Special K® Snack Bars!
Special K® Snack Bars!
Special K Snack Bars! ® cious Three Deli Flavors On-Trend FILE CLIENT PROJECT SPOT COLORS 153176T03_av1b_SpK_SnackBars_SS KELLOGG -PROCESS COLORS DATE DESIGN LEAD PREP ARTIST 11.06.14 av sl NOTES - - DIE 8.5”W x 11.00”H CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK PROOF READING DESIGN LEAD ACCOUNT for All Positioned ng! i Day Snack Our snack bars deliver on taste, the #1 motivator for buying and selling snack bars! 1 Goodness Consumers Recognize Meet shoppers evolving preferences for a delicious, nourishing snack with new Special K® Snack Bars. They’re made with appealing ingredients consumers want, recognize and feel good about eating. From Special K®, a $1.2B brand in the US—with a valuable high brand exclusivity rating of 43.4%!2 Expand on-the-go snacking with positive nourishment Today, 91% of consumers snack daily including 25% who snack 3-5 times each day.3 New Special K® Snack Bars help meet consumers’ desires for a snack with a more natural appeal and added health benefits.4 Plus, there are 100 calories per bar! Satisfy your customers and sales when you stock up today! Special K ® Snack Bars 14 Digit Case Code Product Description Carton Code Pouch Code Special K ® Snack Bars 000-38000-12519-5 0-38000-12520-1 0-38000-12421-1 Inner Packs Ea. / Pkg Net Cubic Gross Case Gross Pallet Cases / Cases / Case Wgt (oz) Feet Wgt (lbs) Load Wgt (lbs) Pallet Layer Pouch Dimensions LxWxH Carton Dimensions LxWxH Case Dimensions LxWxH 8/12ct 96 0.88 oz. 0.629 7.30 438 lbs. 60 20 5.5” x 1.5” x 0.50” 6.61" x 5.63" x 3.07" 11.81" x 7.09" x 12.99" 000-38000-12517-1 0-38000-12518-8 0-38000-12426-6 8/12ct 96 0.88 oz. 0.629 7.30 438 lbs. 60 20 5.5” x 1.5” x 0.50” 6.61" x 5.63" x 3.07" 11.81" x 7.09" x 12.99" Special K ® Snack Bars 000-38000-12521-8 0-38000-12522-5 0-38000-12412-9 8/12ct 96 0.88 oz. 0.629 7.30 438 lbs. 60 20 5.5” x 1.5” x 0.50” 6.61" x 5.63" x 3.07" 11.81" x 7.09" x 12.99" Berry Medley Special K ® Snack Bars Salted Pretzel Chocolate Salted Caramel Chocolate Case Pouch SPECIAL K ® SNACK BARS BERRY BARS MEDLEY SPECIAL K ® SNACK - BERRY MEDLEY 0 00 38000 12519 Carton Special K® Snack Bars 10.14 oz.Tray Berry Medley Special K® Snack Bars Berry Medley Pouch 5 0 ® SPECIAL KK ® SNACK SPECIAL SNACKBARS BARS SALTED PRETZEL CHOCOLATE SWEET & SALTY CHOCOLATE PRETZEL Special K® Snack Bars Salted Pretzel Chocolate Pouch 0 00 38000 12517 38000 12520 1 Special K® Snack Bars 10.14 oz. Salted Pretzel Chocolate Tray 1 SPECIAL K ® SNACK BARS SALTED BARS CARAMEL CHOCOLATE SPECIAL K ® SNACK - SALTED CARAMEL CHOCOLATE 0 Special K® Snack Bars Salted Caramel Chocolate Pouch 0 00 38000 12521 38000 12518 8 Special K® Snack Bars 10.14 oz. Salted Caramel Chocolate Tray 8 For more information, call 877-511-5777 or visit Grow My Store at kelloggsconvenience.com/GrowMyStore for the most updated tools and resources. 0 Special K® Cereal Bars Barriers & Enablers 2 Nielsen 52 weeks ending 6/14/14 3 Bloomberg, Aug 4, 2014/Nielsen, survey of 1,139 people 4 Mintel – The Snacking Occasion – US-February 2014 38000 12522 5 1 Kellogg’s FILE CLIENT PROJECT SPOT COLORS ®, TM, © 2014 Kellogg NA Co. 153176T03_av1b_SpK_SnackBars_SS KELLOGG -PROCESS COLORS DATE DESIGN LEAD PREP ARTIST 11.06.14 av sl NOTES - - DIE 8.5”W x 11.00”H CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK PROOF READING DESIGN LEAD ACCOUNT 153176 80877
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