TEEN 4 HIRE - Calvary Baptist Church
TEEN 4 HIRE - Calvary Baptist Church
Sunday’s flowers were in honor of the 11th Birthday of Grace Lane. Calvary Baptist Church Lake 410 North Marshall Henderson, TX 75652 www.cbchenderson.org 903-657-8153 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Calvary extends sympathy to the family of Helen Taylor Krista Lebow in the loss of her grandfather Melissa Youngblood in the loss of her brother TEEN 4 HIRE Contact person: Jason Adams 90-657-8153 th Awana Clubs are for Ages 2 years old through 5 graders. PHOTO Night Come ready to SMILE while learning God’s Word! Henderson, Texas March 20 – March 28, 2015 STAFF Bill Kuykendall – Senior Pastor Steve Butler – Associate Pastor Frank Lane – Associate Pastor Jason Adams – Associate Pastor Josh Woolridge – Associate Pastor Fri. March 20 9:00a Body Recovery Last day to drop off Garage Sale items Here to Glorify God and Minister in Love We have 15 students raising money for the Summer Mission trip. Please hire a student to assist with jobs you might have. This event will continue until the students leave for the summer mission trip. Calvary Baptist Church Sat. March 21 8:00a-4:00p Youth Garage Sale 1:30p Sweet Treats & Me by Kindred Hearts Ladies Ministry Sun. March 22 9:00a Bible Study 10:15a Worship 4:00p Choir Rehearsal 5:00p Youth CrossFit 5:00 Awana Clubs- Photo Night 5:00p Worship — Keith Lybrand Mon. March 23 9:00a Body Recovery 6:30p Zumba Tues. March 24 9:00a Caring & Sharing Sunday Night – March 22 @ 5:00-6:30 p.m. ContactFrank person: Lane 903-657-8153 Contact person: LaneFrank @ 903-658-2509 The church received Thank You Notes from: Katielee Burks Thank You Notes are on display in the Welcome Center. Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Henderson, Texas Permit No. 217 Thank You Notes Wed. March 25 9:00a Body Recovery 4:30p Keenage Choir 5:30p Meal 6:00p Handbells 6:15p Kid’s Club (K-3rd) 6:15p Route 54 (4th-5th) 6:15p D-Teams (6th-12th) 6:30p Classes 7:30p Orchestra 7:30-8:30p Open Gym Thurs. March 26 6:30a Men’s Study @ Whataburger 6:30p Zumba Fri. March 27 9:00a Body Recovery Sat. March 28 9:00a Bow Shoot Drew Griffith’s WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL for March 25 Menu 1 - $5 Menu 2 - $5 Menu 3 - $4 Menu 4 - $4 Chicken Spaghetti Green Beans Garlic Bread Salad Bar Drink/Dessert Baked Potato Salad Bar Drink/Dessert Pizza Fruit Drink/Dessert Salad Bar Drink/Dessert Student Ministry SATURDAY March 21 7 a.m.-4 p.m. @ the Student Center Bring your donated items to the Student Center by MARCH 20. Contact person: Jason Adams 903-657-8153 (church) 903-646-7608 (cell) Email: [email protected] Sweet Treats and Me March 21 @ 1:30 p.m. Church Parlor Bring a friend and if possible a favorite dessert along with a copy of your recipe to share with others. Enjoy “sweet” fellowship Child care provided for a $5 charge if needed. Coming Soon… April 11th - Creatables with Mandy @ 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Fellowship Center May 2nd - Canton Trip @ 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. May 11th - Mentee/Mentor Year-end Celebration @ 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Center PASTOR’S REPORT In a couple of weeks we will celebrate Easter Sunday. This is a time when many will have a desire to attend church so begin now inviting friends and relatives to join us on April 5 for this special service. We will observe the Lord’s Supper during the 5:00 p.m. evening service on March 29. There will be a special time for the young children who have not made a profession of faith to be involved in the explanation of the Lord’s Supper. There will be no Awana Clubs and Crossfit. BOW SHOOT th Saturday, March 28 @ 9 a.m. Sign-up in the Welcome Center to be a part of this fun event. Contacts: Donny Griffith (903-557-1579) Ryan Tandy (903-738-9698) or Clay Dunnavant (903-646-3387) CANDY-FILLED PLASTIC EGGS NEEDED NOW! Please seal each egg with tape before placing in the “egg box” located in the Welcome Center. Easter egg hunt and outreach April 5 @ 10:00 a.m. Youth Car Wash Saturday, April 11 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Proceeds help students attend mission trip “Creatables” by Mandy Saturday April 11 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Fellowship Center Mandy Calvary Fishing Tournament Saturday, April 11 6:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Lake Murvaul Make your own fishing arrangments Participate or come for the weigh in! Lunch Contact: Clay Dunnavant 903-646-3387 Get in the Word on II Peter Bible Study – Bro. Josh (W101) @ 6:30 p.m. “The Early Church” – Bobby Brown (W102) @ 6:30 p.m. Discover Calvary – Bro. Bill @ 6:30 p.m. Bible Study - Dwain Knight (Choir Room) @ 6:30 p.m. Family Table Talk - Bro. Steve (Parlor) @ 6:30 p.m. Young Adult Bible Study – Gary Gunder (230) @ 6:30 p.m. SHINE Ministry “Hebrews” by Lisa Harper – Juaniece Henry (W104) @ 6:30 p.m. Precept Study of Daniel – Dee Ann Wallace (243) @ 6:30 p.m. “Stuck” - Susan Fitzgerald (140) @ 6:30 p.m. High School D-Teams (Chapel) @ 6:15 p.m. Middle School D-Teams (Chapel) @ 6:15 p.m. Route 54 Grades 4th & 5th (Upstairs Adult Assembly Area) @ 6:15 p.m. Kids Club Grades K-3rd (200) @ 6:15 p.m. Preschool Kid’s Club (Basement) @ 6:15 p.m. Nursery (Nursery Suite) Hand-N-Hand Preschool is looking for someone with flexible hours who LOVES children. HNH needs a few good substitutes for 5 to 10 hours per week. Contact Kathrine Woolridge at 903-657-0494 if interested.