Tainter Gates


Tainter Gates
Kavi Pool, Daniel Polverari, Nolan Platt
Sluice Gates
Sluice Gates: What? Why?
A sluice gate is a flow control device that is used by
lowering or raising a gate that can impede water flow.
When water is to be released, the gate can be raised to
increase flow. When the gate is fully closed and water
flows over it, it acts like a weir (Mead and Jansen). It
can also be completely open and have no affect on
flow. A sluice is defined by the Mirriam-Webster
Dictionary as: an artificial channel for water to flow
through, usually with a gate to control flow.
Sluice Gate: Applications
Any time water flow rates need to be controlled including, but not
limited to…
- Irrigation
- Reservoir water release
- Water treatment flow regulation
- Canals
- Storm water control
Sluice Gates: Historical Application
One of the earliest known sluice gates was built in the 7th century BC by
an Assyrian king near modern day Saudi Arabia and Iraq. It was used in
a canal that transported irrigation water. Irrigation was practiced
widely in the Middle East and Egypt in this time period. The sluice gate
has stood the test of time and is still a component of irrigation systems
and flow control across the developing world.
(Ernest, Albert and Davies, John)
Sluice Gates: Governing Eq.
h1= upstream depth
h2= downstream depth
a= sluice gate opening
(Oskuyi and Salmasi 2012)
Sluice Gates: Governing Equation cont…
Finding flow rate under sluice:
Assuming no energy loss
Assuming energy loss
is the “contraction coefficient” which ranges from
0.59 to 0.62 usually. The losses are incorporated through this value.
Adapted from (Cruise, James F. 2007)
Roller Gates/Dams
What is a roller Gate?
One of the most common floodgate designs
A type of weir that allows water to flow over the top or
below it
Consists of a large cylindrical, metal tube that sits
between two concrete piers (below)
The cylinder moves in an angled slow which can be
lifted or lowered by a chain system (right)
Water pouring over the gate hits a baffle, creating a
“rolling” action at the foot of the gate, hence the name
Rolling Gate (bottom right)
Roller Gate Applications
To control flow through large waterway openings
Set spillway and crest heights in dams
Ease river navigation (right)
Divert water for agricultural use (below)
Divert water for industrial use
Sewage treatment plants
Municipal waterworks
Flood control
Mitigates erosion
Power Plants
Roller Gate Components
Upper Apron – Prevents flow over the top of the gate when it is in a closed position
Lower Apron – A non-cylindrical portion of the gate that prevents the flow under the gate
Bottom Seal – Where the lower apron and sill meet, sealing off the upper reservoir from the lower reservoir
Lifting Chain – The chain used to raise or lower the gate
Rack – Transfers load from the gate to the pier
End Shield – Prevents debris from
entering between the gate and pier
Armature – Steel plate fastened to the
pier upstream
Guard Rale – A matching surface for
the rim track
The first type of roller gates
• Non-submersible roller gates rest on the sill,
creating a seal, holding back the water from the
upper reservoir, raising the depth and increasing
the width of the upper reservoir
• When raised it allows for the water to flow
unobstructed beneath it into a lower reservoir
Came about when engineers realized that some
debris and floating ice could not pass underneath
the non-submersible gate without raising the gate to
heights that caused severe erosion
• Submersible gates can be dropped under the water
table allowing for debris and ice to float over the top
Discharge Calculations
Submerged orifice flow
Q = discharge
Cgs = submerged-orifice flow coefficient of discharge
h1 = static-headwater depth
h3 = static-tail water depth
hg = vertical height of roller gate opening
B = roller gate width
g = gravitational acceleration
∆h= static head differential (h1-h3)
h3/hg = orifice submergence ratio
Q = Cgs[h3B(2g∆h)0.5]
When hg < 0.67h1 and h3 > hg
Discharge Calculations
When 1.5 < h3/hg < 12.4
Then, Cgs = 0.78(h3/hg)-1.03
Q = [0.78(h3/hg)-1.03][h3B(2g∆h)0.5]
When 1.3 < h3/hg < 1.5
Then, Cgs = 1.40(h3/hg)-2.55
Q = [1.40(h3/hg)-2.55][h3B(2g∆h)0.5]
Example: Lock and Dam No.15
• Lock and Dam No. 15 was built in 1934 and is located on the upper Mississippi
River and spans from Illinois to Iowa
• The largest roller dam in the world (1,203 feet long)
• Has, in total, 11 roller gates
• 9 non-overflow
• 2 overflow
• Used for navigation, agricultural, and
industrial purposes
Recent/future Improvements
• The new roller gates incorporate two sill levels
• A high upstream level
• A low downstream level
• These levels are combined with a curved concrete section
• Roller gates are seen as a potential danger, on the upstream side of the gate there
is high suction, recently there have been reports of deaths due to people
venturing too close
• A safety precaution should be researched to prevent anymore deaths
Tainter Gates
What is a Tainter Gate?
Skin Plate
• Radial arm floodgate used to control
water flow through hydraulic
• Composed of a cylindrical shell
segment, or skin plate, connected by
trusses to a trunnion or pinned joint
• Can be rotated about trunnion to
adjust flow by wire rope and motor
Tainter Gates – History & Origin
• Tainter gates were invented in 1886 by Jeremiah
Burnham Tainter
• He was an employee of Knapp, Stout, and Co. a large
lumber company based in Wisconsin
• Mr Tainter was tasked with producing a floodgate
that could be easily opened and closed for
applications in river lumber transport
• Tainter gates are now widely used around the world,
the Upper Mississippi River Basin employs 321 of
Tainter Gates - Mechanics
• Tainter gate design is based on the principle at
hydrostatic pressure always acts normal to a
• For a cylindrical segment all the pressure forces
act through the center of curvature, or in this
case on the trunnions
• Because of this the gate takes relatively little
force to open and close through rotation
• Tainter gates also close automatically under
their own weight, making them safe in the even
of mechanical failure
Tainter Gates – Real world example
• The Pensacola Dam is on the Grand River in Oklahoma, it creates the Grand Lake
o’ the Cherokees. The main spillway is controlled by twenty one 25’ by 36’ tainter
Tainter Gates, Pros and Cons versus other
spillway crest gates
Radial design provides efficient load
transfer to trunnions
Lower required hoist capacity
Fast and efficient operating speed
Geometry provides favorable
discharge characteristics
Due to trunnion, pier and
foundation of dam/canal
must be larger
Long strut arms may be
necessary to allow tainter
gate to fully open
Tainter gates, design considerations (from
Army Corps of Engineers)
LRFD Design:
𝛾𝑖 𝑄𝑛𝑖 ≤ 𝛼𝜑𝑅𝑛
Where: 𝛾𝑖 is a factor to account for
load variability
𝑄𝑛𝑖 is a nomial load effect
𝛼 is the reliability factor,
𝜑 is the resistance factor
𝑅𝑛 is the nominal resitance
Loads considered: gravity,
hyrdostatic, gate lifting system, ice
impact, side-seal friction, trunnion
pin friction, earthquake etc.
References (part 1)
Corsi, S. R., and J. G. Schuler. "Discharge Ratings for Tainter Gates and Roller Gates at Lock and Dam No.7 on the Mississippi
River, LA Crescent, Minnesota." U.S. Geological Survey 95-4089 (1995): n. pag. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Web. 17 Oct.
Cruise, James F. et al. Elementary Hydraulics. Maron: Cengage Learning, 2007. Print.
Ernest, Albert and Davies, John. “Canals and inland waterways.” Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web.
October 19, 2015.
Greimann, Lowell F., James H. Stecker, and Timothy A. Kraal. "REMR Management Systems - Navigation Structures Condition
Rating Procedures for Roller Dam Gates." Repair, Evaluation, Maintenance , and Rehabilitation Research Program (1997): n.
pag. Print.
Mead, Alex and Jansen, Carl. Civil Engineering Photos. CEE Photos. Web. October 9, 2015.
Mirriam-Webster. Dictionary: Sluice. Encyclopedia Britannica Company. 2015. Web. October 9, 2015.
References (part 2)
Oskuyi, Navid N. and Salmasi, Farzin. Vertical Sluice Gate Discharge Coefficient. Journal of Civil
Engineering and Urbanism Volume 3 pp108-114 (2012). Web. October 19, 2015
United States. National Park Service. "Gateways to Commerce: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' 9Foot Channel Project on the Upper Mississippi River (Chapter 7)." National Parks Service. U.S.
Department of the Interior, 1 Feb. 2008. Web. 18 Oct. 2015.
U.S. Army Crops of Engineers. "Design of Spillway Tainter Gates." (n.d.): n. pag. USACE, 1 Jan. 2000.
Web. 15 Oct. 2015.
"The Tainter Gate." Dunn County Historical Society. Ed. Larry Lynch and John Russell. Menomonie
Sesquicentennial Committee, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2015.
Wikipedia contributors. "Pensacola Dam." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia, 21 Sep. 2015. Web. 20 Oct. 2015.
Picture Sources (in order presented)