The Brigades Rote - December 2012


The Brigades Rote - December 2012
Rotary Bangalore Brigades RI District 3190
Club No.051651-S.India
December 2012 – Family Month – Edition – 06
achieved by all us considering the goals set for the year
2012-13, and I am confident that we will be able to
achieve them with the continued support and
involvement of the RBB family and support of friends of
President’s message
Dear Friends,
Greetings from Rotary Bangalore
Brigades Peace Team 2012-13!
The journey of Team 2012-13 for the
last six months has been the most
memorable one, in that the team and in particular myself
have experienced moments of happiness in the journey
of service. Mahatma Gandhi once said "Consciously or
unconsciously, every one of us does render some service
or other. If we cultivate the habit of doing this service
deliberately, our desire for service will steadily grow
stronger, and will make, not only our own happiness, but
that of the world at large". This statement of Mahatma
Gandhi is so apt while we look at the activities which were
carried out by RBB in the month of December 2012 and
the tremendous support and involvement of not just the
members of our club but also their family member - Anns
& Annts.
January and February are months of Polio NID. Rotarians
through their commitment for serveral decades are now
able to see Polio Free India. The Polio NID dates are
announced - January 20, 2013 and February 24, 2013 and
our club being in the forefront is putting in tremendous
efforts to reach out to the people using all forms of
media, including exhibiting of slides at INOX across South
India, the statistics is available for you to see in this
edition of Brigade Rote.
While the past six months has been filled with lots of
social activities and family meets, there is lots to be
“Let's do our bit to bring Peace Through Service.”
Even in this 21st Century there is still a huge gap between
the haves and have not's in our Country. We Rotarians
should bridge this gap by reaching out to the needy and
fulfilling some of their important requirements such as
education, health.
Rtn. G. Madhusudhana
President 2012-13
Know your Rotary
ROTRACT is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young men and women ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are usually
community-based or university-based and are sponsored by a local Rotary club making them true “partners in service”
and key members of the Rotary family. Through the Rotaract program, young adults not only augment their knowledge
Reach Out To Everyone
and skills, but they also address the physical and social needs of their communities while promoting international
understanding and peace through a framework of friendship and service.
All Rotaract efforts begin at the local grassroots level and all Rotaract clubs have access to the many resources of Rotary
International and The Rotary Foundation. As one of the most significant and fastest-growing programs of Rotary service,
with more than 7,000 clubs in about 163 countries and geographical areas, Rotaract has become a worldwide
Rotaractors also often spearhead the formation of Interact clubs and participate in Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.
Rotaractors also can go on to become Ambassadorial Scholars or Group Study Exchange team members.
The Four-Way Test
The test, which has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following
Of the things we think, say or do
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The month that was
 ICGF on Community Service - ‘Aasare’ was held on 2nd Decemeber at Sree Maruthi Vidya Kendra, Belagumba
Road, Tumkur at 8:30 am. The key note speaker for the event was'PDG Suri'.The guest speaker for the day was
Vidya Vachaspathy Kavita Krishna.
 Blood donation camps were organized on
o 1st December at Sneha Dhaan. A 75 unit of blood was collected.
o 5th Dec at Khristu Jayanthi Collage. On this day 66 units of blood was collected.
 Speaker meet was held on 5th December at Chancery hotel. The speaker for the meeting was PDG. Srikanth
chatrapathy spoke who about ‘Palmistry’.
Reach Out To Everyone
 An Eye camp was held on 9th December in association with at Rotary Club of Diamond District at Kodihalli, Old
Airpot Road.
 An integrated Health Camp was held at Subhas Chandra Bose School, Nagnli on 23rd December 2012. The camp
was well attended by Rotarians, Anns and Annts. The camp included Eye Check-up and ENT/General Check-up for
students. A total of 150 students were screened and health cards were prepared and issued for all the students. A
total of 27 spectacales were provided. During the camp 100 dictionaries were distributed. 75 Nagadali saplings
were planted in and around the school premisis.
 Enroute to Nangli the RBB team stopped at Narasapur and handed over 150 Solar Lamps and 75 Workbooks (for
SSLC) students.
Reach Out To Everyone
 On 23rd December, 75 “Nagadalli” – snakes repellent saplings were planeted in / around the Subash Chandra Bose
School in Nangli.
 RBB public image initative - Polio
Multiplexes in South India.
 Bangalore
04 Multiplexes
 Belgaum
01 Multiplex
 Chennai
01 Multiplex
 Hyderabad
02 Multiplexes
 Vijayawada
02 Multiplexes
 Vishakapatna
02 Multiplexes
Slides are being screened at 12 Multiplexes, i.e.53 Audi/Screens at Inox
18 screens
03 screens
04 screens
11 screens
07 screens
10 screens
 Elections for 2013-14
Election for year 2013-14 team was held on 26th Decemberat Century Club, Bangalore.
President 2013-14: Rtn. Vijay Bansal
Secretary 2013-14: Rtn. Nishant Goel
Treasurer 2013-14: Rtn. Gopal Rathi
Project: “Pyrayaas” - A step towards bringing smile on many faces…
As part of this program, we aim to bridge the gap between urban population (having lots of belongings which are of
good quality but are unused) and a section of society, who needs them the most.
Operational Process
Step I – Collection of used clothes, blankets, bed-sheets, curtains, foot-wear, toys, stationary, etc. from various
urban hubs, primarily apartment complexes.
Step II – Sorting / Packaging / Storing of the Inventory at our warehouse.
Step III – Distribution of the same to various orphanages, villages and all other places which needs them the most.
Current Status
 Associated with four apartment complexes (Amoda Valmark, Ranka Colony, Ajmera, & Nandi Woods Apartment
@ Bannergatta Road)
 Collected ~3000 units of clothes / ~400 units of footwear / Tons of toys
 Distributed ~2000 units of clothes / ~400 units of footwear to the following,
o Swanthana – Home for mentally challenged children
o Poor families at Kothanur Village
o Home of Hope – An old age home having 400 disabled and destitute people. Also having 50 children.
Appeal - Let us all join hands and MAKE A DIFFERENCE to the lives of lot many people…
Reach Out To Everyone
The month that will be – January: Rotary Awareness Month
At the Club:
2nd Jan (Wed): Weekly meet
9th Jan (Wed): GOV 2013 at Century Club
16h Jan (Wed): Weekly meet
23rd Jan (Wed): Weekly meet
30th Jan (Wed): Weekly meet
At the District:
5th Jan (Sat): ICGF on Public Image at Bunts Sangha,
Vijayanagar, Bangalore at 4pm.
20th Jan (Sun): NID
Rotary public image coordinators
Rotary public image coordinators (RPICs) provide guidance and resources on effective public relations to enhance
Rotary's public image. The 49 RPICs work in partnership with their zone's RI director, regional Rotary Foundation
coordinator, Rotary coordinator, and district governors.
RPICs have professional expertise in public relations, journalism, or communications. They support the RI Strategic
Plan by conveying the methods of effective public relations to district leaders.
 Increase recognition of Rotary's humanitarian efforts among Rotarians and the general public
 Communicate Rotary's success stories to the media, local government officials, civic leaders, and
 Provide counsel on public relations grants
 Assist and offer training at governors-elect training seminars and zone and district seminars
 Foster a regionally appropriate approach to Rotary's public image efforts
Team of regional coordinators
The Rotary public image coordinator is one part of a team of regional coordinators appointed by the RI president or
Rotary Foundation trustee chair. The team also consists of a Rotary coordinator and regional Rotary Foundation
For further information on public image coordinators see,
Each coordinator has professional expertise and Rotary knowledge in a specific area. The team members work
together to connect Rotarians with resources and to support the priorities of the RI Strategic Plan.
The 104th R.I convention is on June 23rd -26th 2013 at LISBON
Rotarians can register online for the convention.The deadlines for registration are
as follows;a .December 15th till March end
315 Euros
b. April till convention
365 Euros
For online registration
Reach Out To Everyone
My Rotary Moment
I have been in Rotary for a decade now. There have been several great experiences over the years.
My Rotary Moment was when I travelled with a few other Rotarians to Cambodia to conduct Eye
Surgeries (IOL implants). We found there was very little local staff available to support us there.
Dr. Solanki, the Ophthalmic Surgeon, showed immense faith in me and asked me to support him in the
Operation Theatre. Being an engineer by profession, I was initially very scared – but after spending a
few minutes with him in the OT, I started touching, and cleaning and helping without any issues.
That incident has left an indelible mark on me - I now understand the amount of effort doctors have to put, to save
lives and help people.
- Rtn Akshai Mallappa
Spotlight - New Members
Rtn. Suresh K. K. has been at the helm of activities at Grameen Financial Services Pvt. Ltd since it’s
inception in 1999.He has a background in teaching and entered the field of development in 1997.
Previously, he worked in an NGO that focused on micro enterprise development, non-formal
education and also on the promotion of women self-help groups. He has also founded and run small
business enterprises in computer education, industrial safety products and consultation in local area
networks in companies.
He has actively studied international microfinance models and strategies from several reputed
establishments including Grameen Bank, Bankakademie (Germany) and Harvard Business School, USA. He has been a
panelist in several national and international microfinance conferences.
Mr. Suresh has guided the company from the startup stage as an NGO to a large with strong social focus as an NBFC..
Under the guidance of Mr. Suresh, the organisation was the first MFI to introduce automation using the open-source
technology, MIFOS and Progress out of poverty Index (PPI).
Led by Mr. Suresh’s focussed efforts, the organization initiated the setting up of The Association of Karnataka
Microfinance Institutions (AKMI). He is also the Chairman of Microfinance Focus, an online portal and monthly
publication with the latest micro finance news and trends. He is also serving on the Board of Sa-dhan – a national MFI
Association, MFIN an national network of NBFC MFI’s, he also serves on the Management committee of FKCCI. And
Chairman of Microfinance & financial inclusion committee of FKCCI
Apart from microfinance, Mr. Suresh takes a keen interest in micro housing, financial literacy, water and sanitation,
client education, alternative energies, waste management, livelihoods for the poor, organic and modern farming.
Reach Out To Everyone
Annets are in
Colouring by Gowrika from Swaanthana presented to Rtn. Vijay Bansal
Painting by
Antt.Sujala Sukumar
Reach Out To Everyone
01 Jan
01st Jan
02nd Jan
03rd Jan
07th Jan
09th Jan
10th Jan
15th Jan
17th Jan
20th Jan
20th Jan
21st Jan
25th Jan
27th Jan
27th Jan
30th Jan
Antt. Vimal S/o Rtn Manohar Menda. M
Ann. Vani Vishwanath W/o Rtn H. S. Vishwanath
Antt. Girish S/o Rtn. Ajay Jain
Ann. Saroj Lodha W/o Rtn. Rajendra Lodha
Antt. Kushagra S/o Rtn Nishant Goel
Antt. . P. N. Senthur Krithik S/o Rtn P. Naresh
Ann. Hindumathi W/o Rtn. Shivanand Matt
Rtn. Sudeep Srikanta Swamy
Antt.Purnavi D/o Rtn. Prasad Sundaram
Ann. Roopa. R W/o Rtn. G. N. Raju
Antt. Suraj S/o Rtn. M. R. C. Ravi
Ann. Aneesa .A W/o Rtn Asadullah K. S.
Ann/ Usha Chawla W/o Rtn. Shyam Chawla
Rtn. Akshai Mallappa
Antt. Rohit S/o Rtn. Venkat Subramaniam
Antt. Kaashya Khandelwal D/o Rtn. Kapil Khandelwal
29th Jan
Rtn Manohar Menda. M and Ann. Shaku Menda
Weekly meetings - Every Wednesday
at 7pm at Chancery Hotel, Lavelle Road,
Compiled and edited by:
Rtn. Meera Krishna Kumar
We look forward to regular contributions from
Printed by DOTS (A unit of Print - O - Graph) For internal circulation of club and Rotary members only.