Sales policy 2015
Sales policy 2015 We target the right viewers we achieve excellent affinities in different target groups of viewers 1 164% 132% atkids 2 TG 4-14 yrs Source: ATO – Mediaresearch; 1-10/2014, k TG 15+ without Óčko Group Men 15-54 atmen TG size of residence 100 000+ 158% atwomen TG Women with socioeconomic status ABC We reach half of the population of the Czech Republic every other viewer watches Atmedia´s thematic televisions Monthly reach 4 800 000 viewers 50% i.e. Czech TV population 3 Source: ATO – Mediaresearch; 1-10/2014, TG 4+ without Óčko Group Most advertisers use communication on thematic TVs 60% of the total number of active advertisers on the TV market 4 Source: ATO – Mediaresearch; 1-10/2014 Viewers of thematic TVs remember more ads almost 40% of the general population are regular viewers of Atmedia´s thematic channels Share of regular viewers of thematic TVs on the general population MORE POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP TO ADVERTISING +89% don´t bother ads in thematic TVs more thematic TV viewers 38% in comparison with the full-format TV viewers HIGHER SPONTANEOUS AWARENESS OF CAMPAIGNS +19% regular viewers of thematic TVs spontaneously recalled commercial in TV higher share of thematic TVs viewers in comparison with the full-format TV viewers viewers of full format TVs and their "daughter channels" 5 Source: STEM/MARK/Atmedia; 2014; TG 15-54; general population n=1 036; thematic TVs viewer n= 1401, full-format TVs and their "daughter channels" viewer n=644 You can GRRRRRRRRRRP till one´s heart´s content! we expect nearly 5% share on disponible GRP's in 2015 The average monthly share on the maximum available GRP inventory, TG 15+ estimate 2014 2015 Mňam TV 4,3% 6 Source: ATO-Mediaresearch ;10/2014 4,7% We bring 40% of all children's GRP´s Atmedia is No.2 on the children's TV market thanks to TVs mainly for children Monthly maximum available GRP's, TG 4-14 5 521 atkids /month 7 Source: ATO-Mediaresearch – estimate for 2015 from 1-11/2014, only kids channels/kids bands Smíškové, Primáček, Animáček, weekend kids band on TV Nova Portfolio Channelsstanic portfolio advertising opportunities on 29 cab / sat and free-to-air thematic TVs unmeasured (12) unmeasured (12) 8 Mňam TV cab/sat channels (20) measured (17) measured (17) digital channels (9) Two selling target groups we achieve significant audience share TG 15+ TG 4-14 Prima love 2,3% Prima 14,0% SMÍCHOV 1,3% Prima COOL 3,2% Prima ZOOM 2,0% Óčko Group 0,7% 3,1% Atmedia 3,1% Prima 5,6% TV Barrand ov 4,5% TELKA 1,4% Prima COOL 8,3% 10,0% Prima ZOOM 1,1% Atmedia 10,0% Óčko group 1,3% TV Barrand ov 4,8% TELKA 0,6% Other TVs 8,1% FANDA 1,6% SMÍCHOV 7,3% Estimate for year 2015 Nova Cinema 4,3% FANDA 0,9% 4,1% Nova Cinema 3,5% ČT1 14,9% Nova 23,5% ČT art 0,3% ČT :D 1,3% ČT2 4,3% ČT24 4,4% Source: ATO – Mediaresearch; 1-10/2014; reality in 2014 ; estimate for 2015 without Óčko Group Other TVs 10,1% Estimate for year 2015 11,9% ČT1 6,5% ČT24 0,6% Nova 16,9% ČT sport 4,8% 9 Prima love 1,3% ČT2 1,9% ČT sport 3,0% ČT art 0,2% ČT :D 16,2% We deliver an attractive target groups of viewers 4,1% 200 15+ estimate for year 2015 180 BARRANDOV ČT1 160 ATMEDIA PRIMA TELKA Men 4+ 140 ČT SPORT ATMEN PRIMA ZOOM FANDA ATADULTS 120 ČT ART NOVA ATMAX 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 PRIMA COOL NOVA CINEMA SMÍCHOV 80 60 Map: Audience profile 40 OX axis: affinity TG Women 4+ base 4+ OY axis: affinity TG 15+ base 15-54 Size of the bubble: share on audience in target group 15+ 20 15-54 0 Source: ATO – Mediaresearch; 1-10/2014 PRIMA LOVE 120 ATWOMEN ČT:D 10 Women 4+ ČT2 ATKIDS 140 160 Outstanding position in the children's target group 4-14 11,9% 1200 estimate for year 2015 ATKIDS 1000 800 600 ČT:D SMÍCHOV 200 PRIMA COOL 0 20 40 60 ČT SPORT FANDA PRIMA ZOOM 80 ČT2 ČT 24 100 ČT ART NOVA CINEMAČT1 0 -200 11 Source: ATO – Mediaresearch; 1-10/2014 ATMEDIA Women 4+ Men 4+ 400 Mapa: Profil diváků OX axis: affinity TG Women 4+ let base 4+ OY axis: affinity TG děti 4-12 base 15-54 Size of the bubble: share on audience in target group 4-14 BARRANDOV 120 140 NOVA PRIMA TELKA PRIMA LOVE 160 Business Offer News for 2015 TV advertising New channels: Internet advertising new services: Mňam TV Nickelodeon TiViKo mediální zastoupení Formula1 on Sport1 and Sport2 exclusive programs only on AMC new sales package: atvod 13 prémiový produkt exkluzivní exclusive programing: qual. EURO 2016 on Sport1 and Sport2 SmartAd new sales packages: @video @display Samsung SmartTV Our offer TV advertising Sales at guaranteed GRP's individual sale Internet advertising package sale Banner advertising Spot sale package sale time bands price list Sponsorship and special projects Video advertising package sale SmartAd competitions animated injection in programs reports related to the client's brand PP interaktivní formát v Samsung SmartTV 14 TV advertising GRP sale individual sale| package sale| spot sale sales of a particular number of spots in different time bands during the day 15+, 4-14 15+, 4-14 sponsorship and special projects own choice for each month is published price list of sponsorship at all Atmedia channels atchoice choice of min. 5 channels sponsorship will be purchased under fixed prices for sponsorship message of atadults package demographic packages atkids atwomen atadults standard length of sponsorship at Atmedia channels is 10 sec atmen in individual cases it is possible to discuss other footage of sponsor's message all channels atmax atsmart atmax channnels + min. 15% Šlágr TV, unmeasured channels, sponzoring, PP TV + VOD video ad atvod 15 atmax channels + min 15% video ad on, a onther online media represented by atmedia rules for the granting of discounts for sponsorship are similar to traditional advertising demand for special forms of communication (PP, injection, branding, etc.) at Atmedia channels will be dealt with individually Internet advertising @video Capacity: 1 000 000 impressions/month VOD portal trailers, movies 16 @display Capacity: 4 500 000 impressions/month 1000 European TV programs including 200 programs CZ + SK 1.5 mio downloads on Android successful local application Sales conditions TV advertising - the basic sales TG 15+, children 4-14 packages / network combination combination of packages of Atmedia channels created for network planning and buying of advertising campaigns distinction of packages according to socio-demographic profile, the number and choice of channels included campaign planning within the packages in the system "run by station" basic target group of all sales packages are 15+, except atkids where is TG 4-14 18 individual channels basic sales target group 15+ and single basic CPP for all channels (except Disney Channel, Minimax, Nickelodeon, CS Mini) Disney Channel, Minimax, Nickelodeon, CS Mini: sales target group 4-14 sponsorship and special projects for each month is published price list of sponsorship at all Atmedia channels sponsorship will be purchased under fixed prices for sponsorship message standard length of sponsorship at Atmedia channels is 10 sec in individual cases it is possible to discuss other footage of sponsor's message rules for the granting of discounts for sponsorship are similar to traditional advertising demand for special forms of communication (PP, injection, branding, etc.) at Atmedia channels will be dealt with individually Sales conditions prices monthly price list CPP is published four weeks before the beginning of the month at at the same time are issued monthly time bands price lists as well within negotiations of year-round conditions and specific parameters of the client's requests will be specified individual client CPP offer of valid individual client CPP will be limited to the period indicated in the specific proposal campaigns are booked progressively according to the CPP from highest to lowest 19 discounts surcharges the amount of the discount will be determined in particular by: 30% requirement of the exact distribution of campaign yearly volume of investment of the client 30% for requesting the first or the last position in the advertising break distribution of client´s investment in LS, MS and HS period 25% any other requested positions in the advertising block annual increase or decrease of the volume of client´s investment 25% per second or additional product in the spot (not to exceed 20% over the actual spot) total ad-hoc volume of client´s investment share of Atmedia's channels on the client´s total TV communication 12% discount for signing the contract untill 1st December 2014 Sales conditions TV seasonal indexes 0,80 0,85 1,20 january february march 1,40 april 1,25 may june 0,80 july 1,25 august 1,40 september october 1,20 0,80 november december december 1-20.12 TV duration coefficients 21-31.12. 0,50 0,77 0,90 0,95 1,00 1,25 1,45 1,60 1,75 1,90 2,00 10 sec 15 sec 20 sec 25 sec 30 sec 35 sec 40 sec 45 sec 50 sec 55 sec 60 sec Within the GRP sale there isn´t a fixed PT and OPT Tandem spots When ordering tandem spots, the applied coefficient corresponds with the sum of the spots duration which will be used (for example.: 30 sec + 10 sec: 1,00 + 0,50 =1,50) 20 Price lists Price list of advertising formats TV advertising PRODUCT TYPE MEDIUM TARGET GROUP Internet advertising PRICE/GRP PRODUCT TYPE MEDIUM 1 channels z atkids 1 channels z atadults/Šlágr TV 4-14 11 450 Kč individual sale 15+ 15 950 Kč package of your choice atchoice 15+ 12 450 Kč atkids 4-14 9 950 Kč atwomen 15+ 11 450 Kč atmen 15+ 11 450 Kč atadults 15+ 10 950 Kč demographic package package of all measured channels atmax outside Šlágr TV atmax package + optional (TV Šlágr, atsmart unmeasured TVs, sponsorship, PP) Atmax package + video ad portals atvod represented by Atmedia 15+ 9 950 Kč package @display TiViKO package @video leaderboard medium rectangle pre-roll CENA/ TYP PRODUKČNÍ PRICE/CPT TYP FORMÁT týdenní PRODUKTU PRODUKTU NÁKLADY kampaň 300 Kč Samsung SmartAd PIA 180 000 Kč 95 000 Kč Smart TV 200 Kč garance impresí min: 200 000 / klient / týden V případě opětovného využití stávající aplikace jsou účtovány náklady na aktualizaci aplikace ve výši 10 000 Kč. 420 Kč mid-roll 350 Kč TV seasonal indexes Month january february march Coefficient 0,80 0,85 1,20 april may 1,40 june 1,25 july august september 0,80 october november december december 1,25 1,40 1,20 0,80 1-20.12. 21-31.12. TV duration coefficients Sec Coefficient 15+ FORMAT SmartAd 10 0,50 15 0,77 20 0,90 25 0,95 30 1,00 35 1,25 40 1,45 45 1,60 50 1,75 55 1,90 8 950 Kč Prices are for 30 sec. spot and 10 sec sponsorship message in CZK before VAT. 8 950 Kč 15+ (CPP) 420 Kč (CPT-pre-roll) Atmedia is authorised to add in the sales packages atvod, atsmart, atmax and atadults also measured TV channels that are not included. Share of these channels will not exceed 20% of the ordered space in the package, unless individually agreed percentage is higher. Issued 19.11.2014 22 60 2,00 Composition of packages – TV channels Sales packages contain the following TV channels: atchoice AXN, TG Film, Film+, Kino Svět, Mňam TV, National Geographic Channel, REBEL, RELAX, RETRO, Spektrum, Sport 1, Universal Channel choice of min. 5 channles of 12 channels Atadults package atkids TG Mini, Disney Channel, Minimax, Nickelodeon atwomen AXN, TG Mini, Disney Channel, Minimax, Mňam TV, Nickelodeon, RELAX, RETRO atmen TG Film, Film+, Kino Svět, National Geographic Channel, REBEL, Spektrum, Sport 1, Universal Channel atadults AXN, TG Film, Film+, Kino Svět, Mňam TV, National Geographic Channel, REBEL, RELAX, RETRO, Spektrum, Sport 1, Universal Channel atmax AXN, TG Film, TG Mini, Disney Channel, Film+, Kino Svět, Minimax, Mňam TV, National Geographic Channel, Nickelodeon, REBEL, RELAX, RETRO, Spektrum, Sport 1, Universal Channel atsmart AXN, TG Film, TG Mini, Disney Channel, Film+, Kino Svět, Minimax, Mňam TV, National Geographic Channel, Nickelodeon, REBEL, RELAX, RETRO, Spektrum, Sport 1, Universal Channel + volitelné (Šlágr TV, unmeasured TV, sponzoring, PP) 4 channels 8 channels 8 channels 12 channels 16 channels 16 channels + optional atvod 16 channels + VOD services 23 AXN, TG Film, TG Mini, Disney Channel, Film+, Kino Svět, Minimax, Mňam TV, National Geographic Channel, Nickelodeon, REBEL, RELAX, RETRO, Spektrum, Sport 1, Universal Channel + videoreklama na portálech zastupovaných Atmedia Vydáno 07.11.2014 Classic advertising – time bands sale Channel Sponsoring music and lifestyle 9000 7000 8000 6000 2400 1200 3000 2200 3000 2200 9000 7000 2000 900 1400 700 1800 900 2000 1000 1600 900 2500 1800 Šlágr Mňam Rebel Retro Relax Country No.1 Fajn Rock Music Box TV Paprika Fashion TV Meteo TV V1 Pracovní dny Off prime time Prime time Pracovní dny Víkend Sponsoring 1700 1500 1700 1900 1500 1500 1100 1000 Prime time Off prime time 15:01-24:00 6:01-10:00 6:01-15:00 10:01-24:00 Channel Off prime time 6:01-10:00, 14:01-20:00 6:01-10:00 10 sec 15 sec 20 sec 25 sec 30 sec 35 sec 40 sec 45 sec 50 sec 55 sec 0,50 0,77 0,90 0,95 1,00 1,25 1,45 1,60 1,75 1,90 Prime time AXN Film+ CS film Universal Channel Horor film Nickelodeon Disney Channel Minimax CS mini Weekdays Prime time 10:01-24:00 Off prime time Prime time sport and documentaries Kinosvět 3000 2200 Sport 1 2400 1400 Spektrum 3000 2200 National Geographic 2700 1600 Sport 5 2400 1400 Slovak Sport 2400 1400 Sport 2 1800 900 Spektrum Home 1600 800 3500 1700 1700 1700 1100 1100 1100 1500 1100 1500 11:01-14:00, 20:01-24:00 Víkend Channel Off Prime Time movies and series 3400 2300 3000 2000 3000 3200 2300 1400 kids 7500 3500 9500 5000 7500 3500 7500 - january february march april may june july august september october november 0,80 0,85 1,20 1,40 1,40 1,25 0,80 0,80 1,25 1,40 1,40 1,20 Monhtly indexes Prices are for 30 sec. spot and 10 sec sponsorship message in CZK before VAT. 24 2500 1700 1700 2000 1100 5900 4700 4700 Prime time Off prime time 20:01-24:00 06:01:20:00 Weekend 12:01-24:00 6:01-12:00 Weekdays 06:01-20:00 20:01-22:00 Víkend 08:01-20:00 06:01-08:00, 20:01-22:00 60 sec Duration coefficients december 1.-20.12. Sponsoring 2,00 december 21.-31.12. 0,80 Issued 19.11.2014 Contacts 25
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