Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Prof. Enrico Bollero
Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Prof. Enrico Bollero
FONDAZIONE POLICLINICO TOR VERGATA Università degli studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” CATTEDRA DI UROLOGIA Direttore: Prof. Giuseppe Vespasiani Prof. Enrico Bollero Direttore Generale SEDE Roma 17 marzo 2014 Egregio Direttore, Il 27 e 28 marzo 2014, si svolgerà presso il nostro Policlinico, il Congresso “1st International Masterclass” sulla chirurgia ricostruttiva dell’apparato genito urinario. Nel corso del Congresso sono previste numerose sessioni di “Live Surgery”, nelle quali verranno eseguiti interventi di alta chirurgia protesica, rivolti sia alla incontinenza urinaria che alla disfunzione erettile. Il convegno vedrà la partecipazione di una numerosa faculty internazionale di assoluto prestigio. Sarei Onorato se potessi partecipare alla cerimonia di inaugurazione il 27 marzo p.v. alle ore 8.30, presso l’Aula Anfiteatro. Certo di una fattiva collaborazione, colgo l’occasione per inviare le più vive cordialità. Firmato Prof. Giuseppe Vespasiani Allegati: Progamma Congresso Segreteria: 06/20902977 Fax: 06/20902975 E-mail: [email protected] FONDAZIONE PTV POLICLINICO TOR VERGATA 1st International Masterclass on Functional and Genito-Urethral Reconstructive Surgery President: Giuseppe Vespasiani Sava Perovic Foundation Center for Genito-Urethral Reconstructive Surgery Scientific Chairman: Salvatore Sansalone Official language: English ROME 27th-28th March 2014 Aula Anfiteatro Policlinico Tor Vergata, University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy Viale Oxford, 81 - 00133 Roma 1st International Masterclass on Functional and Genito-Urethral Reconstructive Surgery 27th-28th March 2014 Live Surgery and Lectures President Giuseppe Vespasiani Scientific Chairman Salvatore Sansalone Topics Male urethral reconstruction • BMG harvesting from the cheek • Muscle nerve sparing bulbar urethroplasty • Non transecting bulbar urethroplasty • Tissue engineering BMG urethroplasty • Distal urethral and meatal reconstruction • Hypospadia • Failed hypospadias Repair • Posterior urethra reconstruction Peyronie’s disease • Albugineal grafting • Grafting with simultaneous prosthesis implantation • Conservative procedure • Total corporal reconstruction Male incontinence • Artificial urinary sphincter AMS 800 • Artificial urinary sphincter ZEPHYR Erectile dysfunction • Malleable prosthesis • Inflatable implants Penile cancer FaCULTY Alei Giovanni Antonini Gabriele Barbagli Guido Bettocchi Carlo Bitelli Marco Cruz Natalio Djinovic Rados Fabrizi Adele Finazzi Agrò Enrico Franco Giorgio Garaffa Giulio Gentile Vincenzo Herwig Ralf Iacovelli Valerio Kuehhas Franklin E. Leonardi Rosario LLorens Christophe Mirone Vincenzo Moncada Ignacio Morgia Giuseppe Olianas Roberto Pecoraro Stefano Ralph David Romano Giuseppe Rossellò Mariano Sansalone Salvatore Sedigh Omid Silvani Mauro Spera Enrico Topazio Luca Vespasiani Giuseppe Zucchi Alessandro Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Arezzo, Italy Bari, Italy Rome, Italy Sevilla, Spain Belgrade, Serbia Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy London, UK Rome, Italy Vienna, Austria Rome, Italy Vienna, Austria Catania, Italy Switzerland Naples, Italy Madrid, Spain Catania, Italy Lüneburg, Germany Avellino, Italy London, UK Arezzo, Italy Madrid, Spain Rome, Italy Torino, Italy Biella, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Rome, Italy Perugia, Italy Scientific Committee Barbagli Guido Djinovic Rados Sansalone Salvatore Vespasiani Giuseppe PROGRAM 08:00 - 08:15 thursday 27th Registration Welcome to the meeting: G. Vespasiani - S. Sansalone Rector of the University “ Tor Vergata”, Rome, Prof. G. Novelli General Director of the Polyclinic Tor Vergata, Prof. E. Bollero Head of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Tor Vergata, Prof. O. Schillaci Live Surgery & Lectures 08:15 - 08:45 Lecture: When is it indicated to implant a penile prosthesis in peyronie’s disease? M. Rosselló 08:45 - 11:00 Live Surgery: Coordinator: G. Vespasiani Chairs: C. Bettocchi - A. Zucchi Provoker: R. Djinovic OR 1: Implantation of penile prosthesis D.J. Ralph - G. Garaffa - S. Sansalone 10:45 - 11:00 OR 2: Congenital curvatura E. Spera - V. Iacovelli Coffee Break PROGRAM thursday 27th Chairs: S. Pecoraro - R. Leonardi 11:00 - 11:15 Lecture: Current management of premature ejaculation V. Mirone 11:15 - 11:30 Lecture: Hydraulic Penile prosthesis: Tips and tricks and trouble shooting I. Moncada 11:15 - 11:30 Lecture: The STAGE Technique (Superficial Tunica Albuginea Geometric - Based Excision) for the Correction of Biplanar Congenital Penile Curvature. R. Herwig 11:30 - 11:45 Lecture: Male urinary incontinence: total approach E. Finazzi Agrò 11:45 - 13:30 Live Surgery Coordinator: G. Vespasiani Chairs: G. Morgia, G. Barbagli Provoker: I. Moncada OR 1: Failed Hypospadia R. Djinovic - S. Sansalone - V. Iacovelli OR 2: AMS 800 R. Olianas - E. Finazzi Agrò 13:30 - 14:30 Lunch PROGRAM 14:30 - 16:00 thursday 27th Live Surgery Coordinator: G. Vespasiani Chairs: M. Bitelli - O. Sedigh Provoker: R. Herwig OR 1: Bulbar Stricture G. Barbagli - G. Romano - L. Topazio OR 2: Penile urethral stricture S. Sansalone - R. Djinovic - V. Iacovelli Chairs: A. Zucchi - M. Silvani 16:00 - 16:15 Lecture: New classification of urethral stricture diseases and a simplified algorithm for their treatment G. Barbagli 16:15 - 16:30 Lecture:Urethroplasty using tissue engineered oral mucosa: preliminary results on 12 patients G. Romano 16:30 - 16:45 Lecture:Tips and Tricks/Replacement of the sphincter R. Olianas 16:45 - 17:00 Lecture: Genital complication and erectile dysfunction after failed hypospadias repair S. Sansalone PROGRAM thursday 27th Chairs: G. Garaffa - F. Kuehhas 17:00 - 17:30 Videos Surgery Use of the cavernotome when implanting a penile prosthesis in peyronies disease M. Rossellò Distal tunical repair and inflatable prosthesis substitution in penil prosthesis malfunction and apical erniation O. Sedigh Complex Failed Hypospadias Repair S. Sansalone Sklero-Therapy - a new approach for erectile dysfunction based on venous leak R. Herwig 17:30 - 18:15Round Table Organic vs. psychogenic erectile dysfunction, still a necessary distinction? Chairs: G. Vespasiani - V. Gentile Pro-Speaker - 20min. G. Franco Con-Speaker - 20min. A. Fabrizi PROGRAM friday 28th 08:15 - 08:45 Lecture: Erectile dysfunction once daily versus on demand S. Pecoraro 08:45 - 10:30 Live Surgery Coordinator: G. Vespasiani Chairs: G. Alei - O. Sedigh Provoker: M. Silvani 08:45 - 10:30 OR 1: Peyronie Disease I. Moncada - S. Pecoraro - L. Topazio 08:45 - 11:45 OR 2: Total corporal reconstruction with penile prosthesis implant R. Djinovic - R. Leonardi - S. Sansalone 10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break 10:45 - 11:00 Lecture: Penile retraction after implant - the way to prevent it C. Bettocchi 11:00 - 11:15 Lecture:Penile reconstruction of buried penis A. Zucchi 11:15 - 11:30Lecture: Real penile lengthening during implantation of penile implant S. Sansalone 11:30 - 13:30 Live Surgery Coordinator : G. Vespasiani Chairs: N. Cruz - M. Rossellò Provoker: R. Leonardi OR 1: New urinary artificial sphincter “Zephyr” C. LLorens - S. Sansalone PROGRAM friday 28th 13:30 - 14:30 Lunch 14:30 - 16:00 Live Surgery Coordinator: G. Vespasiani Chairs: I. Moncada - R. Olianas Provoker: S. Sansalone 14:30 - 16:00OR 1: Peyronie disease grafting procedure M. Silvani - A. Zucchi - L. Topazio OR 2: Bulbar Stricture G. Barbagli - G. Romano - V. Iacovelli Chairs: S. Sansalone – G. Antonini 16:00 - 16:15 Lecture: Glans reconstruction after penile cancer R. Leonardi 16:15 - 16:30 Lecture: Sexuality after cancer treatment: What to expect N. Cruz 16:30 - 16:45 Lecture:Penile traumas and fractures R. Djinovic 16:45 - 17:00 lecture: Current treatment of low-flow, high-flow and stuttering priapism G. Garaffa 17:00 - 17:30 Closing Remarks & Feedback Form Organizing Secretariat Organizing Committee Scientific Committee Emilia Viaggi Congressi & Meeting S.r.l. Via Porrettana, 76 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (BO) Ph. +39 051 6194911 fax +39 051 6194900 e-mail: [email protected] Giuseppina Ciacia Valerio Iacovelli Salvatore Sansalone Giuseppe Vespasiani Guido Barbagli Rados Djinovic Salvatore Sansalone Giuseppe Vespasiani Arezzo, Italy Belgrade, Serbia Rome, Italy Rome, Italy