edges and astragals
edges and astragals
® TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® DOOR PRODUCTS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com MODEL DETAIL DRAWING DESCRIPTION INDEX For EDGES AND ASTRAGALS DATE PRINTED PAGE Hardware Prep Sheet for Metal Edges and Astragals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . B FMEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metal Edge and astragal Pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 1 WV-FMEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood Veneer over Metal Edge and astragal Pair . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 2 FME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair of Metal Edges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 3 WV-FME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pair of Wood Veneer over Metal Edges . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 4 FMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metal astragal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 5 FBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flat Metal astragal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 6 DE-FMEA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double Egress, Metal Edge and astragal pair . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 7 DE-FME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double Egress, Pair of Metal Edge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 8 DE-FMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double Egress, Metal astragal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 9 X-RAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FMa, DE-FMa, FMEa, DE-FMEa - Lead Lined . . . . . . . January 2015. . . . . . . . . . 10 TRANSOM EDGE and ASTRAGAL T-FMEA, T-FMA, DTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015 . . . . . . . . . . 11 HEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hinge Edge Guards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015. . . . . . . . . . 12 HEG-M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mid-Height Hinge Edge Guards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015. . . . . . . . . . 13 LEG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lock Edge Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015. . . . . . . . . . 14 MISCELLANEOUS DOOR PRODUCTS LBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Latch Bolt Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015. . . . . . . . . . 15 VRC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vertical rod Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . January 2015. . . . . . . . . . 16 January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS InDEX PaGE a CuSToMEr CITy HARDWARE PREPARATION DOOR PRODUCTS A MESTEK COMPANY Door EDGES & aSTraGaLS ACTIVE (INSWING) HANDING INFORMATION (KEY SIDE IS OUTSIDE) (Astragal is on LOW side of Bevel) RH RIGHT HAND ACTIVE LH LEFT HAND ACTIVE REVERSE ACTIVE (OUTSWING) (Astragal is on HIGH side of Bevel) LHR INACTIVE IV E (INSIDE) orDEr MuST BE SIGnED LEFT HAND REVERSE ACTIVE AC T E IV (INSIDE) E-MaIL aDDrESS E IV INACTIVE JoB naME T AC T AC INACTIVE P.o. nuMBEr RHR RIGHT HAND REVERSE ACTIVE IV E ® INACTIVE AC T ® (INSIDE) (INSIDE) DRAWING BELOW SHOULD REFLECT HANDING CHOICE ABOVE (i.e. Astragal on right side above, also on right side below) ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE CUTOUT SIZES SPECIFY DOOR THICKNESS SPECIFY DOOR THICKNESS (INSIDE DIMENSION) SPECIFY SIDE OF DOOR WITH ASTRAGAL (INSIDE DIMENSION) ORDER MODEL & QUANTITY (Specify one model and prep) QUANTITY P TO OF 3° Bevel R F MO TTO BO TO P WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH GE ED FLUSH BOLT PREP X X HEIGHT LOCK HEIGHT CENTERLINE HEIGHT CENTERLINE FLUSH BOLT CENTERLINE SPECIAL STRIKE STANDARD MACHINING SPECIFICATIONS LOCK PREP 3/32 (2.38mm) WEB MAY BE CUT OUT STRIKE PREP 5/8" (16mm) 6 3/4" (172mm) 8 1/2" (216mm) 1" (25mm) Standard Flush Bolt 8" (203mm) 1" (25mm) Automatic Flush Bolt 1 1/4" (32mm) 86 Series Mortise Lock (with ASA Strike) DO OR ED GE X HEIGHT DEADBOLT X OF FLUSH LOCK BOLT CENTERLINE OR STRIKE CENTERLINE FLUSH BOLT(S) FLUSH BOLT CENTERLINE D 90° Square Corners (Fill in appropriate dimensions) WIDTH R OO FINISH NON-STANDARD CUTOUTS FLUSH LOCK BOLT OR CENTERLINE STRIKE CENTERLINE FINISHED HEIGHT OF DOOR EDGE HEIGHT DE - Double Egress E G ED O DO MODEL 2 1/4" (57mm) 1 1/8" (29mm) 161 Series Cylindrical Lock (with T-Strike) 2 3/4" (70mm) 5/8" (16mm) T-Strike 1 1/2" (38mm) 1 1/8" (29mm) BO TTO FINISHED HEIGHT OF DOOR EDGE MO FD 3/4" (19mm) 3 3/8" (86mm) 3/4" (19mm) ASA Strike (Lip of strike will always be on high side of bevel.) OO RE DG E 4 7/8" (124mm) 1 1/4" (32mm) January 2015 PaGE B TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® FMEA METaL EDGES & aSTraGaL (PaIr/SET) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES DETAIL DRAWING 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 87° 87° 93° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) WarnoCK HErSEy 1 3/4" (44mm) 3° BEVELED EDGES 1" (25mm) Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Edges. 18 GA. (1.25mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Astragals. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4" phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size) DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location ASTRAGAL WITH HEMMED EDGE TO ELIMINATE SHARP EDGES. STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. 1" (25mm) 90° 90° 90° 90° 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 1" (25mm) SQUARE EDGES OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish(Satin), Galvanized Coil Stainless Steel Astragals have hemmed edge - see diagram FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Lead Lined for X-ray applications - see page 10 Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 1 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® WV-FMEA WooD VEnEEr oVEr METaL EDGES & aSTraGaLS (PaIr/SET) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTED By A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com WarnoCK HErSEy DETAIL DRAWING 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 87° 87° 93° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 3° BEVELED EDGES 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 90° 90° 90° 90° 1 3/4" (44mm) 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) SQUARE EDGES 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 93° 87° Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Edges. 18 GA. (1.25mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Astragals. Both Edges & Astragals have real wood veneer laminated to the metal. SPECIES: Available in most common wood species that are compatible w/domestic wood door manufacturers. Not available in special veneer cut or sliced pattern. (Stocked in Red Oak, Natural Birch & African Khaya) INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4 phillips flat head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance. Hole spacing will vary, based on hardware preparation with maximum 12" (305mm) centers. FINISH: Ready to Stain, Seal and Finish. DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: Product is designed for Interior Use. Job name & Location 87° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) DOUBLE EGRESS (DE) OPTIONAL FEATURES SPECIES: Available in most common wood species that are compatible w/domestic wood door manufacturers. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section, Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 2 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® FME METaL EDGES (PaIr/SET) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES DETAIL DRAWING 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 87° 87° 93° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) WarnoCK HErSEy 1 3/4" (44mm) 3° BEVELED EDGES 1" (25mm) Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4" phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size) DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location 1" (25mm) 90° 90° 90° 90° 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 1" (25mm) SQUARE EDGES OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish(Satin), Galvanized Coil FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Lead Lined for X-ray applications - see page 10. Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 3 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® WV-FME WooD VEnEEr oVEr METaL EDGES (PaIr) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTED By A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com WarnoCK HErSEy DETAIL DRAWING 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 87° 87° 93° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 3° BEVELED EDGES 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 90° 90° 90° 90° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 93° 87° 1 3/4" (44mm) SQUARE EDGES Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel. Both Edges have real wood veneer laminated to the metal. SPECIES: Available in most common wood species that are compatible w/domestic wood door manufacturers. Not available in special veneer cut or sliced patterns. Veneer is stocked in Red Oak, Natural Birch & African Khaya however normal manufacturing lead times apply. INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4 phillips flat head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance. Hole spacing will vary, based on hardware preparation with maximum 12" (305mm) centers. FINISH: Ready to Stain, Seal and Finish. DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. NOTE: Product is designed for interior Use. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. Job name & Location 87° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) DOUBLE EGRESS (DE) OPTIONAL FEATURES SPECIES: Available in most common wood species that are compatible w/domestic wood door manufacturers. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section, Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (with W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 4 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® FMA METaL aSTraGaL (EaCH) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com DETAIL DRAWING unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES WarnoCK HErSEy 3° 1" (25mm) 87° 1 3/4" (44mm) 93° 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 3° BEVELED EDGE 1" (25mm) 90° 1 3/4" (44mm) 90° Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Edge. 18 GA. (1.25mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Astragal. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4 phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size) DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location ASTRAGAL WITH HEMMED EDGE TO ELIMINATE SHARP EDGES. STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) SQUARE EDGE OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish(Satin), Galvanized Coil Stainless Steel Astragals have hemmed edge - see diagram FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Lead Lined for X-ray applications - see page 10 Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 5 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® FBA FLaT METaL aSTraGaL WITH THru BoLTS ® DOOR PRODUCTS noT FIrE raTED A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com DETAIL DRAWING 1/8" X 2" (3mm) X (51mm) ROUND EDGE STEEL BAR 2" (51mm) 1/2" (13mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) THRU-BOLT Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 10 GA. (3.4mm) Cold Rolled Steel. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits on edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X32 phillips head steel thru bolts with a blank head one side, and countersunk mounting holes on 12" (305mm) max. centers (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size) giving a flush appearance. DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin), Galvanized Coil FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Door Thickness. FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure FBA is not fire rated. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 6 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® DE-FMEA DouBLE EGrESS METaL EDGE & aSTraGaL (PaIr/SET) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES DETAIL DRAWING 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 93° 87° 1 3/4" (44mm) Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Edges. 18 GA. (1.25mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Astragals. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4 phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size). DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location 1 3/4" (44mm) 93° 87° 1" (25mm) WarnoCK HErSEy 1" (25mm) ASTRAGAL WITH HEMMED EDGE TO ELIMINATE SHARP EDGES. STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin), Galvanized Coil FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Lead Lined for X-ray applications - see page 10. Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 7 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® DE-FME DouBLE EGrESS METaL EDGES (PaIr/SET) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES DETAIL DRAWING Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4 phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size). DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 93° 87° WarnoCK HErSEy 1 3/4" (44mm) 87° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin), Galvanized Coil FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 8 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® DE-FMA DouBLE EGrESS METaL aSTraGaL (EaCH) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES DETAIL DRAWING WarnoCK HErSEy 1" (25mm) 93° 87° 1 3/4" (44mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Edge. 18 GA. (1.25mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Astragal. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits over edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4 phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size). DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location ASTRAGAL WITH HEMMED EDGE TO ELIMINATE SHARP EDGES. STAINLESS STEEL ONLY. OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin), Galvanized Coil FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Lead Lined for X-ray applications - see page 10 Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 9 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® FMEA LEAD LINED ® METaL EDGES & aSTraGaL (PaIr/SET) DOOR PRODUCTS noT FIrE raTED A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com DETAIL DRAWING 3° BEVELED EDGES 87° 87° ASTRAGAL LEAD LINING CAP 93° 93° HO 9"-1 LE SP BA 2" (22 ACING SE 9-3 D O 05m N H m) EIG HT SQUARE EDGES 90° EXPLODED VIEW 90° 90° 90° LEAD DENSITY = 4 LBS./SQF For Complete Technical Data see this section • FMA • DE-FMA • FMEA • DE-FMEA Job name & Location ASTRAGAL CAP LEAD LINING (1/16" THICK) (1.6mm) or (1/8" THICK) (3mm) Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 10 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® T-FMEA TranSoM EDGE & aSTraGaL (PaIr/SET) T-FMA ® TranSoM aSTraGaL (EaCH) DTA DOOR PRODUCTS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com TranSoM aSTraGaL (EaCH) noT FIrE raTED DETAIL DRAWING 1 3/4" (44mm) T-FMEA 1 3/4" (44mm) TRANSOM T-FMA TRANSOM TRANSOM 1" (25mm) 90° 90° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 90° 90° 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 1" (25mm) 90° 90° 1" (25mm) 90° 1 3/4" (44mm) DOOR DOOR Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 GA. (1mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Edges. 18 GA. (1.25mm) Cold Rolled Steel - Astragals. FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel. INSTALLATION: Fits over top edge of door (top rail) and installs using #6X3/4 phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size) DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location DTA 1 3/4" (44mm) 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) DOOR OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin), Galvanized Coil FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Machining Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Lead Lined for X-ray applications - see page 10. Door thickness (specify inside dimension required). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure T-FMEA, T-FMA, DTA are not fire rated. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 11 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® HEG HInGE EDGE GuarD (EaCH) FuLL HEIGHT ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com QUANTITY TO P FIN ISH E DO D HE OR IG HT OF HI NG ES TO P IZE TO P 1 3/4" (44mm) 7/8" (16mm) HINGE SPECS " (6 HI RD ET DA mm NG KS TAN ) IS E BA C A S ST CK E B ) IS AN SE NG mm I DA T H (6 RD " 1/4 OF OF OF HI NG HI P TO P TO E E HI TO NG TO (edge) X - Specify PUSH SIDE OF DOOR (face) - Specify STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL & FINISH: 18 GA. (1.25mm) #304 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin). INSTALLATION: Fits over hinge edge (stile) of door and installs using #6X3/4 stainless steel phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance. DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors with 1/4" (6mm) hinge back set HINGE SIZE: 4" (102mm), 4 1/2" (114mm) and 5" (127mm) are standard. Other sizes require a special setup. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location ZE WarnoCK HErSEy QUANTITY ED ISH N I F R O DO GHT I E H E NG HI 1 3/4" (44mm) E NG I FH PO E 3° BEVEL (STANDARD) 90° SQUARE 5/8" (16mm)(face) X 7/8" (23mm)(edge) - Standard OF R OO D OF GE E SI NG HI N HI F PO NG 5/8" (22mm) HINGE EDGE (face) X Door Thickness RIGHT HAND 1/4 DO TO P 93° DETAIL DRAWING LEFT HAND OR unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES 5/8" (22mm) HINGE EDGE 3° BEVEL (STANDARD) 90° SQUARE 5/8" (16mm)(face) X 7/8" (23mm)(edge) - Standard (edge) X (face) X Door Thickness - Specify 93° 7/8" (16mm) (face) - Specify OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #316 Stainless Steel, Cold Rolled Steel or Galvanized Coil. FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Hinge machining preps (must have signed Hinge Prep Sheet attached with order) Door thickness (specify hinge backset required). Special overall dimension other than 5/8" (16mm) x 7/8" (23mm). FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 12 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® HEG-M HInGE EDGE GuarD (EaCH) MID HEIGHT ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com DETAIL DRAWING LEFT HAND QUANTITY (SPECIFY DIMENSIONS) NG 7/8" (16mm) QUANTITY L AL ER HT V O IG HE MID HEIGHT HEG HI 93° WarnoCK HErSEy RIGHT HAND HINGE SPECS D " (6 HI T AR mm NG SE ND E K A ) IS BA C T BA S S ST CK AN SE GE m) I N I DA T H (6m RD " 1/4 1/4 OV E HE RAL IG L HT 1 3/4" (44mm) unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES BO TT OM OF HI ES TO P IZE OF HI NG E FINISHED HEIGHT HI E SIZ OM TT BO NG E 5/8" (22mm) HINGE EDGE 3° BEVEL (STANDARD) 90° SQUARE 5/8" (16mm)(face) X 7/8" (23mm)(edge) - Standard (face) X Door Thickness E NG I FH PO TO E NG (edge) X - Specify PUSH SIDE OF DOOR (face) - Specify GE IN H OF 5/8" (22mm) HINGE EDGE 3° BEVEL (STANDARD) 90° SQUARE 5/8" (16mm)(face) X 7/8" (23mm)(edge) - Standard (face) X Door Thickness (edge) X - Specify 1 3/4" (44mm) 93° 7/8" (16mm) (face) - Specify STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES OPTIONAL FEATURES IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure MATERIAL & FINISH: 18 GA. (1.25mm) #304 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin). INSTALLATION: Fits over hinge edge (stile) of door and installs using #6X3/4" stainless steel phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance. DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors with 1/4" (6mm) hinge back set HINGE SIZE: 4" (102mm), 4 1/2" (114mm) and 5" (127mm) are standard. Other sizes require a special setup. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt Air application, product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Job name & Location MATERIAL: #316 Stainless Steel, Cold Rolled Steel or Galvanized Coil. FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, See Security Products Section Page 27. SPECIALS: Hinge machining preps (must have signed Hinge Prep Sheet attached with order) Door thickness (specify hinge backset required). Special overall dimension other than 5/8" (16mm) x 7/8" (23mm). 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved Listing Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 13 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® LEG LoCK EDGE GuarD (EaCH) ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTInGS A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com unDErWrITErS’ LaBoraTorIES DETAIL DRAWING 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) 87° 87° 93° 93° 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) WarnoCK HErSEy 1 3/4" (44mm) 3° BEVELED EDGES 1" (25mm) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 20 Ga. (1mm) Cold rolled Steel FINISH: Grey Primer, Beige or Bronze Baked Enamel INSTALLATION: Fits over the edge of door (stile) and installs using #6X3/4” phillips head sheet metal screws with countersunk mounting holes for a flush appearance on maximum 12" (305mm) centers. (spacing will vary based on hardware preparation and size) DOOR THICKNESS: For 1 3/4" (44mm) Doors. NOTE: For Exterior use, High Humidity or Salt air application, Product must be Galvanized or Stainless Steel. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. Job name & Location 90° 90° 90° 90° 1" (25mm) Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. 1" (25mm) 1 3/4" (44mm) 1" (25mm) SQUARE EDGES ■ ■ ■ ■ OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish(Satin), Galvanized Coil. FINISH: Custom Baked Enamel colors (as per sample chip supplied). Plated finishes to match the vision frame, lock, hinges and closer. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners, see Security Products Section, page 27. SPECIALS: Matching Preps (must have signed Hardware Prep Sheet attached with order). Door Thickness (specify inside dimension required) FIRE RATINGS (w/ U.L. & W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure ■ 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: approved Listing Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 14 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® LBC LaTCH BoLT CoVEr ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTED By A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com WarnoCK HErSEy DETAIL DRAWING LBC (Latch Bolt Cover) is usually sold with the VRC (Vertical Rod Cover) see page 2, this section, and are primarily used on double door installations VERTICAL ROD VERTICAL ROD COVER (VRC) DOOR 10" (254mm) OVERALL HEIGHT LATCH BOLT COVER ONLY LATCH BOLT COVER (LBC) 7" (178mm) OVERALL FINISHED WIDTH 2 1/8" (29mm) PROJECTION FROM DOOR Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 18 GA. (1.25mm) #304 Stainless Steel. FINISH: #4 Satin HEIGHT: 10" (254mm) height is standard unless otherwise specified. INSTALLATION: Installed with #6 x 3/4" flat head sheet metal screws directly into door. Mounted over the vertical rod latch bolt hardware to be protected. USES: Latch Bolt Covers are used to aid in complying with California Title 24 and A.D.A. requirements. LBC's help prevent entanglement with wheel chair foot rests, crutches, canes or walkers, and helps to avoid possible injury. It can be used with the Vertical Rod Covers (VRC - Covers the lower latch bolt) to completely protect the assembly 34" (864mm) off the floor. Job name & Location VERTICAL ROD OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: 16 GA. (1.7mm) #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin), Custom heights available, consult factory. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners are available. Consult the Factory for optional Fasteners. FIRE RATINGS (W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved listings. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 15 TECHnICaL DaTa FroM ® VRC VErTICaL roD CoVEr ® DOOR PRODUCTS FIrE raTED By A MESTEK COMPANY P.o. BoX 4938 • 1220 WaTSonCEnTEr roaD CarSon, Ca 90745-4206 (310) 835-7500 • FaX (310) 835-0448 e-mail: [email protected] • website: www.anemostat.com WarnoCK HErSEy DETAIL DRAWING VRC (Vertical Rod Cover) is usually sold with the LBC (Latch Bolt Cover) see page 1, this section, and are primarily used on double door installations VERTICAL ROD 3/4" (19mm) VERTICAL ROD COVER (VRC) LATCH BOLT COVER (LBC) 24" (610mm) OVERALL HEIGHT DOOR 3 1/8" (79mm) 1 1/16" (27mm) PROJECTION FROM DOOR Anemostat manufacturing dimensions ±1/32 Actual dimensions are nominal and may vary based on component manufacturers tolerances. STANDARD PRODUCT FEATURES MATERIAL: 18 GA. (1.25mm) #304 Stainless Steel. FINISH: #4 Satin HEIGHT: 24" (610mm) length is standard unless otherwise specified. INSTALLATION: Installed with #6 x 3/4" flat head stainless steel sheet metal screws directly into door. Mounted over the vertical rod hardware to be protected. USES: Vertical Rod Covers are used to aid in complying with California Title 24 and A.D.A. requirements. VRC's help prevent entanglement with wheel chair foot rests, crutches, canes or walkers, which could lead to possible injury. It can be used with the Latch Bolt Covers (LBC - covers the lower latch bolt) to completely protect the assembly 34" (864mm) off the floor. Job name & Location VERTICAL ROD OPTIONAL FEATURES MATERIAL: 16 GA. (1.7mm) #304 or #316 Stainless Steel, #4 Finish (Satin), Custom heights available, consult factory. FASTENERS: Special Security Screw Fasteners are available. Consult the Factory for optional Fasteners. FIRE RATINGS (with W.H.I. classification markings) Positive Pressure 20/45/60/90 MINUTE: Approved listings. IMPORTANT: Interpretation of building and fire codes may vary. Consult with the local authority having jurisdiction in your area, to determine appropriate standards. Submitted by For Most Current Info, Consult Factory or check our website, w w w. a n e m o s t a t . c o m January 2015 EDGES anD aSTraGaLS PaGE 16