Winter 2014 - New College
Winter 2014 - New College
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Customer is responsible for all the fees of any transactions, services and products not included in the Everyday Banking Plan. ® Registered trade-mark of Bank of Montreal. ®† Registered trade-mark of Student Price Card. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 16 E D I T O R ’ S A L U M N I N O T E A R T I C L E : A A D I L O F F I C E O F 6 T H E M A S T E R C L U B S A R T I C L E : A B B I E G A I L C A N A D A ’ S E X E C : N E X T M A T T H E W C A N A D A ’ S E X E C : 9 N E X T A M A N D A T O P A L U M N I G I N A T O P A D A R T I C L E : C O N T E P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N 23 M A R K E T 27 14 T H E B L U E S C O O K I N G 33 34 35 R E L A T I O N S H I P S C H R I S T M A S N M S A M C A 25 L I N K E D I N 31 H R S A L E E 12 30 N F S A 21 P R O D U C T I V I T Y O V E R C O M I N G A D S I S O N 11 W I N T E R T A N 20 7 C O L L E G E M A A N 18 A L U M N I N E W 28 F O R B E G I N N E R S A P A A C O U N C I L 4 EDITOR’S NOTE T 5 he school year has come to an end, and we reflect on all the things that have happened to us over the last few months. Some of our mem- “Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss” – The Curious Case of Benja- The expression of ideas has min Button. to express themselves. Take the op- ories may be good, some of them the power to change the world. Voltaire famously said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” New Beat magazine offers students the chance portunity to express yourself. Dare bad. No matter the outcome, each who we are. It sounds cliché, but it to dream. Don’t be afraid to take a of these moments make us who we is “our time”. I hope that the people chance. You only get one chance at are. We may not be conscious of our who come across this take my words life; there are no do overs. Whatever actions, but every decision we make to heart. Everyone manifests their you do, be all you can be. shapes our future. By attending own destiny, and you can make a York University, we all share a link difference. No matter what hap- with one another. The time we’ve pens, good or bad, this moment is spent at York has shaped us into the beginning of the rest of your life. BY: TERRY TYLER NEW BEAT TEAM TERRY TYLER IFFAT RAZZAQUE EDITOR IN CHIEF MEDIA ASSISTANT NICK GANDOTRA DIRECTOR ACADEMIC AFFAIRS & RESOURCES 6 T he New College mandate is to create opportunities for students to gain skills and experience that will allow them to develop personally and professionally. S tudent Staff 2013 – 2014: Mitra Kavehmehr Angela Witkowski >PASS Leader ADMS 2510 > PASS Leader ADMS 2320 Faiza Ishaq > PASS Leader ADMS 2320 Krima Patel >PASS Leader ADMS 2510 activities, run various programs, and provide additional support for activities coordinated by our student clubs, student council, and our three affiliated schools. Emily Zhao Nikita Puri >PASS Leader ADMS 3330 Winson Li >PASS Leader ADMS 3330 Josie Rao >PASS Leader ADMS 3530 Menna Osman > PASS Leader ADMS 3530 OFFICE OF THE MASTER We organize multiple events/ >PASS Leader ADMS 2510 Steven Khaouli >PASS Leader ITEC 1620 Rivan Zora >PASS Leader ITEC 1620 Alexandria Mottley > Global House Programming Assistant > Pond Residence STAFF CONTACT INFO EMAIL: [email protected] MASTER STUDENT SUCCESS PROGRAMS AND EVENTS ASSISTANT CHRISTIAN MARJOLLET SHAREEFAH RENE WEBSITE: OFFICE: Room 140, Atkinson Building PHONE: (416) 736-5233 HOURS: Mon - Thurs: 9 am - 6 pm Fri: 9 am to 5 pm ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR RECEPTIONIST FILOMENA PESTANA MICHELLE FUCCHANSKY I 7 was this close to choosing not to participate. For Amanda and I, the competition coffee. What I appreciated the most spanned a total of four months. out of the whole experience was the Although it was a lot of work, I can amount of interaction with experi- When Amanda Lee first ap- honestly say that it has been the enced professionals in the industry. proached me and asked me to com- most rewarding experience out of When Amanda and I were fortunate pete in this year’s Canada’s Next my three years here at York Uni- enough to advance into the Top 25, Top Ad Exec advertising competi- versity, so far. These four gruel- we got to hear insightful feedback tion, I was reluctant and, even more ing months consisted of endless about our work, and we were even so, I was scared; I had never done a researching, analyzing, synthesiz- given access to a customer analyt- competition of this ing, brainstorming, writing, and ics database used by agencies and scale before. More professionals in importantly, I the real-world. thought that I was no good. Against over 200 business teams across Canada, I felt that I had no chance of winning. However, there was still a MY EXPERIENCE AT CANADA’S NEXT TOP AD EXEC Amanda and I treated the entire competition as one giant, learning experience – we were in there to learn, not to win. We, unfortunately, did part of me that knew that learn- Above all else, BY: MATTHEW SISON not advance to the Top 10. However, ing does not take place solely within the classroom. In the occasional “Photoshoping”. New College was extremely kind fact, the best form of learning is by Not only did I learn the real-world enough to sponsor our tickets to doing: by trying and failing. It was process behind developing a fully- attend the final gala where we got to this understanding that spurred my integrated, nationwide advertising watch the Top 10 present to a panel partner Amanda and I to participate campaign, but I also learned valu- of industry professionals. That day, in this year’s Canada’s Next Top able life skills such as effective time we got to learn what we did right, Ad Exec. management, functioning under what we did wrong, and what we pressure, and working in teams. I also discovered a newfound love for 8 could have improved on. We also opened my eyes to the plethora of and truly believes in investing in the got the chance to network with rep- learning opportunities that exist leaders of tomorrow. The unique resentatives from companies across outside of the classroom. learning experience we got out of Canada and learn about the differ- I’d like to extend my sincere thanks this competition (and the gala) was ent opportunities that are available to New College and the School of nothing short of spectacular. With- for students who want to start a Administrative Studies for grant- out a doubt, choosing to participate career in marketing or advertising. ing us the opportunity to attend the was the best decision I have made in Being surrounded by such amazing Top 10 gala. This is a school that my entire third year. students and professionals really values the education of its students A 9 s one of Canada’s most prestigious so this year, my partner, Matthew and I were fortunate to have the Sison, and I decided to enter the guidance and advice from Professor competition. The competition is Strebinger and Professor Rusetski carried out in three phases. The throughout the entire process. marketing competitions, Canada’s first phase is the elevator pitch, Phase one was a lot of work. Nu- Next Top Ad Exec (CNTAE) aims where you pitch your idea in 2 merous hours were spent laying out to establish a bridge between pages. This year, the brief was all our research and ideas on white- industry and universities to enable about the all new Corvette Stingray boards, trying to put together our a constant exchange of expertise, C7! If you make top 25, the second phase one submission. We spent mentorship and phase is a full strategy report, which about a month conducting research career opportuni- (primary and sec- ties in the areas of ondary), it was not marketing, strategy until the final week and communication. As a marketing student, I was well aware of the competition throughout my CANADA’S NEXT TOP AD EXEC EXPERIENCE before the phase one submission was due that our final idea started coming together. Two weeks had years in university passed since we and I have always submitted phase wanted to partici- BY: AMANDA LEE one, and the long awaited results pate. In November, “Ad Day” was brought to York is 15 pages. After submitting phase were finally here. Matthew and I University by Canada’s Next Top two, if you make top 10, you move were ecstatic to receive an email Ad Exec and the New Marketing on to the final presentation round. saying we had made top 25, out of Students Association; it was a one Matthew and I were excited to get over 230 submissions! Phase two day advertising crash course. After started, so we started right after was a lot more work and required working closely with the Top Ad finals were done in more depth to our idea including team to plan Ad Day and attending December. Although phase one positioning, primary/secondary Ad Day, I began to discover how was just a two page pitch, it in- much this competition had to offer, volved a lot of research. Matthew 10 research, media strategy, creative examples, and budgeting. Phase two really encompassed my entire marketing experience at York. I found I was utilizing my knowledge from all my marketing courses including market research, brand management, marketing strategy and e-marketing. Unfortunately, Matthew and I did not make it to the next round, but the experience itself has been the best reward and we are very thankful to have made it G U R E 1 : Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y AT C L O S I N G C E R E M O N I E S this far. A great part of the experience was that through each phase, gies and ideas, and networking with which would not have been possible we received feedback about our sub- different marketing professionals if it wasn’t for Top Ad. As a soon to mission from the judges, who were and industry leaders. be marketing graduate, this competi- marketing professionals. Thanks Not only does the competition offer tion was definitely the cherry on top to New College and the School of real, hands-on experience, it pro- for my university experience. It was Administrative Studies, Matthew vides exclusive internship oppor- great being able to apply all that I and I had the opportunity to attend tunities for the top 25 teams. The have learned at York from the past the closing ceremonies for Top Ad. top 25 teams can apply for intern- four years, into a real, hands- It was interesting to see the top 10 ships at Canadian Tire, McDonald’s, on experience. presentations, seeing their strate- Chevrolet, and Pepsico. I had the opportunity to get interviews with Canadian Tire and McDonalds, A 11 s someone who works full time and in your life. It can be used to take account. You can use Dropbox to notes, save webpages, create lists, upload pictures, view documents, and attach images and PDFs. Fur- and modify or delete files. thermore, Evernote has the ability Last but not least, the Wunderl- attends school part time, I know to synchronize information between ist app. This application offers the first-hand how hard it can be to stay devices. For example, it’ll sync easiest alternative to create, manage, organized. On top of being orga- your MacBook with your iPhone and share your daily to do lists. It’s nized, most of us want to be more and vice versa. Dropbox is another great for setting yourself deadlines, productive as well. Whether it’s free app that can save you time and and for keeping track of your as- making it on time for a meeting, or money. Dropbox is available on signment due dates. Wunderlist also submitting a final allows you to share paper, we could all your list with col- use a helping hand. That’s why having the right resources, at the right time will make things a lot easier. Having those resources in the palm of your leagues and friends. PRODUCTIVITY: APPS THAT MAKE SCHOOL, WORK, AND LIFE EASIER hand, makes it that much better. By doing this, you can collaborate on anything from team projects to group outings. So there you have it! Three simple, accessible, easy to BY: MELISSA MARTINS use apps that are Free and accessible sure to make you a technology is definitely taking over. Mac, iPhone, and Android devices. lot more organized and productive. Both Android and iOS devices offer It acts as a USB device and allows All of the applications mentioned cool and interesting apps that’ll you to fully back up any documents in this article are available for free help make you more productive. without using external hard drives download on your iPhone, Mac, and One app which is growing in popu- or USBs. All you really need is Android devices through the App larity is Evernote. At any point in your smartphone. A virtual folder Store. So, no matter where you time, it helps you remember any- is created so that you can store and are, or what device you’re us- thing and everything that happens sync your files with your Dropbox ing, you’ll always have access to your files. 12 T he use of Social Networking professional identity that’s differ- caught by surprise when you find ent from your Facebook account. out your friend’s work experience, Moreover it’s an easy way to put and the connections they have. You has become a part yourself out there and to build on may find that the company you have of our daily lives. Whether it’s an identity that will benefit you in been trying to get a job with already Facebook or Twitter, we use social your professional career even after networks on a daily basis. Some students may be in their final year and so, they may be looking for an internship or employment at a firm. What better way to connect with some- O you’ve graduated. nce you have created a profile it is better to network O employs one of your friends. kay so you have created a profile, and you have connections. The next question probably running through one working in your mind is “How the industry than does this help me through “social find a job?” Have networking”?. LinkedIn is a web- LINKEDIN no fear LinkedIn is here! Even though site for profession- LinkedIn is well als to network in a known as a net- professional man- working tool that ner. Let’s start off allows you to con- by going through BY: NIDA SEHAR nect with people and companies, the process of creating a LinkedIn profile, and also and connect with those that you and allows them to view your profile highlighting some of its benefits. already know. However, you should or a mini resume and contact you, make sure you are not adding all there is also a page available with irst of all, if you are your friends on LinkedIn because jobs. This page allows you to search the type of person who you want to keep in mind that this jobs in whatever field you’re thinks social network- is your professional network. You’re interested in. F ing is not for them, you should give trying to build a network of pro- LinkedIn a try. LinkedIn will help fessionals and not a list of friends you build an online profile with a you like to party with. You may be T he jobs are listed by Managers and recruiters, that’s why it’s best to keep your profile updated and make as S ince Social Networking plays an important part in our lives, companies tend to look for candidates via social S 13 o it is about time you create a LinkedIn profile. Become a professional sooner rather than later. You don’t want to gradu- many connections possible with the media. If you have created a good ate and then start thinking about company you might be trying to get professional profile, you will most connecting with employers and look- a job in. You can apply for the jobs likely have a higher chance of at- ing into companies. Remember your through the page or contact the per- tracting recruiters. time is now! son that posted the job directly by Smartphones may also help you messaging them. This will not only stay connected with your profes- show that you are highly interested sional social network. Similar to in the job, but it will also put you in Facebook, you can also set email a better position depending on the alerts to receive notifications of skills and qualifications required. jobs, groups or updates on a person you may be following. The LinkedIn app is available for download on most smartphones. This helps you stay alert to any job that you may be interested in. 14 W hat are the Winter Blues and their Causes? for you to consider some alternative The Canadian climate won’t change remedies. but, you can. Try some of these tips 1. You feel passive and sleepy to help rid those winter blues. all the time 2. You’re experiencing difficulty Those suffering from the winter waking up in the morning blues fall into a state of depression which lasts until early spring. It has been suggested that low serotonin 3. You find it difficult to concentrate (especially on simple tasks) levels, a chemical S Light Therapy tudies show that the more bright light you are subjected to during the day helps boost your mood and energy secreted by the levels. So try get- brain which con- ting up early. Go trols your hunger, outside or study by mood and sleep, a window, even on are the cause of this. During the winter months, the levels of serotonin transporters are OVERCOMING THE WINTER BLUES overcast days! Light Boxes Although light boxes are not the higher. This sug- same as sun light, gests that sero- they do release tonin transporters BY: ALEXA LOPREIATO similar to natural remove serotonin, which results in a deficient supply of this neurotransmitter. Small wonder we feel like this! So what can be done? Well, let’s first consider some common symptoms. If you can identify with two or more of these descriptions, it’s time light rays that are 4. You have cravings for carbohydrates (something that you normally wouldn’t crave) light. They should not be a substitute for natural light but, light boxes can be used during the morning. It’s recommended to use the light box 5. You’re finding it difficult to for a period of thirty minutes to no perform tasks that are normally more than two hours. enjoyable and simple to do 15 T more energy, you can have meals What’s more is that a consistent hose individuals with complex carbohydrates such as sleep schedule helps treat depres- who exercise regu- whole wheat pasta or brown rice. sion. Depending on the individual, Exercise, Exercise, Exercise! approximately eight hours of sleep larly experience reduced levels of stress and depres- Keep A Consistent sion. When exercising, endorphins Sleep Schedule And Get are released signaling the brain to reduce the perception of pain. Working out for twenty minutes a day should be enough to treat depressive mood states. A Eat Well T Enough Sleep he majority of university students have a habit of going I should be enough. f you’re feeling blue, and don’t know what to do, you might as well try something new. Get active and beat those winter blues! If it’s any consolation, to bed late and waking up later. As think about this; if we didn’t have mentioned before, we need natural winter, spring wouldn’t be so great! sunlight to boost our mood. Howev- void foods that will er, sleeping in late deprives us from decrease energy. In the vital hours of sunlight. Especial- specific, this means ly during the winter months when foods which are high in sugar. In- the days are shorter. You’ll want to stead, you can substitute sugar with expose yourself to the sunlight as healthier alternatives like fruits. For much as possible during the winter. 16 I OS Engineering Project Manager, Apple HQ (Cupertino, California) my career into what it is today. I have absolutely nothing to of- Her constant advise, wisdom, and fer”. Luck would have it, Apple saw knowledge helped me see things the something in my skills and replied. way I could never have learned in After an extraneous 3 day interview > Graduated from York Uni- books. After finishing my degree, marathon, I have now been at Apple versity with a Bachelor of Blackberry immediately re-hired for the past 2 years. Administrative Studies – Infor- me full time as a Project Specialist. mation Technology in 2010 Again, I was working on the Operat- If There Was One Thing You > Specialized in Business Sys- ing Systems team developing new Could Do Differently, What tem Analysis prototype chips and new technology projects. After a year or so, I Can You Describe The Journey, And The Steps You Took To Get To O Where You Are Now? h god, you know it has been an ALUMNUS ARTICLE interesting path. h heavens, I wouldn’t change a single thing. I am one of those lucky souls who ended up way ahead of what their life plan had outlined at such a young age. So, knowing where I am right now I wouldn’t change a single I’ve been fortunate enough that whatever work I’ve done has O Would It Be? WITH AADIL MAAN thing. Just like the scene from The Curious Case of Benjamin always been relevant to my pas- Button where Cate Blanchett’s sions and academics. At the end decided to try my luck elsewhere. of my 3rd year which was in 2008, I was looking for change. I wanted I was fortunate enough to get a to see the world and try something 16-month internship at Blackberry different. Given that I was still in as a Software Project Coordinator in my overly ambitious youth, I said the Operating Systems team. That why not try the best company in position is where my real educa- the world at that time. Even though tion and career started. I was lucky deep down I would laugh “Ha, no enough to have a wonderful men- way a company like that would hire tor, Kathleen, who helped me shape me, let alone look at my resume. character gets hit by the taxi, and Brad Pitt’s character narrates that even the slight few seconds of difference could’ve resulted in multiple different conclusions. Where I happen to be right now, I wouldn’t change it at all. It’s just so humbling that often time I thank 17 whoever it is that is watching over started from that internship I did like a big startup, trust me, it does. me for such a wonderful at Blackberry. These internships The culture is extremely fast paced career path. are not just for engineering and and data driven. I don’t think a technology students only. If your place like this exists out there. It is What’s The Single Most Im- program doesn’t have an internship the legacy of Steve Jobs. There is a portant Thing You Learned then go outside of your program. I great quote by Steve up on the wall Throughout The Years? In would even say delay your gradua- in on one of our buildings that talks Specific, What’s The One Piece tion, it’s totally worth it. Academics about how when you do something Of Advice You Wish Someone provide knowledge of what the real great, just stop and go find some- Had Told You When You Were world is supposed to be like. But thing else to do great, don’t dwell Starting Your Career? boy, you have to go find out what on it too much. I think that’s what the real world is actually about. keeps our drive going, the next Trust me, you will not regret it. great thing to tackle. Sometimes B uild your own experience. Students, guys, it’s evolutionary, sometimes girls, it’s frustrating having to walk out with a university degree and no experience. No one properly explains that you can actually build so much experience while in university. Join organizations, aim for the exec positions, volunteer, participate, and for heavens sake, DO NOT FINISH A DEGREE WITHOUT AN INTERNSHIP or COOP. I cannot stress I Noticed That You Said, “Why Not Try The Best Company In The World At That Time.” Has Your Opinion Of Apple A Changed? bsolutely not. It has increased since day one and hasn’t stopped. It is just an unbelievable learning journey I am on right now. this enough. I believe this should be mandatory for all degrees. If I was ever put in charge of York University, the first thing I would do is I would make coop and internships mandatory even for Philosophy majors. I think where I am today, all revolutionary. Is Working For Apple What A You Expected? bsolutely not what I expected. It is a much more than I expected. When they say it works Unfortunately, due to Aadil’s nondisclosure agreement, he could not tell us of any upcoming Apple products or innovations. I tried. 18 H R Representative, Peel Plastic Products Ltd. team and am heavily involved in Specific, What’s The One Piece recruitment, employee relations Of Advice You Wish Someone and health and safety. Our company Had Told You When You Were continues to succeed and grow as an Starting Your Career? > Graduated from York Uni- organization so I have been Hmm...I would say that being versity with a Bachelor of Hu- keeping busy! proactive is a very important skill man Resource Management, Honours in 2009 to develop. Having the courage If There Was One Thing You and motivation to do more than Can You Describe The Jour- Could Do Differently, What the minimum requirements will ney, And The Steps You Took Would It Be? To Get To Where You While still in school students could Are Now? schedule time with their profes- I graduated at the height of the sors after class to go over course economic downturn, so entry level job opportunities in HR were limited. After taking a nice long vacation abroad, I came back to Canada and worked in materials or join a club related to ALUMNA ARTICLE either their chosen career field or passion. For job searching they could take advantage of career resources (like the university’s a few contract and temporary positions, not in the human re- help in both university and beyond. WITH ABBIEGAIL TAN sources field. My big break came Career Centre) and apply for internships in their field well before graduation. Being proactive tends when I moved out of the GTA and took a position in an equip- I should have started looking for a ment manufacturing company as a full time position earlier - I started HR Coordinator. In this role, I was looking a month before my gradua- exposed to many aspects of the HR tion. If I had started earlier, I might function including recruitment and not have had as hard of a time find- international HRM. I was eventu- ing that first HR opportunity. ally headhunted into my current role due to my exposure in HR and What’s The Single Most Im- the manufacturing industry. I am portant Thing You Learned currently working with a small HR Throughout The Years? In to bring new opportunities. 19 Accolade West is the place to visit! BEFORE I GRADUATE … BY: MELISSA MARTINS BEFORE I GRADUATE … BY: MORIN MARIAMPILLAI About every month or so, there are new exhibits to be seen that are produced by some of our talented art students. You don’t want to It took me a while to think of what I Before graduating at York Uni- miss these extremely breath taking wanted to do at York before gradu- versity, there are plenty of things exhibits! ating. This is my first semester at a student can make goals towards York. I work full time so I’m not on or accomplish. For me, it would be campus that much and so, there’s volunteering at a big York event or not much time for on campus something on campus. For example, interaction. If there were one thing the PanAm Games next year. Also I could do, it would be to try out I’d like to be able to eat at every for the York Cheerleading Team. I food establishment at York at least One thing I need to do before I know it sounds juvenile, but I was once. I’m not even half-way there, graduate from York is to explore part of my high school cheerlead- just barely started. Lastly, I’d like all the buildings. York has a huge ing team over ten years ago. Yes, to figure out which is the best place campus with an interesting variety I’m old. But, I absolutely loved to eat, not counting my favourite of buildings. I wish I could find a cheerleading because it gave me a fast food place Wendy’s. quiet, relaxing place on campus. boost my confidence at an age when I needed it the most. I developed teammates, which I am happy to say are still just as strong to this day. And now, at a time in my life where I am feeling lost and unsure of my path, perhaps adding some cheer will turn the negatives into positives. BY: JENNY SHIN Preferably without anyone nearby. sense of belonging. It also helped strong friendships with my fellow BEFORE I GRADUATE … BEFORE I GRADUATE … BY: ALEXA LOPREIATO For those craving something sweet visit Qoola Frozen! It is a frozen yogurt place for every student to relax. Also, for those seeking a more visual activity, the art museum in 20 York University alumni I was married just out of high school gressed faster but, it wasn’t possible share their success stories so my life was different from most since I had to work and had small and offer their advice to stu- people in that I started work and children. dents and recent grads. soon after a family. I always had What’s the single most im- done well in school prior to that and portant thing you learned Gina Conte had higher hopes for myself. I credit throughout the years? In spe- President, FT Ross Ltd. education as the first important thing cific, what’s the one piece of > Graduated York University with a Bachelor of Adminis- that helped me get to where I am to- advice you wish someone had day. The fact that I was able to study told you when you were start- trative Studies in 1993 part-time was critical for me. I would ing your career? > Completed her MBA at the not have been able to go to school full Schulich School of Busi- Network. Skill and education will ness in 1996 only get you so far but, it’s the Can you describe the journey, and the steps you took to get to where you are now? WHERE ARE THEY NOW count in your career. Negotiate better, be more aggressive, above all be confident. Also, I was pretty unaware of what careers were out there and which companies I think my career really started after completing my MBA. Prior relationships you build that really WITH GINA CONTE were the best to work for in terms of growth and potential. In the to that I held some marketing roles in very small companies. time because I had other obligations In 1997, I joined Reckitt Benckiser like taking care of my family. final years of my MBA program, I finally understood the importance of this from the younger students as an Assistant Product Manager in marketing. My marketing career If there was one thing you could then progressed through different do differently, what would it be? enrolled in the program. A mentor relationship would have been invaluable for opening my eyes to roles in different companies including Church & Dwight, Kraft Canada, I’m not sure I would have done and Clorox Canada. At Clorox, my anything differently. I think the role changed to one of General experiences I’ve had have shaped me Management, leading the Glad into who I am. Perhaps if I’d gone to (trash & food storage) business unit. school full time I would have pro- what was possible. Y ou’re in front of your computer, you’re upset, and you’re looking at your empty screen. You’ve been trying to write an essay for nearly four hours and yet, your Word doc remains entirely blank. The essay is due tomorrow, and you really need to get it done submit the assignment. As you’re typing, you stop to read what you have so far. Staring back at you is a tiny little paragraph. It’s a 1500 word assignment and you have an I 21 It’s time for an update. You check the time and now, 20 hours and 34 minutes remain till the deadline. If you want to finish an assignment, an all-nighter impressive, jaw dropping total of is essential. What would an assign- 46 words. This is sufficient enough ment be without an all-nighter? So progress for you to open up another in the middle of the night, you man- tab, and login to your YouTube age to write another tiny paragraph. In the end, you just channel. Ellen DeGeneres videos? add the tiny para- ASAP. You’re curs- graphs together ing that you have to make one not so little time, never so tiny paragraph. mind the fact that it was assigned a month ago. You PROCRASTINATION really get down to AND ITS MANY DIFFERENT FORMS bored again. So, and start browsing new tab. It’s time for movies. While for a little research. watching a movie, BY: JENNY (JIYUN) SHIN you’re on Face- Y fice to say, you’re you login to Netflix it by opening up a Actually, now Baby steps. Suf- you manage to add some material book. ou scroll through the Check. Movie trailers? Captain news feed, and as America can’t come soon enough! you take a glance at Check. Make-up tutorials? Check. the time, you’re filled And after what seemed like a few with guilt. It’s been more than 20 videos, ultimately translates into a minutes, and it’s now midnight. few hours on YouTube. You close From this moment on, you have your browser window and get back exactly 23 hours and 59 minutes to to writing your essay. to your essay. A couple of movies later, you’re at 900 words. Suddenly, the sun is out and you need to get yourself to school. You attend your lectures, take some notes, make a few comments on Facebook, and before you know 22 it, class is done. Now you have a two hour break in between classes. Despite being notorious for procrastination, you spend your time efficiently. You have got to finish that T H hanks to the very helpful Yelp app, you found a great Chinese restaurant near campus. Before you’re done ow do you avoid procrastination? Get rid of anything that might get you dis- tracted. Turn off your smartphone, essay. But wait, you’ve got a smart- eating your last spring roll, you real- and make sure you don’t open up phone. Instagram (App), Compul- ize it’s almost time for class. Cheque any new tabs. Stay focused on the sive (Game), Snapchat (App), and please! Fast forward and now it’s task at hand. If you need to, find Yelp (App) are too tempting. T minus two hours before the sub- yourself a quiet workspace in the mission deadline. You still need 200 library or someplace that encourages more words. You type away furious- you to do some work. After you’re ly, only to take a moment to read done studying or writing your as- your favourite blogs. With fourteen signment, you’ll have lots of time to minutes to spare, you submit your read articles like this one! assignment on Moodle. W I N T E R W O N D E R L A N D - N E W C O L L E G E F O R M A L 2 0 1 4 U A 23 nderstanding yourself - the key to building strong relationships relationships are always built from Building strong relationships can act in certain ways and when things be one of the most important skills do not happen as expected, they get people like to play sports or go out, a person can have. It could be with disappointed and sometimes of- and some prefer to stay at home. colleagues at work, friends or fam- fended. Another mistake that Understanding the basic desires ily, regardless of people often make is trying to get and interests of the person you are both directions. One of the common issues that lead to unsuccessful relationships are unfulfilled expectations. Some people expect others to All people are different ll people are different, some really like to play music, and enjoy sound, others like to draw, enjoy beautiful scenery, other who it’s with, people trying to build a skills are needed relationship with everywhere. Learn- puts you ahead ing how to com- of the game, and municate early on makes your com- at university could munications more greatly help anyone be successful at RELATIONSHIPS interesting and valuable. school and To be able to in life. What are understand other the keys to people well, you building strong BY: ALEKSANDR KUTERNIN first need to understand yourself. relationships? First and foremost, it’s important to the most benefit from another per- Think about the things you like to understand what you expect to give son, without trying to give anythin- do: working, playing sports, read- and receive when communicating gin return. Over time this does not ing, or drawing. Very often, we do with other people. Any conversation lead to strong relationships, instead many things that do not resonate is always a two sided road, and the they weaken and fall apart. with our inner desires, but are a result of our childhood and past experiences. Doing what you love is one 24 of the best things that can happen to a person, because it increases the chances of success and brings some inner meaning to your personal life. And this state resonates with C Conflicts can have. Whatever you will do in onflicts are normal life, you will always be around peo- and are a part of life. ple, and these skills can always be Most of the time they put to work. Learning about others happen because of a is an interesting process because the misunderstanding or because of a more you know about other people, opportunities to make new connec- stressful situation. Unfulfilled de- the more you can see the different tions and friendships arise. sires, expectations, lies, and many skills that they have and the bet- other things happen. By under- ter you can understand them. After standing that everyone is different, all, communication should be fun xperience, in university and realizing differences in charac- and interesting, the more you know can be difficult some- ter can help you avoid similar situa- about yourself and others, the better times, and to transition tions in the future. Take some time your chances are of building strong from school or being an and find out what values another and lasting relationships. others, they feel it, and many new E Experience international student can be quite person has. Maybe they really value stressful. Being in this situation attention or their past experiences? gives you some good opportuni- Maybe they don’t handle stress ties to build strong relationships as well? Maybe they have some family well. You can find new friends with issues? people who go through similar ex- Learning to pay attention to other periences. This gives you something people, their needs, and under- in common, and sometimes these standing how you can fulfill their friendships and relationships last needs is one of the best skills you for a lifetime because they have a strong foundation based on sharing similar experiences. Use it to your advantage. W 25 hen does the through to find unique and hand- hundreds of people at Toronto’s of- commercial crafted products, traditional folk ficial mark of the start of the holiday Christmas season dancing, carolers, food stands with season at the 47th annual Cavalcade start for you? Is it a large variety: Belgian waffles, of Lights at Nathan Phillips Square. after Thanksgiving? After Hallow- meatballs, perogies, poutine and If you have never heard of this een? The first day in December? apple cider… Is your mouth water- event, here are a few things you can When do you realize the malls sud- ing yet? expect from one of the best events denly transforming into wreaths, downtown: brightly coloured ribbons and bulbs > Canadian artists performing illuminating the > Lighting of the Christmas tree night? When does > Ice skating under that real or ready the night sky (fee to decorate tree for rental of skates) pop out from your basement? If you live on campus and/or barely noticed the change, New College fa- CHRISTMAS MARKET & CAVALCADE OF LIGHTS cilitated the event to kick off that holiday spirit on Saturday, Novem- I ber 30, 2013. t began with an afternoon in the distillery district’s traditional and charming European-style Christmas BY: ALEXANDRIA MOTTLEY S ince you will have to wait quite a few months until this event market opens again, we won’t tease you anymore about market. It is a true jewel hidden in it and rather switch gears to the sec- the heart of Toronto. Despite the ond part of our holiday adventure cold weather, we braved our way downtown. This consisted of joining > An incredible fireworks display to end the night with a BANG 26 R&B and soul singer Divine Brown T that this article has sparked some is definitely something you have to and Grammy Award winner Carvin ideas for how you will kick off your experience at least once in your life Winans. The crowds stood in awe holiday season in 2014 (despite it while in Toronto! watching the spectacular light seeming far, far away). The Christ- show. The celebrations continued mas market usually lasts about two P erformers this year included pop artist Tyler Shaw, rising star Cold Specks, award winning hat wraps up the weeks and you can find the dates for description of our this and the Cavalcade of Lights on- holiday event. Hope line, so check it out! On behalf of the 2014 has been treating you well and students who did attend the event, it with a concert featuring electropop artist Diamond Rings and DJ Dopey. What more could you ask for from a free event?! F I G U R E 1 : Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y AT C L O S I N G C E R E M O N I E S L 27 ike all students, everyone Equipment: basil, 4 tbsp. olive oil, and salt and • Pizza pan/Aluminum tray pepper. • Bread knife and a sharp knife 4. Mix thoroughly with a wooden • Cutting Board spoon, then leave it to marinate on And for those of us who are • Small mixing bowl the side (or in the refrigerator) for independent, living on residence, • Wooden Spoon at least 10 minutes. or just want to learn to make food • Pastry brush 5. While it is marinating, place likes to eat. the tray/pizza pan of bread in the at a cost-efficient price, here is an easy-to-make Italian appetizer Steps: oven and broil for 5 minutes or until known as bruschetta. 1. Using the bread knife, slice the bread turns golden on the side 6. Remove the tray from the oven, Yield: 12 servings and using the pas- Ingredients: • 1 loaf of bread • 2-3 ripe tomatoes • ¼ cup of grated mozzarella cheese (optional) COOKING FOR BEGINNERS olive oil • 4 tablespoons of minced garlic • 1 teaspoon of pepper • ½ teaspoon of salt • Parsley (optional) over extra-virgin olive oil. top of each slice of BY: MORIN MARIAMPILLAI bread evenly. • ¼ cup of thinly • 6 tablespoons of extra-virgin bread with the left- the marinade on feta cheese chopped basil leaf the toasted slices of 7. Finally, spoon • 12 teaspoons of (optional) try brush, brush 8. (Optional) the loaf of bread horizontally into Coat each slice of bread with a 12 thick slices and place on tray/ sprinkle of mozzarella cheese or 2 pizza pan. teaspoons of feta cheese, then top it 2. Then using the sharp knife, off with parsley. dice the tomatoes as small as you can (cut into small cubes) 3. Next in a small mixing bowl, add the diced tomatoes, garlic, 28 E xciting times are upon us 200 first year students at Orien- as New College turns #NCOWeek13 provided incoming another year older! students with an opportunity to tation Week 2013 in September. those specifically affiliated with New F College. Fall 2013 all term witnessed a Despite being the youngest college familiarize themselves with the Uni- at York University, New College has versity’s atmosphere and make new seen a steady growth in its com- friends as they began a new chap- munity and college pride since its ter in life. Events during the week our lounge, and a visit to the Sky included Academic Orientation, a Zone for some action packed tram- N inception in 2009. Boat Cruise at the Harbour Front, a Frosh Revival week, where we hosted a Karaoke night at Michelangelo’s, a games night at poline dodge ball! We were glad to be joined by a lot ew of students as we College Council (NCC) works around the year to contribute towards this effort and we have made numerous NEW COLLEGE COUNCIL: 2013-14 RECAP delved into spooky caverns at Screemers for New College’s Halloween event in October. In November, we additions to our raised awareness already diverse about men’s health BY: NICK GANDOTRA repertoire of Social with our Movem- Events and Intra- ber Drive. At the mural Athletics end of the month, Program. Varsity Football Game, a backyard we packed our bags and took over We are extremely pleased to present BBQ with our extended family at Montreal for a weekend to relieve these highlights from the 2013-14 Pond Road Residence, an on-cam- some of the midterm stress. W Academic Year: pus Carnival hosted by New College, #NCOWeek13 and a trip to Canada’s Wonderland! e started the Students also had the chance to year by wel- familiarize themselves with several coming over of the clubs at York University and We also hosted cram sessions at the Atkinson building to provide students with a quiet study space as they prepared for end Winter Wonderland 2014 We had players come out and play e ended the Rage Dodgeball tournaments that year with ran overnight. Our two soccer teams our Winter- faced off each other in the semi- themed Annual Formal at the Para- finals and our Broomball team made mount Conference Centre. it to the Grand Championship. We ew College likes to This is a special event every year. also had our all-girls Volleyball team “Stay Frosty!”, so we We chose this occasion to celebrate complete an entire season for the came back full-force the achievements and contributions first time. after the break with of our community members with an of term finals. N W 29 Winter 2014 Frost Week 2014. This is when we award ceremony as we regale with welcome incoming students dur- some dinner, dancing and for the ing the winter term among other first time this year, a live band! events. We finished the week with Intramural and Athletics York University’s Annual Charity Ball at Casa Loma followed by some skiing and snowboarding action at the Blue Mountain weekend retreat. For the first time ever, NCC hosted O Program ur mascot, Ed the W Thank You! e would like to thank you for your active support in making this a very successful year in terms Eagle, had a lot of of community engagement and look fun cheering for forward to your continued involve- and supporting all ment with New College in the the New College Teams this year. years to come. Pride Week included a movie night The Eagles Athletics Division has New College Council 2013-14 at the lounge and Indoor Rock grown tremendously with an in- Climbing at Downsview Park. creased participation for every sport Students also got to sample foods and an increase in the number of from various countries at the Multi- sports that New College contended Cultural Food Fair held during in. Some of the sports that New the week. College participated in this year a New College Pride Week! The are: Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Swimming, Broomball and Cricket. 30 T About the NFSA screening process in early January. Careers in Finance Workshop he National Finance The keynote and panel session will be Financial Modeling Workshop Students Association comprised of individuals working in Stock Pitch Competition is a student-run orga- non-capital market areas of finance CFA Information Sessions nization, which aims along with a workshop hosted by Resume and Cover Letter Strategies to provide young individuals with CMA designation holders. A net- Workshop career development opportunities working session will then cap off the Corporate Networking Night in the field of finance. We strive to night with attendees from a wide ar- better equip our members for a ray of industries like technology and career in the corporate world finance to consumer packaged goods. through various development Our past event included 30 repre- initiatives, such as networking sessions and case competitions. With the aim of sharing knowl- that will bring together finance or more information about our Club and Upcoming events feel free to like us on: CONTACT INFO edge, skills and resources, we are committed in creating a network F Contact Us NFSA students and faculties from uni- EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: versities across Canada. Corporate C Networking Night sentatives from 20 different corpora- orporate Networking tions which highlights the network- Night is an annual net- ing opportunities that attendees have of The Master New College, in the working event hosted to look forward to. by the NFSA which focuses on non-capital markets areas of finance and other industries ranging from consumer packaged goods to telecommunication. There will be 100 attendees selected through a competitive resume N Our Office is located in the Office Atkinson (New College) building in Room 140D at York University. Past Events etworking Strategies Workshop Leveraging LinkedIn Seminar Finance Interview Prep Workshop T he New Marketing Students Association (NMSA), previously known as the American Marketing Association (AMA), is a student-run organization that was recently formed with the main objective of educating current business students at York University on the various aspects of the marketing T O 31 ver the past semester, the pleasure of re-hosting #MktStuthe NMSA hosted dentsTO 4.0 by collaborating with a range of diverse both the RMA (Ryerson Marketing events. In January, the team hosted Association) and the RCMA (U of a Career Centre Marketing Info Ses- T’s Rotman Commerce Marketing sion presented by Stacie Verhaeghe Association). This event provided (a Career Centre Internship program all students the ability to become coordinator). This assisted students acquainted and to network with and attendees not only in under- fellow business and marketing stu- standing services offered by the Ca- dents from around the GTA, from reer Centre, but mainly the Business different Ontario Universities. N industry. he NMSA’s main focus is to offer exciting opportunities to students who are interested in NMSA and case competitions, some with collaboration with other marketing associations and companies, giving marketing students the opportunity to connect with industry professionals. Advertising” was was conducted by use of a casebased approach used to educate attendees on the advertising demic and professional activities events, workshops, speaker panels “Insight Into (President of Open). This event help them develop their aca- The NMSA has hosted a number of in January, hosted by Christian Mathieu the Marketing field, as well as through hands-on experiences. MSA’s final event aspect of the marketing industry and Public Administration Internship Program offered to students in their third year (Marketing, Finance, and Management) before graduation. All students interested in this program by addressing both marketing and O strategic components. ver the past two months, starting in February, the club should access the Career Centre page was pleased to host its First Annual T found through the York website. Case Competition by partnering wo other events were with Toys ‘R’ Us. The first, second, hosted during the same and third place positions were month. The NMSA had awarded to 32 Shayanutha Thiyagarajah, Michelle During the second half of the event, hosted from Monday to Thursday, Gupta & Jessica Wu and Hyunsoo students were given the opportunity listed on the club’s Twitter/ Face- Lee respectively. to network with each of T o wrap-up the year, the NMSA hosted Alumni Networking Night on March 17th. Emphasis of this event was placed S these panelists. tudents interested in applying for the NMSA executive team for vice president and director positions N book pages. ext year, students can anticipate similar events hosted this past year, such as #MktStudentsTO and speaker should contact nmsayorku@ panels, along with slightly newer of- University students and alumni and for further information, ferings as well. Students interested was comprised of two parts. The as the recruitment process will begin in getting more involved in both the on bridging the gap between York first half of the event consisted New College and York University of a panel of six York graduates community should consider the sharing insight into their post NMSA. The NMSA will provide graduate journeys, job search students an opportunity to build strategies, and providing stu- an experiential and marketing dents their personal insight into skill set which will be useful in the marketing industry. The gaining a potential internship line-up included Mark Baltazar opportunity, and preparing them (Brand Spark International), for the future of their professional Riaz Backer (Rouge Media careers. Group), Valeria Rivera (The NaCONTACT INFO tional Squash Academy), Anastasia Kedrova (Market Wired), Nicoleta in April/May. Also, if students have Micle (Invasix), and Nigel De Souza any questions regarding club initia- (Campbell’s). tives, they should contact the above email or attend our office hours EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: OFFICE: 140H ATK T 33 he Human Resources Student Association (HRSA), hosts professional development events that aim to give students the opportunity to learn soft skills outside of their academic studies. Our mission is to provide professional opportunities and resources for Human Resource Management and Business students who wish had several organizations attend our students, industry professionals, events to guide the students into the faculty, and alumni through a vari- professional realm. We were very lucky to have LinkedIn, Monster. ca, Procter & Gamble, Le Chateau, the HRPA and of course our faculty A members. s another year wraps up, we begin to look we have had. With H RSA is a recog- HRSA portunities for students to connect to the professional resources and information they need to develop themselves on a professional level through their own learning styles and preferences. This year we have support from them this year. With at our Alumni Mixer, we ended the year with a great networking ratified club and we surpassed over 700 general memberships. like to thank everyone that has supported us over the years and has made our club as successful known for being able to help Our strategy is to provide the op- had an overwhelming outpouring of With this being said, we would University, potential through positive influence. program, we our 5 year anniversary as a group at York inspiring them to find their inner within our milestones this year including nized student students grow and develop, while alumni presence event. We have passed several fessional, and social skills and academic experience. ith a strong back on the great year over a dozen alums in attendance to develop their personal, pro- experiences in addition to their W ety of career and social events. over 10 events and 300 attendees, we as it has become. are very grateful for another suc- Cheers to the foundational years of cessful year. Our aim is to initiate a the past and many more years of strong academic & social network growth in the future. amongst students and faculty which will result in an environment that is receptive to sharing ideas and providing support for one another. The HRSA facilitates close interaction among its student members of CONTACT INFO EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: OFFICE: 112 ATK 34 Y ou are surrounded tions; these are also what one would interested in the lucrative field of normally experience in an interview management consulting and wish by simple, for any consulting firm and as such to actively pursue the career path obvious solutions being able to effectively handle these to take their first step by joining the that can dramatically increase your income, power, influence and success. The problem is, you just don’t see them. The Management & Consulting Association is a student run non-profit leadership initiative. We strive to help high achieving problems is seen as an invaluable O trait in the eyes of recruiters. ur mission is to ensure that the School of Administrative Studies’ (SAS) undergrad program is recognized as one of the premier F MCA. or more information, please contact us at [email protected] or like us on Facebook and follow MCAYorkU on Twitter. We also have office hours scheduled students gain essential leader- Monday to Friday at Atkinson, ship experience by offering room 140 J, New College, The Of- numerous workshops through- fice of The Master. out the school year. We also seek to connect members of our clubs with industry professionals and MCA CONTACT INFO EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: recruiters through networking OFFICE: 140J ATK events during the fall and winter MCAYorkU W @MCAYorkU terms. e have created initia- locations for recruiting consulting tives such as talent worldwide and for SAS’ gradu- The Consultant, a strategy publica- ates to be leading the way as high- tion examining business issues in level performers and innovators in the global context – all content is written by executive and editions are published monthly. Additionally, we are developing a casebook, consisting of case based questions and the methods to solve said ques- T the consulting industry. he MCA is constantly looking for new students with a passion for Consulting to join our elite team. We encourage all students who are T 35 he Atkinson Professional Accounting Association (APAA) forward to hearing from APAA but semester allowed students to speak also the auditing and assurance firms with CPA representatives on a one who get to meet brilliant students on one basis to have any concerns and future leaders through events they may have answered. For those is a student-run organization that held by APAA. With several recruit- who still have questions, APAA con- serves to encourage leadership, ment workshops and information sistently holds weekly office hours excellence, and professionalism sessions such as, the annual CPA for anyone to drop by. in Atkinson Accounting students night and Spring Networking Night APAA was also able to add another of York University. The associa- at Dave and Busters APAA offers proud feather in their hat this year. tion was founded in May 1998 by a great avenues for students to net- With Winter Industry Night being group of graduating students for the work with firms like Grant Thornton, held for the first time on campus, purposes of promoting Atkin- York students got a unique op- son’s Bachelor of Administrative portunity to network with CGA’s Studies in Accounting (BAS) who are working in different in- program, aiding students and so- dustries. Being able to do so gave liciting support from University faculty and potential employers. APAA them an opportunity to not only have their questions answered but The best way to describe the also to build networks that will growth of Atkinson Professional help them during their time at Accounting Association is by school and beyond. a quote from the great author To access all these great opportunities and learn more about the J.R.R Tolkien where he said as the PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, tale grew so did the telling. Hence, KPMG and EY among club, feel free to visit our website as the number of students enrolled many others. and learn in B.A.S majoring in accounting This year, the convergence of the more about careers in accounting. grew so did the vision of APAA. CMA and CA designations into Today with a membership base of CPA left students with many ques- over 400 students, APAA is one of tions. Surely APAA couldn’t be too the biggest student run club at York far behind to help students during University. this transitional period. The annual Not only do students at York look AIM conference held during the fall CONTACT INFO EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: OFFICE: 253 ATK D I S C L A I M E R THE VIEWS EXPRESSED IN THIS PUBLICATION DO NOT N E C E S S A R I LY R E F L E C T T H E V I E W S O F N E W C O L L E G E , I T S F O U N D I N G M E M B E R S , O R Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y. 2 0 1 4 NEW COLLEGE OFFICE OF THE MASTER 4 7 0 0 K E E L E S T. TORONTO, ON. M3J 1P3 T 416-736-5233 [email protected] NEW COLLEGE COUNCIL R O O M 1 4 0 , AT K I N S O N B U I L D I N G