Primary Extractor System - TA10
Primary Extractor System - TA10
Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Edition Edition Date Status : : : 1.5 23/06/08 Draft DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION Document Title Primary Extractor System - TA10 : Technical manual 1.5 EDITION : Document Reference Number EDITION DATE : 20/11/09 Abstract Description and technical specs of the extractor system parts. Keywords CONTACT PERSON : Tom De Wit TEL : +32 14 231811 DOCUMENT STATUS AND TYPE STATUS Working Draft Draft Proposed Issue Released Issue CATEGORY Executive Task Specialist Task Lower Layer Task ELECTRONIC BACKUP IE-TM-00036-006 PSR Extractor PRE790.doc INTERNAL REFERENCE NAME : HOST SYSTEM MEDIA SOFTWARE(S) Dell Dimension 9150 Type : Hard disk Word 2003 Windows XP professional Media Identification : 2 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual DOCUMEN T APPROVAL DOCUMENT APPROVAL The following table identifies all authorities who have successively approved the present issue of this document. AUTHORITY NAME AND SIGNATURE DATE Author Tom De Wit 20/11/09 Editor Bert Sauviller 23/06/08 Director ATC Director Software Department Ing. M. Vanuytven Ir. E. Moons 3 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual DOCUMEN T CHAN GE RECORD DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD The following table records the complete history of the successive editions of the present document. EDITION DATE REASON FOR CHANGE SECTIONS PAGES AFFECTED 1.0 New document All 1.2 First official release All 1.3 29/04/08 1.4 23/06/08 1.5 20/11/09 Added CAM protocol Completed INI file descriptions Layout updated Correct convert to pdf Updated for new softwareverions: TA10 Extractor V1.4.0 TA10 CAM V1.3.3 TA10 Tracker V1.3.4 59, 67-70, 79-83, 92 All All 4 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual TABLE OF CON TEN TS TABLE OF CONTENTS DOCUMENT APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................. 3 DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD .................................................................................................................... 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 5 LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................................. 8 LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................................................. 10 ABOUT THIS MANUAL................................................................................................................................... 12 DISCLAIMER NOTICE.................................................................................................................................... 12 TECHNICAL SUPPORT .................................................................................................................................. 12 ORGANIZATION OF THIS MANUAL .......................................................................................................... 12 CONVENTIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................. 13 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 14 2. HARDWARE OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 15 2.1 PROGRAMMABLE CONTROLLED TIMING UNIT (PCT791)........................................................................ 16 2.1.1 Task(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.2 Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 16 2.1.3 Device depiction ........................................................................................................................... 16 2.1.4 Main components .......................................................................................................................... 18 2.1.5 2.1.6 M575 – PSR Controlled Timing Unit ...................................................................................................... 19 Power source TracoPower TML 15512C .................................................................................................19 Inlet filter Shaffner FN9260-2/06............................................................................................................. 20 Functional description .................................................................................................................. 21 Connectors .................................................................................................................................... 24 J2101 ........................................................................................................................................................ 24 J2102 ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 J2103 ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 J2104 ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 PRE790 connector....................................................................................................................................26 Maintenance USB connector .................................................................................................................... 27 30MHZ in (0dBm) connector ................................................................................................................... 27 Extra Sync connector ............................................................................................................................... 27 SSR sync connector..................................................................................................................................27 2.2 PRIMARY RADAR EXTRACTOR (PRE790) ............................................................................................... 28 2.2.1 Task(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 28 2.2.2 Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 28 2.2.3 Device depiction ........................................................................................................................... 28 2.2.4 Main components .......................................................................................................................... 29 2.2.5 2.2.6 M597 – UVR for PRE790 ........................................................................................................................ 29 M576 – PCT791 interface for UVR ......................................................................................................... 30 M351 – USB RDR ...................................................................................................................................31 Power source LPT42 ................................................................................................................................ 32 Inlet filter Shurter CD44.1101.151 ........................................................................................................... 34 USB hub ................................................................................................................................................... 35 Functional description .................................................................................................................. 35 Connectors .................................................................................................................................... 39 GPS connector.......................................................................................................................................... 39 PCT791 connector....................................................................................................................................39 I and Q connector .....................................................................................................................................40 5 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual TABLE OF CON TEN TS Extractor USB .......................................................................................................................................... 40 HDLC OUT 1/2 .......................................................................................................................................40 EV760 Input 1/2 .......................................................................................................................................41 Datahandler USB .....................................................................................................................................41 2.3 GPS450 .................................................................................................................................................. 42 2.3.1 Task(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 42 2.3.2 Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 42 2.3.3 Device depiction ........................................................................................................................... 42 2.3.4 Main components .......................................................................................................................... 42 M-264 weatherproof GPS board .............................................................................................................. 42 Jupiter 12 GPS Receiver TU35-D410-031 ............................................................................................... 43 2.3.5 Functional description .................................................................................................................. 43 2.3.6 Connector(s) ................................................................................................................................. 44 2.4 RACKSERVER DELL PE860 ..................................................................................................................... 45 2.4.1 Task(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 45 2.4.2 Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 45 2.5 SWITCH DELL POWERCONNECT 2708.................................................................................................... 47 2.5.1 Task(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 47 2.5.2 Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 47 2.6 COMPUTER (CAM DISPLAY) DELL DIMENSION 9200 .............................................................................. 49 3. SOFTWARE OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 50 3.1 EXTRACTOR SERVER ............................................................................................................................... 51 3.1.1 Description ................................................................................................................................... 51 3.1.2 PSR extractor DLL ....................................................................................................................... 52 Functional description .............................................................................................................................. 53 The Clutter-map .......................................................................................................................................54 Clutter-map compare process ........................................................................................................ 55 Clutter-map build process .............................................................................................................. 55 Clutter-map adaptation process...................................................................................................... 56 CFAR ....................................................................................................................................................... 57 3.1.3 PCT engine ................................................................................................................................... 58 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8 3.1.9 TimingPrefs INI file .................................................................................................................................58 Reply Combiner engine ................................................................................................................. 60 DLL Read replies .....................................................................................................................................61 Combine replies .......................................................................................................................................61 Plot evaluation.......................................................................................................................................... 61 Overload Mechanism ............................................................................................................................... 62 Plot Streamer ................................................................................................................................ 63 PPI ................................................................................................................................................ 64 Probe Streamer ............................................................................................................................. 65 EDR_Replay ................................................................................................................................. 66 CAM server ................................................................................................................................... 66 Socket 1 communication .......................................................................................................................... 67 Socket 2 communication .......................................................................................................................... 67 3.1.10 UserPrefs ................................................................................................................................. 68 3.1.11 Windows Registry Contents...................................................................................................... 74 3.1.12 Running the Extractor Server................................................................................................... 74 3.2 COMBINER/TRACKER SERVICE................................................................................................................ 76 3.2.1 Description ................................................................................................................................... 76 3.2.2 Combiner ...................................................................................................................................... 77 3.2.3 Tracker.......................................................................................................................................... 78 3.2.4 3.2.5 Functional Description ............................................................................................................................. 78 Design ...................................................................................................................................................... 81 Track Streamer ............................................................................................................................. 82 Tracker CAM ................................................................................................................................ 83 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 Functional Description ............................................................................................................................. 77 Design ...................................................................................................................................................... 77 Socket 1 communication .......................................................................................................................... 84 Socket 2 communication .......................................................................................................................... 84 UserPrefs ...................................................................................................................................... 85 Windows Registry Contents .......................................................................................................... 92 Running the Tracker Server .......................................................................................................... 92 6 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual TABLE OF CON TEN TS 3.3 DHM SERVICE ........................................................................................................................................ 94 3.3.1 UDR session.................................................................................................................................. 94 3.3.2 EV760 session ............................................................................................................................... 95 3.3.3 Asterix session .............................................................................................................................. 96 3.3.4 Video session ................................................................................................................................ 97 3.3.5 Digital session .............................................................................................................................. 97 4. DATA FORMATS .................................................................................................................................... 99 4.1 4.2 5. INTERROGATION SWEEP DATA FORMAT................................................................................................. 100 CAM COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL....................................................................................................... 101 NETWORK OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 104 7 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 Hardware system overview ................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 2-1 PCT791 front panel ............................................................................................................................ 17 Figure 2-2 PCT791 left panel ............................................................................................................................... 18 Figure 2-3 PCT791 right panel ............................................................................................................................ 18 Figure 2-4 M575 - PSR Controlled Timing Unit .................................................................................................. 19 Figure 2-5 TracoPower TML 15512C (other type in figure) ................................................................................ 19 Figure 2-6 Inlet filter Shaffner FN9260-2/06 ....................................................................................................... 20 Figure 2-7 Inlet filter Shaffner FN9260-2/06 electrical diagram ......................................................................... 21 Figure 2-8 PCT791 schematic overview .............................................................................................................. 21 Figure 2-9 PCT791 flash organization ................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 2-10 PRE790 front panel .......................................................................................................................... 28 Figure 2-11 M597 - UVR for PRE790 .................................................................................................................. 29 Figure 2-12 M576 - PCT791 interface for UVR ................................................................................................... 30 Figure 2-13 M351 - USB RDR ............................................................................................................................. 31 Figure 2-14 LPT42 ............................................................................................................................................... 32 Figure 2-15 Shurter CD44.1101.151 .................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 2-16 PRE790 schematic overview ............................................................................................................ 35 Figure 2-17 M597 schematic overview ................................................................................................................ 36 Figure 2-18 M597 analog input circuit frequency vs attenuation ........................................................................ 37 Figure 2-19 M576 schematic overview ................................................................................................................ 37 Figure 2-20 GPS450 picture ................................................................................................................................ 42 Figure 2-21 M-264 weatherproof GPS board picture .......................................................................................... 43 Figure 2-22 PE860 front view .............................................................................................................................. 45 Figure 2-23 PowerConnect 2708 front view ........................................................................................................ 47 Figure 2-24 CAM display computer ..................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 3-1 PSR extractor software overview........................................................................................................ 50 Figure 3-2 Extractor server overview .................................................................................................................. 52 Figure 3-3 PSR extractor DLL overview .............................................................................................................. 52 Figure 3-4 16-bin FFT calculation mechanism .................................................................................................... 53 Figure 3-5 clutter-map dimensions....................................................................................................................... 55 Figure 3-6 build clutter-map approximation process 1 ........................................................................................ 56 Figure 3-7 build clutter-map approximation process 2 ........................................................................................ 56 Figure 3-8 Clutter-map adaptation process ......................................................................................................... 57 Figure 3-9 CFAR algorithm ................................................................................................................................. 58 Figure 3-10 PCT engine overview ........................................................................................................................ 58 Figure 3-11 Reply Combiner overview ................................................................................................................. 61 Figure 3-12 range and interrogation sizes ........................................................................................................... 62 Figure 3-13 Overload mechanism ........................................................................................................................ 63 Figure 3-14 Plot Streamer overview .................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 3-15 PPI overview .................................................................................................................................... 65 Figure 3-16 Probe Streamer overview ................................................................................................................. 66 Figure 3-17 CAM server overview ....................................................................................................................... 67 Figure 3-18 Extractor Server windows registry content ...................................................................................... 74 Figure 3-19 Services Management Console ......................................................................................................... 75 Figure 3-20 Tracker/Combiner server overview .................................................................................................. 77 Figure 3-21 Combiner overview ........................................................................................................................... 78 Figure 3-22 Theoretical prediction for 2.7GHz carrier, Doppler shift 375 Hz, (red dots limited resolution 46.875 Hz per bin) ................................................................................................................................................ 79 Figure 3-23 Doppler bin difference vs. radial acceleration (experimental) ......................................................... 79 Figure 3-24 Doppler bin difference vs. radial acceleration (experimental) ......................................................... 80 Figure 3-25 Doppler bin difference vs. radial acceleration (theoretical) delta frequency bin is 46.875 Hz........ 80 Figure 3-26 Joint likelihood evaluation (when multiple associating hypotheses are present) ............................. 81 Figure 3-27 Tracker overview .............................................................................................................................. 82 Figure 3-28 Track streamer overview .................................................................................................................. 83 Figure 3-29 Tracker CAM overview ..................................................................................................................... 84 Figure 3-30 prohibited PSR initiate zones ........................................................................................................... 91 Figure 3-31 Tracker Server windows registry content ......................................................................................... 92 Figure 3-32 Services Management Console ......................................................................................................... 93 8 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-33 Serial input UDR configuration ....................................................................................................... 94 Figure 3-34 Beauvechain UDR session ................................................................................................................ 95 Figure 3-35 Beauvechain RASS-R recorder setup................................................................................................ 95 Figure 3-36 EV760 session ................................................................................................................................... 96 Figure 3-37 EV760 convert setup ......................................................................................................................... 96 Figure 3-38 Asterix session .................................................................................................................................. 97 Figure 3-39 Video session .................................................................................................................................... 97 Figure 3-40 Digital session .................................................................................................................................. 98 Figure 4-1 Interrogation sweep record structure ............................................................................................... 100 Figure 4-2 CAM protocol ................................................................................................................................... 101 Figure 5-1 PSR extractor network topology ....................................................................................................... 104 9 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual LIST OF TABLES LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 PCT791 specifications.......................................................................................................................... 16 Table 2-2 PSR Controlled Timing Unit specifications ......................................................................................... 19 Table 2-3 TML 15512C specifications.................................................................................................................. 20 Table 2-4 Inlet filter Shaffner FN9260-2/06 specifications .................................................................................. 21 Table 2-5 Flash memory cell content ................................................................................................................... 23 Table 2-6 PCT791-PRE790 communication interface ......................................................................................... 23 Table 2-7 J2101 layout ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Table 2-8 J2102 layout ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Table 2-9 J2103 layout ......................................................................................................................................... 25 Table 2-10 J2104 layout ....................................................................................................................................... 26 Table 2-11 PRE790 connector layout ................................................................................................................... 26 Table 2-12 Maintenance USB layout .................................................................................................................... 27 Table 2-13 30MHz in (0dBm) connector specifications ....................................................................................... 27 Table 2-14 Extra Sync connector specifications ................................................................................................... 27 Table 2-15 SSR sync connector specifications...................................................................................................... 27 Table 2-16 PRE790 specifications ........................................................................................................................ 28 Table 2-17 M597 - UVR for PRE790.................................................................................................................... 30 Table 2-18 M576 – PCT791 interface for UVR specifications ............................................................................. 31 Table 2-19 M351 - USB RDR specifications ........................................................................................................ 31 Table 2-20 M351 - USB RDR serial input/output specifications .......................................................................... 32 Table 2-21 LPT42 output voltages specifications ................................................................................................. 32 Table 2-22 LPT42 specifications .......................................................................................................................... 33 Table 2-23 Shurter CD44.1101.151 specifications............................................................................................... 34 Table 2-24 Shurter CD44.1101.151 input filter.................................................................................................... 34 Table 2-25 USB hub specifications ....................................................................................................................... 35 Table 2-26 PRE790-PCT791 communication interface ....................................................................................... 38 Table 2-27 PRE790-UDR communication interface ............................................................................................ 38 Table 2-28 PRE790-GPS450 communication interface ....................................................................................... 38 Table 2-29 GPS connector layout......................................................................................................................... 39 Table 2-30 PCT791 connector layout ................................................................................................................... 39 Table 2-31 I-video connector specifications ......................................................................................................... 40 Table 2-32 Q-video connector specifications ....................................................................................................... 40 Table 2-33 Maintenance USB layout .................................................................................................................... 40 Table 2-34 HDLC Out1/2 connector layout ......................................................................................................... 40 Table 2-35 EV760 Input 1/2 ................................................................................................................................. 41 Table 2-36 Maintenance USB layout .................................................................................................................... 41 Table 2-37 GPS450 specifications ........................................................................................................................ 42 Table 2-38 TU35-D410-031 specifications .......................................................................................................... 43 Table 2-39 P450 Weatherproof GPS connector layout ........................................................................................ 44 Table 2-40 PE860 specifications .......................................................................................................................... 46 Table 2-41 PowerConnect 2708 specifications .................................................................................................... 48 Table 3-1 PCT TimingPrefs INI file values .......................................................................................................... 60 Table 3-2 Extractor server UserPrefs – Extractor control section....................................................................... 71 Table 3-3 Extractor server UserPrefs – Reply Combiner section ........................................................................ 72 Table 3-4 Extractor server UserPrefs – Plot Streamer section ............................................................................ 72 Table 3-5 Extractor server UserPrefs – Probe Streamer section ......................................................................... 73 Table 3-6 Extractor server UserPrefs – CAM server section ............................................................................... 73 Table 3-7 Extractor server UserPrefs – PPI section ............................................................................................ 73 Table 3-8 Extractor server UserPrefs – PCT section ........................................................................................... 73 Table 3-9 Extractor server UserPrefs – EDR_Replay section ............................................................................. 74 Table 3-10 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – tracker control section ........................................................... 88 Table 3-11 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – combiner section .................................................................... 88 Table 3-12 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – Tracker section ...................................................................... 91 Table 3-13 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – Track streamer section .......................................................... 91 Table 3-14 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – Tracker CAM section ............................................................. 91 Table 4-1 Interrogation sweep record - field description ................................................................................... 100 Table 4-2 Extractor commands .......................................................................................................................... 102 10 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual LIST OF TABLES Table 4-3 Extractor events.................................................................................................................................. 102 Table 4-4 Tracker commands ............................................................................................................................. 103 Table 4-5 Tracker events .................................................................................................................................... 103 Table 5-1 Network sockets overview .................................................................................................................. 105 11 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual About this m anual About this manual The PSR extractor technical manual describes technical aspects of the primary radar extractor system designed by Intersoft Electronics. This manual assumes that you are familiar with that material. You should also be familiar with the operation of your computer, your computer’s operating system. Disclaimer Notice The PSR extractor Software takes advantage of the data processing methods that are believed to be strict and accurate. This User Manual is believed to be accurate and complete. On no account Intersoft Electronics will be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damage resulting from any defect or malfunction. Intersoft Electronics NV declines any responsibility for its usage. Technical support Should you have any problems with the tool, and/or do not readily find an answer in the present document or need further assistance please contact us using the following contact address: Intersoft Electronics Lammerdries, 27 B-2250 Olen BELGIUM Telephone : FAX : (+32) (+32) We appreciate your feedback and welcome your comments about the tool and this document. You may want to send your comments and remarks to the following e-mail address: [email protected] Organization of this manual The PSR extractor technical manual is organized as follows. Chapter 1, Introduction, contains a basic introduction of the primary radar extractor system. Chapter 2, Hardware overview, describes the hardware components of the primary extractor system. Chapter 3, Software overview, contains all the details about the software components of the extractor system. Chapter 4, Data formats, this chapter gives a detailed view on the data formats used in the communication between the different hardware and software components. Chapter 5, Network overview, the network topology is discussed in detail in this section. 12 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Conventions used in this m anual Conventions used in this manual The following conventions are used in this manual: Note: This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a note, which alerts you to important information. Caution: This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a caution, which alerts you to the possibility of data loss or a system crash. Warning: This icon to the left of bold italicized text denotes a warning, which alerts you to the possibility of damage to you or your equipment. 13 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Introd uction 1. Introduction The Prim ary Rad ar Extractor system exists of hard w are and softw are com p onents. In Figu re 1-1 a schem atic overview is given of the hard w are system setu p . Figure 1-1 Hardware system overview In softw are there are 3 m od u les: extractor service, com biner/ tracker service and CAM ap p lication. For d etails abou t these m od u les see chap ter 3 Softw are overview . 14 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview 2. Hardware overview In this section you can find all d etails abou t the hard w are of the p rim ary rad ar extractor d esigned by Intersoft Electronics. H ard w are com p onents: PCT791 PRE790 GPS450 Rackserver Dell PE860 = p rocessing com p u ter Sw itch Dell Pow erconnect 2708 Com p u ter Dell Dim ension 9200 = CAM com p u ter 15 Primary Extractor System - TA10 2.1 Technical manual H ardw are overview Programmable Controlled Timing Unit (PCT791) 2.1.1 Task(s) Generate Tim ings signals in Master m od e ( lim iter Sync, p rem od u lation sync, m aster 1 sync, SSR sync) Beam sw itching control STC control Receives ACP/ ARP from the antenna and forw ard s it to the PRE790. System clock generation. 2.1.2 Specifications Sp ecifications Sp ecification Dim ensions Inp u t voltage Inp u t frequ ency Pow er consu m p tion (230VAC su p p ly, no other connections) Fu se(s) Valu e 220 x 103 x 53m m 85 – 250VAC 47-400H z Slave – norm al: 10.6VA Slave – generator: 11.6VA Master – norm al: 11.6VA Master – generator: 12.9VA 1.5A Slow Table 2-1 PCT791 specifications 2.1.3 Device depiction The front p anel [Figu re 2-1] is d ivid ed in three sections: Statu s Tx On = This LED w ill light u p w hen the tim ing generation is active. N o Clock = This LED w ill light u p w hen there’s no clock signal p resent. Op erational = lights u p w hen the PCT791 u nit is in op erational m od e. Op erational m od e m eans that there’s no flash p rogram m ing in p rogress and norm al m od e is selected . ARP = lights u p by an antenna N orth crossing Fx ind . = not u sed for the m om ent, alw ays on Pow er = p ow er ind icator Settings 16 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview N orm al/ Generator: this sw itch m u st be in norm al settings for stand ard op eration. If it’s sw itched to generator fu nction, the u nit w ill ou tp u t ACP, ARP, 15 MH z and 625 KH z (Rad ar sim u lation). This m od e can be u sed to test another PCT791 u nit. Slave/ Master: If slave m od e is selected , the u nit w ill slave to the active system (TPL800 in the TA10 case). In m aster m od e, the u nit w ill generate the rad ar sync signals, STC and beam sw itching. Other 30MH z in (0d Bm ) = can be u sed as external clock sou rce inp u t. SSR sync ou t (TTL) = SSR sync ou tp u t J2101 = interconnection p anel connector J2102 = interconnection p anel connector J2103 = interconnection p anel connector J2104 = interconnection p anel connector Figure 2-1 PCT791 front panel On the left p anel you can find the p ow er inp u t. The inp u t p ow er can vary betw een: 85-250VAC/ 47-400H z [see also Table 2-1]. 17 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Figure 2-2 PCT791 left panel On the right p anel you can find follow ing connections: Extrasync ou tp u t [SMA] = this ou tp u t can be u sed as a p retrigger. This signal has an offset of -40μsec, d u ration 1 μsec. PRE790 connector [H DMI] = u sed to connect the PCT791 w ith the PRE790 Maintenance USB [USB typ e B] = this connector is u sed to u p d ate the PLD firm w are. In norm al op eration this is not u sed . Figure 2-3 PCT791 right panel 2.1.4 Main components M575 - PSR controlled Tim ing Unit Pow er su p p ly Tracop ow er TML 15512C Inlet filter Shaffner FN 9260-2/ 06 18 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview M575 – PSR Controlled Timing Unit IE reference = M575 (16756) Figure 2-4 M 575 - PSR Controlled Timing Unit Sp ecifications Sp ecification Inp u t voltage Inp u t cu rrent/ p ow er Slave – norm al Slave – generator Master – norm al Master – generator Op erational tem p eratu re lim its Storage tem p eratu re lim its Valu e +5V 524m A / 2.62W 635m A / 3.175W 625m A / 3.125W 734m A / 3.67W 0°C - 60°C -65°C to 150°C Table 2-2 PSR Controlled Timing Unit specifications Power source TracoPower TML 15512C IE reference = C-66000061 Figure 2-5 TracoPower TM L 15512C (other type in figure) 19 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Sp ecifications Sp ecification Valu e Inp u t voltage range 85 – 264VAC Inp u t frequ ency 47 – 440 H z Inp u t cu rrent, no load 18m A / 25m A typ Inp u t cu rrent, fu ll load 280m A / 165m A typ . External fu se 1.5A slow blow typ e Tem p eratu re ranges Op erating -25°C…+71°C Pow er d erating above 50°C 3.75%/ °C storage -40°C…+85°C Tem p eratu re coefficient 0.02% / °C Efficiency 72 – 80% H u m id ity (non cond ensing) 95% rel m ax Sw itching frequ ency 100KH z typ (PWM) Isolation voltage (in/ ou t) 3000VAC MTBF (MIL H DBK 217E) > 660000h @ 25°C EMI / RFI cond u cted EN 55022, class B, FCC p art 15, level B EMC com p liance Electrostatic d ischarge ESD IEC / EN 61000-4-2 4kV / 8kV RF field su scep tibility IEC / EN 61000-4-3 3V/ m Electrical fast transients / bu rsts on IEC / EN 61000-4-4 1kV m ainsline Safety stand ard s UL 1950, IEC 60950, EN 60950 Safety ap p roval cUL/ UL File E188913 Case m aterial Plastic resin + Fiberglass (flam m ability to UL 94-V0) Table 2-3 TM L 15512C specifications Inlet filter Shaffner FN9260-2/06 IE reference = C-11000060 Figure 2-6 Inlet filter Shaffner FN 9260-2/06 20 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Sp ecifications Sp ecification Maxim u m op erating voltage Op erating frequ ency H igh p otential test voltage PN -> E P -> N Cap acitance Cx Cap acitance Cy Maxim u m leakage μA/ p hase Resistance R H ardw are overview Valu e 250VAC DC to 400H z 2000 VAC 1700 VDC 100nF 2.2nF 190 1M Table 2-4 Inlet filter Shaffner FN 9260-2/06 specifications Figure 2-7 Inlet filter Shaffner FN 9260-2/06 electrical diagram 2.1.5 Functional description Figure 2-8 PCT791 schematic overview Figu re 2-8 gives a schem atic overview of the PCT791 u nit. The system is bu ilt u p arou nd an isp XPLD (In System Program m able eXp and ed Program m able Logic 21 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Device) ru nning on a 60MH z crystal oscillator +-50p p m (CFPS-73B). This d evice is in system p rogram m able via the USB controller. This allow s an easy w ay to u p grad e the PLD firm w are via the m aintenance USB connection. The PCT791 system is also p rovid ed w ith flash m em ory (512Kx16). This m em ory is u sed to store the STC and beam sw itch m ap (see Figu re 2-9 PCT791 flash organization). Program m ing of the flash content can be d one via the m aintenance USB connection or via th e PRE790 USB connection. Figure 2-9 PCT791 flash organization Flash ad d ress is calcu lated based on the follow ing form u la: Flash_Ad d ress = [Azim u th cou nter/ 4)*0x200 + Min(RangeCou nter(625kH z);0x1FF)] The size of one cell is 0.13N m x 0.352° 22 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Data content of a m em ory cell: Bit b0 b1 b2 Fu nction STC CH 1 STC CH 2 STC CH 3 Bit b8 b9 b10 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 STC CH 4 STC CH 5 STC CB1 STC CB2 STC CB3 b11 b12 b13 b14 b15 Function STC CB4 STC CB5 Beam Sw itch (0=high; 1=low beam ) - Table 2-5 Flash memory cell content The valu e of STC is calcu lated at the follow ing m anner: High beam: STC attenu ation=m in[valu e(b4-b0) x 1.5d B; 40d B] [d B] Low beam: STC attenu ation=m in[valu e(b9-b5) x 1.5d B; 40d B] [d B] For com m u nication w ith the PRE790 there are som e com m u nication lines foreseen. The follow ing table gives an overview of these signals. N am e Trigger +/ Rad ar Clock +/ ACP ARP Fx_Tx Fx_Rx PLD_Tx +/ - PLD_Rx +/ - Fu nction Range 0 trigger System sam p le clock Azim u th Change Pu lses Azim u th Reset Pu lse USB p rocessor serial com m u nication p ort USB p rocessor serial com m u nication p ort PLD serial com m u nication p ort PLD serial com m u nication p ort Interface typ e LVDS LVDS Direction PCT791 -> PRE790 PCT791 -> PRE790 RS232 PCT791 -> PRE790 RS232 PCT791 -> PRE790 RS232 PCT791-> PRE790 RS232 PRE790 -> PCT791 LVDS PCT791 -> PRE790 LVDS PRE790 -> PCT791 Table 2-6 PCT791-PRE790 communication interface The PCT791 u nit can generate tim ing signals for the Thom so n TA-10 rad ar. These signals are available on fou r 50- p in flatcable connectors w ho can m ate d irecly to the TA-10 interconnection p anel. The signals are m ad e RS422 com p atible by u sing 26LS31 d rivers and 26LS32 receivers. For statu s ind ication there are six ind ication led ’s and one beep er. The m eaning is exp lained in section 2.1.3 Device d ep iction The system clock can be chosen ou t of three sou rces: 23 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview External 15MH z clock on flat cable connectors [see 2.1.6 Connectors] External 30MH z clock connected on the front p anel, 0d Bm at 50 . Bu ffered by an AD8611 op am p . Internal generated 15MH z clock (based on the 60MH z PLD clock) 2.1.6 Connectors J2101 Connector typ e = 50 w ire (2x25) right m ale flatcable connector w ith fasteners. Pin nu m ber signal 9 10 23 24 25 26 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Lim iter sync + Lim iter sync Azim u th + Azim u th N orth signal + N orth signal STC CH clock + STC CH clock STC CH 1 + STC CH 1 STC CH 2 + STC CH 2 STC CH 3 + STC CH 3 STC CH 4 + STC CH 4 - d irection Work m od e Slave Master N G N G I I O O I I I O I I I O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O Table 2-7 J2101 layout 24 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview J2102 Connector typ e = 50 w ire (2x25) right m ale flatcable connector w ith fasteners . Pin nu m ber signal 3 4 5 6 19 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 31 Master 1 sync (SP) + Master 1 sync (SP) Prem od u lator sync + Prem od u lator sync PEMR + PEMR PEFR + PEFR 15MH z clock + 15MH z clock 625KH z clock + 625KH z clock Beam com b bit 0 + Beam com b bit 0 - d irection Work m od e Slave Master N G N G I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I I O I I I O I I O O Table 2-8 J2102 layout J2103 Connector typ e = 50 w ire (2x25) right m ale flatcable connector w ith fasteners. Pin nu m ber signal 43 44 STC CH 5 + STC CH 5 - d irection Work m od e Slave Master N G N G I I O O Table 2-9 J2103 layout 25 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview J2104 Connector typ e = 50 w ire (2x25) right m ale flatcable connector w ith fasteners. Pin nu m ber signal 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 STC CB clock + STC CB clock STC CB1 + STC CB1 STC CB2 + STC CB2 STC CB3 + STC CB3 STC CB4 + STC CB4 STC CB5 + STC CB5 - d irection Work m od e Slave Master N G N G I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O I I O O Table 2-10 J2104 layout PRE790 connector Connector typ e = H DMI right angle flange ty p e (Molex 5002541931) Pin nu m ber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Signal Trigger + GN D Trigger PLD_Rx_0+ GN D PLD_Rx_0PLD_Tx_0+ GN D PLD_Tx_0Rad ar_Clock+ GN D Rad ar_Clock/ Fx_Tx_1 / Fx_Rx_1 / ACP / ARP GN D +5V in (op tional) +5V in (op tional) Direction PCT791 -> PRE790 PCT791 -> PRE790 PRE790 -> PCT791 PRE790 -> PCT791 PCT791 -> PRE790 PCT791 -> PRE790 PCT791 -> PRE790 PCT791 -> PRE790 PCT791 -> PRE790 PRE790 -> PCT791 PCT791 -> PRE790 PCT791 -> PRE790 PRE790 -> PCT791 PRE790 -> PCT791 Table 2-11 PRE790 connector layout This connector is not com p atible w ith connectors fou nd on H DMI m u ltim ed ia d evices. 26 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Maintenance USB connector Connector typ e = USB typ e B Pin nam e Shield Gnd D+ DVcc Descrip tion Connected via 1M and 100nF to Gnd Gnd USB d ata + USB d ata N ot connected , self p ow ered d evice Table 2-12 M aintenance USB layout 30MHZ in (0dBm) connector Connector typ e = BN C-50 Sp ecifications Sp ecification Inp u t im p ed ance Minim u m inp u t level Recom m end ed inp u t level Maxim u m inp u t level Inp u t frequ ency Valu e 50 -15 d Bm 0d Bm 15 d Bm 30MH z Table 2-13 30M Hz in (0dBm) connector specifications Extra Sync connector Connector typ e = SMA Sp ecifications Sp ecification stand ard Valu e TTL Table 2-14 Extra Sync connector specifications SSR sync connector Connector typ e = BN C-50 Sp ecifications Sp ecification stand ard Valu e TTL Table 2-15 SSR sync connector specifications 27 Primary Extractor System - TA10 2.2 Technical manual H ardw are overview Primary Radar Extractor (PRE790) 2.2.1 Task(s) Sam p ling IQ-vid eo signals from the rad ar receiver Control (p aram eter w rite, flash p rogram m ing) and interface the PCT791 u nit GPS interfacing Serial in- and ou tp u t 2.2.2 Specifications Sp ecifications Sp ecification Dim ensions Inp u t voltage Inp u t frequ ency Pow er consu m p tion (230VAC, no other connections) Fu ses Op erational tem p eratu re lim its Storage tem p eratu re lim its H u m id ity Valu e 45 x 395 x 88m m (m ou nting brackets exclu d ed ) 85 - 250VAC / 120 – 200VDC 44 – 440H z 20.35W 1.6A slow (5x20m m ) 0°C…+40°C -30°C…+50°C 10%...80% (non-cond ensing) Table 2-16 PRE790 specifications 2.2.3 Device depiction On the front p anel there is a p ow er LED Figure 2-10 PRE790 front panel On the back p anel you can find three sections: Pow er: inp u t p ow er connector, IEC inlet Extractor connections: o GPS: this connector is u sed to connect an Intersoft Weatherp roof GPS P-450. This connector typ e is the sam e as a netw ork connector typ e (RJ45), bu t is not com p atible. 28 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview o PCT791 connector: u sed to connect a PCT791 u nit o Vid eo I/ Q: inp u t for the rad ar receiver I and Q vid eo. o Extractor USB: USB2.0 connection to the p rocessing com p u ter (ru nning the extraction service) DH M connections 2.2.4 o H DLC ou t 1/ 2: serial ou tp u t of DH M d ata o EV760 Inp u t 1/ 2: serial inp u t of the EV760 ou tp u t o Datahand ler USB: USB1.1 connection to the p rocessing com p u ter (ru nning a DH M service) Main components M597-UVR for PRE790 M351–USB RDR (2x) M576-PCT791 interface for UVR Pow er sou rce LPT42 Inlet filter Shu rter CD44.1101.151 USB hu b M597 – UVR for PRE790 IE reference = M597 Figure 2-11 M 597 - UV R for PRE790 29 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview This m od u le receives the vid eo inp u ts I and Q. These signals are sam p led by an AD converter and p rep rocessed by a DSP (Digital Signal Processor). The resu lt is stream ed to the p rocessing com p u ter over USB2.0. Other tasks p erform ed by this m od u le are: Com m u nication w ith the PCT791 u nit GPS m essages p rocessing to Tim e stam p inform ation ACP/ ARP/ PPS/ Trigger signals generation for the UDR m od u les The UVR m od u le is connected to an extension board (see M576 – PCT791 interface for UVR) for p erform ing it’s tasks. Sp ecifications Sp ecification Valu e Op erational tem p eratu re lim its 0°C…+40°C Storage tem p eratu re lim its -30°C… +50°C H u m id ity 10%...80% (non-cond ensing) p ow er See Table 2-18 Table 2-17 M 597 - UV R for PRE790 M576 – PCT791 interface for UVR IE reference = M576 Figure 2-12 M 576 - PCT791 interface for UV R The m od u le is u sed as an extension of the UVR m od u le [see M597 – UVR for PRE790] Tasks p erform ed by this m od u le are: Pow er p rovid ing of the UVR m od u le Interface the UVR m od u le w ith the PCT791 u nit (level translation, connector su p p ort,…) Interface for the GPS450 m od u le [see 2.3 GPS450] Pass on the ACP, ARP, PPS and Trigger signals to M351 [see M351 – USB RDR] 30 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Sp ecifications Sp ecification Valu e Inp u t voltages +12V; +5V; -12V(op tional) Inp u t cu rrent / p ow er +12V 243m A / 2.62W +5V 38.1m A / 0.19W -12V 20.8m A / 0.25W Op erational tem p eratu re lim its 0°C…+40°C Storage tem p eratu re lim its -30°C...+50°C H u m id ity 10%...80% (non-cond ensing) Table 2-18 M 576 – PCT791 interface for UV R specifications The sp ecifications in Table 2-18 are m easu red w ith and UVR board connected ; fu rther no other connections. M351 – USB RDR IE reference = M351 Figure 2-13 M 351 - USB RDR The PRE790 system is p rovid ed tw ice w ith this m od u le. The fu nction of this m od u le is to hand le serial com m u nications. It can p rovid e serial inp u t and serial ou tp u t as w ell. The fu nctions are fu lly controllable in the DH M service softw are [see 3.3 DH M Service]. Sp ecifications Sp ecification Op erational tem p eratu re lim its Storage tem p eratu re lim its H u m id ity Max. op erating altitu d e Pow er su p p ly Inp u t cu rrent / p ow er (no other connections than p ow er su p p ly) Valu e 0°C …+40°C -30°C …+50°C 10%...80% (noncond ensing) 3080m +12VDC 93m A@+12VDC / 1.1W Table 2-19 M 351 - USB RDR specifications 31 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Serial inp u ts/ ou tp u ts sp ecifications Sp ecification Valu e RS 232 C Receivers Inp u t resistance 3k m in, 5k typ , 7k m ax Low (logic zero) threshold 1.2V typ , 0.8 m in. H igh (logic one) threshold 1.7V typ , 3.0 m ax. RS 232 C Drivers H igh level ou tp u t +5V m in, +15Vm ax Low level ou tp u t -15V m in, -5V m ax Short circu it cu rrent +-100m A Pow er off im p ed ance 300 Slew rate RL=3K, C L=50p F 30V/ μs RS 422 Receivers Inp u t resistance 4k m in Low (logic zero) threshold -6.0V m in, -0.3V m ax H igh (logic one) threshold 0.3V m in, 6.0V m ax Com m on m od e range -7.0V m in, +7.0V m ax. RS 422 Drivers Differential ou tp u t +2.0V m in Short circu it cu rrent +150m A Transistion tim e 40 ns m ax. (10%-90%) Table 2-20 M 351 - USB RDR serial input/output specifications Power source LPT42 IE reference = C-66000034 Figure 2-14 LPT42 This m od u le p rovid es the necessary voltages for the system . Ou tp u t voltage +5V +12V -12V Maxim u m load (convection cooling) 4A 2A 0.5A Ou tp u t voltages Peak load 1 Regu lation 2 Rip p le P/ P (PARD)3 7A 4A 1A +-2% +-5% +-5% 50m V 120m V 120m V Table 2-21 LPT42 output voltages specifications 32 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Sp ecifications Sp ecification Inp u t range Frequ ency Inru sh cu rrent Inp u t cu rrent Efficiency EMI filter Safety grou nd leakage cu rrent Maxim u m ou tp u t p ow er Ad ju stm ent range Cross regu lation H old -u p tim e Overload p rotection Op erating tem p eratu re Electrom agnetic su scep tibility H u m id ity Vibration Storage tem p eratu re MTBF d em onstrated Safety Valu e 85-265VAC 120-300VDC 47-440H z <18A p eak @ 115VAC; <36A p eak @ 230VAC, Cold start @ 25°C 1A m ax. (RMS) @ 115VAC 70% typ ical at fu ll load FCC Class B cond u cted CISPR 22 Class B cond u cted EN 55022 Class B cond u cted VDE 0878 PT3 Class B cond u cted <0.5m A @ 50/ 60H z, 264VAC inp u t 40W for convection -5, +10% m inim u m +-2% on ou tp u t 1; +-5% on ou tp u ts 2,3 20m s @ 40W load , 115VAC nom inal line Short circu it p rotection on all ou tp u ts. Case overload p rotected @ 110-145% above p eak rating 0° to 50°C am bient; d erate each ou tp u t at 2.5% p er d egree from 50° to 70°C IEC 801, -2,-3, -4, -5, -6, Level 3 Op erating; non-cond ensing 5%-95% Three orthogonal axes, sw eep at 1 oct/ m in, 5m in. d w ell at fou r m ajor resonances 0.75G p eak 5H z to 500H z, op erational -40° to +85°C >550 000h at fu ll load and 25°C am bient cond ition VDE 0805/ EN 60950 (IEC950) UL1950 CSA 22.2-234 Level 3 N EMKO EN 60950/ EMKO-TUE (74-sec) 203 CB certificate and rep ort CE Mark (LVD) Table 2-22 LPT42 specifications 33 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Inlet filter Shurter CD44.1101.151 IE reference = C-58000038 Figure 2-15 Shurter CD44.1101.151 Sp ecifications Sp ecification Valu e Maxim u m inp u t voltage 250VAC / 275VDC Maxim u m inp u t cu rrent 6A Allow able op eration tem p . -25°C to +85°C Dielectric Strength > 1.7kVDC betw een L-N > 2.7kVDC betw een L/ N -PE Test voltage (2sec) Leakage Cu rrent < 0.5m A (250V / 60H z) Clim atic category 25/ 085/ 21 acc. to, IEC 60068-1 Degree of p rotection From front sid e IP40 acc. to, IEC 60529 Protection class Su itable for ap p liances w ith p rotection class 1 acc. to IEC61140 Material: hou sing Therm op lastic, black, UL 94V-0 Ap p liance-Inlet / -Ou tlet C14 acc. to IEC/ EN 60320-1, UL498, CSA C22.2 no. 42 (for cold cond ition) p in-tem p eratu re 70°C, 10A, Protection class 1 Line Sw itch Rocker sw itch 2-p ole, nonillu m inated , acc. to IEC 61058-1 MTBF > 1,200,000h acc. to MIL-H B-217 F L Cx Cy 2 x 0.8m H 68nF 2.2nF Table 2-23 Shurter CD44.1101.151 specifications Table 2-24 Shurter CD44.1101.151 input filter 34 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview USB hub IE reference = C-21000451 USB p ow ered d evice Sp ecifications Sp ecification Chip set Stand ard s p orts Wiring Top ology Op eration Tem p eratu re H u m id ity Com p liances Pow er Valu e Genesys GL805A USB sp ecification 2.0 USB sp ecification 1.1 USB sp ecification 1.0 OH CI (Op en H ost Controller Interface) EH CI (Enhanced H ost Controller Interface) 2 d ow nstream USB Typ e “A” recep tacles Tiered star 0°C to 40°C 5% to 95%, non-cond ensing CE FCC class B VCCI UL H u b is USB p ow ered , connected d evices are self p ow ered Table 2-25 USB hub specifications 2.2.5 Functional description Figure 2-16 PRE790 schematic overview The PRE790 system is a com bination of som e m ain com p onents. We can d istinct three m ain p arts: vid eo p rocessing, serial p ort hand ling and p ow er. The vid eo p rocessing p art is d ed icated to the UVR m od u le [see M597 – UVR for PRE790]. The schem atic of this m od u le is d isp layed in Figu re 2-17. 35 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Figure 2-17 M 597 schematic overview The clock sou rces for the system are generated by the USB p rocessor (CY7C68013A), fu rther called FX2. The Fx2 itself is clocked by a 24MH z TCXO (50p p m , 2p p m / year, 2p p m 0°C -> 50°C). The DSP starts from this 24MH z to generate its core clock of 384MH z by u sing a PLL. The DSP ou tp u ts a 128MH z clock that’s u sed by the PLD and the SDRAM d evices. The JTAG bu s of the DSP is on a connector for em u lation and in system d ebu gging. The DSP EEPROM, w hich contains the p rogram , can be rep rogram m ed by the FX2 so that the DSP firm w are can be u p d ated via the USB connection. The JTAG connections of the PLD are available on a connector, bu t are also connected to FX2 I/ O lines so that the PLD can be rep rogram m ed in system via the USB connection. The FX2 can rep rogram its ow n EEPROM, this resu lts in a com p lete u p d ateable system via the USB connection. The I and Q vid eo signals of the rad ar receiver are connected to the Analog_CH 1 and Analog_CH 2 inp u t. These inp u ts are term inated w ith 50 ; the inp u t range goes from -2V till +2V. After the inp u t the sign als are low p ass filtered , the 3d B p oint of this filter is at 11MH z. Figu re 2-18 show s the frequ ency vs. attenu ation grap h. 36 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Figure 2-18 M 597 analog input circuit frequency vs attenuation The analog signal w ill next be d igitized w ith 12bit resolu tion, 7.5MH z sam p le rate. This d igital version of the signal is given to the DSP for fu rther p rep rocessing. The DSP p rep rocessing w ill take fou r consecu tive sam p les and m akes an average; th e resolu tion is increased to 14bit, the sam p le rate d ecreased to 1.875MH z. The resu lting vid eo signals are aligned w ith the trigger signal (range zero), are tim estam p ed , ACP and ARP inform ation is ad d ed and then send to the p rocessing com p u ter over USB w here they w ill be fu rther p rocessed [see 3.1.2 PSR extractor DLL] Besid es vid eo p rocessing the UVR w ill also hand le the com m u nication w ith the PCT791 u nit, GPS450 m od u le and UDR m od u les. Therefore the UVR need s an extension m od u le M576. A schem atic overview of this m od u le can be seen in Figu re 2-19. Figure 2-19 M 576 schematic overview Main com p onents of this extension board ar e level converters, to ad ap t signal levels. There’s also a m icrop rocessor onboard that has as m ain p u rp ose to su p ervise the system voltages and to d o som e extra IO for fu tu re requ ests or m od ifications. The com m u nications lines tow ard s the PCT791 u nit are d isp layed in Table 2-26 N am e Trigger +/ Rad ar Clock +/ ACP ARP Fx_Tx Fu nction Range 0 trigger System sam p le clock Azim u th Change Pu lses Azim u th Reset Pu lse USB p rocessor serial Interface typ e LVDS LVDS Direction PCT791 -> M576 PCT791 -> M576 RS232 PCT791 -> M576 RS232 PCT791 -> M576 RS232 M576-> PCT791 37 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Fx_Rx UVR_Tx +/ - UVR_Rx +/ - com m u nication p ort USB p rocessor serial com m u nication p ort PLD serial com m u nication p ort PLD serial com m u nication p ort H ardw are overview RS232 PCT791 -> M576 LVDS M576-> PCT791 LVDS PCT791 -> M576 Table 2-26 PRE790-PCT791 communication interface The trigger signal com es from the PCT791 u nit, and is u sed as range zero m ark to align the vid eo w ith. The rad ar transm itter is fired at the rising ed ge of this signal. The rad ar clock signal com es from the PCT791 u nit; it is u sed to generate the analog d igital conversion clock. The frequ ency of this clock is 30MH z, the ADC clock is 30/ 4 = 7.5MH z. ACP and ARP signals are antenna inform ation signals. This inform ation is ad d ed to the vid eo signals and forw ard ed to the UDR m od u les. The Fx_Tx and Fx_Rx signals are u sed by the serial p ort com m u nication betw een the tw o FX2 p rocessors (one on the UVR, the other on the PCT791). This serial p ort is u sed to read / w rite p aram eters and to u p d ate the flash content of the PCT791 u nit. UVR_Tx and UVR_Rx lines are reserved for a com m u nication betw een the tw o PLD’s in the system (UVR and PCT791). For the m om ent these lines are not u sed . Table 2-27 show s an overview of the signals going to the UDR m od u les. An exp lanation of the m eaning of these signals is alread y given. This info is need ed in the UDR m od u les to synchronize serial d ata w ith the vid eo d ata. N am e Trigger PPS ACP ARP Fu nction Range 0 trigger GPS p u lse p er second Azim u th Change Pu lses Azim u th Reset Pu lse Interface typ e TTL TTL Direction M576 -> UDR M576 -> UDR TTL M576 -> UDR TTL M576 -> UDR Table 2-27 PRE790-UDR communication interface The signals u sed betw een the GPS450 m od u le and the UVR are show n in Table 2-28. N am e GPS_RxD GPS_TxD GPS_Pow er PPS GPS_Detect Fu nction Serial com m u nication p ort Serial com m u nication p ort Pow er Pu lse Per Second GPS connected d etection Interface typ e RS232 Direction GPS450 -> M576 RS232 M576 -> GPS450 +12V TTL Pu ll-u p inp u t M576 -> GPS450 GPS450 -> M576 GPS450 -> M576 Table 2-28 PRE790-GPS450 communication interface For configu ration and to get inform ation there is a serial com m u nication p ort betw een both (GPS_RxD and GPS_TxD). The GPS connector is the sam e typ e u sed in com p u ter netw orks. Therefore it’s not safe to set p ow er on the connector before w e are su re that there is a GPS connected . The GPS_Pow er line is sw itched on w hen the 38 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview GPS_Detect line is p u lled to GN D. This w ill be w hen a GPS is connected , bu t not w hen by accid ent a netw ork connector is p lu gged in. The PPS line gives every second a p u lse, the rising ed ge is aligned p erfectly w ith the second ’s transition. 2.2.6 Connectors GPS connector Connector typ e = Unshield ed RJ45 PCB Socket 90¼ Low Profile (Stew art SS-6488-N F) Pin nu m ber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signal GPS_RxD GN D GPS_TxD GPS_Pow er PPS GPS_Detect GPS_Pow er Direction GPS -> M576 M576 -> GPS M576 -> GPS GPS -> M576 GPS -> M576 M576 -> GPS Table 2-29 GPS connector layout PCT791 connector Connector typ e = H DMI right angle flange typ e (Molex 5002541931) Pin nu m ber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Signal Trigger + GN D Trigger UVR_Tx_0+ GN D UVR_Tx_0UVR_Rx_0+ GN D UVR_Rx_0Rad ar_Clock+ GN D Rad ar_ClockFx_Rx Fx_Tx / ACP / ARP GN D +5V +5V Direction PCT791 -> M576 PCT791 -> M576 M576 -> PCT791 M576 -> PCT791 PCT791 -> M576 PCT791 -> M576 PCT791 -> M576 PCT791 -> M576 PCT791 -> M576 M576 -> PCT791 PCT791 -> M576 PCT791 -> M576 M576 -> PCT791 M576 -> PCT791 Table 2-30 PCT791 connector layout This connector is not com p atible w ith connectors fou nd on H DMI m u ltim ed ia d evices. 39 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview I and Q connector Connector typ e = BN C straight bu lkhead jack Sp ecifications Sp ecification Inp u t im p ed ance Inp u t range Inp u t BW (-3d B) Valu e 50 -2V till +2V 0-11MH z Table 2-31 I-video connector specifications Connector typ e = BN C straight bu lkhead jack Sp ecifications Sp ecification Inp u t im p ed ance Inp u t range Inp u t BW (-3d B) Valu e 50 -2V till +2V 0-11MH z Table 2-32 Q-video connector specifications Extractor USB Connector typ e = USB typ e B Pin nam e Shield Gnd D+ DVcc Descrip tion Connected via 1M and 100nF to Gnd Connected via 10u H to Gnd USB d ata + USB d ata Connected via 10u H to +5V Table 2-33 M aintenance USB layout HDLC OUT 1/2 Connector typ e = SUB-D 15p fem ale right angled DB15 Pin nu m ber 1, 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 RS422 RS232 Direction GN D TxDRxD+10V RxCTrxCTxD+ RxD+ -10V RxC+ TrxC+ +5V GN D TxDRxD+10V RxCTrxC- Ou t In Ou t In Ou t Ou t In Ou t In Ou t Ou t -10V +5V RJ45 Pin nu m ber 2 3 1 4 8 5 6 7 Table 2-34 HDLC Out1/2 connector layout 40 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview EV760 Input 1/2 Connector typ e = SUB-D 15p fem ale right angled Pin nu m ber RS422 RS232 Direction 1, 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 GN D TxDRxD+10V RxCTrxCTxD+ RxD+ -10V RxC+ TrxC+ +5V GN D TxDRxD+10V RxCTrxC- Ou t In Ou t In Ou t Ou t In Ou t In Ou t Ou t -10V +5V RJ45 Pin nu m ber 2 3 1 4 8 5 6 7 Table 2-35 EV 760 Input 1/2 Datahandler USB Connector typ e = USB typ e B Pin nam e Shield Gnd D+ DVcc Descrip tion Connected via 1M and 100nF to Gnd Gnd USB d ata + USB d ata N ot connected , self p ow ered d evice Table 2-36 M aintenance USB layout 41 Primary Extractor System - TA10 2.3 Technical manual H ardw are overview GPS450 2.3.1 Task(s) Provid e UTC sync tim estam p to the extractor system 2.3.2 Specifications Sp ecifications Sp ecification Dim ensions Inp u t voltage Pow er consu m p tion Fu ses chip set Protocol Op erating tem p eratu re Valu e 122 x 122 x 50m m +7 … +28VDC 0.75 W Rockw ell Ju p iter 12 Binary -40°C to +85°C Table 2-37 GPS450 specifications 2.3.3 Device depiction Figure 2-20 GPS450 picture 2.3.4 Main components M-264 Weatherp roof GPS board Ju p iter 12 GPS Receiver TU35-D410-031 M-264 weatherproof GPS board IE reference = M264 42 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview Figure 2-21 M -264 weatherproof GPS board picture Sp ecifications see Table 2-37 GPS450 sp ecifications. Jupiter 12 GPS Receiver TU35-D410-031 IE reference = C-13000171 Sp ecifications Sp ecification Receiver architectu re Tim e accu racy Acqu isition/ reacqu isition p erform ance Op erating tem p eratu re H u m id ity altitu d e Valu e 12-channel, L1 1575.42 MH z C/ A cod e (1.023MH z chip rate) Cod e-p lu s-carrier tracking Better than 100ns (absolu te), 40ns (1 sigm a) H ot start: 18 sec (valid alm anac, tim e, p osition and ep hem eris) Warm start: 48 sec (valid alm anac, tim e and p osition) Cold start: 120 sec (no inform ation) -40°C to +85°C Up to 95% (non-cond ensing) -305m to 12190m Table 2-38 TU35-D410-031 specifications 2.3.5 Functional description This d evice consists of a GPS m od u le, som e electronics for level conversions, bu ffering and p ow er m anagem ent. The p ow er is external su p p lied and converted to +5VDC. The GPS m od u le has a serial p ort for read ing statu s inform ation and to setu p the GPS m od u le. These serial p orts are converted to RS232 stand ard . The PPS ou tp u t of the GPS m od u le is bu ffered to d rive an external load . 43 Primary Extractor System - TA10 2.3.6 Technical manual H ardw are overview Connector(s) Connector typ e = Tw isted p air CAT5 typ e cable, 10m length Pin nu m ber 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signal OUT GN D IN +12V PPS GN D - Direction GPS -> -> GPS -> GPS GPS -> GPS -> - Table 2-39 P450 W eatherproof GPS connector layout 44 Primary Extractor System - TA10 2.4 Technical manual H ard w are overview Rackserver Dell PE860 Figure 2-22 PE860 front view 2.4.1 Task(s) Execu tion of the Extractor service, Com biner/ Tracker service Data d istribu tion u sing the DH M service 2.4.2 Specifications sp ecification Processor Chip set RAM Op erating system H ard Drive Drive Bay N etw ork interface card s Rem ote m anagem ent Vid eo su p p ort Chassis Pow er Environm ental valu e Du al-Core Intel® Xeon® 3060, 2.40GH z, 1066MH z front sid e bu s, 4MB cache Intel 3000 2GByte 667MH z Du al Rank ECC Mem ory (2x1GByte) Wind ow s XP p rofessional 160Gbyte SATA (7200rp m ) 3.5” H ard Drive 8x IDE DVD-ROM d rive Du al em bed d ed Broad com Gigabit1 N ICs 5721J DRAC IV/ P Server m anagem ent card ATI ES1000 w ith 16Mbyte m em ory 3 Years N BD (N ext Bu siness Day) Prem ier Enterp rise su p p ort 1 Year N BD (N ext Bu siness Day) On -Site su p p ort Form Factor: 1U Rack H eight: 1.68" (4.27 cm ) Wid th: 17.60" (44.70 cm ) Dep th: 21.50" (54.61 cm ) Weight: ~ 26.0 lbs. (11.80kg) Single p ow er su p p ly (345W) Op erating Tem p eratu re: 10° to 35°C (50° to 95°F) Op erating Relative H u m id ity: 20% to 80% (noncond ensing) w ith a m axim u m hu m id ity grad ation of 10% p er hou r Op erating Maxim u m Vibration: 0.25 G's 0-Peak, 3-200 H Z sw eep @ 1/ 2 Octaves/ m inu te Op erating Maxim u m Shock: 31G, 2.6m s, 20inch/ sec, bottom sid e Op erating Altitu d e: -16 to 3048 m (-50 to 10,000 ft.) Storage Tem p eratu re: -40° to 65°C (-40° to 149°F) Storage Relative H u m id ity: 5% to 95% (noncond ensing) Storage Maxim u m Vibration: 1.54 GRMS - 6 sid es @ 15 m in/ sid e Storage Maxim u m Shock: 71G, 2m s, 35inch/ sec, 45 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Regu latory Safety Technical manual H ardw are overview 6 sid es; 32G, 2m s, 270inch/ sec, 6 sid es Storage Altitu d e: -16 to 10,600 m (-50 to 35,000 ft.) FCC Part 15 Class A EN 61000-3-2, A1, A2: Cu rrent H arm onics EN 61000-3-3: Voltage Flicker EN 55022: 1998 and CISPR 22: 1997 Class A VCCI Class 1 MIC Class A BSMI EN 55024: 1998 and CISPR 24: 1997 IEC 61000-4-2: Electrostatic Discharge sp ecification IEC 61000-4-3: Rad iated Im m u nity IEC 61000-4-4: EFT/ Bu rsts Im m u nity IEC 61000-4-5: Su rge Im m u nity IEC 61000-4-6: Cond u cted Im m u nity 0.15-80MH z IEC 61000-4-8: Pow er Frequ ency H -Field IEC 61000-4-11: Voltage Dip s/ Interru p ts/ Variations EN 60950-1, First Ed ition: Stand ard for Inform ation Technology Equ ip m ent - Safety-Part 1: General Requ irem ents IEC 60950-1, First Ed ition (2001) UL/ CSA 60950-1, First Ed ition: Stand ard for Inform ation Technology Equ ip m ent - Safety-Part 1: General Requ irem ents EK1-ITB 2000:2003 : Ergonom ics ISO 9241 : VDT Ergonom ic Requ irem ents ZH 1/ 618:GS-VW-SG7:1997 :Ergonom ics ISO 13406-2 : Ergonom ic requ irem ents for w ork w ith visu al d isp lays based on flat p anels ISO 7779 : Sou nd Pressu re at Op erator Position (Acou stics) MsanPiN 001-96: Interstate Sanitary ru les and norm s (Acou stics) Table 2-40 PE860 specifications 46 Primary Extractor System - TA10 2.5 Technical manual H ardw are overview Switch DELL PowerConnect 2708 Figure 2-23 PowerConnect 2708 front view 2.5.1 Task(s) N etw ork connection of the extractor system 2.5.2 Specifications Delivers fu ll w ire-sp eed sw itching across all p orts and w eb-m anaged featu res Dell-d esigned sw itch is d efau lt an u nm anaged sw itch, bu t can be easily set u p as a w eb-m anaged sw itch w ith the p u sh of a bu tton 8-p ort Gigabit Ethernet Pow erConnect sw itch inclu d es featu res not u su ally fou nd on u nm anaged LAN sw itches, su ch as integrated front p anel LEDs and cable d iagnostics Pow erConnect 2708 su p p orts m axim u m sw itching cap acity of 16 Gbp s Su p p orts au to MDI/ MDIX and au to-negotiation of sp eed , d u p lex and flow control Easy w eb access to m anagem ent featu res Up to 64 ind u stry-stand ard VLAN s Fou r p riority qu eu es for op tim izing netw ork traffic u sing ind u stry stand ard qu ality of-service cap abilities Port m irroring so that traffic flow ing throu gh one p ort can be m irrored to another p ort for intru sion d etection and trou bleshooting Link aggregation for u p to 6 grou p s su p p orting u p to 4 p orts in each grou p ® Su p p orts Virtu al Cable Diagnostics by Marvell to p rovid e ad vanced trou bleshooting cap abilities for you r cable infrastru ctu re Sp ecification Port Attribu tes Valu e 8 10/ 100/ 1000 BASE-T p orts Au to-negotiation for sp eed , d u p lex m od e and flow control Au to MDI/ MDIX m od e and flow control Integrated Port LEDs Ind ivid u al p ort controls Perform ance Sw itching Cap acity 16.0 Gbp s Forw ard ing Rate 11.9 Mp p s Managem ent Web-based m anagem ent interface BootP/ DH CP IP ad d ress m anagem ent or Static 47 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual H ardw are overview IP ad d ress assignm ent RMON statistics Class of Service Fou r p riority qu eu es p er p ort Ad ju stable WRR and strict p riority Layer 2 IEEE 802.1p tagging and p ort-based p riority Layer 3-aw are p rioritization u sing DSCP valu es Secu rity Sw itch access p assw ord p rotection (read -only and read -w rite access) Restricted IP ad d ress VLAN IEEE 802.1Q p ort-based tagging u p to 64 VLAN s H onors all 4096 VLAN tags Sw itching Featu res Link Aggregation, u p to six grou p s and u p to fou r aggregated links p er grou p (IEEE 802.3ad ) Port m irroring (u p to fou r sou rce p orts) Availability Firm w are Up load s to the Sw itch Broad cast Storm Control ® Virtu al Cable Tester by Marvell Op tical Transceiver Diagnostics Chassis Dim ensions: 1.70 in (H ) x 10.42 in (W) x 6.37 in (D) H eight: 1U, rack-m ou nting kit inclu d ed Weight: 5 lbs Stand ard s Su p p orted IEEE802.3 CSMA/ CD IEEE802.3u 100BaseTx IEEE802.3z/ ab 1000BaseT IEEE802.3x Flow Control IEEE 802.1p Environm ental Op erating Tem p eratu re: 0º C to 45º C (32º F to 113º F) Storage tem p eratu re: -20º C to 70º C (-4º F to 158º F) Op erating H u m id ity: 10% to 90% Relative H u m id ity Storage H u m id ity: 10% to 95% Relate H u m id ity Pow er Maxim u m Pow er: 1.0A @ 100V Table 2-41 PowerConnect 2708 specifications 48 Primary Extractor System - TA10 2.6 Technical manual H ardw are overview Computer (CAM display) Dell Dimension 9200 Figure 2-24 CA M display computer This com p u ter system is u sed to control and m onitor the extractor/ tracker system . The tools u sed are the Extractor CAM m od u le and the MRD d isp lay. The com p u ter system is connected via a >10Mbp s netw ork connection to the extractor system sw itch. The com p u ter system u sed for the m om ent is a Dell Dim ension 9200, Pentiu m D820 2.8GH z w ith an N VIDIA Geforce 7900GS vid eo card bu t it can be any other COTS com p u ter. The only requ irem ents are a m od ern p rocessor and a vid eo card w ith m inim u m 128Mbyte (256Mbyte p referred ) m em ory onboard . 49 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview 3. Software overview The m ain p art of the extractor and com biner/ tra cker system is softw are based . The softw are consists off m od u les, com m u nicating w ith each other. Each m od u le has its ow n fu nction. The softw are com p onents ru ns on the p rocessing com p u ter [see 2.4 Rackserver Dell PE860]. Figure 3-1 PSR extractor software overview 50 Primary Extractor System - TA10 3.1 Technical manual Software overview Extractor Server 3.1.1 Description The Extractor server m od u le is configu red to ru n as a Wind ow s XP service . The m od u le d oesn’t have a u ser interface of its ow n. Control and m onitoring is d one w ith the CAM m od u le softw are. The tasks execu ted by this service are su m m ed below : Manage hard w are com p onents of the PRE790 system Read and p rocess rep ly stream from the d evice Ou tp u t vid eo and d ata onto the netw ork Manage the clu tterm ap (check, bu ild , ad ap t, save, load ) The extractor service is bu ilt in a m od u lar w ay, Figu re 3-2 show s an overview . The follow ing list gives an enu m eration w ith a short d escrip tion of each m od u le. Further in the d ocu m ent each p art is exp lained in d etail. PSR extractor DLL: this m od u le is resp onsible for the m ain p art of the calcu lations. It receives the vid eo d ata from the d evice or a p reviou sly record ed file and d oes the FFT p rocessing, threshold ing (Clu tterm ap and CFAR) and p robe stream ing. The clu tter-m ap s are also calcu lated and u p d ated in this p art of the softw are. PCT: m anages the PCT791 u nit (only in live m od e). It w ill w rite/ read p aram eters, m onitors the PCT791 statu s and u p d ates the flash content. Rep ly Com biner: com bines the sep arate rep lies com ing from the PSR extractor DLL and m akes p rim ary p lots of the d ata. The ou tp u t of this m od u le is forw ard ed to the Plot stream er m od u le. Plot Stream er: this m od u le stream s the p rim ary d etected p lots ou t to the netw ork over UDP. PPI: this engine is resp onsible for PRE790 system statu s inform ation. It w ill ou tp u t sector m essages on the requ ested netw ork sockets and to the u ser CAM interface. It w ill also m easu re the antenna rotation tim e, read s GPS statu s and tim e, read s ACP, ARP and IPR info. Probe Stream er: configu res and m anages the vid eo p robe ou tp u t of the PSR extractor DLL. EDR Rep lay: rep lays record ed d igital d ata stream files synchronou s w ith the p rim ary 2MH z file (only in rep lay m od e). CAM server: hand les com m u nication w ith the u ser CAM interface and the su bengines 51 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-2 Extractor server overview 3.1.2 PSR extractor DLL This m od u le is resp onsible for the m ain p art of the calcu lations. It receives the vid eo d ata from the d evice or a p reviou sly record ed file and d oes the FFT p rocessing, threshold ing and p robe stream ing. The clu tter -m ap s are also calcu lated and u p d ated in this p art of the softw are. An overview of the interna l stru ctu re of this m od u le can be seen in Figu re 3-3. Figure 3-3 PSR extractor DLL overview 52 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Functional description At startu p of the extractor system the DLL op ens a connection to a PRE790 d evice (called LIVE m od e) or a p reviou sly record ed 2MH z vid eo file (called REPLAY m od e). For the fu rther d escrip tion it’s called “d evice”. In case of live m od e the d ata is received over an USB2.0 connection w hich m u st exclu sively u sed for the PRE790 d evice d u e to band w id th requ irem ents. This m eans that no other high band w id th d evices m u st be connected to the sam e com p u ter. A m ou se, keyboard , UDR is not a p roblem . The DLL receives the interrogation sw eep d ata in the form at fou nd in section 4.1 from the d evice w here it’s fed to a FFT filter bank. It calcu lates a 16 bin FFT resu lt for the cu rrent cell by u sing the d ata at the sam e range of the p reviou s 15 interrogations, see Figu re 3-4 Figure 3-4 16-bin FFT calculation mechanism This m eans that for each cell sixteen resu lts are ou tp u tted . These resu lts are com p ared against the: clu tter-m ap valu e for that cell [for m ore inform ation abou t the clu tter-m ap see section The Clu tter-m ap ]. The CFAR valu e for the cu rrent cell [see section CFAR] The FFT resu lt w ill be ou tp u tted as a rep ly w hen the cond ition (3-1) is tru e. This ou tp u t is called the rep ly vid eo stream . FFT valu e [d B] > clu tter-m ap valu e [d B] + MAX(CFAR;Threshold ) [d B] (3-1) The inp u t d ata of the d evice is also fed to a record er; this m akes it p ossible to record the inp u t stream for later p layback (in rep lay m od e). The sector m essages p art of the DLL generates 32 sector m essages p er rotation, the m essages are fed to the PPI engine [see 3.1.6 PPI]. The GPS com m u nication block read s inform ation from the GPS if connected . This inform ation is u sed for tim e-stam p ing. For m onitoring of the several calcu lation and p rocessing step s there is a p robe ou tp u t foreseen. It stream s the selected p robe d ata ou t at a p re configu red UDP socket. The control of this p robe is d one by the p robe stream er engine [see 3.1.7 Probe Stream er]. The d ifferent p robe typ es are: 53 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Log vid eo FFT channel Map channel Rep ly vid eo Log video Ou tp u ts the log vid eo of the inp u t signal. The log vid eo is calcu lated at the follow ing m anner: Log vid eo [d B] = 10 x Log{I[AD]²+Q[AD]²} (3-2) FFT channel Ou tp u ts the ou tp u t of a FFT calcu lation channel. Becau se a 16-bin FFT p rocessing is u sed , there are 16 channels available to ou tp u t. The ou tp u t is in d B Map channel Ou tp u ts the clu tter-m ap of the selected p rocessing channel (0 to 15) in d B. Reply video This p robe typ e is u sed as “controller vid eo”, p reviou sly in the d ocu m ent nam ed as rep ly vid eo stream . The vid eo w hich is ou tp u tted com es from the end of the DLL p rocessing chain. It ou tp u ts only the vid eo cells w hich are strong enou gh to be a p ossible target. The valu e ou tp u tted is calcu lated at the follow ing m anner: Rep ly vid eo [d B] = MAX [IF (FFT{i}[d B] > MAX(CM{i} ; CFAR{i}) + threshold ) TH EN (FFT{i}[d B] – CM{i}[d B]); i=0 -> 15] (3-3) The Clutter-map A clu tter-m ap contains static objects seen by a rad ar: for exam p le m ou ntain reflections, obstacles or other non m oving p arts. On the other hand , also d ynam ic objects like w eather can be stored in the clu tter m ap , these are slow m oving objects. This m eans that the clu tter m ap is continu ou sly changing w hile the Extractor is ru nning. The clu tter-m ap consists of cells containing the exp ected backgrou nd reflection signal am p litu d e for that region . For each p rocessing channel there is a clu tter -m ap (sixteen in total). The size of a clu tter -m ap is 1024 by 1024 cells, d ata is 8 byte = 8Mbyte. The p hysical size of a cell is 2 range u nits at 4 ACP u nits (see Figu re 3-5) thu s eight resolu tion cells share the sam e clu tter -m ap cell. 54 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-5 clutter-map dimensions Each scan the clu tter-m ap is ad ap ted to the new FFT calcu lations. This u p d ate p rocess is d iscu ssed in section Clu tter-m ap ad ap tation p rocess. At startu p the clu tter-m ap is load ed from file, if there’s no clu tter -m ap fou nd on d isk or it’s ou t of range [see Clu tter-m ap com p are p rocess], the system w ill bu ild a new m ap [see Clu tter-m ap bu ild p rocess]. Clutter-map compare process At startu p of the extraction p rocess the softw are w ill d eterm ine if the clu tter -m ap load ed from d isk is still valid for the cu rrent environm ent. This check w ill only be execu ted on the zero bin clu tter-m ap , assu m ing that if this m ap is ok, the rest w ill be also ok. The com p are p rocess is m anaged by the Extractor Server engine [see 3.1.1 Descrip tion], bu t takes p lace in the PSR extractor DLL. Clutter-map build process When a clu tter-m ap is not fou nd at startu p or the load ed clu tter-m ap is ou t of range, the system w ill start in cold -start m od e. This m eans that the clu tter -m ap w ill bu ild u p from scratch. This p rocess is m anaged by the Extractor Server engine [see 3.1.1 Descrip tion], bu t takes p lace in the PSR extractor DLL. At the beginning of the bu ild p rocess, the extractor control w ill configu re the DLL w ith the follow ing p aram eters: Up Step =50d B; Dow nStep =25d B; Threshold =200. The clu tter-m ap contained by the DLL m em ory w ill be all set to 0. N ow the clu tter -m ap ad ap tation p rocess [see Clu tter-m ap ad ap tation p rocess] w ill d o the rest of the w ork, every scan the bu ild p rocess w ill d ecrease the u p - and d ow nstep w ith a factor 0.75; this p rocess rep eats 12 tim es. The resu lt is that after 12 scans the clu tterm ap s have ap p roached the FFT resu lt valu es w ithin a certain range. In Figu re 3-6 you 55 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview can see an exam p le of the ap p roach of a fixed valu e of 60,52d B in 12 iterations. In real the goal valu e is not stable; this w ill increase the ap p roxim ation error. Figure 3-6 build clutter-map approximation process 1 In Figu re 3-7 you can see in the left figu re the ap p roach valu e versu s the goal valu e for goal valu es going from 0 to 150. In the right figu re you can see the error (ap p roxim ation – goal valu e). Figure 3-7 build clutter-map approximation process 2 At the end of the bu ild p rocess the m ap s are increased w ith 6d B to create a save m argin, next the m ap is saved to d isk and the bu ild p rocess is end ed . The p reviou s settings of u p step , d ow nstep and threshold are set back as befo re. Clutter-map adaptation process Each scan each clu tter-m ap cell is u p d ated accord ing to the resu lts of the FFTcalcu lations for the resolu tion cells belonging to that sp ecific clu tter -m ap cell. This ad ap tation p rocess is au tonom ou s m anaged by the DLL There are tw o m ap -p aram eters d efined ; u p step and d ow nstep , w hich are u ser controllable. If all FFT resu lts of the resolu tion cells are low er than the clu tter -m ap cell valu e, then the valu e of the cell w ill be d ecreased w ith d ow nstep . If the ou tcom e of one of the FFT calcu lations for the resolu tion cells is higher then the cu rrent clu tter-m ap cell valu e, the valu e w ill be increased w ith u p step . 56 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-8 Clutter-map adaptation process CFAR CFAR or Constant false alarm rate is u sed to d etect target retu rns against a backgrou nd of noise, clu tter and interference. The CFAR threshold level is calcu lated by estim ating the level of noise floor arou nd the cell u nd er test (CUT). This can be fou nd by taking a block of cells arou nd the CUT and calcu lating the average p ow er level. To avoid corru p ting this estim ate w ith p ow er from the CUT itself, cells im m ed iately ad jacent to the CUT are ignored (referred to as “gu ard cells”). The im p lem entation in the TA10 extractor contains the GOCA CFAR algorithm , this m eans that the average is calcu lated before and after the CUT (taken som e gu ard cells into accou nt). Of both averages the m axim u m one is taken. This obtained valu e is an estim ation of the noise floor for the CUT. This val u e is m u ltip lied w ith a factor (linear) to obtain a threshold valu e ( See Figu re 3-9 CFAR algorithm ). 57 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-9 CFA R algorithm 3.1.3 PCT engine The PCT engine hand les the com m u nication w ith the PCT791 u nit, connected via d e PRE790 d evice to the p rocessing com p u ter. The engine is only started w hen a live d evice connection is initiated ; in rep lay m od e this engine has no fu nction. Figu re 3-10 show s an overview of the engine. Figure 3-10 PCT engine overview The engine is sp lit in sep arate tasks; first you see the com m u nication w ith the PSR extractor DLL. The tw o fu nction blocks PCT m onitoring and PCT w rite p aram eters can com m u nicate w ith the PCT791 u nit by u sing read / w rite com m and s via the DLL PCT com m u nication interface block. The PCT m onitoring block checks the connection w ith the PCT791 u nit, and m onitors the statu s ind icators (also fou nd on the PCT791 u nit front p anel). The PCT w rite p aram eters block is u sed to set the PCT791 u nit p aram eters accord ing to the Tim ingPrefs IN I file. The IN I file to u se can be selected at startu p of the extractor, if none is chosen; the d efau lt.ini w ill be u sed [see Tim ingPrefs IN I file]. The tw o blocks at the right are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Extractor Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the extractor server engine. This interface is u sed to trigger events in the PCT engine. The second , CAM server Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the CAM server, this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d etail in section 3.1.9 CAM server TimingPrefs INI file The IN I files are located in the C:\ Program Files\ Intersoft Electronics\ PSR Extractor\ Extractor Server\ Tim ingPrefs d irectory. If you op en su ch a file you w ill see som ething as below : [Tim ing] Lim iter Sync (SL)=13.600000 Offset Lim iter Sync (SL)=-2.9000000 Prem od u lation Sync (MOD)=1.000000 58 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Master Sync (SP)=1.000000 Offset Master Sync (SP)=-3.1500000 SSR Sync (SSR)=1.000000 Offset SSR Sync (SSR)=-35.000000 Extra Sync (ES)=1.000000 Offset Extra Sync (ES)=-40.000000 TxOn=TRUE stagger=FALSE 30MH z clock?=FALSE PRF=750.000000 PEMR Range=65.000000 PEMR Azim u th=180.000000 PEFR Range=65.000000 Fixed STC H =0,000000 Fixed STC L=0,000000 fixed H L beam =FALSE BS=FALSE STC=FALSE internal clock?=TRUE Im p ortant: changing valu es in th ese files can resu lt in d am age of the rad ar system in m aster m od e. Esp ecially the tim ing settings m u st be m atched w ith each other for a p rop er w orking system . If you d ou bt som ething, ask a second op inion. A Tim ingPrefs IN I file contains settings to configu re the PCT791 u nit. In Table 3-1 you can find an exp lanation of the m eaning of each valu e. Valu e nam e Lim iter Sync (SL) Possible valu es [0,6; 16,7] Offset Lim iter Sync (SL)* Prem od u lation Sync (MOD) [-40; +28,1] [0; 1,8] Meaning Du ration in μs of the lim iter sync p u lse Position of the rising ed ge in μs Du ration in μs of the Prem od u lation Sync p u lse 59 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Master Sync (SP) [0; 1,8] Offset Master Sync (SP)* SSR Sync (SSR) [-40; +28,1] [0; 1,8] Offset SSR Sync (SSR)* Extra Sync (ES) [-40; -31,7] [0; 1,8] Offset Extra Sync (ES)* TxOn [-40; -39,1] TRUE | FALSE Stagger TRUE | FALSE 30MH z clock? TRUE | FALSE PRF [458; 976] PEMR Range PEMR Azim u th PEFR Range Fixed STC H Fixed STC L Fixed H L beam BS [0; 66,1] [0; 359,2] [0; 66,1] [0; 40] [0; 40] TRUE | FALSE TRUE | FALSE STC TRUE | FALSE Internal clock? TRUE | FALSE Software overview Du ration in μs of the Master Sync p u lse Position of the rising ed ge in μs Du ration in μs of the SSR Sync p u lse (p laced at the front of the PCT791 u nit d evice) Position of the rising ed ge in μs Du ration in μs of the Extra Sync p u lse (fou nd on the right sid e of the PCT791 u nit d evice) Position of the rising ed ge in μs Defines the d efau lt setting of the tim ing signal generation (TRUE=On; FALSE=Off) Defines the d efau lt setting of the stagger (TRUE=On; FALSE=Off) Defines the selection of the 30MH Z clock sou rce on the front p anel of the PCT791 u nit. (TRUE=30MH z clock sou rce on PCT791 front| FALSE=15MH z clock sou rce on flatcable) Pu lse Rep etition Frequ ency, d efine the PRF of the rad ar. Leave it on the d efau lt 750H z Defau lt m oving test p u lse range Defau lt m oving test p u lse azim u th Fixed test p u lse range Defau lt fixed STC H attenu ation Defau lt fixed STC L attenu ation Defau lt fixed H L beam setting Defines the d efau lt beam sw itching setting (TRUE=m anu al | FALSE=au tom atic) Defines the d efau lt STC setting (TRUE=m anu al | FALSE=au tom atic) This setting d efines to u se the internal PCT791 clock or not, this setting overrid es the 30MH z clock selection. (TRUE=internal clock | FALSE=30MH z clock selection d ep end ent) *the offset is taken from the rising ed ge of the MOD p u lse. Table 3-1 PCT TimingPrefs IN I file values 3.1.4 Reply Combiner engine The rep ly com biner engine read s the rep ly vid eo stream com ing from the PSR Extractor DLL and p rocesses this d ata to d igital p lot ou tp u ts. 60 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-11 Reply Combiner overview The blu e lines are show ing the m ain d ata p ath in Figu re 3-11. You can d istinct the three m ain p rocessing blocks on the left: DLL read rep lies, com bine rep lies and p lot evalu ation. These blocks w ill be d iscu ssed fu rth er in this d ocu m ent. The load lim iting block raises the d etection threshold in case a system overload cond ition occu rs. The tw o blocks at the right are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Extractor Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the extractor server engine by triggering events in the Rep ly Com biner engine. The second , CAM server Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the CAM server; this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d etail in section 3.1.9 CAM server DLL Read replies This block read s the rep ly vid eo stream com ing from the PSR extractor DLL and forw ard s it to the com bine rep lies block. Combine replies This block w ill grou p sep arate rep lies to a p ossible target rep ly grou p . Plot evaluation This p art of the softw are evalu ates the target rep ly grou p s. It w ill test the rep lies against several criteria’s to d eterm ine if it’s really a target or ju st clu tter. If a valid target if fou nd it w ill be forw ard ed to the p lot stream er engine. Rep ly grou p evalu ation sequ ence: First the rep ly grou p p asses a qu antity and size filter: Qu antitiy filter: the nu m ber of rep lies grou p ed in the rep ly -grou p m u st be in certain lim its. The m inim u m nu m ber is 5 and the m axim u m is 2000. [5; 2000[ Size filter: the d im ensions of the rep ly grou p m u st be in range and interrogation lim its. Range <= 10 and Interrogation <= 100. [see Figu re 3-12] 61 Technical manual Software overview Δ range=3 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Δ interrogation=5 Figure 3-12 range and interrogation sizes After p assing the first filter the rep ly grou p is analyzed for sp ectru m content. It w ill search for the d om inant p eak frequ ency bin (s). If all frequ ency bins have the sam e p ow er (w ithin 3d B) then the rep ly grou p w ill be treated as a jam m er. If there are m ore than 5 p eaks d etected , the grou p is treated as clu tter. In all other cases the rep ly grou p w ill be fu rther treated as a p ossible target grou p . The m axim u m p ow er bin w ill now be analyzed in the interrogation d irection (slow tim e). If a target is interrogated , the p ow er cu rve in interrogation d irection m u st fit id eal to a p arabola: Y=ax²+bx+c There are 3 p aram eters w hich has each its ow n w eighting -factor to a score valu e. The score valu e is calcu lated w ith the form u la below (3-4) Score = [(a x 1000) - g_qf] x s_qf + (m se-g_m se) x s_m se + (length – g_length) x s_length (3-4) a = the qu ad ratic p aram eter of the p arabola (ax²+bx+c) m se = m ean squ are error betw een the p arabolic fit and the real beam . Length = the nu m ber of interrogations in beam g_qf , g_m se, g_length= these valu es d efines the id eal target beam . s_qf, s_m se, s_length = these are the w eighting factors of each term in the score su m . This score is com p ared against a threshold valu e. When the score is below the target valu e, a target is d eclared , w hen above the target valu e, the d ata is d iscard ed . The goal is to have a zero score (id eal target). Overload Mechanism The rep ly com biner is resp onsible for the overload hand ling. In case of too m u ch rep ly vid eo, p rocessor load , the system w ill d ecrease its sensitivity to red u ce the p rocessor load (threshold + 3 d B). After a certain tim e the m echanism w ill try to 62 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview increase again the sensitivity (-1d B each recover tim e p eriod ). See also Error! Reference source not found.. Recover Time = default 1min -1dB +3dB -1dB -1dB Threshold Recover Time Recover Time Recover Time Overload condition Figure 3-13 Overload mechanism On overload cond ition is generated w hen one of the follow ing cond itions is m et: The nu m ber of p lots p er scan is higher than the threshold valu e of d efau lt 160 p lots/ scan. OR There are too m any rep lies p er read cycle of the extractor. Defau lt valu e is 100 000 rep lies/ read cycle. OR DLL bu ffer overru n. This cond ition occu rs w hen the nu m ber of new rep lies in the DLL bu ffer is larger than the bu ffer size. This cond ition is norm ally never triggered , the p reviou s cond ition occu rs earlier. OR The average loop tim e (average over last 3 valu e’s) is larger than the loop tim e lim it (d efau lt = 2 sec). 3.1.5 Plot Streamer This sm all engine d oes nothing m ore than send ing the targe ts d eclared by the rep ly com biner engine over an UDP socket. See Figu re 3-14 for an overview of the engine. 63 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-14 Plot Streamer overview The block at the left, Qu eu e to UDP, read s the d ata com ing from the rep ly com biner and send s it over the netw ork via an UDP socket. The d ata is in D6 form at. The tw o blocks at the right are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Extractor Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the extractor server engine by triggering events in the Plot Stream er engine. The second , CAM server Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the CAM server; this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d etail in section 3.1.9 CAM server 3.1.6 PPI This engine is resp onsible for PRE790 system statu s inform ation. It w ill ou tp u t sector m essages on the requ ested netw ork sockets and to the u ser CAM interface. It w ill also m easu re the antenna rotation tim e, read s GPS statu s and tim e, and read s ACP, ARP and IPR info. See Figu re 3-15 for an overview . 64 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-15 PPI overview The info read er block extracts the ACP, ARP, IPR a nd GPS info so it is available for the system and CAM softw are. The sector + north m essages p rocessing block receives the antenna inform ation (sector m essages) from the PSR extractor DLL. If for a p red efined tim e there’s no new sector m essage the PPI engin e w ill generate an error m essage. The received sector m essage inform ation is converted to the D6 form at, and a N orth m essage is generated for a north crossing. The d ata is stream ed to the netw ork by the stream er block. This stream er block can hand le m ore than one socket, so the sector info can be send to m u ltip le UDP sockets. The Sector d ata is also send as events to the CAM server com m u nication block; these events are u sed to d rive the PPI d isp lay in the CAM u ser interface. The tw o blocks at the right are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Extractor Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the extractor server engine by triggering events in the PPI engine. The second , CAM server Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the CAM server; this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d etail in section 3.1.9 CAM server 3.1.7 Probe Streamer This engine configu res and m anages the vid eo p robe ou tp u t of the PSR extractor DLL. See Figu re 3-16 for an overview . 65 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-16 Probe Streamer overview The stream er m anager block can start-stop the p robe ou tp u t, configu res the socket (ip :p ort), selects the p robe typ e and channel and sets offset and gain. The offset p aram eter is u sed to com p ensate for a DC offset at a p robe ou tp u t; the gain p aram eter is u sed to regu late the contrast. The tw o blocks at the right are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Extractor Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the extractor server engine by triggering events in the Probe Stream er engine. The second , CAM server Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the CAM server; this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d etail in section 3.1.9 CAM server 3.1.8 EDR_Replay Left em p ty. 3.1.9 CAM server This engine hand les com m u nication w ith the u ser CAM interface over tw o TCP/ IP connections. The CAM server fu nctions as TCP server for both connections. Socket 2 is u sed as event rep orting com m u nication line and socket 1 is u sed as com m and / inqu iry com m u nication interface. An overview of the engine can be seen in Figu re 3-17. 66 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-17 CA M server overview The fu nction of socket 1 and socket 2 com m u nications is obviou s. The Engine com m u nication block m anages the com m u nication betw een the CAM server and the other system engines. This com m u nication is d one by set, get and trigger com m and s. The system -events list block stores the last 500 events rep orted by the system . This list can be read by the CAM softw are. The Extractor Server m anagem ent interface is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the extractor server engine by triggering events in the CAM server engine. Socket 1 communication This com m u nication is alw ays initiated by the CAM softw are (=client). There are tw o p ossible m anners of com m u nication: Com m and : the client w rites a new setting to the system , the syst em w ill answ er w ith an OK m essage is the action is a su ccess, if it fails, the system w ill answ er w ith an error m essage Inqu iry: the client asks som e inform ation abou t the system . The inqu iry is forw ard ed to the su b-engine w ho know s the answ er of the inqu iry and the resu lt is rep lied to the client. In case of an error, the error cod e is rep lied instead of the answ er on the qu estion. Socket 2 communication The com m u nication on socket 2 is alw ays initiated by the server and is event d riven. This m ed iu m is u sed to inform the CAM softw are of a change in the softw are not initiated by the CAM softw are. Exam p les of events are: Error/ w arning/ info m essages 67 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Sector + north m essages Param eter change d one by the system (for exam p le: au tom atic threshold control in overload situ ations) Device (PRE790 and PCT791) op eration m od e changes. 3.1.10 UserPrefs The Extractor Server has several settings. The settings are grou p ed in u serp refs IN I files. They are located in the C:\ Program Files\ Intersoft Electronics\ PSR Extractor\ Extractor Server\ UserPrefs d irectory. If you op en su ch a file you w ill see som ething as below : [Extractor Control] Map Cm p Thr=30.000000 AboveN oiseLvL=6.000000 Offsets.ADC1=8000.000000 Offsets.ADC2=8000.000000 Rec FileSize=8192.000000 Up Step =2.000000 Dow nStep =-0.2000000 ACPR=4096 #sector m essages=32 p lot qu eu e size=1000 rec d ir="/ G/ Record ings" Live?=FALSE rep lay file="" CFAR.n=16 CFAR.g=3 CFAR.factor=2 [Rep ly Com biner] p aram eters.m ax #p lots active=100 p aram eters.m ax #rep lies/ p lot=2000 threshold =9.000000 68 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Op en FP?=FALSE ou t qu eu e nam e="p lot ou t" sam p le freq=1.875000 score threshold =5.000000 goal valu e's.qf=-70.000000 goal valu e's.#p oints=22 score_factors.s_qf=0.100000 score_factors.s_m se=0.700000 score_factors.s_length=0.300000 goal valu e's.p w r=20.000000 loop tim e lim it=2000 rep ly lim it=100000 All p eaks?=FALSE Pathloss com p ?=TRUE Recover tim e=60000 Max p lotload =160 [Plot Stream er] Rem ote (IP:p ort)= Local (IP:p ort)= TTL=1 Qu eu e in="p lot ou t" Op en FP?=FALSE [Probe Stream er] Rem ote (IP:p ort)= Local(IP:p ort)= GS ctl.Gain=10.000000 GS ctl.Slid e=0.000000 Probe Typ e=Rep lyVid eo Probe Channel=0 69 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Op en FP?=FALSE [CAM Server] Op en FP?=FALSE Op en connection FP?=FALSE ad d ress1= ad d ress2= Tim eou t=500 Au tom atic startu p d elay=60000 [PPI] Op en FP?=FALSE Send UDP=TRUE Send CAM=TRUE sockets.<size(s)>=2 sockets 0.Rem ote (IP:p ort)= sockets 0.Local(IP:p ort)= sockets 0.TTL=1 sockets 1.Rem ote (IP:p ort)= sockets 1.Local(IP:p ort)= sockets 1.TTL=1 [PCT] Op en FP?=FALSE [EDR_Rep lay] Op en FP?=FALSE Im p ortant: changing valu es in th ese files can resu lt in a not w orking or d egrad ed extractor system . Make alw ays a backu p of the file you w ant to ed it so you can restore the old settings if som e change d oesn’t w ork. The follow ing tables w ill give an overview of the p aram eters fou nd in the ini file. For each section there is a table: 70 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Extractor control section [see Table 3-2] Rep ly Com biner section [see Table 3-3] Plot Stream er section [see Table 3-4] Probe Stream er section [see Table 3-5] CAM server section [see Table 3-6] PPI section [see Table 3-7] PCT section [see Table 3-8] EDR_Rep lay section [see Table 3-9] N am e Map Cm p Thr N orm al valu e range [0;100] AboveN oiseLvL [0;10] Offsets.ADC1 Offsets.ADC2 Rec FileSize [-8192; 8191] [-8192; 8191] >0 Up Step >0 Dow nStep <0 ACPR #sector m essages p lot qu eu e size 4096 32 1000 rec d ir / G/ Record ings Live? Rep lay file TRUE | FALSE “” CFAR.n CFAR.g CFAR.factor 16 3 2 Meaning Defines the com p are threshold for the startu p clu tterm ap check Clu tter cells above exceed ing the cu rrent clu tterm ap + AboveN oiseLvL are taken into accou nt for the clu tter m ap check Startu p ADC offset of vid eo channel 1 (I) Startu p ADC offset of vid eo channel 2 (Q) Filesize in Mbyte of a vid eo record ing. The filesize d efines the length of a record ing. The record ing load is 4.4Mbyte/ sec at a PRF of 750H z See section Clu tter-m ap ad ap tation p rocess See section Clu tter-m ap ad ap tation p rocess nu m ber of ACP/ scan nu m ber of sector m essages/ scan Do not change, d efines the internal m em ory size of the rep ly com biner Defines the d irectory w here the extractor p laces its vid eo record ings. Defines the startu p m od e of the system Defines the rep lay file to u se w hen the system is started in rep lay m od e. N u m ber of cells to average Gu ard cells arou nd the CUT Mu ltip lier factor to obtain CFAR threshold Table 3-2 Extractor server UserPrefs – Extractor control section N am e p aram eters.m ax #p lots active N orm al valu e range 100 p aram eters.m ax #rep lies/ p lot 2000 Meaning Do not change, u sed for d ebu g p u rp ose. This valu e d efines the m axim u m nu m ber of active p lots. Do not change, u sed for d ebu g p u rp ose. This valu e d efine how m any rep lies can be assigned m axim u m to a p lot qu eu e 71 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual threshold 9 Op en FP? TRUE | FALSE ou t qu eu e nam e p lot ou t sam p le freq score threshold goal valu e's.qf goal valu e's.#p oints score_factors.s_qf score_factors.s_m se score_factors.s_length goal valu e's.p w r loop tim e lim it 1.875 5 -70 22 0.1 0.7 0.3 20 2000 rep ly lim it 100000 All p eaks? TRUE | FALSE Pathloss com p ? TRUE | FALSE Recover tim e 60000 Max p lotload 160 Software overview The d efau lt threshold valu e, see section Fu nctional d escrip tion Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e N am e of the p lot ou tp u t qu eu e. This nam e is u sed to link the Plot stream er engine to the Rep ly Com biner engine. The DSP vid eo sam p le rate See section Plot evalu ation See section Plot evalu ation See section Plot evalu ation See section Plot evalu ation See section Plot evalu ation See section Plot evalu ation See section Plot evalu ation Defines the m axim u m loop tim e before an overload cond ition is gen erated . Defines the m axim u m nu m ber of rep lies read at once to generate an overload cond ition. There are rep lies throw n aw ay if there are m ore than this valu e rep lies. Debu g, leave on FALSE. If TRUE the p lot engine can generate m u ltip le p lot rep orts for the sam e target, d ifferent in Dop p ler bin. This p aram eter d efines w hich p ow er is u sed in the p lot ou tp u t. When false, the absolu te p ow er is filled in. When tru e, the com p ensated p ow er is u sed . Tim e need ed to recover from an overload (in m s) Defines the m axim u m nu m ber of p lots/ scan that can be ou tp u tted w ithou t generating an overload Table 3-3 Extractor server UserPrefs – Reply Combiner section N am e Rem ote (IP:p ort) N orm al valu e range Local (IP:p ort) TTL Qu eu e in 1 p lot ou t Op en FP? TRUE | FALSE Meaning Rem ote UDP socket on w hich the p rim ary p lots are ou tp u tted . Local netw ork ad ap ter to u se for ou tp u tting the d ata. Tim e To Live setting. N am e of the p lot ou tp u t qu eu e. This nam e is u sed to link the Plot stream er engine to the Rep ly Com biner engine. Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Table 3-4 Extractor server UserPrefs – Plot Streamer section N am e Rem ote (IP:p ort) N orm al valu e range Local (IP:p ort) Meaning Rem ote UDP socket on w hich the p rim ary vid eo is ou tp u tted . Local netw ork ad ap ter to u se for 72 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual GS ctl.Gain GS ctl.Slid e Probe Typ e Probe Channel 10 0 Rep lyVid eo 0 Op en FP? TRUE | FALSE Software overview ou tp u tting the d ata. Defau lt vid eo gain setting Defau lt vid eo offset setting Defau lt vid eo typ e Defau lt vid eo channel (only for FFT or MAP vid eo) Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Table 3-5 Extractor server UserPrefs – Probe Streamer section N am e Op en FP? N orm al valu e range TRUE | FALSE Op en connection FP? TRUE | FALSE ad d ress1 ad d ress2 Tim eou t 500 Au tom atic startu p d elay 60000 Meaning Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the connection engine front p anel in d ev m od e Defines the socket1 configu ration Defines the socket2 configu ration Defines the com m u nication tim eou t setting in m s Defines the au tom atic startu p d elay in m s. This m ean that the extractor w ill startu p au tom atically after the given tim e w ith the d efau lt settings. If there is a CAM connection this au tostart featu re can be overrid d en. Table 3-6 Extractor server UserPrefs – CA M server section N am e Op en FP? N orm al valu e range TRUE | FALSE Send UDP TRUE | FALSE Send CAM TRUE | FALSE sockets 0.Rem ote (IP:p ort) sockets 0.Local(IP:p ort) sockets 0.TTL sockets 1.Rem ote (IP:p ort) sockets 1.Local(IP:p ort) sockets 1.TTL 1 1 Meaning Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine fron t p anel in d ev m od e Defau lt setting, if tru e the PPI engine w ill send sector m essages over the d efined UDP sockets Defau lt setting, if tru e the PPI engine w ill send sector m essages to the CAM softw are Rem ote UDP socket on w hich the sector m essage inform ation is send Local netw ork ad ap ter to u se for ou tp u tting the d ata. Tim e To Live setting Rem ote UDP socket on w hich the sector m essage inform ation is send Local netw ork ad ap ter to u se for ou tp u tting the d ata. Tim e To Live setting Table 3-7 Extractor server UserPrefs – PPI section N am e Op en FP? N orm al valu e range TRUE | FALSE Meaning Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Table 3-8 Extractor server UserPrefs – PCT section 73 Primary Extractor System - TA10 N am e Op en FP? Technical manual N orm al valu e range TRUE | FALSE Software overview Meaning Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Table 3-9 Extractor server UserPrefs – EDR_Replay section 3.1.11 Windows Registry Contents You m ight need to be logged on as an ad m inistrator or a m em ber of the Ad m inistrators grou p in ord er to p erform som e tasks. Take care u sing the Registry Ed itor , you m ay cau se seriou s p roblem s that m ay requ ire you to reinstall you r op erating system . The Extractor server has a key entry in the w ind ow s registry fou nd at the follow ing location: H KEY_LOCAL_MACH IN E\ SOFTWARE\ Intersoft Electronics\ Extractor_SRV To ed it valu e’s in this key you m u st u se the registry ed itor tool. To op en the registry ed itor: click start -> click run -> typ e in: regedit -> click the Ok bu tton. N ow the registry ed itor is started . Figu re 3-18 show s a screenshot of the extractor server key entry. Figure 3-18 Extractor Server windows registry content Key contents: Path [string]: contains the installation p ath of the extractor service. In this d irectory you can find the Extractor Server.exe Rep lay Location [string]: m u st contain a valid , existing p ath to t he d irectory containing the rep lay sets. Settings File [string]: d efines the UserPref ini file to u se. Version [string]: d efines the version nu m ber of the cu rrent softw are. At startu p the softw are w ill check its internal version nu m ber against the version nu m ber in the registry. 3.1.12 Running the Extractor Server You m ight need to be logged on as an ad m inistrator or a m em ber of the Ad m inistrators grou p in ord er to p erform som e tasks. 74 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview The Extractor server is configu red to au tom atically ru n at start -u p of you r com p u ter, you m ay alter this d efau lt setting and start the service m anu ally w hen need ed . The Extractor server can be started u sing the Wind ow s XP service s m anagem ent console. To op en Services, click Start, p oint to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Dou bleclick Administrative Tools, and then d ou ble-click Services. For inform ation abou t u sing Services, click Help on the Action m enu in Services. The follow ing w ind ow ap p ears (this w ind ow m ight look d ifferent on you r system d ep end ing on you r installation): Figure 3-19 Services M anagement Console Locate the entry “PSR Extractor” and p ress the “Start Service ()” bu tton to start the service and p ress the “Stop Service ()” bu tton to stop the service. 75 Primary Extractor System - TA10 3.2 Technical manual Software overview Combiner/Tracker Service 3.2.1 Description The Com biner/ Tracker server m od u le is configu red to ru n as a Wind ow s XP service . They are organized as ind ep end ent m od u les sharing a nu m ber of bu ffers (qu eu es). The m od u le d oesn’t have a u ser interface of its ow n. Control and m onitoring is d one w ith the CAM m od u le softw are. The tasks execu ted by this service are su m m ed below : Com bines and synchronizes p rim ary and second ary p lot d ata stream s received over UDP. Grou p ing of sep arate p lot rep orts to tracks. Stream track rep ort over an UDP netw ork socket. The tracker/ com biner service is bu ilt in a m od u lar w ay, Figu re 3-20 show s an overview . The follow ing list gives an enu m eration w ith a short d escrip tion of each m od u le. Fu rther in the d ocu m ent each p art is exp lained in d etail. Com biner: this m od u le read s the UPD sockets for p rim ary and second ary p lots. The p rim ary p lots are m atched w ith the second ary p lots if p ossible. The com bined d ata is p assed to the tracker m od u le Tracker: this m od u le grou p s incom ing p lots to tracks. Track Stream er: this m od u le stream s the track d ata ou t over the netw ork on a UDP socket. Tracker CAM: hand les com m u nication w ith the u ser CAM interface and the su bengines 76 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-20 Tracker/Combiner server overview 3.2.2 Combiner Functional Description The combiner queue is filled by the PSR and SSR plot extractors. The data streams must be synchronized, i.e. the combiner can operate properly only if the two streams synchronized within the limits of the processing delay. Two input streams of plot data are internally time stamped and inserted in the combiner queue. The combiner extracts the PSR and SSR plots from the queue, produces PSR SSR and CMB plots within the specified timeout, and put the results in the tracker queue. The plots are combined when the corresponding PSR and SSR plots are located within the specified time, range and azimuth windows. The timestamp of the combined plot is set identical to that of the PSR plot, the positional info (range, azimuth) are computed as the weighted average (percentage PSR[%]). To monitor the combiner performance (combining rate [out]) as the average number of the combined plots per second is used. Design The task of this engine is to synchronize both inp u t stream s, PSR and SSR p lots, and to m atch a PSR p lot w ith a SSR p lot (=com bining). If no m atch is fou nd , the original d ata w ill be m aintained . The ou tp u t d ata stream of this engine is forw ard ed to the tracker m od u le [see 3.2.3 Tracker], the d ata exist of PSR only, SSR only or com bined p lots. An overview of this engine can be seen in Figu re 3-21. 77 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-21 Combiner overview The blu e lines on the left are the inp u t sockets. One is for the p rim ary p lot d ata com ing from the p lot stream er engine, the other is for the second ary p lot d ata com ing from the DH M. Both d ata-stream s are red and stored in a synchronization bu ffer. The com bining block searches for m atches in the inp u t d ata. The green arrow show s the ou tp u t d ata qu eu e. The tw o rem aining blocks at the right above are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Tracker/ Com biner Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the tracker server engine by triggering events in the com biner engine. The second , Tracker CAM Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u n icate w ith the Tracker CAM m od u le; this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d etail in section 3.2.5 Tracker CAM. 3.2.3 Tracker Functional Description The tracker extracts a nu m ber of the com bined p lots from the com biner qu eu e, ru ns the p lot-to-track association algorithm u sing a p robabilistic m axim u m likelihood m od el, establishes new and term inates ou td ated tracks, ou tp u ts tracked d ata. The tracker u ses the internal tim estam p attribu ted by the PSR and SSR p lot ext ractors in ord er to control and m onitor the p rocessing d elay. The association likelihood fu nction is bu ilt as follow s P R R T T v V D D (3-5) w here ΔR, Δθ, ΔT , Δv, ΔD and σR, σθ, σT , σv, σD are resp ectively the range, azim u th, tim e, sp eed , Dop p ler bin variances, and range, azim u th, tim e, sp eed , Dop p ler bin variance stand ard d eviations. The stand ard d eviations σR, σθ, σT, σv are set as the p rogram p aram eters. σD is set to 1. The variances ΔR, Δθ, ΔT, Δv, ΔD are calcu lated u sing the local track d ynam ics and statistics. 78 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview 0 Doppler Frequncy, Hz -50 -100 -150 Series1 -200 Series3 -250 -300 -350 -400 0 5 10 15 20 25 Radial Speed, m/s Figure 3-22 Theoretical prediction for 2.7GHz carrier, Doppler shift 375 Hz, (red dots limited resolution 46.875 Hz per bin) Figure 3-23 Doppler bin difference vs. radial acceleration (experimental) 79 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview 0 Series2 Linear (Series2) -0.5 y = -1.92x R2 = 1 delta Doppler Bin -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 0 0.5 1 1.5 Radial Acceleration, m/s 2 2 Figure 3-24 Doppler bin difference vs. radial acceleration (experimental) 0 Series2 Linear (Series2) -0.5 y = -1.92x R2 = 1 delta Doppler Bin -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -3 -3.5 -4 0 0.5 1 1.5 Radial Acceleration, m/s 2 2 Figure 3-25 Doppler bin difference vs. radial acceleration (theoretical) delta frequency bin is 46.875 Hz 80 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview After the initial estim ation of the likelihood of the association of a p articu lar p lot to a track, the joint m axim u m likelihood fu nction is evalu ated . At this stage the resolu tion cases are hand led . Figure 3-26 Joint likelihood evaluation (when multiple associating hypotheses are present) Track initiation and u p d ate When a new p lot is encou ntered that is not associated to an existing track, track initiation p roced u re w ill be follow ed . Du ring the track initiation an extra p aram eter is u sed , i.e. the m inim u m nu m ber of the associated p lots requ ired for a confirm ed track. Different p aram eters are typ ically ap p lied for com bined and PSR only tracks. Geograp hical filtering m ight be requ ired to cancel track initiation in the areas w here d u e to the grou nd traffic a su bstantial nu m ber of false targets is created . Design The tracker engine grou p s several p lots to a track. The incom ing p lots are stored in a kind of FIFO bu ffer and w ill stay there for a m axim u m tim e (=tracker d elay). If the tracker d elay is exp ired for a p lot, the tracker w ill calcu late the best m atching track for that p lot, if there’s no track fou nd then a new track w ill be initiated . An overview of the tracker engine can be view ed in Figu re 3-27. 81 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-27 Tracker overview The calcu late p robabilities block w ill calcu late the chance that a p lot belongs to an existing track. Based on these calcu lations the select best m atches block w ill d ecid e w hich p lots belong to w hich track. After the calcu lations there is a track u p d ater block w hich u p d ates the track w ith the cu rrent p lot inform ation. It w ill also calcu late the exp ected p osition of the follow ing p lot rep ort by u sing ad ap tive Kalm an filters. If no m atching track w as fou nd there w ill be a new track started if certain cond itions are satisfied . Tracks that aren’t u p d ated for a p eriod are d rop p ed and an End Of Track (EOT) m essage w ill be generated . Track info is ou tp u tted to the Track stream er m od u le [see 3.2.4 Track Stream er]. The load lim iting block m onitors the engine loop tim e, if it’s too high the p lot FIFO w ill be flu shed and d ata w ill be lost. This p revents an engine stall. The tw o blocks at the right are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Tracker/ Com biner Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the tracker server engine by triggering events in the tracker engine. The second , Tracker CAM Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the Tracker CAM m od u le; this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d eta il in section 3.2.5 Tracker CAM. 3.2.4 Track Streamer The fu nction of this engine is sim p le, it p laces the d ata received at its inp u t qu eu e at an UDP netw ork connection socket. It also m anages this UDP conne ction. 82 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-28 Track streamer overview The qu eu e to UDP block read s the inp u t qu eu e, if there’s incom ing d ata it w ill be forw ard ed at the UDP socket. At startu p the UDP connection is initiated w ith the p aram eters given in the configu ration file. The tw o blocks at the right are both com m u nication blocks. The first, Tracker/ Com biner Server m anagem ent interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the tracker server engine by triggering events in the track stream er engine. The second , Tracker CAM Com m and / Inqu iry / Event Interface, is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the Tracker CAM m od u le; this interface w ill be d iscu ssed in d etail in section 3.2.5 Tracker CAM. 3.2.5 Tracker CAM This engine hand les com m u nication w ith the CAM softw are over tw o TCP/ IP connections. The Tracker CAM m od u le fu nctions as a TCP server for both connections. Socket 2 is u sed as event rep orting com m u nication line and socket 1 is u sed as com m and / inqu iry com m u nication interface. An overview of the engine can be seen in Figu re 3-29. 83 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-29 Tracker CA M overview The fu nction of socket 1 and socket 2 com m u nication is obviou s. The Engine com m u nication block m anages the com m u nication betw een the CAM server and the other system engines. This com m u nication is d one by set, get and trigger com m and s. The system -events list block stores the last 500 events rep orted by the system . This list can be read by the CAM softw are by send ing the right com m and for it. The Tracker/ Com biner Server m anagem ent interface is u sed to com m u nicate w ith the tracker/ com biner server engine by triggering events in the Tracker CAM engine. Socket 1 communication This com m u nication is alw ays initiated by the CAM u ser interface softw are (=client). There are tw o p ossible m anners of com m u nication: Com m and : the client w rites a new setting to the system , the system w ill answ er w ith an OK m essage if the action is a su ccess, if it fails, the system w ill answ er w ith an error m essage Inqu iry: the client asks som e inform ation abou t the system . The inqu iry is forw ard ed to the su b-engine w ho know s the answ er at the inqu iry and the resu lt is rep lied to the client. In case of an error, the error cod e is rep lied in stead of the answ er on the qu estion. Socket 2 communication The com m u nication on socket 2 is alw ays initiated by the server and is event d riven. This m ed iu m is u sed to inform the CAM u ser interface softw are of a change in the softw are not initiated by the CAM softw are. Exam p les of events are: Error/ w arning/ info m essages 84 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Param eter change d one by the system 3.2.6 UserPrefs The Tracker/ Com biner Server has several settings. The settings are grou p ed in u serp refs IN I files. They are located in the C:\ Program Files\ Intersoft Electronics\ PSR Extractor\ Tracker Server\ UserPrefs d irectory. If you op en su ch a file you w ill see som ething as below : [Tracker Control] com b qu eu e nam e="com b ou t" m ax size=1000 [Com biner] Op en FP?=FALSE PSR.Rem ote (IP:p ort)= PSR.Local(IP:p ort)= SSR.Rem ote (IP:p ort)= SSR.Local(IP:p ort)= w ind ow .Tim e+=0.500000 w ind ow .Tim e-=-0.500000 w ind ow .d Range=1.000000 w ind ow .d Azim u th=2.000000 Com binerProcessingDelay=1000 PSR.Az offset=0 PSR.Range offset=0 PSR.Range gain=0 PSR.TORoffset=0 SSR.Az offset=0.500000 SSR.Range offset=0.140000 SSR.Range gain=+7000 SSR.TORoffset=0 UDP bu ffer size (Kbyte)=512 p ercentage PSR=50.000000 85 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview [Tracker] Op en FP?=FALSE in qu eu e nam e="com b ou t" ou t qu eu e nam e="track ou t" # PSR=15 m inPow erToStartTrack=25.000000 m inConfirm ed Track=3 u seKalm anFilter=TRUE p rocessingDelay=1500 Tracker Param eters.rand om range error=150.000000 Tracker Param eters.rand om azim u th error=0.5000000 Tracker Param eters.brid ge MODES gap =10 Tracker Param eters.brid ge PSR-SSR gap =4 Tracker Param eters.m axim u m sp eed =350.000000 Tracker Param eters.acceleration, m / s^ 2=100 Tracker Param eters.tim e w ind ow =0.500000 Tracker Param eters.revolu tion p eriod =4.800000 Tracker Param eters.association threshold =150 Tracker Param eters.cod e association threshold =-300 Tracker Param eters.tim e slot=0.200000 Tracker Param eters.range slot=0.200000 Tracker Param eters.cod e history=3 Tracker Param eters.A-cod es="<size(s)=0>" Tracker Param eters.brid ge A-cod e list=10 Tracker Param eters.x1=-100000.000000 Tracker Param eters.x2=100000.000000 Tracker Param eters.y1=-100000.000000 Tracker Param eters.y2=100000.000000 Tracker Param eters.m inim u m sp eed PSR=60.000000 86 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Tracker Param eters.XY filter="<size(s)=1 6> 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 10.000000 1.000000" 6-p aram eterKalm 6-p aram eterKalm anFilter.sAz=0.500000 6-p aram eterKalm anFilter.a=0.010 coastings=FALSE p lot initiations=FALSE m ax #tracks=500 p rocessing late tolerance=100 [Track Stream er] Op en FP?=FALSE Rem ote (IP:p ort)= Local(IP:p ort)= TTL=1 In qu eu e nam e="track ou t" [Tracker CAM] Op en FP?=FALSE Op en connection FP?=FALSE Au tom atic startu p d elay=50000 Ad d ress1 (IP:p ort)= Ad d ress2 (IP:p ort)= Tim eou t=500 Im p ortant: changing valu es in th ese files can resu lt in a not w orking or d egrad ed extractor system . Make alw ays a backu p of the file you w ant to ed it so you can restore the old settings if som e change d oesn’t w ork. The follow ing tables w ill give an overview of the p aram eters fou nd in the ini file. For each section there is a table: Tracker control section [see Table 3-10] Com biner section [see Table 3-11] Tracker section [see Table 3-12] 87 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Track Stream er section [see Table 3-13] Tracker CAM section [see Table 3-14] N am e com b qu eu e nam e N orm al valu e range com b ou t Meaning Do not change, d efines the link betw een the com biner and tracker engine Table 3-10 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – tracker control section N am e Op en FP? N orm al valu e range TRUE | FALSE PSR.Rem ote (IP:p ort) PSR.Local(IP:p ort) SSR.Rem ote (IP:p ort) SSR.Local(IP:p ort) w ind ow .Tim e+ w ind ow .Tim ew ind ow .d Range w ind ow .d Azim u th Com binerProcessingDelay 0.5 -0.5 1 2 1000 PSR.Az offset 0 PSR.Range offset 0 PSR.Range gain 0 PSR.TORoffset 0 SSR.Az offset 0 SSR.Range offset 0 SSR.Range gain 0 SSR.TORoffset 0 UDP bu ffer size (Kbyte) 512 p ercentage PSR 50 [0;100] Meaning Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Rem ote UDP socket on w hich the p rim ary p lots can be received . Local netw ork ad ap ter to u se for receiving the d ata. Rem ote UDP socket on w hich the second ary p lots can be received . Local netw ork ad ap ter to u se for receiving the d ata. Com biner w ind ow tim e + Com biner w ind ow tim e Com biner d elta range Com biner d elta azim u th Com biner p rocessing d elay, d efines how long the d ata stays into the com biner d ata bu ffer. Used to ad d a azim u th offset at incom ing p rim ary p lots Used to ad d a range offset at incom ing p rim ary p lots Used to ad d a range gain at incom ing p rim ary p lots Used to ad d a tim e offset at incom ing p rim ary p lots Used to ad d a azim u th offset at incom ing second ary p lots Used to ad d a range offset at incom ing second ary p lots Used to ad d a range gain at incom ing second ary p lots Used to ad d a tim e offset at incom ing second ary p lots Defines the bu ffer size of the receiving sockets Used to d efine how m u ch (%) of the p rim ary p lot p osition is u sed in the com bined p lot p osition Table 3-11 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – combiner section N am e N orm al valu e range Meaning 88 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Op en FP?=FALSE TRUE | FALSE in qu eu e nam e com b ou t ou t qu eu e nam e track ou t # PSR 15 m inPow erToStartTrack 25 m inConfirm ed Track 3 u seKalm anFilter TRUE | FALSE p rocessingDelay 1500 [m s] Tracker Param eters.rand om range error Tracker Param eters.rand om azim u th error Tracker Param eters.brid ge MODES gap Tracker Param eters.brid ge PSR-SSR gap Tracker Param eters.m axim u m sp eed 150 [m ] Tracker Param eters.acceleration Tracker Param eters.tim e w ind ow Tracker Param eters.revolu tion p eriod Tracker Param eters.association threshold Tracker Param eters.cod e association threshold Software overview Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Do not change, d efines the link betw een the com biner and tracker engine Do not change, d efines the link betw een the tracker and track stream er engine. Defines the m inim u m nu m ber of hits to start a PSR only track. This p aram eter is in com bination w ith the follow ing p aram eter Defines the m inim u m p ow er to start a PSR only track. The nu m ber of m atching p lots need ed to create a confirm ed (=ou tp u tted ) track. Enables/ d isables the u se of a Kalm an filter. The kalm an filter is an efficient recu rsive filter that estim ates the state of a d ynam ic system from a series of incom p lete and noisy m easu rem ents. Defines the m axim u m tim e a p lot can stay in the tracker inp u t bu ffer. If the age of a p lot exceed s the p rocessingDelay valu e it m u st either be u sed for a track or throw n aw ay. Exp ected range accu racy of the rad ar (stand ard d eviation). 0.5 [d eg] Exp ected azim u th accu racy of the rad ar (stand ard d eviation). 10 Maxim u m nu m ber of consecu tive m isses for MODE-S tracks. Maxim u m nu m ber of consecu tive m isses for PSR-SSR tracks. Maxim u m exp ected sp eed of AC, increasing this p aram eter w ill lead to the increase of the false association rate. Accou nts to m aneu verability of the traffic. Tim e w ind ow arou nd the exp ected tim e of the next d etection . Tim e need ed for antenna to com p lete one rotation. 4 350 [m / s] 100 [m / s²] 1 [sec] 4.8 [sec] 150 -300 Plot-to-track association threshold : m inim u m p robability of the tru e association (logarithm ic) Plot-to-track association threshold : m inim u m p robability of the tru e association in p resence of the m atching and correct A-cod e (logarithm ic) 89 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Tracker Param eters.tim e slot Tracker Param eters.range slot Tracker Param eters.cod e history Tracker Param eters.Acod es Tracker Param eters.brid ge A-cod e list Tracker Param eters.x1 Tracker Param eters.x2 Tracker Param eters.y1 Tracker Param eters.y2 Tracker Param eters.m inim u m sp eed PSR Tracker Param eters.XY filter Technical manual 0.2 [sec] Software overview "<size(s)=0>" Max tim e d ifference for sp lit p lot d etection. Max range d ifference for sp lit p lot d etection. This p aram eter d efines how long a p reviou s com bined track hold s it Acod e w hen there’s no IFF p lot available for the cu rrent track u p d ate. For exam p le: com bined track A2345, next scans there’s only a PSR only p lot available, d u ring 3 scans the tracker w ill ou tp u t a PSR only track w ith A cod e 2345. By setting this p aram eter to zero it is d isabled . exp erim ental 10 exp erim ental 0 [m ] 0 [m ] 0 [m ] 0 [m ] 60 exp erim ental exp erim ental exp erim ental exp erim ental Minim u m sp eed to start a PSR only track (knots) "<size(s)=1 6> 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 10.000000 1.000000" Prohibited PSR only track start zones can be d efined into this p aram eter. 0.2 [N m ] 3 6-p aram eterKalm 150 [m ] 6p aram eterKalm anFilter.sAz 6-p aram eterKalm anFilter.a 0.5 [d eg] 0.01 [m / s³] coastings FALSE [TRUE| FALSE] Plot initiations FALSE [TRUE| FALSE] Max #tracks 500 Processing late tolerance 100 [%] “<size(s)=1 6> X1 X2 Lx Ly L R” See Figu re 3-30 p rohibited PSR initiate zones Exp ected rad ar range accu racy (stand ard d eviation). Exp ected rad ar azim u th accu racy (stand ard d eviation). Exp ected rand om change of the acceleration (stand ard d eviation). The m od el u ses the AC m od el flying w ith a constant acceleration w ith rand om Gau ssian acceleration error. By enabling this p aram eter the tracker w ill ou tp u t coastings. A coasting is a tracker p red iction of an existing track. This coasting is generated w hen there’s no new m atching p lot for that track. By enabling this p aram eter the tracker w ill ou tp u t p lot initiations. An initiation is a not confirm ed track so it has no track nu m ber. This p aram eter d efines the m axim u m nu m ber of active tracks. By setting a higher nu m ber, the p rocessing load w ill increase. This p aram eter is u sed in conju nction 90 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview w ith the p rocessing d elay. When the tim estam p of a track is higher than p rocessing d elay + tolerance the inp u t qu eu e w ill be flu shed = d ata loss. Table 3-12 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – Tracker section N am e Op en FP? N orm al valu e range TRUE | FALSE Rem ote (IP:p ort) Local(IP:p ort) TTL In qu eu e nam e 1 track ou t Meaning Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Rem ote UDP socket on w hich the tracks are ou tp u tted . Local netw ork ad ap ter to u se for ou tp u tting the d ata. Tim e To Live setting Do not change, d efines the link betw een the tracker and track stream er engine. Table 3-13 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – Track streamer section N am e Op en FP? N orm al valu e range TRUE | FALSE Op en connection FP? TRUE | FALSE Au tom atic startu p d elay 50000 Ad d ress1 (IP:p ort) Ad d ress2 (IP:p ort) Tim eou t 500 Meaning Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the engine front p anel in d ev m od e Debu g p u rp ose, op ens the connection front p anel in d ev m od e Defines the au tom atic startu p d elay in m s. This m ean that the tracker/ com biner w ill startu p au tom atically after the given tim e w ith the d efau lt settings. If there is a CAM connection this au tostart featu re can be overrid d en. Defines the socket1 configu ration Defines the socket2 configu ration Defines the com m u nication tim eou t setting in m s Table 3-14 Tracker/combiner server UserPrefs – Tracker CA M section Figure 3-30 prohibited PSR initiate zones 91 Primary Extractor System - TA10 3.2.7 Technical manual Software overview Windows Registry Contents You m ight need to be logged on as an ad m inistrator or a m em ber of the Ad m inistrators grou p in ord er to p erform som e tasks. Take care u sing the Registry Ed itor , you m ay cau se seriou s p roblem s that m ay requ ire you to reinstall you r op erating system . The Tracker server has a key entry in the w ind ow s registry fou nd at the follow ing location: H KEY_LOCAL_MACH IN E\ SOFTWARE\ Intersoft Electronics\ Tracker_SRV To ed it valu e’s in this key you m u st u se the registry ed itor tool. To op en the registry ed itor: click start -> click run -> typ e in: regedit -> click the Ok bu tton. N ow the registry ed itor is started . Figu re 3-31 show s a screenshot of the tracker server key entry. Figure 3-31 Tracker Server windows registry content Key contents: Path [string]: contains the installation p ath of the tracker service. In this d irectory you can find the Tracker Server.exe Settings File [string]: d efines the UserPref ini file to u se. Version [string]: d efines the version nu m ber of the cu rrent softw are. At startu p the softw are w ill check its internal version nu m ber against the vers ion nu m ber in the registry. 3.2.8 Running the Tracker Server You m ight need to be logged on as an ad m inistrator or a m em ber of the Ad m inistrators grou p in ord er to p erform som e tasks. The Tracker server is configu red to au tom atically ru n at start-u p of you r com p u ter, you m ay alter this d efau lt setting and start the service m anu ally w hen need ed . The Tracker server can be started u sing the Wind ow s XP service s m anagem ent console. To op en Services, click Start, p oint to Settings, and then click Control Panel. Dou bleclick Administrative Tools, and then d ou ble-click Services. For inform ation abou t u sing Services, click Help on the Action m enu in Services. 92 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview The follow ing w ind ow ap p ears (this w ind ow m ight look d ifferent on you r system d ep end ing on you r installation): Figure 3-32 Services M anagement Console Locate the entry “PSR TrackerCom biner” and p ress the “Start Service ()” bu tton to start the service and p ress the “Stop Service ()” bu tton to stop the service. 93 Primary Extractor System - TA10 3.3 Technical manual Software overview DHM Service For a d etailed exp lanation of the DH M consu lt the DH M u ser m anu al. This chap ter d escribes the DH M session u sed in the extractor system . Becau se every syste m installation has d ifference, this d escrip tion can be seen as an exam p le. So the sessions on you r system can d iffer from the ones show n here. Session list: UDR [active session] EV760 [active session] Asterix [active session] Vid eo [d u m m y session] Digital [d u m m y session] 3.3.1 UDR session This session read s d ata from the serial inp u t channels of the PRE790 d evice. In this setu p only ch1 is u sed as a p assive serial inp u t. This channel corresp ond ent to the EV760 inp u t1 of the PRE790 d evice. The d ata is forw ard ed to an UDP ou tp u t for u se in a d ifferent session. Figure 3-33 Serial input UDR configuration There is also d ata com ing from rem ote ad d resses. The setu p given in Figu re 3-34 show s tw o UDP inp u t sockets for d ata com ing from Sem m erzake. The d ata is in ASTERIX CAT 1 and 2 form at. This d ata is record ed to file for later u se, the setu p of the record er can be seen in Figu re 3-35. Further the d ata is sp lit and converted to D6, this d ata is u sed to d isp lay on the MRD d isp lay. 94 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-34 Beauvechain UDR session Figure 3-35 Beauvechain RA SS-R recorder setup 3.3.2 EV760 session This session read s the EV760 d ata p laced by the UDR session on the netw ork. The UDP inp u t block stream s the d ata to the EV760 convert block (setu p can be seen in Figu re 3-37). After the convert the d ata is p laced on the netw ork for the tracker/ com ber service. The d ata is also m ad e available for the MRD d isp lay by the Rad arOu tp u t block. 95 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-36 EV 760 session Figure 3-37 EV 760 convert setup 3.3.3 Asterix session This session send s the resu lts (track d ata) of the extractor system tow ard s Sem m erzake. The d ata is in D6 form at on the netw ork, therefore the d ata is converted to ASTERIX CAT 34/ 48 and ou tp u tted and a UDP socket tow ard s Sem m e rzake. An overview can be seen in Figu re 3-38. 96 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview Figure 3-38 A sterix session 3.3.4 Video session This is a d u m m y session to inform the MRD d isp lay on w hich socket the Extractor vid eo d ata is available. This session m u stn’t ru n, it has only to be in m em ory. Figure 3-39 V ideo session 3.3.5 Digital session This is a d u m m y session to inform the MRD d isp lay on w hich sockets the Track and Plot d ata of the extractor system are available. This session m u stn’t ru n, it has only to 97 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Software overview be in m em ory. The AsterixCat048Convert blocks are need ed to tell the MRD w hich sym bol list to u se. Figure 3-40 Digital session 98 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual Data form ats 4. Data formats This chap ter gives an overview of the d ata form ats u sed betw een the d ifferent ha rd w are and softw are com p onents. 99 Primary Extractor System - TA10 4.1 Technical manual Data form ats Interrogation sweep data format This form at is u sed to transm it an interrogation sw eep tow ard s the PSR extractor DLL m od u le. Each interrogation of the rad ar su ch a record is transm itted . The size of one record is 6144 byte. Figure 4-1 Interrogation sweep record structure Field ARP ACP Tim eH * Tim eL * IQ [1532] ** Size [byte] 4 4 4 4 1532 x 4 Content Azim u th Reference Pu lse cou nt valu e. Azim u th Change Pu lse cou nt valu e Tim e of d etection high Tim e of d etection low H igh w ord = I-vid eo [2-byte integer, low byte first] Low w ord = Q-vid eo [2-byte integer, low byte first] * The tim e of d etection is com p osed ou t of tw o field s. To obtain a tim e of -32 second s you need to m u ltip ly the Tim eL valu e w ith 2 and ad d it by Tim eH . ToD [sec] = Tim eH + Tim eL x 2 -32 ** sam p le rate of vid eo signal is 1.875MH z, so the size of a range cell is 0,0432N m {(1/ 1.875[MH z] x 150[m / u s]) / 1852[m / N m ]}. Maxim u m range is 1532 x 0,0432 = 66N m Table 4-1 Interrogation sweep record - field description 100 Primary Extractor System - TA10 4.2 Technical manual Data form ats CAM communication protocol commands / inquiries socket 1 (client -> server) byte 0 (first) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 length-1 description 0x5A 0xFF length length command type (W=0; R=1) sequence number data data Events socket 1 (server->client) byte 0 (first) 1 2 3 4 5 length-1 description 0x5A 0xFF length length sequence number data data socket 2 (server->client) byte 0 (first) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 length-1 description 0x5A 0xFF length length type code code code code Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp Timestamp data data SOF = start of frame length of the packet without the SOF data Figure 4-2 CA M protocol value 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 command not used probe type probe channel probe gain probe offset probe connection plot stream connection sensitivity threshold UpDown Step raw data sweep Start Recording Abort Recording PCT version info Event Filter PCT Load INI Plot Ev Params PCT Tx OnOff PCT stagger PCT PEMR PCT PEFR AOC trigger Clutter Map Extractor start 101 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual 0x17 0x18 0x19 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 0x20 0x21 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 Data form ats Autostart System Event List Extractor stop Extractor state Settings file free_1 Subengines UVR version info ReplayList PCT STC PCT BeamSwitch PCT file list ClutterMap List ProgramPCT_Flash PCT_FlashFileList Table 4-2 Extractor commands value 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C event not used message warning error sector message recording info clutter map engine value change autostart count PCT UVR LoadData Table 4-3 Extractor events value 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E command not used Start tracker Stop tracker Autostart Combiner processing delay PSR offset/gain SSR offset/gain System Event List Tracker state PSR position percentage Tracker processing delay Settings file Subengines Combiner Window Tracker #PSR 102 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 Data form ats minPowerToStartTrack minConfirmedTrack useKalmanFilter Tracker parameters 6-parameterKalmanFilter Tracker load limiting Coastings Table 4-4 Tracker commands value 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 event not used message warning error engine value change autostart count CombinerStatus TrackerStatus CPU_MemLoad Table 4-5 Tracker events 103 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual N etwork overview 5. Network overview The netw ork top ology of the PSR extractor system is show n in Figu re 5-1. Figure 5-1 PSR extractor network topology The server, also called p rocessing com p u ter, has tw o norm al LAN connect ions. LAN 1 is u sed to connect to the local netw ork. LAN 2 is site d ep end ed ; it’s u sed to an external netw ork via an op tional rou ter. The server has also a DRAC netw ork connection. This connection can be u sed to m anage the server totally rem ote. For m ore inform ation see the IE-PSR-Extractor-UM-Vxx m anu al. All these netw ork connections are connected to a sw itch. The CAM com p u ter has only one LAN connection w hich is connected also to the sam e sw itch as the one for the server. This connection is u sed to send / receive d ata, m anage the server etc… On these LAN connections there are several netw ork sockets u sed . Table 5-1 gives an overview of these sockets. 104 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Socket Technical manual Sou rce PSR extractor DLL Plot stream er PPI Track stream er PPI DH M: EV760 convert DH M: u d r CAM server CAM server Tracker CAM Tracker CAM Destination(s) N etwork overview Form at Raw vid eo Typ e N am e UDP p robe MRD Com biner D6 UDP MRD DH M D6 UDP D6 UDP SSR p lots UDP SSR p lots TCP TCP TCP TCP Cm d / Inq Events Cm d / Inq Events MRD Com biner ( MRD ) DH M: EV760 convert CAM softw are CAM softw are CAM softw are CAM softw are EDR V2.0 CAM CAM CAM CAM PSR p lots Sector + north m essages Tracks Sector + north m essages Dep end ing on the site installation, other sockets can be sp ecified . See the site sp ecific setu p d ocu m ent for m ore inform ation Table 5-1 N etwork sockets overview 105 Primary Extractor System - TA10 Technical manual N etwork overview LEFT EMPTY 106