STEA Newsletter Nov.Dec2014
STEA Newsletter Nov.Dec2014
November —December 2014 SOUTHERN T ASM ANI AN E VENTI NG ASSO CI ATI O N NEW SL ETTER President’s report Hello esteemed fellow Eventers! Firstly, a big thank you to our previous President - Pip Duggan, you have left big shoes for me to fill and I hope I do even half as good a job as you did whilst in this position and I apologise to all those who have to help me out till I’m more confident of what needs to be done. Also thank you to the committee members who have left us – Darlene Svamvur, Meegan Daun and Joanna Jones (though we haven’t let her go completely from duties just yet!) sorry Jo, you’re just too good to let go! We look forward to seeing you out ‘n’ about in this coming season. Welcome to our new members Kaszia Sowerby, Rebecca Green, Holly Novy-Green and Adriana Filapowski. I know some of you are returning members but familiar or new—any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to approach any of the committee members. The season so far has been well supported for our southern events and hopefully continues to be so for 2015 and perhaps a few will venture north for some new challenges. Plans for the TEA Champs in April are under way —Leon Hunn has a fantastic course planned (very exciting!) so we will be asking for lots of help very soon ! We are hoping to hold a fundraiser in the New Year as we have many new jumps to build on the x-country course, which requires funds and working bees… So keep an eye out for notifications via email and Facebook. Committee 2014-2015 President: Emily Dunbabin Vice President: Kate Guinane Treasurer: Kim Sly Secretary: Hatty Jones Pip Duggan Fleur Dewhurst Zoey McGrath Cassie Richardson Narelle Rowlandson Rachel Deal I hope everyone had a Merry Xmas and see you in the New Year! Happy riding, Emily :) Emily Dunbabin President Please send all email correspondence to: [email protected] SOUTHERN TASMANIAN EVENTING ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Interview with a member This is a new section in our newsletter that we hope to make a regular piece. Got a particular member in mind that you would like to know more about? Email us and dob someone in for an interview! Member profile: Cassandra Richardson “Passion, Bravery and dedication are the three elements which make a good eventer!” I began eventing at the age of 14, on my part-bred mare named Holly. Very nervous about riding, I found it very difficult to ride my naughty pony over the smallest of jumps! Over the past four years, my love for eventing has grown, and so has my confidence. For my 16th birthday, my parents bought me my first big eventing horse named Gus. I had a fanatic season of confidence building with Gus, and managed to snatch a few first places! Unfortunately, beloved Gus tore his check ligament in March 2013 and had to be rested for a year. However, not all bad came from Gus’s injury! Fleur Dewhurst, my phenomenal friend and coach, gave me the opportunity to ride two of her own horses, Sando (Santa Gold) and Lillian. Santa Gold is a beautiful part bred chestnut with a jump to die for! Our journey began at Pony Club state trials in 2013, where we won the team and individual prize for introductory level. Over the past two years, I have been riding Sando on and off, and it has not been until recently that we have been assured a future together. Currently, we are eventing at Prelim level (Grade 2) with the goal to reach Pre-novice (Grade 1) later this season. I adore Sando and I hope to travel to the mainland with him next year! During the time Gus was mending, I also had the opportunity to ride a very green horse named Lillian. Lilly is a very difficult and complicated horse to ride. Ultra sensitive, sassy and deviant could be some of the words to describe her. Although some how, I love her! I think it is the challenge of learning with a green horse that makes me a more dedicated rider. I now own Lillian, and our journey looks promising in the future. I think my passion for the sport is derived from my childhood idol, Mary King. Mary (British Olympian) inspired me by the way she rode and the bravery she maintained. I have always loved watching Mary ride cross-country and I now have the pleasure of watching her daughter, Emily King, ride on the same courses. I strongly believe that through watching professional riders, on TV or at events in Tasmania, you can learn through observation. I would like to thank my parents: Heather and Rodney Richardson, Fleur Dewhurst and the STEA committee for their never ending support over the past four years. My passion for eventing is structured on the passion of those surrounding me. Thank you. Pictured from left to right: Holly 2011, Gus 2013, Santa Gold 2014 SOUTHERN TASMANIAN EVENTING ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER TEC ODE Action Snaps Clockwise from Top Right: Gertie and Soda Emily on Marie Kara on Saffy Pip on Teddy Krystle and Maggur Mykaela and JP Manhattan SOUTHERN TASMANIAN EVENTING ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER TEC ODE Report & Results 19/10/14 Sadly, some members were still working on the x-country course at 5pm the night before the event! This was because the working bees were not well attended and this meant committee members had to put in extra hours— hopefully this is a different story for the next TEC ODE. It really is important that we, as adult riders, help out as much as we can on our TEC course as it is our home ground and these joint events help keep the club running financially. Other than this upsetting start, the day ran well, weather was pleasant enough and those members that rode enjoyed a well presented x-country course—a huge thank you to Leon Hunn who, with his team of helpers, designed and presented a beautiful course yet again. Also a big thanks to Hatty who spent the majority of the day in the canteen as she was not riding. We will have to roster the canteen duties more fairly in future so that it doesn’t fall on one person. Also a thank you to Kate Guinane who seemed to be everywhere… I’m sure you had a clone that day, Kate! And lastly, big thanks to Phil Monty for doing the scoring, without you we are back in the dark ages with hand written scores and slow updates! As a rider I had a fun day with good results and appreciate all the hard work done by the volunteers and officials. Emily Dunbabin EVA65 1st Gertie Nijborg Campari Soda Krystal Ryder Millawarah Maggie Mae 3rd Zoe Fieldhouse Endless Summer 4th Elsa Davis Eaglesholme Andor 2 nd EVA80 1st Emma Quarmby Kahean Sionnan 2 nd Kim Sly Knight Raid 3 rd Mykaela Briggs JP Manhatten Meegan Daun PEC Sir Romeo 4th EVA95 1st 2 nd Emily Dunbabin Larkbeare Marie Pip Duggan Prospect Sambucca EVA105 1st Rebecca White Spy Rebellion CNC 1* 1st Lucinda Alexander Lethal Fantasy SOUTHERN TASMANIAN EVENTING ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate! Can’t get enough of it?! We are still selling fundraising chocolates to fund the building of some new cross country jumps at TEC! If you are keen to get your hands on a box to sell (or eat) please email [email protected] A HUGE thank you to everyone who has sold chocolates so far— we really appreciate it! STEA Clothing Available: Polo tops available in white and red Hoodies $35 each $50 We will soon be ordering more sizes so please email [email protected] with your selection/s and size! SOUTHERN TASMANIAN EVENTING ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER Calendar 11th January NTEC ODE Quercus Park, Carrick (Entry form emailed with newsletter) 18th January West Tamar PC Gravelly Beach (Entry form emailed with newsletter) 1st February Huntingfield PC ODE Huntingfield, Howden 8th February STEA / H&D PC ODE Tasmanian Equestrian Centre, Lauderdale 15th February Monmouth PC ODE Monmouth, Five Mile Beach 29th March Northern Champs Fairlands 18th - 19th April Tas Eventing Champs Tasmanian Equestrian Centre, Lauderdale Please put these dates in your diaries! Remember, entries for Southern ODEs close two weeks prior — you may wish to put a reminder on your personal device or calendar so you don’t miss out! Happy New Year to all of our members (and their horses)!!! We hope 2015 is filled with many happy (and safe) rides!!
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