K FIFTHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JULY 10, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, JULY 10TH 7:00AM Robert W. Eckert, Sr. 8:15AM Robert Griffo 9:30AM Edward Frey & Gamoran Family 10:45AM Joseph & Rose Ruggieri 12:00PM Joan D. Ariola 1:15PM Catherine & Vincent Savino 7:30PM Ray Simmons (Anniversary) MONDAY, JULY 11TH 7:00AM Mary Margaret Gisonde 9:00AM Beatrice Grassi 5:00PM Josephine & Gennaro Ferrara TUESDAY, JULY 12TH 7:00AM Rosemary Manzulli 9:00AM Anthony M. Orlando 5:00PM Frances Mulligan First Reading: Deuteronomy 30:10-14 Moses petitions the people to follow the commandments God has set before them. He reminds them that the laws are not in the sky or far away at sea, but are accessible to them and meant to be followed if they wish to prosper. Second Reading: Colossians 1:15-20 Paul discusses the divine nature of Jesus, and explains that Jesus was created before anything else. Everything else was "created through him, and for him." Gospel: Luke 10:25-37 While discussing everlasting life, a lawyer mentions loving one's neighbor as oneself. The lawyer then asks Jesus, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus tells him about a man beaten by robbers, who was ignored by both a priest and a Levite before a Samaritan stopped and offered him aid. Jesus asks the lawyer who was neighbor to the injured man. The lawyer says "the one who treated him with compassion." Jesus encourages him to go and do the same. WEDNESDAY, JULY 13TH 7:00AM Sam Parnas 9:00AM Frank Duff, Adele Quinn, Alphonsus Lamb 5:00PM Nicholas Cangro THURSDAY, JULY 14TH 7:00AM Charles Erichsen 9:00AM Joanne Mercado 5:00PM Joan Prenty FRIDAY, JULY 15TH 7:00AM Gabrielle Eppel 9:00AM Anna Jimenez (Living) 5:00PM Philip Scala (Anniversary) SATURDAY, JULY 16TH 7:00AM Mr. & Mrs. John Haley (70th Anniversary) 9:00AM Lucy Mampilly 4:00PM Lucy Silecchia (Birthday) 5:30PM Peter Porcelli SUNDAY, JULY 17TH 7:00AM Marie Mirabella (Birthday) 8:15AM For the People of St. Ann’s Parish 9:30AM Johnny Mauro 10:45AM Dec. Members of Guariglia Family 12:00PM Joan D. Ariola 1:15PM John Vitale (Anniversary) 7:30PM John E. & Margaret A. Lombardo CHILDREN’S MASS / FAMILY MASS The 12 Noon Mass will be the regular Mass (not designated as a Children’s Mass). The Children’s Family Mass will resume in the fall. SANCTUARY LAMP The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week In Memory of Dominick DiMonda BREAD AND WINE The Bread and Wine to be used this week in each Eucharistic Celebration has been donated In Memory of Nicholas Silvestro BAPTISMS Congratulations and God’s blessings to the newly baptized and their families! Elijah Gabriel Smith and Alexander Jacob Smith MAY THEY REST IN THE PEACE OF GOD With tenderness and love we pray for our deceased, Michael J. Cilmi, Elaine Kempf. May their loved ones find comfort and reassurance in God, our Father. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH Alfonsa Interlandi Christopher Viscuso Joanna Ritti Deborah Giardino Tammy Brockett Robert & Joann Chiriani Mary Lindeman Alexis Fichera Ernest Moerlins Dorothy LaRussa David Martin Joseph Gamoran Eddie Wilkinson Carmela DiBenedetto Tracy Howarth Maria Ficarra Barbara Hamilton Bob & Phyllis Critelli & Family Mary Beth Marshall Eleanor Critelli & Family Andrea Fitch Charles Navarino Nicky Foccillo Jacques Cadet Jessica Christine Mustari Geoghega Donna Offitto Mark Fissore Mary Tardio Bill Selvaggio Fanny Scotto Perry, Robyn & Valerie Shier Michael O’Connell & Family Gloria Martin Joseph Cantalupo Harriet Lorenzo Theresa D’Angelo Paula Rabinowitz Marty Crapanzano Daniella Gruen Peter Masciullo Mary Cooper Eleanor Pinheiro Jack & Kathleen Diane Beverly Pinheiro Grace Benvenuto Grace Lee Terri Lamon Anthony Guarnieri Nicholas Bonelli Maria Teresa Del Giudice SECOND COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND The second collection this weekend of July 9th/10th is for the Pastoral Solidarity Fund for Church in Africa. Your support for this collection is deeply appreciated. WEEKLY COLLECTION (July 3, 2016) Weekly $9,053.00 Monthly 4,496.00 Shrines 664.00 Poor 315.00 Your generosity, as reflected in your ‘Offering for God’s Plan of Giving’, indeed is an inspiration for us all to give cheerfully to building up of this larger family in faith. May you and your loved ones be blessed by God even more in every way. NEW PARISHIONERS, WELCOME If you are new to our parish and would like to register, please fill out the information below and drop it in the collection basket or return to the rectory. Envelopes will be mailed to you in 4 to 6 weeks. Name: __________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________Zip_______________ Phone: _______________ Work: __________________________ Family members: ________________________________________ If you do not wish to receive envelopes, please check this box. Ministers and Lectors Coordinator: Joseph Franzese RCIA Kathleen Ruggiero – Roseann Raccuia St. Ann Choir 10:45 Mass Organist: Noreen Neilson Outreach Social Ministry/Prayer Shawl/Food Pantry Coordinator: Dona Ruggiero Bulletin Editor: Donna Criscuolo Email: [email protected] Rosary Monday through Saturday Before 9AM Mass Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mondays 7PM (except holidays) Nocturnal Adoration First Fridays 6:00PM to 7PM Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays 9:30AM Golden Age Club – Rosary Society Holy Name Society – Legion of Mary REMEMBER ST. ANN’S CHURCH IN YOUR WILL You can express your commitment to your church by making a bequest to your parish. Simply have the following statement included in your will: “I leave to St. Ann’s Church, 101 Cromwell Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10304, the sum of $___________ (Or _____% of the residue of my estate) for its religious, educational, and charitable work”. BIBLE STUDY Bible Study will resume in the fall. Altar Servers Moderator: Loretta Callegari & Ministry Team Ministry to the Homebound Contact the parish office C.C.D. CLASS SCHEDULE Wednesday: (Grades 1-2-3) 3:00 – 4:30 pm Thursday: (Grades 4-5-6-7) 3:30 – 5:00 pm ST. ANN’S TEEN CLUB Friday Evenings at 7pm Moderator: Regina Kaykaty ENDOWMENT FUND Our church of St. Ann has been the place where we have seen the face of God through the ups and downs of our life’s moments. The presence of God in our church as well as in the lives of our people has sustained those who have gone before us here. Now, as the parish debt is eliminated, it is important to ensure the legacy of our faith and worship for those who would follow us here at St. Ann’s for generations to come. It is with the humble realization that St. Ann’s church has a destiny designed by God to be a beacon of faith and hope in our community, that we start the Church Endowment Fund. Any contribution, however small or large, will be received with a grateful heart. A donation of $1000 or more over a period of time would give us the opportunity to memorialize or honor someone we love in the Book of Endowment. A contributor of $25000 or more over a period of time would be considered a Founder of our church Endowment Fund. This fund is designed in such a way that the principal will not be used. If and when a need arises on a rainy day, only the interest on the Endowment Fund will be used. May the donations we make for this purpose come from our gratitude to God for His blessings in our life. May the good Lord bless us and our families and keep us close to His heart as we continue doing His work. Founders $25000 Stewards $15000 ST. ANN’S OUTREACH MINISTRY FOOD PANTRY Thank you for your help! This week our pantry is in need of the following: Pasta Sauce, Fruit, Juice, Pasta, and Coffee. All you do to keep our pantry going during the summer months is greatly appreciated. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Join our friendly group each Friday at 11:00 a.m. in St. Joachim Hall. Refreshments/material instructions supplied. We craft shawls for ill parishioners, nursing homes, hospitals, etc. IF ANYONE NEEDS ONE OF OUR SHAWLS, LAP BLANKETS, BABY BLANKETS, ETC. FOR THEMSELVES OR A LOVED ONE, PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AT THE RECTORY FOR PAT BROWN. EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY TO HOMEBOUND WE NEED YOUR HELP IN KNOWING OF THOSE HOMEBOUND IN OUR PARISH. If you know of anyone unable to attend Mass, please call the rectory so a Eucharistic Minister can visit and take the Eucharist to them. A First Friday visit by a Priest can be scheduled. A Priest is always on-call for emergency visits. SAINT ANN’S ROSARY SOCIETY If anyone is interested, our treasurer, Rose Roperti, at 718-351-4897, is collecting for our trip to San Alfonso Retreat House Center in Long Branch, N.J. on September 8, 2016. The cost is $55.00. All are welcome. Patrons $5000 Donors $1000 As a parish family we thank Fr. Ugo Nacciarone for his ministry here as he prepares to move to the Jesuit Community at Wiegal Hall, Fordham, Bronx. 50/50 CLUB Congratulations to Mrs. William Macapallag, the lucky winner of the June 50/50 jackpot of $528.00. We remind everyone to get their envelopes in for the June drawing and maybe you will join the ranks of our 50/50 club winners. Good luck to all! Our next drawing will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 2nd before the 9:00am Mass in the Church. His farewell Mass is on: Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 4PM Reception to follow. All are welcome BINGO! St. Ann’s Bingo – EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT. Doors open at 5:00PM. Early bird starts at 7:00PM. Please join us! FR. UGO’S FAREWELL ST. ANN’S PARISH WEBSITE Please take a moment to visit our parish website: All information about our parish, ministries, organizations, our school, preschool, and CCD, can be found as well as liturgical celebrations and activities. PARISH BBQ Here at St. Ann’s, we are planning to have a Parish BBQ on the Sunday before our Parish Feast. Date: Sunday, July 24, 2016 Time: After the 10:45AM Mass, BULLETIN INFORMATION All information in regards to the bulletin should be emailed to ([email protected]) or delivered to the rectory by Monday 10:00am in order to be posted in the next weekend’s edition. All requests for inclusion in the bulletin will be approved by the Pastor. ANNOUNCEMENT ON CHILD PROTECTION Anyone who needs to report an alleged incident of sexual abuse of a minor by priest, deacon, religious or lay person serving in the Archdiocese of New York is asked to contact Sr. Eileen Clifford, O.P. at 212-371-1000 x2949 or Deacon George J. Coppola at 917-861-1762. Both may also be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. Information can also be found on the Archdiocesan website, In keeping with the Archdiocesan policy regarding sexual abuse of minors, this information is provided to ensure that our children remain safe and secure. 12Noon Mass & 1:15 PM Mass Place: Our Parish Grounds Please mark your calendar to join our Parish family for this event. All are welcome. It is free. FEAST OF ST. ANN 1. Triduum Prayers to St. Ann after the 9:30AM Mass on Sunday, July 24, 2016. 2. Triduum Prayers to St. Ann after the 9AM Mass on Monday, July 25, 2016. 3. On Tuesday, July 26, Feast of St. Ann, 7:30PM Mass and Procession, followed by refreshments in the rectory. NEWS FROM OTHER COMMUNITIES: SAINT ANN SCHOOL Registration for Saint Ann School is ongoing. You can apply to our PreK 3 through 7th grade by going to: ST. ANN SCHOOL OFFICE Saint Ann School's Office will be open for business from June 27th - July 21st from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM. From July 25th - August 26th, the office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 8:30 - 11:30. Regular hours will begin on August 29th. For additional information please visit our website at or our Facebook page. You may also leave a message by calling 718-351-4343 and someone will get back to you in a timely manner. FORDHAM GRADUATE SCHOOL OF RELIGION Advance your career and enrich your personal journey with the study of Christian Spirituality at Fordham’s Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education. Flexible schedule includes online and on-campus class options. Financial aid is available. To find out more, visit or call 718-817-4800. CIRCLE OF CARE Are you caring for someone? Are you struggling with caregiver responsibilities? If you are caring for a frail or chronically ill family member or someone with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias, our staff provides guidance to caregivers at our Circle of Care stations, located in all NYC boroughs. Information & referral answers to your questions, assistance with vital benefits, caregiver support groups in person, by phone & online, training for those with Alzheimer’s Disease, referrals for temporary respite(e.g., in-home care, adult day services) and supplemental services (assistive devices, health supplies, transportation, etc.) Call our Hotline at 866-6651713 or visit our website at for more information. COOKING CLASSES AT CASA BELVEDERE’S CUCINA COLAVITA FOR ADULTS: Learn to make delicious summer pies with seasonal berries, peach and cherry! th Tuesday, July 19 at 6:30pm - $85 per person KID CLASSES: Mini Pot Pies – Two yummy varieties th Monday, July 18 FROM 3:45 – 5:15PM - $35 per person For class registration and payments, please call 718-273-7660.
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