September 2012 copy copy
September 2012 copy copy
S E P T E M B E R I S S U E 2 0 1 2 $1.50 P.P.& S . NE WS ! It is September already and I am both astonished and relieved that the Middle East war has not yet erupted. However, I believe it is only a matter of time before all hell breaks loose - literally perhaps - and the world is plunged into the chaos of war. This will be WWIII, in my opinion and as I have stated numerous times in all forms of media, it will be a game changer. ! I don’t think the average American, has a clue with what may be on the horizon. My friend and co-producer of the Watchers Series, Richard Shaw, and I recently interviewed Dan Gordon for Watchers 5: High Strangeness, and asked him about Israel’s position in light of the ongoing war in Syria and the newly elected Egyptian president Morsi. Gordon responded that it’s 1938 and we are on the verge of war. ! Here is a link to a recent story that declares the next 50 days will be a tenuous time for Israel. If war breaks out will we see a terrorist event in America? If the Israeli’s decide to hit Iran before the elections, will the US support her? I posted on the BLOG, that the USA has stepped away from supporting Israel in that endeavor, to the point of denying military aid. There’s some great articles in this months News Magazine! Dig in! L.A. 'Next 50 Days Most Fateful Since Yom Kippur War' – Hanegbi ! 'Next 50 Days Most Fateful Since Yom Kippur War' - Defense/Security - News - Israel DOUG WOODWARD RICHARD GRUND ROB SKIBA RICHARD SHAW TONY KAIL Mideast Update! 'Next 50 Days Most Fateful Since Yom Kippur War' – Hanegbi Former Head of Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Tzachi Hanegbi, hints at timetable for Iran attack. A A Font Size By Gil Ronen First Publish: 9/6/2012, 9:54 PM Tzachi Hanegbi Flash 90 "We now stand, in my opinion, before the 50 most fateful days in Israel's history, since perhaps the Yom Kippur War, in which there were also several dozen fateful days." So said the former Head of Knesset'sForeign Affairs and Defense Committee, Tzachi Hanegbi, at a closed meeting of Likud activists in Yafo. A recording of his speech reached daily newspaper Makon Rishon's reporter, Ze'ev Kam. "The prime minister will have to make decisions that will bear a price tag. Allowing Iranian nuclear weapons has a price tag. The practical result will be a nuclear arms race in the entire Middle East," he explained. "Today, when we say that we understand the danger of the Iranian threat, and understand that a confrontation bears a price, it is because we want to prevent our sons and grandson from paying unbearable prices," he said. Hanegbi, who left Likud for Kadima and is now back in Likud, called on the activists tosupport Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and to "allow him quiet" and "strengthen his legitimacy" so that he can take the necessary decisions calmly. 159724#.UEn-P6PIPIV A N a t i o n D i v i d e d ! DNC 2012: DNC Platform Changes on God, Jerusalem Spur Contentious Floor Vote DNC 2012: DNC Platform Changes on God, Jerusalem Spur Contentious Floor Vote - YouTube ANTI-CHRISTIAN HATE SPEECH SPEWS FROM THE PALM BEACH DEM CHAIR Democrat Chair Spews Anti-Christian Hate Speech | Video | If you do nothing else today take a few minutes and watch these two videos as in my opinion, they are beyond the pale. The first shows the heart of the Democratic party as a vote is taken from the floor of the convention in which the members are asked to say yea or nay, on whether God should be included in the party platform, as well as Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. It becomes clear that the Nay's have the majority and don't want God or Jerusalem as part of the DNC. Los Angeles Mayor Tony "Vallar," - his local nickname - is clearly taken aback by the vote as it was not what he expected. He then proceeds two more times for a total of three votes, to produce the answer he wants. Here's the rub, in the end he doesn't get it! Listen to the delegates as they yell NAY! It is clear that the majority of the vote is against having God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on the DNC's platform. When Vallar declares the Yea's have it there is booing and hissing! The next video is so over the top, it's hard to imagine where this guy gets his position from. In my opinion, his logic is twisted, hateful, and if a Christian said something similar the media would have a field day publicly eviscerating the person who would produce this hate speech. Yet, this guy gets a pass. As I said last night on Acceleration Radio, we are a nation deeply divided. The DNC is now officially the party of death as they embrace abortion on demand. Check the link out below. Democratic Platform aggressively pushes taxpayer-funded abortion - National Elections | In Closing todays post: We are country divided. There's now a deep ideological chasm which separates democrat from republican. While I do not believe Mitt Romney has all the answers and I certainly question his core beliefs, he is more in line with the positions I hold on abortion, God, and Israel. I believe in the sanctity of all life and that it begins at conception. I believe Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel and I'm not ashamed to state it here. I believe in an almighty, good, God, who will at some point reveal himself once again when his only begotten son Jesus, returns. And no, I don't want Jews to convert to Christianity, only to examine the evidence that their Messiah came 2000 years ago, for prophecy states: they will look on him whom they have pierced and mourn for him as an only son. From the BLOG! THE L. A. MARZULLI LECTURE SERIES! David Wilcock Audio & Video Archive | Download All of David Wilcock's Free MP3 Interivews | Stream All Videos The L. A. Marzulli Lecture Series is Available Now! Go to Conferences are wonderful but many people can't attend for a variety of reasons. Sam Miller teamed up with me and produced The Lecture Series. There are over nine hours of information, complete with Power Point presentations that are taken directly from my books. These are a great resource and will arm you and your loved ones with the facts that you need to understand the times in which we are living. L. A. Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for your watchers series as well as the messengers of deception! I watched you on Sid Roth and had wanted to watch your video's for some time now, so I ordered them. They really answered a lot of questions I had about the many deceptions going on and how satan uses all these different people to push his agenda. The way you teach about the new age and other deceptions makes it very easy to spot now, which is awesome!!!! The Lord has given you a very needed ministry to keep the eyes of His children open and watching in this crazy time we live in! Thanks again! God Bless Karen W. U F O U p d a t e ! Here is how our media treats the UFO phenomena. Notice that the two talking heads at the desk introduce the story and instead of the little-green-men, tongue-in-cheek, scenario they treat it seriously. The reporter also does a good job and covers what is going on, in a serious manner. She uncovers a story I never heard before, which involves a crashed disc in 1941. A minister was called to the scene and sworn to secrecy by our government, who admonished him afterward not to talk about what he had seen. In my opinion this is “Soft Disclosure,” in that it informs the public of what is going on in a non-threatening way. Of course you would think announcements like this would have an affect on the public, that there would be a cry of outrage at our government suppressing so-called, ET contact. However, there’s not a peep from the citizenry! Disclosure is happening and at some point we will see full disclosure when our government announces that they have known for decades that ET is real. How will you and I fare when that info hits? How will the revealing of the so-called extraterrestrial presence affect our Christianity? L.A. UFO Sightings in Jackson, Missouri August 3, 2012 UFO Sightings in Jackson, Missouri August 3, 2012 - YouTube R o b S k i b a keep getting e-mails forwarded to me about "Beseeching the Lord for this nation" in regard to the upcoming presidential election. Such e-mails usually include 2 Chronicles 7:14 as part of the message:" I If my people, which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." With respect, I must point to the above quoted Scripture (2 Chronicles 7:14) as our only hope. It is not and cannot be in some U.S. president. I believe it is time for us to understand that our votes really do not matter. I mean seriously; how many voter fraud cases do we need to see before we realize that the system is rigged? How many illegal aliens, dead people, cartoon characters and dogs have to “cast their votes” (again) before we realize that the entire process is a fraud? It’s a system designed to keep us thinking that we actually have a say in what takes place in Washington, D.C., but the harsh reality is that we do not. I realize that many will take offense and dispute this point of view. I’m sorry for that. But when you consider the astronomical odds that 43 out of 44 presidents have all been related to just one guy (King John Lackland of England, signer of the Magna Carta), you quickly realize that we do not have presidents "elected" of the people, by the people, for the people. Looking back through history, it seems more likely that we have presidents of the illuminati, by the bankers, for the elite. They are hand-picked and placed, not voted for and elected. And they like to keep things “all in the family.” That’s probably why someone like Ron Paul keeps getting kicked to the curb. Looking at our two “choices” this year it must be noted that Obama is related to both Bush and Cheney [ item_KJXdKMwZqBgHPdXXdGWnEP ]. And Romney is related to six former p r e s i d e n t s ! [ h t t p : / / w w w. h u f f i n g t o n p o s t . c o m / 2 0 1 1 / 1 2 / 2 0 / m i t t romney_n_1160732.html ]. The whole thing is one big scam people! Your votes are completely meaningless and serve as nothing more than useless acts of futility. You don't actually "elect" anyone. All you are doing is placing your stamp of approval on people the Luciferian elite have propped up as their choice to rule over you and advance their objectives. Watch this video for more: http:// Putting my tin-foil hat aside, even if the above were not true, we must acknowledge that Romney is not really going to be that much different from Obama in terms of what he’ll do for this country. From what I understand, the man is a Mormon, who supposedly has affiliations with both the Freemasons and the Council on Foreign Relations and who has probably been a Bilderberg member too. He also picked Paul Ryan (a man affiliated with the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus and an CFR initiate) as his choice for Vice President. Folks, none of that is good for this country! Many say, "Well, I know, but he's the lessor of two evils." To which I must respond, "But you're still voting for evil!" Voting for evil is an endorsement for evil and participation in a Babylonian matrix, therefore, again I must return to 2 Chronicles 7:14. That needs to be our singular focus - not voting, elections and endorsing evil. Thus, I believe praying for the outcome of elections is counter-productive. Why would I pray for evil (no matter who gets Selected) to rule this nation? That's like beseeching the Lord for Satan to be our master! Not a good idea in my humble opinion. Sadly, we’ve all been brainwashed into thinking that it is not only our patriotic duty to vote but also that it’s some sort of Christian, moral mandate that we do (though I have yet to find a book, chapter and verse in the Bible that would support that view). What’s worse is you’re labeled an unpatriotic heretic if you don’t. Someone might even “defriend you” on Facebook too! Oh, the horror of it all. But the reality is I believe we will be held accountable for who/what we endorse in this life. We as Believers in Christ need to get our focus back on what really matters and understand that you can't fix Babylon with Babylon. The call of the Last Days is to "Come out of Babylon my people." It’s not, “Get out and vote!” But you wouldn’t know that by attending most churches these days. Where do you see the Israelites voting, casting lots or praying for a Pharaoh to rule over them? Where do you see the Apostles beseeching the Lord for a better Caesar to be their master? What Biblical precedence do we have for endorsing evil and actively seeking to have it control us? Anytime you see anything remotely resembling such acts, it is not good. In closing, I'd like to submit chapter 8 of 1 Samuel for your consideration: 1 And it came about when Samuel was old that he appointed his sons judges over Israel. 2 Now the name of his firstborn was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judging in Beersheba. 3 His sons, however, did not walk in his ways, but turned aside after dishonest gain and took bribes and perverted justice. 4 Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah; 5 and they said to him, “Behold, you have grown old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations.” 6 But the thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 The Lord said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them. 8 Like all the deeds which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day—in that they have forsaken Me and served other gods—so they are doing to you also. 9 Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall solemnly warn them and tell them of the procedure of the king who will reign over them.” 10 So Samuel spoke all the words of the Lord to the people who had asked of him a king. 11 He said, “This will be the procedure of the king who will reign over you: he will take your sons and place them for himself in his chariots and among his horsemen and they will run before his chariots. 12 He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and of fifties, and some to do his plowing and to reap his harvest and to make his weapons of war and equipment for his chariots. 13 He will also take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. 14 He will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and your olive groves and give them to his servants. 15 He will take a tenth of your seed and of your vineyards and give to his officers and to his servants. 16 He will also take your male servants and your female servants and your best young men and your donkeys and use them for his work. 17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will become his servants. 18 Then you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” 19 Nevertheless, the people refused to listen to the voice of Samuel, and they said, “No, but there shall be a king over us, 20 that we also may be like all the nations, that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.” 21 Now after Samuel had heard all the words of the people, he repeated them in the Lord’s hearing. 22 The Lord said to Samuel, “ Listen to their voice and appoint them a king.” So Samuel said to the men of Israel, “Go every man to his city.” - 1 Samuel 8 (NASB) We wonder why our government takes and takes and takes? Well, there it is, right in the (forgotten) pages of Scripture. And in case you haven’t noticed, our 'kings' are taking a LOT more than a tenth these days! Pray all you want for the outcome of this coming election, but if 1 Samuel 8 has anything to tell us, it appears to be saying that God will simply reply, "You got what you wanted. Now you'll have to deal with the consequences." Whenever we chase after and/or endorse evil, that’s what we’ll get and must therefore take responsibility for supporting. As for me and my house, our passion, efforts and financial contributions are going to go toward advancing the Kingdom of God and serving the King of kings and Lord of lords rather than putting our hope, trust and valuable (much needed) resources into a system built on corruption, greed and the advancement of Luciferian agendas. - Rob Skiba Author, Babylon Rising: And The First Shall Be Last C H I T Z E N I T Z A ! ! A few months ago I received an invitation, by Power Places Tours, to speak at Chtizen Itza on December 21, 2012 in this worldwide event. Chitzen Itza is where the Mayan god Quetzelcoatl is supposed to return. The ruins boast one of the largest and enigmatic pyramids on the planet, as the shadow of a serpent seems to slither down the pyramids side on the solstices. This begs the question, how did a people that didn't have the wheel, able to construct such a complex? Here's the rub. I won't go alone as it is going into the belly of the beast as it were. I knew that I needed to adhere to the Biblical mandate of not going alone. What I did not know was that Russ Dizdar and Richard Grund - you couldn't pick better fox hole buddies – were praying for an opening to be at Chitzen Itza on December 21, 2012 on their own. Russ felt the leading of the spirit to be there and Richard was praying for an opening to take his team (SRT) to be there as well. My invitation to this event was an answer to their prayers. Both Russ and Richard have signed up to accompany me to Chitzen Itza. Also coming along with Richard is fellow SRT member Larry Barrett. Larry is a high level security consultant and founding member of SEAL Team 6 who will assist in the oversight of our security as well as partake in the spiritual warfare expected. The challenge is to raise money to get them there. This is an amazing opportunity to represent the Kingdom of God to stand in the way of or possibly confront what may manifest there on December 21, the so-called return of the Mayan god Quetzlcoatl. It is not by accident that this is happening! Please pray about how you would support us in this endeavor. We need to raise $12,000 to get Russ, Richard and Larry, to be able to sign up for the tour and accompany me. Blessings L. A. Marzulli HERE’S THE LINK TO THE SITE! Yucatan 2012 We have reached our goal!!! It appears that Russ, Richard, Larry and I are going! We covet your prayers! D o u g W o o d w a r d Mind, Matter, and Aliens In the last article for this newsletter, I dealt with an intriguing phenomenon that existed historically in America between science fiction writers and rocket scientists in the 1940s and 50s. Jack Parsons the notorious founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and his cadre of science-fiction writer friends (that included among others, the equally infamous L. Ron Hubbard as well as the highly reputed writer Ray Bradbury) had much to do with the novel notions of ‘outer space’ and even the development of actual technologies spurring the emergence of the space travel industry. Rocket Scientist and Black Magician Jack Parsons My article posed these questions: What is the relationship between the ‘imaginings’ of these science fiction writers and the surreal if not paranormal activities that began to be witnessed not only surrounding them but in our skies overhead, starting in 1947 and especially beginning in 1952? Was there any relationship to the fact that these noted authors were conjuring up imaginary spaceships (by their literary works and, in some cases as with Parsons and Hubbard, through literal ritual magic), and the reality UFOs were becoming more commonplace with sightings, abductions, and a general interest amongst the population with such subjects? Was the massive cultural enthusiasm beginning in the 1950s somehow giving rise to the realities that were appearing on our radar scopes? This line of reasoning might suggest my theory regarding the appearance of UFOs has nothing to do with whether they really exist and everything to do with whether we believe in them. In other words, perhaps the reader infers I believe skeptics never see UFOs and true believers almost always do. If that were so, would it not be the case that flying saucers, aliens, and messages from ‘outer space’—supplied through their compliant, if not adoring channelers—are all merely a psychological phenomenon? Wouldn’t this be the outer space equivalent of a physical illness (psycho-somatic condition) brought about by a mental matter on a societal scale, i.e., a social pathology akin to group think? Aren’t UFO witnesses just seeing things because they ‘wish them to be so?’ Are these disc-shaped vehicles which defy the known laws of aerodynamics simply mental tricks caused by earnest believers who want them to real, perhaps because they prove ‘transcendence’ (i.e., a ‘meaning to life’) for those who believe? Are aliens a surrogate for God? The answers to these questions appear to be, at least from my perspective, all partially “Yes”. But it isn’t because our minds trick us into seeing what isn’t there. That explanation is much too simple. Based upon the most recent witness of how physics works in the space-time world, such space ships may materialize, literally, partially because our minds contribute something to their appearing. In other words, our minds play a role in making them come into being in the physical world. How can this be so? Throughout the study of alien appearances, their anti-gravity propelled transportation, and their messages of warning for the human race (that we better had mend our ways or we will wake up one morning and find our world a roasted cinder), favorable researchers typically assume they are only reporting “just the facts ma’am” as Jack Friday from the old TV show, Dragnet would instruct his witness. However, there may be more to ‘the facts’ than the commonplace worldview allows. Furthermore, it isn’t just how our minds shape the data that comes our way (as the famous philosopher begetting the science of epistemology[i], Immanuel Kant, might explain). It has more to do with the recent discovery that our minds help create physical reality—at least a little—but to a scientifically measurable extent. Additionally, when one gathers enough intelligent persons together thinking about topics about which they feel earnest, the ‘power of the combined minds’ may alter the space-time world and thus, reform reality. It even seems this ‘alteration of reality’ which we witness today could be based in part upon what we will be ‘thinking about’ tomorrow. Experiments done during the past two decades regarding random number generators and how they are influenced by mental processes (both local and global) seems to provide a scientific basis for this fact.[ii] As far out as it seems, effects can influence causes in contradistinction to Newtonian and even Einsteinium physics. The universe is more mysterious than we thought. In this short article, I won’t pursue the epistemological implications of these newly argued views proffered by various physicists and cosmologists, some of which believe in intelligent design and others even the God of the Bible. Instead, I wish to open the door to a powerfully related example of the interplay between “mind, matter, and aliens.” This issue actually suggests a number of intriguing things about the increasing cases of UFOs, alien abductions, channeled messages from outer space, and ultimately the false gospel of nurturing aliens who created humankind (or at least altered our supposed ‘evolution’ a million years ago—or as the late popular author and Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin proposed—within the past 60,000 years). Here is my thesis: our minds are not simply receptors of neutral data transmitted our way by outside entities (be they egalitarian extraterrestrials or much more likely, malfeasant spiritual beings who, if they had their way, would control us). We create the opportunity for receiving messages that usually go unheard, based upon what we choose to believe. We willfully open a ‘hailing frequency’ as they used to say in Star Trek. We start searching for messages that may have been there all along, but to which we weren’t ‘sensitized’. Colloquially speaking, “We ‘didn’t have our ears on.’” By ‘dabbling’ with certain sorts of transmitters (drugs, rituals, Ouija boards) we establish contact. Once we do, a whole new reality begins to bleed into our ‘everyday world’. Again, this isn’t just a case of allowing our minds to trick us; the empirical world—reality itself—is altered. Space-time is no longer exactly the same. By our ‘active receptivity’, we allow spiritual beings to become interlopers (or more plainly, party crashers) in what happens in our world. It takes two to tango. Or saying it another way without mixing the metaphor: they want to dance but we have to turn on the music. We may assume that what we think or believe has little to do with what happens in the world, but science proves otherwise. Just as the Ghostbusters learned when asked to “choose the form of the destroyer” even a hypothetically docile entity, say a giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, can really ruin your day. In the last article, I referenced the book by Nick Redfern, Final Events and the Secret Government Group on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife. Redfern brings a considerable amount of useful information to his readers. Indeed, I deem it one of the most important books to read and study (carefully) on the subject of Ufology. Going back to Jack Parsons, the point of the so-called Jack Parsons ‘techniques’ which the clandestine group, The Collins Elite purportedly studied [iii] was that the scraps of materials left in the desert near Roswell in 1947 (that may or may not have included bodies), were actually artifacts created as a result of the rituals Parsons and his occultic colleagues performed. His rituals ‘opened a portal’ which allowed entities (from another dimension) to deposit highly strange and unique materials from ‘out of this world’ in an attempt to prove visitors from interstellar space had been there. The famous ‘memory metal’ that couldn’t be permanently bent or damaged by earthly tools (hammers and such) was only one of these items that were intentionally spun like Rumpelstiltskin’s gold by these ‘dream weavers’ from another dimension. Therefore, their deception was purposeful. They wanted to give evidence ‘in molecular form’ to prove aliens from the far reaches of outer space were visiting our world. And as the false gospel of ancient alien theory proclaims, they weren’t just light-hearted tourists out to see the sights. According to their admirers, their loitering around our planet was to look in on their ‘creation’ and nudge us the right direction before we destroy ourselves. Consequently, I argue that Roswell evinces a real connection between mind and matter—or between spiritual realities and physical realities which is another way to say the same thing. The two dimensions can intersect. And the residue of their interconnection can leave physical evidence behind. Think of ‘Slimer’ and the green gel-like ectoplasm he covered Bill Murray’s character with in Ghostbusters, the movie. Going beyond ‘green slime’, The Collins Elite came to see through the ‘evidence’ and realized it was planted by not-so-distant provocateurs in a grand, cosmological deception. That is to say, they didn’t believe that flying saucers and space aliens were the real actors littering this elegant ‘space junk’ around the Foster ranch at Roswell. They came to believe the entities were ‘local’ albeit from a nearby dimension known as the spiritual realm. It is astonishing that a Federal group of intelligence personnel would come to this conclusion. However, after years of research that is exactly what happened. And yet, it is only part of their amazing story (perhaps to be taken up in more detail another time). The mind/matter connection (we should say the mind/matter interaction) was made even more concrete by the fact that ‘hooking up’ with the aliens was done mostly through ‘altered states of mind’. A former member of the Collins Elite, the ‘informer’ to Redfern, one Richard Duke, related a pertinent anecdote regarding meetings between the Elite and the notorious Andrija Puharich (one of my most favorite colorful characters of the UFO and ESP worlds, coincidentally the uncle of one of my good friends, and a character I discuss in depth in my last book, Power Quest: The Ascendancy of Antichrist in America). Although officials denied that there was ever any research connection between the government and Puharich, yet meetings and discussions did take place (Puharich was a noted specialist in channeling, ESP, studies in LSD on behalf of the military, and the central authority in the appearance of the so-called “NINE” forces from outside our solar system claiming to also be the so-called Egyptian ‘ennead’ or ‘gods’. These bodiless voices continually predicted their physical return—although in case you haven’t noticed, so far they remain ‘no-shows’ [iv]). Redfern indicates the whole subject “‘went black because of the UFO thing and the Parsons theories.’ No one wanted to admit—and have Congress, the media and the public know—that they were digging into controversies suggesting a link between UFOs, demonology and altered-states of mind.” [v] Redfern goes on to provide a reference to a particular report shared between J. Allen Hynek, the noted UFO military consultant charged with obfuscating UFO accounts (but who ultimately came to believe in UFOs) and Jacques Vallee (the well-regarded UFO researcher and author) and related to a meeting held on July 9, 1959 at the CIA office in Washington “under the direction of Arthur Lundahl of the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center. Present at the meeting was a representative of the Office of Naval Intelligence, and seven CIA officers— three of who [sic], Richard Duke maintained, were attached to the Collins Elite. Three days prior to the July 9 meeting, a Naval Intelligence officer, one Commander Larsen, discussed with Lundahl… [a failed experiment which involved a Naval intelligence contact, Francis Swan in the summer of 1954]… Larsen was encouraged to repeat the experiment, which involved him ‘going into a trance,’ [he] later told writer and filmmaker Robert Emenegger. This time it was successful: a flying saucer suddenly appeared on the scene.” [vi] Redfern comments The Collins Elite were “bothered by the fact that some intelligence officials were now being influenced by the saucer people to such an extent that they, too, were being seduced into entering altered states to contact what might just as well have been demons as extraterrestrials.”[vii] [Emphasis added] All deeds were purely performed in the interest of science of course. The point of this article can be summarized as this: If real physical extraterrestrials were coming to earth, traveling to us from dozens (if not hundreds) of light years away, and therefore had mastered the physics of the universe, one would suppose that they needn’t rely upon the human mind to give them a point of entry into our world. We are, after all, still waiting for their space-ship to land on the White House lawn despite the fact they’ve been feigning appearances, according to their many mediumistic adherents, for decades—if not several centuries. For instance, the Maya are waiting for their feathered serpent god, Kukulkan to reappear in 2012. But why do they (and many new-ager newcomers) have to prepare the way of his coming by religious rituals? If this is so, what does it say about the nature of extraterrestrials? Could they be more psychic than physical? Could they be ‘gods’ (ultradimensional beings) and not ETs? Furthermore, the facts also suggest alien appearances mimic apparitions (now you see them, now you don’t—which also seems to imply phantasms require the cooperation of the mind); hence, their corporeal substance is highly questionable. Yes, these entities sometimes can “break on through to the other side” as singer Jim Morrison of The Doors advised in a song by the same title (in his case, his preferred door opener was mescaline—a substance-of-choice shared by Aldous Huxley—of whom Morrison’s lyrics and the band’s name itself were inspired). But these beings require some force or capacity of the human mind to make the magic happen. Exactly what this suggests about the final event, i.e., the outcome of the gospel of alien astronauts, is open to further discussion (a future dialogue with the reader in which I hope to engage). Nevertheless, the spiritual dangers do suggest that when someone opens a portal ‘to the other side’ aka ‘the doors of perception’—about which Huxley and Morrison were champions—responsible spiritually attuned beings, namely Christians, best find a way to close the door as quickly as possible. For as we’ve seen from the famous debris field created in the New Mexico desert circa July 1947, there really is no telling what type of matter the cat (or in our case, the mind-altered ‘mediums’, ritual magicians, and their alien friends) might drag in. References [i] Epistemology is the science of ‘knowing’. It examines how we know and even ‘how we know we know’. Faith, reason, knowledge, the mechanisms of how our minds work (not just how our physical brains function) are all part of this science. Kant was not the first to take up the subject, but he was the most important. He attempted to build a case for human knowledge based upon ‘how we think’— that while not proving our thinking corresponds to reality “as it is”—he believed categorizing how we think and how our minds structure the data coming to us through our senses, was a legitimate basis for science and ultimately for faith. To go on just a little, although for Kant faith relied more upon a notion of ‘ought’ and not just a categorical imperative—akin to dismissing something as true only if when it corresponds to the way our minds work. How ironic his approach was developed to respond to the skepticism of David Hume. For when he was done defining the ‘categories of the mind’ and distinguishing ‘transcendental truth’ (how human’s know things) from ‘transcendent truth’ (a perfect knowledge only God could have) Kant had actually paved the way for greater doubt in the world of philosophy. [ii] This discussion is carried out in a helpful way by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince in their recent book, The Forbidden Universe (2011), a story on how Hermeticism (the ‘high’ occult teachings of the ages) influenced the formation of modern science. While not agreeing with the spiritual conclusions drawn by the authors, I can recommend the book for a lively discussion and readable explanation about these intriguing possibilities. [iii] For readers not familiar: the ‘Elite’ was a group of investigators formed and funded by the CIA in 1952 but which maintained some independence from the agency. The Elite came to believe that extraterrestrials were really spiritual entities, their message one of deception, and that the U.S. government had literally made a deal trading access to our world (including human abductions and animal mutilations) in exchange for advanced technology. Furthermore, U.S. officials were even seeking to double-cross the aliens by reneging on certain conditions of the agreement. As they say, you can’t make this stuff up!(Although skeptics will assume that they most certainly do.) [iv] This is the story discussed in Picknett and Prince’s Stargate Conspiracy (2000) and made famous in the pro-UFO book, The Only Planet of Choice (1993), whose Foreword was written by James Hurtak, noted ufologist; and who earlier in his career, was the assistant to Andrija Puharich. It is a small world after all. [v] Redfern, Nick, Final Events, Kindle Edition, location 993. [vi] Ibid., Kindle Edition, location 1025. [vii] Ibid. * * * * * * * S. Douglas Woodward is an author, researcher, and lecturer. He has written five books including Decoding Doomsday and most recently, Power Quest—Book One: America’s Obsession with the Paranormal and Power Quest—Book Two: The Ascendancy of Antichrist in America. His books are available at Prophecy in the News and through Amazon and its distribution partners. T o n y K a i l Acts versus Activism I remember it just like it was yesterday. I was sitting in the arms of my local corporate empire Starbucks enjoying my daily dose of caffeine when my friend looks across the table and tells me “Man, did you hear about what’s going on with ChickFil-a?” He then proceeded to share with me the story of how Chick-Fil-a President and CEO Dan Cathy had stated in the media that the Christian based restaurant chain supported traditional marriage as opposed to gay marriage. His comments had come under fire by members of the Gay and Lesbian community. Cathy was accused of being a homophobe and the company was immediately labeled as being ‘anti-gay’. City officials from large metropolitan cities such as Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia and San Francisco spoke out saying that they would not allow the restaurant chain to open restaurants in their cities. Author and Blogger Jen Hatmaker made some interesting observations about the officials stances: “This is obnoxious. So a business leader is no longer entitled to an opinion, even one that roughly half of America shares? Is that where we’re at? Now the mayors of Boston and Chicago and San Francisco are suggesting Chick-Fil-a be denied permits in their cities, and just like that, a hot-blooded difference in personal opinion – not lewd remarks, not discriminatory actions, not company policy – has turned into punitive legislation. Mayor Bloomburg, also a supporter of gay rights, condemned the statements, saying “cities should not ask about political beliefs before issuing a permit.” Of course they shouldn’t. Where would it end? The CEO of the Phoenix Suns is gay; shall we all boycott their basketball games or deny their right to play in the public sphere? Is it time to quiz small-business owners on their positions on gun control, abortion, and immigration reform, and decide if their companies are “welcome in our cities”? Because this will swing every way, you know. Perhaps Chick-Fil-A is banned in Boston, but we will also stand by if a Muslim business owner is banned from operating in Huntsville, Alabama? Mark Zuckerberg is an atheist; should Christians all delete their Facebook accounts? This affront to democracy is infinitely more dangerous than a CEO with an opinion, which, if you’ve ever paid attention, we are supposed to have the freedom to hold and express in this country without threat of commercial retribution.” This also angered many Christians including former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Huckabee encouraged Americans to avoid protesting these cities but to show support for Chick-Fil-a by spending money at the chains over 1600 locations throughout North America. Huckabee’s organization even created an event page on Facebook in which he garnered over 500,000 pledges from people willing to stand up for the restaurant’s position on traditional marriage. On August 1, 2012 a record number of crowds descended on Chick-Fil-a restaurants everywhere. The numbers would be staggering. Restaurant officials would later report that the day set record sales for the company. Numerous people that I knew took off of work to participate in the support demonstration. Many franchises of the chain had to have numerous public safety officials on hand for crowd and traffic control. At one local location the demand for food literally shut the business down as the supply of food ran out. In the midst of the ‘Fil-a’ chaos, I decided to visit my local Chik-Fil-a to get a bird’s eye view of the demonstration. Pulling into the parking lot across the street from the restaurant I almost ran over a parade of college age kids who were marching as if they were of to war. “Whew hoo!” cried the sound of a woman and her husband as they held the white colored packages containing sandwiches above their heads like trophies. A group of teenagers could be seen posing against the restaurant’s catering van. A freckle faced girl snapped away photos as the group giggled and hammed it up for the camera. It was a spectacle although an effective spectacle. As the local Chick-Fil-a restaurant closed down, I sat across the street sipping my Starbucks coffee as I watched a young man sweep the parking lot. I would later watch my Facebook page overflow with entries about the restaurant. ‘ Got my Chick-Fil-a sandwich today’, ‘ I Support Chick-Fil-a’ and ‘ Christians for Chick fil-a’ were just a few of the messages sent across the virtual highway from friends and family. I became fascinated as I began to comb the numerous Facebook postings by local Chick-Fil-a supporters and noticed that for the most there were a number of supporters that hardly ever posted messages of support for anything. What was it that drew this enormous train of support and boldness out of an otherwise somewhat complacent population? Was I missing the point? Why wasn’t I outraged? L a w l e s s n e s s ! Sadly we have turned a corner in the United States of America. Watch the clip and ask yourself if something like this could have happened here 50 years ago. The DNC has made it very clear that they DO NOT WANT the GOD of the Bible, nor recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Judge for yourself as you watch the clip and God help us.... L.A. DNC 2012: DNC Platform Changes on God, Jerusalem Spur Contentious Floor Vote DNC 2012: DNC Platform Changes on God, Jerusalem Spur Contentious Floor Vote - YouTube Branson Prophecy Conference!!! The Prophecy Summit at Branson, MO 2012 Tom Horn, Chuck Missler, Avi Lipkin, Joseph Farrah, Gary Stearman, Noah Hutchings, L. A. Marzulli, Doug Hamp, Russ Dizdar, Rob Skiba, and more! Prophecy in the News Get the entire Collection! The Cosmic Chess Match is here! Go to: Dear Mr. Marzulli, I just finished reading your book The Cosmic Chess Match. I really liked it and believe you offer one of the comprehensive syntheses of the underlying biblical message of spiritual warfare. I was also amazed by Madness In The Fast Lane and noticed something about it that you would find interesting. In it we see two woman who doggedly seek death by throwing themselves quite effectively into what should be 5 quite lethal traffic collisions. Yet death eludes them every time. This has a Revelation 9:6 flavor to it. Forgive me if you made this connection in your book and I missed it. Sincerely, Christian L. A. Marzulli Speaking Engagements Sed accumsan libero vel enim pharetra September 29: Newark Ohio with Russ Dizdar & Richard Grund! *********************** October 6: Calvary Chapel Albuquerque, New Mexico--Details to come. ************************ October 20-21: Just ADDED! Conference with Dr. Stan Montieth -DETAILS COMING SOON! ************************ October 26-28: Fredrick, Maryland with Randy Demain Cornerstone Fellowship Center ************************ November 9-11 Conference with Randy Demain *********************** November 16-18: Lion Heart Ministries with Randy Demain *********************** December 21: Chitzen Itcha, Mexico – Conference ******************* I am often asked what it takes to get me to come and speak at an event. I will come for travel and lodging expenses and a love offering. I have over 20 hours of Power Point Presentations complete with embedded video to enhance the information! Got Yak... will travel! [email protected] R i c h a r d S h a w Planet X Does the Bible Elude to it? by Richard Shaw Pinlight Planet X has rocketed to rock star fame on the net. If you do a Google search with the name “Planet X” you’ll get 455,000,000 results. It has attained a level of interest that few other topics except perhaps 2012 have received. (The number “2012” gets over 25 billion hits on the world wide web). Because people want to know, Watchers 5 will have a segment about Planet X. These Google numbers seem to indicate that a huge number of people are wondering about Planet X, (Nibiru) as well as what may happen this year, 2012. Fueling all of this uncertainty are the scriptures themselves, the Judeo-Christian passages about the End of Days, the Tribulation Period, the great war of Armageddon, and the return of the Messiah, and even the Torah Codes. All through the scriptures, there are passages that elude to the things that set up this scenario, a once-in-a planet’s life devastating event. One that has to be looked at both from an ancient prophetic sense, as well as any science that we have to support or disprove it. The idea of a recurring apocalypse was commented by Plato. “Atlantis was swallowed up by the sea and vanished” he wrote. Imagine the forces involved to do that! Some are now predicting the same thing is about to happen to Japan. The Genesis account of the status of the earth before creation was one where “the earth was without form and void.” Many theologians and scientists believe that the scriptures transport us to a time of the previous apocalypse, just before the earth was transformed again. There is evidence to support that the earth has been hammered more than once. Some of this “hammering” included disasters so large that they destroyed mostly all life on the planet and radically changed surface features like mountains, valleys and entire continents. Many scientists have postulated that a meteor killed the dinosaurs. Via satellite photos, we now know there have been previously hidden evidence of large ancient craters of meteor impact zones all over the planet. All of them have healed over time, but their mark is still visible. Such impacts are not in human experience, but large bolides are being seen in various places all over the earth. Some have actually hit the ground and started fires, while others have been near misses. This is an active universe, full of surprises. We know so little about it or about our distant history. The facts are very dim, shrouded in mystery, superstition and antiquity. The theory about a large planetary body that may have passed by the earth before was known to the ancients. Wall carvings by the ancient Samarians illustrate a 10th planet, and while Zacharia Sitchin is most quoted for his opinion of how humans seem to have been left on the earth by this ancient race, the other side of the coin is that their understanding of the universe was deep and we’re just now catching up. What they may have tried to tell us through the ages, that our solar system has another sun, a brown dwarf star in an orbit that is 90 degrees off-axis of the ecliptic -- the invisible plane that all our other planets orbit on. This hidden orbit would therefore not be noticed until the last few months or years before the star would pass through our solar system much like a freight train through an intersection. Walter Crittenden’s Binary Institute has studied the phenomena of binary star systems. In their website, he makes this valid point: “Just because we cannot see it does not mean it does not exist. We now know that many stars cannot be seen including blackholes, neutron stars and many brown dwarfs. Furthermore, long cycle binary systems (those with orbit periods of thousands or tens of thousands of years) may be quite difficult to detect because of the very long observation period required.” He goes on by saying that “80 percent of all stars are in multiple star relationships.” It is surmised that such a brown dwarf would pass through the Ort Cloud in a region below the earth’s southern hemisphere -- a region that until recently couldn’t be monitored very well since all the larger telescopes were in the earth’s northern hemisphere. Hence, a telescope was airlifted down to the South Pole in C-130’s. An enormous and very secretive effort, the cover that NASA prefers to use as an excuse for planting this enormous 10 meter radio telescope is to look for neutrinos that pass through the earth, and measuring them in an unspoiled environment. For that, this massive and secretive airlift? Doesn’t make sense. Sounds like a cover for a secret operation, one that has caused the international scientific community to protest. Perhaps the most convincing argument that another large body has passed by the earth before was evident in the book “Worlds in Collision” written by Immanuel Velikovsky back in 1950. He makes some incredible claims, that the planet Venus is a rather recent body in our solar system, cast off a few thousand years ago, and once a comet. His evidence comes from ancient texts from literally all over the world, and he correlates his hypothesis by comparing these texts by date and stories related at the time. The stories he found reflect the same phenomena at opposite sides of the earth on the same date. There are various references to a “destroyer” in ancient texts, both in the Bible and in other books. An ancient Egyptian text, mostly a collection of writings and diaries about the time around the days of Moses, dedicates 5 chapters to the “Destroyer.” This book, called the Kolbrin, and is not considered scripture but is an interesting historical text. Some astronomers are seeing other planets in our solar system being perturbed by something large. The planet Pluto was discovered originally through the same process, watching other planets orbits slightly bumped out of position by “something.” The past five years we’ve seen amazing things that have changed the appearance of some of the planets. All of them appear to have gotten hotter and therefore “brighter.” This has nothing to do with global warming. Jupiter recently lost a stripe and scientists say they have no idea why. Saturn’s rings have dramatically changed. The sun appears to be hotter in the southern hemisphere and many are predicting a CME (coronal mass ejection) later this year. The New Testament account of the “time of the end” in Matt. 24 seems to give us a blow by blow order of what Christ says will happen at that time. Of course there are the ubiquitous wars which we all have seen, famines and “pestilences” but the text goes on about the Abomination. If you read the book of Daniel, specifically chapter 8, Daniel has a vision about this character that Christ refers to in Matt. 24. According to Christ’s chronology of events, this person has to be in the sanctuary and then things really get crazy in the world. It appears that this triggers the real tribulation period. Many people, perhaps billions, are killed during this process, both good and bad. According to Daniel, this period lasts for 2,300 days -- about 3 years, 4 months. But it’s not until after this time that people start “disappearing” off the earth. After that, the world starts seeing changes in the sun and the moon. Christ, in my opinion decides it’s “enough” and affects a rescue -- a final removal of the good who have survived, and leaving the wicked to get toasted just before all hell breaks loose as these planetary bodes go into action. It is now believed by some astronomers that a sun can go Nova if another star or large planetary body enters its space. It has to do with the electric Universe theory that is becoming more widely accepted. This triggers something of an effect that seems to be indicated in the scriptures. If we postulate that the sun will be perturbed by “something” at that time, then is there also a clue later in the same chapter. For a long time I had wondered what Christ was talking about when He refers to the “sign of the coming of the Son of Man.” An enigmatic text follows, “and all the earth shall mourn.” Why is that? Could the sign of the coming of the Son of Man be Planet X? Otherwise, why would the whole world mourn over the sight of Christ who has come to rescue the good that remain? Others believe that a cross might appear in the heavens. However, in my option that wouldn’t be enough for people to mourn unless it was connected to something more tangible than a symbol. Whatever it is, it will be scary and anyone experiencing it would know without a doubt that something bad is about to happen. It makes scientific sense that there has to be a reason for the sun and the moon to do what they do in Matt. 24, and also as it’s mentioned in Isaiah and in Malachi 4, and other places where the sun burns the earth. There is also mention of what appear to be meteor impacts on the earth around this time, (Rev. 8) That phenomena is also what many Planet X researchers believe will happen, as a large planetary body’s enormous pull, drags asteroids and space debris into our orbit from the Ort Cloud, where scientists believe over a billion comets reside, some which have hit the sun in recent months. Do I believe that Planet X will smash into the earth and destroy it? No, I don’t, but I do think that it makes sense that if it comes through and perturbs the sun and the earth that it will be visible to everyone on the earth at that time. It may look like a second sun, or if it gets close enough one may actually see surface features while actually feeling the fiery trails surrounding it. Assuming this is what happens, it would be the final blow to the anti-christ figure, the Fallen Ones, and the evil system that grows into huge proportions on the earth at that time -basically turning everything into hell on earth. This is not what God intended, but for some reason He allowed it. During this process, the earth is cleansed of all the pollution, radiation, oil, floating plastics, genetically altered food and filth we humans have deposited on it, and it is ready for the 1,000 years of peace. It remains to be seen what happens to all of God’s remaining creatures -- animals, birds, fish, insects -- if any of them remain. Could we then experience a new creation of sorts? It is not for us to predict global events with any accuracy. There is no precedent to believe it will all happen in 2012, since many of the other events have not as yet taken place. There is a specific order to things. We can know the times and the seasons, and we are seeing the beginnings of a worldwide collapse of civilization. It will no doubt not happen overnight. We’re experiencing events now faster than we thought, but all of this has to be tempered with the key events that haven’t as yet taken place. Acceleration Radio is back! Thursday night on FRINGE ! Acceleration Radio! You can call the show Toll Free (1-888-682-7688) international callers +1-310-853-3798 L ive Listening Center | Fringe Radio Network R i c h a r d G r u n d The Nephilim Housing Project When the Lord God Almighty, Creator of the Universe created us He formed the clay of the ground into a shell in which He blew in His Holy Spirit. Genesis 2:7(NKJV) 7And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. This made man unique in all of God’s creation in that everything else was spoken into existence but man He loving formed with His own hands and, in an act of loving intimacy, breathed life into the nostrils. Mankind became His prized creations from that point onward. Somewhere in the midst of this Divine event a speck of an idea took root in the minds of the fallen angels, specifically the Watchers, to replicate this event. Watching mankind mate and reproduce was too tempting for them to ignore and they violated the rules of their existence to be a part of the creative experience. Genesis 6:1-2(ASV) 1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born unto them, 2that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that they chose. Genesis 6:4(ASV) 4The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them: the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. The New Living Translation states that these Nephilim were the children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient time – i.e. the heroes of mythology. Genesis 6:4(NLT) 4In those days, and for some time after, giant Nephilites lived on the earth, for whenever the sons of God had intercourse with women, they gave birth to children who became the heroes and famous warriors of ancient times. Of course, anyone who has studied this event and the other corroborating information, such as The Book of Enoch 1 – The Book of the Watchers, knows that this effort went horribly wrong. There’s a reason that it went as badly as it did. Man was made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and from that point onward everything that reproduced and gave birth was based upon that founding principle. However, when the fallen Watchers entered into the daughters of Adam and added their “seed” into the mix it did not match with the DNA of humanity and that mismatch created a mutation. When there is a genetic mismatch the DNA coding and programming goes haywire and what is created is an aberration of the original design. That mutation was the Nephilim. We know from Genesis 6:4 that they did it again (and after that/afterwards) after the Flood. I am firmly convinced this was a second incursion because to infer that these Nephilim were from before the Flood would be to infer that my Heavenly Father fails at His objectives. If His objective was to eradicate this bloodline from all living things that breathed air then He would do so. Failure is not only NOT an option it’s not even viable to consider if He’s the initiator, instigator and executor of the action. To also infer or suggest that possibly one of Noah’s son’s or daughters-in-law carried this aberrant DNA also suggest an ineptness in His judgment against the fallen Watchers and their hybrid offspring. No, I believe that they found a way to initiate a second incursion without having sex with women. How they did it is pure speculation but the end result was not as “pure” or as powerful as the first batch of hybrids created. While they were still overly large and had the six toes and six fingers. they were lesser in stature and ferocity as compared to the pre-Flood Nephilim. This indicates to me that either the DNA was watered down by generations of inbreeding or intermarriage with humans or that the genetic manipulation process was not as effective. If the fallen Watchers and fallen angels were ever going to be able to recreate that moment in time known as the Days of Noah they would have to overcome that problem. They also had another problem in the quest to regain control of mankind. They have a numbers problem, as Chuck Missler is known to say. In their battle with the Heavenly hosts they are extremely outnumbered and when you add the number of Spirit filled Believers who understand their authority in Messiah Yeshua winning this battle will take reinforcements. First it was Joshua, David and their mighty men of valor killing of the Nephilim of their day and whenever they get a demonic spirit inside a human being, someone who accepts and moves in the delegated authority of King of kings and Lord of lords kicks them out of that body. How and where can they get the reinforcements needed for this final satanic campaign against Heaven? The answer is very simple – they will build the bodies needed through genetic manipulation and then the disembodied spirits of the pre-Flood Nephilim (demons) will inhabit those bodies. This demonic manufactured housing, if successful, should be cause for alarm to all who are awake to this threat. As I share in my book, The Supernatural Battle, since 2007 the Lord has been revealing great and mighty things to me that I did not know (Jeremiah 33:3). As revelations that had never entered my mind before found their way into my consciousness it would fill in the blanks to unanswered questions. Over the last almost 24-years I’ve done hundreds of deliverances and during the ones involving long term demonic bondage or even possession the spirits are expelled in a solid mucous form I call “ectoplasm” for lack of a better word. Initially, I never wondered what it was or why it was created but during that revelation period since 2007 I’ve come to think it about it more and more. The discovery of what it might be came from another revelation the Lord gave me about the demonic spirits attaching themselves to the pineal gland and connecting with the neuro-nervous system of the human body to control it. Since all life is made up of energy and there is an interactive component to energy a point of contact and conductor to amplify that energy is needed. As I began to study and understand what the Lord was showing me about the DNA and our Divine Design I realized that these demonic spirits would need to create some sort of conductor to allow themselves access to our nervous system. The longer they stayed in a human body the more of that conductor would be created and therefore the ectoplasm that was being expelled was their way of interacting with the human body. They would also be attached to that ectoplasm as it came out of the nose or mouth of the individual thereby disengaging them from the person they were tormenting. These demonic spirits would be off and running to find another human host to encase themselves in so that they could fulfill their demonic agenda. That is, until someone like me came along and cast them out of that body and made them homeless once again. This got me to thinking. I wondered why they couldn’t permanently graft themselves into a willing human host. The answer, I found, had to do with how we were designed and the intricacies of the DNA. As long as their demonic energy that was once encased in a hybrid shell did not match the energy of the human DNA they could never permanently meld itself to a human host. The only way around that dilemma was to stop using hijacked human hosts and to develop or create their own physical hosts to indelibly graft to. In other words, they would need to build their own houses. As I studied the history of UFO abductions and the experiments, the abductees described I suspected there was a specific intent in their demonic methods. The experiments done on the human reproductive organs and the consistent extraction of blood indicated to me an effort to figure out a way to either reproduce human hosts or to clone humans. That, however, would not be enough. They would still have the issue of conflictive DNA and the energy it produced. To overcome that problem they would have to find a specific DNA for their creations – a hybrid Nephilim DNA to be exact. As I mulled over what I was learning I realized that if they could do that the demonic spirits inhabiting that host could permanently graft to it and make it more difficult to cast them out of it. This was a startling revelation. I took it the Lord in prayer and His answer was equally as startling. He confirmed that if they found bodies where the DNA matched the bodies they originally came from that it would a permanent graft. I’ve kept relatively silent about this except to share it with close associated and other members of SRT. However, two recent stories have inspired me to share this with the readers of the PP&S Magazine. One story was about a scientific claim that tens of thousands of years ago modern humans interbred with the Neanderthals. This 2010 article was then reinforced this past week when scientists claimed that not only did modern humans interbreed with Neanderthals they interbred with a second lesser-known species known as Denisovans. According to the article a single pinky bone and two teeth were found in a cave in Siberia. From these meager fragments they were able to reconstruct their entire genome. For the first time scientist now has a possible hybrid human genome to manipulate. What could come from this? What could come from this discovery is the possibility of the recreation of a lost race. I know that this is simply theory and speculation but it deserves being watched in the future. Whether it’s by these DNA discoveries, and theorized hybrid breeding program, the reported soulless black-eyed children or the human mutations caused by the accepted of a biometric chip into the human body (the Mark of the Beast) it would appear to me that the fallen are looking for bodies for the souls of their pre-Flood hybrid offspring to instigate a satanically perverted “born again” experience for them. It is my personal belief that a Nephilim Housing Project has been under way for a very long time. If they are successful, and prophecy indicates that they will be successful in some form or another, we must not only be alarmed. we must be vigilant. And, we must be ready. Ready for what, you ask? If you have to ask, then the answer will be too startling for you to hear. Watch and pray. Richard J Grund, Founder & Director SRT, the Supernatural Response Team. ( Author of The Supernatural Battle. Watchers 4:On the Edge- SHIPPING NOW! V i d e o o f t h e Month! This video comes highly recommended as it illustrates what I call the coming great deception. You will see two people whose lives are forever changed when they encounter lights in the sky or UFOs. Watch as the film progresses and the witnesses are drawn into the phenomena. They wind up consulting a medium who assures them that they are on the right track and this contact is good. She informs them, she feels a lot of love radiating and that is from this being what you see on this picture. It all has to do with love.... They manifest themselves and give messages to people who are sensitive. What I see here is a very loving et. He is radiating love. In my opinion this is deception of the third kind. In that the people who have now had ongoing contact believe the phenomena is benevolent. You have to watch this to believe it! L.A. Frequency documentary 2012 Frequency documentary 2012 - YouTube R e a d e r F e e d b a c k L. A., I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your ministry and what you are sharing with us. Appreciation is not often forthcoming. I'm not sure that people make you aware of just how highly you are regarded among us "non-conventional" Christians. It has been rare for me to find anyone who really seems to "click" with me. Clarence Larkin was one, Chuck Missler is another. You and I are about the same age and I was once heavily involved in the music industry. Maybe that's what it is. If you're ever in the Dayton/ Cincinnati area, look me up. I'd be curious to see if our wives hit it off, as well. Have a great show tonight. Jack ______________________________________________________________ Hi Mr. Marzulli.. I’m a bible believing Christian and love your work. I recently listened to a podcast of coast to coast am with you and George Noory. It was awesome!! Thanks so much for your wonderful study and research! My thoughts of the Giants are that they are pre-flood. They migrated with ease pre-flood as the land masses were mostly connected back then. The world likely was 70% to 80% covered with vegetation at that time and fractured and split when God broke open the fountains of the deep. With the higher oxygen content it probably lead to larger growth overall for most species. Noah and his sons must have been some strong men to build that ark on their own without much mechanical help. Anyway, my point is that the migration of the giants would have been much easier when the land masses were connected. When you look at a globe that shows the oceans floor etc. Everything looks smashed and broken. God rearranged the whole thing whilst it was submerged. What a better way to do this and keep a few souls floating on top while purging the rest. Some thoughts.. God bless! Jerry Ps. I agree with you on your ideas of the “great deception” being a so-called alien contact. Interesting and exciting times to be alive! ________________________________________________________ Thanks for being a Watcher! You are making a positive difference! GOD BLESS! Lindy ______________________________________________________________ L.A., I just wanted to give you a big thank you for all the work you do. The world is filled with weird, strange, and evil stuff and you have, and continue to, put all of the pieces of this complex puzzle together for believers everywhere. May the Lord continue to bless you and the work you do. No need to reply; I know you are a busy man. Just wanted to encourage you! Johnny ________________________________________________________________ HI L.A., I am sorry you had to close your blog, but I don't know what else you could do. I know you are a one man show. You don't have an office staff or someone who could monitor every comment before allowing it to post. I was deeply grieved over the gross antisemitism from some of the people. This is a also a sign we are in the very end of the last days. Jerusalem is indeed a cup of trembling! I am behind you 100%. I just sent in 3 reservations for the Nephilim Mounds Conference. I don't know if I can make all 3 days because of my autistic grandson, but I will definitely be there on Saturday. As always, you and Peggy and your daughters are prayed for daily. Thank you for posting Dr. Yulish's comment. God Bless, Gina Place your order Go to: Why are the nations of the world in turmoil? What is happening with the sun and the moon? Why is it that birds are dropping out of the air dead, and why have fish numbering into the millions suddenly died without explanation? Why are there sinkholes of gigantic proportions appearing all over the earth, and what is happening with volcanic eruptions in Japan, Italy and Iceland? And what about the UFO seen over the Temple Mount? Something has changed, and Watchers 2 will try and investigate if what ancient texts have said for millenniums are true — that we are entering a period where there will be wars, earthquakes, and famines — including signs in the skies and the heavens. L.A. Marzulli will comment as well as interview experts on this volume. Including: Chuck Missler, Rabbi Aaron Parry, Stan Deyo and Jim Wilhelmsen. Dr. Roger Leir will also give us his update on alien implants. UFO Sighting With “Mitch!” I receive countless emails and as I travel people tell me their “stories.” Often, I am the first person they have told the story to. The following interview is a real life example of one of these. Here is an interview that I conducted with “Mitch” who choose to remain anonymous due to the content. You be the judge as you read this chilling encounter, with entities I would term as the Grays. L.A. LA: Years ago you dabbled in drugs and had an experience, tell us about this. MITCH: That's correct. This incident occurred on a sunny 4th of July afternoon in 1979. It happened in Lower Pine Canyon on the eastern decline of the Chisos Mountains within Big Bend National Park, in west Texas. I lived and worked in that national park from 1978-1981. This is my personal account, as I was away from my companions when this encounter took place. You should know from the beginning that I was under the potent influence of LSD, a synthetic hallucinogen, which I had experienced on multiple prior occasions. My use of drugs was far beyond mere dabbling. It was, at the time, a central component in my toolbox for seeking what I thought was enlightenment and spirituality. In fact, 1979 turned out to be my last full year of a 7-year stint using hallucinogens with some frequency and practically daily use and dependence upon marijuana. This is who I "was". Thanks be to God, I am no longer that person. This 'trip' was chaperoned by 2 friends visiting from outside the park. One of them [not revealing their names] supplied the LSD. I was the only one "tripping" that day and ingested the dose late that morning. I was then driven by my friends across the desert to the dead-end parking lot at the Lower Pine Canyon trailhead. By the time we arrived, the effects of the drug were accelerating to peak status. I remember leaving the truck enthusiastically and immediately running, hiking, and rock climbing up the thorn bush and cactus covered slopes of the nearby mountainside. This effort took some time and I was overwhelmed with the intense drug-induced beauty of the place and my agility in climbing amongst many dangerous and thorny plants; with no injury whatever. It seemed [to me] as if my steps were "guided" and my ability to walk through these thickets [where there was no trail at all] seemed mystically cleared. It was as if I was immune to injury. Amplified human perception? Effects of the drug? Can't really say, only, I will tell you that when the day was done, I had no thorn punctures or scratches. I progressed further and further up the slope until I realized I had covered considerable ground. It was about this point, solo on the slope, that I turned around and came out onto a steep bluff; not thousands of feet, but several hundred feet above the altitude of our parked vehicle, which I could clearly see off in the distance below. From this vantage point, with my mind racing with a sense of overwhelming grandeur, I felt I could see eternity! This is reported by most users of drugs like LSD, Mescaline, Psilocybin, DMT, etc. For me, it seemed that it was no longer "today" the 4th of July. It was forever. Not seeking to glorify the use of controlled substances, but I want to convey the mindset I was in as I was suddenly "interrupted" from above and behind. LA: What did you see? MITCH: It was as if I were addressed; or summoned. I turned from my vantage on the bluff and looked up to see a ring-shaped portal. Let me be specific. This was not literal nuts-and-bolts physicality. No. This was semi-transparent. A ring with a number of "individuals" peering down at me. I was being summoned by this cluster of entities that were above me; as if I was in the lower end of a dimensional manhole. It was as if THIS world was below them and their portal. THEY were [it seemed to me] outside my dimension and above me; OVER me. It was a group of them inquiring as to my willingness to "leave." Was I ready to go and BE with them? LA: What did these beings look like? MITCH: Well, it's difficult to describe their appearance. Honestly. I'm not trying to be coy in any way. They seemed to be, as was their portal, semi-visible. They were "skullish" and sort-of transparent. I could see directly through them and the portal through which they were peering down. Remember, this was a hot sunny July day in the Chihuahuan desert. Looking up, the sky was crisp blue and yet, THERE they were! You see, this interaction struck me as a sort-of interdimensional self-revelation on their part. They were expecting me. Due to my ingestion of the LSD, I was "awakened" and thus, I was favored in some way. Some quick context: at this point in my life I was consuming various and sundry occult writings. So, when these beings appeared, they struck me as members of the [so-called] ascended masters of classic New Age 'eastern' thought. They presented themselves in that way. I wasn't really surprised to see them. Their literal appearance was indiscernible and not really the issue. That they were indeed above me; sentient beings; living personalities; there is no doubt. That there was one among them, ONE that was clearly their leader; there is also no doubt. I don't recall their detailed features, their clothing, body color, etc. although it seems like they were grayish in their transparency, if that makes sense. Sort-of shadow-ish. The whole interaction was [it seemed to me] "spiritual" in nature. Now, since that time, over the past 30+ years, when I reflect on this incident, it seems more and more that they resembled what I have come to know as alien grays. To me they presented a spiritual/ascended master motif. But when I see the images of the grays in art, I think, "yup … I know who you guys are." LA:How did they communicate with you? MITCH: The communication was non-verbal. Telepathic. I "knew" they were there before I even turned around and I "knew" exactly what they were asking and saying without the use of sound or speech. I believe I spoke aloud to them. LA: What did they tell you to do? MITCH: They suggested - again, telepathically - that I was spiritually "evolved" enough to come up with them. That's right. To actually leave this present world; to pass up THROUGH their portal; up into their dimension to BE with them AS and WHERE they were! They offered the mechanism to get me "out of my flesh and blood" and into their dimension fully. How was that? Their suggestion was for me to simply leap from the high place, from that steep bluff. They were urging me to jump to my death and thereby free my "inner being" to ascend where they were. From all of my reading of occult and psychedelic lore from the 1950s, 60s and 70s I was convinced that these entities were actually my advocates. I believed they were FOR me!Leveraging this class of psychedelic drugs was a known gateway for shedding the veil of human flesh allowing one to "see" this transcendent REALITY. They knew it and I knew it. This was no random appointment and frankly, their offer that I leave my body was no real surprise. At the time, I believed in reincarnation and felt [deceived as I was] that I was perhaps being offered a generous "shortcut" path to enlightenment; given a special opportunity to "advance" via this arrangement. Well, it wasn't to be. LA: Why didn't you believe them? MITCH: Well, actually, I DID believe them. That's the scary part. I actually believed that they were "on my team" and that they meant me well. And, even while I believed them, I was at the same time caught in my own sense of "self" and "personal survival." I made excuses. Yeah. Right there, on that bluff. I provided a litany of reasons — although I felt this was a great opportunity — why I wanted to LIVE! I don't mean to be flippant. I honestly explained that I wanted to DO more before exiting this life. I thought of my parents, my family and my friends. How would an unexplained suicide be perceived by those whom I loved and those who loved me? Clearly the discovery of my broken body at the base of that cliff would be viewed in a negative light. So? I said no. And when I did that? In that very instant? They were gone! Period. And I was alone on the bluff again. I was quite relieved and also exhilarated. I quickly descended the rocky slope to where my friends were parked. Not sure how much time had transpired since I had run off without them. I tried to explain some of what had occurred. I can't really say how they felt about my report, but after a time, we eventually drove back to civilization. LA: So, who do you believe these creatures were? MITCH: You know? This is easy for me. Demons. Period. They were demonic entities masquerading as ascended masters intent on deceiving me and killing me. It's really that simple. I would become yet another fatality to add to their incredibly long list of human destruction since the beginning of time. LA: Looking back on the experience after all these years, what are your thoughts? MITCH: First and foremost, there is my relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. I have learned much since my genuine surrender to Him — 7 months after this dark event — in early February of 1980. [That's another psychedelic story entirely, by the way!] Prior to my 7-year drug habit from age 14 to 21, God enabled me in fact to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ at a baptist church camp in central Texas. I was only 12 years old. You see, I grew up in a nonreligious family and so, after this summer camp invitation on a fluke, and my subsequent acceptance of Jesus at 12, sadly, there was no follow-up. We never went to church. There was no teaching. No Bible study. No discipleship. It was the early 1970s and soon, I got caught up in the drug and music along with all of my friends. That said, if you accept the idea that the Lord "had me in His hands" way back when I was 12, as well as throughout my proverbial drug-induced backsliding [because I do] then His Protection was provided at that most critical time, up on the high place. Secondly, I have learned much about demons and demonic activity since becoming a Christian. The topic has never been something I spent a lot of time focusing on, but I did come to learn much about the darkness. The activities of the evil one and his minions; involved as they are in the degradation and destruction of human beings, explains what they were up to in this Ine Canyon scenario to a T. They are tricksters. Deception is their game. It is my personal belief that since the very beginning of time — since the fall of mankind — fallen angels [demons if you prefer] have been involved in disrupting the glory of Creation with the added intention of deceiving human beings by myriad forms of idolatrous activity. Whatever humans want these demons to be, they are more than content to play the part. They are just looking for face time! It is my conviction that ALL the deities, demigods and entities worshiped, placated, or feared, in every single culture worldwide; from the earliest and most primitive culture, are without exception demonic in origin. Oh wait. There is ONE exception! The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of the Bible. YHWH of the Hebrews. All of the other little gods and goddesses, fairies, imps, jinn, and all the various pantheons of gods of all the empires, cultures, tribes and tongues, without exception, were, way back then, and remain today, the very same legions of demons or fallen angels. No more. No less. It is a finite set. This game of deception they employ applies for the onslaught of alien grays and all of the various iterations in our time. This worldwide demonic deception is a vast topic worthy of serious analysis and explanation, as you obviously know. LA: What do you think might have happened had you followed their suggestions? MITCH: Well, I am certain that my life would have ended. I would have died right there at the foot of that steep cliff. My parents, my family and friends would all have been devastated! The demons would have snuffed me out. Since I had accepted Jesus Christ at 12, it is my belief that I would be forgiven and heaven would be my true destination, but alas, I would have wasted a perfectly good and useful life working for the Lord and His Kingdom. On that day, He gave me the wherewithal to resist those bent on killing me. He chose to spare me for a reason. One of which is this testimony. LA: Did you ever have contact with these entities again? MITCH: Demons? Probably not this particular set, but yes. A time or two. Nothing serious. It is amazing what you can chase off simply by using the strong name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. LA: Your closing thoughts. MITCH: You know LA, I am not certain who reads your blog; I mean the full readership. Certainly there are many who are Bible-believing Christians. But, you also, no doubt, have some psychedelic explorers; skeptics, etc., those who read your materials and your blog. It is my hope that whoever they are, they will truly realize that [from where I sit] there is but one thing going on, on this Earth. That one thing is this. The Creator of Life is seeking to have a relationship with that which He has created. This generation is no exception. The God of the Bible is the only true God. We need to get hold of that! All others are either deceivers or mere fabrications. Sorry, but that is the case. The deceivers are all demons and the people they manipulate. Their singular intent is the degradation of this Creation, particularly the humiliation and destruction of mankind, the pinnacle of His work. Demons are obsessed with being worshipped. Satan is the chief seeker of the worship of human beings; part of his desire to humiliate to be God himself. This is his stock and trade. His primary objective is to rob the God of Eternity of the worship He alone is due, by the pinnacle of His Creation; redeemed humanity. I genuinely hope your readers will surrender themselves to the God who loves them, by the mechanism He Alone has designed and that is through the blood of the cross of Jesus Christ. God Bless you all. Nephilim Trilogy Now available in our bookstore @ This is the series that started it all! Place your order today and receive Alien Interviews for free. Go ahead, take the plunge!