May 2016 Pennsylvania Fraud News


May 2016 Pennsylvania Fraud News
Pennsylvania Fraud Stories
MAY 2016
Insurance Fraud Prevention
Inside this issue:
Message from the Executive Director
Welcome to the May edition of our newsletter covering April arrests and
dispositions. As we approach Memorial Day, please remember those who
gave their lives for our country.
During the first quarter of this year, our law enforcement grantees received
Public Relations
771 referrals. Of the 771 referrals, 54% (416) were for auto claims, 13%
(97) were for workers’ compensation claims, 12% (91) were for homeowner
Know the Risks!
False Proof of Insurance
Body Shop Owner
Charged with Insurance
claims, 9% (71) were for healthcare claims and 6% (45) were for commercial liability claims.
During the first quarter, our law enforcement grantees made 102 arrests compared to 110 during the first quarter of 2015. Of the 102 arrests, 74% (75)
Ralph Burnham
were for auto claims, 8% (8) were for homeowner claims, 6% (6) were for healthcare claims and 5%
each for workers compensation and commercial liability claims. Criminal prosecutions saw 87 indiFour Attempt to File
Fraudulent Bodily Injury
viduals convicted with charges against 33 of those individuals diverted to rehabilitative dispositions
(ARD). From prosecutions, defendants were ordered to pay $555,329 in restitution and $16,150 in
Know the Penalties!
Mark Your Calendar!
fines and civil penalties. Thank you to all of our agents, detectives and prosecutors for their hard
work during the first quarter. Thank you also to all of the SIU personnel for the referrals that led to
the above results.
As I mentioned last month, the IFPA is running radio ads during Phillies and Pirates games this sum-
Who to Call
mer. In addition, this spring, the IFPA entered into an agreement with the Harrisburg Senators AA
Baseball team to sponsor strikeouts of opposing players. Whenever a visiting player strikes out, a 15
second ”Don’t Be a But” video is displayed on the scoreboard along with the public address announcer saying “Strike out insurance fraud @dontbeabut sponsored by the Pennsylvania Insurance
Fraud Prevention Authority.” Below are the links to our two scoreboard videos currently playing.
Thank you for all that you do in combating
insurance fraud in Pennsylvania!
Page 2
Public Relations
Visit our website at;
Be on the look-out for new billboards popping up
throughout Central Pennsylvania!
Weasy’s on Facebook at
Facebook at;
Rumor has it that Weasy’s been seen hanging out at Penn
State football games, and there are pictures to prove it!
and on YouTube!
Know the Risks, Know the Penalties
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Fraud Stories
The accounts of insurance fraud and insurance-related crimes that follow are drawn from Pennsylvania
law enforcement’s filed criminal complaints, press releases and newsletters. Criminal complaints docketed may be viewed online, using the “OTN” shown in each of the following accounts, through the web
portal of Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System. Individuals shown charged with crimes are to be presumed innocent until they are proven guilty.
In April 2016, the following defendants were charged with Insurance Fraud and related charges. The Criminal Complaints allege that the defendants applied for and obtained insurance policies or additional coverage on their policies AFTER accidents or damage/loss had already occurred. The complaints further allege
that the defendants subsequently submitted claims to their respective insurers and misrepresented the actual time of the accidents or time of damage/loss to reflect that the incidents occurred after they’d obtained
insurance policies.
Criminal Complaint/
Arrest Date
Allegheny County Police Department
Marlaina S. White
Pittsburgh, PA
Bethlehem, PA
Orrtanna, PA
Orrtanna, PA
Safe Auto
State Farm
State Farm
Pittsburgh, PA
Philadelphia, PA
Safe Auto
Safe Auto
Victoria Fire &
Office of Attorney General
Manuel Torres
Carol L. Mason
Stanley E. Higgs
(Mason co-defendant)
Delia Chatterfield
Natalie Jones
Lehigh County District Attorney
Cornelius J. Enoch
Allentown, PA
Northeast Pennsylvania Insurance Fraud Task Force
Joseph I. Galletti
Lackawaxen, PA
Philadelphia District Attorney
Alexander Russafkoff 27
Norristown, PA
On April 1, 2016, from a referral received from the Philadelphia Police Department, detectives of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Insurance Fraud Unit filed a Criminal Complaint charging 23 year-old Jorge L.
Hernandez of Philadelphia, PA with Insurance Fraud and Forgery. According to the complaint, detectives
from the Philadelphia Police Department Major Crimes Auto Squad were investigating a 2000 Nissan Maxima belonging to Hernandez, and retrieved Hernandez’s financial responsibility identification card as well as
his registration and title. A representative from Omni Insurance, the parent company of American Independent, verified that Hernandez’s financial responsibility identification insurance card was fraudulent.
Detectives reportedly also obtained a PennDOT title history which showed that Hernandez was the registered owner of the 2000 Nissan Maxima. [OTN: M7925584]
On April 6, 2016, from a referral received from the Philadelphia Police Department Major Crimes Unit,
detectives of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Insurance Fraud Unit arrested 33 year-old Ayahna D.
Thomas of Philadelphia, PA and charged her with two counts each of Insurance Fraud and False Reports
Letting Your Auto
Insurance Policy
Lapse is a BAD
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Know the Risks, Know the Penalties
Fraud Stories (Continued)
and one count each of Theft by Deception-False Impression and Attempted Theft by Deception. According to
the Criminal Complaint, on May 6, 2011, Ayahna Thomas reported her 2001 Volvo stolen to the Philadelphia Police. Reportedly, Thomas had also reported her vehicle stolen to State Farm Insurance Company; however, according to the complaint, a tow slip showed that the Volvo had been recycled at Clearfield Recycling
on May 4, 2011, two days prior to the alleged theft. State Farm had paid in excess of $9,400 for the theft
claim; $8,000 to the vehicle’s lien holder and $1,400 to Thomas. [OTN: M7932341]
On April 13, 2015, detectives of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Insurance Fraud Unit filed a Criminal
Complaint charging 40 year-old Thomas Esposito of Bensalem, PA with Insurance Fraud, Theft by DeceptionFalse Impression and Theft by Unlawful Taking. According to the complaint, an individual reported that she
had been driving her 2011 Honda Odyssey to ESP Automotive on November 27, 2015 when she hit an object
in the road. When she arrived at ESP, a mechanic reportedly told her that her oil pan needed to be repaired.
Esposito, the owner of ESP, stated that the shop could perform the repair work for $600. The vehicle’s owner
later retrieved her car from the shop and noted that the car still did not function properly. She returned to
Body Shop
Owner Faces
Insurance Fraud
ESP and Esposito told her the Odyssey needed a new engine, and she reportedly then made a claim with GEICO Insurance for the repair to her vehicle. According to the complaint, despite receiving $5,648 from GEICO, Esposito kept the Honda Odyssey at his shop for over three weeks and failed to perform the proper repairs, and when the vehicle’s owner again retrieved her vehicle, it was still not operating properly. She took
the car to Piazza Honda, where certified mechanics reportedly told her that her engine had never been replaced, but was simply spray painted. At that time, she contacted detectives from the Philadelphia District
Attorney’s Office Insurance Fraud Unit. Insurance Fraud Unit detectives verified with a Piazza mechanic that
the engine on the 2011 Honda Odyssey had not been replaced. The mechanic stated that the hardware present on the engine showed no signs of having been removed, which would have been necessary before an
engine could have been replaced. A detective from the Philadelphia Police Major Crimes Auto Squad also
went with Insurance Fraud Unit detectives to Piazza Honda to examine the 2011 Honda Odyssey. The detective located the engine number which matched the VIN number for the vehicle, therefore indicating that it
was the original engine. Finally, detectives then spoke with a representative from GEICO who verified that
they had paid ESP Automotive to make repairs. [OTN: M7941076]
On April 28, 2016, Office of Attorney General special agents arrested 61 year-old Gary S. Kozianowski of
Mount Laurel, NJ and charged him with one count each of Workers’ Compensation Fraud, Attempted Theft
by Deception and Perjury. According to the Criminal Complaint, on March 13, 2014, Kozianowski filed a
workers’ compensation claim for injuries to his lower back which purportedly were sustained when he slipped
on ice in his employer’s parking lot. Kozianowski allegedly received approximately $12,000 in claim benefits
from Cincinnati Insurance. According to the complaint, Kozianowski testified under oath that pain from his
injuries made it difficult for him to walk, bend, or stand, and prevented him from playing or teaching golf.
However, surveillance footage taken of Kozianowski showed him playing golf, and when interviewed by investigators, Kozianowski allegedly admitted that he had fabricated his injuries and lied about them under oath in
support of his workers’ compensation claim. [OTN: T7869142]
On April 28, 2016, Office of Attorney General special agents arrested 48 year-old Timothy M. Baranik of
Hollidaysburg, PA and charged him with Insurance Fraud, Theft by Failure to Make Required Disposition of
Funds and Misapplication of Entrusted Property. According to the Criminal Complaint, Baranik was the
owner and operator of the Baranik Insurance Agency located in Altoona, Pennsylvania. The complaint stated
that the agency had a long-standing contract with Harleysville Insurance. According to the complaint, during
February of 2013, customers began complaining to Harleysville Insurance that they had erroneously received
Know the Risks, Know the Penalties
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Fraud Stories (Continued)
non-payment and late payment notices concerning their Harleysville policies. The customers allegedly claimed
that they had given their annual premium payments to their insurance agent, Timothy Baranik. According to the
complaint, investigators determined that between January and August 2012, Baranik collected full annual premium payments from several Harleysville policyholders, but failed to remit the $4,907 in premiums to the insurer.
Baranik allegedly told the investigators that he started having financial problems in 2012, and began to use customers’ premium funds to pay his own business and personal expenses. Baranik allegedly admitted to placing the
premium money into his checking account and then switching customers’ payment plans without their
knowledge or authorization. [OTN: T7872981]
On April 28, 2016, Office of Attorney General special agents arrested 43 year-old Lori Ann Fox of Altoona, PA
and charged her with one count each of Insurance Fraud, Attempted Theft by Deception-False Impression and
Tampering with Records or Identification. According to the Criminal Complaint, on May 7, 2013, Fox submitted a claim to Allstate Insurance for a fire loss at her residence. The complaint states that Allstate paid Fox more
than $100,000 for the damage to her dwelling and more than $40,000 for personal property losses. During April
“Evidence revealed that
and May of 2014, Fox allegedly faxed numerous sheets of generic receipts to Allstate in an effort to recover an
additional $12,000 in costs for the purported replacement of property that had been damaged or destroyed by
Costanzo was the driver
the fire. Fox allegedly submitted receipts to Allstate totaling more than $6,000 for video equipment and compact
discs which she purportedly purchased at a video movie rental business. In addition, Fox allegedly submitted
and the sole occupant of
receipts totaling more than $1,300 for medical books which she purportedly bought from her therapist. According to the complaint, an investigation revealed that the video store did not exist and that Fox had not purchased
the truck at the time of
any books from the therapist. Moreover, investigators determined that Fox allegedly submitted fraudulent receipts for many “replacement” items which she had not purchased. [OTN: T7873073]
the accident...Allstate
denied the three bodily
On April 28, 2016, Office of Attorney General special agents arrested 46 year-old Robert Lathrop, 47 year-old
Joseph P. Griffin, 40 year-old Larry F. Hall and 37 year-old Kelly Costanzo. All of the defendants are Philadelph-
injury claims but paid
ia residents and each was charged with one count of Insurance Fraud, Attempted Theft by Deception-False Impression and Conspiracy. According to the Criminal Complaint, on August 5, 2014, a truck owned by Joseph
$6,392.28 for the
Griffin and insured by Allstate Insurance Company was involved in an accident. Costanzo, Hall, and Griffin
filed claims with Allstate for alleged injuries that they purportedly suffered as a result of the accident. According
damage to Griffin’s
to the complaint, Robert Lathrop and the others told Allstate that Lathrop had been driving and that the others
had been riding in the truck when the accident occurred. However, the evidence allegedly revealed that Costanzo was the driver and the sole occupant of the truck at the time of the accident. According to the complaint, Allstate denied the three bodily injury claims but paid $6,392.28 for the damage to Griffin’s truck.
Lathrop, Griffin, Hall, and Costanzo allegedly admitted to investigators that they all had agreed to make false
statements to Allstate in support of their claims. Court records reflect that charges against Larry F. Hall were
dismissed on May 12, 2016 as he is since deceased. [OTN: T7868851, T7869131, T7869223, T7869050]
On April 29, 2016, detectives of the Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office arrested 54 year-old Eric M.
Raynes of Port Vue, PA and charged him with Insurance Fraud. According to the Criminal Complaint, on
June 8, 2016, Raynes filed a claim with his insurer, Progressive Insurance Company, reporting that he
parked his vehicle on a boat ramp and as he walked away, the vehicle rolled into the river. Raynes had reportedly stated that he had been experiencing problems with the vehicle’s transmission and that the check engine
light was on. McKeesport Police recovered the vehicle from the water and according to their report, the vehicle’s ignition was in the on position with the keys still in the ignition and the transmission in the neutral
position. Raynes had reportedly told investigators that the reason for having parked his truck on the boat
ramp was because he was retrieving a boat trailer for a friend. Raynes’ friend, during a February 18, 2016
Know the Risks, Know the Penalties
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Fraud Stories (Continued)
interview with investigators, reportedly denied that Raynes was retrieving his boat trailer and admitted that
Raynes had asked him to “go along” with his story that Raynes was at the boat ramp to pick up a boat trailer
when Raynes’ truck rolled into the river. Further investigation revealed that Raynes had visited several auto
dealerships two days prior to his truck rolling into the river. Additionally, an interview with the owner of
Stan’s Transmission where Raynes had taken his truck in for transmission repairs had quoted Raynes a price
of $5,000 for a new transmission and stated that Raynes never brought the truck back for repair. And lastly,
Progressive’s investigator obtained documentation from a consulting firm that stated it found no evidence
that a mechanical defect or malfunction caused or attributed to the truck rolling into the river. According to
the complaint, it is alleged that Raynes had purposely allowed his truck to roll into the river so he could file a
claim and receive money for the loss. [OTN: G7420534]
The Penalties:
“According to the
complaint, Donegal
obtained photographs of the
prior claim, compared them
with the current damage
and concluded that the
damage was the same…
Donegal denied the claim.”
The following dispositions of cases previously reported on were obtained via
the web portal of Pennsylvania’s Unified Judicial System.
On April 1, 2016, a Wilkinsburg, PA man was granted ARD with two years' probation and was ordered to
perform 50 hours of community service and to pay $500 in restitution and court costs totaling $2,771. On
September 14, 2015, Office of Attorney General special agents filed a Criminal Complaint in Allegheny
County charging the defendant with Insurance Fraud and Criminal Attempt Theft by Deception-False Impression. According to the complaint, on December 16, 2014, the defendant filed a claim with Progressive
Insurance claiming that his Buick Rainier was damaged on December 16, 2014 by a hit-and-run vehicle. The
defendant, in two recorded statements, maintained that his vehicle was struck by a hit-and-run vehicle, but
reportedly changed the date of the incidence to December 15, 2014. According to the complaint, the investigation revealed that the accident had actually occurred on the 15 th while the defendant was operating the
vehicle and struck another vehicle from behind, and according to two statements given by two individuals,
they had paid the defendant to transport them. Progressive subsequently informed the defendant that as he
had been transporting two other individuals for a fee, his claim would be denied. The damage to the vehicle
that the defendant struck totaled $580, and damage to the defendant's vehicle totaled approximately
$6,038.49; however, no money was paid on the claim. [OTN: G7221863]
On April 8, 2016, Michael R. Haluska of Hollidaysburg, PA pled Guilty to Attempted Theft by DeceptionFalse Impression and was sentenced to serve three years' probation and was ordered to pay a $1,500 fine and
court costs of $2,210.50. On June 24, 2015, Office of Attorney General special agents filed a Criminal Complaint charging Haluska with Insurance Fraud and Criminal Attempt Theft by Deception-False Impression.
According to the complaint, on February 27, 2014, Haluska submitted a hit-and-run accident claim to Donegal Insurance alleging that damage was sustained to the rear bumper area of his 2006 Chevrolet Silverado
while parked in the parking lot of Blue Knob Ski Resort on February 22, 2014. Haluska reportedly stated that
upon returning to the truck, he discovered that a vehicle had backed into his truck causing damage to the rear
bumper and the right side and right side bedside panels. The complaint reflects that Donegal found that Haluska had submitted a claim in February 2013 to State Farm Insurance involving the same truck. In that
claim, the damage involved the same rear bumper area of the truck. According to the complaint, Donegal
obtained photographs of the prior claim, compared them with the current damage and concluded that the
damage was the same. Donegal had estimated the damage to be approximately $1,032.16; however, Donegal
denied the claim. [OTN: T6689325]
Know the Risks, Know the Penalties
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Fraud Stories (Continued)
On April 14, 2016, from a Negotiated Guilty plea to Insurance Fraud, Brandon M. Boston of Pittsburgh, PA
was sentenced to serve two years' probation and was ordered to pay $2,150.30 in restitution and $2,911.10 in
court costs. And from a Negotiated Guilty plea to Theft by Deception-False Impression, David A. Boston, also
of Pittsburgh, PA was sentenced to serve two years’ probation and ordered to pay $2,150.30 in restitution and
court costs of $$2,531. On November 18, 2015, Office of Attorney General special agents filed two Criminal
Complaints in Allegheny County charging each defendant with Insurance Fraud, Theft by Deception and Conspiracy. According to the complaint, David used Brandon’s identification and United Concordia dental insurance card to pay for several procedures that David received between April 2, 2013, and October 9, 2013. The
complaint stated that investigators compared dental records of the two brothers and confirmed that it was David, not Brandon, who obtained the procedures in question. Both brothers allegedly admitted to their
knowledge and involvement in the scheme. [OTN: G7280910]
On April 18, 2016, Bethany Jean Byer of Johnstown, PA pled Guilty to Acquire or Obtain Possession of Controlled Substance and Forgery and was sentenced to serve 23 months' confinement followed by six years' probation and was ordered to pay $342.36 in restitution and court costs of $3,636.40. On June 26, 2015, Office of
Attorney General special agents filed a Criminal Complaint in Cambria County charging Byer with Insurance
Fraud, Acquire or Obtain Possession of Controlled Substance and Forgery. According to the complaint, it was
alleged that Byer was being treated for a knee injury and was provided a prescription for Oxycodone. During a
visit to her physician’s office, she allegedly took blank prescriptions and between January 3, 2015 and March 2,
2015, had written prescriptions for herself, her husband, mother, father and sister and forged her physician’s
name. Byer allegedly passed approximately ten forged scripts, and according to the complaint, payment for the
forged scripts was processed through various companies to include Humana, Tri-Care, Aetna, UPMC, Highmark and Express Scripts/Medco. [OTN: T6698425]
On April 18, 2016, James Jackson of Pittsburgh, PA pled Guilty to Theft by Deception-False Impression and
was sentenced to serve 12 months' probation and was ordered to pay $63.82 in restitution and court costs totaling $1,489.20. On August 18, 2015, the Allegheny County District Attorney's Office had received a case for
prosecution regarding Jackson. He had been charged with two counts of Insurance Fraud and one count each
of Acquire or Obtain Possession of Controlled Substance, Theft by Deception-False Impression and Receiving
Stolen Property. According to the Criminal Complaint, on December 3, 2014, Jackson obtained a prescription for Opana ER at The Medicine Shoppe purportedly filled for his wife, Lisa Jackson. On December 4,
2014, The Medicine Shoppe pharmacist reportedly received information from a delivery driver that Ms. Jackson had passed away on December 2, 2014. According to the complaint, it is alleged that Jackson illegally
obtained his deceased wife's prescription on December 3, 2014 and had used his wife's UPMC insurance card
to pay for the script. The complaint states that UPMC sustained a pecuniary loss of $63.82. [OTN:
On April 20, 2016, from a Negotiated Guilty plea to Insurance Fraud and Conspiracy, Derell Moore of Philadelphia, PA was sentenced to serve 12 months' probation and was ordered to pay $1,000 in restitution and
court costs of $440.50. Detectives of the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Insurance Fraud Unit arrested
Moore in September 2015 and charged him with Theft by Deception, Criminal Conspiracy, Insurance Fraud
and False Swearing in connection to a fraudulent personal injury claim which he filed with the assistance of
Attorney Stuart Doctorvitz. Moore alleged that on September 28, 2012, he tripped on a defective sidewalk in
front of Fresh Donuts, and subsequently retained Doctorvitz to file a law suit against Affirmative Risk Management which insures Fresh Donuts. According to the Criminal Complaint, the investigation revealed that the
Jail for
Johnstown, PA
Convicted in
Fraud Case
Know the Risks, Know the Penalties
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Fraud Stories (Continued)
claim was fraudulent. Court records reflect that the case against Attorney Stuart Doctorvitz remains an active
investigation. [OTN: N9942236]
On April 20, 2016, a Darby, PA woman was granted ARD with 12 months' probation and was ordered to
perform 32 hours of community service and to pay $600 in restitution and court costs of $1,575.50. On January 20, 2016, detectives of the Delaware County District Attorney’s Criminal Investigation Division had filed a
Criminal Complaint charging the defendant with eight counts each of Insurance Fraud, Theft by DeceptionFalse Impression and Theft by Unlawful Taking-Moveable Property. According to the complaint, it is alleged
that the defendant submitted multiple fraudulent Wellness claims using her own name and the names of
other patients for various medical treatments that had not been performed by the treating physicians listed on
various claims. The complaint reflects that the defendant had received and deposited eight claim checks total-
“The complaint reflects
that the defendant had
received and deposited eight
ing $600 from Aflac Insurance Company for the purported fraudulent claims, and that she later admitted
that the claims she filed were in fact fraudulent. [OTN: T7441862]
On April 21, 2016, an Erie, PA woman was granted ARD with two years' probation and was ordered to pay
court costs of $1,094. On November 12, 2015, Office of Attorney General special agents filed a Criminal
Complaint in Erie County charging the defendant with Insurance Fraud, Theft by Deception-False Impression
and Attempted Theft by Deception-False Impression. According to the complaint, the defendant had an acci-
from Aflac Insurance
dent policy with Aflac Insurance which was designed to help pay for emergency medical treatment, as well as
related transportation and lodging expenses. Between January 28, 2015, and February 24, 2015, the defendant
allegedly submitted nine claims to Aflac for chiropractic treatment that she purportedly received at Heritage
“Company for the
Chiropractic. According to the complaint, an investigation revealed that on seven of the claims, the defendant
had photocopied legitimate chiropractic bills, but altered the dates of treatment and the description of services
claim checks totaling $600
purported fraudulent
later admitted that the
on the documents before sending the bills to Aflac. Aflac paid a portion of the claims before discovering the
alleged fraud. [OTN: T7245324]
On April 21, 2016, from a Negotiated Guilty plea to Insurance Fraud and Attempted Theft by DeceptionFalse Impression, Robert Dwane Nichols of Philadelphia, PA was sentenced to serve 12 months’ probation
claims she filed were in fact
followed by four years’ probation, was ordered to perform 50 hours of community service and to pay a $1,500
civil penalty and court costs totaling $920. On March 2, 2015, Office of Attorney General special agents had
filed two Criminal Complaints charging 48 year-old Robin Marie Holloway and 27 year-old Robert Dwane
Nichols, both of Philadelphia, PA with two counts of Insurance Fraud and one count each of Conspiracy and
Criminal Attempt Theft by Deception-False Impression. According to the complaints, it was alleged that Holloway and Nichols had provided fraudulent information to Allstate Insurance Company when filing an accident claim for an accident that occurred on January 31, 2013 in Philadelphia. The defendants stated that
Holloway had been operating the 2012 Mercedes Benz C300 when it was involved in a crash with an Allstate
insured 2002 Lexus ES300; however, when interviewed, the driver of the Lexus stated that Nichols had been
operating the Mercedes at the time of the accident, not Holloway. According to the complaint, Nichols filed a
claim on February 12, 2013 alleging the crash had aggravated pre-existing neck and back injuries, and Holloway claimed property damage to the Mercedes. Allstate had not paid either claim. Court records reflect that
Nichols co-defendant, Holloway, is next scheduled to appear in court on May 23, 2016. [OTN: L9256085,
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National & State Anti-Fraud Events Offer New Knowledge & New Contacts
*September 11—14, 2016 — IASIU Conference — Red Rock Resort, Nevada
*April 6—7, 2017 — PA 2017 Insurance Fraud Conference — Hershey Lodge & Convention
Center, Hershey, PA
National & State Anti-Fraud Events Offer New Knowledge & New Contacts
Page 10
Who to Call
Insurance Fraud
Allegheny County DA’s Office, (412) 461-2328
Allegheny County PD, (412) 473-1254
Attorney General’s Office, (717) 787-0272
Bucks County DA’s Office, (215)348-6344
6 Kacey Court, Ste. 101
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Phone: 717-691-1828
Fax: 717-697-1013
Cumberland County DA’s Office, (717) 240-7764
Delaware County DA’s Office, (610) 891-4700
Erie Bureau of Police, (814) 870-1258
Lehigh County DA’s Office, (610) 264-8758
Montgomery County DA’s Office, (610) 278-3472
NE Insurance Fraud Task Force, (570) 963-5177
Philadelphia DA’s Office, (215) 686-8723
York County DA’s Office, (717) 771-9600 x 329
Dauphin County DA’s Office, (717) 255-2770
PA State Police-Fire Marshals, (717) 346-4597
Anti-Fraud Compliance
PA Insurance Department, (717) 705-4199
IFPA Staff
Thomas Donahue,
Executive Director, [email protected]
Joan Dockery,
Associate Executive Director, [email protected]
Christine Cassel,
Grants Administrator, [email protected]