April 3, 2016 - St. Ann Parish
April 3, 2016 - St. Ann Parish
. SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 3, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD 7:00AM Enis Paoluccio & Daniel Piliere 8:15AM John Cavagnaro 9:30AM Antoinetta Giamarco 10:45AM Frank Chionchio 12:00PM Joan D. Ariola 1:15PM Edward Frey 7:30PM Dominick DiMonda MONDAY, APRIL 4TH 7:00AM Italo Conte (Anniversary) 9:00AM Theodore Khoury 5:00PM Marie Guzzi TUESDAY, APRIL 5TH 7:00AM Hermann Fischer, Sr. 9:00AM Ralph R. Oliva 5:00PM Roperti & Paretti Families WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6TH 7:00AM Michael J. Hnatowicz 9:00AM Grace Campanile 5:00PM Ted Khoury THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH 7:00AM Peter Camarda 9:00AM Anthony M. Orlando 5:00PM Margaret Meekins FRIDAY, APRIL 8TH 7:00AM Eric Johnson (Anniversary) 9:00AM Rose Marsicano 5:00PM Ted Khoury SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH 7:00AM Ralph Fabrizio 9:00AM Anne Louise DePalo & Mark Matuza (Anniversary) 4:00PM Salvatore Gerardi 5:30PM Phyllis Belle-Oudry SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH 7:00AM Linda Simione 8:15AM John E. & Margaret A. Lombardo 9:30AM Francis & Joseph Sercia 10:45AM For the People of St. Ann’s Parish 12:00PM Joan D. Ariola 1:15PM Salvatore DiMonda 7:30PM Jospeh D’Orazio CHILDREN’S MASS / FAMILY MASS The Children’s Mass / Family Mass is designed to give special focus on children and their families. All are welcome. First Reading: Acts 5:12-16 The people held the apostles in great esteem and brought sick people to them to be healed. Although some were afraid to be known, the number of Jesus' followers continued to grow steadily. Second Reading: Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 John depicts a vision of lamp-stands of gold and one like the Son of Man in a robe with a sash of gold. This apparition told John he had nothing to fear and then described himself as one who was dead but now lived again. He then instructed John to record any other visions he might have. Gospel: John 20:19-31 Jesus appeared to the disciples and breathed on them saying, "Receive the Holy Spirit." He gives them the power to forgive people's sins or hold them accountable. Thomas, who was not present, refused to believe Jesus had appeared until he came to them once more. Jesus told Thomas to believe and added, "Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed." UPCOMING EVENTS: Mass of Communal Anointing Saturday, April 16, 2016 4:00PM MARRIAGE BANNS II..Michael Plutchok & Ashley Granice I…John Acca & Jennifer Curcio SANCTUARY LAMP The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week In Memory of Phyllis Belle-Oudry BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine to be used this week in each Eucharistic Celebration has been donated Ann & Matteo Morales MAY THEY REST IN THE PEACE OF GOD With tenderness and love we pray for our deceased Mother Mary Angelica, Ann M. Connelly, Frank Scollo, James Flanagan, and Anthony Carbone. May their loved ones find comfort and reassurance in God, our Father. RCIA We as a parish family welcome and pray for our Catechumen and Candidates who received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil: Dean Scali, John Forte, Dorothy Caramante, Dana Cunningham, Nicholas Lippa, David Romero PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Alfonsa Interlandi Donna Offitto Christopher Viscuso Mark Fissore Joanna Ritti Mary Tardio Deborah Giardino Bill Selvaggio Tammy Brockett Fanny Scotto Robert &Joann Chiriani Perry & Robyn Shier Rose Matarazzo Eileen & Michael O’Connell Alexis Fichera Gloria Martin Ernest Moerlins Anthony Rago Dorothy LaRussa Miss Harriet David Martin Theresa D’Angelo Joseph Gamoran Paula Rabinowitz Nicholas & Dorothy Ilijic Marty Crapanzano Carmela DiBenedetto Daniella Gruen Melinda Ferrer AnnMarie McDevitt Maria Ficarra Mary Cooper Barbara Hamilton Eleanor Pinheiro Robert Critelli Phyllis Critelli Mary Beth Marshall Anthony Critelli Al & Eleanor Critelli & Family Beverly Pinheiro Maureen Grace Benvenuto Robert & Lorraine Herzog Grace Lee Nicky Foccillo Lawrence & Theresa Iacona Jacques Cadet Anthony Guarnieri M. Dela Cruz Nicholas Bonelli Marilyn Costello WEEKLY COLLECTION (March 27, 2016) Easter $32,129.00 Shrines 687.00 Poor 309.00 Your generosity, as reflected in your ‘Offering for God’s Plan of Giving’, indeed is an inspiration for us all to give cheerfully to building up of this larger family in faith. May you and your loved ones be blessed by God even more in every way. SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND The second collection this weekend April 2nd/3rd will be the regular monthly donation. REMEMBER ST. ANN’S CHURCH IN YOUR WILL You can express your commitment to your church by making a bequest to your parish. Simply have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to St. Ann’s Church, 101 Cromwell Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10304, the sum of $___________ (Or _____% of the residue of my estate) for its religious, educational, and charitable work”. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND th The second collection next weekend, April 9/10 will be for the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services. THANK YOU: HOLY WEEK / EASTER SET-UP/DECORATIONS Heartfelt thanks to our volunteers, Beth Fosella, Connie Orlando, Anna Finazzo, Michelle Iannacone, Christine & Fred Iannacone, Trina Hoffman, Dorie & Vic Potencion, Joan D’Agostino, Mark Montanti, Pat Mielke, Linda Rubino and all our friends for decorating our Church for the Easter Triduum. Our Easter decorations are simple and elegant bringing focus to the liturgy. We are so grateful to everyone who made this possible. NEW PARISHIONERS, WELCOME If you are new to our parish and would like to register, please fill out the information below and drop it in the collection basket or return to the rectory. Envelopes will be mailed to you in 4 to 6 weeks. Name: __________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________Zip_______________ Phone: _______________ Work: __________________________ Family members: ________________________________________ If you do not wish to receive envelopes, please check this box. Ministers and Lectors Coordinator: Joseph Franzese RCIA Kathleen Ruggiero – Roseann Raccuia St. Ann Choir 10:45 Mass Organist: Noreen Neilson Outreach Social Ministry/Prayer Shawl/Food Pantry Coordinator: Dona Ruggiero Bulletin Editor: Donna Criscuolo Email: [email protected] Rosary Monday through Saturday Before 9AM Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays 7PM (except holidays) Nocturnal Adoration First Fridays 6:00PM to 7PM Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays 9:30AM Golden Age Club – Rosary Society Holy Name Society – Legion of Mary Altar Servers Moderator: Loretta Callegari & Ministry Team Ministry to the Homebound Contact the parish office C.C.D. CLASS SCHEDULE Wednesday: (Grades 1-2-3) 3:00 – 4:30 pm Thursday: (Grades 4-5-6-7) 3:30 – 5:00 pm ST. ANN’S TEEN CLUB Friday Evenings at 7pm Moderator: Regina Kaykaty ENDOWMENT FUND Our church of St. Ann has been the place where we have seen the face of God through the ups and downs of our life’s moments. The presence of God in our church as well as in the lives of our people has sustained those who have gone before us here. Now, as the parish debt is eliminated, it is important to ensure the legacy of our faith and worship for those who would follow us here at St. Ann’s for generations to come. It is with the humble realization that St. Ann’s church has a destiny designed by God to be a beacon of faith and hope in our community, that we start the Church Endowment Fund. Any contribution, however small or large, will be received with a grateful heart. A donation of $1000 or more over a period of time would give us the opportunity to memorialize or honor someone we love in the Book of Endowment. A contributor of $25000 or more over a period of time would be considered a Founder of our church Endowment Fund. This fund is designed in such a way that the principal will not be used. If and when a need arises on a rainy day, only the interest on the Endowment Fund will be used. May the donations we make for this purpose come from our gratitude to God for His blessings in our life. May the good Lord bless us and our families and keep us close to His heart as we continue doing His work. Founders $25000 Stewards $15000 ANNUAL GOLDEN WEDDING MASS CELEBRATION th Couples celebrating their 50 Wedding Anniversary anytime during 2016 are invited to attend the Annual Golden Wedding Jubilee Mass th with Cardinal Dolan at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Saturday, June 25 at 1:30 pm or Sunday, June 26th at 2:00 pm. Pre-registration is required. Please contact your parish for registration. The closing date to register for the Mass is Tuesday, May 24, 2016. This event is sponsored by the Family Life/Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York. 50/50 CLUB We remind everyone to get their envelopes in for the April drawing and maybe you will join the ranks of our 50/50 club winners. Good luck to all! Our next drawing will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd before the 9:00am Mass in the Church. BINGO! St. Ann’s Bingo – EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Doors open at 5:00PM. Early bird starts at 7:00PM. Please join us! BULLETIN INFORMATION All information in regards to the bulletin should be emailed to ([email protected]) or delivered to the rectory by Monday 10:00am in order to be posted in the next weekend’s edition. All requests for inclusion in the bulletin will be approved by the Pastor. ST. ANN’S PARISH WEBSITE Please take a moment to visit our parish website: http://www.stannschurchstatenisland.org. All information about our parish, ministries, organizations, our school, preschool, and CCD, can be found as well as liturgical celebrations and activities. Patrons $5000 Donors $1000 THANK YOU: HOLY THURSDAY FOOT WASHING Our thanks to Karen Matarazzo and Kathleen Ruggiero for their help with the ceremony of Foot Washing and to Vito Amato, Gianna Callegari, Dorothy Caramante, Dana Cunningham, Carlo Finazzo, John Forte, Nicholas Lippa, Karen Matarazzo, Serafina Matarazzo, Leah Rigney, Dean Scali and David Romero for taking part in the Liturgy of our Lord’s Supper. CATHOLIC’S DIVORCE SURVIVAL GUIDE If you or someone you know is experiencing divorce or separation and needs closure and healing, come to The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide, sponsored by the Archdiocese of New York, Family Life/Respect Life Ministry of the Separated and Divorced. The next meeting is Tuesday, April 5th from 7pm to 9pm in the basement of the rectory. Please spread the word about this inspiring, healing 12 week program. For more information contact Ann-Louise DePalo at 347-282-9118 or Carmen Noschese at 212-371-1000 ext. 3194 or visit Divorced.nyfamilylife.org. EASTER FLOWERS Jimmy Quinlan, John P. Quinlan, Dempsey & Quinlan Families, Hebert, Matthews & Seggio Families, Garrighty & Souffrin Families, Anna Souffrin, Bertha, Madeline Pat & Tommy, Lally & Lee Families, Kathy Diriwachter, Denise Benedetto, Winni & Harry Zinsley, MaryAnn Sudmyer & Family, Msgr. Victor S.Pavis, Msgr. Ansaldi & Msgr. Dorney, Father Navins, Sylvia Levine, Francis X., Marie, Jo, Rose, Elizabeth, Vinny, Diane, Peggy & Ed, Frank & Rose, Joe, Ronnie, Ron & Leonardo, Sister Daniel, Father Doyle, Mother Cordis, Nellie, Ed & Family, Mary Elizabeth & Family, Jo, Lou, Johnny, Marie, Jimmy N., Jimmy D., Ben J. Marino, Frank, Theresa, Sclafani, Trincilla Family, Nancy, Margaret, Rocco, Vincent, Mimi Mannino, Paul Mannino, Constance Friscia, Esposito & Bonacchi Family, Clara & Michael Welykyj, Christopher Becker, Isabell Carito, Slavatore, Robert, Larry, Dominick Carito, Rose Marie & Dominick Canterino, Aunt Millie Kelley, Anthony Vinci, Laura Carito, Mary & Helen Gowsowski, Nunzio, Lena & Michael Sorrentino, Anthony N. Cavanna, Frank & Lucy Cipriani, Joseph D’Ambra, MaryAnn & Gary Czvekus, Harriet & Edward Rozales, Lynn Konko, Mr. & Mrs. Ignacio Quizon, Macario Beloy, Carlos Suarez, Catalina S. Dudang, Armando S. Dudang, Leocadia Magalong, Rafael Magalong, Anthony Mascolo, Anthony Gardini, Eileen Shea, James & Helen Cowhig, Thomas J. Cowhig, Jr., Helen Cowhig, Theresa DeBiase, George Bergin, Troy Nilsen, John Bergin, Rucci, Nemia & Scotto Families, Robert DeStefano, Sr., George, Eleonora & William Clark, Minucci & Madigan Families, Moresco & Sadousky Families, James T. O’Rourke, Carmine & Carmela Cutuldo, Edward & Fanny Rubino, Benjamin Olivo, Dominick Contrino, Carmela, Martha, Vincent, Margie Contrino, Virginia & Charles McCann, Mabel & Matteo Rizzo, Milly Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Giambalvo, Joanne Scaranjello, Benedic & Jeanette DeRespinis, James & Veronica McCarthy, Louis Athas, Andrew & Sue Monda, Peter Spinelli, Sr., Joseph Spinelli, Joseph Cusato, Mr. & Mrs. O. Bueta, Rocco & Paige Bueta, Mr. & Mrs. Carmelo Sgarlato, Paul Beloy, Macario Beloy, Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Jose & Pacita Perez, Ann D’Alessio, Pat Esposito, Kathleen & Patrick Ward, Margaret & Pat Ward, Sr., Lizzie Ward, Bill Ward, Bridget Ward, John & Gertrude Martins, Sr., John Augerhauser, Pender, Kleis Families SAINT ANN SCHOOL NEWS: Please join us at our 19th Annual Fashion Show “Shopping on 5th Avenue” Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 7pm The Excelsior Grand 2380 Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island, New York $65 per Adult 9includes Dinner, Wine and Soda) $45 per 8th Grader (includes Dinner and Soda) (Raffles will be sold that evening $45 for value Packs) 50/50, door prizes, lotto raffles and more All family and friends are welcome. Enjoy a great evening as we watch the students, parents and faculty walk down the runway. Come out and have some fun! Make checks payable to the St. Ann’s Home School Association. Please send all reservations in by April 4, 2016. Lorenza Marinelli at (917) 915-1735 or Michele DeVito (917) 750-1198 Please list the names of those who will be attending: (10 to 12 persons per table) ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _______________________________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED $__________________ Calling All Saint Ann Alumni!! Come and Join Us for a Reunion of the Decades 1960-1970 The date is April 30th! The place is Saint Ann School For more information, please call the school at 718-351-4343. SAINT FRANCIS CATHOLIC SINGLES Saint Francis Catholic Singles (SFCS), for those in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, will meet at Holy Family Church, 366 Watchogue Road, SI, NY on Thursday, April 28, 7:15 pm. Forgiving Ourselves - Self-forgiveness is a challenge for many people, leading to feelings of guilt and despair. Join us as Dr. Constance Salhany, a Catholic psychologist who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy, will discuss how faith, Scripture, and the use of some practical techniques can help us forgive ourselves in small and large matters and help us get unstuck. And save the date for SFCS 15th Annual Spring-into-Summer Party on Saturday night, June 25, 7:30 pm sharp. (Seating at 7:15) for dinner and deejay at the Mansion Grand, located in Great Kills by the waterfront at 141 Mansion Avenue, SI 10308. Cost is $55 if received by Thursday, May 26; $65 afterwards. Bring CHECKS made out to CASH to any meeting or mail to Holy Family, Attention: June Singles, 366 Watchogue Road, Staten Island, NY 10314. For more information, find us on Fb/StFrancisCatholicSingles, email [email protected], or check our website: www.sgspsi.org,
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