Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUVR IN)
Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUVR IN)
INSTITUTIONAL EQUITY RESEARCH Hindustan Unilever Ltd (HUVR IN) Recovery to be protracted 10 June 2015 INDIA | FMCG | Company Update Key highlights of HUL’s FY15 annual report and management commentary: Demand environment continues to remain sluggish: FY15 saw a marked slowdown in growth in developed markets (such as Europe and Japan) and emerging markets (such as China). The operating environment in India remained challenging due to faltering demand, consumer down-trading, volatile input costs, and heightened competitive intensity. Domestic consumer business grew 10%, with 5% underlying volume growth. Premiumisation continues in soaps & detergents: Led by mix growth, soaps & detergents grew 9% yoy in FY15 (8%/19%/21% in FY14/13/12). Lower commodity costs and better cost management helped the segment’s profit grow faster (14% yoy) despite sustained investments in quality and brand marketing. We expect this category’s revenue to stay sluggish for the next two years (see 9%/11% growth in FY16/FY17). Personal products growth, while ahead of the market, was muted: Due to sluggish demand in the personal products market, this category grew 11% yoy in FY15 (9%/13%/13% in FY14/13/12). The segment’s profit grew faster (17% yoy) due to lower commodity costs and better cost management. Our channel checks show that growth in personal products continues to face severe headwinds. Hence, we expect a slow revival (FY16/FY17 revenues to grow by 11%/ 12%). Neutral (Maintain) CMP RS 823 TARGET RS 844 (+3%) COMPANY DATA O/S SHARES (MN) : MARKET CAP (RSBN) : MARKET CAP (USDBN) : 52 - WK HI/LO (RS) : LIQUIDITY 3M (USDMN) : PAR VALUE (RS) : 2164 1757 27.4 979 / 610 23.2 1 SHARE HOLDING PATTERN, % PROMOTERS : FII / NRI : FI / MF : NON PROMOTER CORP. HOLDINGS : PUBLIC & OTHERS : 67.2 15.4 3.8 1.1 12.5 PRICE PERFORMANCE, % 1MTH -9.2 -7.1 ABS REL TO BSE 3MTH -13.5 -3.6 1YR 27.2 22.7 PRICE VS. SENSEX Other categories performed well: Beverages revenues grew 9% yoy in FY15 across both tea and coffee, lower than 11-13% growth in the preceding three years, due to lower price growth (as commodity costs were softer in H2FY15). We expect revenue growth of 11% and 12% yoy for FY16 and FY17 respectively. Packaged foods saw superior 15% growth driven by good growth in Kissan and Knorr. Water delivered double-digit growth while its margins improved significantly. ‘Customer development’ function sees a major overhaul, but yet to deliver results: In line with its project, ‘Winning In Many Indias’ (WIMI), the company has restructured its sales organisation with a new fifth sales branch in Lucknow. Going forward, the sales performance will be driven through 14 consumer clusters that will report to five sales branches, thereby helping the management to focus on unique consumer needs in each cluster. Cash flow down, royalty up: Operating cash flow declined 10% yoy to Rs 40.5bn. Royalty payments increased 40% to Rs 7.35bn (currently 2.4% of sales which will go to 3.15% by 2018 in a staggered manner). Capital expenditure declined 2.5% to Rs 4.8bn. Working capital days increased by 2.6 because of lower current liabilities, and higher cash & cash equivalents. Balance sheet highlights: According to the management, cost of equity decreased to 10.9% in FY15 from 11.6% in FY14 (because of decreasing interest rates). Cash and cash equivalents increased by Rs 3.1bn to Rs 25.3bn. Current investment grew by Rs 1.6bn to Rs 26.2bn. 220 180 140 100 60 Apr-13 Apr-14 HUL Apr-15 BSE Sensex Source: Phillip Capital India Research KEY FINANCIALS Rs mn Net Sales EBIDTA Net Profit EPS, Rs PER, x EV/EBIDTA, x P/BV, x ROE, % FY15E FY16E FY17E 301,705 331,592 370,907 58,266 67,121 77,951 38,445 45,002 52,062 17.8 20.8 24.1 46.3 39.5 34.2 30.1 26.0 22.3 47.8 45.4 41.2 103.2 114.8 120.6 Source: PhillipCapital India Research Est. Maintain estimates and recommendation (Neutral), cut the multiple: We have maintained our estimates incorporating slower volume growth and resurgence in crude oil prices. Currently, the company trades at 40x FY16 and 34x FY17 estimated earnings. We reduce our target P/E multiple for FY17 to 35x considering the de-rating of the FMCG sector; we value the stock at Rs 844 (Rs 920 earlier). Take into account the limited upside from current levels and sluggishness of growth in FY16, we maintain our recommendation at Neutral. Page | 1 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH Naveen Kulkarni, CFA, FRM (+ 9122 6667 9947) [email protected] Jubil Jain (+ 9122 66679766) [email protected] HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE The stock valuation has adjusted to the muted earnings & overall derating of sector. One-year forward P/E band 1200 EV/EBITDA band Rs 40x 1000 30x 800 2500000 Rs mn 24x 2000000 18x 1500000 20x 600 12x 1000000 400 10x 6x 500000 200 0 0 Source: PhillipCapital India Research Estimate Change in Estimates (Rs mn) Net Sales EBITDA PBT Adj PAT Adj PAT margin (%) Adj EPS (Rs) __Earlier estimates__ ___Revised estimates___ Upgrade/(downgrade) (%) FY16E FY17E FY16E FY17E FY16E FY17E 333,008 66,378 63,073 44,782 13.4 20.7 377,348 77,424 73,829 52,049 13.8 24.1 331,592 67,121 63,815 44,990 13.6 20.8 370,907 77,951 74,356 52,049 14.0 24.1 (0.4) 1.1 1.2 0.5 17 0.5 (1.7) 0.7 0.7 0.0 23 0.0 Source: PhillipCapital India Research Estimates Page | 2 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE Segment operating performance Source: Company, PhillipCapital India Research Sales Schedule as per Annual Report CY2006 CY2007 FY2009 (15 months) 137178 202393 30,408 43,019 29,552 49,085 59,960 92,104 38,608 56,161 15,512 21,567 1,585 2,294 2,929 4,831 2,773 3,854 14,713 20,856 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 175238 37,273 39,092 76,365 51,073 19,251 2,289 4,273 3,242 18,469 193810 39,397 41,601 80,998 59,262 20,975 2,720 5,757 3,389 20,548 217356 43,034 53,737 96,771 65,098 19,824 3,543 6,479 3,776 21,673 252064 53,626 60,779 114,406 74,288 22,246 4,134 6,767 4,250 25,794 274083 56,945 65,398 122,344 80,927 25,780 4,549 7,702 4,348 28,201 301705 61,412 71,760 133,171 89,967 28,119 5,515 9,057 4,651 30,987 Total Soaps Synthetic Detergents Total Soaps & Detergents Personal products Tea Frozen Desserts & Ice Creams Canned & processed fruits & vegetables Branded Staple Foods Others** 121034 28,087 25,084 53,171 34,575 14,095 1,344 2,332 1,779 12,493 Growth yoy % Soaps Synthetic Detergents Total Soaps & Detergents Personal products* Tea Frozen Desserts & Ice Creams Canned & processed fruits & vegetables Branded Staple Foods Others 10.5 15.9 13.0 15.4 (0.9) 38.5 34.1 6.1 47.1 8.3 17.8 12.8 11.7 10.1 17.9 25.6 55.8 17.8 19.1 43.3 30.9 29.7 29.8 20.8 44.4 20.9 35.0 (13.4) (20.4) (17.1) (9.1) (10.7) (0.2) (11.5) (15.9) (11.4) 5.7 6.4 6.1 16.0 9.0 18.8 34.7 4.5 11.3 9.2 29.2 19.5 9.8 (5.5) 30.3 12.5 11.4 5.5 24.6 13.1 18.2 14.1 12.2 16.7 4.4 12.6 19.0 6.2 7.6 6.9 8.9 15.9 10.0 13.8 2.3 9.3 7.8 9.7 8.9 11.2 9.1 21.2 17.6 7.0 9.9 Contribution % Soaps Synthetic Detergents Total Soaps & Detergents Personal products Tea Frozen Desserts & Ice Creams Canned & processed fruits & vegetables Branded Staple Foods Others 23.2 20.7 43.9 28.6 11.6 1.1 1.9 1.5 10.3 22.2 21.5 43.7 28.1 11.3 1.2 2.1 2.0 10.7 21.3 24.3 45.5 27.7 10.7 1.1 2.4 1.9 10.3 21.3 22.3 43.6 29.1 11.0 1.3 2.4 1.9 10.5 20.3 21.5 41.8 30.6 10.8 1.4 3.0 1.7 10.6 19.8 24.7 44.5 30.0 9.1 1.6 3.0 1.7 10.0 21.3 24.1 45.4 29.5 8.8 1.6 2.7 1.7 10.2 20.8 23.9 44.6 29.5 9.4 1.7 2.8 1.6 10.3 20.4 23.8 44.1 29.8 9.3 1.8 3.0 1.5 10.3 Note: *Personal Products sales in FY12 are lower being adjusted for Other Operating Income. Reported growth is 17% yoy for FY12 ** Other business includes Water Source: Company, PhillipCapital India Research Page | 3 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE Soaps: Due to volatile prices of palm oil and subdued growth in volumes, soaps saw 8% growth (6%/25%/9% in FY14/13/12). Lifebuoy clocked a revenue of Rs 20bn and reached its highest-ever market share. HUL re-launched Lux in the year, with a new fragrance; it garnered good consumer response, according to the company. In the premium segment, Dove continued to deliver volume-led growth. The company continued to invest in the promising categories of liquid hand wash and liquid body wash. Our take: We expect the demand in soaps to show a slow improvement; we see FY16/FY17 growth at 9%/11%. Low-inflation will increase competitive pressures from local and regional players. Detergents: Driven majorly by mix and price hike, detergents grew 10% (vs. 8%/13%/29% in FY14/FY13/FY12). The company passed on the benefits of low commodity prices to consumers, which helped improve the product mix. All the three detergent brands—Surf, Rin, and Wheel—are now Rs 20bn brands. Surf achieved double-digit growth. Higher growth in Surf and muted growth in Wheel saw Surf dislodging Wheel as HUL’s largest brand. Within Rin, the bars portfolio grew welle while powders saw moderate growth. Fabric conditioner (Comfort) showed doubledigit growth. Our take: We expect detergents demand to pick up slowly over the next two financials—we peg FY16/FY17 detergent revenue growth at 8%/10%. The company has taken price cuts in Surf and Rin. We expect the detergents portfolio to continue to premiumize in FY16. Household care: Vim sustained double-digit growth. Growth was driven by the tub and liquids portfolio. The Vim tub segment continued to see strong growth with the launch of a 250gm pack in the third quarter to complement the existing 500gm pack. Skin care: Face care growth was ahead of the market across skin lightening, facial cleansing, anti-ageing and men’s formats. Fair & Lovely continued to deliver good growth in the second year of its re-launch as ‘Best Ever’ Fair & Lovely. Pond’s continued to deliver double-digit growth led by the good performance, particularly of the skin lightening and talcs portfolio. During the year, Pond’s forayed into the malegrooming segment (including face washes and moisturisers), which has performed well according to the management. Lakmé sustained its growth momentum during the year. Our take: Though HUL’s skin care segment has managed to outperform the market, its absolute growth is not very exciting; for FY16 and FY17 it will continue to remain challenging due to tepid demand environment in the category. Hair care: Hair care delivered another strong year of competitive volume-led doubledigit growth on superior performance across brands (Dove, Sunsilk, Clinic Plus and TRESemme). Clinic Plus consolidated its position as the largest shampoo franchise growing in strong double digits. Dove saw double digit growth. TRESemmé continued its premiumisation agenda. It launched two new products—Split Remedy and Spa Rejuvenation. It has quickly joined HUL’s Rs 1bn club. Toni&Guy, the premium brand from the Unilever’s hair portfolio was rolled out in key premium outlets during the year. Oral Care: Oral care saw muted growth because of elevated competition and promotional intensity. Closeup launched a new variant, Diamond Attraction, a firstof-its-kind premium (instant) whitening variant. While Close Up performed well, Pepsodent continued to struggle. Color cosmetics: Lakmé Colors business sustained double-digit growth and is focused on premiumisation. It has two platforms ‘9 to 5’ and ‘Absolute’ under which it launched Absolute Gloss Addict. It also launched a Makeup Pro App, a real-time Page | 4 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE virtual makeover mobile application. Other launches include creaseless lipsticks and Eyeconic shades. Deodorants: It recently launched ‘Axe Signature’ perfume sprays. A new deodorant manufacturing facility was commissioned in Khamgaon (Maharashtra). This will support the indigenization of production for a large portion of deodorants in the aerosol form that are currently imported. Beverages: Beverages segment saw 9% revenue growth across tea and coffee. Premiumisation in tea was driven by Taj Mahal and 3 Roses. Instant coffee business saw growth with BRU Gold performing particularly well, according to the company. Foods: Packaged foods revenue grew 15% with profit growth of 36%. Kissan grew in double digits. Knorr’s growth was led by soups, particularly the single-serve format. Knorr Noodles launched Chinese flavours. We believe that due to recent controversy surrounding Maggi, Knorr will be able to gain some market share in the noodles category. The frozen desserts and ice-cream business grew 21% and improved profitability led by new launches and increase in distribution. Magnum, the premium ice-cream brand is now present in Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi, and Kolkata. Water: Pureit delivered double-digit growth while improving margins significantly. It introduced Ultima (RO+UV purifier). The product has been able to gain presence in the premium RO+UV segment with a double-digit market share in modern trade. Beauty and wellness: Lakme Lever delivered double-digit growth for the fifth consecutive year, although the market slowed down because of consumers pulling back discretionary spends. It opened 25 new salons taking the total count to 230. Significant initiatives HUL undertook the project ‘Winning In Many Indias’ (WIMI) to leverage the diversity of people, culture, habits, economics, and demographics that exists across India. The company restructured its sales structure by setting up the fifth sales branch in Lucknow to unlock growth in Central India. In line with the WIMI strategy, performance of the country will be driven through 14 consumer clusters, reporting to five sales branches, focusing the categories on the unique consumer needs in each cluster. In order to tap the fast growing e-commerce channel, HUL has launched a website www.humarashop.com. Though the website is functional only in select areas of Mumbai and Gurgaon, the company is well placed to lead category growth in this channel. HUL’s supply chain saving was 5% driven by various cross-functional teams, such as R&D, procurement, manufacturing and logistics. Project Shakti (Hindustan Unilever's rural direct-to-consumer retail distribution initiative) now has over 70,000 Shakti Entrepreneurs (Shakti Ammas) and 48,000 Shaktimaans covering 165,000 villages and reaching over four million rural households. Page | 5 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE Revenue growth has slowed down in last two years and we estimate a protracted recovery Revenue Revenue Growth (rhs) 350000 20% 300000 15% 250000 10% 200000 5% 150000 0% 100000 -5% 50000 0 -10% Gross Margins continue to see improvement. We estimate further improvements driven by mix improvement & savings in raw material sourcing Gross Profit % ofsales (rhs) 160000 50% 49% 48% 47% 46% 45% 44% 43% 42% 41% 40% 140000 120000 100000 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 Operating Cash Flows have been steady over the years Operating Cash Flow 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Page | 6 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH % of sales (rhs) 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE EBITDA margins have been stagnant over last few years and we estimate gradual improvement in future driven by better cost management EBITDA EBITDA Margin (rhs) 50000 25% 40000 20% 30000 15% 20000 10% 10000 5% 0 0% Ad Spends have been sustained at high levels since last few years due to prolonged and intense competitive intensity Ad Spends % of sales (rhs) 50000 16% 14% 40000 12% 10% 30000 8% 20000 6% 4% 10000 2% 0 0% Free Cash Flow has been healthy over last few years and we estimate it to be stable for FY16 & FY17 Free Cash Flow 40000 30000 % of sales (rhs) 25% 20% 15% 20000 10% 10000 0 Source: Company, PhillipCapital India Research Page | 7 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH 5% 0% HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE Financials Income Statement Y/E Mar, Rs mn Net sales Growth, % Other income Total income Raw material expenses Employee expenses Other Operating expenses EBITDA (Core) Growth, % Margin, % Depreciation EBIT Growth, % Margin, % Interest paid Pre-tax profit Tax provided Profit after tax Net Profit Growth, % Net Profit (adjusted) Unadj. shares (m) Wtd avg shares (m) Cash Flow FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 274,083 301,705 331,592 370,907 8.7 10.1 9.9 11.9 12,319 12,535 13,711 15,286 286,402 314,240 345,303 386,193 -143,436 -156,236 -168,361 -186,395 -14,360 -15,789 -17,466 -19,207 -77,643 -83,949 -92,355 -102,640 50,963 58,266 67,121 77,951 10.5 14.3 15.2 16.1 18.6 19.3 20.2 21.0 -2,606 -2,867 -3,137 -3,426 48,357 55,399 63,984 74,525 10.5 14.6 15.5 16.5 17.6 18.4 19.3 20.1 -360 -168 -168 -168 47,997 55,240 63,827 74,369 -11,014 -16,795 -18,826 -22,307 36,983 38,445 45,002 52,062 36,983 38,445 45,002 52,062 10.5 4.0 17.1 15.7 36,983 38,445 45,002 52,062 2,162 2,162 2,162 2,162 2,162 2,162 2,162 2,162 Balance Sheet Y/E Mar, Rs mn FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E Cash & bank Debtors Inventory Loans & advances Other current assets Total current assets Investments Gross fixed assets Less: Depreciation Add: Capital WIP Net fixed assets Non-current assets Total assets 22,210 25,376 33,012 41,375 8,164 7,829 8,975 10,420 27,475 26,027 28,044 30,097 11,432 12,407 13,098 14,428 719 593 593 593 70,000 72,232 83,722 96,913 30,941 32,779 32,779 32,779 44,429 47,214 51,714 56,714 -20,208 -22,638 -25,775 -29,202 3,198 4,790 4,790 4,790 27,418 29,365 30,729 32,302 7 4 4 4 129,984 136,341 149,194 163,958 Current liabilities Provisions Total current liabilities Total liabilities Paid-up capital Reserves & surplus Shareholders’ equity Total equity & liabilities 78,180 75,590 82,448 89,612 19,034 23,502 27,540 31,185 97,214 99,093 109,988 120,798 97,214 99,093 109,988 120,798 2,163 2,164 2,164 2,164 30,608 35,084 37,042 40,997 32,770 37,248 39,206 43,160 129,984 136,341 149,194 163,958 Source: Company, PhillipCapital India Research Estimates Page | 8 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH Pre-tax profit Depreciation Chg in working capital Total tax paid Cash flow from operating activities Capital expenditure Cash flow from investing activities Free cash flow Dividend (incl. tax) Cash flow from financing activities Net chg in cash FY14 47,997 2,606 7,775 -12,966 45,412 -4,939 -12,573 32,839 -29,485 -25,533 7,306 FY15E 55,240 2,867 -1,653 -15,920 40,535 -4,814 -6,649 33,886 -35,561 -35,424 -1,539 FY16E 63,827 3,137 3,004 -13,706 56,262 -4,500 -4,496 51,766 -44,113 -44,113 7,653 FY17E 74,369 3,426 2,336 -20,825 59,305 -4,999 -4,995 54,310 -45,931 -45,931 8,379 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 17.1 10.5 15.2 17.1 18.3 19.6 13.0 17.8 4.0 17.2 17.8 19.1 18.7 15.0 20.8 17.1 18.1 20.8 22.3 26.0 17.0 24.1 15.7 20.0 24.1 25.7 27.4 19.0 30.4 112.9 125.1 29.0 103.2 110.1 31.6 114.8 118.0 33.3 120.6 126.7 Valuation Ratios Per Share data EPS (INR) Growth, % Book NAV/share (INR) FDEPS (INR) CEPS (INR) CFPS (INR) DPS (INR) Return ratios Return on assets (%) Return on equity (%) Return on capital employed (%) Turnover ratios Asset turnover (x) Sales/Total assets (x) Sales/Net FA (x) Working capital/Sales (x) Working capital days Liquidity ratios Current ratio (x) Quick ratio (x) Interest cover (x) Dividend cover (x) Net debt/Equity (%) Valuation PER (x) Price/Book (x) Yield (%) EV/Net sales (x) EV/EBITDA (x) EV/EBIT (x) (158.3) (257.9) (1,752.4) (266.6) 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 10.4 10.6 11.0 11.8 (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (0.2) (65.8) (63.2) (65.3) (64.2) 0.7 0.4 134.2 1.3 (67.8) 0.7 0.5 329.4 1.2 (68.1) 0.8 0.5 380.4 1.2 (84.2) 0.8 0.6 443.1 1.3 (95.9) 48.1 54.3 1.6 6.4 34.5 36.3 46.3 47.8 1.8 5.8 30.1 31.7 39.5 45.4 2.1 5.3 26.0 27.3 34.2 41.2 2.3 4.7 22.3 23.3 HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD COMPANY UPDATE Management Vineet 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Securities and Derivatives markets may be subject to rapid and unexpected price movements and past performance is not necessarily an indication to future performance. This report does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and the particular needs of any specific person who may receive this report. Investors must undertake independent analysis with their own legal, tax and financial advisors and reach their own regarding the appropriateness of investing in any securities or investment strategies discussed or recommended in this report and should understand that statements regarding future prospects may not be realized. In no circumstances it be used or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell the Securities mentioned in it. The information contained in the research reports may have been taken from trade and statistical services and other sources, which we believe are reliable. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. 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Certifications: The research analyst(s) who prepared this research report hereby certifies that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the research analyst’s personal views about all of the subject issuers and/or securities, that the analyst have no known conflict of interest and no part of the research analyst’s compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific views or recommendations contained in this research report. The Research Analyst certifies that he /she or his / her family members does not own the stock(s) covered in this research report. Independence/Conflict: PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. has not had an investment banking relationship with, and has not received any compensation for investment banking services from, the subject issuers in the past twelve (12) months, and PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd does not anticipate receiving or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from the subject issuers in the next three (3) months. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd is not a market maker in the securities mentioned in this research report, although it or its employees, directors, or affiliates may hold either long or short positions in such securities. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd may not hold more than 1% of the shares of the company(ies) covered in this report. Suitability and Risks: This research report is for informational purposes only and is not tailored to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular requirements of any individual recipient hereof. Certain securities may give rise to substantial risks and may not be suitable for certain investors. Each investor must make its own determination as to the appropriateness of any securities referred to in this research report based upon the legal, tax and accounting considerations applicable to such investor and its own investment objectives or strategy, its financial situation and its investing experience. The value of any security may be positively or adversely affected by changes in foreign exchange or interest rates, as well as by other financial, economic or political factors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance or results. Sources, Completeness and Accuracy: The material herein is based upon information obtained from sources that PCIPL and the research analyst believe to be reliable, but neither PCIPL nor the research analyst represents or guarantees that the information contained herein is accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. Opinions expressed herein are current opinions as of the date appearing on this material and are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, PCIPL is under no obligation to update or keep the information current. Copyright: The copyright in this research report belongs exclusively to PCIPL. All rights are reserved. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. No reprinting or reproduction, in whole or in part, is permitted without the PCIPL’s prior consent, except that a recipient may reprint it for internal circulation only and only if it is reprinted in its entirety. Caution: Risk of loss in trading in can be substantial. You should carefully consider whether trading is appropriate for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resources and other relevant circumstances. For U.S. persons only: This research report is a product of PhillipCapital (India) Pvt Ltd. which is the employer of the research analyst(s) who has prepared the research report. The research analyst(s) preparing the research report is/are resident outside the United States (U.S.) and are not associated persons of any U.S. regulated broker-dealer and therefore the analyst(s) is/are not subject to supervision by a U.S. broker-dealer, and is/are not required to satisfy the regulatory licensing requirements of FINRA or required to otherwise comply with U.S. rules or regulations regarding, among other things, communications with a subject company, public appearances and trading securities held by a research analyst account. This report is intended for distribution by PhillipCapital (India) Pvt Ltd. only to "Major Institutional Investors" as defined by Rule 15a-6(b)(4) of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act, 1934 (the Exchange Act) and interpretations thereof by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in reliance on Rule 15a 6(a)(2). If the recipient of this report is not a Major Institutional Investor as specified above, then it should not act upon this report and return the same to the sender. Further, this report may not be copied, duplicated and/or transmitted onward to any U.S. person, which is not the Major Institutional Investor. In reliance on the exemption from registration provided by Rule 15a-6 of the Exchange Act and interpretations thereof by the SEC in order to conduct certain business with Major Institutional Investors, PhillipCapital (India) Pvt Ltd. has entered into an agreement with a U.S. registered broker-dealer, Marco Polo Securities Inc. ("Marco Polo").Transactions in securities discussed in this research report should be effected through Marco Polo or another U.S. registered broker dealer. PhillipCapital (India) Pvt. Ltd. Registered office: No. 1, 18th Floor, Urmi Estate, 95 Ganpatrao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel West, Mumbai 400013 Page | 10 | PHILLIPCAPITAL INDIA RESEARCH
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