pohick post - Pohick Church
pohick post - Pohick Church
POHICK POST Pohick Episcopal Church 9301 Richmond Highway • Lorton, VA 22079 Telephone: 703-339-6572 • Fax: 703-339-9884 Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16) From The Rector I The Reverend Donald D. Binder, PhD f you’ve peeked ahead in the calendar - as I’m sure many of you have - you’ve probably noticed a perplexing phenomenon that occurs with a certain regularity: this year, Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday. “What are we going to do?!” members of the Altar and Flower Guilds have asked me with alarm. “Trust me,” I’ve told them, “the clergy and staff feel your pain.” To go from Advent IV to Christmas Eve in the space of a few hours is, to say the least, a jarring experience. In that short time, we jump from penitential purple to dazzling white, from liturgical plainness to overflowing poinsettias. How to handle the transition? Months ago as a staff, we talked about it and settled upon two solutions. The first one is pragmatic: given that we will have two services on Christmas Eve (6:00 and 10:30 pm), during the morning we will be on a holiday schedule, with services at 8:00 and 10:00 am. The second solution is liturgical. While we will have our usual celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8:00 am, at the service later that morning, we will be offering A Festival of Lessons and Carols. This quintessentially Anglican service has its origins in Victorian England. In 1880, Edward White Benson, Bishop of Truro, devised an order of Nine Lessons and Carols for use at the cathedral on Christmas Eve. Two years later, he was named Archbishop of Canterbury, DECEMBER 2006 an office he held for fourteen years. Archbishop Benson’s increased stature gave his liturgical creation wider exposure, and the use of this Festival eventually spread throughout England. The best known adaptation of it was inaugurated at King’s College, Cambridge, in 1918. The BBC began broadcasting it in 1928, and now millions from around the world tune in each year. Traditionally, the service begins with the hymn “Once in Royal David’s City” and concludes with “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” In between, lessons from both the Old and New Testament are interspersed with related carols and anthems. The lessons and lyrics first dwell upon the prophecies foretelling Christ’s birth, then recount the birth itself, and finally reflect upon the significance of that birth for the salvation of the world. Because congregations generally wish to preserve the celebration of Holy Eucharist on Christmas Eve (as that, after all, is the “mass” in “Christmas”), many of them offer the Festival during one of the earlier weeks of Advent. With Advent and Christmas Eve this year falling on the same day, it is all the more fitting to combine the two observances, with the Festival in the morning, and the Mass at night. And so, I hope that all of you will resist the advertisers’ call to spend the morning of December 24 frantically finishing your Christmas shopping, and instead come out and immerse yourself in a truly spiritual experience, one that will prepare your heart to receive the joys unleashed in that holy birth on that holy night. Isn’t that, after all, what Advent and Christmas are really about? Page 2 • December 2006 From The Assistant Rector The Reverend Jane D. Piver Interlude Advent is here. This is a season of waiting, of listening, and of waiting. It is now winter. It is a time to slow down and take stock. I came across this meditation in Alan Jones’ book Common Prayer on Common Ground and thought it would be good to share with you. Jones comments that it is from the Jewish mystical tradition. It is a gentle reminder of who we come from, the brokenness in our lives, and who provides the means to heal that brokenness. “In the beginning before there was any beginnings and endings, there was no place that was not already God! And we call this unimaginable openness Ain Soph - Being - without end. Then came the urge to give life to our world and to us. But, there was no place that was not already God. So Ain Soph breathed in to make room, like a father steps back so his child will walk to him. Into the emptiness Ain Soph set vessels and began to fill them with divine light, as a mother places bowls to pour her delicious soup. As the light poured forth, a perfect world was being created. Think of it! A world without greed and cruelty and Pohick Episcopal Church violence! But then, something happened. The bowls shattered. No one knows why. Perhaps the bowls were too frail? Perhaps the light was too intense? Perhaps Ain Soph was learning. After all, no one makes perfect the first time. And with the shattering of the bowls, divine sparks flew everywhere! Some falling back to Ain Soph, some falling, falling, trapped in the broken shards to become our world and us. Though this is hard to believe, the perfect world is all around us, but broken into jagged pieces, like a puzzle thrown to the floor, the picture lost, each piece without meaning until someone puts them back together again. We are that someone. There is no one else. We are the ones who can find the broken pieces, remember how they fit together and rejoin them. This is the repairing of the world - the mending of creation. In every moment, with every act, we can heal our world and us. We are all holy sparks dulled by separation. But when we meet, and talk, and eat, and make love, when we work and play and disagree with holiness in our eyes, seeing Ain Soph everywhere, then our brokenness will end, and our bowls will be strong enough to hold the light and our light will be gentle enough to fill the bowls. As we repair the world together, we will learn that there is no place that is not God!” Outreach During T he Holidays: An Opportunity To Be An Elf! As the holidays approach, there are several opportunities to be Christmas elves. On Saturday morning, December 9 a Breakfast with Santa will be hosted for the benefit of LCAC families. To help with this event, please contact Susan Homar at 703-550-6058. On Monday, December 11 the New Hope Housing Christmas Party for residents of the Kennedy Shelter and Mondloch House will be hosted at Pohick. Gift tags are available in the Common Room to provide all residents of the shelters with a Christmas gift. Please select a tag from the felt tree on the wall in the Common Room, and bring the UNWRAPPED gifts to church by Sunday, December 10. There are many opportunities to be a Christmas elf for this event. Sign up sheets for food contributions are located at the bottom of the stairs on the bulletin board. To assist with serving the food, set up, or cleanup, please contact Susan Homar at 703-550-6058. Pohick Episcopal Church December 2006 • Page 3 Stewardship The 2007 Stewardship Pledge Campaign has been in full swing for three weeks as of this writing. Thanks to all those that have already submitted a pledge for the upcoming year. The Finance Committee is starting to work on Pohick’s 2007 budget. In order to develop a fiscally responsible budget, it is important to know how much will be pledged. Please review the Stewardship package and return the pledge card within the next few days. Additional pledge packages are available in the Church office and in the pew boxes. As of November 12, 2006, the status of the 2007 Stewardship drive is as follows: Week Ending Number Cumulative Total Pledge Amount Cumulative Cumulative Average Pledge 2007 10/29/06 81 81 218,300 218,300 2,695 The status at the same time last year was as follows: Week Ending Number Cumulative Total Pledge Amount Cumulative Cumulative Average Pledge 2006 10/30/05 93 93 258,773 258,773 2,783 11/5/06 11/12/06 11/6/05 11/13/05 31 112 81,520 299,820 2,677 31 124 62,070 320,843 2,587 13 125 25,850 325,670 2,605 20 144 37,858 358,701 2,491 Comparing the information, 19 fewer pledges have been received this year as compared to the same time last year. The cumulative number of pledges received through the third week of this year’s campaign is almost identical to the cumulative number of pledges received through the second week of last year’s campaign. Help is needed to meet the Parish budget. Please turn in those pledge cards! LCAC In the Common Room, there will be a Christmas tree with gift tags for children. These tags are for the LCAC children. Please select a tag, and bring the UNWRAPPED gifts to the Common Room by Saturday, December 16 at 10:00 am. These gifts will be delivered to LCAC along with the traditional Christmas Food Baskets. Listed below are the items needed for the Christmas Food Baskets to be provided to LCAC for holiday meals. Christmas food donations should be brought to the Common Room by Saturday, December 16 at 10:00 am, and the food will be delivered that morning. To help with the delivery of the gifts and food, please contact Susan Homar at 703-550-6058 or [email protected]. Christmas Food Basket 4 cans each: green beans, peas, corn 5 lb. bag of white potatoes 2 lb bag of rice 1 cake mix and frosting 1 large box of Jell-O 6 10-¾ oz. cans of soup, no broth 2 cans fruit 1 container of peanut butter 2 6 oz. boxes of stuffing, no bags 1 container of jelly 1 large can sweet potatoes 2 cans of tuna fish 1 bag of marshmallows 1 box of pasta 1 large box of cereal, 18 oz. or larger 1 jar spaghetti sauce Page 4 • December 2006 Senior Warden’s Report Peter Kind, Senior Warden The Vestry met in special session on November 8, 2007, to review and discuss the Pohick Church 2006 survey. The special session was called to allow sufficient time to focus on the parishioner answers and plan for the future. A schedule for presenting and discussing the results with the congregation will be included in the Sunday bulletins. The regular Vestry meeting was held on November 14. Father Binder welcomed Jane Albertson to the Vestry as youth representative and member. He announced the commissioning of acolytes on November 19, gave thanks to Rusty Booth for his service as acolyte master, and welcomed Jim From, who is assuming the position. The Christmas and New Year’s services were discussed. Father Binder addressed his discussion with Bishop Jones. Reverend Piver said she was continuing work on bereavement planning, and has been selected to serve on a Diocesan committee. Peter Kind, Senior Warden, introduced a Vestry Gram asking that a program be developed for single parents. Several alternatives of Diocesan and previous Pohick programs were discussed. Reverend Piver will follow-up. The current candidates for election to Vestry during the annual meeting on December 3 include Robin Teale, John Springer, Neal Sunderland, Dave Lehner, Tom Mayberry, Jane Albertson and Dick Heintze. Canvassing for additional candidates continues. Reed Heddleston, Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s reports for September and October. Plate and pledge are in the low end of the historical range on operations with a projected shortfall at the end of the year of $8,000. Fair proceeds were only $1,300 below historic figures - a very good performance in view of the weather. The Worship Commission, Father Binder and Ken Evans, reported a good All Saints service and plan next year to include a service remembering past members of Pohick. Planning and Policy, Peter Kind and Wayne Biggs, reported that a delay has been encountered in the architects work on the master plan, but they commenced Pohick Episcopal Church work again this week, and their report is due shortly. Mission and Outreach, Doug Smith, reported by email that the Thanksgiving basket collection was this Sunday, gift collection for LCAC would begin soon, and the Homeless Christmas Party will be held December 11. Christian Education, Neil Hogg and Jane Albertson, reported that Christmas pageant rehearsals have begun for the pageant on December 10. The teacher’s meeting was successful and the kids are preparing for a visit to the Fairfax. Jane reported that the EYC is participating in buying animals for third world self help projects. Stewardship, Jane Thurston and Edwardene Pitcock, reported that 125 pledges have been received, slightly lower than the 144 last year at this time and 135 the year before. Church attendance is slightly down in the second half. Property, Ken Wrona and Mike Wooten, reported that the Sexton found a fourth bidder who can repair the leaking roof valley for $485, a considerable savings over previous estimates, and a contract has been let. They will be asked to provide an estimate for adding a gutter in that area as well. A tree between the cemetery and the Rectory is dead and split. It will be removed by a Pohick work party on Saturday. The Fall cleanup accomplished a great deal with a very low turnout. The street light by Colchester parking has been repaired. Resources, Reed Heddleston and Greg Wise, led a detailed discussion of the remainder of the proposed personnel policy. A clean copy will be prepared for final discussion. Communications, Susan Pehrsson, reported that new pew cards have been ordered. Two people are helping with signs. Merits of different types of signage were discussed, with signs that face oncoming traffic being favored. ReNew Orleans Pohick Church is hoping to make a return trip to New Orleans to do additional work with the Episcopal diocese of Louisiana.Target dates being considered are late January or possibly early February. For those interested, contact Susan Homar, 703-550-6058. Pohick Episcopal Church EYC News Jen Crump-Strawderman, Youth Minister The Junior and Senior High EYC had a great fall retreat the first weekend in November. The Jr/Sr High guys had a lock-in at the Church. The group participated in a bible study focused around Spiderman 2, breakfast with the Brotherhood, laser tag, bowling, and a tour at Davidson Airfield where they were able to check out some pretty cool helicopters. What a whirlwind of a lock-in! Special thanks to Terry Mullins and Stew Remaly for chaperoning the event for the guys! The Jr/Sr High girls retreated to the Crump’s cabin in West Virginia with the EYC advisors. It was a relaxing weekend filled with fellowship and bible study that focused on the Trinity. The next Jr/Sr High retreat will be held in the spring. December is a busy and fun filled month for the EYC. On December 3, there will be a dinner followed by a meeting for all three EYC groups. The following weekend will be Christmas parties for the Junior and Senior High - more details to follow. On December 17, all three groups will be visiting The Fairfax to spread Christmas cheer after the 9:00 am service. Afterwards, the groups will return to the Church for a pizza party. For the last two Sundays in December, December 24 and December 31, EYC will not be held. T he Martha Guild Connie Myers The Martha Guild will have a “Dinner Night Out” for the December meeting on Wednesday, December 6 at 6:30 pm. The dinner will take place at the House of Dynasty located in the Hayfield Shopping Center, which is at the intersection of Hayfield Road and Telegraph Road. Please contact Connie Myers at 703-455-4652 or [email protected] to make a reservation. The deadline for responding is Monday, December 4. All Women of the Church are cordially invited to participate in this “Night Out.” December 2006 • Page 5 Christian Education Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education Pohick’s annual Christmas Pageant, “The Gift,” will be held on December 10 at 4:00 pm in the Church. Following the pageant, there will be a reception in the Common Room. Jennifer and Russ Wyllie are directing the pageant this year. They are doing an outstanding job! Please plan to attend this wonderful event! During Church School on Sunday, December 17, the 5th through 12th grade students will visit the Fairfax, the Westminster, and shut-ins. They will deliver gifts bags with items made by the preschool through 8th grade classes. The students should meet in the Vestry House immediately following the 9:00 am service. Following the visits, the students will return to classrooms A and B for a pizza party. Permission slips will be handed out early in December. Please have students bring their permission slip and $3.00 for pizza. For more information, please contact Frances Sessums at 703-425-2857. Support The EYC Mission Te am! The EYC Mission Team would like to offer their services in order to raise funds for the July 2007 Mission Trip to Hoosick Falls, NY. The Mission Team members are available for raking leaves, lawn care, babysitting, house cleaning, pet sitting and any other “chores!” All proceeds will benefit the Mission Trip! Contact Jennifer Crump-Strawderman at 703-339-6572 or email [email protected] for more information and scheduling. Page 6 • December 2006 Ø Music Notes Linda Egan, Minister of Music December / Advent / Christmas From darkness to light. From shorter and shorter days to the winter solstice and the gradual return of the light. From preparing our houses, our church, our hearts, to seeking the Christ in ourselves and our neighbors. From looking toward the end times and the second coming of Christ, to the birth of the Savior. From lighting the Advent wreath with one more candle each week, to the coming of the light of the world. Candlelight, holly, the joy of children, family and friends, carols and bells, brass and choir, preaching and eucharist, Christ’s Mass; and the wonder that the birth of the savior of the world is witnessed by stable animals, confirmed by shepherds, and treasured by traveling sages who humble themselves before a poor child to present their gifts. QUICK NOTES Saturday, December 9: After the Pageant rehearsal, the St Cecelia St Albans Choir and the St Francis Choir will have a pizza party at noon followed by a combined rehearsal for Christmas Eve. Sunday, December 24: 10:00 am: Service of Lessons and Carols. Choir of Pohick 6:00 pm: Holy Eucharist. St Francis, St Cecelia St Albans, and Bell Choirs 10:30 pm: Carol Service 11:00 pm: Holy Eucharist - Choir of Pohick and brass quintet from the U. S. Marine Band. Pohick Episcopal Church Shrinemont Work Weekend • 2007 Although it is early, now is the time to mark the calendar for the next Shrinemont Work Weekend, which will be held March 16-18, 2007. This gathering of Episcopal parishioners from all over Virginia affords the opportunity to meet new and interesting folks. Visiting the Shrine in March provides a completely different perspective from the regular June Retreat. The pansies are awakening and the daffodils are just breaking ground. The weekend consists of significant manual labor to benefit Shrinemont to ready the grounds for the summer influx of church retreats and campers. The work projects include routine maintenance such as changing light bulbs, changing smoke detector batteries, installing towel racks, and painting projects. There is also a great deal of leaf raking and landscaping projects that include planting spring annuals and perennials. A few preplanned, major construction projects are also accomplished. Last year, the Bland boys and John Pasour built a new brick walkway near the dining facility in honor of Diane Bland. The evenings are spent in front of roaring fires with “Pohick Picker” type music provided by a variety of attendees. There is a better variety of food than the meals usually served during the Retreat season. Who doesn’t like homemade doughnuts on Saturday morning? The goal is to have 50 Pohick volunteers attend. For more details, please contact Mike or Judy Schmid at 703-455-6266. SEND US NEWS! Articles for the January 2007 Pohick Post are due NO LATER than December 15! Forward input by email in Word compatible format to Lori Buckius, [email protected]. Design concerns & items for the Sunday Service Volunteers page should be addressed to Carmel Hodge, [email protected]. Pohick Episcopal Church December 2006 • Page 7 2006 Christmas Mart Thanks to ALL the wonderful people who helped make this year’s Christmas Mart another successful event. Thanks to all the wonderful chairs of the various rooms and tables, and those that assisted them. Thanks to everyone in the congregation that made donations of baked goods, frozen casseroles, crafts, jewelry, and attic treasures. The Mart would not be a success without all the help. To the people that helped with the setup and cleanup - another heartfelt thanks! Extra special appreciation goes to the wonderful “kitchen crew” and the lovely waitresses for making the luncheon successful. Baptisms November 5, 2006 Craig Harrison Lockhard Benjamin James Lynn, son of James Albert Lynn and Barbara Hoffman Lynn Tyler Joseph Tatum, son of Douglas John Tatum and Jennifer Arendas Tatum • Marriage November 11, 2006 Robert Monroe Bunker, Jr. and Jean Marie Reuter Join The Celebration At Pohick Christmas Services Christmas Eve - Sunday, Dec. 24 8:00 am • Holy Eucharist 10:00 am • A Festival of Lessons and Carols 6:00 pm • Family Holy Eucharist 10:30 pm • Carol Service 11:00 pm • Festival Holy Eucharist Christmas Day Monday, Dec. 25 10:00 am Holy Eucharist Health News Carol Heddleston, Parish Nurse Family Health for the Holidays From Thanksgiving through New Year’s Day, one cannot escape “the Holidays” no matter the country of birth or religious tradition. Several faith traditions have holy days and religious celebrations during this time period. It is often a time for more social events and family gatherings. The holiday season can be so wonderful! The decorations, gifts, and parties are fun for everyone. Religious services may provide deep meaning and fulfillment. Traditional feasts and favorite foods may be anticipated all year long. There may also be unfulfilled expectations in those family and friend reunions, acute awareness of a lack of family or loss of everything familiar in a new country, squabbles over gifts, arguments in the kitchen, empty places at holiday tables because of death or family disruptions, overuse of alcohol or other addictions. The holidays are a great deal of fun, joy, laughter, and lots of stress! Encourage family health at the holidays by simplifying the celebrations, acknowledging recent losses, and practicing loving peaceful communication. Simplify by centering on what is really important. Eat well, get plenty of rest, and stick to a schedule. If family dynamics are difficult, practice healthy communication skills by not gossiping, negotiating, and only trying to control the things that can be controlled. LIFELINE SCREENING is coming to Pohick Church on December 14 from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Please look for flyers that will give details and make an appointment to participate in this lifesaving program. Page 8 • December 2006 Pohick Episcopal Church T he Brotherhood of St. Andrew at Pohick Church The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is an international ministry of men within the Anglican Communion, with corporate offices in Ambridge, PA. The Brotherhood was incorporated by Act of the U.S. Congress, signed by President Theodore Roosevelt May 30, 1908. The Acts states, “the sole object of said corporation shall be the spread of Christ’s Kingdom among men.” Members of the Brotherhood dedicate themselves to the disciplines of prayer, study and service. The Pohick Church chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is one of the nation’s largest and most active. Its members are involved in a wide range of activities within the parish and beyond. For example, in recent years, the Pohick Chapter has been instrumental in establishing new chapters in South Africa. The Pohick Brotherhood meets in the Parish House Annex each Saturday morning, 8:00 - 9:00 am, for breakfast, devotions, and a Bible study, which is led by a different member each week. The men and boys who regularly attend include not only members of Pohick Church, but also members of other churches. All are welcome to join in the fellowship. For more information, please contact the Church Office, 703339-6572. " Brotherhood Hymn Jesus calls us over the tumult Of our life’s wild, restless, sea; Day by day His sweet voice soundeth, Saying, “Christian, follow Me!” As of old Saint Andrew heard it By the Galilean lake, Turned from home and toil and kindred, Leaving all for Jesus’ sake. Jesus calls us from the worship Of the vain world’s golden store, From each idol that would keep us, Saying, “Christian, love Me more!” So, like Andrew, may we go forth Bring others, Christ, to thee. Send us out, Lord, in thy Spirit, With thy message, “Come to Me.” Jesus calls us! By Thy mercies, Savior may we hear Thy call, Give our hearts to thine obedience, Serve and love Thee best of all. Christmas Flowers I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A DONATION TOWARDS THE POINSETTIAS AND GREENS THAT DECORATE THE CHURCH AT CHRISTMAS TIME. Given By:______________________________________________________________________________ In Memory or Thanksgiving: (Written the way you wish it to appear in the Christmas Bulletin) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to Pohick Church • Designated for Christmas Flowers The price is $10.00 • The deadline is Monday, December 18 This form with check may be returned to the desk of the Church Secretary or dropped in the Alms basket. Pohick Episcopal Church December 2006 • Page 9 Pohick Church Activities • December 2006 Sunday NOV 26 Monday 27 Wednesday 29 10:00a Parent/ Toddler Group 6p St. Francis Choir 7:30p HE/LOH 5 6 9:30a Staff Mtg. 10:00a Parent/ Toddler Group 11:00a Ann 6:00p St. Mason Guild Francis Choir Luncheon 2:30p HE II, 6:30p Martha Guild “Dinner The Fairfax Night Out” 7:30p HE/LOH Thursday Friday 30 DEC 1 6:30p Bell Choir 7:30p Adult Choir 8:30p AA 3 4 7 8 6:30p Bell Choir 7:30p Adult Choir 8:30p AA 9 8:00-9:00a BSA 9:00a Breakfast with Santa 10:00a Pageant Rehearsal 10 11 12 13 Advent 2c 6:00p Home- 9:30a Staff Mtg. 10:00a Parent/ 7:45a HE I less Christmas 9:30a Ann Mason Toddler Group 9:00a HE II Guild Mtg. Party 6:00p St. 10:15a Christian Ed. 2:30p HE II, Francis Choir 11:15a HE II The Fairfax 6:00p Commu12:30p Pohick Mis7:30p Vestry Mtg. sion Collect Project nity of Hope 12:30p Youth Choir 7:30p HE/LOH 14 15 9:00a-4:30p Life- Pohick Post Deadline line Screening 6:30p Bell Choir 7:30p Adult Choir 8:30p AA 16 8:00-9:00a BSA 10:00a Deadline for gifts to LCAC children (see page 3) 17 18 19 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE II, The Fairfax 21 22 6:30p Bell Choir Office Closed 7:30p Adult Choir 8:30p AA 23 8:00-9:00a BSA 24 25 Proper 29b 7:45a HE I 9:00a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed. 11:15a HE II Advent 1c 7:45a HE I 9:00a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed. 10:15a Annual Mtg. 11:15a HE I 12:30p Pohick Mission Collect Project 12:30p Youth Choir 6p EYC Dinner Night 4:00p Christmas Pageant Advent 3c 7:45a HE I 9:00a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed. 10:15a Fairfax Visit 11:15a HE I 12:30p Youth Choir Deadline for Christmas Flowers (see page 8) Tuesday 28 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE II, The Fairfax 20 10:00a Parent/ Toddler Group 6:00p St. Francis Choir 7:30p HE/LOH Saturday 2 8:00-9:00a BSA 26 Christmas Eve Christmas Day Office Closed Advent 4c 10:00a HE II 2:30p HE II, 8:00a Christmas Service The Fairfax 10:00a Christmas Service 27 28 10:00a Parent/ 8:30p AA Toddler Group 7:30p HE/LOH 29 30 8:00-9:00a BSA 31 JAN 1 New New Year’s Eve 3 5 6 10:00a LEM Training 6:00p Family HE 10:30p Carol Service 11:00p Festival HE Christmas 1c 7:45a HE I 9:00a HE II, Blessing of the Toys 11:15a HE I Year’s Day 2 4 Office Closed Contact the Parish Secretary, Vonne Troknya, if you would like your group’s meeting/event listed on the calendar: [email protected]. Page 10 • December 2006 Pohick Episcopal Church SUNDAY SERVICE VOLUNTEERS 3 DECEMBER 7:45 9:00 Ken Evans Bill Stewart Mo Faber Randy Brooks Jim Foster Grant Hodges 11:15 Joe Moran 10 DECEMBER USHERS Bob Johnson Tony Marsico Bob Armstrong Santos Garcia Terry Mulliins Gerry Smither Don Homar Lynn Seyler 7:00 Ken Evans Reed Heddleston 1:00 Joe Moran Susan Pehrsson 12:15 Pinkard/Kirkland Faber/TBA AM J. Wells/K. Hodges N. Sage C. Foster C. Heddleston J. Buckley S. Wrona C. Hanchin S. Kapusciarz BJ McPherson J. Holm A. Powell/A. Powell C. Sams J. Schmid E. Pitcock J. Cudworth A. Marsico AM D. Lehner J. Brimmer 7:45 Bartlett (R) Stewart (P) Davison (P) Gastrell (R) Booth (P) Davison (R) 11:15 Merriam (R) AM Cockroft (P) Cudworth (R) Poad (P) Ayorinde (P) Homar (R) Kathryn Killin Suzanne Donithan Kelley Perconti Zack Perconti 7:45 M/M O’Connell 9:00 Mayberry/Brooks 11:15 M/M Sage M/M Peterson M/M Wise M/M Thurston 24 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER Don O’Connell Shirley Kapusciarz 8:00a M/M Thurston Paul Peterson 10a E. Pitcock/B. Bartlett Lane Phillips Bill Hosp Kathy Kirkland 10:30p D. Muir, S. Homar, T. Marsico, D. Myers, W. Prados Tom Bland Jim Hayes John Hishta Hal Yarwood Don Buckius 9:00 17 DECEMBER 6:30p J. Foster, S. Remaly, L. Seyler, J. Springer, F. Thurston, M. Zane John Pasour Chris Brown Tony Harriman Pehr Pehrsson Jane Thurston Ken Wrona Edwardene Pitcock Doug Smith Brooks/Mayberry Pitcock/Schmid Heintze/TBA BJ McPherson J. Holm A. Powell/A. Powell C. Sams J. Schmid E. Pitcock J. Cudworth A. Marsico E. Meek/B. Wagner J. Sunderland T. Vaughan P. Emmons R. Teale N. Bireley J. MacDonald D. McCreery E. Meek/B. Wagner J. Sunderland T. Vaughan P. Emmons R. Teale N. Bireley J. MacDonald D. McCreery C. Hanchin Flower Guild Flower Guild Springer (R) Wagner (P) 8:00a Stewart (R) Sunderland (P) Bartlett (P) Springer (R) Poad (R) Sage (P) TBA Merriam (P) Sage (R) OPEN - UP Peter Kind LOCK - UP Jane Albertson TELLERS ALTAR GUILD FLOWER GUILD LAY READERS Booth (R) Faber (P) NURSERY Jessica Rafanan TBA 10a Harding (P) Heddleston (R) Tom Mayberry Rick Nelson Ayorinde (R) Homar (P) Sally Wise Anita McHargue Mike Krajack Svea Krajack Arnhart/Wagner M/M Bartlett M/M Ferlazzo S. Caesar P. Pinkard M. Zane COFFEE HOUR M/M Gurrola Edgemon/Homar M/M Perconti The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Church’s website, www.pohick.org, under “Ministries.” Pohick Episcopal Church December 2006 • Page 11 SUNDAY SERVICE VOLUNTEERS 3 DECEMBER 10 DECEMBER 7:45 9:00 M/M Bob Bartlett 11:15 M/M Don Homar M/M Bill Stewart 7:45 9:00 LC K. Lehner LC R. MacGregor LC J. Wooten SC S. Wooten T B. McCullough T S. Speer B S. Schwoppe LC R. Martin SC A. McNeal T R. McNeal T H. McCracken B M. Lee Doug Smith 11:15 LC K. Wrona SC W. Wrona T D. Hodges T M. Perconti B H. Goeller 17 DECEMBER GREETERS 24 DECEMBER 31 DECEMBER Bill Wrench Becky Wagner TBA Bill Bland M/M Barry Brown M/M Tom Bland TBA M/M Rick Nelson Althea Cooksey Beth Atkinson TBA LC A. From TBA LC D. Goeller LC T. Yezek SC T. Ayorinde T M. Perconti T S. Bowman B K. Hodge TBA LC S. Gray SC D. Dwyier T R. McNeal T H. Goeller B D. Gray LC S. Gray SC C. Mullins T D. Gray T R. Booth B A. Wyllie Acolytes Needed for Christmas Schedule! ACOLYTES LC S. Stephens SC A. Gastrell T D. Hodges T B. McCullough B H. Garth TBA LC S. Prados SC W. Prados T K. Hodge T R. Pehrsson B J. Mitchell Washington National Cathedral The Christmas Eve service schedule will be posted on the message board next to the albs and cottas. Any acolytes who will be in town are invited to volunteer for all the necessary positions. Acolytes will be needed for the morning and evening services. Please note that ALL acolytes should have received Revision 1 of the Acolyte Schedule in the mail. If not, please contact Jim From at 703-4926450 or [email protected]. Organ Demonstrations On Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:30 - 1:00 pm, a Cathedral organist gives a short talk about the Cathedral’s 10,650-pipe organ followed by a mini-recital. No reservations are required for individuals or for families, but reservations are required for bus groups. Please note that no organ demonstrations are scheduled on holidays. There will be no organ demonstration on Monday, December 25, Christmas Day, or on Monday, January 1, New Year’s Day. Ø Christmas Pageant “THE GIFT” Pohick Church • Sunday, December 10 • 4:00 pm Presented by the children of Pohick Church Attend this special presentation of the Christmas story! Refreshments will be served in the Common Room following the program. Call Frances Sessums at 703-425-2857 for more information. VESTRY • GRAM Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________ To: The Vestry Return Service Requested 9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519 Pohick Church From: Peter Kind Ken Wrona Reed Heddleston Susan Pehrsson Wayne Biggs, Ken Evans, Reed Heddleston, Neil Hogg, Joe Moran, Edwardene Pitcock, Doug Smith, Robin Teale, Jane Thurston, Greg Wise, Mike Wooten Pohick Church Vestry The Rev’d Donald Sr. Warden: Binder, PhD Jr. Warden: The Rev’d Jane Piver Treasurer: Arienne Davison Register: Linda Egan Members: Frances Sessums Vonne Troknya Pat Osisek Jennifer Crump-Strawderman John Sessums Pohick Church Staff Rector: Assistant: Seminarian: Minister of Music: Director of Christian Ed: Parish Secretary: Finance Admin: Youth Minister: Sexton: Telephone: 703-339-6572 • Fax: 703-339-9884 Church Office Email: [email protected] • Web Site: www.pohick.org The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christ’s love is experienced and taken beyond its walls. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 2 Lorton, VA