Gettinger Chiangus.indd


Gettinger Chiangus.indd
written by Holly Hiebert
eep in the heart of Rush County Indiana
sits a small farm known as Gettinger Chiangus.
Danny & Barbara Gettinger started farming in the late 1950s, focusing their efforts
on row crops and hog production. In 1978 they purchased 40 head of quarterblood Chianina heifers from Craig Shielder and Paul Clapp, which were then bred
to a full blood Chianina bull, and were the foundation for what has now become an
operation of 120 head of cows and 1,000 acres of crop ground. Today, the farm is
operated by Barbara and her sons, Jeff and his wife Lisa, and Larry and his wife
Michele. Jeff’s son, Sam and his wife Sarah, also help part time on the farm.
After visits to the ranches of Troy Hullinger, Jerry Adamson, Jim & Bob Horsley and
Randy Bellar in the early days, the Gettinger family knew that Chianina cattle had to
be their breed of choice.
January 2012 • ACJ
“Chi cattle produce cattle that are easy doing and
produce beef that can compete with any other breed
when taken to the market,” said Jeff. “These cattle can
also produce style and soundness when you want to go
to the show ring.”
The Gettinger’s truly feel that seeing is believing when
it comes to getting people to realize the value in Chi
“In order to get customers to utilize Chianina genetics,
we have to get them to come and see the cattle. Once
they see what these cattle can do, they are always
impressed with how good of mothers these cattle are.
Our Chi cattle have longevity that will outlast any
breed. Some of our oldest cows are 10-15 years old
and continue to raise the biggest and best
calves,” Jeff said.
When it comes to attracting people to the
farm, the Gettingers have no trouble hosting
a crowd. For the past two years, they have
held field days in conjunction with Purina Mills
during their sale weekend to bring in more
cattle producers from surrounding areas.
“In 2010 we introduced the Accuration
Feed, while in 2011 we introduced the Accuration Lick Tank to
the bred heifers,”
“Chi cattle produce
Jeff said. “On Satcattle that are easy
urday night of sale
weekend, Falmouth
doing and produce
Farm Supply, the
beef that can compete local Purina dealer,
a Rib eye
with any other breed hosts
Steak dinner during
when taken to the
the Purina program.
This year we set up
judging pens with
bred heifers, heifer
calves and bulls calves for local judging teams to practice. A special thanks goes out to Dave Newsom and
Mike Witte of Purina Mills, and Dave Burkhardt of Falmouth Farm Supply for helping us make things happen.”
Each of the past two years, this sale and field day
weekend has been quite a success for the Gettinger
family and their attendees.
“Our September sale has been a private treaty bid
off of bred heifers and heifer calves,” Jeff said. “In the
2011 sale we sold 37 bred heifers, 6 heifer calves and 2
bull calves for an average of $2,300. The 2012 sale will
be the weekend of September 14th, 15th and 16th, selling
approximately 50 bred heifers, 15 heifer calves and we
will have about 8 bull calves on display.”
After establishing their herd and making a name for
themselves, the Gettinger family has truly become one of
the most respected names in the business.
At right: Jeff, Barb &
Larry Gettinger
“Our customer base has grown
throughout the years. We sell
a majority of our bred heifers
to herds in the Central Indiana
area, while this year selling both bred heifers and heifer
calves to other states as well,” Jeff said. “Our heifers are
usually between 10% and 25% Chi. All our heifers are
bred to calving ease Angus and Chiangus bulls so that
we ensure easy calving for their first calf.”
“The biggest comments we receive from customers is
that our cattle are very docile and easing keeping,” Jeff
said. “Many people like the fact that our cattle maintain
some size and are easy fleshing and take care of the
calves on their own.”
Gettinger Chiangus has remained with the Chianina
influence on their herd throughout the years for many
reasons and believe Chianina cattle can do a lot for the
beef industry.
“The best thing with the Chi Breed is they can be
introduced with any other breed and will create cattle
that will produce year after year,” Jeff said. “We have
started to introduce purebred genetics from other breeds
that have produced great cattle when the base genetics
are Chi influenced.”
“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you
love and believe in, and it will come naturally.”
This quote by David Frost well explains the path the
Gettingers have taken to success. With a true heart for a
farming way of life, the Gettinger family has proven their
dedication to the Chianina breed by seeing and believing
true success comes naturally.
• January 2012