intercon- fessional dialog
intercon- fessional dialog
INTERCONFESSIONAL D I A L O G BISHOP JULIUS PFLUG AND THE REFORMATION SPECIAL EXHIBITION ZEITZ JUNE 5 – NOVEMBER 1, 2017 2017 CULTURAL TRAVEL GUIDE OFFERINGS FOR GROUPS, TOUR OPERATORS, CHURCH GROUPS ZEITZ AND THE REFORMATION A hitherto little noted treasure of Reformation history lies dormant in the Cathedral and Palace City of Zeitz, which is celebrating its 1050th anniversary in 2017. Not only an original surviving edition of the Theses reveals traces of Martin Luther’s impact but the personal papers of the irenic theologian Julius Pflug (14991564) who labored for the unity of the church are also closely tied with the Reformation era. The diocese of Naumburg-Zeitz drew attention all over Europe because of the conflict over the episcopate that erupted in 1541-42. The cathedral chapter had appointed Zeitz cathedral canon and collegiate chapter provost Julius Pflug bishop. Elector Johann Friedrich I of Saxony, barred from the negotiations because of his Lutheran beliefs, rashly installed a candidate of his own. Luther personally consecrated Nikolaus von Amsdorf first Protestant bishop in the world in Naumburg Cathedral on January 20, 1542. Two days later, Amsdorf preached his inaugural sermon in the Collegiate Church of Zeitz, the present-day cathedral. This violation of rights occurred at the onset of the Schmalkaldic War during which Emperor Charles V moved against the Protestant imperial princes militarily. Following the emperor’s victory in 1547, Julius Pflug was able to assume his episcopate and move into the then Bishop’s castle. INTER FESSI D I A L W W W. R E F O R M AT I O N BISHOP JULIUS PFLUG: IRENIC THEOLOGIAN AND GUIDING INTELLECT OF ECUMENISM Julius Pflug was a counselor and diplomat at the court in Dresden and was appointed by Emperor Charles V and the Roman Curia to conduct the negotiations with the Protestants. This earned him a central role in crucial developments of the Reformation era. His vast network of relationships spanning all of Europe placed him in contact with the major and important figures of his day, including Philipp Melanchthon and Erasmus of Rotterdam. On account of his efforts geared toward reconciliation and mediation he is regarded as a guiding intellect and forerunner of ecumenism, now more relevant than ever. This is why the Combined Cathedral Chapters and the city of Zeitz are presenting a major cultural history exhibition honoring Julius Pflug as part of the Luther year of 2017. It not only examines a Catholic figure prominent in Zeitz and Reformation history but also specifically pays tribute to an irenic theologian of the Reformation era for the first time. one of the largest, nearly fully surviving personal libraries of the Reformation era. It uniquely reflects the momentous ecclesio-political upheavals and controversies that occurred in Central Germany. Exceptional objects from numerous European collections are on display at the authentic sites of Moritzburg Palace Museum in Zeitz, the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, the Collegiate Chapter Library in the gatehouse, and St. Michael’s Church from the Monday after Pentecost until All Saints’ Days (June 5 to November 1) 2017. The exhibition is intended to elucidate Pflug’s distinct role as a mediator in the turbulent times of the Reformation, while conveying his great significance for ecumenical dialog of the present – and perhaps of the future, too. Over the course of his career, this widely educated aristocrat assembled AN EXHIBITION UNDER T Prof. Dr. theol. Kardinal Kurt Koch President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity Title page: Portrait of Julius Pflugs (1488-1564), Vereinigte Domstifter Inside cover: Arms of Julius Pflug, Binding of Pflug’s personal copy of the Greek New Testament, Vereinigte Domstifter RR CC OO NN -IONAL L O G GSIONEN TT II OO NN -- ZZ EE II TT ZZ 22 00 11 77 .. DD EE VISITOR SERVICE RESERVATION REQUESTS: GUIDED SPECIAL EXHIBITION TOURS Exhibition Visitor Service Moritzburg Palace Museum Schlossstrasse 6 | 06712 Zeitz | Germany Phone : +49 (0) 3441-21 24 81 | Fax: +49 (0) 3441-61 93 31 Email: [email protected] | HOURS Monday–Sunday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Hours in the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul and in St. Michael’s Church may differ because of worship, concerts and weddings. Not open until 2 p.m. on June 5, the day of the opening. ADMISSION Adults | Groups of 15 or more €9|€7 College students, professional interns, unemployed persons | Groups of 15 or more €6|€5 School students | School groups €3|€2 Admission covers the exhibition venues of Moritzburg Palace Museum, selected areas in the cathedral and the Collegiate Chapter Library in the palace gatehouse. Admission to the cathedral (except for the exhibition area) and St. Michael’s Church is free. Donations are welcomed. GUIDED TOURS Guided tours with advance registration | Languages: German, English Group size: 15–25 | 1 tour guide or 1 bus driver gets free admission Meeting point: As arranged SHORT GUIDED EXHIBITION TOUR Guided tour sites Time Price Museum, Cathedral and Collegiate Chapter Library 90 minutes € 70/group plus admission LONG GUIDED EXHIBITION TOUR Museum, Cathedral and Collegiate Chapter Library 120 minutes € 90/group plus admission CITY OF ZEITZ SERVICE The staff of the Zeit Tourist Information will put together programs with personal cultural options and multi-day tour packages in the Saale-Unstrut region to go along with your visit to the exhibition. Zeitz Tourist Information Altmarkt 16 | 06712 Zeitz | Germany Phone: +49 (0) 3441-83 291 | Fax: +49 (0) 3441-83331 Email: [email protected] | TIPS FOR THE SAALE-UNSTRUT REGION Phone: +49 (0) 3445-23 37 90 | UNDER THE AEGIS OF Rev. Dr. Martin Junge General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation TRAVEL AND DESTINATIONS IN SAXONY-ANHALT: CRADLE OF THE REFORMATION Phone: +49 (0) 39156-28 38 20 | | EXHIBITION VENUES 1 2 3 1 MORITZBURG PALACE MUSEUM JULIUS PFLUG, THE EMPIRE AND THE REFORMATION Moritzburg Palace Museum is located in the former bishops’ residence, which was converted into a palace for the Dukes of SaxonyZeitz in the 17th century. The exhibition begins in the galleries on the third floor, which are easily reached by an elevator. Following an introductory film, Julius Pflug’s family background, education and career as well as the momentous conflict over the installation of the Bishop of Naumburg are examined, embedded in key events of imperial and church history. This conflict was linked with Nikolaus von Amsdorf, Martin Luther and Elector Johann Friedrich I, on the one hand, and with Emperor Charles V, King Ferdinand and Duke Moritz of Saxony, on the other. The largest exhibition gallery is devoted to Bishop Pflug’s unceasing efforts to resolve the open points of theological contention through a culture of courteous and irenic dialog in order to preserve Christian unity, which meant everything to him. CATHEDRAL OF STS. PETER AND PAUL - CATHOLIC A WITNESS TO PIETY AND LITURGY IN PFLUG’S DAY Today, the diocese’s former cathedral, seat of a collegiate chapter since 1028, is a living witness to Roman Catholicism in Zeitz and its exceptional decoration conveys key developments in the history of the church’s confessional shifts. The cathedral choir houses the grave and impressive tomb of Bishop Julius Pflug. Aue rS tra ß e r. rst e rtn Gä bu Na um Gu sta vSo b -St tka ot ck stü Au fd em Sc hla g r. tr. dS lan Ro P.- The prince’s gallery and the vaulted chamber above it with fascinating ceiling frescoes are serving as exhibition galleries where exceptional exhibited objects address piety and liturgy in Bishop Pflug’s day and the radical c h a nge s followi n g hi s deat h. str. rge 2 . Str e eis W tt go u ra .-T h Jo Information on worship services, devotions and guided cathedral tours: tr. des Schä Bust reliquary, 15th cent., hardwood, Moritzburg Palace Museum Zeitz, Photo: Carlo Böttger Katholische Pfarrei St. Peter und Paul aße Schlossstrasse 7 | 06712 Zeitz rkstr e W Phone: + 49 (0) 3441-21 13 91 Alte Email: [email protected] Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, view of the prince’s gallery 3 COLLEGIATE CHAPTER LIBRARY PFLUG’S LEGACY Julius Pflug’s enduring legacy is his unique r. erst Elst library, preserved to this day as part of the Collegiate Chap- ter Library in Zeitz. It is not only one of the rare, Pa str. sen Wie almost entirely intact personal libraries of the Reformation era in all of Europe but also one of the few surviving collections of books owned by one of the most preeminent theologians and most distinguished European scholars of the 16th century. Among other items, Pflug’s library includes one of the largest contemporaneously assembled collections of editions of Martin Luther’s works. Pflug’s personal papers include a large number of his letters and manuscripts as well as notes on contemporaneous political and ecclesio-political events. One of these items is the diary kept by Pflug at the Council of Trent in late 1551 and early 1552. The learned bishop’s study, reconstructed for the exhibition using precious loaned objects and media installations, is a Joh an ni st Collegiate Chapter Library in the gatehouse of Moritzburg Palace ei ch highlight of the exhibition. tr. rk Am Güt erba hnho f Lei pz ige r 4 ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH - PROTESTANT Au f de CHURCH PFLUG’S PARISH n Ay lsd orf er Str . Ge bin d n 1154, St. eMichael’s First mentioned in Church has been the main Protestant parish church in Zeitz since 1539. An original surviving Do na of Martin Luther’s Theses from 1517 was discovered in the edition lie sst in 1882 during renovation work. Today, only six copies tower library r. of this historic document still exist in the world. The church has been extensively restored in recent years. The main altar with the Salvator Mundi by Lucas Cranach the Elder and the Nuns’ Chapel with its fascinating colorful wall paintings dating to around 1517 are exceptional masterpieces. . str n rte ga r Tie r. dest ä h c S Information on worship services, W devotions, organ concerts, guided church tours and the church café: rt se as stad r vo ZOB Zent raler Omnibusbahnhof Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Zeitz Michaeliskirchhof 11 | 06712 Zeitz Phone: + 49 (0) 3441-21 36 81 tr. Email: [email protected] hs Bahnhof Protestant Church of St. Michael . Str ckan -Pl M. Salvator Mundi, panel painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder, ca. 1515-16 | St. Michael’s Zeitz rat g i l i Fre EXHIBITION VENUES A rg Be Wasse r he Kram Franciscan abbey S Palace park T Lutheriden Library U Underground Zeitz tstr. Brick Halls K VoigClinker Voigtsm auer str. SERVICE lkstr.i graben Besenstr. Rot hes tr. aße arkt Altm Steins City hall F Theater r. nst e z üt Sch Goeth Weberstr. sstr hau r. V Str. ische d n e W . enstr raße Salzst and Tourist-Information Bus parking lot Free parking in: Am Kalktor - Altmarkt - Albrechtstrasse (Clinker Halls) Freiheit Bus stop Dropoff/pickuponly Train station B Brühl Center Lindenpla Humboldtst e raß nst nstr. Zeppeli i Ste n abe gr ins i Schulstr. F arkt Gew Brüderstr. st Ste hFisc rre n Sc ha rna a 4. St. Michael’s Church .-H nstr. Parzelle raße erst sse raße Braust Q uerstr. l üh r B hl Brü Schlossstr. ph Ste B erga e estr. hmied mSITES ark tst r. Roßm U Roßstr. r. essersc nst M e r her Dom S Luth aß str ter str. Rahne an nStr . Moritzburg Palace r. rst 1. Museum e l il chCathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul S2. 3. Collegiate Chapter Library . Str (Schlossstrasse 6-7 ) ck(Michaeliskirchhof 9) Rit dt sta vor ben stu B ad rg sbe . t f i St rmstr Tu Nicolaistraße tr. ans n tmauer tad rS e d rkt ma u e N str. K isc . Str llo h -Sc r ste wi h sc Ge t Albrech nd We rg be tr. zzis talo Pes tr. chs s n Bae st the e Go Alte n 1050 YEARS OF ZEITZ CULTURAL OPTIONS: OUR TIPS REQUEST RESERVATIONS THROUGH ZEITZ TOURIST INFORMATION In 2017, the city of Zeitz is celebrating 1050th anniversary with a multitude of events. EXCURSION: ZEIT TIME TRAVEL its ● City tour “In the Footsteps of Martin Luther and HisTierheim Descendants” with a tour of St. Michael’s Church and the Franciscan abbey ● “Bishop’sBanquet”lunch(twocoursemeal) ● Long guided exhibition tour (museum, cathedral, Collegiate Chapter . Str r tze gli ö Tr Library) ● Strollthroughthepalacepark ● Coffeeandcake Time: 7 hours | Group size: 15-25 Price: € 37/person plus € 90 tour surcharge/group An de r Hallenbad & Sommerbad Molk erei Kloster Posa Klo ste GUIDED TOUR rst OF ZEITZ r. UNDERGROUND ZEITZ Time: 1.5 hours | Price: € 5.50/person Time: 1 hour | Price: € 4.50/person Tour the historic Altstadt including city hall (*optionally with a city hall tower climb) 2 hours | Prices: € 6.50/person n ssi Le Bette lweg tr. tz pla en ütz Sch * Time: Tour the system of underground passageways, some of which date to the 14th century. tr. gs Tröglitzer Str. Po sa er Str . “HERRMANNSCHACHT” BRIQUETTE FACTORY MORITZBURG PALACE PARK Tour the roughly 12 hectare park surrounding the palace ZOB Time: 1 Time: As desired | Price: € 2/person * Time: 2 Zent raler Omnibusbahnhof r. -St ine -He ich inr He gr ab en str aß e e le ee str All Time: 2.5 hours | Price: € 20/person sa l NAUMBURG CATHEDRAL Scene of a scandal that drew attention all over Europe. Martin Luther consecrated Nikolaus von AmsdorffirstProtestantbishopintheworldhere in 1542. La s SPECIAL EXHIBITION 2 hours | Price: € 10.50/person eim Martin Luther preached three times from the pulpit in Merseburg Cathedral, which has survived to this day. Tip: 47th Merseburg Organ Days “The High Mass: Interconfessional Dialog” September 16-24., 2017 es tra ße ht Fic Time: sh MERSEBURG CATHEDRAL aß * lör Ho spi tal str . eß .F Lie bk ne ch tst r. hi Dr nbu rger Str. Sc Enjoy a tasting with 2 select wines from Triebe Winery including a short tour of the cellars and a rustic vintner’s platter (*optionally with a tasting of original Würchwitz Milbenkäse) en ad en om Pr ld- e Park hour | Price: € 11.50/person ZEITZ SPECIALTIES Sc Polizei eid of over 500 See the unique collection hü Polizei h z tz tsc . strollers, en platsport strollers ei and doll strollers Str r B g Time: As desired R | .Price: € 60/groupur b (20 or less) em x T . Lu as Ro tr. -S n h -Ja r te Va Va ter -Ja hn -St r. M itt els tr. gu stBe be l-S tr. hour | Price: € 4/person r. GERMAN STROLLER MUSEUM St Au Tour a unique relic of regional mining history (*optionally with miners’ vespers) Foc DISCOVERY TOUR tr. rS e a ein l G Anhalt: “Spes mea Christus: Georg III Prince of Imperial Prince, Reformer and Protestant Bishop of Merseburg” | May 19 - August 13, 2017 Merseburg Palace Cultural History KMuseum leefe ldpla tz hu F r.-S c be rt -Str. “The Bishop Experiment” Nikolaus von Amsdorf will personally guide you through Naumburg and recount events of his installation in Naumburg. Price: € 70/Groups of 25 or less ACCOMMODATIONS AND REGIONAL EXPLORATION HOTEL & RESTAURANT MAXIMILIAN S YOUR HOTEL IN THE CATHEDRAL CITY OF ZEITZ HOTEL WEISSE ELSTER garni YOUR PERSONAL HOTEL IN ZEITZ Located downtown across from St. Michael’s Church 31 rooms: 29 double and 2 single rooms Located on the Weisse Elster in the city of Zeitz, 22 modern furnished rooms: 8 double and 14 single rooms Prices: Double € 68 and up | Single € 55 and up Phone: + 49 (0) 3441-68 88 00 Prices: Double € 60 and up | Single € 48 and up Phone: +49 (0) 3441-22 68 68 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ATRIUM HOTEL AMADEUS IN THE HEART OF BURGENLAND COUNTY HOTEL STADT NAUMBURG s garni YOUR HOST IN THE CATHEDRAL CITY OF NAUMBURG 3 minutes from the A 9 Berlin-Munich Directly between Zeitz and Naumburg 145 comfortable hotel rooms in six categories, restaurant, bar, lounge, bus parking Located within walking distance to the historic downtown, 68 comfortably furnished rooms Prices: Double € 81 and up with breakfast Single € 50 and up with breakfast Phone: +49 (0) 3445-26 10 80 Email: [email protected] Prices: Double € 70 and up with breakfast Single € 45 and up with breakfast Phone: + 49 (0) 34422-30 10 0 Email: [email protected] KATHOLISCHE JUGENDBILDUNGSSTÄTTE ST. MICHAELSHAUS EVANGELISCHES BILDUNGS- UND FREIZEITHEIM SCHÖNBURG Accommodations for groups of all ages Reopening in July of 2016 5 km from the Cathedral City of Naumburg 2017 is the quincentenary of Reformation. Combine your visit to the special exhibition in Zeitz with other Reformation sites in Saxony-Anhalt, the cradle of the Reformation, and other national exhibition venues. The Cathedral and Palace City of Zeitz is located just a “stone’s throw” away. “Georg Spalatin: Martin Luther’s Fellow Traveler in Altenburg” Residenzschloss und Stadtkirche Altenburg Luther! 95 People - 95 Treasures, Part 1 Augusteum, Wittenberg May 13 - June 16, 2017 Lutherhaus, Wittenberg August 3 - November 5, 2017 Luther and the Germans Wartburg, Eisenach May 4 - November 5, 2017 A9 A14 May 3, 2015 - November 26, 2017 Luther! 95 People - 95 Treasures, Part 2 Berlin ca. 215 km Magdeburg ca. 155 km Eisleben ca. 85 km A38 Dessau 100 km Wittenberg ca. 125 km Halle 70 km Leipzig ca. 44 km MERSEBURG 40 km The Luther Effect: 500 Years of Global Protestantism Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin April 12 - November 5, 2017 4th Thuringian State Garden Show Apolda April 29 - September 24, 2017 12, 2 and 2 p.m. - daily devotions in “God’s Summer House” on the Peace Pond on the Herressen Promenade Exhibition put on by In cooperation with A14 NAUMBURG Erfurt 105 km A4 Eisenach ca. 160 km 30 km Osterfeld ZEITZ 17 km Weimar 80 km Apolda 60 km Dresden ca. 150 km Jena 50 km Altenburg ca. 24 km A4 Gera 24 km A9 Bayreuth ca. 160 km Publisher: Vereinigte Domstifter | Layout: Transmedial | Translation: Krister G. E. Johnson | Picture credits: Stadt Zeitz, Volker Kindel, Matthias Rutkowski, Wolf Dreblow, Gartenträume e.V., Frank Boxler, Transmedial, © Version January 2016, Subject to change without notice. With the generous support of