Friday Folder for October 31, 2014 -
Friday Folder for October 31, 2014 -
Kingsley Elementary Physical Education September/October Newsletter Kindergarten through Third Grade At the beginning of the school year, Kingsley students in Kindergarten through Third Grade practiced moving around the gym while maintaining their own personal space. Personal space is that space right next to someone but out of reach of anyone or anything else. We also played tag games where students learned to chase, flee and dodge. To further practice the skills of chasing, fleeing, and dodging we played a game called “Capture the Giant Football.” This game also incorporates basic strategies essential for team sports, and students were able to practice cooperation and collaboration skills with each other. Overhand throwing was also introduced and practiced during the game of “Keep Your Trash Off My Lawn.” When using the overhand throw, students need to step with their opposite foot from the side the ball is on, have their arm over their shoulder, have their side to their target, and follow through to the target after letting go of the ball. After learning the skill of overhand throwing, students learned how to throw a Frisbee. Steps to properly throw a Frisbee include placing the thumb on top of the Frisbee, putting the index finger on the rim, and putting the other three fingers underneath the Frisbee. One needs to stand sideways to the target and curve the arm back across the body. As one throws the Frisbee, one has to step towards the target and throw the Frisbee sideways across the body. We also learned how to catch the Frisbee using the sandwich catch. The sandwich catch is when one hand is facing up, the other hand is facing down, and you close both hands around the Frisbee when it comes to you. Students were also introduced to kicking a ball through both basic soccer activities and a game called “Rapid Fire Kickball.” When kicking a ball, one should plant the non-kicking foot to the side of the ball and use the top of the foot to kick the ball. Soccer and “Rapid Fire Kickball” also allowed students to practice working together. Rolling was another skill practiced during Physical Education class. During the various rolling games, students demonstrated the proper technique for rolling a ball. This would include stepping with the opposite foot, bending knees, using a backward-to-forward arm swing, and following through after letting go of the ball. This should ensure a smooth roll with no bounce. Two health-related fitness concepts (cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength and endurance) were also introduced during class. Two health-related fitness concepts (cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength and endurance) were also introduced during class. Students practiced improving their cardiovascular endurance while running laps around the field. Students practiced improving their muscular strength and endurance during the tug a rope activity. Finally, we would like to offer a heartfelt “Thank You!” to the Kingsley PTA for purchasing our new climbing rope. It is a wonderful addition to our gym space. Mr. Gallagher and I look forward to seeing our Kingsley students put it to good use during our rope climbing unit and during Free Choice days! Kingsley Physical Education September/October Newsletter Fourth and Fifth Grades Our fourth and fifth grade students started the school year by learning various football skills. The first skills introduced to them were throwing and catching the footballs. We then progressed to playing offense and defense: having possession of the ball or trying to gain possession from the other team. We also worked on intercepting the ball (an interception is a pass intended for an offensive player that is caught by a defender). We played many lead up football games that helped students improve football passing, catching, offensive and defensive skills. When we completed the football unit, fourth and fifth grade students participated in the Fitnessgram Fitness Tests. Students participated in five different tests: curl ups, push ups, sit and reach, trunk lift , and the Pacer test. The curl up test measures abdominal muscle strength. Good strength and endurance of the abdominal muscles are important in promoting correct posture and pelvic alignment. The push up test measures upper body strength and endurance. Sit and reach measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings. Another flexibility test is trunk lift. Trunk lift measures trunk extensor strength, flexibility, and endurance (your trunk extensors are found in your back). The PACER test, which stands for Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run, measures students’ aerobic capacity. This capacity is the ability to perform large muscle, high intensity exercise for prolonged periods. During the month of October, students participated in the soccer unit. Students practiced the skills of dribbling the soccer ball, defending, goal tending, passing, and ball control skills. Finally, we would like to offer a heartfelt “Thank You!” to the Kingsley PTA for purchasing our new climbing rope. It is a wonderful addition to our gym space. Mr. Gallagher and I look forward to seeing our Kingsley students put it to good use during our rope climbing unit and during Free Choice days! TH 5 GRADE BOYS’ 3-ON-3 BASKETBALL FRIDAYS, NOVEMBER 7, 14, & 21 5 PM- 6:30 PM KINGSLEY GYM BECOME A BETTER, MORE EFFICIENT PLAYER THROUGH 3-ON-3 PLAY. NEW AND EXPERIENCED PLAYERS WELCOME! QUESTIONS? CONTACT ERNEST TRIPLETT AT [email protected] Be a Girl Scout! Girls in grades 1st and 3rd and their parents are invited to a parent meeting to join Girl Scouts at Kingsley! *This is an opportunity for your daughter to join Girl Scout troops NOW forming! Thursday, November 6th at 6:30pm Kingsley Elementary Auditorium Where/Donde: Kingsley Elementary 2300 Green Bay Road, Evanston When/Cuando: Thursday, October 23rd at 6:30pm Questions: Contact Marie Erbeck [email protected] (630) 544-5905 I can’t wait to be a Girl Scout! What do Girl Scouts do? Girl Scouts earn badges, hike and camp, participate in the cookie program, and much more. They improve neighborhoods, protect the planet, design robots, and establish sports clinics. As a Girl Scout you will make new friends, create long lasting memories and have FUN! Girl Scout Grade Levels st grade Daisy: K - 1 Brownie: 2nd - 3rd grade Junior: 4th – 5th grade Cadette: 6th – 8th grade Senior: 9th – 10th grade Ambassador: 11th – 12th grade Girl Scout Volunteers (Troop/Group Leaders) Girl Scouts that belong to a troop or group are guided by leaders-‐community volunteers who are parents or other adults trained by the local Girl Scout council. Leaders work with girls to determine interest and decide on activities within the framework of the Girl Scout program. Parents are asked to help get troops started and become leaders as well as asked to support the leader by helping where needed, such as with transportation, group snacks (if needed), helping at meetings or family outings. As a Girl Scout Volunteer you’ll serve as a partner and role model to girls, discover your own skills and abilities, meet new people, and “learn by doing” alongside girls at every step. Where/Donde: Kingsley Elementary 2300 Green Bay Road, Evanston When/Cuando: Thursday, November 6th at 6:30pm Questions: Contact Marie Erbeck [email protected] (630) 544-5905 Kingsley Taekwon-‐do Club ENROLL NOW FOR TRIMESTER II 2014 – 2015 School Year Fridays, 3:50-‐4:50 pm, in the gym December 5, 2014 thru March 6, 2015 No classes on 12/26, 1/2 and 2/13 HAVE FUN WHILE LEARNING A MARTIAL ART Martial Arts for Youth Cultivating The Future Black Belt Leader In Each Child Fun Activities & Engaging Challenges Each Child Progresses At His Own Pace Develop Confidence, Respect & Resilience Meet The Instructor Grandmaster Connelly has been providing enrichment programs to schools in Chicago and the North Shore communi=es for over 20 years. With 46 years of experience training, compe=ng and teaching, his reputa=on for excellence and quality is unmatched. Grandmaster Connelly is a 7th Degree Black Belt in Taekwon-‐do, a 4th Degree Black Belt in Hapkido, a 5th Degree Black Belt in Kumdo and a 1st Degree Black Belt in Judo. He holds a B.S in Communica=ons and an M.S in counseling. Grandmaster Connelly is an adjunct faculty member of Na=onal Louis University. Register through Right at School Grandmaster Connelly Many of our classrooms have daily snacks for the children that are provided by the parents. However, some children are not able to bring snacks. We are asking for donations so that all the kids can have a snack everyday. We need individually packaged snacks like pretzels, cheese crackers, 100-‐calorie snacks, granola bars, graham crackers, etc. Please leave your donations in the Evanston COPE box or in the office between now and November 14th. We appreciate every snack! Rents: $750 - $950 per month! Ownership: $800 - $1,200 per month! GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: Dawes’ gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. Clinics run from 3:354:45pm. Date October 22 November 19 December 17 January 21 February 18 March 18 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a wonderful, FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to the sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics at Dawes this year! If you have questions, please email Liz Brieva at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 22 November 19 December 17 January 21 February 18 March 18 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: Dawes’ Gymnasium CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at Dawes Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: King Arts’ gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. Clinics run from 3:354:45pm. Date October 13 November 10 December 8 January 12 February 9 March 9 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a wonderful, FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to the sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics for Bessie Rhodes and King Arts this year! If you have questions, please email Liz Brieva at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 13 November 10 December 8 January 12 February 9 March 9 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: King Arts’ Gymnasium CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will take the late bus home. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at King Arts Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: Kingsley’s gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. Clinics run from 3:354:45pm. Date October 7 November 4 December 2 January 13 February 3 March 3 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a wonderful, FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to the sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics at Kingsley this year! If you have questions, please email Liz Brieva at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 7 November 4 December 2 January 13 February 3 March 3 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: Kingsley’s Gymnasium CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will ride the late bus home. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at Kingsley Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: Lincoln’s gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. Clinics run from 3:354:45pm. Date October 9 November 6 December 4 January 15 February 5 March 5 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a wonderful, FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to the sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics at Lincoln this year! If you have questions, please email Liz Brieva at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 9 November 6 December 4 January 15 February 5 March 5 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: Lincoln’s Gymnasium CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at Lincoln Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: Oakton’s gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. Clinics run from 3:354:45pm. Date October 16 November 13 December 11 January 22 February 11 March 4 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a wonderful, FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to the sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics at Oakton this year! If you have questions, please email Liz Brieva at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 16 November 13 December 11 January 22 February 11 March 4 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: Oakton’s Gymnasium CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at Oakton Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: Walker’s gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. Clinics run from 3:354:45pm. Date October 15 November 19 December 16 January 28 February 25 March 25 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a wonderful, FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to the sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics at Walker this year! If you have questions, please email Liz Brieva at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 15 November 19 December 16 January 28 February 25 March 25 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: Walker’s Gymnasium CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will take the late bus home. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at Walker Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: Washington’s gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. Clinics run from 3:354:45pm. Date October 8 November 12 December 10 January 28 February 25 March 25 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a wonderful, FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to the sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics at Washington this year! If you have questions, please email Liz Brieva at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 8 November 12 December 10 January 28 February 25 March 25 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: Washington’s Gymnasium CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at Washington Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER GIRLS PLAY SPORTS WHO: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program offered by Team Girls Play Sports to 4th and 5th grade girls at D65 elementary schools. WHERE: Willard Gym WHEN: Once a month from October–March. 4:45pm. Mark your calendars now! Date October 14 November 18 December 9 January 20 February 10 March 10 Clinics run from 3:35- Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits DETAILS: Girls Play Sports is a FREE program for 4th and 5th grade girls to learn and play 11 different sports. We run six clinics throughout the year. Girls are exposed to sports through skills and drills run by ETHS ATHLETES! The ETHS athletes are recruited by their coaches to lead the clinics. They are outstanding leaders on their teams and in our community. We hope your daughter will be interested in participating in our clinics at Willard this year! If you have questions, please email Megan Livatino at [email protected] GIRLS PLAY SPORTS PERMISSION FORM **MEET AND PLAY SPORTS WITH ETHS ATHLETES!** Date October 14 November 18 December 9 January 20 February 10 March 10 TIME: 3:35-4:45 Sports Basketball and Lacrosse Soccer and Cross Country Volleyball Tennis and Badminton Softball Cheerleading, Gymnastics, and Pomkits LOCATION: Willard Gym CONTACT INFORMATION (print clearly) CHILD’S NAME________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL________________________________TEACHER______________________ROOM#_____ PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS______________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE__________________________CELL/WORK PHONE_______________ ______My daughter will be picked up at 4:45. ______My daughter will walk home at 4:45. PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION Yes, my daughter has permission to participate in the Girls Play Sports program at Willard Elementary School. I authorize the supervisor to secure needed medical treatment in case of an emergency in the event I cannot be reached. Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________Date:___/___/___ SIGN AND SUBMIT FORM TO YOUR P.E. TEACHER YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAMS FALL 2014 Session 2 n Nov 1 -Dec 20 Middleton School, 8300 St. Louis Ave. • Weber Leisure Center, 9300 Weber Park Place Parent Tot Soccer Young children develop motor skills while having fun running and kicking just like the big kids! Parents and tots work together in this class, learning the basics of soccer. A variety of activities designed around the game of soccer will be played each week. No class 11/30. Ages 2-4 353820-02 Su Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/2-12/14 9:00-9:45A R $65 NR $81 Pee Wee Soccer Let your child’s early soccer experience be a great one. The younger player will not only develop soccer skills but will also gain confidence, coordination, motor skills and communication skills. The program uses age-appropriate drills and exercises to teach kicking, ball control, dribbling, shooting and more. No class 11/28, 11/29, & 11/30. Ages 3-5 353821-03 353821-04 Ages 4-6 353821-09 353821-10 353821-11 353821-12 Location: Weber Leisure Center Tu F 11/4-12/16 11/7-12/19 10:15-11:00A 2:00-2:45P R $75 NR $94 R $65 NR $81 M M Sa Su 11/3-12/15 11/3-12/15 11/1-12/20 11/2-12/14 3:15-4:00P 4:00-4:45P 10:45-11:30A 9:45-10:30A R $75 NR $94 R $75 NR $94 R $75 NR $94 R $65 NR $81 Soccer Skills Clinics 101 - New Time Basketball Skills Clinic 1 Get a head start on developing essential basketball skills such as shooting, dribbling and passing, along with the basic rules of the game. Each class includes Hot Shots Sports instruction as well as structured games. This class is for the basketball beginner looking to understand the game, learn new skills, and have a ball! No class 11/26 & 11/28 Ages 6-8 350822-04 350822-05 350822-06 Tu W F 11/4-12/16 Location: Middleton School 5:30-6:30P R $75 NR $94 Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/5-12/17 11/7-12/19 Basketball Clinic 1 Advanced 4:00-5:00P 4:00-5:00P R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 NEW! Designed for players who have participated in Basketball Clinic Level I, are experienced, but not quite old enough for Basketball Clinic 2. This class will continue to develop the fundamentals, such as shooting, dribbling, and passing. Players will also receive more advanced instruction while providing game play to get them ready for the next level! No class 11/27. Ages 7-9 350824-02 Th 11/6-12/18 Location: Middleton School 5:30-6:30P R $65 NR $81 Basketball Skills Clinic 2 Children are introduced to the fundamentals of soccer tactics such as passing the ball, attack and defense moves, keeping the ball away from and taking the ball from the opposing team. Children learn to score and prevent goals. At this age the focus starts to change from simple games to organized, tactical, competitive games. No class 11/28. In this class, players start applying their individual skills to the team game. Fundamentals will continue to be developed, with a focus on proper shooting mechanics. Participants are also introduced to offensive concepts, such as screens and moving without the ball, and defensive skills, such as proper defensive stance and man-to-man defense. No class 11/26. Ages 6-9 Ages 8-12 353823-04 353823-05 353823-06 M Tu F Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/3-12/15 11/4-12/16 11/7-12/19 5:00-6:00P 4:00-5:00P 5:00-6:00P R $75 NR $94 R $75 NR $94 R $65 NR $81 In the next stage of their progression, players increase their playing stamina and speed, on and off the ball. The clinic’s specific technique training involves strength and placement shooting, landing on the shooting foot, precision passing, settling the ball with various body parts, and other offensive and defensive skills. 350541-02 T Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/4-12/16 Game Time Soccer 5:00-6:00P R $75 NR $94 NEW! Join us in a fun filled environment designed to provide additional game experience to players while having fun playing soccer with their friends! Develop soccer skills such as shooting, ball control, passing and basic rules of the game through scrimmages. Teams will be divided evenly each week, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship. Ages 8-12 353822-02 M Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/3-12/15 6:00-7:00P R $75 NR $94 Children are introduced to the game of basketball in a safe, fun and exciting environment. Our curriculum uses age-appropriate activities and games specifically designed to increase balance, body awareness, motor skills and hand-eye coordination. No class 11/26, 11/28, 11/29, & 11/30. 350821-03 350821-04 M Tu Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/3-12/15 11/4-12/16 All Stars Ages: 4-6 350821-09 350821-10 350821-11 350821-12 Su W F Sa 350823-05 350823-06 M Tu W 11/2-12/14 11/5-12/17 11/7-12/19 11/1-12/20 11/3-12/15 11/4-12/16 5:00-6:00P Location: TBA R $75 NR $94 Location: Middleton School 6:30-7:30P R $75 NR $94 Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/5-12/17 Game Time Basketball 5:00-6:00P R $65 NR $81 NEW! One of the best ways to develop your basketball game is through game play. In Game Time Basketball, you will do just that! Each week, basketball players will be challenged through 1 on 1, 3 on 3, 5 on 5, or other variants to playing ball. Hot Shots Sports coaches will ref and guide the class to enhance the players understanding of the game. No class 11/27. Ages 9-12 350825-02 Th 11/6-12/18 Location: Middleton School 6:30-7:30P R $65 NR $81 Full Court Basketball Play full court basketball games facilitated and refereed by the staff of Hot Shots Sports. Participants will be divided into new teams each week and have an opportunity to work with coaches on specific skills and then apply these acquired skills to actual games. No class 11/29. Ages 10-14 Lil’ Dribblers Pros Ages: 3-5 Soccer Skills Clinics 202 Ages 9-14 350823-04 350831-02 Sa Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/1-12/20 1:00-2:00P R $75 NR $94 T-Ball Skills Clinic Participants enjoy learning the skills needed to play baseball including offense and defense, as well as the rules and philosophies of the game. All you need to bring is a glove and sports attire. No class 11/27 & 11/29. 10:45-11:30A 9:30-10:15A R $75 NR $94 R $75 NR $94 Ages 4-6 11:15A-12:00P 3:00-3:45P 3:15-4:00P 9:15-10:00A R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 R $75 NR $94 354221-04 354221-03 Th Sa 11/6-12/18 Location: Middleton School 4:30-5:15P R $65 NR $81 Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/1-12/20 12:15-1:00P R $75 NR $96 continued on other side a YOUTH SPORTS PROGRAMS FALL 2014 Session 2 n Nov 1 -Dec 20 Pee Wee Flag Football Learn to play the nation’s most beloved game! Flag football is an exciting way to learn and experience the game of football in a noncompetitive environment. Participants are introduced to the core components of passing, catching and defense, all presented in a fun and positive environment. No equipment is necessary! No class 11/26 & 11/27. Ages 3-5 350533-03 350533-04 W Th Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/5-12/17 11/6-12/18 10:45-11:30A 3:15-4:00P R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 Game Time Flag Football Pee Wee Floor Hockey Hot Shots Sports provides a safe and fun environment for the future stars to explore the great game of hockey. To ensure a safe environment, pee wee hockey players will play with pillow polo sticks, which has a soft-cushion end. Participants learn the basics of the game and experience the thrills of being a hockey player! No class 11/27. Ages 3-5 354225-03 354225-04 Tu Th Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/4-12/16 11/6-12/18 2:00-2:45P 9:15-10:00A R $75 NR $94 R $65 NR $81 Indoor Floor Hockey League Players experience daily scrimmages with active instruction and tips from the coaching staff of Hot Shots Sports. Players will be encouraged to employ skills used in football such as running pass routes, play calling, defensive positioning, and pass coverage. These skills and others will be put to use in a “game time” environment while the players scrimmage each week. No class 11/28. Hockey fundamentals as well as game strategy, teamwork, sportsmanship and safety will be stressed each week. For the participant’s safety, each participant will be required to have the following equipment: helmet, shinguards & gloves. Each team member will receive a team jersey. Tournament trophies will be awarded at the conclusion of the season. No class 11/30. Ages 7-10 Ages 7-10 350534-03 Ages 7-10 350534-04 Tu 11/4-12/16 F 11/7-12/19 Location: Middleton School 4:30-5:30P R $75 NR $94 Location: Weber Leisure Center 6:00-7:00P R $65 NR $81 Double Play NEW! In this program kids will alternate each week learning two sports. Players will develop skills and fundamentals while experiencing game play in an instructional and exciting setting. No class 11/27. Ages 3 - 5 Soccer/T-Ball 353817-04 M Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/3-12/15 10:00-10:45A R $75 NR $94 11/4-12/16 3:00-3:45P R $75 NR $94 11/6-12/18 2:00-2:45P R $65 NR $81 Basketball/Football 353817-05 Tu Basketball/Soccer 353817-06 Th Triple Play NEW! This class features three sports: football, soccer and basketball. Participants develop skills associated with each sport and have opportunities to use these skills in game situations. Emphasis is placed on skill development, teamwork and sportsmanship. Ages 7-10 353818-02 M Game Time Sports 11/3-12/15 4:00-5:00P Location: TBA R $75 NR $94 NEW! Gain game experience with no drills, just games. Each week, participants will be competing in a different sport under the guidance of Hot Shots Sports. Coaches will emphasis teamwork and sportsmanship while also providing insight about the sport of the day. No class 11/26. Ages 8-12 353819-02 W Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/5-12/17 4:00-5:00P R $65 NR $81 Dodgeball League NEW! 354224-02 Su Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/2-12/14 Children are introduced to the fundamentals of such sports as soccer, t-ball, basketball, floor hockey and other sports and group games. The program provides an opportunity for each child to develop motor skills and to nurture his or her social and emotional growth through teamwork and good sportsmanship. No class 11/26 & 11/27. Ages 3-5 350422-05 350422-06 350422-07 350422-08 M W Th Th Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/3-12/15 11/5-12/17 11/6-12/18 11/6-12/18 Ages 5-8 350423-03 350423-04 Th Sa Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/6-12/18 11/1-12/20 For more info check out our website: Location: TBA R $65 NR $81 Register now @ 4:00-5:00P 2:30-3:30P R $65 NR $81 R $75 NR $94 Adult Tot Sports Parents are an integral part of helping their tots develop basic sports movement and motor skills. Motor skills activities focus on handeye and hand-foot coordination. Sports equipment and instruction are provided to help guide your child through an introduction to organized sports. No class 11/26, 11/27, 11/29, & 11/30. Ages 2-4 350426-05 354224-06 354224-07 354224-08 Sa Su W Th Location: Weber Leisure Center 11/1-12/20 11/2-12/14 11/5-12/17 11/6-12/18 10:00-10:45A 10:30-11:15A 9:15-10:00A 10:45-11:30A R $75 NR $94 R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 Coming Soon: Hot Shots Sports Winter Camp 5:00-6:00P R $75 NR $94 R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 R $65 NR $81 Total Sports teaches children the basic skills of playing a variety of sports. Some of the sports taught and played include soccer, kickball, t-ball, floor hockey, basketball and more. No class 11/27 & 11/29. Ages: 7-10 11/5-12/17 2:00-2:45P 10:00-10:45A 10:00-10:45A 5:00-5:45P Total Sports 450534-01 M, Tu, W 12/22-12/24 450534-02 M-F 12/29-1/2 W R $100 NR $125 Sports and More Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive! This league provides participants an opportunity to play this popular game in a safe and supervised environment, using supersoft dodgeballs for safety. The first week will be practice play, with evaluations to provide balanced teams. During league play participants will play a different style of dodgeball each week. The session will conclude with playoffs. Each participant will receive a team T-shirt. No class 11/26. 354222-02 12:30-2:30P Sports & More Winter Camp Ages 4-6 Campers are introduced to sports such as Soccer, T-ball, Football, Kickball and other group games. 9:00A-12:00P R $65 NR $81 9:00A-12:00P R $85 NR $106 Ages 7-14 The camp features a variety of sports including Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball, Basketball, football, Floor Hockey and more. 450535-02 M-F 450535-01 M-W 12/29-1/2 12/22-12/24 9:00A-12:00PR $85 NR $1061 9:00A-12:00P R $65 NR $81 R E T N I W S 5 P 1 M 4 A 1 C 0 S 2 T R O SP Sports and More Camp Sports Camp Ages 4-6 Location: Weber Leisure Center Ages 7-14 Location: Weber Leisure Center Get out of the cold for a camp full of fun! Campers are introduced to sports such as Soccer, T-ball, Football, Kickball and other group games. The goal is to provide the opportunity for each child to develop motor skills and nurture his/her growth socially and emotionally through teamwork and good sportsmanship. Bring a snack and come ready to play. The camp features a variety of sports including Soccer, Baseball, Volleyball, Basketball, Football, Floor Hockey and more. In addition, a wide range of group games will be played. Instruction will focus on basic fundamentals and good sportsmanship. Bring a snack and come ready to play. 450534-01 9:00AM-12:00PM 12/22-12/24 R$65/NR$81 450534-02 9:00AM-12:00PM 12/29-1/2 R$85/NR$106 *No Camp 1/1. 450535-01 9:00AM-12:00PM 12/22-12/24 R$65/NR$81 450535-02 9:00AM-12:00PM 12/29-1/2 R$85/NR$106 *No Camp 1/1. Navigating Real Life Diversity with Our Kids Join us either night... Nov 4 OR Nov 11 6:30-8:30pm Evanston Public Library Large Community Room Free and Open to the Public Childcare and Spanish translation provided RSVPs required for childcare The series is facilitated by Diversity and Inclusion experts Elisabeth “Biz” Lindsay-Ryan Nov 4 & 11 and Dr. Gilo Kwesi Logan Feb 18 & Mar 18 You didn’t make the first session? No problem. Join us anytime. Presented by The Evanston/Skokie PTA Council in partnership with the Evanston Public Library, Evanston/Skokie School District 65, Youth Organizations Umbrella (Y.O.U.), Family Focus, and YWCA Evanston/North Shore Cómo navegar la diversidad en la vida real con nuestros niños Unirse a nosotros, ya sea de noche 4 o 11 de noviembre 6:30-8:30pm Biblioteca Pública de Evanston, Salón comunitario grande Gratis y abierto al público Se brindará servicio de cuidado de niños e interpretación al español. Se debe responder (RSVP) en el caso de necesitar servicio de cuidado de niños Una serie en cuatro partes moderada por Elisabeth “Biz” Lindsay-Ryan 4 y 11 de noviembre y el Dr. Gilo Kwesi Logan 18 de febrero y 18 de marzo, expertos en el tema de la diversidad y la inclusión Presentado por el Consejo de la PTA de Evanston/Skokie, en colaboración con la Biblioteca Pública de Evanston, el Distrito Escolar 65 (Evanston/Skokie), la Youth Oranizations Umbrella (Y.O.U.), Family Focus, y YWCA Evanston/North Shore ¿No pudieron asistir a la primera sesión? No se hagan problema. Vengan esta vez. F a mi l yAc t i onNet wor k( F AN) , i npa r t ner s hi pwi t hAngl es , Chi a r a v a l l eMont es s or i Sc hool , F a mi l ySer v i c e ofGl enc oe, Gl env i ewEduc a t i onF ounda t i on, Keni l wor t hD3 8, a ndt heMa s t erofSc i enc ei nEduc a t i on Pr ogr a ma tt heSc hool ofEduc a t i ona ndSoc i a l Pol i c ya tNor t hwes t er nUni v er s i t ypr es ent s : 2Topi cs,2Dat es,FANt ast i c! Laur enceSt ei nber g,Ph. D. Di s t i ngui s he dUni v e r s i t yPr of e s s ora ndLa ur aH. Ca r ne l l Pr of e s s orofPs y c hol ogy , T e mpl eUni v e r s i t y Aut horofma nybook s , i nc l udi ngt hene wbe s t s e l l e rAgeofOppor t uni t y :Le s s onsf r omt heNe wSc i e nc eof Adol e s c e nc e AgeofOppor t uni t y: Lessonsf r om t he New Sci enceofAdol escence Monday,Nov.3,2014,7: 00PM Evanst onTownshi pHi ghSchoolAudi t or i um 1600DodgeAve. ,Evanst on YouandYourAdol escent : A Pr act i calWor kshopf orPar ent s Tuesday,Nov.4,2014,9: 30AM New Tr i erHi ghSchool / Nor t hf i el d,Cor nogAudi t or i um 7HappRd. ,Nor t hf i el d RSVP Request edf orPar entWor kshop:bi t . l y/ St ei nber gWor kshop Bot hevent sf r eeandopent ot hepubl i c. Nov.3eventsui t abl ef oryout hages10+. CPDUsavai l abl ef oreducat or s. I NFO:f ami l yact i onnet wor k. net “ Wha te v e r ypa r e nt , t e a c he r , a ndc ouns e l orMUSTk nowa boutt hea dol e s c e ntbr a i n, i t sv ul ne r a bi l i t i e s , a ndi t st r e me ndouspos s i bi l i t i e s . ”-Ca r ol Dwe c k , Ph. D. “ I l ov et hi sbook !St e i nbe r gha sbl e nde dt hel a t e s tr e s e a r c hwi t hhi sde c a de sofe x pe r i e nc e t ogi v eusabol dne wv i e woft hepe r i l sa ndpr omi s eofa dol e s c e nc e . ”-Da nSi e ge l , MD “ Ama s t e r f ul s umma r yofwha ts c i e nc eha sr e c e nt l ydi s c ov e r e da bouta dol e s c e nc e . I l e a r ne ds ome t hi ngne wone v e r ypa ge . ”Ange l aDuc k wor t h, Ph. D. “ Cl e a r , e v i de nc e ba s e d, a nds ol ut i ons or i e nt e d, AgeofOppor t uni t yi st her oa dma py oune e d. . . ”-Ma de l i neLe v i ne , Ph. D. Ma mme l F o u n d a t i o n FOR IM M EDIATE RELEASE: TW O EVENTS W ITH LAURENCE STEINBERG, Ph.D. Lonnie Stonitsch, FAN Co-Chair and Programming Chair CONTACT: [email protected] Monday, Novem ber 3, 2014, Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence, 7:00 PM , Evanston Township High School Auditorium , 1600 Dodge Ave., Evanston, 60201. Adolescence now lasts longer than ever, and the adolescent brain is surprisingly malleable. These new discoveries make this time of life crucial in determining a person’s ultimate success and happiness. In this lecture, Laurence Steinberg, Ph.D., one of the world's leading authorities on adolescence, will discuss the teenage brain’s potential for change, the elongation of adolescence as a developmental stage, and the implications of each for how we parent, educate, and understand young people. His brand-new bestselling book, Age of Opportunity: Lessons from the New Science of Adolescence, has blurbs on the covers from 7 former FAN speakers., all of them high praise: Rosalind W isem an, Jennifer Senior, David Sheff, M adeline Levine, Ph.D., Carol Dweck, Ph.D., Daniel Siegel, M D, and Angela Lee Duckworth, Ph.D. There are few as distinguished in the field of adolescent development as Dr. Steinberg – come learn from the best! Tuesday, Novem ber 4, 2014, You and Your Adolescent: A Practical W orkshop for Parents, 9:30 AM , New Trier High School, Northfield Cam pus, Cornog Auditorium , 7 Happ Rd., Northfield, 60093 (RSVP Requested). When parents are asked to name the most difficult periods in their child’s development, the teen years usually are at the top of the list. But with a better understanding of how and why your child is changing during the transition into and through adolescence, you can become a more effective parent, reduce the amount of conflict you and your teenager have, help your teenager develop in positive ways, and maintain your own equanimity. In this workshop, Laurence Steinberg, Ph.D., one of the world’s leading authorities on adolescence, will provide an overview of the major physical, intellectual, social, and emotional changes that take place as children move into and through adolescence. You will gain an understanding of how your teenager thinks, why his or her behavior is changing, how your relationship is being transformed, and how all of this is affecting parents’ own well-being. RSVP requested: orkshop. Dr. Steinberg is a Distinguished University Professor and the Laura H. Carnell Professor of Psychology at Tem ple University. He is the author of more than 350 articles and essays on development during the teenage years, and the author or editor of 17 books. He has been a featured guest on numerous television programs, including CBS Morning News, Today, Good Morning America, 20/20, Dateline, PBS News Hour, and The Oprah Winfrey Show, and is a frequent consultant on adolescence for print and electronic media, including the New York Times and NPR. Sponsored by Fam ily Action Network (FAN), in partnership with the Angles, Chiaravalle M ontessori School, Fam ily Service of Glencoe, Glenview Education Foundation, Kenilworth D38, and the M aster of Science in Education Program at the School of Education and Social Policy at Northwestern University. FAN is grateful for the support of its 2014-15 financial sponsors Compass Health Center, Evanston Township High School D202, Evanston/Skokie D65, Make It Better, New Trier High School D203, New Trier Parents’ Association, North Shore Community Bank,, The Fam ily Institute at Northwestern University, Youth Organizations Um brella (Y.O.U.), the M artin & M ary L. Boyer Foundation, the Mam m el Foundation, and Tina & Byron Trott, along with our in-kind sponsors Acclaim M edia, The Book Stall at Chestnut Court, Kirkland & Ellis LLP, and Turing Group. Sign up to participate in a focus group and share your insight and experiences in District 65. To help us know how many people to expect, please RSVP to Melissa Messinger at [email protected]. If you were unable to RSVP but can still attend, please just come by. Saturday, October 25, 9 AM - 11 AM Family Focus (2010 Dewey Avenue, Evanston) Tuesday, October 28, 7 PM - 9 PM McGaw YMCA, (1000 Grove Street, Evanston) Thursday, November 6, 7 PM - 9 PM Second Baptist Church (1717 Benson Avenue, Evanston) Saturday, November 8, 9 AM - 11 AM Oakton School (436 Ridge Avenue, Evanston) Wednesday, November 12, 7 PM - 9 PM Washington School (914 Ashland Avenue, Evanston) Saturday, November 15, 9 AM - 11 AM King Arts Magnet School (2424 Lake Street, Evanston) Spanish translation will be provided at the focus group at Washington School. Childcare will be provided for preschool age children and older at the focus groups held at District 65 schools. Please note if you will need childcare in your registration email. Every Child, Every Day, Whatever it Takes. Paul D. Goren, Superintendent of Schools Our goal is to ensure everyone who attends a focus group has the opportunity to participate fully and share their views. If the number of people signed up for a focus group exceeds 40, it may be necessary to ask the last people to sign up to select another date. Regístrese para participar en un grupo de enfoque y para compartir sus opiniones y experiencias en el Distrito 65. Para registrarse, envíe a Melissa Messinger un correo electrónico con su nombre y con la fecha del grupo de enfoque, a la cuenta [email protected], o llame al teléfono (847) 859-8100. Si de última hora, está disponible para asistir (y aún no se ha registrado), por favor, ¡sólo preséntese! Sábado 25 de octubre, 9 AM - 11 AM Family Focus (2010 Avenida Dewey , Evanston) Jueves 28 de octubre, 7 PM - 9 PM McGaw YMCA, (1000 Calle Grove, Evanston) Jueves 6 de noviembre, 7 PM - 9 PM Segunda Iglesia Bautista (1717 Avenida Benson, Evanston) Sábado 8 de noviembre, de 9 AM - 11 AM Escuela Oakton (436 Avenida Ridge, Evanston) Miércoles 12 de noviembre, 7 PM - 9 PM Escuela Washington (914 Avenida Ashland, Evanston) Sábado 15 de noviembre, 9 AM - 11 AM Escuela Técnica de Artes (2424 Calle Lake, Evanston) Habrá traducción al español en el grupo de enfoque de la Escuela Washington y servicio de guardería para niños en edad preescolar y mayores, en los grupos de enfoque de la Escuela Washington y la Escuela Oakton y de la Escuela Técnica King de Artes. Por favor, anote en su registro por correo electrónico si necesitará el servicio de guardería. Todos los niños, todos los días, cueste lo que cueste. Paul D. Goren, Superintendente Escolar Nuestro objetivo es que todas las personas que asistan a los grupos de enfoque tengan la oportunidad de participar plenamente y de compartir sus puntos de vista. Si el número de personas que se registren pasa de 40, será necesario pedir a la última persona que se registró, que elija otra fecha.