Where are the Vulnerable Places in Africa?
Where are the Vulnerable Places in Africa?
Locating Climate Insecurity: Where are the Vulnerable Places in Africa? Joshua Busby Todd G. Smith Kaiba White Shawn M. Strange University of Texas at Austin, Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) Project from the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law Paper prepared for the SGIR 7th Pan-European International Relations Conference: September 9-11, 2010. 1 Locating Climate Insecurity: Where are the Vulnerable Places in Africa? Abstract: The “securitization” of climate change among academics and in the policy world has largely focused on the causal connections between climate change and conflict. However, an often overlooked dimension of the climate security literature is the connection between vulnerability to natural disasters and the need for military mobilization for complex emergencies. Climate change is expected to exacerbate the severity and number of extreme weather events. While such events may play a contributing role to the incidence and onset of future conflicts, climatological disasters will be important security concerns and sources of vulnerability whether or not they contribute to conflict. However, vulnerability to extreme weather is only partially a function of physical exposure. Poor, marginalized communities that lack access to infrastructure and services, that have minimal education and low health status, that live in countries with poor governance are likely to be among the most vulnerable. In this paper, we seek to locate the confluence of that vulnerability in Africa through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), employing multi-layered maps of sub-national vulnerability to climate change. Given its dependence on rainfed agriculture and low adaptive capacity, Africa is thought to be among the most vulnerable continents to climate change. However, that vulnerability is not uniformly distributed. It is not sufficient to say “Ethiopia is vulnerable” but “this part of Ethiopia is particularly vulnerable for these five reasons.” Using a variety of existing data sources, we show relative vulnerability within Africa to climate change by looking at four main baskets of vulnerability including (1) the historic incidence of natural disasters, (2) household and community indicators, (3) data on governance and political violence, and finally (4) demographic indicators. Finally, we layer the vulnerability assessments with maps of ethnic political marginalization using the recently released GeoEPR database. Among the most vulnerable places in Africa to the confluence of these factors are Western Ethiopia, coastal Nigeria, pockets of southern Sudan, the coast of West Africa from Guinea-Bissau to Côte d’Ivoire, the eastern half of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Madagascar. The Sources of Climate Insecurity: Mapping Vulnerability in Africa Africa is recognized as one of if not the most vulnerable continent to climate change. The continent’s vulnerability is partly driven by unfortunate geography, where the physical effects of climate change are likely to be among the most severe on the planet. It is also largely due to the low adaptive capacity of the continent, a product of many problems and dysfunctions in its economies, health, education, infrastructure, and governance (Low 2005; Collier, Conway, and Venables 2008; Gulledge 2008; Boko et al. 2007; Basher and Briceño 2005). These challenges are not uniformly distributed within Africa. In order to identify areas of vulnerability and prioritize limited resources, it is not sufficient to say “Ethiopia is vulnerable” without explaining which parts of Ethiopia are particularly vulnerable and for what reasons. Recognizing where physical exposure to climate change conjoins with 2 other dimensions of vulnerability is an important area for research with significant policy relevance. If we can identify where the places most vulnerable to climate change are located within the continent, Africans themselves can prioritize their scarce resources accordingly and the international policy community will have a better handle on how to target adaptation assistance programs that are likely to become increasingly important. We locate this project in the larger, emergent debate about climate change and security (Gleditsch, Nordås, and Salehyan 2007; Nordås and Gleditsch 2009; Salehyan 2008; Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan 2008; Nordås and Gleditsch 2007).1 In the “securitization” literature on climate change, scholars and practitioners have focused almost exclusively on whether or not climate change will make conflict more likely (Fingar 2008; CNA Corporation 2007; Campbell et al. 2007; WBGU 2007; Herman and Treverton 2009; Solana 2008; Podesta and Ogden 2008). Methodologically, most scholars take the expected effects of climate change (like drought, rainfall variation, disasters, migration) and look for analogues to see if those effects have historically been correlated with the onset of violent conflict (Hendrix and Glaser 2007; Burke et al. 2009; Levy et al. 2005; Thiesen, Holtermann, and Buhaug 2009). To date, the findings of this literature have been mixed and somewhat disappointing, in part because of the lack of adequate data (Buhaug, Gleditsch, and Theisen 2008; Busby 2009). Moreover, such approaches have a number of limitations, not least of which is a truncated view of what constitutes a security problem. With the concept of human security, some academics and practitioners sought to enlarge the concept of security to encompass almost any harm to human welfare. Such conceptual stretching may make the idea of security meaningless (Paris 2001, 2004). That said, climate change constitutes a security concern beyond its potential contribution to violent conflict. Climate change is expected to increase the number and severity of extreme weather events (IPCC 2007). Given that militaries are frequently deployed to provide humanitarian relief in the aftermath of natural disasters, these constitute important security concerns for external actors, if only because the diversion of military resources represents an opportunity cost and potentially tues up military resources from being deployed for other purposes (Busby 2008; Purvis and Busby 2004). Moreover, in poor, fragile states, like many of those in Africa, climate shocks and swift-onset meteorological disasters potentially constitute more severe threats to domestic security by compromising a state’s monopoly of force within its borders (Brancati 2007; Nel and Righarts 2008). In the absence of effective delivery of relief supplies, the destruction of infrastructure and interruption of services can contribute to such desperation that the populace will steal or riot to secure necessities. In such 1 This material is based upon work supported by, or in part by, the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the U.S. Army Research Office under contract/grant number W911NF-09-1-0077. This paper was written under the auspices of the Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) Project, a five-year research program at the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas supported. See http://ccaps.robertstrausscenter.org . 3 circumstances, these risks to state control are compounded if others take advantage of the absence of a security presence to loot for personal gain. Moreover, disasters may provide focal points around which citizens with grievances against the regime may rally (Flores and Smith 2010). While we are concerned about the potential contribution of climate change to violent conflict, our research focuses more broadly on the variety of dimensions that make a country and its people vulnerable to climate change. At the same time, the security focus also makes our research broader than the work of organizations like the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), which focuses more narrowly on mortality and economic losses from meteorological disasters (UNISDR 2009). Given that climate change is an emergent problem with uncertain future effects, what can theoretically informed yet rigorous research say about its potential security consequences? Are there methods beyond econometrics and case studies that can enrich our understanding of the nature and location of these potential effects? Vulnerability mapping through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provides a way to understand where and how climate change might constitute a threat to African security. GIS is not widely deployed in international relations scholarship but is extensively used in other fields. GIS allows users to visualize data spatially. The software also permits users to calculate spatial properties of locations or geographic shapes (such as states, provinces, or sub-national administrative units). For example, with GIS, one can calculate the number of strikes or riots that occurred in a particular province and whether these locations overlap where droughts have occurred. For our purposes, mapping the diverse sources of historic problems in Africa at the sub-national level provides a way to understand which places might be vulnerable to climate change in the future. What makes a place potentially vulnerable to climate change? Answering this question requires an understanding of the concept of vulnerability and leads us to ask “vulnerable to what?” and “what are we worried about exactly?” As the literature on vulnerability and disasters has demonstrated, vulnerability to extreme weather events is only partially a function of environmental and geographic features (Basher and Briceño 2005, 276). In addition to living in areas prone to flooding, drought, or other extreme weather events, communities are often made more vulnerable because they are marginalized from services, infrastructure, and levers of power that might otherwise help them in times of need. They lack adequate public infrastructure (roads, piped water, sanitation, and electricity) or access to healthcare, education and other basic services. These risks may be compounded by a lack of political representation, poor governance, and societies that have already experienced a history of violence. We seek to locate the confluence of all these types of vulnerability at the subnational level in Africa. We aim to produce maps of the relative vulnerability to climate change in different places by incorporating a variety of indicators into an overall composite index of climate change vulnerability. This approach ranks locations within Africa in terms of their relative vulnerability to climate change. Our rankings are relative 4 to other African countries rather than the entire globe. Thus, countries and localities exhibiting low relative vulnerability within Africa may still be highly vulnerable to climate change compared to the world as a whole. We incorporate geospatial data from a variety of sources including the Global Risk Data Platform (on disasters), the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators (on government effectiveness and voice and accountability), the Kansas Event Data System (on atrocities), the World Health Organization’s Global Health Atlas (on life expectancy, spending on nurses, and other indicators), among other data sources. This article opens with a discussion of vulnerability and includes a review of several exemplars of vulnerability indices. The second section reviews our approach to vulnerability and our methodology. The third section presents our findings of composite vulnerability based on four baskets: physical exposure to climatological disasters, household and community vulnerability, governance and political violence, and human exposure. In the final section, we map the relative vulnerability of marginalized ethnic groups in Africa. Section 1: The Attributes of Vulnerability Conceptual fragmentation characterizes the literature on vulnerability. Different disciplines and professions have distinct understandings of the concept (for a variety of definitions, see McEntire 2005; see also Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan 2008; Füssel and Klein 2006; Cardona 2004; Alexander 2009; McLeman and Smit 2006; Weichselgartner 2001; Wisner 2004). With this article, we seek to make a modest contribution to the emergent discussion of climate security and vulnerability. The Fourth Assessment report (AR4) by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines vulnerability as “the degree to which a system is susceptible to, and unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of the character, magnitude, and rate of climate change and variation to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacity” (See Endbox 2 IPCC 2007, 21). Vulnerability is often identified with being susceptible to losses. Wisner, for example, suggests that across its diverse meanings is the notion of “potential for disruption or harm” (Wisner 2004, 184). Cardona suggests that “vulnerability in social groups could thus be understood as the reduced capacity to ‘adapt to’, or adjust to, a determined set of environmental circumstances” (Cardona 2004, 37). The UNISDR’s Global Assessment Report defined vulnerability as “a propensity or susceptibility to suffer loss and is associated with a range of physical, social, political, economic, cultural and institutional characteristics” (UNISDR 2009, 6). The converse of vulnerability is resilience, the notion that countries or communities are able to insulate themselves from losses or, at the very least, have the capacity to respond quickly to emergencies and recover from them, minimizing long-term damage and loss of life. 5 One popular conception of vulnerability in the literature is encapsulated by the equation: risk=vulnerability x hazard (Burg 2008; Alexander 2009). In this view, vulnerability is seen as a component of risk. Risk is seen as a function of both physical hazards and vulnerability. Brooks et al. seek to operationalize this with respect to the risk of disaster mortality, where hazards reflect the probability that a country will be exposed to a climatic or meteorological event and vulnerability reflects the likely consequence or importance of that event (Brooks et al. 2005, 152). While environmental and physical factors could, in principle, contribute to overall vulnerability, the practical consequence of this approach is that vulnerability is defined exclusively in socio-economic and political terms. As we argue, purely social understandings of vulnerability are misleading. As Cardona notes, “If there is no hazard, it is not feasible to be vulnerable when seen from the perspective of the potential damage or loss due to the occurrence of an event” (Cardona 2004, 38). A vulnerability index based on non-physical variables will under-weight the physical determinants of vulnerability. Others err in the opposite direction. For example, the IPCC focuses on physical risks rather than the social and economic sources of vulnerability (Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan 2008). However, scholars have long concluded that “human agency” is an important determinant of whether or not countries experience adverse consequences from physical events and are able to recover from them swiftly. For our purposes, it is more important to track the attributes, both physical and social/political/economic, that may expose people to harm. In our approach, we are capturing a static snapshot of vulnerability, what Burg called “chronic vulnerability” rather than emergent, dynamic vulnerability (Burg 2008). Other organizations, like the World Food Programme and the United Nations, have parallel efforts to map emergent vulnerability to drought and famines (World Food Programme 2009; United Nations 2009). This section evaluates four exemplars of risk and vulnerability rankings by Clionadh Raleigh, Lisa Jordan, and Idean Salehyan, research by Marc Levy et al., papers by Nick Brooks, Neil Adger, and Mick Kelly, and work by Antoinette Brenkert and Elizabeth Malone. Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan In their effort to capture vulnerability to disasters, Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan incorporate just three dimensions: (1) GDP per capita, (2) population growth by 2050, and (3) historic disaster frequency (Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan 2008). In their view, demographic growth and limited income constitute equal risk factors as disaster frequency in contributing to a country’s overall vulnerability. They rank country vulnerability to particular disasters, windstorms, droughts, and floods (see Appendix A for their list of most vulnerable countries). 6 A spare metric of vulnerability has some advantages, providing a comparatively simple way to capture relative vulnerability. The information required to make the calculations is not as complicated as more complex metrics. Moreover, with equal weights attached to each indicator, the decision rule for aggregation requires no lengthy rationale. However, such a lean conception does not capture the full range of contributors to state vulnerability. While any model of vulnerability necessarily simplifies reality, an overly restrictive conception is potentially less policy relevant. An index based on a few broad indicators may give little insight as to the mechanisms that give rise to underlying vulnerability. For example, income may be correlated with a variety of indicators within domains like education and health, each of which could be subject to policy interventions. Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan’s ranking scheme focuses on physical sources of vulnerability (extreme weather events and population). As the disaster risk literature argues, “natural” disasters are something of a misnomer (Basher and Briceño 2005, 276). Whether an extreme meteorological event becomes a disaster, (i.e. generating lasting adverse consequences on human welfare), is typically a product of governance failures and other sources of vulnerability at the individual or community level like inequality, poor health, nutrition, etc. Their vulnerability scheme could benefit from inclusion of governance indicators. While governance indicators may be correlated with income, some poor countries have more capacity and willingness to insulate their populations from the worst consequences of adverse climatic changes. Marc Levy et al. Emphasizing the potential security consequences of climate change, Levy et al. include several governance and political measures of vulnerability. Their paper examines where physical risks of future climate change conjoin with contemporary indicators of weak governance and political instability. Their model includes three indicators of future climate effects: (1) projected populations living in low elevation coastal zones potentially subject to sea-level rise, (2) projected temperature change and levels of adaptive capacity, and (3) simulations of future water scarcity (Levy et al. 2008). They combine these indicators of future climate vulnerability with three indicators of political instability: (1) a country’s crisis history, (2) whether a country is located in a dangerous neighborhood, and (3) countries with low capacity. A country with high levels of two or more of these variables was identified as high risk for political instability.3 Levy et al.’s paper has a number of virtues. First, they incorporate models of future climate vulnerability. Historic patterns of natural disasters may not reflect future climate 3 The measures of instability and dangerous neighborhood are derived from the Political Instability Task Force. Levy et al. calculated the number of major instability events between 1992-2005. Countries with 30 or more events were considered “extremely high” in terms of instability. Countries whose neighbors had 30 or more events were considered “very dangerous.” 7 vulnerability, as future climate change may not take place in the regions where previous extreme weather events took place. Second, they also include several indicators of political risk and instability, which makes their work more relevant to the emergent climate security literature. Their research also includes attributes of governance thought important in disaster response. They provide a diversity of different permutations of rankings and of different proximities to low elevation coastal zones – some focused on individual indicators of political risk, others on multiple indicators of instability, some based on different scenarios of future climate change, etc (Appendix B summarizes several of these permutations in a single chart). In this approach, country rankings are provided in bar charts rather than maps. Countries are identified as moderate and high risk, so some of the information about least vulnerable countries is ultimately lost in the presentation. While the political risk indicators are aggregated in some permutations (countries with high scores on two or more dimensions are seen as high political risks), the climate hazards are not aggregated so there is no single risk or vulnerability map that combines all dimensions. Like Raleigh, Jordan, and Salehyan’s method, which distinguishes vulnerable countries on the basis of particular disaster risks, Levy et al.’s approach also allows one to focus on the specific physical source of future climate vulnerability. Yet, despite its virtues, the approach taken by Levy et al. ultimately generates a disaggregated framework and has some limitations. There is no single risk or vulnerability rating scheme, leaving readers to draw their own conclusions about which countries consistently show up among the most vulnerable. Their approach also leaves out other dimensions of vulnerability, particularly at the household level, which can mediate or exacerbate the physical and political sources of vulnerability. While the inclusion of future climate risks is an important refinement, such scenarios are somewhat speculative and uncertain. Therefore, an approach that combines historical evidence of past extreme weather frequency with future climate projections offers a bit more information to triangulate retrospective evidence of actual vulnerability with prospective scenarios and simulations of future events. Brooks, Adger, and Kelly Recognizing that particular places are subject to specific sources of vulnerability, Brooks, Adger and Kelly seek to synthesize the diverse sources of country vulnerability to generate a portrait of global vulnerability, using generic indicators that are common processes potentially affecting all countries. Brooks et al. focus on populations’ vulnerability to mortality from natural disasters. After examining 46 indicators identified in the literature as potentially being relevant to vulnerability, they settle on eleven indicators of vulnerability for strategic assessment and the construction of a global ranking of national-level vulnerability (Brooks, Adger, and Kelly 2005; for an extended discussion of their methodology, see Adger et al. 2004). 8 The eleven indicators are proxies for variables from three broad areas: education, health, and governance. In the education basket, three indicators were included: literacy rate for 15–24-year olds, literacy rate of those over 15 years of age, and the overall literacy ratio (female to male). Health indicators included: (1) the population with access to sanitation, (2) maternal mortality, (3) caloric intake, and (4) life expectancy at birth. Governance also encompassed four measures: two derived from the World Bank governance indicators (government effectiveness, voice and accountability), and two from Freedom House indicators (political rights and civil liberties). Brooks et al. settled on these eleven indicators after subjecting the 46 indicators to Monte Carlo simulations to see which ones were statistically correlated with an increase in mortality to climatological disasters.4 They then derived weights for the included variables based on assessments of a focus group of twelve experts. Based on the expert assessments and another assessment based on equal weights for all eleven indicators, the rankings of the indicators were as follows: (1) government effectiveness (2) voice/accountability, (3) life expectancy and sanitation tied for third, (5) literacy for 1524-year olds, (6) political rights, (7) literacy of those over 15 years of age, (8) civil liberties, (9) literacy ratio, (10) average calorie intake, and (11) maternal mortality. The ranking scheme offered by Brooks et al. offers an interesting methodology for determining which indicators to include in an overall vulnerability assessment. The effort to systematize indicator selection and weighting is an important contribution. As they argue, vulnerability assessments may often reflect idiosyncratic judgments by authors about what elements to include and how to weight them. Their overall findings that many African countries are likely to be among the most vulnerable to climate change are valid (see Appendix C for their list of top countries vulnerable to climate disasters). However, the selected indicators include some that are so highly correlated with each other that inclusion of all of them does not add explanatory value, at least for African countries. For example, youth and adult literacy rates are correlated with each other at .95 among African countries. Similarly, the Freedom House indicators are highly correlated with the World Bank indicators (at .90 or greater). At the same time, we fear the construction of the index leads to conclusions that could potentially confuse policymakers about which countries should be of highest priority. In separating the physical hazards from the more social and political determinants of vulnerability, Brooks et al. underplay the significance of geographic and 4 The research by Brooks et al. is similar to the work by Timmons Roberts and Bradley Parks. Whereas Brooks et al. serially test the significance of individual variables, Roberts and Parks seek to explain disaster mortality through multivariate regression. The variables Brooks and Parks tested included GDP per capita, the Gini coefficient, two attributes of geographical vulnerability (population near coasts and near cities), environmental vulnerability, civil society pressure, and two measures of institutional quality (press freedom and property rights). In finding higher disaster mortality vulnerability among countries in the developing world, they ultimately attribute many of the problems to their colonial heritage and the ways in which developing countries have become inserted in the global economy as exporters of primary commodities (Roberts and Parks 2007). 9 physical components of vulnerability. As a consequence, countries known to be highly geographically vulnerable to climate change appear not to be worthy of concern. For example, across the thirteen separate weighting schemes, Bangladesh was in the upper quintile of only one of them, principally because the underlying physical basis of the country’s vulnerability drops out of their analysis. Brenkert and Malone Brenkert and Malone, part of a larger Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PPNL) research team, have been developing indices of climate vulnerability since 2001 with the use of their Vulnerability-Resilience Indicator Model (VRIM). They provide mostly national rankings but have also ranked Indian states at the sub-national level (Moss, Brenkert, and Malone 2001; Brenkert and Malone 2005; Yohe, Malone, Brenkert, Schlesinger, Meij, and Xing 2006; Yohe, Malone, Brenkert, Schlesinger, Meij, Xing et al. 2006). The VRIM includes seventeen indicators. They suggest vulnerability is a function of three different factors: exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, though only sensitivity and adaptive capacity are represented in the indicators.5 They then group indicators into sectors and each indicator is weighted equally. Under sensitivity, they include the following: food security, water resources, settlement/infrastructure, human health, and ecosystem.6 Under adaptive capacity, they include environmental capacity, economic capacity, and human civic resources.7 Country sensitivity indicators enter as negative values so greater sensitivity reflects a net negative vulnerability while adaptive capacity enters in as a positive sum. Vulnerability-resilience scores reflect the sum of negative sensitivity and positive adaptive capacity. The authors then scale these against global or U.S. averages. This model has a number of parallels with ours, but there are some notable differences. First, governance indicators are not included, which is interesting given their application to India and their comments about the role of India’s democracy. One of the inspirations for contemporary vulnerability studies is the work of economist Amartya Sen. Having observed the responsiveness of India after independence to drought and food shortages, Sen suggested that famines do not happen in democracies (Sen 1981). Government effectiveness in the expert rankings in Brooks et al. was identified as the 5 Exposure reflects the nature and extent of climate change likely to affect a place. Sensitivity reflects how systems could be negatively affected by climate change, how much land could be inundated by sea level rise, how crop yields might change, how human health might be affected. Adaptive capacity reflects how much capability the society has to adapt to changes to minimize losses (Brenkert and Malone 2005, 63-64). 6 Sensitivity indicators include the following: food security - (1) cereals production/crop land area and (2) protein consumption/area; water resources - (3) renewable supply and inflow and (4) water use; settlement/infrastructure - (5) population at flood risk (6) population with no access to clean water/sanitation; human health - (7) completed fertility (8) life expectancy; - ecosystem - (9) % land managed and (10) fertilizer/cropland area. 7 Adaptive capacity indicators include: environmental capacity - (11) population density (12) sulfur dioxide/state area (13) % land unmanaged; - economic capacity (14) GDP/capita (15) income equity; human and civic resources (16) dependency ratio (17) literacy. 10 most important indicator. Thus, the omission of governance indicators is a significant oversight that makes application of the VRIM problematic. Second, in their India work, exposure largely drops out as physical risk, with the notable exception of population. The omission of governance data and the diminution of physical risk potentially makes the VRIM less useful to practitioners. For example, in a 2009 study, the CNA Corporation used the VRIM but sought to pull in exposure and governance data from other sources. The result is a bit ad hoc and unwieldy since these other measures were not systematically included in the overall VRIM index (King and Espach 2009). Moreover, the data are only available for 102 countries. Only 25 of Africa’s 53 countries are covered, with the DRC, Tanzania, and the Central African Republic among the notable omissions (Yohe, Malone, Brenkert, Schlesinger, Meij, Xing et al. 2006).8 This leaves questions about potential biases in their country selection or at least omitted countries potentially being among the most vulnerable (as our findings suggest) (see Appendix D for the top tertile of the 102 vulnerable countries).9 Section 2: Our Methodology We identified four main processes, or baskets, that encompass different aspects of vulnerability: (1) physical exposure to climatological disasters (2) household/community vulnerability, (3) governance and political violence, and (4) human exposure. All four baskets are given equal weight in the final vulnerability analysis. Within three of the four baskets or processes, we identified a number of different indicators that we believe encompass each of those dimensions. Most are assigned equal weight within the basket, unless there is missing data for an indicator. Before detailing the components of each basket, we explain the intuitions behind each process.10 Physical Exposure to Climatological Disasters Geographic location makes some countries more susceptible to climate change impacts. Within countries, some areas, such as the coasts, are more vulnerable to certain kinds of climatological disasters. For this study, we largely rely on historic data of the frequency and magnitude of disasters including cyclones, fires, floods, and droughts. However, prospectively, it will be important to include more data on projected future climatic conditions. We include a measure of low elevation coastal zones that may be susceptible to sea level rise and higher storm surges. 8 The authors use the Environmental Sustainability Index which is highly correlated with the VRIM to impute values for six African countries, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Zambia, and Namibia. 9 Moreover, some of the variables they include, such as sulfur dioxide emissions, appear either irrelevant to climate change or are poor proxies for the underlying processes that they are meant to reflect. 10 Cardona expresses a similar framework identifying the origins of vulnerability in (1) physical fragility or exposure (2) socio-economic fragility (3) lack of resilience (Cardona 2004, 49). 11 By including climatological disaster data in our vulnerability portrait, we emphasize that physical exposure is a fundamental part of vulnerability. Household and Community Vulnerability The extent to which individuals and communities are affected by natural disaster events depends, in part on their own resources, existing health and nutrition levels, access to health and sanitation services, and levels of education. In the event of a natural disaster event, people and communities who are already sick, under-nourished, that lack access to water and health care, and that have low levels of education are more likely to experience problems than those that are healthy, well-fed, and have adequate water and health services. Sicker populations are more vulnerable to disease, starvation, and thirst as a result of an extreme weather event. Better educated populations are more likely to have information about natural disaster vulnerability, better information about early warnings, and more ability to cope in the event of a disaster through innovation and problemsolving. Health and sanitation service indicators capture more of the community-level resources (such as clean water, hospitals, and medical professionals) to which those populations can turn in the event of a weather disaster. Within this basket, we group our indicators into four categories: (1) health standards; (2) levels of education; (3) availability of daily necessities; and (4) access to healthcare services. Governance Vulnerability and Political Violence Whether or not individuals experience the worst effects of disaster events often depends on the whether their larger societies are able to help them respond to emergencies. Governments that are either so inept or venal that they cannot or will not look after their own citizens can transform a natural phenomenon into a disaster that puts large number of people at risk of mass death from starvation, disease, and exposure to the elements. In such societies, disorder and instability may also follow natural disaster events. We include a variety of measures to capture this dimension; ineffective governance is but one of them. We also seek to capture the degree to which a country has a violent history, which, in certain regions, can complicate the task of providing relief supplies. Human Exposure Finally, none of these processes will matter as much for human populations if the climatological disasters take place where few people live. Areas with large population concentrations have the most potential political importance and are likely to be of greater policy concern than regions that have fewer people. What follows is a more detailed description of the indicators and methodology employed for each of the baskets. Calculating Exposure to Climatological Disasters We use historic geocoded disaster data on cyclone surges and winds, floods, droughts, and wildfires from the Global Risk Data Platform on the PreventionWeb, 12 jointly provided by the World Bank and several UN agencies (UNEP / UNDP / UN/ISDR / World Bank 2009). The cyclone surge frequency data is from 1975 – 2007 and represents events per 1000 years for category 1 cyclones. The cyclone wind frequency data is also from 1975 – 2007 and represents events per 1000 years, but contains data for category 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cyclones. Each category of cyclone frequency was classified by quintiles, and reclassified with scores of 0-5, with 0 representing no exposure, 1 the least exposure and 5 the most. A final cyclone frequency raster was created using the following equation: Cyclone wind frequency = category 1 frequency + (category 2 frequency *2) + (category 3 frequency * 3) + (category 4 frequency *4) + (category 5 frequency *5). This formula assigns greater weight to stronger, more dangerous cyclones. The flood data had no particular time frame associated with it, but was scaled to represent events per 100 years. Individual shapefiles were created for the drought events in each year between 1980 and 2001 and then converted to GRID rasters. The rasters were then summed to create a drought frequency raster for years 1980 through 2001. The wildfire density data represented expected number of events per year per pixel, or grid cell, and was based on 1997 – 2008 data. Some of the values are inexplicably high in the wildfire density GRID and will warrant further investigation in the future to determine their validity and meaning. The rasters for each type of extreme weather event were classified by quintiles and assigned a score of 0-5, with 0 representing no exposure, 1 the least exposure and 5 the most. All GRIDs from PreventionWeb have a one kilometer resolution. In order to represent future risk from rising sea levels, a digital elevation model (DEM) was used to extract the 1-10 meter coastal zone for all of Africa. All cells with values 1-10 were selected and then manual exclusion of areas clearly not contiguous to the coast was used to increase accuracy, although it is possible that some few low lying areas included in the final low elevation coastal zone dataset would be protected from rising sea levels and storm surges by higher elevation land along the coast. Areas in the 1-2 meter coastal elevation zone were assigned a value of 5; areas in the 3-4 meter zone a value of 4; areas in the 5-6 meter zone a value of 3; areas in the 7-8 meter zone a value of 2, and areas in the 9-10 meter zone a value of 1. The DEM resolution is 30 arc seconds (1 kilometer) (USGS 2009). 13 The six final rasters for exposure to each type of climatological disaster, with 0-5 scores, were summed to create a composite score of physical exposure to climatological disasters. It was possible to combine different types of events without regard to how their frequency was measured through use of the quintile ranking system, as described above. Each type of exposure was given equal weight, so the final equation for exposure was as follows: Exposure to climatological disasters = cyclone surge frequency + cyclone wind exposure + flood frequency + drought frequency + wildfire frequency + low elevation coastal zone. The highest possible value was 25 and the lowest 0. This composite raster was classified by quintiles and as well and reclassified once more on the 0-5 scale (see Figure 1). See Appendix E for detailed maps of each indicator. 14 FIGURE 1 Calculating Household and Community Vulnerability With this component, we are attempting to measure the ability of households and communities to fulfill their own immediate needs during and after a disaster event. Low levels of such capacity reflect high levels of household or community level vulnerability. We use four different but related characteristics to represent this type of capacity: (1) health indicators; (2) education levels; (3) availability of daily necessities; and (4) access to healthcare services. In previous incarnations of our vulnerability index this portion was based entirely on national level indicators. We began with fifteen national level indicators of these four characteristics, selected based on our own judgment and after an extensive review of the 15 existing literature. Brooks et al. provided empirical evidence for the statistical significance of many of these indicators. These indicators were chosen from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (WDI), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): 1. GNI per capita, PPP (current international $) 2. Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24) 3. Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above) 4. School enrollment, primary (% gross) 5. School enrollment, secondary (% gross) 6. Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) 7. Under-5 mortality rate (both sexes) 8. Life expectancy at birth (years) both sexes 9. Dietary Energy Consumption (kcal/person/day) 10. Dietary Protein Consumption (g/person/day) 11. Population with sustainable access to improved drinking water sources (%) total 12. Population with sustainable access to improved sanitation (%) total 13. Per capita total expenditure on health (PPP int. $) 14. Nursing and midwifery personnel density (per 10,000 population) 15. Hospital beds (per 10,000 population) The latest available data for each of these indicators was over the period 1998 to 2008. The most recent data point for each series was presumed to be the best indicator of the current situation in the given country and was, therefore, used in our analysis. We then sought to eliminate some indicators to develop a more parsimonious framework. In contrast to Brooks et al. who endeavored to determine statistical significance, we sought in our index creation to avoid giving any one variable too much weight. We therefore examined correlations among these indicators and when two indicators bore a strong correlation we chose the one with more data available for African countries. For example, we used the adult literacy rate rather than youth literacy rate because they have a correlation of .9593 and there were two countries, Cameroon and Lesotho, with data available for adults but not youths. Similarly, under-5 mortality was highly correlated with life expectancy at birth (.9193), daily protein consumption was highly correlated with daily energy consumption (.8838), and hospital beds per 10,000 was highly correlated with nursing and midwifery density (.7574). In each of these cases, we opted for the latter indicator. Perhaps more controversially, we chose to exclude Gross National Income (GNI) per capita from our framework (Brooks et al. ultimately made a similar choice). GNI was originally included as a proxy for household income. We are, however, skeptical of how well GNI per capita measures household income due to high levels of inequality for countries reliant on natural resources. We also observed reasonable correlations with other indicators—.6237 with adult literacy and .8101 with nursing and midwifery density—and chose to rely on these indicators to capture the effects of household income. This approach also allowed us to avoid potential distortions from anomalous observations. For example, in 2008, Equatorial Guinea had the highest GNI per capita in Africa at $21,700 (current international PPP) but ranked 29th for maternal mortality, 43rd for life expectancy and 35th for nursing and midwifery density (World Bank 2009b). 16 This left eight national level indicators, two in each of the above categories. In this version of the index, however, we incorporate sub-national data into the framework. Using survey data gathered and compiled by the Demographic and Health Surveys of USAID, the National Human Development Reports of the UNDP, UNICEF statistics, and, in some cases, national survey data the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University has generated datasets at the level of sub-national administrative regions for the following variables: 1. Infant mortality rate adjusted to national 2000 UNICEF rate 2. Percentage of children underweight (more than two standard deviations below the mean weight-for-age score of the NCHS/CDC/WHO international reference population) Although it is not valid to analyze correlations between this sub-national data and our previously collected national data because within country variations skew the results, data from the World Health Organization revealed that at a national level infant mortality rate was highly correlated (.8115) with maternal mortality rate, included in our original framework. We, therefore, concluded that by replacing maternal mortality with the CIESIN infant mortality data we could obtain higher resolution insights into the health status of populations. The closest national level data available to the CIESIN underweight children data is malnourished children data from the WHO and this data was not as highly correlated to the FAO dietary energy consumption (.5133). Nonetheless, we believe that the data on underweight children is a better indicator of the availability of adequate nutrition in local communities because young children exhibit the effects of inadequate nutrition first and most noticeably. We, therefore, replaced the previously included FAO energy consumption data with the CIESIN underweight children data (Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) 2005). The final eight indicators and the weights applied to each within our framework are described in Table 1. 17 Table 1: Household & Community Vulnerability/Resilience For two indicators, we had data for 542 sub-national regions in Africa. For the remaining indicators, the national level data was applied to all administrative regions within the country. The raw data for each indicator was given a percent rank score relative to these regions. It should be remembered that the purpose was to determine the relative vulnerability or resilience of each country in relation to other African countries, not the entire globe. Each percent rank score was then multiplied by the appropriate weight—0.125 if data was available for each indicator in a given variable. If one indicator for a given variable was not available the full 0.25 weight was assigned to the other indicator. In no case was data unavailable for both indicators. Finally, these weighted percent rank scores were summed to generate a composite score for each administrative region. Countries with the most resilience are the island nations of Seychelles and Mauritius. The next most resilient areas are mainly in the north-African countries of Tunisia, Libya and Egypt as well as Gabon with individual regions in Namibia, South Africa, and Algeria represented. Countries with the least household and community resilience (i.e. the highest vulnerability) are the perennially worst performers in Africa: Niger, Somalia, Chad and the DRC. This data was then joined back on to the sub-national administrative polygons from the CEISIN data and the shapefile was then converted to a GRID raster based on the quintile scores (see Figure 2). 18 FIGURE 2 Calculating Governance Vulnerability and Political Violence We sought to measure the potential effectiveness of any governmental response during and after a natural disaster. Ultimately, we included five variables in this basket: (1) government accountability; (2) government effectiveness; (3) global integration; (4) political stability; and (5) presence of political violence. We chose national level proxies for the first four to develop a national composite score. Those scores were then combined with sub-national data on political violence to create a final quintile score for individual grid cells (see Appendix G for detailed maps of each component of the basket). As with household and community vulnerability, we began with Brooks et al. (2005) in which they found significant two World Bank’s Worldwide Governance 19 Indicators (WGI), Voice and Accountability and Government Effectiveness, and two Freedom House measures of Civil Liberties and Political Rights. We, too, use the WGI measures for reasons discussed below (World Bank 2009a). We, however, do not use the Freedom House measures because they were both highly correlated with Voice and Accountability—.9295 for Political Rights and .9511 for Civil Liberties. Furthermore, we believe the WGI to be more robust and reliable. They were developed using over 35 data sources from 33 different organizations as well as thousands of survey respondents from different sectors. Freedom House metrics were generated from the views of only 33 analysts and 16 academic advisors (Freedom House 2008). We are thus left with two indicators from the WGI plus proxies from two other data sources. First, Voice and Accountability was used as a measure of how responsive a government is to the needs of its citizens. It is measured on a scale of -2.5 to +2.5 with zero representing the median country score. 2008 scores were used and, in general, African countries performed worse than the rest of the world. Only ten of the 53 countries scored on the positive side of the scale with the highest three being Cape Verde at 0.95, Mauritius at 0.88 and South Africa at 0.68. The worst performers in Africa were Eritrea with a score of -2.20, Libya at -1.90, and Equatorial Guinea at -1.89. Second, Government Effectiveness was used to capture the ability of a government to implement policy in general and, in particular, to undertake post-disaster relief operations. It is measured on the same scale as Voice and Accountability and, again, African countries generally performed poorly. Only six countries had positive scores, topped by South Africa at 0.75, and followed by Botswana at 0.67 and Mauritius at 0.60. The worse three performers were Somalia (-2.51), the DRC (-1.89) and Comoros (-1.88). Next, the KOF Index of Globalization was used a proxy for a country’s level of global integration. The KOF index uses data on three dimensions of globalization— economic, social and political—to create an overall globalization score between zero and 100 that measures a country’s integration in the global system. We believe that a country with a higher degree of global integration will be better positioned to obtain post-disaster assistance from the international community. Such assistance could take the form of aid from bilateral or multilateral donors or international humanitarian organizations, or it could be in the form of remittances from overseas family or the diaspora of the affected population (KOF 2009). Finally, political stability is relevant because more volatile regimes, whether democratic or autocratic, are more easily upset by the shock of climatological disasters or the unrest of a stressed population. Two indicators were developed using data from the Polity IV Project. First, Polity IV reports a polity score for most countries in the world on a scale of -10, the most autocratic, to +10, the most democratic. We used the difference between the highest score and the lowest score in the past ten years as a measure for how much a regime has changed. A zero indicates that the polity rating has not changed at all while a higher score indicates that the regime has changed considerably. Comoros moved eleven points while Kenya and Mauritania each moved ten points. Nineteen countries experienced no significant change. Second, we used the total number of years since a 20 country had undergone a major change in a single year as reported by Polity IV. In this case, a higher year count indicates a more stable government. Libya, Morocco, and Botswana experienced the longest periods of stability with 57, 43 and 42 years respectively. Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritania, and Somalia each experienced zero years of stability. When generating the percent ranks, each of these two metrics was given equal weight (Polity IV Project 2009). The raw data of these four variables were then used to generate a percent rank for each country in relation to all 53 African countries. As with the household and community resilience measure, a composite score was generated by multiplying the percent rank for each of these four variables by one-fourth and then summing them for a total governance vulnerability score, with values between zero and one. In the event of missing data, that indicator was simply not included and the remaining variables were weighted equally. The final scores and ranks are reported in Table 2. The island nations of Mauritius and Seychelles had the highest composite scores followed closely by South Africa and Namibia. Somalia, the DRC, and Sudan scored the worst. This data was joined to country-level administrative polygons and the shapefile was converted to a GRID raster, based on the quintile scores. Scores of 1 represent the places with the least governmental problems and scores of 5 the most problems. Table 2: Government Vulnerability Composite Scores and Rankings 21 Notes: 1 – missing Index of Globalization data; 2 – missing Polity IV data 22 Finally, political violence in an area is thought to severely limit a government’s ability to deliver emergency relief. If the government itself is responsible for the violence, it will be less inclined to provide post-disaster relief. Unlike the other indicators in the governance basket that were combined into a national level score, we assessed political violence at a sub-national level using GIS. Georeferenced data on political atrocities from the Kansas Event Data System (KEDS 2009) were spatially joined to the highest (smallest) available administrative level and the total number of events within each administrative area was calculated. The administrative areas were classified by quintiles based on the sum of events within the area (excluding all administrative areas with no events). A new field was added and populated with appropriate quintile rank scores, with a score of 1 representing the lowest vulnerability and 5 the highest. The shapefile was then converted to a GRID raster, based on the quintile rank scores, which was then summed with the governance vulnerability raster. The governance vulnerability score was assigned a weight of 0.8 because it includes four variables and the violent events data was given the remaining weight of 0.2. The final scores were then classified by quintiles to create an overall map of governance level vulnerability and political violence (see Figure 3). 23 FIGURE 3 Calculating Population Density Using the GRUMP population density dataset from Columbia University, we overlaid the initial findings of vulnerability with population data to find where localities of vulnerability coincide with large population concentrations (CIESIN) Undated). A population density GRID for the year 2000 with 30” resolution was used to account for differences in the number of people likely to be affected by a climatological disaster in a given area. The population density GRID was reclassified into quintiles with the first quintile containing the most rural areas, excluding areas with zero population density, and the fifth quintile containing the most urban areas. Areas with zero population density 24 were excluded based on the idea that a climatological event is only a disaster if it affects human populations. The population density raster was then reclassified using values 0-5. Values of 1 represent the least densely populated areas, typically rural areas, and values of 5 the most densely populated areas, typically urban areas. Urban areas are not always more vulnerable than rural areas. However, we do believe the exposure of a small number of people to a climatological disaster will be less disruptive than exposure of a large population. The larger the affected population, the more government and/or foreign aid resources will be needed. However, it may also be true that people living in rural areas will be more difficult to assist during and after a natural disaster, due to lack of infrastructure. Proximity to transportation infrastructure, such as paved roads and airports, is another indicator we hope to examine in the future (see Figure 4 for the distribution of population density within Africa). 25 FIGURE 4 Section 3: Findings Our aggregate level findings show a number of interesting patterns (see Figure 5). Areas of vulnerability (the darkest shaded areas) are highlighted in area detail maps of Madagascar, coastal west Africa, coastal Nigeria, Ethiopia, the DRC, among other areas. More important than mere identification, however, our approach allows for in-depth examination of the drivers of this vulnerability, which can in turn inform appropriate policies and interventions. 26 FIGURE 5 Madagascar’s vulnerability is primarily driven by exposure to cyclones, wildfires and rising sea levels in densely populated low elevation coastal areas (see Figure 6). Similarly, coastal regions of many west African states are particularly vulnerable, driven in part by low-elevation coastal zone exposure and wildfires. High population density, household and community level vulnerability, governance vulnerability, and politically motivated violent events also contribute to overall vulnerability in the region (see Figure 7). In these areas, effective adaptation efforts may include severe weather early warning systems, sea walls, and improved building codes. 27 FIGURE 6 28 FIGURE 7 The Niger delta region of Nigeria—Port Harcourt and surrounding area—is a prime example of the confluence between high population density and high exposure to natural disasters, primarily flooding and coastal inundation (see Figure 8). On Household and Community Vulnerability as well as Governance, Nigeria ranked near the middle (33rd and 29th out of 53 countries respectively). In neither case was this slightly lessened national vulnerability able to compensate for the high vulnerability of Nigeria's dense population that lives along the coast. With its oil refineries, periodic violence by armed militia groups, and history of secessionist movements, Nigeria's coast, particularly Rivers State, is of special concern. In these areas of interrelated vulnerabilities, effective interventions are much more difficult to design and implement but will need to be tailored to local circumstances. 29 FIGURE 8 In other areas, the vulnerability to future climate change is the consequence of past events (see Figure 9). First, with a population of approximately 81 million, Ethiopia is the third most populous nation in Africa, behind Nigeria and Egypt. As shown in the detail map, much of this population is concentrated in the drought-prone western half of the country where a lack of irrigation infrastructure means the population is largely reliant on rain-fed agriculture. These factors contributed to severe famines in the past few decades that have, in turn, led to the country’s poor nutritional and health status today (Ethiopia ranks 48th out of 53 on the our Household and Community Vulnerability index). Finally, although Ethiopia has seen relatively little political violence compared to its neighbors, the government scores poorly on the World Bank’s Voice and 30 Accountability index and has limited capacity to respond to disasters or adapt to changing conditions. Here, programs to develop irrigation infrastructure and promote drought resistant crops could be pivotal, but there is little hope for such programs without improved governance. FIGURE 9 Second, the eastern half of the DRC shows up as vulnerable for different historical reasons (see Figure 10). With the exception of the droughts in the far north of the country and wildfires in the far north and far south, the DRC is less exposed to natural disasters than other parts of Africa. Poor governance throughout the DRC, however, gives it the second lowest score on our Governance Vulnerability index. Ongoing political violence, particularly in the east, is related to the war that officially ended in 31 2003 but continues to plague much of the region. This has hampered development (the DRC ranks 50th out of 53 on the Household and Community Vulnerability index) and made the population unable to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Furthermore, continuing violence undermines efforts by the government and international actors to respond to disasters. FIGURE 10 Although effective interventions will need to address many drivers of vulnerability, governance improvement is paramount. More accountable, responsive, and capable governments are integral to reducing household and community vulnerability, adapting to changing environmental conditions and responding to inevitable natural disasters. 32 One danger of our comparative approach is that it potentially focuses attention on larger regions of vulnerability at the expense of smaller areas. Although not explicitly discussed, other pockets of high vulnerability exist in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Swaziland, and Mozambique, where low scores on human development coincide with poor governance indicators and considerable disaster risk from droughts and fires. These areas must not be overlooked. Section 4: Ethnic Political Marginalization and Vulnerability The literature in international relations has vigorously examined whether or not ethnic cleavages contribute to violent conflict. In a 2003 study, Fearon and Laitin, using one measure of ethnic cleavages (ethnolinguistic fractionalization), did not find support for such a connection (Fearon and Laitin 2003). However, given the violence that occurred between ethnic and religious groups in the Balkans, Rwanda, and elsewhere, this finding seemed at odds with the nature of many internal conflicts in the post-Cold War era. More recent qualitative and quantitative research has found that the degree of political marginalization of ethnic groups, and not just the amount of ethnic diversity, does make conflict in certain locales more likely (Kahl 2006; Cederman and Girardin 2007; Cederman, Girardin, and Gleditsch 2009; Cederman, Buhaug, and Rød 2009; Wimmer, Cederman, and Min 2009). From the perspective of vulnerability to climate shocks, we expect ethnic political marginalization to exacerbate certain groups’ access to services. This can occur in at least two ways, through deliberate discrimination and through neglect. Discrimination On one level, groups may be deliberately excluded by the ruling party in the government from political participation. In the event of a severe storm or drought, the country’s political leadership might withhold aid from rival ethnic groups. If the weather event is nationwide, the favored ethnic group might get aid but the rival group would be discriminated against by design. Such divisions are not always purely ethnic. For example, in 2008, Robert Mugabe’s government in Zimbabwe reportedly provided food aid to political supporters in his Zanu PF party while withholding from supporters of the main opposition party (Raath 2008). Neglect In other contexts, groups may be marginal to the political life of the country such that they are ignored by the central government in the event of a climatological disaster. In some cases, these groups do not seek political representation, and in other cases, groups might be seeking representation through electoral processes but are unsuccessful. We might think of the former as politically irrelevant and the latter as powerless, but unlike discriminated groups, they are not deliberately targeted by the government from resources. They are more likely ignored. For example, Somali pastoralists in northern 33 Kenya might not be numerous enough to constitute a political force. Should a drought affect them, their plight might be ignored. The GeoEPR dataset, released in February 2010 by researchers from UCLA, ETH Zurich, and Princeton, maps the spatial distribution of ethnic groups worldwide (Weidmann, Rød, and Cederman 2010, forthcoming; Wucherpfennig et al. 2010). GeoEPR allows users to map the geographic distribution of groups by their degree of access to national and/or regoinal political participation, updating the earlier work of the researchers in the Ethnic Power Relations (EPR) dataset. We selected three types of groups from the GeoEPR dataset to represent spatially and overlay on our existing composite vulnerability maps: groups that have been politically discriminated against, that were politically powerless, or were politically irrelevant. 11 The following three maps show the ethnic groups that have been classified in those categories at any point between 1990-2005. We selected a longer time period to get at the legacy effects of previous marginalization, though important developments, like the end of apartheid and the Rwandan genocide, have transformed the current status of some groups. Nonetheless, areas where groups experienced some form of historic discrimination or other form of marginalization (powerless or irrelevance) may have a legacy of grievances and thus be flashpoints for conflict or receive inadequate relief supplies in the event of severe climate effects. Our map of Politically Discriminated groups shows a number of countries and regions with discriminated groups including: Angola, Burundi, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Nigeria, Rwanda, Sudan, Zimbabwe, among others. In terms of overall composite vulnerability, the Ogoni and Ijaw people in southern Nigeria, were among the most vulnerable, as were the Fur people in western Sudan. Both the Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda have at different times been discriminated against and, based on our criteria, are located in areas with high overall vulnerability (see Figure 10). Among groups that were Politically Powerless at some point in the period 19902005, we find some of the same groups and countries: Angola, Burundi, the DRC, Nigeria, Rwanda, among others. Based on our index, the Hutu in Rwanda after the genocide as well as the Hutu in Burundi in the late 1990s through early 2000s were located in areas of high overall vulnerability. We also find powerlessness among other groups like the Berbers in Morocco and Algeria. The DRC was rife with politically powerless groups in the lead up to Kabila’s overthrow of the Mobutu regime in 1997. In 11 Relying on maps and data drawn from the Soviet Atlas Narodov Mira, the GeoEPR dataset classifies groups by the degree of access to federal and regional political representation. Politically relevant groups are those that sought national or regional political representation. The implication is that politically irrelevant groups did not seek such representation. Discriminated groups are those that lack access to federal or regional political power and are actively and intentionally targeted for exclusion, whereas powerless groups lack such representation but are not actively targeted. For a fuller description of these and other categories, see (Cederman, Min, and Wimmer 2009). See Appendix H for a list of the politically discriminated, powerless, and irrelevant ethnic groups in Africa between 1990-2005. 34 addition, the Zulu and Xhosa were powerless in the final years before the end of apartheid in South Africa in 1994 (see Figure 11). Our map of groups that were Politically Irrelevant at some point in the period 1990-2005 shows them in eastern Congo, west central Côte d’Ivoire, southwestern Ethiopia, the Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, and southern Niger. Among the most vulnerable groups were the Highlanders of Madagascar, the Southern Mande in Côte d’Ivoire, and the Southern Nations of Ethiopia (see Figure 12). This section is suggestive of the kinds of future vulnerabilities that particular ethnic groups face. Obviously, groups change over time in their degree of political inclusion. The future vulnerability to climate change may be different from historic patterns of disasters, and other dimension of vulnerability will change as well. That said, mapping historic sources of vulnerability and overlaying the spatial distribution of politically marginalized ethnic groups provides another way to visualize where and which groups are most likely to face problems from climate shocks. 35 FIGURE 10 36 FIGURE 11 37 FIGURE 12 Conclusions and Extensions for Further Research In a sense, this paper is a proof of concept of a methodology of mapping subnational climate change vulnerability. We hoped to be holistic if not exhaustive in our inclusion of variables. For a number of indicators, particularly those for household vulnerability and governance, we were forced to use national level data in the absence of local geo-referenced data. As a consequence, we are less confident that the location of 38 sub-national vulnerability is as precise as it ultimately can be. While some indicators (such as disasters, low elevation, population, infant mortality, underweight children, and atrocities) are georeferenced at the sub-national level, better data is required for many others. We will attempt to acquire more localized data for subsequent iterations. We ultimately hope to include data on infrastructure. In the event of a weather emergency, communities at risk will often need emergency services in the form of search and rescue, relief supplies, and reconstruction materials. Communities that are isolated from transportation and information networks may be more at risk, as it may be difficult to warn them of impending disasters and provide them adequate services in the event of climatological disasters. While access to communications infrastructure may be more applicable for swift-onset disasters like floods and storms, access to transportation infrastructure could be potentially salient for both slow onset disasters, such as droughts. We ultimately intend to include two indicators to track relative isolation from relief services, focusing on the size of populations isolated from roads and airports. We also hope to include other measures that capture the relative isolation of population from communications infrastructure, including access to radios. However, we have some questions about the appropriateness of existing data sources. For example, the primary roads data for South Africa from the Digital Chart of the World does not include some of the major paved roads along the southern coast. This dataset may not be able to capture the underlying issue of interest, the relative isolation of people from the road network, particularly if the classification for secondary roads in one country includes paved highways but dirt tracks in another. We also lack data on agriculture and primary commodities, in terms of the significance for the local economy and for export revenues. Economies highly dependent on agriculture and the export of primary commodities are likely to be especially affected by climate change. Given Africa’s dependence on rain-fed agriculture, low levels of industrialization and manufacturing, and particular susceptibility to drought, we believe inclusion of such indicators will be important. In addition, most of our physical vulnerability data is based on past disaster frequencies and intensities. We hope to incorporate models of future climate change risk, to the extent that authoritative models of future climate trends in Africa can be found. Indeed, models of future African climate change, at least for some areas like the Sahel, have wildly divergent predictions with respect to rainfall and other indicators (Boko et al. 2007; Gulledge 2008). More recent research, however, suggests these discordant findings may be a product of problems in downscaling global climate models. Patricola and Cook have constructed a regional climate model for northern Africa above the equator (and excluding typical North African countries on the Mediterranean coast). Their findings, they argue, are much more consistent and have more success in explaining past climate patterns and important attributes like the West African monsoon (Patricola and Cook 2009). For future research, we hope to collaborate with climate modelers to extend the regional model continent-wide and to focus on time scales relevant for policymakers, mid-21st century rather than late 21st century as is the norm among climate modelers. 39 Furthermore, we imagine the consequences of climatological disasters may be more severe in regions with a history of political violence, as both conflict and weather events can spill over borders. Dealing with climate change effects in violent regions may be problematic, in terms of eliciting cross-border cooperation and the damage wrought to governance and development in areas plagued by perennial conflict. We ultimately plan to include neighborhood effects of political violence in subsequent iterations. We also may use indicators other than the political atrocities data to capture more large-scale violence such as civil wars. The Armed Conflict Location Event Dataset (ACLED) as well as Halvard Buhaug’s geo-referenced work on African civil wars are prospective data sources (Raleigh, Linke, and Hegre 2009; Buhaug and Rod 2006). We also hope to incorporate geocoded strike and riot event, which point to civil unrest, into our vulnerability model. For future work, we also plan on conducting a variety of sensitivity analyses. For example, each of the four baskets is weighted equally. If we reduce the weight attached to population, for example, we find more extensive areas that fall in to our most vulnerable quintile. We plan on a variety of sensitivity tests, seeing how the overall patterns of vulnerability change with different weights. We also will perform similar analyses to assess country-level drivers of vulnerability. For example, we plan on altering the values for individual indicators for particular countries to see what effect an improvement on a particular sub-indicator would have on the country’s overall vulnerability rating. Such a move could in turn help us identify appropriate policy interventions that could ostensibly reduce country vulnerability. For example, if we find that improving a country’s caloric intake would significantly improve its household vulnerability score (and, in turn, its overall vulnerability ranking), policy interventions to improve food security and income could receive priority. We will also explore changing the method of classification of our vulnerability indicators. For this study, we use quintiles to classify the vulnerability scores for each basket and the final vulnerability map. This method results in the total geographic area in each of the 5 classifications being roughly equal. There may be other classification methods that could be justified over quintiles, such as natural breaks. A further extension would be to statistically test the strength of our indicators as predictors of outcomes such as disaster mortality as Roberts and Parks have done using multivariate regression and Brooks et al. did using Monte Carlo simulations. These can be done for multiple hazards or for individual hazards. For example, the 2009 UNISDR global assessment on disasters assesses the statistical significance of different factors to individual kinds of disasters. Consistent with our work, they include a number of different variables, including per capita net savings, ratio of economic losses to the capital stock, economic competitiveness, concentration of exports, the human development index, and per capita GDP (UNISDR 2009, 57). Maps of vulnerability are only points of departure rather than end-states of analysis. 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