Volunteer Manual


Volunteer Manual
Handbook | 2016/2017
Letter from the President
Volunteer Application and Admission Process
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Responsibilities
Rights of Volunteers
Volunteer Applications
Post-Application Process
Volunteer Commitment
Police Information Checks
Volunteer Role Descriptions
Safe Walk
Food Bank
3.2.1 Breakfast Club
Peer Support
General Volunteer (City Centre Campus)
3.4.1 Community
3.4.2 Lifestyle
3.4.3 Events
SAMU Promo Squad
Elections Promotion
Gray Gallery
Alberta College Campus (ACC)
3.8.1 Community
3.8.2 Lifestyle
Centre for the Arts and Communications (CFAC)
3.9.1 Peer Support
3.9.2 Events
Volunteering at SAMU
Volunteer Training and Orientation
Scheduling and Volunteer Shifts
Volunteer Hours
Confirmation of Hours and Reference Letters
Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP)
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Volunteer Health and Safety
Dress Codes
6.1.1 Food Bank Dress Code
6.1.2 Safe Walk Dress Code
6.1.3 Events Dress Code
Minimizing Risks
First Aid
Alberta Health & Safety Standards
Pest Control (Food Bank & Breakfast Club)
Emergency Procedures & Fires
Violence in the Workplace
Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace
6.10 Volunteer Disciplinary Action Procedure
Internal Complaints & Issues
Terms & Conditions
Media Consent Form
Volunteer Agreement Form
Volunteer Acknowledgement Form
Signature form
Welcome to the
Students’ Association
of MacEwan University!
The Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) is a non-profit, studentcentered organization that is governed by students, for students. Every MacEwan
student is considered a member of the Students’ Association.
Volunteering at SAMU is an easy way to stack your resume, gain experience in
your field, network across the three MacEwan campuses and have a great time
with like-minded folks! SAMU offers many different ways to volunteer depending
on your interests, skills and availability.
Volunteering for SAMU is also a very rewarding experience – literally! The
Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP) offers our volunteers some great, volunteerexclusive perks, and the more you volunteer, the better the rewards get. Having
volunteer work under your belt can lead to a reference for future job interviews
and can open you up to many bursaries and awards that require some serious
volunteer hours.
Read on to find out more about volunteering at SAMU and to learn more about
each individual program and service!
from the
Dear volunteers,
We couldn’t be more excited to have you joining the SAMU team! Your
dedication toward our programs and services enhances the university
experience for over 19,000 students.
From crushing the books, to balancing your schedule, we appreciate
your contributions because every bit counts. We would not be where we
are today and where we are headed without you.
SAMU is led by students, for students, and you are a part of the
movement that will continue to lead and make a positive impact on the
lives of your fellow students.
Thank you getting involved and making a difference — you are what
SAMU is all about.
Danika McConnell
SAMU President
1.0 Introduction
This handbook is for those who are going to be volunteering with SAMU. It
provides an overview of the programs and services that SAMU has to offer, the
policies and procedures regarding volunteering, and other pertinent information.
Questions about this handbook, or any policies or procedures, should be directed
to the Volunteer Coordinator or to a member of SAMU’s management team.
Volunteer Opportunities
SAMU has a large variety of exciting volunteer opportunities depending on your
interests and availability. See Section 3.0 for a detailed description of each
volunteer opportunity.
Safe Walk
Food Bank
Breakfast Club
Peer Support
General Volunteer (City Centre Campus)
SAMU Promo Squad
Elections Promotion
Gray Gallery
Breakfast Club
Alberta College Campus (ACC)
Centre for the Arts and Communications (CFAC)
Peer Support
Roles and Responsibilities of Volunteers
SAMU could not function without the help of our incredible team of volunteers.
Volunteers will be working directly with the Assistant of their department to
ensure that their assigned tasks are being completed.
Volunteer Responsibilities:
Being on time for their shifts and carrying out their duties properly.
Giving as much notice as possible when unable to make a shift (see section
4.3.2 for more information).
Recording their hours on the provided timesheets correctly and truthfully.
Replying to emails in an appropriate manner (when needed) and within 48
hours of having received the email.
Having a clear understanding of the tasks they have been given, and to ask
questions when they need clarification.
Being respectful to everyone they come in contact with.
Never acting in an inappropriate, discriminatory or harassing way towards
other volunteers, students or staff when representing SAMU (see section
6.7 for further information).
Ensuring that if an issue comes up they report it to their designated
Assistant, or if that person is unavailable, report it to a SAMU manager.
Always acting in accordance with the rules of the specific volunteer role, as
well as the policies and procedures in this manual.
Wearing the supplied volunteer identification if required for a specific role.
Rights of Volunteers
To be given proper direction in their designated roles.
To be given the chance to ask questions when something is unclear.
To receive training for their position(s).
To be comfortable in their working environment.
To be treated with respect, dignity and without discrimination at all times by all staff
and fellow volunteers.
If requested, to be provided an evaluation or reference for their performance
volunteering for SAMU (see section 4.7 for more information on reference letters).
2.0 Volunteer Application and
Admission Process
2.1 Volunteer Applications
Any MacEwan student who wants to apply to become a SAMU Volunteer is
required to fill out the Application Form that can be found at SAMU.ca/volunteer.
This form ensures that the individual is eligible to volunteer at SAMU and is a
McEwan student.
Please note that the areas a volunteer expresses interest in joining on the form is
for our records only and does not mean the volunteer has signed up for that role.
2.2 Post-Application Process
After volunteers have submitted the Application Form on the SAMU website, they
will receive an auto-reply email confirming that their form was received.
Choosing volunteer position(s) in the Application Form does not constitute
officially signing up for those specific position(s). Volunteers will receive
confirmation about which roles they will be volunteering in once the Assistant
overseeing that area contacts them with further information. This is not applicable
to events volunteering, as all SAMU volunteers can volunteer for events (see
section 3.4.3 for more information).
2.3 Volunteer Commitment
SAMU expects every volunteer to be willing to commit a minimum of 10 hours per
semester. Please be aware that some volunteer positions may require different
time commitments. Volunteering in the fall semester will run between September
and December, and from January to April during the winter semester. Please note,
these times may be different for volunteer positions or at other campuses and are
subject to change.
Volunteers who are inactive for three (3) months are automatically declared
inactive in the system, and will not be able to sign up for shifts. Please note that
the Volunteer Coordinator will send out an email notice before a volunteer is
declared inactive.
To become active again, volunteers will need to contact the Volunteer Coordinator.
2.4 Police Information Checks
SAMU reserves the right to do police information check on all volunteers. For
many of the programs and services, this is a requirement because of the nature
of certain roles. SAMU wants to ensure that all volunteers are working in a safe
environment and that anyone using the program or service feels comfortable
around SAMU volunteers.
3.0 Volunteer Role Descriptions
3.1 Safe Walk
Safe Walk is a service run by volunteers to safely escort students to their vehicles
or public transportation spots in the evening. Providing a safe alternative for
students is part of ensuring a successful experience at MacEwan University and
contributes to building a safe campus environment. Volunteers are trained on how
to properly and safely conduct a walk and patrol parkades and parking lots. Safe
Walk volunteer positions are only available at City Centre Campus. This position
requires a minimum commitment of 2 hours per week.
3.2 Food Bank
Food Bank volunteers will be primarily responsible for packing food hampers,
organizing food in the Food Bank and collecting and organizing donations. Food
Bank volunteers will also occasionally be asked to participate in Food Bank
related events and represent the SAMU Food Bank to students and the general
public. Food Bank volunteer positions are available at the City Centre Campus
only. This position requires a minimum commitment of 2 hours per week.
3.2.1 Breakfast Club
Food Bank volunteers can also help out with SAMU’s Breakfast Club,
which is a free service that takes place twice a month in the Students’
Association Lounge from 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Volunteering with Breakfast
Club involves helping with the set-up, refilling stations, cleaning up after
the event and tracking the number of students per event. A minimum of 1
hour is required per event (minimum of 2 hours per month).
3.3 Peer Support
Volunteering for Peer Support is essentially students helping students.
Volunteering with Peer Support involves taking part in training sessions with a
Certified Crisis Worker on how to properly support and actively listen to fellow
students. With Peer Support, you are provided with the opportunity to develop
supportive listening skills and practice confidentiality and relationship building.
Peer Support volunteers go through a one-on-one interview prior to being accepted
to volunteer with the service. Attendance at a two-day weekend training retreat
is mandatory prior to any volunteer service with Peer Support. Peer Support
volunteer positions are available at City Centre Campus and Centre for the
Arts (see section 3.10.1 for more details). This position requires a minimum
commitment of 2 hours per week.
Please note, Peer Support’s volunteer intake is only in the Fall Semester and has
a capacity of 50 City Centre Campus volunteers a year. Recruitment closes as
soon as all positions are full.
3.4 General Volunteers (City Centre Campus)
All SAMU volunteers are automatically qualified as General Volunteers after
they’ve filled out the Volunteer Application. Volunteers will receive a Newsletter via
email with volunteer opportunities and information on how to sign-up. If volunteers
are not interested in the events for that newsletter, they are welcome to disregard
the email (no need to contact us).
This process ensures that we are reaching out to as many people as possible
for assistance with our programs and events, but allows volunteers to choose
the ones that are most interesting to them. Due to this automatic qualification,
volunteers do not need to be involved in any other programs or services and can
be a General Volunteer exclusively if they prefer, in which case they are required
to meet the 10 hour commitment. However, if a volunteer is involved in a program
or service, being a General Volunteer is a great way to gain a few more hours to
be eligible for different levels of our Incentive Program. For information on the
Volunteer Incentive Program, see section 4.8.
3.4.1 Community
SAMU works to provide students with information and events focused
on environmental and social activities and awareness, such as our
SUSTAINaMANIA event. Volunteers will also help raise awareness about
our Student Refugee Program during Global Awareness Week, and helping
at fundraisers for SAMU’s Adopt-a-Family program, such as Bowl-o-Rama
and Adopt-a-Painting. Additionally, Community volunteers will occasionally
attend events put on by MacEwan International.
3.4.2 Lifestyle
Volunteers for this position raise awareness about mental health
initiatives, student well-being and healthy lifestyles. Lifestyle volunteers
help with any events that are planned by the SAMU Lifestyle Assistant,
such as Paws for a Study Break, StressLess and more!
3.4.3 Events
SAMU organizes plenty of exciting events at all campuses throughout the
year, which require the help of dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers. There
are several volunteer positions during events, for example set-up, teardown,
and running games and activities. Events include Fall Fest, the SAMU
Speaker Series and more!
3.5 SAMU Promo Squad
SAMU Promo Squad is made up of volunteers that have an interest in promotion,
possess strong people skills and will gladly approach students to start up a
conversation. This team gets together to promote SAMU events, programs and
3.6 Elections Promotion
SAMU hold two sets of elections each year. The first, in October, determines the
14 Councilors and one Alberta College Campus delegate. The second election,
every March, is to elect the Executive Committee, made up of a President and
four Vice Presidents. Combined, Councilors and the Executive Committee make
up the Students’ Council. In addition to SAMU elections, the Elections Promotion
volunteers also assist with the provincial and federal elections promotion. In both
internal and external elections, volunteers are needed to help with promotion,
encouraging students to vote and more! Elections Promotion volunteer positions
are available at all campuses in varying capacities.
3.7 Gray Gallery
The Gray Gallery is a student art space provided by SAMU to showcase MacEwan
student, faculty and alumni art. Volunteers can help out at the Gray Gallery by
being a gallery attendant, helping out at art openings, being a part of an art jury
and helping with art installation. Volunteering with the Gray Gallery is a great
hands-on way to gain some gallery experience for those interested in working with
arts organizations in the future.
3.8 Alberta College Campus (ACC)
3.8.1 Community
ACC’s Community volunteering involves helping with events for MacEwan’s
international students, such as Conversation Club and Global Awareness
Week. Volunteers will help promote and encourage student involvement
and social activities, as well as set up and tear down events.
3.8.2 Lifestyle
The lifestyle team at Alberta College Campus organizes events to promote
health and well-being at MacEwan University, with a focus on living a
balanced lifestyle and encouraging mental health. Volunteers will be
involved in ACC’s mental health initiatives, such as StressLess.
3.9 Centre for the Arts and Communications (CFAC)
3.9.1 Peer Support
With Peer Support, you are provided with the opportunity to develop
supportive listening skills and practice confidentiality and relationship
building. The CFAC Peer Support volunteers also occasionally help with
Food Bank related tasks. This position requires a minimum commitment of
2 hours per week.
Please note, Peer Support’s volunteer intake is only in the Fall Semester
and there is a cap of 10 CFAC Peer Support volunteers at a time.
Recruitment closes as soon as all positions are full.
3.9.2 Events
These volunteer positions consist of events held at the Centre for the Arts
campus such as Halloween, StressLess, SUSTAINaMANIA and Breakfast Club.
4.0 Volunteering at SAMU
4.1 Volunteer Training and Orientation
Volunteer training and orientation consists of information provided by the specific
Assistant for the program or service (or in the case of events, the point person)
you are volunteering for. Training and orientation varies for each volunteer role
(i.e. Peer Support volunteers are required to attend a weekend retreat, while Food
Bank volunteers are required to attend a one hour training session).
As mentioned in Section 2.2, SAMU Assistants will contact volunteers after
they’ve completed the volunteer application form found at SAMU.ca. Volunteers
are expected to bring the printed and signed Consent Form attached to this
Manual (page 29) to their first training or orientation session, or hand it in at the
SAMU office prior to it. Volunteers can only start volunteering once the Volunteer
Coordinator has received this form.
4.2 Probation
After volunteers have completed training for their specific roles, they will be on a
probationary period for their first three (3) shifts. During this time the Assistant
or the volunteer can terminate this agreement at any point. Please refer to the
Volunteer Disciplinary Action procedure in section 6.10 for more information.
4.3 Scheduling and Volunteer Shifts
4.3.1 VicNet
All of SAMU’s volunteer scheduling is done online through a self-scheduling
database called Volgistics. Once volunteers are approved, they will be
emailed the link to a Volgistics Volunteer Information Centre (VicNet)
account, along with their personal login information. Here they will be able
to see available shifts and sign up for shifts that match their availability.
Along with signing up for shifts, volunteers can also use VicNet to edit
their personal information (change of address, emergency contacts,
etc.) and view their completed volunteer hours (see section 4.4 for more
4.3.2 Signing up for Shifts
Shifts are self-scheduled through VicNet, which means volunteers sign up
for shifts when they are available. Shift scheduling is the responsibility
of the volunteer and they should be checking their VicNet account on a
regular basis to see what events/shifts are available.
Schedules are available one (1) month, or 30 days, ahead of time;
volunteers will only have access to the schedule(s) of the programs or
services they have been confirmed to volunteer with. Volunteers who need
to cancel or change a shift can do so in the system seven (7) days before
their shift. After this, volunteers are responsible for finding their own
replacement and alerting their respective Assistant.
Please note you will not be able to start volunteering or select shifts until
we have received your Consent Form (see section 4.1).
4.4 Volunteer Hours
Volunteer hours are inputted through Volgistics on a monthly basis for the month
prior. Volunteers are responsible for filling out their own timesheets correctly and
truthfully each shift. Falsifying volunteer hours will result in a written warning.
Volunteers can also view their volunteer hours through their VicNet account. Any
discrepancies found in volunteer hours are to be discussed with the Volunteer
Coordinator, who will then follow up on any potential changes. Volunteer hours reset
year to year, but SAMU keeps a record of the previous year’s service. Please note,
only SAMU events, programs and services count towards the volunteer hour total.
For more information on Confirmation of Hours letters, see section 4.7.
4.5 Resignation and Termination
SAMU expects volunteers to see their commitment through for at least one
semester, but we also understand that things happen and volunteers may not
be able to fulfill their commitment. If resignation is unavoidable, volunteers are
expected to contact both their designated Assistant and the Volunteer Coordinator
as soon as possible.
A list of instances that would lead to termination of a volunteer contract can be
found in the Volunteer Disciplinary Action procedure (see section 6.10 for more
4.6 Expenses
At no time will volunteers ever be required to pay for something during their
volunteer shift. If they feel that the area in which they are volunteering is
lacking a certain resource, they should inform their designated Assistant. At no
point should a volunteer ever purchase an item for SAMU. Should volunteers
purchase items without the written discretion of a SAMU manager, they will not be
4.7 Confirmation of Hours and Reference Letters
If volunteers would like to request a Reference Letter, they can contact their direct
Assistant with a minimum of three (3) business-days notice. Confirmation of
Hours letters are automatically sent out to volunteers who have accumulated 20+
hours volunteering for SAMU at the end of each school-year.
If volunteers need their Confirmation of Hours letter earlier, or would like a
combined total of all of their years of service, they should contact the Volunteer
4.8 Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP)
At SAMU, volunteers will always be appreciated and rewarded for their hard work!
We never take our volunteers for granted – without them, we couldn’t do what we do!
SAMU provides plenty of rewards for volunteering. Along with the Volunteer Holiday
and Year-End Parties, SAMU also offers an Incentive Program to reward volunteers
for their commitment to the SAMU team.
Here’s how the Volunteer Incentive Program works!
Based on the hours committed to SAMU, volunteers will reach reward levels
that gain them some great rewards.
Level 1 (10-19 hours)
Level 2 (20-39 hours)
Level 3 (40-69 hours)
Level 4 (70-99 hours)
Level 5 (100+ hours)
The volunteer incentive items will be given out at the end of the Fall and Winter
5.0 Code of Conduct & Ethics
Volunteers will maintain a high level of personal integrity by conducting
themselves in a sincere, honest and professional manner. They will treat fellow
volunteers and everyone they come in contact with respectfully and with courtesy,
and also respect the viewpoints of others. Volunteers must recognize that they
are representatives of the organization and need to understand the potential
ramifications of their decisions. They must not cause or permit any undue damage
to the reputations of the Association, representatives, members or associates of
the Association. Undue damage includes any damage that occurs as a result of
any unjustified, illegal or improper conduct in the circumstances.
6.0 Volunteer Health & Safety
This section provides volunteers with information that will ensure that they stay
safe on the job and do not cause harm to anyone else around them.
6.1 Dress Code
Not all positions have dress codes, but volunteers should review this section
to see if this applies to their positions. Volunteers can ask their designated
Assistant about dress codes for programs or services that are not listed below.
6.1.1 Food Bank dress code
The Food Bank is located in the heated underground parking lot in Building
6. SAMU requests that volunteers wear the appropriate clothing when they
will be in the Food Bank. Most importantly, we require that volunteers wear
closed-toe shoes.
6.1.2 Safe Walk dress code
There is no specific dress code for Safe Walk volunteers. However,
most walks will take place outside and weather in Alberta can be
quite unpredictable. We suggest that volunteers wear shoes that are
comfortable to walk in, and a sweater or jacket, depending on the season.
Volunteers will be provided with a Safe Walk t-shirt, jacket and toque.
6.1.3 Events dress code
Event volunteers may be occasionally required to wear a SAMU t-shirt or a
lanyard for an event so that they are easily identifiable by those attending
the event. Volunteers will be on their feet for the majority of events, so
comfortable footwear is a must. For certain events, such as Speaker
Series, volunteers are asked to dress business casual.
If you have signed-up to volunteer at an event, please ensure that you
check your emails consistently before the event and read any eventspecific instructions that are sent.
6.2 Minimizing Risks
It is important that volunteers understand the tasks they have been given and
that they ask questions whenever needed. The following is a list of things that
volunteers should be aware of:
Please do not bring valuables to your volunteer shift if you have no place to
store them. SAMU is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Inform a staff member immediately if you or someone you are working with
is injured or sick.
Report anything that could be considered a safety hazard.
In the event of an emergency, contact a staff member and Campus Security
Understand and be familiar with the evacuation and emergency procedures
for each volunteer role. General emergency procedures can be found in
Section 6.6.
6.3 First Aid
First Aid Kits are available in all SAMU offices at each campus, as well as the
Food Bank, Safe Walk and Peer Support.
6.4 Alberta Health & Safety Standards
(Food Bank & Breakfast Club)
Alberta Health Services (AHS) standards must be followed whenever a volunteer
or staff member is in the Food Bank. Cleaning schedules, as well as the Guide for
Distribution of Donated Food can be found in the Food Bank. During training for
Food Bank volunteers, the Food Bank Assistant will go over the guidelines, rules
and procedures that must be followed.
6.5 Pest Control (Food Bank & Breakfast Club)
If volunteers are working in the Food Bank or with Breakfast Club and happen
to find a mouse or pest of some sort, they are advised to not pick it up with
their bare hands. The volunteer should report the pest directly to the Food Bank
Assistant or a SAMU manager and they will deal with it accordingly.
6.6 Emergency Procedures & Fires
In the event of an emergency evacuation or fire, volunteers should proceed
immediately to the closest exit. In the event of a lockdown, the volunteer should
either proceed to the safest location, or close and lock the door of the room they are
in. These procedures will be covered in the volunteer training for their specific role.
6.7 Harassment
Volunteers will refrain from any form of discrimination towards any internal or
external party or group on the basis of race, colour, religion, national or ethnic
origin, age, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status
or physical/mental disability.
Volunteers will refrain from harassment, which includes any intentional display
of offensive, unwelcome, intimidating, humiliating or sexually explicit behavior
that undermines the Association’s effort to maintain a safe, comfortable and
productive work environment. They will also refrain from any violent action or
threat towards any representative or member of the Association.
6.8 Violence in the Workplace
Violence in the workplace can occur between anyone present in the worksite.
Workplace violence can consist of assault, physical or emotional abuse, threats
or intimidation. Should any of these happen to a volunteer, or if a volunteer
witnesses any of these happening, they should immediately contact a SAMU
manager. If a manager is unavailable the volunteer should call Campus Security.
Physical violence will result in immediate termination.
6.9 Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace
Under no circumstances are volunteers allowed to possess, use, trade or
sell drugs or alcohol during their volunteer shifts at SAMU. If volunteers are
reported or caught with drugs or alcohol on site they will be subject to immediate
termination. If volunteers come to a shift inebriated, they will be immediately
dismissed and will receive suspension of volunteer duties for the rest of the
school year.
6.10 Volunteer Disciplinary Action Procedure
SAMU expects a high level of performance, professionalism and accountability
from all volunteers. Volunteer Discipline exists to address volunteer performance
issues. For the full Volunteer Disciplinary Action procedure, please refer to the
SAMU website at SAMU.ca > Who We Are > Governance > SAMU Procedures >
Disciplinary Action – Volunteers.
7.0 Internal Complaints & Issues
All SAMU volunteers have the right to be treated with respect, dignity and without
discrimination at all times from all staff and fellow volunteers.
If at any time, volunteers feel that there is an issue that should be addressed
or they have a complaint, they should contact their designated Assistant. If
volunteers feel that this issue is much larger, or they do not feel comfortable
speaking with their Assistant about it, they are encouraged to contact the
Volunteer Coordinator. If the Volunteer Coordinator cannot adequately deal with
the situation, they will then pass the issue along to a manager.
Terms and Conditions
I certify that all the statements provided in this application are true and I
understand that any false or misleading information provided on this form may
result in the rejection of my application or in my dismissal from the Students’
Association of MacEwan University (hereinafter referred to as SAMU) Volunteer
Program, should I be accepted as a volunteer.
I acknowledge that failure to properly complete the personal information,
reference, and applicant agreement will result in the immediate rejection of my
I agree to commit a minimum of ten (10) volunteer hours per semester. I
understand, depending on the position(s), I may be required to exceed the 10hour general minimum.
I acknowledge that failure to attend the applicable training session will result in
the rejection of my application or dismissal from the Program.
I understand that all information obtained through this form and the police info
check will be kept confidential. I understand that the info checks are a matter
of routine and security for certain positions to ensure that volunteers have no
previous or current criminal records.
Police Info Checks
Police Info Checks may be conducted on successful new applicants. By
completing this form, you agree to allow the SAMU Programs or Services Manager
to access your record. Failure to complete the info check may result in immediate
rejection of your application to specific positions. You will be reminded to bring
two (2) pieces of ID (e.g. Birth Certificate and Driver’s License, Passport, Health
Card, etc.) to your training session if a record check is required.
I have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions
Media Release Consent Form
I consent to photo, video, and audio recording of myself and my statements at
MacEwan University or Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU)
related events and grant SAMU the right to copy, reproduce, and use all or a
portion of the photos, videos, and statements for incorporation into any SAMU
documents and marketing materials.
I permit the use of photos, video, audio recordings, and media; including
advertising and related promotion with no expiry of use. I grant the right to use
my image and name in connection with photos, videos, or statements and waive
the right to inspect of approve the use of my interview as incorporated in SAMU
documents and marketing materials.
I release SAMU from any claims that may arise regarding the use of the photos,
video, or audio recordings including any claims of defamation, invasion of privacy,
or infringement of rights.
I acknowledge that I have no ownership right in any of the photos, videos, or audio
recordings taken by SAMU employees. In the case that I (the signee) took the
photos, videos, or made personal recorded statements at a SAMU or MacEwan
University related event, I understand that SAMU must receive my consent for use
of the content.
Volunteer Agreement Form
I agree to keep client information confidential
I agree to immediately advise a SAMU manager of any breach relating to
confidential information
I agree to represent the Students’ Association in a professional manner
I agree to follow the Volunteer Code of Conduct & Ethics
I agree to attend all required and mandatory volunteer training sessions
I agree to refrain from any activity that could jeopardize the status of the
Students’ Association
I have read and understood the roles and responsibilities of the volunteer
position(s) I’m volunteering for
I agree to release, forever discharge and hold harmless the Students’
Association of MacEwan University, their directors, officers, employees,
agents, group leaders, successors and assigns, from any and all liability
claims and demands of whatever kind or nature, including but not limited
to any negligence on the part of the Students’ Association, their directors,
officers, employees, group leaders or agents which may arise from my
participation as a Volunteer.
Volunteer Acknowledgement Form
By signing this form, I am acknowledging that I have received, read, and
understand the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) Volunteer
Manual, including the Terms and Conditions, Media Release, and the Volunteer
Agreement Form. I understand that should I violate or refuse to comply with
any of the policies or procedures in this manual, I am then subject to possible
termination from my volunteer position at SAMU. I also understand that the
policies laid out in this handbook are only a small portion of the SAMU policies
and procedures and should I need clarification of any other policies or procedures
I should visit the SAMU website at www.samu.ca. I understand that SAMU
reserves the right to change any of their policies or procedures at any time
without notice and will expect the volunteers to stay up to date on the latest
I agree that I shall conduct myself in an appropriate manner that follows all
SAMU policies and procedures laid out in this manual and on the SAMU website.
I understand that these policies and procedures have been put in place for my
safety, for the safety of those working with me, and for anyone else I might have
contact with while volunteering with SAMU. Should I breach any of these policies
of procedures I understand that this may result in my termination from the
volunteer program at SAMU.
I acknowledge the first three (3) shifts of my volunteer role are considered
‘probationary’, meaning I can be let go from my position at any time during that
period. I also acknowledge that certain programs or services required that I go
through a training period before I can begin volunteering in that role.
I acknowledge that this manual is available on the SAMU website and that I am
welcome to direct questions about the contents of the manual to the Volunteer
Coordinator, or Programs Manager.
Signature required, please refer to page 29.
Once you have read this manual in its entirety, please sign and return this page
on the day of your training for your designated volunteer position. If you are
volunteering for more than one position, you will only need to bring this form in on
your first shift.
Please keep the Volunteer Manual for future reference.
I acknowledge that I have read the Volunteer Manual and have read and
understand the Terms and Conditions, Media Consent, Confidentiality Agreement,
and Volunteer Acknowledgement forms.
Student Name
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Name if student
is under the age of 18
Parent/Guardian Signature if
student is under the age of 18
Connect with us!
[email protected] | 780.633.3822