May 28 bulletin - Nusach Hari B`nai Zion


May 28 bulletin - Nusach Hari B`nai Zion
NHBZ Shabbos Bulletin
Welcome to Nusach Hari B’nai Zion
Affiliated with the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
650 North Price Road, Saint Louis, Missouri 63132
Rabbi Ze’ev Smason
President Robert Kaiser
Shabbos May 28, 2016
Torah Portion:
20 Iyar, 5776
Behar Leviticus 25:1 -- 26:2
Haftorah: Jeremiah 32:6-22
Candle Lighting ~ 7:58 pm
Stone Chumash: pages 696-707
Stone Chumash: pages 1177-1178
Shabbos Concludes ~ 9:01 pm
Our Generous Sponsors This Shabbos . . .
~This week’s Shabbos bulletin is sponsored by David and Norma Rubin in honor of their son, Yitzchak’s first
Torah reading and D’Var Torah at the Mirowitz Community Jewish School.
~Thank you to Leo Bressler for sponsoring this bulletin in memory of his beloved wife Geraldine Bressler z"l.
~Thank you to June Cohen for sponsoring the bulletin on her birthday! Happy Birthday June!
Erev Shabbos, Friday, May 27, 2016
Mincha & Ma’ariv ~ 7:00 pm
Shabbos, Saturday, May 28, 2016
 Shachris & Musaf ~9:00 am ~ Thank You for Leading Davening!
- Pesukei D’Zimra: Howard Sandler
- Shacharis: Menachem Szus
- Leyning: Moshe Leib Cohen
- Haftorah: Brent Waxman
- Drasha: Rabbi Ze’ev Smason
- Musaf: Alan Haber
Tefillah/Prayer Learners’ Service ~ 9:30 am Led by Rabbi Yosef David in the Rivkin Chapel.
Learners’ Service ~ 10:15 am Led by Rabbi Ze’ev Smason in the Rivkin Chapel.
Tot Shabbat ~ 10:00 am Led by Kate Freidman, meets from 10-11:30 am, lower level.
Mincha, Shalosh Seudos, Ma’ariv ~ 7:40pm
Happy Birthday: Adina Belasen, Dr. Eliot Katz, Lester Figus, June Cohen,
Debra Barash, Julie Friedman, Rafi Yishai Zev Minoff, and Ed Lyss!
Happy Anniversary: Dr. Erol & Sally Amon, Lawrence & Carol Abrams,
Bruce & Faith Waxman, Robert & Joni Kaiser, and Don & Julie Eisenberg!
 May 29, Sunday ~ Pizza Night ~ PIZZA NIGHT ~ 5:00pm - 7:00pm ~ All-You-Can-Eat
Pizza Buffet ~ Credit Card Payments Accepted!!! Bring your family and friends to enjoy a
delicious dinner of pizza, pasta, salad and garlic bread, dessert and beverage! Reservations
are not needed - just show up, eat to your heart’s content, have fun schmoozing and have a
great time!!! Plus a movie for the kids every month!!!! Are you new to NHBZ, looking to meet
more members...sign up to help on our Pizza Buffet Line! It’s a great way for everyone to say
“Hi." (Please place carry-out orders by 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, February 28, 314991-2100, ext. 2. Pick up time for carry out pizzas is 4:30-4:45 p.m.)
 May 29, Sunday ~ Monument dedication for Laverne (Bunny) Farbstein, dear mother of
Teree Farbstein, will take place at Chesed Shel Emes Cemetery (Hanley & Olive) at 1:00pm.
 June 4, Shabbos~ Lunch and Learn, Graduation, and Birthday & Anniversary Shabbos
Rabbi Smason’s topic will be " Five Torah Tips for Today's Graduates”
Do you have a graduate in your family? Elementary, junior high school, high school, or
college? Please call or email Jeff, 314-991-2100, ext. 2, [email protected] and give us your
graduates’ names and schools so we can wish you and your graduates a big Mazel Tov!
 June 4, Shabbos ~ Family Shalosh Seudos Program with guest speakers Rabbi Yosef &
Mimi David. We will offer separate "family friendly" services and Adult services, but we will be
eating the Shalosh Seudos meal together. The David’s will speak at 7:00pm. Mincha will be
at 7:45pm. Please consider becoming a sponsor! Families or individuals can sponsor the
event for $18. RSVP by June 1st, call 314-991-2100 or [email protected]
 June 5, Sunday ~ Sisterhood Fashion Show and Luncheon at 11:30 am. ENJOY A
AND OF COURSE, SHOPPING! Women only. $18.00. To RSVP call 991-2100 Ext. 2.
 Sponsorships - If you would like to sponsor a Kiddush or Luncheon, Soda, Shalosh Seudos,
or this Bulletin, in honor of a special occasion or the memory of a loved one, please call 314991-2100, ext. 2, to make arrangements.
 Synagogue Honors ~ It is customary to make a donation to the shul for Aliyos or other
honors received.
SHAVUOS ~ Begins the night of June 11 ~ Cold Buffet Dinner at 9:15 p.m. followed by Early-Bird
Learning at 10:30 p.m. The two days of Shavuos are - Sunday & Monday, June 12-13. Yizkor will be
recited on Monday, June 13. Be a Shavuos Dinner Sponsor for $25.00; Thank you to our
sponsors so far: Bob & Sandie Abrams, Sam & Shirley Bluestein, Don & Julie Eisenberg,
Teree Farbstein, Dr. Susan Feigenbaum & Dr. Jay Pepose, Irwin & Arlene Fredman, Bob & Joni
Kaiser, Dr. Daniel & Marcela Morgensztern, Mark Ragin & Gail Rose, Alice Sudin, Gary & Trudy
Sudin, Menachem & Linda Szus and Mayer Taller.
RSVP for dinner reservations, 314-991-2100, ext. 2. or email [email protected] . Adults: $12.50; Kids 10:
$8.00; Kids 3 & Under: free.
Mazal tov to Sarah Beth Waxman on her engagement to Gavriel Matt, of Berkeley, CA !
Mazal tov to parents Bruce and Faith Waxman, dear grandparents Gloria Waxman and
Marvin and Sandy Greenberg, and to the entire Waxman and Matt families.
May the newly-engaged couple merit to build a Bayis Ne'eman B'Yisrael -- a faithful home
among the Jewish people!
Adult Learning at NHBZ
Due to the Memorial Day holiday, Rabbi Freund's Monday evening Talmud class will take place
on Wednesday, June 1 at 7:30 P.M. The change is for this week only.
"Amud-A-Week" Program ~ Join Rabbi Daniel Freund every Monday at 7:30 pm for a weekly
Talmud class/shiur. Rabbi Freund's class is an opportunity to participate in an exploration of relevant
Torah topics. This class is open to everyone, whether you are unacquainted with Talmud or are on a
basic or intermediate level. A project of the St. Louis Kollel, the "Amud-A-Week" program will be
taking place at multiple synagogues and with different instructors throughout St. Louis. So almost
literally, the whole St. Louis Jewish community will be 'on the same page.' For questions, please
contact Rabbi Smason.
Interested in studying the Jewish Perspective on contemporary issues in a relaxed home
setting? Then you will want to join this “Home Discussion Class” to explore the issues.
Led by Rabbi Ze'ev Smason, groups meet at the homes of our members and friends.
This ongoing project meets from 7:00 -8:30 p.m. on the Second Monday of the month: Next class
June 20th- Loiterstein home TBA
July 11th- Goldfader home TBA
Please RSVP to Jeff at 314-991-2100 or [email protected] by the Wednesday before the gathering.
(Addresses and phone numbers will be given at the time of your RSVP)
Every Wednesday at 12:15 pm Lunch & Learn with Rabbi Smason. Study Pirkei Avos / Ethics of
the Fathers. This class is also available to view from your computer on Wednesday’s at 12 pm CST.
Visit our website at - click on ‘media’, then 'online classes', then 'ustream_graphic'.
In the Community
On Sunday May 29, the Jewish War Veterans hold a Memorial Day ceremony at 11 a.m. at the
Jewish Federation building, 12 Millstone Campus Drive. Rabbi Ze’ev Smason of Nusach Hari B’nai
Zion will conduct the service. Names of departed Jewish Veterans will be read by members of Jewish
War Veterans Post 644.The public is welcome to attend the ceremony. The service will conclude with
the playing of TAPS at the flag in the front of the building.
WOMENS’ TEHILLIM GROUP: Will meet this week at Marcia Esrig's house, 958 Briarwood Lane, this
Sunday, May 29. If you cannot participate in person, please call or text her cell phone number 314313-3677. On Sunday, June 5th, Tehillim will return to 8032 Amherst Ave, (314) 863-5438. The
group meets at 9:15 am. The Tehillim hotline (names and updates) is: (314) 441-6460.
"The Torah Wrote Me, More Than I Wrote the Torah"
Beyond Twelve Gates
Parshas Behar
Running his own private practice in general psychiatry by day, he devoted his nights and weekends to
crafting something exceptionally special -- and exceptionally holy. Richard Epstein of Potomac,
Maryland, completed a handwritten Torah (that's 304,805 letters) for the Chabad School of Potomac.
What type of skills were needed to write the Torah scroll? Among others, patience, consistency and
dedication. The then-74-year-old synagogue member began the scroll in 2006, slowly and
meticulously penning each letter of the Torah over the next eight years. Dr. Epstein said each word
and letter aloud before committing it to the scroll, sometimes taking 15 minutes to write a single line of
text. The accomplishment was lauded by his Chabad, which held a Grand Torah Celebration to honor
Dr. Epstein's work.
Dr. Epstein, who is also an author and professor, said that he feels as if the "Torah wrote me, more
than I wrote the Torah -- that it really shaped me." The painstaking process helped him appreciate the
Torah precepts in a way he never had before, he said. He found that he was thinking more deeply
about the familiar stories and even dreaming about the passages he had penned that day. Dr. Epstein
said, "A lot of the things we think we can’t do, (think that) really they are possible .... work at it, and little
by little, you can do more than you think you can do." As for why Dr. Epstein took on such a
monumental task, he said, “I felt I wanted to be closer to G-d, and I felt, ‘What better way to be closer
to G-d than the gift that He made to the Jewish people?'"
Parshas Behar Leviticus 25:1 -- 26:2
Behar focuses primarily on mitzvos concerning the land of Israel, beginning with the command to
observe a Sabbatical (Shemitta) year. During Shemitta, one's fields are to remain uncultivated every
seventh year, refraining from the normal cycle of planting and harvesting. Instead, anything that grows
becomes free for anybody who wants to just pick and enjoy. Similarly, the land in Israel is to remain
unworked in the Jubilee (Yovel) or 50th year, at which time the ownership of all land automatically
returns to its ancestral heritage. A quote on the Liberty Bell, "And you should sanctify the fiftieth year,
and proclaim liberty throughout the land ..." is taken from the passage describing the Jubilee year.
Behar tells us not to worry that we won't have enough to eat during Shemittah and the following year
because we can't plant and harvest. Promising an open miracle, G-d says that the year before
Shemitta, the sixth year, will produce enough food for three entire years – enough for the sixth year,
the year of Shemitta, and the following year, when things won't grow because there was no planting
during Shemitta. The parsha also speaks about the poor and downtrodden. Not only are we
commanded to give them tzedaka and do acts of loving kindness for them, but ideally we are to
provide them with the means to raise themselves out of their poverty-stricken state.
Rabbinical Ruminations
Picture Earth at the center of a frame. The planet looks unassuming, a blue-and-white marble stark
against a black interstellar backdrop. Yet the image likely evokes some reaction. Now imagine seeing
this view from space. Astronauts who see the Earth from space could provide a clue as to how we can
all feel more awe and wonder, new research suggests. The view from so far away from the Earth
provokes a special phenomenon called the Overview Effect. The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift in
awareness due to the experience of seeing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is
provokes a special phenomenon called the Overview Effect. The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift in
awareness due to the experience of seeing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is
immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, "hanging in the void", shielded and nourished by
a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, national boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide people
become less important, and the need to create a planetary society with the united will to protect this
"pale blue dot" becomes both obvious and imperative.
Researchers analyzed the reports of many astronauts from all over the world. Each had documented
their own experience of seeing the Earth from space for extended periods. They frequently described
it as a life-changing experience, and mentioned ideas like connectedness, vastness, perception and
unity. Here's how James B. Irwin, astronaut on Apollo 15, described the view: "As we got further and
further away, it [the Earth] diminished in size. Finally it shrank to the size of a marble, the most
beautiful you can imagine. That beautiful, warm, living object looked so fragile, so delicate, that if you
touched it with a finger it would crumble and fall apart. Seeing this has to change a man." Dr. David
Yaden, the study’s first author, said: “We watch sunsets whenever we travel to beautiful places to get
a little taste of this kind of experience. These astronauts are having something more extreme. By
studying the more-extreme version of a general phenomenon, you can often learn more about it.”
We've all had moments of awe: Witnessing the sheer power of a hurricane, tornado, avalanche, 50foot waves. Or experiencing the awesome drama of the Grand Canyon, or the quiet awe of a darkened
starry night sky. King David understood that the complexity and beauty of nature can bring a person to
experience feelings of awe -- the awe of G-d. "The heavens declare the glory of G-d, and the sky tells
of the work of His hands." (Psalm 19:2) We all need the power of awe in our lives. A look at nature
here on Earth and to the cosmos above can give us a sense of the majesty of the Almighty.
Quote of the Week
It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it. --Sam Levenson
Joke of the Week
A math teacher was giving a lesson on fractions and wrote an example on the chalkboard. He
explained that the numerator was the top and the denominator the bottom. Leaning against the board,
he asked the class, "Are there any questions?"
When he turned back to face the board, laughter filled the room. "Mr. Alexander," one student giggled,
"you have chalk dust all over your denominator!"
Join the Minyan - It’s good for us, it’s good for you!
This Week’s
May 28
May 29
8:00 am
May 30
8:00 am
May 31
7:00 am
June 1
7:00 am
7:00 am
June 3
7:00 am
June 4
9:00 am
7:40 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
NHBZ Event Planner
(Check “Shul News . . .” for time, date or location changes.)
Call the office, 314-991-2100, ext. 2, to confirm the date and time of any event.
All events will be at NHBZ unless otherwise noted.
- Tefillah Class (9:30 am) led by Rabbi Yosef David
in the Rivkin Chapel.
- Child Care (10:15 am – Noon) for kids 3 & under in
the Children’s Room.
- Learners Service (10:15 am) led by Rabbi Ze’ev
Smason in the Rivkin Chapel.
- Shabbos Tanach (Bible) (One hour before Mincha)
- Mishna Learning (after Shacharis) with Rabbi
Chanan Swidler.
- “Mystical Moments” with Rabbi Max Weiman.
(between Mincha & Maariv.)
- Tanya (8:00 pm) with Rabbi Shaya Mintz, of the St.
Louis Kollel.
Mussar Mondays (First Monday) 7:00-7:45 pm. at the
home of Richard & Mindy Woolf.
Women's Home Study Group (First Tuesday) 2:30 pm
with Rabbi Shaya Mintz, of the St. Louis Kollel, at the
home of Jackie Berkin.
Morris Lenga Yiddish Club (First Thursday) 7:30 pm at
Sisterhood (Third Tuesday)
- Dine-In Pizza Night (Last Sunday) 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Place Carry-Out Pizza orders by 10:00 am, 314-9912100, ext 2. Pick up time 4:30–4:45 pm.
- Mah Jongg (Mondays, 4-6:00 pm) NHBZ Lower
Level. Proceeds benefit The NHBZ Chesed Fund.
NHBZ Signature Events
Synaplex Shabbos- Services begin at 8:30am
- Shabbos Lunch & Learn
- Rabbi Smason's Lunch & Learn (12:15-1:00 pm)
Studying Pirkei Avos.
NHBZ Sisterhood presents…..
Spring into Summer
With colorful, stylish, upbeat Fashions for 2016
Sunday - June 5, 2016
11:30 a.m.
Nusach Hari B’Nai Zion synagogue
Food, Fashion, Fun - $18
Fashions by Orli’s Store
Hats by Dianne Isbell
Purses by Indian Summer Designs
Jewelry by Sage Chic
For reservations, please call Jeff at NHBZ, 314-991-2100 ext 2
Women only
Join us for a
Family Shalosh Seudos (Third Meal)
Shabbat, June 4, 2016
with Guest speakers
Rabbi Yosef and Mimi David of
Aish HaTorah
The Davids’ classes start at 7:00 P.M.
Rabbi David will speak on "A Second Look at the Ten
Mimi David will present a Women's Class on “Ruth and
Mincha at 7:45 P.M. We will offer separate "family friendly" services
and Adult services, but we will be eating the Shalosh Seudos meal
Everyone is welcome
Please consider becoming a sponsor! Families or individuals
can sponsor the event for $18
RSVP to Jeff at 314-991-2100 or [email protected]
Dine In Pizza Night
Sunday,May 28
5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
All-You-Can-Eat Buffet of Pizza, Spaghetti,
plus Dessert & Beverage
Adults: $12.00
Kids 4-12: $6.00
Kids 3 & under: FREE
(Movie for the kids in the Lower Level)
All Food Served will be under the Supervision of Rabbi Ze’ev Smason
Nusach Hari B’nai Zion
650 North Price Rd, Olivette
(314) 991-2100 ◊ ◊ ◊