Cheez-It Pepper Jack Cheez-It Pepper Jack Cheez
Cheez-It Pepper Jack Cheez-It Pepper Jack Cheez
t I z e e Ch k c a J r Peppe ® rackers Baked Snack C ! ™ ™ ‘ Cheez-It ® 3 oz. bags also available in: ™ FILE: ® ® ® ® ® 954715_CI_PJ_SSheet_Front DATE: 08/10/11 DESIGN LEAD: XX PREPARED BY: ® Size/Die: sml NOTES: ® ® ® ® 8.5 x 11 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– Cheese Crackers and Spicy Crackers are Hot! 1 Put them together and you’ve got Cheez-It ® Pepper Jack. Already a big hit with consumers in Grocery 2, now Cheez-It ® Pepper Jack comes to C-Stores in a 3 oz. single serve pouch to tempt more snackers and increase your sales. Order today and put the combined sales power of the Cheez-It ® Brand and our trendsetting flavors to work for you. Nielsen, FDMx & Scantrack Convenience, 52 week ending 4/23/11 Nielsen,FDMx, 52 weeks ending 4/30/11 1 ™ 2 SUNSHINE ® CHEEZ-IT ® BAKED SNACK CRACKERS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Product Description Pouch Dimensions LxWxH Gross Case Tray / Pkg / Pkg Net Cube Gross Case Cases / Cases / Pallet Load Pkg Case Wgt (oz) (cu.ft.) Wgt (Ibs) Pallet Layer Wgt (Ibs) Tray Dimensions LxWxH Case Dimensions LxWxH 14 Digit Case Code Tray Code Pouch Code 0 00 24100 57379 0 0 24100 57381 3 0 24100 57382 0 6/6 36 3 1.38 10.4 374.4 36 6 5.0” x 0.5”x 8.0” 9.25” x 4.75” x 7.0” 19.81” x 15.31” x 7.88” Original 0 00 24100 19132 1 0 24100 19133 8 0 24100 19134 5 6/6 36 3 1.38 10.4 374.4 36 6 5.0” x 0.5”x 8.0” 9.25” x 4.75” x 7.0” 19.81” x 15.31” x 7.88” White Cheddar 0 00 24100 31532 1 0 24100 31533 8 0 24100 31534 5 6/6 36 3 1.38 10.4 374.4 36 6 5.0” x 0.5”x 8.0” 9.25” x 4.75” x 7.0” 19.81” x 15.31” x 7.88” Cheddar Jack 0 00 24100 20360 4 0 24100 23061 1 0 24100 20362 8 6/6 36 3 1.38 10.4 374.4 36 6 5.0” x 0.5”x 8.0” 9.25” x 4.75” x 7.0” 19.81” x 15.31” x 7.88” Hot & Spicy 0 00 24100 37278 2 0 24100 37276 8 0 24100 37277 5 6/6 36 3 1.38 10.4 374.4 36 6 5.0” x 0.5”x 8.0” 9.25” x 4.75” x 7.0” 19.81” x 15.31” x 7.88” Pepper Jack Cases Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Pepper Jack Case Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Original Case UPC Proof of Purchase UPC Proof of Purchase 0 00 24 1 00 5 73 79 Sunshine ® 0 0 Cheez-It ® 00 Baked Snack Crackers Cheddar Jack Case 241 0 0 UPC Proof of Purchase 1 9 1 32 Sunshine ® 1 0 00 24100 00 24100 3 1 532 1 Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Hot & Spicy TABASCO ® Case UPC Proof of Purchase UPC Proof of Purchase 0 Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers White Cheddar Case 2 0360 0 4 00 2 41 0 0 3 7278 2 Trays Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Pepper Jack Tray UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Original Tray UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers White Cheddar Tray UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Cheddar Jack Tray UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Hot & Spicy TABASCO ® Tray UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Original 3 oz Pouch UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers White Cheddar 3 oz Pouch UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Cheddar Jack Tray 3 oz Pouch UPC Proof of Purchase Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Hot & Spicy TABASCO ® 3 oz Pouch UPC Proof of Purchase Pouches Sunshine ® Cheez-It ® Baked Snack Crackers Pepper Jack 3oz Pouch UPC Proof of Purchase 0 24100 57382 0 For more information, call 877-511-5777 or visit our website at ®, TM, © 2011 Kellogg NA Co. FILE: The TABASCO® marks, bottle and label designs are registered trademarks and service marks exclusively of and licensed by Mcllhenny Company, Avery Island, LA 70513. 954715_CI_PJ_SSheet_Back DATE: 08/10/11 DESIGN LEAD: XX PREPARED BY: Size/Die: sml NOTES: 80070 8.5 x 11 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK ––– ––– ––– ––– ––– –––
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