St. Ann`s Parish A church to come home to since 1920


St. Ann`s Parish A church to come home to since 1920
St. Ann’s Parish
A church to come home to since 1920
June 19, 2016
St. Ann’s Church
104 Academy St.
Manlius, New York 13104
Pastor - Rev. Clifford H. Auth
315-682-5181; Fax 315-682-5248
Email: [email protected]
Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8am, 10:15am and noon
Holy Day Masses: 5:15 pm
7pm Vigils
Saturdays 3:45—4:15pm
Daily Masses
Tuesday, Wednesdays at 9 am
Wednesday, Thursdays at 7 am
Communion Services:
Monday, Tuesday, Fridays at 7am
Monday, Thursday, Friday at 9am
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 am - 4:30 pm
Closed on Fridays and Holidays
Welcome to St. Ann’s
We are happy you’re here and can join us for our weekend liturgy. Welcome to all those who have moved into
the area and may want to join our parish family. Please take the time to fill out a parish registration form.
Forms are located at each of the five doors of the church or online at
Also, please introduce yourself to Fr. Cliff at the end of mass.
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St. Ann’s Church, Manlius, New York
St. Ann’s Mission Statement
We at St. Ann’s Church come from
many different places. Our one
commonality is that we love our faith
as Roman Catholics. Even though there
may be times when we struggle in our faith
journey; we find support in the sacraments we receive and the
believing community to which we belong. As a parish, we are
proud of our history and grateful to the people whose
investment of self, made us who we are today.
We are especially proud of our programs, our opportunities
for service and our Eucharistic liturgies that not only enrich
who we are, but give us the grace to face the challenges of the
everyday. We are rooted in a Catholic tradition and guided
by the spirit to understand that we are all God’s children.
It is our hope that you find our parish a welcoming
community to support you and your family in the days
that lay ahead, as we all become who we are destined
to be in God’s eyes.
We wish to remember in prayer
MaryAnn Jensen, Rothman Family, Loretta
Henderson, Brian Tanner, Connie Prudenti,
Brian Burdette, Dick Perry, Ken Patterson,
Tom Howell, Joan Cote, John Jarosz, Bill McDowell,
Maureen Fulmer, Brendan Copeland, Rachel Ambrose,
Ray Mann, Tom Hall, Tara McDonald, Richard Kelley,
Donna Castagna, Mona Bertrand, Troy Boyer, Leonardo
Marino, Joshua Hildreth, Rose Harris, John Reagan, Colton Daniel Aruscavage, Bernie Aiello, Jeannette Christino,
Rick Hughes, Martha Frankowski, Rose Harris, Gregory
Hiney, Grace Polano, Deanna Green, Heidi Pynn, Nathan
Robbins, Mike Rothman, Cindy Farrant, Alexandra Smith,
Charlie Thompson, Laurie Loftus, Michael Prudenti, Peter
Chambrone, David Conway, Jackie Kelley, Pauline Falico,
Matthew Bush, Jack Sheridan, Regina Sheehan, Cookie
Sanborn, Michael Sweeney, Don Rogers, Gregg Gamble,
Josephine Snyder.
Help us Update our Prayer List!
Please call 682-5181 if you would like to add or remove a
name to our prayer list, or arrange for a home/hospital visit.
Lord Protect our troops as they protect us
Stephanie Powell
Tim Skinner
Jason Golden
James Marasia
Michael Chappell
Francis G. O’Connor
Chad Jensen
Krystal Pratt
Timothy Prior
Mike Montes
Patrick Essenberg
Alexandra McDonough
We Remember always Matthew McDonough
June 19, 2016
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, June 20, Weekday
7:00am Communion Service
9:00am Communion Service
Tues., June 21, St. Aloysius Gonzaga,
Religious (mem.)
7:00am Communion Service
9:00am t Marion Reid by Mike Campbell
9:30 am Divine Mercy
Wednesday, June 22, Weekday
7am t Mary Jane Sutton Thousand by Pat & Dom Garafalo
9:00am t Nancy Benson by Dianne Visek
Thursday, June 23, Weekday
7:00am t Judy (Flack) Esposito by Pat & Dom Garafalo
9:00am Communion Service
Friday, June 24, Nativity of St. John the Baptist (Sol.)
7:00am Communion Service
9:00am Communion Service
Saturday, June 25, Vigil
4:30 pm t Donna Kalb by The Blanchfield Family
Sunday, June 26, The 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00am t Dick Oliker by Mary Pat Oliker
10:15am t Barbara Jean Skalka by Charles Morgante
12:00 t The People of St. Ann’s Parish
The Sanctuary Lamp
Is burning June 19th thru June 25th
In Loving Memory of
Kayla Fulmer
Requested by
Readings for the Week of June 19, 2016
Mon: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Ps 60:3-5, 12-13/Mt 7:1-5
Tues: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36/Ps 48:2-4, 10-11/Mt
7:6, 12-14
Wed.: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Ps 119:33-37, 40/Mt 7:15-20
Thurs: 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Ps 79:1-5, 8-9/Mt 7:21-29
Fri: Is 49:1-6/Ps 139:1-3, 13-15/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80
Sat: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Ps 74:1-7, 20-21/Mt 8:5-17
Next Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21/Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11/Gal 5:1,
13-18/Lk 9:51-62
PRAYER CHAIN ~ Prayer requests are given to
each person on the chain via phone. The prayer
chain is open to Any-one in the parish who is in
need of prayers. We want to extend an invitation
to any parishioner who would like to be included in
the prayer chain. Please call Terri Stewart at 682-1059.
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St. Ann’s Church, Manlius, New York
Ministers for next weekend, June 25th & 26th
June 19, 2016
Coffee and Donuts Next weekend,
June 26th
Altar Servers:
4:30 Libby/Emma Reed, Caroline Yee
8:00 Joseph Anderson, Michael/Andrew Schaefer
10:15 Sammy Estock, John Huber, Gavin/Alana Isley
12:00 Ellen Turo, Emma Vandewater
Eucharistic Ministers of Bread
4:30 K. Heitzman, A. Bligh, J. Burke
8:00 A. Diana, J. Campbell, R. Duffy, K. Smith, M. Crolick
10:15 M. Trisciani, S. Napierala, J. McCarthy, R. Tonkovich, M.
12:00 J. Dall, L. Rohrig, K. Skinner
Eucharistic Ministers of the Cup:
4:30 C. Kennedy, B. Robbins, G. Law, M. Lewandowski
8:00 J. Will, D. Dutkowsky
10:15 M. Bushnell, M. Huber, L. Amato, B. Pearl
12:00 B. Chapman, D. Bovalino
4:30 J. Goodman, D. Jones
8:00 T. Sarenski, R. Powell
10:15 E. Limbert, D. Butterfield
12:00 L. Pomeroy
4:30 R. Eckert, P. Lucia, F. Marlowe, A. Testani
8:00 D. Crolick, T. Delany, E. /R. Massett
10:15 M. Amato, H. Pearl, B. Tonkovich, T. Trisciani
12:00 R. Dwyer, D. Gustafson, J. Kane, S. Putnam
If you are not getting your schedule reminders by
Ministry Pro thru your email , please contact
Patty at 682-5181 for help getting set up.
Weekly Collection Report June 11th & 12th
Regular Collection – 186 Envelopes
Regular Collection – Loose Checks & Cash
June Credit Card (1/4 of monthly payments)
Total Regular Collection
Parish Outreach 10%
Total Available for Budget Need
Budgeted Weekly Income
$ 5,914.00
$ 1,620.82
Thank You for your generosity!
Consider switching to credit card payments.
If you want to be sure that your support for St. Ann’s continues without having to deal with envelopes each week, consider
donating by use of your credit card. Once you are set up on
our system, your donation will be processed once a month
even if you are not in town. For more information on getting
started please contact Debbie Sochan at 682-5181 x 14.
Counters next weekend:
June 26th
Jan Street, Mary Jernigan, Heidi Javier,
Connor & Haleigh Pascual
If your family would like to volunteer
to serve coffee and donuts after
the 10:15 Mass (1 –2 times per year) Call our office at 682-5181 and ask for
Mary or Patty for information on how to help.
Camp Healing Hearts
A special project of Hospice of CNY
What: Camp Hearts Hearts is a day camp for
children who have experienced the death of a loved
one or special person. Age appropriate groups provide
an opportunity for children to interact with peers
also dealing with grief.
Who: Children entering the first through sixth grade
in September are eligible to participate.
When: August 22nd ~ 25th; 9am to 4pm
Where: YMCA Camp Iroquois, Sweet Rd, Manlius
Call: 634-1113 x 208 for registration information
2nd Collection Schedule
7/10/16 ~ Improvement & Repair
8/7/16 ~ Improvement & Repair
The 2016 Annual HOPE Appeal
Thank you to our generous parishioners
who have made a pledge to the
Annual HOPE Appeal.
If you have not yet responded to the HOPE Appeal,
we ask that you prayerfully
consider making a pledge to help support the
needs of our diocese.
For years, your gifts to the HOPE Appeal have
helped thousands of people through the programs
and ministries funded by the HOPE Appeal.
The Sympathy of our Parish Family
is extended to the family of
Michael F. Downes
Father of Mary Welker
Eternal rest grant unto Michael, O Lord!
Youth at St. Ann’s
Page Four
Little Lambs Nursery
Child care is available during the
10:15 Mass for your little ones.
Volunteers are needed to help out in the nursery.
See Miss Kim or call 682-5181 for more information.
Faith Formation
For grades ~ Pre-K thru 6th
For information about Faith Formation contact:
Ellen or Jim McDowell at [email protected]
Registrations for next school year are online at
First Communion Corner
For information about our
2016/17 First Communion Program
contact Cherie Johnson at
[email protected].
June 19, 2016
Middle School/ High School
Youth Groups
For information about our
youth groups
contact Corine Ward at
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Countdown to Rutland
June 26th to July 1st
Dear Father: We pray for our Youth
as they prepare for their Mission Trip:
Father, we ask that you bless the mission project,
the team members and leaders, those they serve and
the team member’s families back home.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity
to actively work in a meaningful way in
Your wonderful Kingdom.
Faith Formation Grades 7 - 10
For more information about our faith
formation program please contact Julie
at the Parish Office 682-1042 x22 or
Happy Father’s Day!
email [email protected]
We are now accepting registrations for the
2016/17 Faith Formation Classes for grades 7 - 10.
Registration and payment forms can be found on
our website at
Darien Lake Trip!!!
For all Altar Servers, teen Choir,
sacristans, ushers, teen teachers,
and other young helpers.
Friday, June 24th!!
Invitations have been mailed
to your homes.
If you did not receive an
invitation and would
like to attend please call Joann Powell
or the church office.
Chaperones will be needed!
Please contact Joann Powell at 315.559.3527
or [email protected]
A Family Perspective
From the Office of Family Life
A HOPE Appeal Agency
Today we give thanks for our dads.
In teaching us, healing our
wounds and providing for us,
our dads participate in the teaching, healing
and feeding ministry of Jesus. In their
generosity, God is made present.
Adult Faith Formation
Page Five
St. Ann's Book Club
No Book Club for July
Our next book club will be
August 17th@ 6:30pm
7 Secrets of the Eucharist
By Vinny Flynn
If you would like a book contact Maria Araujo
@[email protected]
or 315-254-6263
June 19, 2016
682-3688 ~ [email protected]
Monday 10:00—11:30 a.m.
Thursday 10:30—11:30 a.m.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays
10 -2 pm & 5:30 -7 pm
The food items that we can presently can use are:
regular size canned fruit; regular size tuna;
regular size pasta,
and regular size bars of soap.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Check us out at our new website:
“Women’s Informal Talks on Sunday”
All women of St. Ann’s are invited
to join us in the Parish Center
after the 8:00 Mass for coffee
and an informal discussion group.
Next gathering July 10th
For information about WITS
call or text Jan Street at 744-8210.
Come and pray the rosary with us
on Tuesdays
at 7:00 pm
in The Chapel.
All are welcome!
Catholic Charities Counseling Program
...provides professional mental health services for members of the community who
cannot otherwise afford this service. These
services are provided in both the main offices of Catholic Charities and at local parishes as
outreach sites. St. Ann’s Church has, for the past few years,
been one of these outreach sites. We are happy to be able
to offer this excellent program to our parishioners. At this
time, St. Ann’s Outreach supports 65% of the cost of this
program and after fees are collected from clients and/or
insurance companies, Catholic Charities absorbs the
remaining cost. We thank Catholic Charities for their
effort in bringing mental health services to those who need
it and otherwise may not receive it. For more information
please contact 362-7573.
You must state you are from St. Ann’s Parish, Manlius.
Prayer Bears
A Prayerful Reminder:
Do you know someone who is ill,
at home or in the hospital, who is
hurting spiritually as well?
Please consider bringing them
a St. Ann’s Prayer Bear! Located at the church
entrances, these soft, cuddly teddy bears carry
a message of prayerful concern from our faith
community. They are there and you may take
them as you need to. And if you would like to
help continue this parish ministry, you are welcome to donate teddy bears of all shapes, sizes
and colors. Simply drop them off in the church
office or just leave them near the other bears
and we’ll take care of them!
Catholic Women’s Study
God Is Love (Caritas Est)
"This is the most beautiful moment of any creature’s
life: to know that one is loved, personally, by God…
When we come to understand how deeply we are loved
by God, it changes us. It is an experience that activates
our wills and transforms our hearts; it gives our lives a
new horizon and a decisive direction.” 18 Pope Benedict
XVI(God Is Love)
Join us….as we explore this beautiful encyclical
given to us by Pope Benedict XVI
Tuesday evenings starting on May 3rd
6:45 pm (8 sessions) St. Ann’s Parish Center
Call Maria with questions (315)-254-6263
or go to the link to register
St. Ann Church
Manlius, New York