June in Buffalo 1992
June in Buffalo 1992
j State University of New York at Buffalo Department oj Music Presents ApPREl\'TICE PROGRAM RECITAL No.2 In conjunction with The Greater Buffal o Opera Company, The Academy of Vocal Arts (Philadelphia, PAl and Artp<.trk Featuring Sara Sec/em, soprano Cherie Ca/uda, soprano Suzanne DuPlantis, mezzo soprano Eric Ashcraft. l ellOr Clay Hulsey , barirolle Jonathall Oehler, bass-baritoIJe Wednesday, May 27, 1992 8:00 p.m. Slee Concert Hall No cameras or tape recorders are permitted in the Concert Hall during the performance ApPRENTICE PROGRAM RECITAL NO.2 Wednesday, May 27, 1992 8:00 p.m. Slee Concert Hall JOAQUIN TURINA (1882-1949) Condones (Campoamor) DedicOforia (Piano solo) NUl/co O/vida ... Poema ell Fonlla de Calltare.f Los dos Miedos Las LOCfl.Ii por AflIOI I. Eric Ashcraft, tenor Sara Seglcm, so prano Cherie Caiuda, soprano SU7.anne DuPlantis, mezzo !'ioprano Eric Ashcraft, tenor Clay Hulsey, haritone Jonathan Oehler, bass·baritone ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810·1856) Spanisc/res Liederspiel, op. 74 (1849) (German texts by Emanuel Geibel, after Spanish folksongs and romances) Der COlllrabandisle (AlIhaflg) J. Erste Begegmwg 2. 11llef71lezzo 3. Licbesgram 4. III der Nachr 5. Es i.'il Verraten 6. Melancholic 7. Gestiilldfl;s 8. Bo/se"aji 9. Ie" bill gelieb/ -lntermission- II. .JESUS GURIDI (1886·1961) From: Seis CUflciolles Castellanas No Quicro Ills A l'cl/al/as Como Quicrcs qlle Adiv;lle C lay Hulsey, baritone XAVIER MONTSALVATGE (h. 1912) Cinco Condones Negras Cuba dellfro de llll PiaI/O Puma de Habanera Chevere Cancio" de CUI/a para Dormi,. a IIIl Nl');riro Canto Negro Suzanne DuPlantis, mezzo soprano JUNE IN BUFFAW Sunday, May 31, 1992 8:00 p.m. Baird Recital Hall Concert I David Felder, Director PROGRAM HOUSTON DUNLEAVY Tears WiJhou/ Voice Patti Cudd, percussion SCOTT THOMAS So You Say David Kuehn, trumpet Rossano Galante, trumpet BARBARA WHITE MOYemenlsjor Pillno Solo LUk', piano - Intermission· DONALD CHAl\mERLAIN Nine Notions 0/ Consequence Kathleen Supove, piano ILYA LEVL'ISON Variations jor Violin Solo Lee Wilkins, violin MARK MANTEL Beat Crisis: LAPD or KKK? Patti Cudd, percussion JUNE IN BUFFALO is made possib le in part through funding by: The National Endowment fo r t h~ Arts, Meet the Composer, SUNY at Buffalo Conferences in the Disciplines, Dean's Office of Arts and Letters, Department of Music, Graduate Students Association, Music Graduate Students Association, UUAB , Sub Board I, ASCAP I BMI , and Patterson Perperual Trust. J UNE IN BUFFALO Concert 2 David Felder, Diret:tor Monday, June I, 1992 8:00 p.m. Baird Recital Hall PROGRAlVI RAFAEL UNAN Pn'mo.vera Ame/ral/ada Rob~rt Black, bass Tap. A~IEUA KAPLAl'i In It/em aria", LUk', piano - Intt:rm ission - DIILIANO DEL CERRO Broken Colors Robert Schulz, percussion Kirk Brundagl!. percussion Patti Cudd, percussion Jan Williams, conductor YL\CE:-IT H.AlVL"IER Duo for Bass and Cuilllr Robert Black, bass Vincent Hammer. guitar ~L1CHAEL ZAJONC Frame Tara Hclen O'Conner, tlute JerolTll! Simas, ciarind David Kuehn . trumpet Lon Gormky. trombone: Robert Schulz, percussion Patti Cudd, percussion Kathlecl1 Supove, piano Jan Wil!iams. conductor JUNE IN BUFFALO is made possible in part thro ugh funding by: The National Endowment for the Arts. Meet the Compo$\:!f, SUNY at BUffalo Conferences in the Disciplines, Dean 's Office! of Arts and Lclkrs, Depanmt:1lt of Music, Graduate Students Association, Music Gr.ldualt! Students Association, UUAB, Sub Board I. ASCAP, BMI, and Patte rson Perpetual Trust. .I liNE IN BI.WFA LO \Vcdllcsday, JUlie 3, 1992 7:()O p.m. Allen Hall (Snlllh Campus) Cmu:cI" 4 nil vid Felder. Direclor GEOFFREY STANTON Fall/asia Leggiadro David Starohin, guitar J EFFREY STADELMAN Nidlls PROGRAM Rohan Smith, violin Scott Woolweaver, viola Mark Stewart, 'cello .IACOU DRlICKMAN Deliue COli/elite Che L 'alme Beale Jermone Simas, clarinet Tara Hdcll O'Co nn e r. flut t: T heresa T unniclit'f, darinet Brian Green, ohoe T imo th y Sc hwartz, ho m Jennifer Sc hul er. hass()()Jl Tape PAUL ELWOO D Disbanded HoriZOll s Section I: 771ru.\'j, Flight f1ei~hl Section 1/: ". .. Seen but e/w;ive, the horizon llll /lJuouchable uellmess .• (Ocltlvio Paz) Lee Wilkin s, vio lin David Wolf, violin Seoft Woolwt!avcr. vio la Joshua Gordon, 'cello - Intermiss io n - E RI C SA WYER Oil 'he Bushy Plain Heidi Emanuel Sc hmidt, Kathleen Supovc, piano S Opni llO JU NE IN BUFFALO is made possible in part through funding by : The National En dow ment for the Arts, Meet the Composer, SUNY at Buffalo Conferences in the Disci plines, D~n's Office of Arts and leiters, Department of Music, Graduate Students Associa ti on , Musi c Graduate Students Assoc iatio n, UUAB, Sub Board I. ASCAP, BMf, .md Patterson Perpe tu al Trust. Tuesday, JUNE IN BUFFALO Concert 3 David Felder, Director June 2, 1992 8:00 p.m. SIee Concert Hall PROGRAM HAESOOKHAN Three Love Songs Luk', piano BRIAN FERNEYHOUGH Bone Alphabet Steven Schick, percussion DAVID ROGERS Bonk Anlhony deMare, piano - Brief Pause - CHARLES WUORINEN On AUiga/ors Rachel Rudich, /lute Brian Green, oboe Jermone Simas, clarinet Jennifer Scbuler, bassoon David Wolf, violin Lee Wilkins, violin Scott Woolweaver, viola Joshua Gordon, 'cello Bradley Lubman, conductor JUNE IN BUFFALO is made possible in part through funding by: The National Endowment for the Arts, Meet Ihe Composer, SUNY at Buffalo Conferences in !he Disciplines, Dean's Office of Arts and Letters, Department of Music, Graduate Students Association, Music Graduate Students Association, UUAB, Sub Board I, ASCAP, BMI, and Patterson Perpetual Trust. JUNE IN BUFFALO Performer's Concert I David Felder, Director 11lUrsday, .Julie 4, 19~2 3:1)() p.lII . Uaird Rl'Cilai flail PROGRAM IANNIS XENAKlS Rebonds VINKO GLOBOKAR Toucher IANNIS XENAKIS Psappha In rece nt years Sch ick hns pursued an international career as percllssi on solo ist and h<l.S pe rformed in the United States, Soviet Union. Eastern and West e rn Europe, Latin A1ll cri cn, Australia and New Zealand. Recent concerts include perfofJlwnces at the Kennedy Center for th e Performing Arts, New York 's Merkin Hall and "B;Ul~ lin a Ca n Festiv al", Perc ussio n 'gS lIlId '90 Festivals (Loudon) . Ars Musica Ft.'slivlll (Urussel s) . Rcncontrcs interll<l, iona les de Perc ussi ons de Paris. and the National Em:ollnter of Perc ussioni sts in S:lfJ Pmlio, Orazil. Schick has released recordin gs with Wergo CR I, Th e University of luwa Press, Mu sic Hnd Art s Programs of America , and Gunmar Records. He hll~ taught at the Un iversity of Iowa, th e Internationaie Ferienkur!\e fiir Neu e Mu ~ ik (Darmstadt , Ge rmany), the Inte rnational Percuss ion Workshop (Bydgoszcz, Poland), the Royal College of Music (London), and Cal ifornia State University, Fresno. He is current ly on the regular faculty of the Un iv ersity of Cal iforni a, San Diego and gives an ongoin g se ries of master cl asses as visiting lec turer in percllssion at the Rotterdam Conservatory. Steven Schick, percllssion . Intermission· ROGER SESSIONS Slf Pieces for Violof/cello (1966) Prelude DialoRllc Scherzo Berceuse Fanfa.ry Epilogue PETER SCULTHORPE Requiem /nlroi( Kyrie Qui Marimll Lacrimn.w Libera Me Lux Aerel'lUl Joshua Gordon, 'cello STEVEN SCHICK holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Percussion Perfo rmance from the University of Iowa and the Soloists Diploma with honors from the Slaatiiche Hochsc hule fUr Musik in Freiburg, Germany . He is a recipient of Fulbright and Annette Kade Fellowships, the Alan Rose Master Teacher Fellowship (Australia) and the Kranich stein Prize for Interpretation of Contemporary Music from the Intern RtiOlmle Ferienkurse flir Neue Musik 1n Darmstadt, Germany. He won first prize in the American Wind SYlllllhony Orchestra Competition (pittsburgh) and second pri ze in the Gaudenmu s I;::e;:national C':'::l;:,et~::cn for Interprete.s of CO :l~~~?o;:?::-y M'.:.sic (Rc~t'!r(..;:>.r.;.) . Ce llist JOSIJ UA GORDON ha!\ qu ic kly established hil11!'elf as an active solo ist. clw mher mm:ician, and advocate of contemporary music, He has performed in II1njnr conce rt h a ll~ ill New Ynrk City, Wa shington, D.C. , and throughout th e United State ~ , Camula, and West Germany. He has performed on le::uling serie.c;. including the Americttll Cornpo,c;ers series at the Kennedy Center. the SUllllllergarden se rie s Ht the Museum of Mod ern Art , :-tlld th e Arts Alive series in the U.S. Virgin Islands. He ha~ pe rform ed at the Trtnglewood ttnd Wat e rloo festival s, the Composers' Conference at Wellesley College, an d the Ju ne in Buff",ln festival. He has pe rfollned with th e New York Chttmher Solo;sls. Orp l1t.' lIS. Continuum, the GroUJl for Con temporary Music, Speculum Mus icHI!. the Rog.er Ses.<;inns Socie ty. the Bronx Art s Ensemble, and as a memh er of th e Pers lc helli QtlHrtet find the Barrow Street Ce llos, He has appeared as soloist with the Colonial Symp hony , the Contra res Ensemble, th e Livingsto n Symp hony, and the New Jersey Symphony. He is principal cellist with the Colonial Symphony and the ContrHres Ensemble. He has performed on WNYC, WNCN, and WQXR radio in New York City, and in 1985 he was invit ed to perform with the Juilliard Quartet on the PBS I)rogram Live frolll Lincoln Center: Ju ill ianJ at 80. li e iHls received severa l awards, including the CD. 1<tckson Master Award for outstanding ac hi eve men t at the Tanglewood Music Center, second prize in the 1984 New Jersey Sym phony compe tition, and the Rena Shapiro Memorial Scholarship from the luilliard School, wh ere he received his B,M. and M.M. degrees in 1987. In 1990 he was a winner of Artists Inte rnational's Cello Award , resulting in a dehut recital in Weill Hall at Ca rnegie Hall. He was also the recipient of grants frol11 the Institute of International Education and the Victor Herhert Foundation. His principal teachers inc lude Harvey Shapiro and Joel Krosnick, ami he has studied chambe r music with the Juilliard Quartet, Paul Zukofsky, Gilbert Kalish, JUlin s Lev ine, and Samuel Sanders. Mr. Gordon is a native of Whippany, New Jersey. JUNE IN BUFFALO is IlHHle possible in par! through funding hy: The National Endowm en t for the I\rts, Meet the Compose r , SUNY at Buffalo Conferences in the Disc iplines, De:l ll' s Office of Arts and Letters, Department of Music, Graduate Students A~soc i:lti on, Music C: - 7 :..':;",.~~S tucenl. s A~~o ciation , UUAB , Sub Board l, ASCAP, 8MI , and Patterso n Perpetual - . s~ . - - - - - -- JUNE IN BUFFALO Concert 5 David Felder, Director Thursday, June 4, 1992 8:00 p.m. Slee Concert Hall PROGRAM FRANK PECQUET KaJeidosonic Robert Black, bass (with computer processing) ELIZABETH START TransmigraLion David Starobin, guitar Rachel Rudich, alto flute RICK SAt'IIFORD Oleander Tara Helen O'Conner, flute Kirk Brundage, percussion Kathleen Supove, piano/celeste David Starobin, guitar Harvey Sollberger. conductor DOUGLAS COHEN MovemenJ through Stasis Tara Helen O'Conner, flute Theresa Tunnicliff, clarinet Rohan Smith, violin Mark Stewart, 'cello Robert Schulz, percussion Anthony deMare, piano Jan Williams, conductor JUNE IN BUFFALO is made possible in part through funding by: The National Endowment for the Arts, Meet the Composer, SUNY at Buffalo Conferences in the Disciplines, Dean's Office of Arts and utters, Department of Music, Graduate Students Association, Music Graduate Students Association, UUAB, Sub Board I, ASCAP, BMI, and Patterson Perpetual Trust. Friday, JUlie 5, 1992 8:00 p.m. Sic.., COllcert Hall JUNE IN BUFFALO Concert 6 David Felder, Director AMY WLLLlAMS Suile for Five Courante Allemande Gigue Sarabande Minuel and Trio Rachel Rudich, flute PROGRAM Brian Green, oboe ALTON HOWE CLINGAN Robert Black, bass Beth Ann Breneman, harp Robert Schulz, percussion 171e Decay of Ihe Allgel Cheryl Gobbetti, flute Jerome Simas, clarinet David Wolf, violin Joshua Gordon, 'cello VAN UECKER ElderoeTlY Flllle SOllgs Heidi Emanuel Schmidt, soprano Tara H elen O'Conncr, flute Rachel Rudich, flute Stephen Manes, piano Harvey Soli berger, conductor David Starobin, guitar BRADLEY LUBMAN Trigram Tara Helen O'Conner, flute Luk ' , piano Kirk Bnllldage, percussion MICIIAEL JOIIANSON Re-emergellces Cheryl Gobbetti, flut e Theresa TUllnicliff, clarinet Rohan Smith, violin PETER ALEXANDER Zym David Wolf, violin Mark Stewart, 'cello Mark Stewart, 'cello Robert Schulz, percussion Steven Schick, percussion Stephen Manes, piano Harvey Soli berger, conductor Anthony deMarc, piano JUNE IN BUFFALO is made possible in part through funding by: The National Endowment for the Arts, Meet the Composer, SUNY at Buffalo Conferences in the Disciplines. Dean's Office of Arts and Letters, Department of Music, Graduate Students Association, Music Grad uate Students Association, UUAB, Sub Board I, ASCAP, 8MI, and Patterson Perpe tual Trust. JUNE IN BUFFALO Concert 7 David Felder, Director Saturday, June 6, 1992 8:00 p.m. Slee Concert Hall PROGRAM KENNETH H. LAMPL Spec/roos Cheryl Gobbelti , flute Theresa Tunnicli ff, clarinet Rohan Smith, violin Joshua Gordon , 'cello Patti Cudd, percussion Steven Schick, percussion Anthony deMare, piano Harvey Sollberger. conductor WILLI ANI PFAFF Three Pieces for Solo Piallo Anthony deMare, piano GARY D. WRIGHT Sky Gamut and Saroband Beth Ann Breneman, harp Lee Wilkins, violin Mark Stewart, 'cello JOHN EATON Heidi Emanuel Schmidt, soprano Nelda Nelson, mezzo-soprano Brian Green, oboe Jerome Simas, clarinet Jennifer Schuler, bassoon Kirk Brundage , percussion Lee Wilkins, violin Notes on Moonlight David Wolf, violin Scott Woolweaver. viola Joshua Gordon, 'cello Beth Ann Breneman, harp Kathleen Supove, piano Harvey Sollberger, conductor JUNE IN BUFFALO is made possible in part through funding by: The National Endowment for th~ Arts, Meet the Composer, SUNY at Buffalo Conferences in the Disciplines, Dean's Office of Arts and Letters. Department of Music, Graduate Students Association, Music Graduate Students Association, UUAB, Sub Board I, ASCAP , 8MI, and Patterson Perpetual Trust.