MaTure Muscle sTack - No Nonsense Magazine


MaTure Muscle sTack - No Nonsense Magazine
The Mature Muscle Stack for Men 40 and Older:
Where did your physique go?
If you’re 40 years of age or older, you probably feel as if your body doesn’t
look or perform the way it used to. There’s a good chance this has something
to do with “The Big Three” age-related conditions. These are:
1. Sarcopenia also known as age-associated muscle loss.
2. Andropause or age-associated testosterone decline.
3. Age-associated fat gain. Starting as early as 30 years of age, an
increase in fat mass (body fat) occurs in conjunction with muscle loss
Read on to learn about a proven stack that 40+ men are using to conquer
“The Big Three” and get their physique back!
Stack Component #1: Essential
The combination of resistance exercise and protein is your most powerful weapon against sarcopenia. But, no matter how
hard you work out, your ability to build and retain muscle becomes blunted. Scientists refer to this as “anabolic resistance”.
Anabolic resistance can be at least partly overcome by regular consumption of high-quality protein that is rich in the amino
acid leucine. Ultimate Muscle Protein (UMP), Provosyn, and Muscle Provider, are high-quality protein supplements containing
several grams of leucine per serving, plus every other amino acid required to build and repair muscle tissue. This makes them
especially well suited for men 40 years of age or older.
Usage tip: Enjoy a delicious shake made with 1 or more servings of your choice of Beverly proteins immediately after resistance
exercise. Have a second shake 4-5 hours later or before bed to boost muscle anabolism again.
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Stack Component #2: Essential
(powder or tablets)
Muscle Synergy contains multiple ingredients
that act synergistically to help combat ageassociated muscle and strength loss. One
of these ingredients is HMB, a naturally occurring, clinically studied compound that has
been shown to enhance the benefits of resistance exercise. HMB is believed to work by rebuilding muscle and alleviating or preventing
muscle damage associated with exercise, thereby shortening recovery
Usage tip: For maximum results, it is important you take the full dosage
recommended on the label. Be sure to take at least one of your daily servings of Muscle Synergy before your workout.
Stack Component #3: Essential
Testosterone exerts its physiological effects in
the body by binding to androgen receptors. Androgen receptors are found in cells throughout
the body, including skeletal muscle tissue.
Quadracarn contains four types of carnitine. One
of these has been found to increase androgen
receptor levels in muscle tissue. With more androgen receptors present, your testosterone signaling strength is improved. This is expected to enhance the effects of resistance exercise and shorten recovery times. Quadracarn also supports
fat-burning metabolism, circulation, and sexual performance, among
other benefits.
Usage tip: Carnitine takes time to accumulate in your body. Therefore it is
important to take Quadracarn every day, according to label directions. Don’t
miss a dose.
Stack Component #4:
Stack Component #5:
7-Keto MuscLean helps the 40+ man conquer ageassociated fat gain. 7-keto is a co-enzyme produced
naturally in the body which helps regulate metabolic
rate, thermogenesis, and fat-burning enzyme levels.
When we think of muscle, we often forget that a good
portion of muscle consists of connective tissue. In
fact, every time you lift a load, your connective tissue
bears the bulk of it. It’s no surprise that it undergoes
serious wear and tear, particularly at age 40 and up.
By the time you reach 40, your production of 7-keto may have dropped by
40% and continues to fall for the rest of your life. 7-Keto MuscLean helps
restore youthful levels of 7-keto and is clinically proven to produce three
times more weight loss than diet and exercise alone.
Usage tip: Take two servings daily for best results. Follow label directions.
Here’s how to get the most benefit from
the Mature Muscle Stack.
Combat AGE RELATED MUSCLE LOSS with protein and Muscle Synergy.
Ideal times are:
Joint Care is a perfect addition to your Beverly Mature Muscle Stack. It
contains ingredients like boron, hyaluronic acid, MSM and glucosamine
that work synergistically to support a healthy inflammatory response and
provide relief from joint discomfort and stiffness.
Usage tip: Take Joint Care with meals.
Combat ANDROPAUSE with 2-3 servings of Quadracarn per day. Take 3
tablets twice daily on non-workout days, and 3 tablets three times daily on
workout days. (One serving just prior to workout.)
• Breakfast or mid-morning UMP and/or Provosyn with one serving of
Combat AGE-ASSOCIATED FAT GAIN with 7-Keto MuscLean. Take one
serving (3 capsules) in the morning and another 6-8 hours later.
• Immediately before training: 1 serving Muscle Synergy
• Immediately after training: 1 serving Muscle Provider (or UMP)
• 4-5 Hours after training: UMP and/or Provosyn
Combat Joint and Connective Tissue wear and tear with Joint Care. Start
with a “loading phase” by taking 3 capsules, 4 times daily for 1 week; 3
capsules 3 times daily during week 2; and then 3 capsules twice daily with
meals from week 3 on.
Muscle Synergy.
Need more help? Our team of Beverly Advisors will be happy to assist you!
Go to, email [email protected] or call us at 800-781-3475.