14 • SECTION A • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2016 • HAMPTON CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Submit your ad online at, email [email protected] or call 641-456-2585, Ext. 114 toll free 1-800-558-1244 THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT advertising which is deceptive, fraudulent or which might otherwise violate the law or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised. FOR SALE FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SERVICES Sheets of thin white plastic, Approximately 24”x35”, 50¢ each. Good for crafts or lining shelves. Available at the Hampton Chronicle, 9__________________________ – 2nd St. NW, Hampton. ctf Office/retail: 121 1st Street NW, Hampton. 1,300 sq. ft. main floor, kitchen, shower, side entrance. Willing to subdivide or remodel. Stop and see Russ at Christensen Jewelry or call 641-425-5420. ctf __________________________ Precision Manure Application Inc. is looking for qualified CDL drivers. Full and part-time positions available. We are also hiring for the upcoming manure season. Looking for tractor tank drivers and pump operators for both night and day shifts. Please contact Adam Jackson at 515-321-8021 or Cory Jackson at 641-373-2886. __________________________ ctf CORRESPONDENTS are being sought by the Hampton Chronicle. You can report on your town’s local happenings and news. Correspondents are needed for Hampton, Chapin, Sheffield, Bristow, and Bradford. Call Hampton Chronicle, 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton, 456-2585 or 1-800-558-1244, and ask for Joyce. __________________________ ctf Interior painting, wall papering, wood finishing. Sandy Aaron, 641456-3125. __________________________ ctf Immediate opening in the kitchen, willing to train. The Garage Tavern in Coulter. Call Chad at 641-4256855 or apply within. __________________________c33 WANTED House for Sale: 3 bed house, $49,500 Poss. CONTRACT! 610 8th Ave. NE, Belmond. Call or text 515-8519790. __________________________ ctf Apartments for rent: 3 bedrooms, spacious. $525. Call Paul at 641420-8752. __________________________c39 1300’ ranch home: 3 bedrooms with large living, kitchen, family and laundry rooms. Large 2-car garage. Overlooks Harriman estate. $565/ mo. 602-980-7021. __________________________c33 FREE Free to a good home: 3 Persian kitties in Hansell. 641-456-4528. __________________________c33 HELP WANTED Part-time Office Assistant: Franklin Rural Electric Cooperative is seeking a part-time office assistant. Qualified applicants should have good communication, telephone, secretarial, organizational and computer skills (including Word, Excel and Power Point). Send resume to Karen J. Ringleb, Franklin REC, PO Box 437, Hampton, IA 50441, by Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2016, or email it to [email protected]. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. __________________________c33 Help needed: Hampton Senior Center needs a head cook. It’s 5 days a week, 6 hours a day at $10/hr. Experience needed. Apply at Senior Center, 23 1st St. SW. For more information call 641-456-5191. __________________________c34 Franklin County Home Care Service has an opening for part-time and fulltime CNA. Services are provided in the individual’s home to allow independent living. Travel is required with mileage reimbursement. Job assignments are assisting individuals with personal cares, housekeeping and other routine maintenance tasks, respite, grocery shopping/errands, meal prep. and limited transportation when assigned. Individual must be reliable. For more information, contact FCHC at 641-456-5830. Franklin County is an equal opportunity employer. __________________________c34 Want statewide coverage with your classified? The Chronicle can do it for you for one price. Ask our sales reps. Contact the Hampton Chronicle, 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton, 456-2585 or 1-800-558-1244. __________________________ ctf NOTICE Bob’s Barber Shop, Dumont will be closed for vacation Aug. 23-27. Open Tuesday, Aug. 30. ________________________c33pd Ron’s Roofing – Insured, bonded, commercial, residential. Specializing in shingles, rubber membrane, metal coating and seamless gutters. 641456-4670, Hampton. __________________________ ctf GO BOLD! You noticed this classified, in part because of bold type. Use bold type in your ad for just 15¢ more per word. __________________________ ctf LETTERHEAD, ENVELOPES, BUSINESS CARDS, brochures, multi-part forms and other printing available at Mid America Publishing, 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton, 456-2585 or 1-800-558-1244. Free estimates. ctf __________________________ ADVERTISE your items in the The Sheffield Press or Butler County Tribune. Hampton Chronicle, 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton, 456-2585 or 1-800-558-1244. __________________________ ctf HAMPTON CHRONICLE • WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2016 • SECTION A • 15 SCHOMBURG – I wish to thank everyone for all the beautiful cards, food and flowers I received for my 95th birthday and the Lord’s blessings to all of you. Alice Schomburg _________________________________________________________ c33
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