ECO-Design CS2 Transverse Activity
ECO-Design CS2 Transverse Activity
Innovation Takes Off Not legally binding Clean Sky 2 Information Day ECO-Design CS2 Transverse Activity 30 April 2014 Industry House, Hamered St., Tel Aviv Technical Presentation Author Name: John Simpson Affiliation: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Innovation Takes Off Eco-Design ? „Clean Sky, not only an initiative in the air“, Cohen/ IAI Eco Design ITD/ TA is not a business as usual RTD activity for aeronautics Not legally binding Eco-Design Concerns? • Standards and awareness on REACH, primary energy cost risks etc. are firmly with us • If European services/ techn. Labour is not assisted by new business approaches/ technologies it will be outsourced from Europe (E.g. automatisation cost-“quick-fix“-reduction for CFC parts may not be enough 40%red. 2008 promise, .... to 90%current promises, hopes) 60%TA architecture value benefit approach Not legally binding Eco-Design objectives? JTP Chap.13 & flexibile allocations with ITD/ IADP Eco-Design has key materials, processes and resources impact and a strong relevance from the Flight Path 2050 and the expected HORIZON programme. This goes well beyond full green recyclability and pristine life cycle guidance: Eco-Design serves as synergy and motivator for partnership in new business strengths, in the aeronautics manufacturing base of excellence, in new supply chain services interactions, advanced material cycles and opening synergies with the next innovative ITD/IADP technology streams. Not legally binding Eco-Design building on Clean Sky foundations Not legally binding Eco-Design Guidance? Some values @ 2014 Eco Design is a challange Building an approach, understanding , accepting and integrating e.g. Design for Environment(DfE) 2020+ Not legally binding Ultimate Idealistic Goal LCA: Life Cycle Analysis Extraction, withdrawal, waste to be minimised Not legally binding Global Clean Sky key performance I. The RE-cycle, RE-use quota (RRQ), II. The equivalent ground pollution potential (GPP) and thirdly the III. The advanced TA Eco Statement (ES) with the socio-economic statement (SES), owning an Eco Design socioeconomic derivatives set. Not legally binding Avoiding waste, reducing GWP State of the art Life Cycle portfolio of environmental factors-equivalent Summed, bottom-up micro-economic contributions Supply cycle improvements Partnership & synergy improving impacts Not legally binding Supply cycle improvements Less waste, - down cycling; more efficiency, new alternatives Not legally binding Technology on controlled new material formulation, Molecular Sorting -direct management -additive application -free Re-Cycle/-Use Key Material Innovation Integration Courtesy, R. Schweppe , Fraunhofer ICT In 2050 „Differential – Integrated-XYZ are auxiliary approaches of the past“ Not legally binding JTP 30 Story boards out of an eventual, perceived 230 project avenues necessary to address eco design themes, across the ITD/ IADP Key Specialist Eco Technology Integration Bild: Sauer Not legally binding Eco Architectures, Energy, Interface challenges, tolerances new Architectures: water, bio-thermal etc., waste, hazards, REACH hot spots; (ergonomic… ambience/ flair) acceptance • • • • • New Architectures New Classifications Advanced Standards Regulation Watch Higher Acceptance Balanced In-/output kWh Equipment Simulator Element, ref. best Eco Design EDS practice (The outside logics, power, equipment development are with systems) Eco Energy Architecture(s) (Nodal-tableaus, special frame integration - concepts, -bench validation i.e. for non-linear, thermal or fluid management impact trade-off) 20-30°Kelvin-Difference Loss gradient on Frame and pattern dependent harvesting placement. Not legally binding [ More comprehensive approaches including more strongly, ecological aspects in the Eco TA] DREAM: completely LCE+ driven sole vehicle demonstrator: due to (honestly) still limited capabilities, risk; >> sharing out of LCA(+) driven modules >> precision approach comprising an Eco Hybird Platform , EHP >> flexible allocation budget, flexible but demanding management, flexible greater coverage “not just” AIRFRAME Discipline(s)-Implementation ! Not legally binding Technology Pathways, Modules • Eco compliant Module? • Dedicated pilot/ generic • Design for Environment? • Eco Design technology population Not legally binding Example of a CS Associate Member IAI, working with many others to meet: High management standards Assisting new innovations Measurable benefits forward to F/S application Not legally binding “JTI” HIGHLIGHTS Significant progress in the following technologies Recycling of uncured composites Mechanical machining to replace chemical milling Chemical Mechanical Improved Alloy solutions at Le Bourget Air Salon (Dissemination!) IAI 1: Magnesium Elektron K1-Part 2: Aluminium 2024 T42 K1-Part Commercially Restricted This document contains proprietary information of IAI, and may not be reproduced, copied, disclosed or utilized in any way in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of IAI. 3D Printing 2 1 18 Alternative to hazardous Chrome-6 Fatigue of composites Master Curves -Static Strength -Creep Strength -Fatigue Strength Advanced Composite Structures for Wing Applications 2nd generation stiffened panel component: Stiffeners precured then co-bonded to skin by LRI Use of environment “friendly” release agent Support to Wing IAI R&D project 3rd generation stiffened panel component: Commercially Restricted This document contains proprietary information of IAI, and may not be reproduced, copied, disclosed or utilized in any way in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of IAI. Stiffeners + skin injected in ”one shot” by LRI Preform technology developed by CfP “APRIL” partners Main advantages : one step injection, no use of autoclave reduce process time & saves energy 19 Eco Design Themes Eco Design Life & REcycle Next Generation Life Scoping ISO Anchor Points, LIFT Identification strategy [A] MPR Materials Processes Resources [B] Manufacture/ Production [C] Service to Component and System Re-Use [REUP] (MRO, financing, accounting, storage, inside-outside gate processes, alt. Parts/ COTS… Material Flow, Logistics) [D] End of Life [EoL] Integration/ Field Assembly- DisassemblySeparation [ADS] Alt. Sectoral Applications [ASA] Use Phase [UP] Not legally binding (managed per out/in block time def./ usage) - socio-economic factoring > T6 Life Cycle Analysis/ & physical validation [T6.0] [T4] Also: validation and acceptance testing Not legally binding Eco-Design Excellence Dimensions Direct economic impact Eco Design TA Big Impact Technology Pathways ITD/ IADPs TRL, efficiency, versatility Technology Streams Not legally binding NPV or other Measure, DMC, LCC… economic factors Eco Design, direct economic ply Technology Comparison, EXAMPLE: 4 alt. Approaches @/ by Participant I Environmentally better, but posing a higher economic risk, Investigate trading II Higher eco compliance, lower economic risk, Selected for excellence population LCA+ factors OTHERS • materials-/ machine-/ architecture level • Work Effort Unit (WEU) [ILO] • Shelf Life Account (SLA) inside outside Not and legally bindingproduction • ……….. Huge Challenge on training, clarification, configurations management, eco-compliance Process B Process A Clean Sky LCI model Process D Process C Process … Process … Clean Sky process data collection on-site LCA+/SED ENG Airframe SOA-& "more" Variants Systems Eco DESIGN (DfE) HFM HSM EHP CM CM PM IADP TE/ ED HUC&En v. Empower ed, LifeCraft( MAMEF, R/C), ZGWPC ZGWPC HEV(virt.) PM VA PM VS VS PB Inside-outside gates’ processes CM PM,CM LCA fully driven to2014 ES CM PM,CM.V S x x x BSL2020+ & '50 Compliance BSL 2014 BSL 2014 BSL 2014 BSL 2014 x x x BSL2050 Compliance + Complete Processes Complete Vehicles Complete Architecture ES Risk ES Risk ES Risk Adv./ Next Gen Perf2020 reconfig. reconfig. reconfig. reconfig. reconfig. relaxed challenge challenge reconfig. SED/ LCA+ challenge scenario/2020 scenario/2020 + +/2050 x No challenge 2050 No No challenge 2050 challenge challenge challenge 2050 Compliance and coverage Advanced Life Information Technology, Life Cycle Inventory and parts-scenario training VA VA VS 2050 Time Scale and Goals 2014 2016 2015 Lead in Dedicated effort 2018 2017 2019 IADP Emp. Env. Eng. EHF/S Insertion/ 2020 N.Gen. Tech. Verification Reconfiguration for N. Gen. Energy, Resources 15 Benefit % GWP incl. CO2 Validation Strengthening MPR supply chain motivated exercises Eco Hyb. Platform Risk % per SED 2022 BITP Bulk Collaborative Scientific Work (MPB, VSCM, PM… MPR cand. Def, BSL 2010/14 ES 2021 10 7,5 5 3 Consolidation 30 25 10 5 ES Exp. Positive Reset ES ES ES Essential game-perspective changing 1st. Work Progr. Calls in first phase Not legally binding ES Eco-Design Implementation Eco Design Bonding of Eco Design Tasks [T] on Eco Design Themes ITD/ IADP WP to WP , Demonstrations, ….. of ITD/ IADP Framework to a Transversal Framework of Modules : Eco Hybrid Platform, reference LCI, eco design technology population Design, config. CAE Skin drag reduction development T1 identification, T6.4 MatDB T2-MPR eco design coatings T2-ADS How to develop; apply MRO, ADS on a „morphing“ component, hybrid design – „morphing“ sustainability? • • Implementation „LCI like“ structure Grants (allows even LCA coverage/ gaps analysis) Detailed correspondence matrix: Not legallyNesting binding of Eco Tasks in ITD/ IADP WP Initial CFP, possible Core Partner Topics 1/4 A: a core partnership: defined through the Airframe ITD leader specification (“advanced configurations”) which could also manage forward looking issues on adaptive life cycle inventory management specified in return by the TA. The challenge is epitomized by the vision in figure -> Later: specialist, innovation CFPs JTP “Expansion of 13.9 tables-part 3: Tentative Concept Reference, DfE vision, tools serving configuration excellence” Not legally binding Initial CFP, possible Core Partner Topics 2/4 B: core partnership(s): major cabin or wing materials/ components innovation realisations, ideally at the interface between ITD/ IADP, specification defined concurrently IADP-TA. Several intermediate larger CFP tasks, say in support of the human centred cabin, LifeCraft etc. agendas can also be scoped. Many specialist CFPs for diverse MPR-activities (typical, success pathway in Eco ITD) C: core partnership(s): systems i) embedded/ packaged technology equipment and new COTS concepts answering to long term SupLCA initiatives, systems ii) armatures, equipment, treatment and connection for power/ energy, controls, major reliability (such as Landing Gear) answering to long term SupLCA initiatives. i, ii) various specialist CFPs Not legally binding Initial CFP, possible Core Partner Topics 3/4 D: core partnership(s), CFPs, Systems/ Airframe/ Suppliers The Eco Hybrid Platform is not only a compound of vehicle parts it encompasses value building socio-economic parts, e.g. factory, RE-cycle etc. therefore specific cluster activities may called in for important complimentary research. These would target supply chain cooperation on the level of close regional actors in order to improve material flow (eco) optimality, in parallel to say several conv. aeronautical activities. As an example, a portfolio of parts that are to be delivered to systems’ equipments/ Airframe parts. In return the supply chain scoping and SupLCA could be concretely constructed, interdependent life cycle (trading) inventories and logistics loads properly evaluated. Not legally binding Initial CFP, possible Core Partner Topics 4/4 E: core partnership(s), CFPs ITD Engine will be supported specifically by all three programme-phase CfP calls, addressing tools, new specification and advanced materials & processes. F: CFPs LCA+, socio-economic avenues Not legally binding POC Legally through the JU Programme Office that liaises with Leaders and EU Commission John Simpson Aviation General Director, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft [email protected] Not legally binding Clean Sky 2 Information Day ECO-Design CS2 Transverse Activity 30 April 2014 Industry House, Hamered St., Tel Aviv Technical Presentation -BACK UP SLIDES- regarding implementation Author Name: John Simpson Affiliation: Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Innovation Takes Off From the Regulation • Definitions (g) Transverse Activities (TAs) means actions with relevance across several ITDs and/or IADPs and requiring coordination and management across the ITDs and/or IADPs for the optimal delivery of the overall objectives of Clean Sky Not legally binding Structure from Eco TA View GB Sc. C. ITD SC L L TE L L L S/I ... SLCA SED CP CP L SAT LCA+ SLCA Eco C. T0.1/ 0.3 WP A/B 0.5 T0.1/ 0.2 GM & Interf. Eco Design A3.5 Engine/ other A3.X, B1.2/3,B3.5, B4.2/3 Systems ... Equip.- MPR Call for Partners CP ... WP B 0.3 XYZ YZX SupLCA A Additional Activities CfP SLCA CP ... CP Airframe L Eco IADP SC L ... L S/I Not legally binding Eco Design Committee/ Management • Eco Design Dissemination and Communication • General management and coordination review – e.g. across ITD/ IADP • Progress through EDAS and VEES teams, construction and monitoring of the transversal delivery paths Review of technology base, eco compliance, • Data Base Strategies/ Management • Status on Eco Hybrid Platform (EHP), -orientation-, Architecture, • Follow-up on Eco Statement (ES), key global Eco Performance Indicators RRQ, GPP, SES. Not legally binding Eco Design Committee/ Management • Consultation on DfE, internal/ external stakeholder matters • Preparation of Q&A wrt. other bodies • Consultation/ Abridgement of CFP/ CP calls CFP through gaps identified through LCA, review of architecture hot spots (quick wins) • Optimisation of Eco Design allocation budget e.g. scenario not 25 Out-Of-Autoclave Tests rather 4 essential & one/ two optimal generic eco design - shared clean technology demo parts • Planning on workshops [Extracting Synergies!]: Materials, Processes and Resources (MPR), LCA-Basis, Regulations/ Classifications Not legally binding • Delivery Concept • [T6]-LCA/ SED Transversal Coordination Supporting management teams VEES(economic, ecological EDAS(analysis synergy) vehicle synergy) • Input ITD/ IADP, TRL and contributing factors to this (not owned by TA) • EDAS factors, responsibility owned by TA • VEES factors, shared responsibility (big responsibility with ITD/IADP) • Best quality functions, simplification/ effectiveness, ALL responsible Not legally binding Eco Design Assembly • Eco Design Assembly/ AR - TA presentation/ defense - once a year, 1… Day, presentation of projects - ALL Eco Design participants (CFPs, members from various ITD/ IADPs) Not legally binding Eco Design contracts in ITD/ IADP framework Horizon Framework Clean Sky Internal ITD/ IADP Overall transversal activity Other interITD/ IADP process Eco Design TA CSMM CA GA IA spec IA FA SHA Bi-lat X X X X ? X ? X X N.A. X X (X) X ? X N.A. N.A. X (X) CSMM: Clean Sky Management Manual CA: Consortium Agreement GA: Grant Agreement IA: Implementation Agreement Not legally binding ? Closing out the ITD, running up the TA Autumn 2014 1st TA committee Leader GM-prospectus EDAS/ VEES Teams Analysis of I. Progress R. ECO ITD 1st CFP wave for Nov. 2014 Spring 2015 Eco Design Day 0 Day 1 GM TA/ ITD SC ITD AR Major Demo/ TRL….. Tasks to completion CS1 GAM 2013-15 TA Assembly Day 2/ 3 All Eco Design Participants Including CFPs Autumn 2015 Eco Design Handover, (No Budget Offset CS1-CS2) Spring 2016 1st Eco Design work programme review End of first phase Dec 2017 Not legally binding Eco-Design Technology ProcessesITD Technology Streams Not legally binding Eco Design Delivery Levels MPB Advanced Configurations, Technology Streams Eco Design Architecture EHP ITD MPR Demonstrations BITP(Big Impact Techn. Pathways) e.g. Re-Use Proc. IADP Cockpit Cabin vis a vis System A/C benefit analysis Commendation Particular Use Cases Life Validation Not legally binding Ecolonomic Harmonisation SED Input/ Output TE General Demand Scoping Global SocioEconomic Impact Data-LCI and Technology “Streams” !? Advanced concept in JTPV3 game changing frontiers (dashed lines) Designer know-how, building on FP5-FP7, JTI-CS, Information from other Tools & DBs e.g.. CAD Physical & virt. testing, advancing innovation Simulation & new Adv. Configuration STD Design Parameter Component Assimilation Pro-active Life Information Technology(LIFT) Artificial identification & intelligence, autonomous component actions, life cycle inventory (LCI) seeking functions,… Field Acquisition, Inference, Interpretation-Simplification & user friendliness incl. Passive Eco-CAx connotations/ rendering Portable In-life phase, In-supply dedications…… Life Information Technology (LIFT) Software System Process and System model Variation of construction and materials Database Local and nominative conflict extrapolation (LANCE) Life Cycle Engineering Tool Environmental Life Cycle profiles for - Aviation - materials and (parameterized) processes @ 2022 Back-drop Data base, “cleaned” hybrid modules f. EHP Life (ecological, user acceptance & mission objectives) TA Eco Design Avenue ITD/ IADP Avenue JTI-CS2 Advanced ITD/ IADP prospectives Economic constraints & opportunities, user enthusiasm DfE References and Tools Decision Bullet Support Executive, simplified • Materials, processes and resources; - accountability and exploitation data bases - IPR participation, strategies and protection on notices level - LCI firewall, bi-direct. settings • Update of ecological and economic risk and opportunity architecture mappings • Update specific eco guideline reference bases • Update training pointers and qualification principles desktop Eco Design Tasks Eco Design Life & REcycle First WP focus [Integ. Demonstr. Ref.] Allocation/ Screening v [T1] Lead-in Activities Next Generation Life Scoping ISO Anchor Points, Identification strategy [A] Realisation, ITD/IADP Technology Streams Reconfiguration, v Strengthening Modules, Eco Hybrid Platform [T2] Eco Architechture Definition/ Verification Activities [T3] MPR Materials Processes Resources [B] Manufacture/ Production [C] Dedicated Life Value Technologies, Supply Chain Scoping Tech [TXA, T2EL, T0.1C,T0.2… Acceptance and Compliance Testing, incl. direct ambient impact appraisal [T4] (ES)Eco Design Statement incl. Risk Contribution [T5.1] (BITP)Big Impact Technology Paths [T5.2] Re-Use [REUP] Delivery Concept [T6]-LCA/SED v Transversal Coordination T0.1-0.3 DCP Eco Design Scenarios 2020+ foresight analysis [T5.3] Not legally binding Service to Component and System (MRO, financing, accounting, storage, insideoutside gate processes, alt. Parts/COTS… Material Flow, Logistics) [D] End of Life [EoL] Integration/ Field Assembly- DisassemblySeparation [ADS] Alt. Sectoral Applications [ASA] Use Phase [UP] (managed per out/in block time def./usage) - socio economic factoring > T6