Kodak Sound Kodascope Projector FS-10-N
Kodak Sound Kodascope Projector FS-10-N
PR~JfCT~R Get ACf/u(Jillted Projection of sound Sound Kodascope This manual pictures is designed OPERATION the amplifier right ond...ipeaker, • Operational maintenance producing from how to thread these steps are arranged easily follow the text as you complete the individual equipment MAINTENANCE .... be easy and the instructions the start followed if your closely. to help you do this quickly. the pzojecto operate will is set up correctly .... brilliant the film, and how to in sequence so hat you-cenoperations . the things you will have to do to keep your pictures, accompanied by true reproduction sound. Many of these suggestions will become a part of routine operation. are just as important Sound Kodascope. of They as correct focus or good tone' if you are to enjoy your PROJECTION SETUP The Night • If you are to receive the fullest satisfaction Sound Kodascope, quate you should project size and brilliance. Generally jector-to-screen there are .quickly of screen, focal of screen, and distance to screen. Whatever screen size, lens focal pictures of an adespeaking, four things which govern picture size-size length of lens, brightness jecfor from your the projection from pro- the limiting length, distance-the information you factor may be- screen brightness, graph need below to make setup and enjoy maximum-size or pro- will give you the correct pictures. 90 - 80 ._ J.~.!=T ION PRO - tf;=o. D 1ST A N C E -TW'-l'E 70 ./ 60 ..;- / V .:/' V •...••• e 40 ~. ~~ 30 / V~ -: -:y :::::::- 20 ~ 10 .~ ~ ~ .' '¢ V V· V t..~ .",,,~ ~ ....e<'\\~-; ..•.. \1 \ ,,/ -' .. ~ ~ ,. '_i~ ~~ ~ '>: ./ ~ /' 50 / -- ---- 'l 5 \.811S, •• ~ --::.:::;;-~ :;;;;.- 10 20 30 40 60 50 WIDTH 7S0-wall T. M. Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. projection lamp. M OF = Malle SCREEN or Diffusing 70 90 80 IN Screen. INCHES B = Beaded Screen. 100 110 120 OPERATION YOUR SOUND two cases-the KODASCOPE speoker Locate the speaker as possible is contained in case. unit in a convenient position as close to the screen. Lift the two latches and swing the sides open. Remove the and equipment unit and the Kodascope POWER CORD. TAKE-UP REEL, PROJECTION Then turn the speaker the audience. The speaker Place the Kodascope opening LAMP, toward case may be closed or left open. case on a firm table with the front end flush with the edge. lift the four latches and lower the two sides of the case. Several operating = can -if be operated additional closed case pressions Kodascope II positions are possible. The Kodoscope from the neightis case rrecessaryj'it as shown con be placed as shown on the opposite in the case side indicate page. below, or upon the Slight de- the locotion for the feet when it is used in the latter position. Remove the two REEL ARMS. be removed, the table if desired, The larger until it is released or it Locate the lower spring NOTE: When using a 1200-, and attach SCREWS reel with a core diameter the upper the reel-arm belts over the reel-arm belt according 1600-, or 20oo-foot pulleys. to reel size. take-up reel (or any of more than 4 Y2 inches), place the lower belt over the larger reel-arm Press the SPRING raise CATCH; and remove the LA,MP- HOUSING. Insert the projection flange toward lamp into the SOCKET with the larger the front of the projector. Press down on the lamp and turn it to the right as far as it will go. reel arms. Use a coin to tighten screws. Place the spring spring on the table as shown above. Loosen the two REEL-ARM and lower can the rear of from the hinges. The small side of the case can be ,left extended can be dropped cover-side by pushing it toward pulley. For smaller Lower the lamphousing of the housing engaging clicks into place. Attach the over the lamp with the grooves the RAILS. Be sure the spring catch Secure the lamphouse power cord top to the receptacle in place. on the left side of the projector and to a 110- to 125-volt, 60-cycle outlet. c-c electrical 50- or reels, use the small pulley. Be sure that the belt is not wlsteo and that both strands are under the GUIDE ROLLER. Remove the two knurled TOP SCREWS from the LAMPHOUSE and remove the top from the Kodascope. III Withdraw sufficient case Cordomatic speaker-cord speaker cord from the reel to reach the projector. plug to the receptacle spe okerAttach in the rear the of the projector. To recail the speaker cord, pullout clicking sound is heard; on the cord until a then permit the reel to draw the cord into the case. Do not allow the plug to slap against the case; hold the plug while °the cord is being recoiled. The ON-OFF all circuits. lighted is the SWITCH With the switch and the projector Turn the CONTROL master at control ON, is ready the SCREW adjustment a trifle either way turn the ElEVATING provisionally; slightly after the framing turn the LAMP CENTERING with a coin or screwdriver. adjustment, this adjustment area on the screen of the lamp' to improve of the brightness, For vertical is for operation. the lens until the margins of the lighted the uniformity for to PROJECTION LAMP. Rotate SWITCH are sharp. For lateral switch threadlight Make WHEEl. it may have to be altered lever has been set in the proper position for the film. Turn the control switch to OFF and turn the LAMP CONTROL knob in a clockwise direction it will go beyond next EXCITER as far as ON. As soon as the small red window, to the fidelity lever, is illuminated by the exciter lamp, the sound system is ready for operation. ~~~I~=--':'-Now JHREAD THE KODASCOPE Turn the THREADING counterclockwise KNOB to be sure that the film is properly is no slack film between film the supply perforations, and that a few times threaded, that there reel and the feed sprocket, that the claws of the pull-down the • CHECKVVVV AFTER THREADING, 1 • the engage loop with sizes are maintained. 2 3 4 Turn the MOTOR CONTROL knob to SOUND SPEED. Be sure the EXCITER LAMP CONTROL knob is turned beyond ON as far as it will go. Turn the CONTROL SWITCH to MOJOR that the film is running properly. and check to see Then turn the control switch to PROJECTION LAMP. turned off automatically when the control The thread light is switch is turned to PROJECTION LAMP. S mlliiiiiillllllir . Focus the Kodascope by turning the lens back and forth until the picture is sharp. TONE .fiillliii 1111 I 11I1111I1111I 6 SOUND KoDASCOPE -b", COMPANY EASTMAN-KoDA~ R.OCHESTER. ° oN .Y. next frame at the top picture, move the FRAMING FS-10-N MODEL If the picture shows a blank strip or the edge of the IV or bottom of the LEVER up or down. projected It THREADING Place the reel of film on the supply spindle with the film coming from the bottom of the reel, perforations toward you. Lock the reel on the spindle latch. Draw off approximately with the three feet of film. Insert the film between the feed sprocket and sprocket clamp, engage the film perforations with the sprocket teeth, and close the clamp. Open the gate by pushing forward on the lever until the gate latches. Turn the threading are withdrawn knob until the Form the upper plate. Form a claws loop. Then slid.e the film behind the gate and center it between rear pull-down from the gate. the .edge guides on the Close the gate. lower loop pressure-roller lever sound-loop roller. Press dow on as illustrated, and insert hold the film back the over the Release the pressure-roller tb tension-roller lever. lever and place the film beneath the sound drum. Thread the film between sprocket clamp. the sound sprocket Engage the film and the. perforations with the sprocket teeth and close the clamp. There must be no slack between the sound-loop roller and the sound sprocket. Thread the film over the stripper stud and beneath the snubber. Place the take-up reel on the take-up spindle and lock the reel on the spindle with the latch. Then insert the end of the film into a slot in the core of the take-up reel. Take up the slack between sprocket 11 and To place the take-up proper the sound the take-up' reel. belt under tension, hold the take-up reel with the left hand and turn the knob spindle on the rear in a clockwise of the direction. B A toward SOUND the projector side away Focusing the beam from the exciter track of the film is extremely important lamp on the sound and is accomplished lens (a), and the other with emulsion from the projection lens (b). Regardless of which type film you are using, focusing is extremely simple. Turn the TONE control knob by moving the FIDELITY lever up or down. The position of wise as far the sound track on the film base will vary depending up or down to the position giving the most complete whether you are using (a) l o-rnrn sound-on-film upon originals, as it will of sound. When the bearp is sharply l o-rnm prints from 35·mm originals, or (b) l o-rnrn duplicates track, you will obtain of l o-mrn originals, speech will block-end-white The sketches illustrate or Kodachrome. the position of the beam upon the two tY,f>esof_film: ~ne threaded with emulsion side of film brilliant range focused on the sound reproduction be crisp and distinct. After of music, and the fidelity has been set, adjust the TONE and VOLUME the conventional clock- go; then move the FIDELITY lever lever controls in manner. REWINDING At the completion of projection, to OFF and pull out on the REWIND Attach the film to the upper turn the control switch LEVER. reel by inserting the end of the film into the reel slot. Give the reel a few turns toward the Kodascope to make sure that the end of the film is secure. See that the film is not twisted between the two reels. Turn the control switch to MOTOR and permit the film to rewind. Exert a slight retarding pressure reel to keep the film from unwinding After the film is rewound, on the lower too rapidly. turn the control switch to OFF and return the rewind lever to its original position. TO PROJECT SILENT PICTURES Thread the film through the feed sprocket, the gate,. and through the sound sprocket as shown in the illustration on the next page: Be sure to allow an upper and a lower loop. Turn the EXCITER LAMP CONTROL VI knob to OFF unless a microphone instructions toward or. a phonograph below). Turn pickup is to be used (see the the silent speed MOTOR arrow. silent pictures with the MOTOR If silent pictures are CONTROL Regulate knob the speed of CONTROL knob. projected without microphone pickup, it 'is not necessary to have the speaker or connected. MICROPHONE OR PHONOGRAPH PICKUP To use phonograph music or supply ments with silent pictures, microphone or left a jack for phonograph pickup is provided side of the Sound Kodascope. with certain auxiliary tortion high-level volume It may phonograph control on the microphone com- a high-impedance be necessary pickups pickup to in the first stage of the amplifier. on the to use an prevent dis- Sound from the film is not cut off when a plug is inserted in the jack, thus permitting "mixing" of sound from microphone or phono- graph with sound from film. Microphone exciter Control or Phonograph and Silent Pictures: Turn the lamp control knob until it clicks at the ON position. volume with turn the VOLUME howls or "feeds Microphone the VOLUME control or Phonograph control or knob. Do not that the microphone back." and Sound Pictures: Regulate sound from film with the exciter microphone control up so for phonograph lamp volume control with knob and the VOLUME knob. Oper(Jting Suggestions No sound will be heard if any of the following • Speaker and projector • Volume control not connected not turned not turned • Exciter lamp burned out, or not located control by phonograph or microphone, amplifier on. turned Pictures will be out of focus in the projected on. Red window lamp control knob is at sound the cord. _ not illuminated. on all three studs, cell need replacement. be sure the exciter will go and that the motor unsteadiness by speaker control pictures, exist: on. • Exciter lamp • Fuse blown. • Tubes or photoelectric For sound conditions speaker if the gate need knob speed. is turned For silent pictures, not be connected is left open beyond during projection. to the ON as far as it not accompanied projector, nor the Loss of loop will cause pictures. VII MAINTENANCE CLEANING LENSES AND The condensing REFLECTOR lenses and the projection lens of Sound Kodascope are lumenized, that is, a special coating applied the has been The tinted appearance to all air-glass like surfaces. of the lenses is due to this treat- ment, which increases the light transmitted, the brilliance the hard thus increasing of the image on the screen. any fine lens, the projection lens on your projector should be cleaned with care. Remove the lens by drawing it out of the Kodak lens holder. lens Cleaning With a soft Paper, carefully lintless cloth, wipe or the two lens surfaces. To clean the CONDENSER as described on page lENS, remove the LAMPHOUSING III. Remove the condenser lens from the housing and clean it in the same manner as the projection lens. When replacing as far the condenser lens, push it in as it will go and tighten the lock screw. Clean the REFLECTOR without removing it from the lamphousing. Do not wet the cloth used for cleaning is required, breathe lenses. If moisture on the lenses or use a drop of Kodak lens Cleaner. CLEANING THE GATE To remove small pieces of film emulsion which are visible on the screen during. projection, throunh the lens holder carefully remove the lens, reach with a brush or small stick, and run the brush or stick around the edges of the cperture. To remove particles of emulsion from the surface of the GATE, use a strip of soft cloth about the width of the fllrn. Rotate the threading withdrawn. .., Dampen the cloth and thread just as film is threaded, up and down. VIII knob until the pull-down claws are it into the gate close the gate, and draw the cloth ~ I l~ .. CLEANING THE SOUND OPTICS OILING To clean the sound optics, which must be done occasionally, remove the KNOB and EXCITER LAMP the SCREW holding the RETAINING the right and draw to bend nearest Wipe' end with a soft Be careful OPTICS. the end of the sound drum with opposite SPRING, move the spring to out the SOUND the spring. the SOUND When DRUM. not the sound optics a soft cloth and clean brush. Clean replacing the the end of .the PICKUP ROD with a brush' and remove SOUND Loosen COVER. the any dirt from sound optics be is between the sure that the cam on the FIDELITY lever There are six points which require occasional lubrication. They will need oil before at regular intervals, the Kodascope depending is first used and upon how frequently the Kodascope is operated. In ordinary service, the. motor bearings must be oiled about every five or six months with five or six drops of oil. Oil the four bearings bearings places indicated in the supply and are self-lubricating Use Kodascope on the illustration take-up spindles. and the All other and need no oiling. oil or an oil of similar body. Do not use light oil. rails of the sound optics. Replace the cover over the exciter lamp. REPLACING LAMPS Threadlight- To replace the shield by drawing scope; then 6-watt, unscrew 120-volt, Screw the new the threadlight, it toward the lamp from the S-6 clear, candelabra lamp shield. Use the locating into the first the front remove of the Kodasocket. Use a screw-base socket; lamp. then replace lug and slot to correctly the position the shield. Projection . replace adjust Lamp-Follow the projection for centering evenness of the directions lamp. After illumination on page installing by turning screw. If the lamp has an opaque III to a new lamp, the lamp top, do not use a lamp cover. Exciter Lamp-Loosen CITER LAMP mounting COVER. and at the counterclockwise. the KNOB Push forward and on same time twist The lamps have remove the the prefocus the EX- spring-flange exciter bases lamp and can be inserted one way only. Turn the lamp clockwise to lock it in position. IX ~/ REPLACING FUSE Failure of the exciter lamp to light may indicate trouble in the ornplifler system or that the fuse is blown. To replace the fuse, located on the bottom connect the power the fuse from of the Kodascope, cord, unscrew the FUSE CAP, the cap. dis- and pull Insert a new fuse (3 amperes, 250 volts, part No. 78464) into the cap and replace the cap on the machine. If the exciter -lamp still fails to light, the oscillator tube (the second tube from the right-hand end) may need replacing. The Sound Kodascope alternating direct current current, FS-10-N is designed only. If the projector the fuse will blow. for use with is connected See page XIV to for servicing helps. To replace removed opposite so that the upper the opening between pulley will turn freely. in the front the two BELT GUiDES the lower spring ceed as described x cover. When the upper spring belt, push the rewind through lever in Feed the belt of the Kodascope and the pulley. belt, pull the rewind above. To remove the threading and To replace lever out and pro- with the elevating clears the extended nut holding glider the flywheel. the flywheel the washer between When attaching post; then remove the smaller Hold the sound drum while turn- screw as indicated and threading the flywheel the knob. Raise screw until the flywheel ing this nut. Place the new belt around replace is also knob, loosen the two screws in the hub of the threading the Kodascope Remove the four SCREWS from the forward replacing knob must be and it is more convenient if the flywheel removed. R~PLACING BELTS the DRIVE BELT, the threading front the pulleys; then knob. Be sure to use and nut. cover, in the illustration. replace the short REPLACING AND TUBES PHOTOELECTRIC CAUTION: CELL Disconnect the power cord. Remove the UPPER PANEL for access to the tubes. When replacing tubes, consult the decalcomania illustrated To reach the tube for the first stage below. of amplification, remove the TUBE COVER SCREW indicated in the illustration and remove the small cover. Toke the GRID CLIP from the tube and remove the tube. To remove SPRING the PHOTOELECTRIC CLIP and withdraw photoelectric toward hold back on the the cell. Be sure to replace the cell with the concave surface of the CATHODE the SOUND REMOVING Remove CELl, PICKUP ROD. THE AMPLIFIER the UPPER and LOWER AMPLIFIER PLUG from the receptacle Disconnect PANELS. and remove the TONE and VOLUME control knobs from the operating move the three AMPLIFIER SCREWS holding the platform and carefully REMOVING withdraw the side. Re""- the amplifier to the amplifier. THE AMPLIFIER PLATFORM .• Gjji.-/ Service experience for replacing brushes or the motor governor, necesscry, proceed To replace has shown that there is seldom need but if it is as follows: the motor, governor brushes, or governor, it is necessary to remove the AMPLIFIER PLATFORM. Turn the Kodascope on its side and use a broad-blade to remove the four roundheaded <I( - { .., - ... , screwdriver screws which hold the platform to the base. Take out the three indicated in the illustration COVER SCREWS and the five screws around the base of the cover. Lay the cover on its side. Do not disconnect the rheostat. and out. To replace the switch wires. MOTOR BRUSHES, lift the platform unscrew the com- XI position caps and withdraw the brushes are square; the GOVERNOR replacing the platform, The motor to decrease the speed. Turn the screw one-half BRUSHES round. brushes. When recheck the speed. be sure that the four large washers fit around the feet of the platform. Replace the amplifier large platform. spacer washers are around turn; then Be sure that the four the platform feet and that the feet are flat on the base. Attach the cover with REMOVING THE MOTOR GOVERNOR Remove the nut and washer-cap from the MOTOR SISTOR and push the resistor to one side to provide for removal of the fan and' governor. the ,eight screws. RE- clearance Loosen the screw Slide the amplifier carefully into place, taking care not to strike the sound pickup rod. Fasten the amplifier platform to the with the three screws and attach the two control in the hub of the fan and remove the fan. Loosen the two knobs. Adjust the BUMPER BRACKET, so that there is approxi- screws holding the governor mately sary, the replace placing round the governor, on the motor shaft. If neces- governor brushes. push it just for When enough re- back on the shaft to place the brushes under slight spring tension. Position the governor on the shaft screws can be tightened so that the two set- on the flats of the shaft. Replace the fan with the blades bendinq toward the motor and tighten the setscrew against the flat of the shaft. Replace the washer on the motor resistor bolt and tighten the nut. . ADJUSTING THE MOTOR SPEED At sound speed, the sprockets should rotate at not less than 178 or not more than 182 rpm. Use a tachometer coun! the revolutions. GOVERNOR ADJUSTING XII To increase SCREW the clockwise; speed, turn or the counterclockwise Ys -inch photoelectric-cell clearance between the bumper box. Attach the amplifier plug. and the 1.- I REPLACING DAMAGED SOUND PICKUP ROD Remove the flywheel page pickup ROD (see page Xl and ornplifler (see XI). Lift the felt washer from the end of the sound rod and remove BRACKET. Draw the two screws from the SOUND out the sound rod. Unwrap from the old sound rod and place it around the foil the new rod. The foil serves to anchor the rod to the bracket and to ground the sound rod to the machine. Remove the exciter ROllER lEVER and bearing. down Be careful the openinq lamp cover, hold down the TENSION pull the SOUND small DRUM and shaft from not to damage retaining spring the the sound drum. Hold below the sound rod and insert the end of the new sound rod with the clear surface down and parallel t~ the glass of the sound optics. Replace the bracket over the foil wrapping on the rod and attach the bracket loosely so that further adjust- ment can be made. ALIGNING CAUTION, THE SOUND PICKUP ROD Avoid shock from high voltages-do not touch any internal ports of the amplifier. Move the amplifier plug the amplifier close to the Kodascope base and cord into the base receptacle. the power cord to the Kodascope, Attach turn on the master ON- OFF switch and turn the EXCITER LAMP CONTROL clockwise as far light on the photoelectric-cell a piece of paper PICKUP ROD and knob as it will go. Place a desk lamp to cast end of the sound rod. Insert between the SOUND OPTICS and SOUND then move the sound rod back and forth until the beam of light from the sound optics is centered in the spot of light projected the two power from the sound rod. Tighten screws in the sound-rod bracket. Disconnect the cord and the amplifier. Be sure the washer is on the sound drum shcft, then replace the shaft and attach Replace the amplifier the flywheel, as described washer, and nut. above. XIII I ~ SERVICING THE AMPLIFIER (Symbols referred to are those used in the diagrams.) I I~ IF__ F_U __S_E_N __O_T__ B__L_O_W __N IF__ F_U_S __E_B__L_O_W __N No Sound From Film Altho Tubes Glow 1. No "background" exciter lamp is normal is heard; control fully to a properly is due largely volume advanced. operating control And New and "Background" sound projector and to tube noises. a. Speaker voice coil may be open. necting cord, and speaker and cord assembly diagram). b. Remove amplifier (1) Condensers Test coil, con- plug (refer to loud speaker continuity 78335) of with secondary winding. 3. Check sections Condenser No. 79826) R-16 (part R-17 (part No. 78361), (with C-2 part No. 69301), No. and 58527), No. 58426), Condenser Condenser Condenser C-16 C-13 transformer attention C-9 and T-4 (part to ,high-voltage C-12 of No. 78677 Filter Block for shorts; also check C-16 Condenser No. 79822) for short. connecting-cord 5 for short to ground. to disconnect wires 2, 3, 4, and Terminals 6 and 7 will normally to ground. wires 2 and It may be necessary 5 to distinguish between a shorts or short in the cord and a short in condensers. C-11 (part 5. Check (part broken No. and output tubes. power special show a very low reading (2) Exciter Lamp Control - Check 4. Check amplifier C-14 and C-15 (part for shorts. Resistor 2. (part and check: Fuses Blow Repeatedly 1. Test rectifier tube, oscillator, No. _ amplifier wiring generally for leads. - -798-2-2). (3) Exciter R-18 (part Lamp Rheostat No. 78476) and Amplifier for continuity; to Exciter Lamp Socket (part Amplifier Plug Receptacle Switch also, wiring No. 58343) LOW AMPLIFIER (part No. 58337). 1. Test all tubes. 2. If "background" microphone is heard. or phonograph OUTPUT and to Plug in a high-impedance to amplifier Check voltage all amplifier voltages-refer diagram. pickup and listen for sound 2. Exciter lamp reproduction. thermoammeter current may be low-radio will be required frequency to check current. a. If sound is now heard: 3. Photocell (1) Inspect good photocell contact normal for proper with spring appearance and clip. The cathode cell has a brownish or "silvery" position appearance; usually indicates for in a whitish leakage of air into the cell due to fine cracks in the glass envelope or a broken seal. (maximum bridge (2) Inspect sound rod for breakage or misalign- XIII. b. If sound is not heard: (1) Check grid clip on 6J7 tube for good (2) Check position of 6J7 tube in its socket. (3) Test 6J7 tube in tube tester. (4) Test all other tubes. XIV contact. circuit. with voltage deteriorate may be . volts) requires Distortion and low. Accurate the use of an . noise at too high a value will be and setting electrical excessive photocell will rapidly. 4. Extra extension load. ment. See page voltage 90 cord not heavy enough to carry the SOUND KODASCOPE SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL -- Power Service Required: . 1 0-125 volts, alternating current, 50-60 cycle only . Power Consumed by Projector and Amplifier: 1100 watts with 750-watt lamp. Input to lO-inch Speaker: 10 watts. Fuse: Part No. 78464, Type 3 AG Radio Receiver, 3 amperes, 250 volts. Projection Lamp: Part No. 54909, 750-watt, 115-volt, T-12 medium prefocus base. Exciter Lamp: Part No. 58260, base. Mazda C, 4 volts, 0.75 amperes, Mazda B, 6-watt, 5-8 clear, C-6 filament, single contact prefocus Threadlight: Part No. 45250, 120-volt, 5-6 clear, C-7 A filament, candelabra-screw base. Tube Complement: Part No. 58300, 1-6J7; Part No. 79211, 1-6J5GT; 1-5Z4 or Part No. 90962, 1-5Y3GT/G. Part No. 78681, 3-6V6GT; Part No. 78362, Photoelectric Cell: Part No. 58525, RCA921. xv EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY • ROCHESTER4, N.Y. 3-52-GLP-B L ithog,aphed in the United States of Arne, ica - Lt .- ;/ I j ~