Eventing NSW
Eventing NSW
Eventing NSW Email: [email protected] Website: www.eventingnsw.com Mobile: 0427 473 887 Phone: 02 6747 3887 JUNE 2016 Not displaying properly click here for on-line version Dear Eventing NSW Members, Officials and Clubs, EvNSW INTERMEDIATE RIDER DEVELOPMENT CLINICS Eventing NSW will be conducting Intermediate clinics on a regular basis for the remainder of 2016 and during 2017. These clinics are intended to fill the gap between Interschool clinics, club clinics and State/National squads. They will concentrate on coaching for cross country and will cater for riders established at EVA95 plus all riders competing at EVA105 and above. The committee recommends Junior riders attend Interschool clinics run by equestrian NSW and that adult riders competing in lower levels make every effort to attend club cross country training, Hunter Trials and 'come and try eventing' days. Syllabus Eventing NSW Clinic Calendar 2016 and 2017 A calendar of Eventing clinics has been developed. All 2016 clinics: click here Draft 2017 Clinics: click here If you would like your Clubs clinic added to the calendar please email Eventing NSW. EA ICDF (International Competition and Development Funding) applications are now open and applications close 6th June 2016 for the 2016/2017 period. Click here Course Design, Technical Delegate and Eventing Judges Seminar A reminder that existing Eventing officials are all due for renew in 2016. If you have not already attended a seminar, Wagga Wagga will be the last opportunity. All are welcome; you don’t need to be an existing official to attend. Please pass the information onto any person that you think will be interested. Start Finish Venue Notes 10/09/2016 11/09/2016 REA Wagga Southern CD-TD-GJ-Steward seminar Please email to advice the seminar that you wish to attend. [email protected] Basic Eventing Rule presentation, please take the time to read. Click here Draft 2017 Eventing Competition Calendar click here Cross County Jump Judges presentation click here FEI Medical information for Athletes Click here Competitors MUST provide a phone number for an accompanying person/Next of Kin with all entries and advise the Event Secretary prior to arrival of any changes to the accompanying person/NOK. Athletes must declare medical conditions and are responsible for wearing a medical data carrier (medical identification tag) from a system provider or a medical armband of good quality that has been regularly updated. National medical armband Click here Riders are reminded that they MUST report to the Paramedic/Medical Officer before leaving the venue, or riding another horse, if they have a fall - no matter where the fall occurs. It is the riders responsibility to report. The penalty for not reporting is a yellow card. Riders eliminated must still report prior to leaving the grounds. Set up a Nominate Login: If you don’t have a login to Nominate, sign up for one, it means you don’t have to enter all your information each time you enter. Click here Reverse Qualification (Applies to International and National) A reverse qualification is triggered by two consecutive Cross Country eliminations or a total of three Cross Country eliminations within 12 months rolling period of time in competitions EvA95 and above. For this purpose the relevant reasons of elimination on Cross Country would be: a) Three refusals… XC-R b) Fall of Horse or Athlete… XC-FH or XC-FR c) Dangerous riding…XC-DR Please check results and be mindful when entering competitions. If the Combination (horse & rider) or the horse has been eliminated twice consecutively or three times in 12 months. The horse (or combination if applicable) is required to obtain at least one MER, at the level below the level that triggered Reverse Qualification, before competing at the previous level. Codes for Cross Country Elimination XC-FH… Fall of Horse XC-FR… Fall of Rider XC-R… Refusals (3 or more) XC-DR…Dangerous Riding XC-AH…Abuse of Horse XC-OT…Other, error of course etc FOR ORGANISERS & OFFICIALS Finding your way around the FEI website… click here FEI Eventing Entry System All FEI entries must go via the Riders NF and be entered on the FEI system Click here Club and Officials Documents: Club Report: All clubs must provide EvNSW with a Club Report at least 10 days prior to the completion. Click here Technical Delegates are required to fill out the EvNSW TD Report for all competitions, including FEI competitions. All falls must be recorded for the National Safety Officer. The report consists of four pages, use the tabs down the bottom (left hand side) to navigate to the pages in excel. If you have trouble using excel a word version is also available. Excel TD report Click here Word TD report Click here FEI Fence Types Click here Please use these when filling out National TD reports FEI Eventing 2016 draft schedule. (Please ensure you use the 2016 version, not the 2015 version) click here EvNSW Cross Country Elapsed Time App for phones Eventing NSW has developed an app for phones to record Elapsed Time - for use by Cross Country Judges. If you can’t remember all your details or haven’t linked your phone to your email just search for Eventing NSW For 8.1 window phone Have fun Eventing in 2016! For 8 window phone Eventing NSW Email: [email protected] Website: www.eventingnsw.com Mobile: 0427 473 887 Phone: 02 6747 3887 Eventing NSW wishes you a happy Christmas break and all the best for 2016 JANUARY 2016 Dear Eventing NSW Members, Officials and Clubs, Changes to the 2016 Eventing Rules…click here 2016 Dressage Eventing tests There has been some confusion regarding the Eventing Dressage tests. They are being re-named for 2016. The link below has both the 2015 names and the new 2016 names All tests…click here 2016 Eventing NSW calendar…click here FEI Rider and Horse Registration 2016 FEI registration is due January 2016, if you have not renewed please do so before entering FEI competitions. If you intend to compete at any FEI Eventing competitions in 2016 and you have not applied for Rider or Horse registration please apply before entering. FEI registration form….click here If you intend to compete in CCI/CIC3* in 2016, your horse must have a current passport or recognition card. (FEI registration is not sufficient)…click here Eventing 2015 ‘All results’ now available in one file….click here The file is large and will take some time to download. A filter is applied, click on the arrow on rider or horse to sort. FEI Medical information for Athletes Click here Competitors MUST provide a phone number for an accompanying person/Next of Kin with all entries and advise the Event Secretary prior to arrival of any changes to the accompanying person/NOK. Athletes must declare medical conditions and are responsible for wearing a medical data carrier (medical identification tag) from a system provider or a medical armband of good quality that has been regularly updated. National medical armband Click here Riders are reminded that they MUST report to the Paramedic/Medical Officer before leaving the venue, or riding another horse, if they have a fall - no matter where the fall occurs. It is the riders responsibility to report. The penalty for not reporting is a yellow card. Riders eliminated must still report prior to leaving the grounds. Set up a Nominate Login: If you don’t have a login to Nominate, sign up for one, it means you don’t have to enter all your information each time you enter. Click here Reverse Qualification (Applies to International and National) A reverse qualification is triggered by two consecutive Cross Country eliminations or a total of three Cross Country eliminations within 12 months rolling period of time in competitions EvA95 and above. For this purpose the relevant reasons of elimination on Cross Country would be: a) Three refusals… XC-R b) Fall of Horse or Athlete… XC-FH or XC-FR c) Dangerous riding…XC-DR Please check results and be mindful when entering competitions. If the Combination (horse & rider) or the horse has been eliminated twice consecutively or three times in 12 months. The horse (or combination if applicable) is required to obtain at least one MER, at the level below the level that triggered Reverse Qualification, before competing at the previous level. Codes for Cross Country Elimination XC-FH… Fall of Horse XC-FR… Fall of Rider XC-R… Refusals (3 or more) XC-DR…Dangerous Riding XC-AH…Abuse of Horse XC-OT…Other, error of course etc FOR ORGANISERS & OFFICIALS Finding your way around the FEI website… click here ENSW Special Project funding. Applications close early so please apply now. Click here EA Club Development Grants $30,000 was distributed in 2015, keep looking for the 2016 application form …click here EA ICDF (International Competition and Development Funding) applications are not yet available for the 2016-2017 financial year, but will be posted early 2016, so don’t miss out keep looking, as applications usually close in the first half of the year …click here FEI Eventing Entry System All FEI entries must go via the Riders NF and be entered on the FEI system Click here Club and Officials Documents: Club Report: All clubs must provide EvNSW with a Club Report at least 10 days prior to the completion. Click here Technical Delegates are required to fill out the EvNSW TD Report for all competitions, including FEI competitions. All falls must be recorded for the National Safety Officer. The report consists of four pages, use the tabs down the bottom (left hand side) to navigate to the pages in excel. If you have trouble using excel a word version is also available. Excel TD report Click here Word TD report Click here FEI Fence Types Click here Please use these when filling out National TD reports FEI Eventing 2016 draft schedule. (Please ensure you use the 2016 version, not the 2015 version) click here Course Design, Technical Delegate and Eventing Judges Seminars Eventing will be conducting 3 seminars in 2016 for Officials. A reminder that existing Eventing officials are due to renew in 2016. All are welcome; you don’t need to be an existing official to attend. Please pass the information onto any person that you think will be interested. Start Finish Venue Notes 30/01/2016 31/01/2016 Camden Sydney CD-TD-GJ-Steward seminar 21/05/2016 22/05/2016 TIE Northern CD-TD-GJ-Steward seminar 10/09/2016 11/09/2016 REA Wagga Southern CD-TD-GJ-Steward seminar Please email to advice the seminar that you wish to attend. [email protected] EvNSW Cross Country Elapsed Time App for phones Eventing NSW has developed an app for phones to record Elapsed Time - for use by Cross Country Judges. If you can’t remember all your details or haven’t linked your phone to your email just search for Eventing NSW For 8.1 window phone Have fun Eventing in 2016! For 8 window phone Eventing NSW Email: [email protected] Website: www.eventingnsw.com Mobile: 0427 473 887 Phone: 02 6747 3887 MARCH 2015 Dear Eventing NSW Members, Officials and Clubs, if you have trouble accessing this newsletter…click here FOR COMPETITORS 2015 Dressage Eventing tests New FEI Eventing tests 2015 (to be used from March 2015) New 3*, 2* & 1* tests available for use at National competitions. Additional National tests for EvA95, EvA80, Ev60 & Ev45 All tests…click here FEI Rider and Horse Registration FEI registration was due January 2015, if you have not renewed please do so before entering FEI competitions. If you intend to compete at any FEI Eventing competitions in 2015 and you have not applied for Rider or Horse registration please apply before entering. FEI registration form….click here If you intend to compete in CCI/CIC3* in 2015, your horse must have a current passport or recognition card. (FEI registration is not sufficient)…click here Medical armbands The requirements have changed. More information Competitors MUST provide a phone number for an accompanying person/Next of Kin with all entries and advise the Event Secretary prior to arrival of any changes to the accompanying person/NOK. Athletes must declare medical conditions and are responsible for wearing a medical data carrier (medical identification tag) from a system provider or a medical armband of good quality that has been regularly updated. National medical armband Click here Riders are reminded that they MUST report to the Paramedic/Medical Officer before leaving the venue, or riding another horse, if they have a fall - no matter where the fall occurs. It is the riders responsibility to report. The penalty for not reporting is a yellow card. Riders eliminated must still report prior to leaving the grounds. Reverse Qualification (Applies to International and National) A reverse qualification is triggered by two consecutive Cross Country eliminations or a total of three Cross Country eliminations within 12 months rolling period of time in competitions EvA95 and above. For this purpose the relevant reasons of elimination on Cross Country would be: a) Three refusals… XC-R b) Fall of Horse or Athlete… XC-FH or XC-FR c) Dangerous riding…XC-DR Please check results and be mindful when entering competitions. If the Combination (horse & rider) or the horse has been eliminated twice consecutively or three times in 12 months. The horse (or combination if applicable) is required to obtain at least one MER, at the level below the level that triggered Reverse Qualification, before competing at the previous level. Codes for Cross Country Elimination XC-FH… Fall of Horse XC-FR… Fall of Rider XC-R… Refusals (3 or more) XC-DR…Dangerous Riding XC-AH…Abuse of Horse XC-OT…Other, error of course etc Set up a Nominate Login: If you don’t have a login to Nominate, sign up for one, it means you don’t have to enter all your information each time you enter. Click here Eventing NSW 2014 All results now available in one file ….click here The file is large and will take some time to download. A filter is applied, click on rider or horse to sort FOR ORGANISERS Club Development Grants applications close 22nd March 2015 …click here ICDF (International Competition and Development Funding) applications close May 2015…click here 2015 Eventing scoring Eventing Dressage may use 1/2 marks in 2015. Please contact EvNSW to obtain a copy of the latest database for scoring. Working with Children: Please note there have been changes to the NSW requirements for Working with Children. Coaches, Volunteers, Officials and Committees need to check their status. http://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/working-withchildren/working-with-children-check FEI Event Veterinarians: FEI vet reports for 2015 must be submitted online. Click here Club and Officials Documents: Club Report: All clubs must provide EvNSW with a Club Report at least 10 days prior to the completion. Click here Technical Delegates are required to fill out the EvNSW TD Report for all competitions, including FEI competitions. All falls must be recorded for the National Safety Officer. The report consists of four pages, use the tabs down the bottom (left hand side) to navigate to the pages in excel. If you have trouble using excel a word version is also available. Excel TD report Click here Word TD report Click here FEI Fence Types Click here FEI Eventing 2015 draft schedule click here Finding your way around the FEI website click here EvNSW Cross Country Elapsed Time App for phones Eventing NSW has developed an app for phones to record Elapsed Time - for use by Cross Country Judges. If you can’t remember all your details or haven’t linked your phone to your email just search for Eventing NSW For 8.1 window phone Have fun Eventing in 2015! For 8 window phone
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