CD CD CD/LP - Tuba Records
CD CD CD/LP - Tuba Records
NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 burzum umskiptar Byelobog BYE 010CDS / BYE 010DBK 0803341362314 / 0803341362352 CD Umskiptar er VARG VIKERNES tiende album som BURZUM og er i følge mannen selv en retur til røttene. Med utgangspunkt i diktet Völuspá maler Burzum monotone og maleriske stemninger over primitive, seige og nær sagt sørgende riff. Lik det eller ikke, men Vikernes er i høyeste grad en relevant musiker, og musikalsk viser han med Umskiptar at han er i stand til å lage black metal vel så interessant som sine kontemporære. Slippes på vanlig CD og i en forseggjort digibook. ”Vår riks-skald er tilbake med dunkle stemninger og det er fortsatt hold i ordtaket «de gamle er mest nekrotiske».” 5/6 GAFFA ”Forces one to forget everything else and indulge in increasing awe” 4/5 TERRORIZER 9/10 METAL REVIEW husky forever so Sub Pop SPCD 999 0098787099928 CD Fabelaktig folkpop fra australske HUSKY som har blitt plukket opp av Sub Pop, etiketten som på mange måter har ansvaret for at sjangeren har vært blant de mest populære de siste årene med band som FLEET FOXES og BAND OF HORSES i spissen. Husky har opplevd stor suksess og gode listeplasseringer i hjemlandet, og er nå klare til å ta verden med storm. Bandet turnerte nylig i Europa med GOTYE og finnes det rettferdighet vil de snart oppnå tilsvarende popularitet som dem. Anbefales på det varmeste! LP-utgave ventes i løpet av sommeren. ”Antipodean folkies eye the big time, Fleet Foxes-style” 8/10 UNCUT exitmusic passage Secretly Canadian SC 254 / SC 254LP 0656605025421 / 0656605025414 CD/LP Anført av ALEKSA PALLADINOs (hun som spiller ANGELA DARMODY i BOARDWALK EMPIRE) slørete vokal leverer EXITMUSIC episke, cinematiske og dvelende øyeblikk på Passage, deres debutalbum. Anbefales til fans av for eksempel MAZZY STAR eller RADIOHEAD. “I can’t state strongly enough the destructive beauty of what might be the most affecting debut of the year – and then some” 8.5/10 BOWLEGS MUSIC ”Brooklynites majestic gothic second strike” 4/5 MOJO “Passage is endearing, with unforgettable peaks; it looks beautiful at first glance, and has no shortage of beautiful moments” 7/10 DROWNED IN SOUND “Their debut album proper quivers and quakes with the cinematic electronics and emotional abandonment of a soundtrack to Armageddon.” 7/10 NME Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] I NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 shannON STEPHENS PULL IT TOGETHER Asthmatic Kitty AKR 089 / AKR 089LP CD/LP 0656605608921 / 0656605608914 SHANNON STEPHENS var i sin tid vokalist i SUFJAN STEVENS første band, Marzuki, men har holdt en lav profil siden det før hun for et par år siden gjorde musikalsk comeback. Nå er Pull it Together her, et henførende og tidløst album mer eller mindre plassert innen americana-sjangeren. Folk som BONNIE PRINCE BILLY, DM STITH, og Sufjan-musikerne JEFF FIELDER og JAMES McALLISTER bidrar, og spesielt duetten med OLDHAM, Faces Like Ours, er av klassikertypen. Fans av for eksempel GIANT SAND og DAMIEN JURADO vil helt klart glede seg stort over Pull it Together. king tuff king tuff Sub Pop SPCD 976 / SP 976 0098787097627 / 0098787097610 CD/LP Lekne garasjerock-toner fra KING TUFF aka KYLE THOMAS, mannen som også er vokalist i J. MASCIS-prosjektet WITCH, i HAPPY BIRTHDAY, samt i freak folkgruppa FEATHERS. Anført av den særdeles spretne singlen Bad Thing gir King Tuff oss stor tro på rocken og dens evige bidrag til en perfekt sommertid. ““Anthem” and “Stranger” are head-boppin’ boogies, full of rollicking guitar and Beatles-y melodies. The chooglin’ “Keep on Movin’” summarizes Thomas’s laissez-faire worldview, and the wistful “Swamp of Love” is a grand ballad brushed with glam glitter.“ SPIN millencolin the melancholy connection Epitaph EPIT 72002 8714092720020 CD+DVD The Melancholy Connection er en 14-spors B-sidesamler fra de populære svenske punkerne i MILLENCOLIN. CD-en inneholder også to splitter nye låter. I tillegg følger det med en halvannen times DVD som tar for seg innspillingen av bandets klassiske album Pennybridge Pioneers, samt videoer, liveklipp osv. horseback half blood Relapse RR 7178-2 / RR 7178-1 0781676717828 / 0781676325016 / 0781676717811 CD/LP Psykedelisk (stoner-)rock fra HORSEBACK. Bandets unike sound er en sømløs miks av såpass ulike ting som EARTH, MONSTER MAGNET og KYUSS, avantgarde som RHYS CHATHAM, americana som WOVEN HAND og CALEXICO, og til og med tidlig PINK FLOYD. Et svært spennende album med andre ord. ”Half Blood er det beste som har kommet så langt i år” 5/6 SCREAM “A Rhys Chatham guitar army eaten by black metal wolves; victorious Fuck Button drones burned at the stake.” 8/10 SPIN 4.5/5 ABOUT.COM HEAVY METAL 8.7/10 METAL STORM 7.6 PITCHFORK Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] II NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 diverse artister no room for rockstars Side One Dummy SD 1489 DVD 0603967148923 Dokumentar om et av USAs største rockesirkus, The Vans Warped Tour. Filmen er laget av STACY PERALTA og AGI ORSI, folkene bak den fantastiske skatefilmen Dogtown & Z-Boys, og gir oss over tre timer med klipp fra livet rundt 2010-utgaven av den årlige turnéen. Som bonus følger det med en 10-spors best of-CD med artister som DESCENDENTS, THE SPECIALS, BUZZCOCKS, NO DOUBT og SUBLIME. diverse artister studio one sound Soul Jazz SJRCD 256 / SJRLP 256 CD/2LP 5026328002569 / 5026328102566 Samling som gir oss 18 av de mest populære artistene fra CLEMENT ”SIR COXSONE” DODDs legendariske Studio One-etikett, også kjent som Jamaicas Motown. Representert her er artister som THE HEPTONES, KEN BOOTHE, JACKIE OPEL, WAILING SOULS, JOHNNY OSBOURNE, FREDDIE McGREGOR m.fl.. Slippes på CD og dobbel LP. smith & mighty the three stripe collection 1985-1990 Bristol Archives ARC 247CD / ARC 247V CD/2LP 5052571023921 / 5052571023914 Samleplate som gir oss et meget godt innblikk i den enormt innflytelsesrike duoen SMITH & MIGHTYs arbeider. På 90-tallet ble den såkalte Bristol Sounden et globalt fenomen med artister som MASSIVE ATTACK, PORTISHEAD og TRICKY som de store stjernene, men det var Smith & Mighty som startet det hele. CD og dobbel LP. “Long before Massive Attack or Portishead, Smith & Mighty invented the Bristol sound, merging dub reggae, hip-hop, a punk attitude and Bacharach with house and hardcore. Criminally underrated, a new compilation of their greatest works proves they were more influential than we could have guessed…” DJ Magazine amateur love it’s all aquatic Chigliak CHIG 001 LP 0656605423111 Chigliak er en ny etikett fra Jagjaguwar-folket hvor etikettens store stjerne, BON IVER/ JUSTIN VERNON, presenterer oversette album fra musikkhistorien. AMATEUR LOVEs It’s All Aquatic er selve grunnen til at Chigliak ble startet og Vernon har følgende å fortelle: ”Josh Scott was the ambassador of my heart for many years. While both songwriters in Eau Claire, we were close friends and admired each other’s music. It was obvious to both of us, however, who the better writer was. Josh was writing songs that were both more mature and masterful than mine. His songs came from a perspective as snarly as Paul Westerberg, as enchanting as Neil Young, yet he wielded power as beguiling and unique as any songwriter I’ve ever heard. Nestling himself around Brad and Phil Cook (Megafaun) and Brian Moen, who stretched themselves outside their own comfort zones into those of un-tapped electronic pop, Amateur Love became one of the most enigmatic and electrifying bands I have ever known.” Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] III NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 martyrdöd paranoia Southern Lord LORD 160 0808720016024 CD Crustpunk fra svenske MARTYRDÖD som opererer med herlige låttitler som Köttberg og Klassfienden. Bandet består av folk fra AT THE GATES, SKITSYSTEM og MIASMAL, og Paranoia er produsert av FREDRIK NORDSTRÖM (OPETH, IN FLAMES, DIMMU BORGIR osv).öd/175670445796819 ides of gemini constantinople Neurot NR 081 0658457108123 CD IDES OF GEMINIs musikk har blitt kalt dream doom og det er en passende beskrivelse på bandets lydbilde der seige gitarer ledes av SERA TIMMS lyse, drømmende vokal. “Guitarist J. Bennett lays down imperial metal riffs swathed in so much reverb that they seem isolated from the rest of the world. Bassist/vocalist Sera Timms layers her affectless voice in ghostly counterpoint, turning tales of spiritual discord into disturbing lullabies…If something seems missing from Ides Of Gemini’s sound, that’s exactly the point.” METAL SUCKS “Sera Timms’ voice is a national treasure. It’s a reverb-soaked choir of 4AD ghosts floating over scratchy guitars. Burzum scoring a spaghetti western. This stuff gives me chills.” DECIBEL MAGAZINE 8/10 METAL REVIEW 4/5 SEA OF TRANQUILITY lungfish a.c.r. 1999 Dischord DIS 174 / DIS 174V 0643859174029 / 0643859174012 CD/LP LUNGFISH ble startet i 1988 i Baltimore og var et av de tidligste emo-bandene. I løpet av sin karriere ga de ut 11 album, samtlige på Dischord. Denne strengt limiterte utgivelsen inneholder ti tidligere uutgitte spor spilt inn i 1999. aldebaran embracing the lightless depths Profound Lore PFL 096 0616892042648 Okkult begravelsesdoom fra Oregons ALDEBARAN på deres andre album, Embracing the Lightless Depths. For fans of Asunder, Thergothon, Skepticism, og Autopsy. CD Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] IV NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 diverse artister saint etienne presents songs for the lyons cornerhouse Cherry Red CDMRED 529 CD 5013929152939 SAINT ETIENNEs BOB STANLEY presenterer nye favoritter fra sin utsøkte platesamling. Fokuset er på 50-tallets easy listening, og vi får låter med folk som FRANKIE LAINE, AL MARTINO og PEGGY LEE. france gall made in france: france gall’s baby pop RPM / Cherry Red RETRO 909 CD 5013929599093 22 spor som samler FRANCE GALLs singler for Phillips fra perioden 1963 til 1968. Inkludert er samtlige spor SERGE GAINSBOURG skrev for henne, deriblant Eurovisionvinneren Poupée De Cire, Poupée De Son. ramesses possessed by the rise of magik Ritual Productions RITE 012LP 2LP 5060195513445 Meget eksklusiv dobbel LP-utgave av RAMESSES’ Possessed by the Rise of Magik. 2x180g, i et særdeles lekkert gatefold-cover. here we go magic how do i know Secretly Canadian SC 269 0656605026978 7” Syvtommer fra HERE WE GO MAGIC med How Do I Know, hentet fra A Different Ship (5/6 VG), pluss den eksklusive B-siden My Plate’s On Fire. tara jane o’neil rainbow connection K Records IPU 136 0789856213610 7” Indiefolk-syver fra TARA JANE O’NEIL i International Pop Underground-serien. sissy spacek contretemps Post Present Medium PPM 057LP 0724101963377 7” 10-spors syvtommer fra grindcore-kvartetten SISSY SPACEK. Limitert til 500 eksemplarer. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] V NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 FORHÅND 1. JUNI KELLY HOGAN I LIKE TO KEEP MYSELF IN PAIN AntiEPIT 71642 / EPIT 71641 0045778716425 / 0045778716418 CD/LP 8/10 UNCUT Tracklist CD: Dusty Groove (Catherine Irwin of Freakwater) We Can’t Have Nice Things (Jack Pendarvis/Andrew Bird) I Like To Keep Myself In Pain (Robyn Hitchcock) Haunted (Jon Langford of the Mekons) Daddy’s Little Girl (M. Ward) Golden (Hogan) Ways Of This World (Vic Chesnutt) Slumber’s Sympathy (Gabriel Roth) Plant White Roses (Magnetic Fields) Sleeper Awake (John Wesley Harding) The Green Willow Valley (Handsome Family) Whenever You’re Out Of My Sight (Robbie Fulks) Pass On By (Margaret Ann Rich) On her debut album for ANTI-, “singer’s singer” Kelly Hogan takes her vast experience working with Neko Case, Andrew Bird, Mavis Staples, Drive-By Truckers, The Mekons, and so many others, and molds that into something both new and instantly classic. I Like to Keep Myself In Pain finds Hogan curating an ambitious collection of songs, many written specifically for her, from a who’s who of indie songwriters, including M. Ward, Vic Chesnutt, The Magnetic Fields’ Stephin Merritt, The Mekons’ Jon Langford, The Handsome Family, Freakwater’s Catherine Irwin, John Wesley Harding, Robbie Fulks, Gabriel Roth, Robyn Hitchcock, and the aforementioned Andrew Bird. She is backed on the album by an all-star group of musicians: R&B legends Booker T Jones and James Gadson (Bill Withers, Marvin Gaye, Beck), as well as talented young lions Gabriel Roth (of Daptone Records, The Dap-Kings) and Hogan’s long-time collaborator Scott Ligon (of the newly resurrected NRBQ). The result is an album that captures the country-soul elegance of albums like Dusty In Memphis while updating the sound with a modern literary sensibility. FORHÅND 1. JUNI Conor Oberst & The Mystic Valley Band One Of My Kind Team Love TL 50 / TL 50LP CD+DVD/LP+DVD 0810430015020 / 0810430015013 Tracklist: One Of My Kind 3:43 Gentleman’s Pact 3:07 Corina, Corina 3:46 Synesthete Song 4:38 Breezy 5:16 Central City 2:15 I Got The Reason #1 5:15 Phil’s Song 3:18 (Learn To Stop Time) Normal 4:16 Kodachrome 4:09 White Shoes (Reprise) 11 new songs from Conor Oberst and The Mystic Valley Band, plus a documentary DVD (runtime 60 minutes) subtitled “The Story of the Mystic Valley Band” Phil Schaffart was not hired by Conor Oberst to make the film “One of My Kind.” He was hired to make sure the guitars stayed in tune. But Phil had a video camera with him as the Mystic Valley Band came together for the first time at Valle Místico in Tepoztlán, Mexico in January of 2008 and so he started filming what he sensed was something special. “When I started filming, none of us had the intentions of turning what was being shot into a film,” says Phil, “but the things we were seeing, feeling and capturing with the music proved to be inspiring in ways we were not prepared for.” Later that year after touring for Conor’s self-titled Merge release the Mystic Valley Band went back into the studio, this time at the Sonic Ranch outside of El Paso, Texas where they recorded their follow-up release, “Outer South.” All the while, Phil continued to film what was going on with the band, capturing the year of touring, the almond orchards in Texas, the temples and steep cliffs of Mexico and the evolution of a group of musicians that started as not much more than an idea for a different way to make a record, and ended up being a fully realized rock band. Team Love is proud to release the final version of the film, “One of My Kind.” To accompany this is an album of eleven songs compiled from the outtakes of both Mystic Valley Band sessions. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VI NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 FORHÅND 1. JUNI CROCODILES ENDLESS FLOWERS Souterrain Transmissions SOU 031 / SOU 031LP 4250506803902 / 4250506803919 CD/LP Crocodiles have existed in various incarnations since 2008, evolving from the original core of Brandon Welchez and Charles Rowell into the five-piece we see today. With two previous albums, 2009ʼs Summer Of Hate and 2010ʼs Sleep Forever, the band garnered righteous praise for their intoxicating blend of scuzzy, surfy, lo-fi noise pop and their thrilling live shows. Tracklist CD: 1. Endless Flowers 2. Sunday (Psychic Conversation #9) 3. No Black Clouds for Dee Dee 4. Electric Death Song 5. Hung Up On A Flower 6. My Surfing Lucifer 7. Dark Alleys 8. Bubblegum Trash 9. Welcome Trouble 10. You Are Forgiven Settling into an apartment on Berlinʼs Gaudystraße last summer, the band thought theyʼd landed on their feet with free rehearsal space and unlimited refreshments when their neighbour, Helmut Katzenflugen, the manager of a local club, Ficken 2000, offered them a monthʼs residency at the club. Alas, the clubʼs proprietor had fired them before they finished their first set, so incensed was he by their “goddam racket” distracting the clubʼs naked dancers from flirting with the clientele and parting them from their cash. But the club remained a favourite hangout for the band during their months in Berlin it was where they befriended the local rough boys (handy when looking for “chemical aids” to the recording process) and provided a nocturnal incubator for an album of glorious pop nuggets that arrive cloaked in a heavy disguise of noise and echoing weirdness. FORHÅND 1. JUNI SUN KIL MOON AMONG THE LEAVES Caldo Verde CV 018 2CD 0634457563322 Among The Leaves is the 5th full length album by Mark Kozelek under the Sun Kil Moon moniker. Played almost entirely on nylon string guitar, this 17-song all original album was recorded between October 2011 and January 2012 in San Francisco. Among The Leaves - words which caught Mark’s attention from a John Connolly novel - finds Mark relaxed, singing playfully about his life as a musician while retaining the melancholic spirit of his 20 year catalog. Mark’s love for San Francisco and Northern California are at the heart of this new album. “My first album (Down Colorful Hill) was released in 1992” says Kozelek, “but creatively, I feel like I’m just beginning. The new album was written and recorded impulsively, without second guessing.I didn’t have that kind of confidence in the past.” Unlike Red House Painters’ epic Rollercoaster,described by Rolling Stone as “the slowest and mopiest self revelations ever put to tape” or Sun Kil Moon’s Ghosts of the Great Highway, which Billboard Magazine called “heartbreaking,” Among The Leaves displays a more raw and humorous side of Mark’s songwriting. Aaron Prellwitz, recording engineer of Red House Painters and all 5 Sun Kil Moon albums describes the latest effort as “wonderfully direct.” Kozelek curiously ties together legends Joe Frazier, Bobby Fischer and Ed Gein in ‘The Winery,’ ‘Song for Richard Collopy’ is a touching tribute to the late San Francisco guitar repairman, and “Sunshine In Chicago” - written just before taking the stage at a Chicago venue last year – is a funny, self deprecating poke at life on the road. Though Among The Leaves is mostly in the solo, nylon string style of Admiral Fell Promises, a new ensemble of players joined Mark for a portion of the record, recalling the same spirit as April and Tiny Cities, but with a fresh, new sound Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VII NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 FORHÅND 1. JUNI THE melvins freak puke Ipecac IPC 136 CD 0689230013624 Tracklist: 1. Mr Rip Off 2. Inner Ear Rupture 3. Baby, You Won’t Weird Me Out 4. Worm Farm Waltz 5. A Growing Disgust 6. Leon vs. The Revolution 7. Holy Barbarian 8. Freak Puke 9. Let Me Roll It 10. Tommy Goes Beserk *The Melvins will release a brand new studio album with the delightful title ‘Freak Puke’ on June 5 via Ipecac Recordings. *Nothing ever stays entirely in one place very long around the Melvins, and the constantly evolving underground hard rock geniuses have undergone a temporary lineup and name change for the recording of ‘Freak Puke.’ While their last three albums featured a two-drummer, four-piece roster augmented by Big Business members Jared Warren and Coady Willis, the new record finds the group in a more familiar three-piece setting. Founding guitarist / singer Buzz Osbourne and his longtime drumming partner Dale Crover will be joined by bassist Trevor Dunn for this record, and the trio will operate under the name Melvins Lite. It will be the four-piece version of the Melvins that embarks on their upcoming spring co-headlining tour with Unsane. FORHÅND 1. JUNI japandroids celebration rock Polyvinyl PRC 238-2 / PRC 238-1 0644110023827 / 0644110023810 CD/LP Celebration Rock, the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Post-Nothing, was recorded at The Hive, the same Vancouver studio as Post-Nothing, with engineer Jesse Gander. Tracklist: 1. The Nights of Wine and Roses 2. Fire’s Highway 3. Evil’s Sway 4. For the Love of Ivy 5. Adrenaline Nightshift 6. Younger Us 7. The House That Heaven Built 8. Continuous Thunder Japandroids kept the ground rules they’ve always had for recording: no double-tracking guitars and no overdubs unless they’re absolutely necessary. The raw energy captured on Celebration Rock is well-balanced with a much bigger sound and showcases the band’s growth as songwriters. Songs like “Evil’s Sway” and “The House That Heaven Built” prove the Vancouver duo has more than staying power with this sophomore release. The long-awaited, highly anticipated Celebration Rock will be available on June 1st. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] VIII NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 FORHÅND 1. JUNI DIVERSE ARTISTER make it your sound, make it your scene vanguard records & the 1960s musical revolution Vanguard VANBOX 14 0029667000925 4CD Vanguard was one of the most influential record labels of the 1960s and early 70s, founded in 1950 by Seymour and Maynard Solomon. It established itself releasing some of the very best recordings in the jazz, classical and folk fields. It captured the fledgling folk revival scene as it emerged in the late 1950s, releasing albums by such leading folk figures as Joan Baez, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Richard & Mimi Fariña, Ian & Sylvia, the Weavers, the Rooftop Singers, John Fahey, Odetta, Jerry Jeff Walker, Doc Watson, Hedy West, Patrick Sky and Eric Andersen. It also issued LPs by blues artists Big Mama Thornton, Buddy Guy, Skip James, Mississippi John Hurt and Junior Wells among others. As the hippie era and progressive trends developed Country Joe & The Fish, Circus Maximus, Sandy Bull, the Serpent Power and the Frost were signed. “Make It Your Sound, Make It Your Scene” examines how Vanguard mirrored all of these musical styles and social changes during the 1960s musical revolution. It also relates how it felt to be a British fan of the label: the initially hard-to-find imports, the later licensing deals with Top Rank and Fontana, and, finally, domestic releases on a proper Vanguard Records UK imprint. The box comprises 4 CDs with 83 tracks. There is an introduction by acclaimed writer Sam Charters (The Country Blues) and record producer (of Country Joe & The Fish, the Frost, Lightnin’ Hopkins and the Chicago/The Blues Today! series). The booklet accompanying the boxset contains many outstanding images including not only album artwork but numerous 60s ads, magazines covers, sales flyers and band photos, many previously unseen or not seen for 40+ years. There is a previously unreleased-on-CD Bob Dylan Newport performance of ‘North Country Blues’ and also a rare instrumental, orchestral version of ‘Janis’ (Country Joe’s song for Janis Joplin), only available previously as the B-side of a very hard-to-find 45rpm Vanguard single. FORHÅND 8. JUNI welcome wagon precious remedies against satan’s devices Asthmatic Kitty AKR 092 / AKR 092LP 0656605609225 / 0656605609218 CD/2LP Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices, The Welcome Wagon’s second fulllength, is an apt sequel to their critically acclaimed 2008 debut, Welcome to the Welcome Wagon. Here, Vito and Monique Auito simply throw those welcoming arms open wider, inviting the listener to join them for 51 minutes of church. Tracklist: 1. I’m Not Fine 2. My God, My God, Parts 1 & 2 3. I Know That My Redeemer Lives 4. Rice and Beans (But No Beans) 5. High 6. Remedy 7. Would You Come And See Me In New York 8. My Best Days, Parts 1 & 2 9. Lo He Comes With Clouds Descending 10. Draw Nigh 11. The Strife Is O’er 12. God Be With You Til We Meet Again 13. Nature’s Goodnight Side 4, LP only: 14. Oh Christ, Our Hope 15. Up On a Mountain (Demo) 16. I Am Not Skilled To Understand 17. There Is A Fountain Filled With Blood Those who enjoyed the Welcome Wagon’s debut album will notice their distinct sound again here – loose, jangly, comfortable, a gathering of friends making music together. It’s at times jaunty and toe-tapping, at others quietly contemplative, an alt-folk gem that sounds very much like it comes out of the Asthmatic Kitty camp. But while the first album was recorded over the course of eight years in various venues, this one was done in five days at the library of an old rectory in Brooklyn. And while recording artist and AK co-owner Sufjan Stevens produced WW’s first album, he’s less noticeable on this collection, sticking to some banjo, piano, and choir singing. Alexander Foote, who also plays guitars, organ, autoharp, percussion, and some piano, produced the record. And Welcome Wagon friends and internet sensations The Gregory Brothers fill in the choir. Vito says his songwriting is informed by his work as senior pastor at Resurrection Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg neighborhood. “A pastor is supposed to care for people, to help them to love God, to engage with their lives and their joys and their sorrows,” he says. “I’m only interested in writing music that will speak to that. I’m writing as a pastor, wanting these songs to speak God’s truth into those situations.” Precious Remedies for everyone Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] IX NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 FORHÅND 8. JUNI jaill traps Sub Pop SPCD 994 / SP 994 CD/LP 0098787099423 / 0098787099416 Tracklist: Waste A Lot Of Things Everyone’s A Bitch Perfect Ten Horrible Things (Make Pretty Songs) I’m Home House With Haunting Madness Million Times Ten Teardrops While You Reload Stone Froze Mascot When Jaill nonchalantly stepped into the room with 2010’s That’s How We Burn, the group had already turned out a small catalog of self-recorded and self-released albums and EPs. Sub Pop first heard the band on an LP bought through the mail, the cover still hot from the Kinko’s copier. And as that record (2009’s There’s No Sky (Oh My My)) demonstrated, Jaill’s Vinnie Kircher is equally comfortable crafting songs that either amble up slyly, or tumble out pell mell, with lyrics that betray his English major background. SPIN said of That’s How We Burn, “What elevates their [Sub Pop] debut beyond your average tweepunk rager is the gentle psych dabblings: extra delay on a guitar solo, an errant ‘ooh-ahhooh,’ a dubby Panda Bear flourish, and the swirling noise that murmurs through the background of the cheerful ‘Snake Shakes.’” Recorded throughout 2011 in Kircher’s crummy, poorly lit basement, with minimal gear and a control room of thrift store afghans, and mixed at NY’s Rare Book Room by Nicolas Vernhes, Jaill’s latest mangled masterpiece is entitled Traps. An acerbic exercise in both humility and aggression that transcends the humble environment of its creation, Traps finds the Milwaukee-based psych-pop three-piece confronting a malfunctioning universe with an inventive, lean and, dare we say, excellent 11-song album. FORHÅND 15. JUNI ihsahn eremita Candlelight CANDLE 332CD / CANDLE 361SE 0803341336551 / 0803341362772 CD • • Tracklist: Arrival The Paranoid Introspection The Eagle And The Snake Catharsis Something Out There Grief The Grave Departure Recollection (deluxe edition only) • • • • • • • • FOURTH ALBUM FROM ONE OF THE ORIGINAL ARCHITECTS OF BLACK METAL WHO IS CURRENTLY REDEFINING PROG AND RETURNS WITH HIS HIGHLY ANTICIPATED SOLO ALBUM Recorded and produced at Telemarks Ivory Shoulder Studios, with additional tracking completed at Notoddens Juke Joint Studio and Seattles Envisage Audio, Eremita was mixed by Jens Bogren (Opeth) at Fascination Street Studios in Orebo, Sweden. Alongside Ihsahn, the album features performances from drummer Tobias Ornes Andersen (Leprous), saxophonist Jorgen Munkeby (Shining-Norway), guitarist Jeff Loomis (ex-Nevermore), and vocalists Devin Townsend, Einar Solberg (Leprous), and Heidi S. Tveitan (StarofAsh). The albums packaging has been created by award-winning Spanish designer Ritxi Ostariz. Eremita begins a new musical chapter for the highly regarded musician; his previous album, Norwegian Grammy Award Nominated After, forming the final part of a planned trilogy on its release in early 2010. Offering nine new songs to his growing worldwide audience, Eremita is the longest and most spirited of Ihsahns solo recordings. Guitar World senior editor Brad Angle says, with Eremita Ihsahn proves yet again that he is one of the most influential, progressive and enduring musicians to emerge out of the classic Norwegian black metal scene.” He began his career at age thirteen as a member of what would become fledgling black metal crew Emperor. As a band, Emperor would both define and refine metal, pushing the boundaries of what was considered possible within the most arcane of art forms and taking some of the most adventurous and extreme music of all time to a huge global audience. With albums like seminal In The Nightside Eclipse (recorded when Ihsahn was only seventeen), and Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk, Emperor obliterated all-comers and became one of the most revered metal bands in history. Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] X NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 FORHÅND 15. JUNI glen hansard rhythm and repose AntiEPIT 72032 / EPIT 72031 CD/LP 8714092720327 / 8714092720310 Tracklist TBC: You Will Become - 3:48 Maybe Not Tonight - 5:30 Talking With the Wolves - 4:43 High Hope - 3:55 Bird of Sorrow - 5:50 The Storm, It’s Coming - 3:28 Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting - 4:17 What Are We Gonna Do - 3:00 Races - 4:33 Philander - 3:51 The Song of Good Hope - 3:48 Glen Hansard’s journeyman career has so many fantastic stories, from his shy film debut in The Commitments to the surprise success of his indie hit film Once. In between he has lifted audiences around the world with his spiritual, driven performances, as the leader of lauded Irish heroes The Frames, and half of the duo The Swell Season. Now Glen Hansard is finally where he wants to be, with no intervening structure between him and his audience. For Rhythm and Repose, Hansard has stripped away the emotional layers to reach a core, a core that shines through in songs like “Love Don’t Leave Me Waiting” with its easy, Muscle Shoals vibe. There is also a new power of feeling on songs like “Philander,” with Hansard capturing a vocal intensity live in the studio we have not heard from him before. And this is Glen Hansard’s time. Building on the success of Once, now a Broadway musical receiving rave reviews and talk of Tony awards, Glen is part of this season’s hottest soundtrack, The Hunger Games, which features Glen performing under his own name, and as a writer for Maroon Five’s track “Come Away From the Water.” Hansard is poised to join his heroes Van Morrison and Bob Dylan as a musical icon, and this is the album on which he finally puts his name. FORHÅND 22. JUNI a place to bury strangers worship Dead Oceans DOC 066 / DOC 066LP CD/LP 0656605136622 / 0656605136615 Tracklist: Alone You Are The One Mind Control Worship Fear Dissolved Why I Can’t Cry Anymore Revenge And I’m Up Slide Leaving Tomorrow Guitars as jet engines; guitars as haunted electronics; guitars as filling-melting white heat: A Place To Bury Strangers’ new album Worship is explosive, visceral, and dark. APTBS’ DIY-braintrust of Death By Audio wizard Oliver Ackermann and bassist Dion Lunadon continue the evolution of songwriting that began with Onwards to the Wall, the band’s 2011 EP. Now on Worship, they interweave threads of krautrock, dream-pop, and 80s goth without ever losing the edge that is quintessentially Strangers. Unhinged dissonance is artfully framed within a fiercely dynamic and assured melodic sensibility. Standout “You Are The One” is a coldwave white squall, with Ackerman coming through like an austere and menacing Damo Suzuki. Later on “Dissolved,” the band methodically builds an atmospheric battle charge only to take a hard left mid-song into pure, shimmering Cure territory. There are ambitious, trend-bucking choices at every turn. “This album was written, recorded, mixed and mastered by A Place To Bury Strangers. It is our vision of what our music should sound like in 2012, not someone else’s interpretation,” says Lunadon. “Every sound on the album is made by us and our tools; tools created by us, used on no other recordings, and purposefully built for this project. This is real. Some of it is the band being in complete control — bending, shaping and building the songs and the sounds. Other parts are the band relinquishing control and letting the songs and sounds take over and produce themselves. We are not trying to reinvent ourselves, but simply push ourselves further in all aspects of our music.” “We made this, we recorded this, we did everything,” adds Ackerman. “Yes, we chose to do this and no, we didn’t have to but we think it is pretty cool. No producer made us. We didn’t go to school for any of this and we don’t have time for tutorials. We invented this and now we are sharing it with you.” Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] XI NYHETER UKE 22 - 2012 FORHÅND 22. JUNI scott kelly / steve von till / wino songs of townes van zandt My Proud Mountain MPM 002 / MPM 002LP 4024572537562 / 4024572537555 CD/LP Townes Van Zandt never reached significant fame during his lifetime. Although highly respected by his peers and other songwriters, the mood and atmosphere of his music, coupled with his sometimes dark and sarcastic nature, was not suitable for the commercial country-industry of Nashville. Van Zandt’s songs did, however, reach popularity in his day, through artists such as Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, and Emmylou Harris. Within his circle of outsider singersongwriters, he was adored, though ultimately it would be depression and alcoholism that would overshadow his life. Townes’ friend, singer Steve Earle, has been quoted as saying, “Townes Van Zandt is the best songwriter in the whole world and I’ll stand on Bob Dylan’s coffee table in my cowboy boots and say that.” After Townes’ death in 1997, the fact that artists as diverse as Robert Plant, Mudhoney, Norah Jones, Lyle Lovett, and Bob Dylan himself have kept his songs alive and vital, is a testament to the influence and impact of his music. Tracklist TBC: If I Needed You St. John the Gambler Black Crow Blues Lungs Rake Snake Song Nothin’ Tecumseh Valley A Song For So now do Steve Von Till, Scott Kelly, and Wino stand and sing his tribute, each focusing on the essence of Van Zandt’s music and lyrics in his own personal way. The result is a great homage, whose intensity lies in fragility and elementary human truths. Townes Van Zandt’s broken-hearted love songs and gloom-ridden tales are most deserving of this tribute and praise. FORHÅND 22. JUNI dying fetus reign supreme Relapse RR 7176-2 / RR 7176-1 0781676717620 / 0781676717613 CD/LP 5/6 SCREAM MAGAZINE Tracklist: 1. Invert the Idols 2. Subjected to a Beating 3. Second Skin 4. From Womb to Waste 5. Dissidence 6. In the Trenches 7. Devout Atrocity 8. Revisionist Past 9. The Blood of Power Legendary kings of death metal DYING FETUS have reemerged after a nearly three year wait to deliver Reign Supreme, their most crushing and focused album to date. Simultaneously pushing the boundaries of brutality and technicality while returning to their uncompromising roots, Reign Supreme offers nine tracks of face pummeling insanity. Mind bending musicianship coalesces with earth shattering breakdowns, their infamous dual vocal attack and relentless sociopolitical commentary. Reign Supreme accomplishes exactly what the title implies, mounting DYING FETUS atop the death metal throne! Tuba Records AS - Karl Johansgt. 6 - 0154 Oslo - Norway Tlf: +47 2201 0000 Fax: +47 2201 0001 [email protected] XII
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