EVA Education Partner Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshop The Core Skills You Need to Know! During the workshop, Anthony Hatch (Fire & Rescue NSW and Churchill Fellow), will guide delegates through many aspects of large animal rescue and handling techniques including; •Training for veterinarians and professional animal handlers to respond to emergency situations involving horses; •How to support, assist and co-ordinate the emergency rescue personnel during the emergency; •Specific practical demonstrations on how to conduct a variety of rescue techniques for removing animals from mud, sand, creeks, tanks and trailer extraction; •Improvising Large Animal Rescue equipment. Anthony Hatch (“Hatchy”) is widely regarded as the leading Australian authority in large animal emergency rescue techniques. Hatchy is an entertaining speaker and the workshop will be very hands on. Christine Smith will discuss assessment of a horse requiring emergency assistance, recommended sedation and anaesthetic protocols, working effectively with rescue personnel as well as her experiences in stressful equine emergency situations. Participants are also entitled to a 25% discount and free postage on a copy of an invaluable book on the topic, MaryAnne Leighton and Michelle Staples’ Equine Emergency Rescue: A guide to Large Animal Rescue, at the exclusive price of $22.49 (normally $34.99 including postage). For more information, visit Equine Veterinarians Australia A Special Interest Group of the Australian Veterinary Association Ltd. ABN 63 008 522 852 Equine Veterinarians Australia EVA Education Partner WA Large Animal Emergency Rescue Workshop The Core Skills You Need to Know! 4 ive 1 Rece s point ’ d E ‘Vet tending t for a eeting! this m RSVP ESSENTIAL, NO LATER THAN... Strictly Thursday 18 October, 2012 PLEASE NOTE, WORKSHOP WILL ONLY GO AHEAD WITH SUFFICIENT REGISTRATIONS This form serves as a Tax Invoice, please keep a copy Equine Veterinarians is a Special Interest Group of the Australian Veterinary Association Ltd. ABN: 63 008 522 852 REGISTRATION (Includes refreshments) EVA Young Members & Students EVA Members PRICE (Incl. GST) NO. REQUIRED $200.00 $350.00 Approved Non-Veterinarians (SES, Fire Brigade, Police representatives, RSPCA, Municipal Rangers) AVA Members Veterinarian Non-Members $350.00 $450.00 $900.00 TOTAL $ Please Print Clearly; AVA Number (must be provided if applicable for allocation of Vet Ed points) ..................................................................................................... Name (Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss).................................................................................................................................................................................. Practice Name...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Postal address..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Postcode.............................................Telephone.........................................................Email:............................................................................. PAYMENT DETAILS (Please tick): ( ) Cheque Enclosed - payable to EVA ( ) Please charge $....................................... to my credit card Mastercard / Visa / Diners Card (Please circle) Card Number........................................./.........................................../................................................/....................................... Card Expiry......................./............................ Name on Card.................................................................................................. Signature................................................................................................................... Paying for (please print names of attendees) ..................................................................................................................................................... Please note any dietary requirements:................................................................................................................................................................. Fax to: (02) 9437 9068 Email to: [email protected] Mail to: Unit 40, 6 Herbert Street, St Leonards NSW 2065. For general enquiries, please call Claudia on 02 9431 5080.