Special festival edition—whats on in calabria
Special festival edition—whats on in calabria
Welcome to Calabria we hope you enjoy our publication. Join us as writers by contacting us at Owned, printed and distributed by Flexibility and reliability for you LOCATED IN PIZZO [email protected] ISSUE 08/2013 (# 42) AUGUST 2013 FREE GRATIS WWW.CALABRIANVOICE.COM Office: Via Marcello Salomone 114, Pizzo, 89812 . Tel: 0963 371 487 Mob: Paul 327 538 0267 Email: [email protected] Special festival edition—whats on in calabria Friday, August 2, 2013 21:00 Saturday, August 3, 2013 19:00 Location: Superior Vena (VV) Location: Rocca Imperiale (CS) Akusma Rhythms of Calabria in Concert at the Sagra della Pizza, Superior Vena (VV) 3rd Day Limonte will be on stage in Rocca Imperiale (CS), the third edition of the Lemon Festival, entitled "L 'Oro di Federico" Friday, August 2, 2013 at 21:30 03 e 4 August 2013 Location: Scilla (RC) 1st Festival of Mr. Stocco in Scilla Scilla RC - Borgo dei Pescatori of Chianalea Location: Villapiana (CS) Villapiana Jazz Session, Two days of music in Old Town 3 August 2013 SPADOLA LOVES FOLK Location: Tarsia (CS) From 01 to August 4, 2013 TARANTARSIA - V edition Tarsia Location: Spadola (VV) Saturday, August 3, 2013 EUGENE BENNATO IN CALABRIA Location: Borgia (CZ) Sunday, August 4, 2013 22:00 White Night in Borgia Location: Marcellinara (CZ) HOME ENTERTAINMENT & Gioman Killacat! Eugene Jackson in Concert in Piazza Scerbo in Marcellinara Spadola Loves Folk 2013 Saturday, August 3, 2013 19:00 TOP EVENTS IN VEIN Location: Melicucco (RC) Location: Superior Vena (VV) "Chilli Scene - The Best Spicy Balcony" - Melicucco (RC) August 3, 2013 Food and culture combination which promote the area Sunday, August 4, 2013 22:00 Tiromancino in Concert in Superior Vena (VV) The Calabrian voice English speaking newspaper has been operating since 2009 with 42 editions gone to press. This has only been possible with the help of the people who have helped us fill the paper. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people past and present and wish you all the best in this coming summer. We are always looking for people to help with articles, news, photos and editorials for the paper. If you have a story or something you want to share please feel free to email to [email protected] .. Happy Reading Find us on your smartphone CONTACT US AT The Calabrian Voice LORRAINE BAKER ——————Group co-ordinator: below CULTURE HISTORY NEW CLIENTS [email protected] PAUL CLARE ——————Is our editor for: VISI T US IN T PIAZ HE ZA I N HOM PIZZ EMA O FO DE I R COC CECR KTA E I A L M S AND , DR , INKS MO R E MULTIMEDIA LEGAL PROPERTY NEW BUSINESS XPATCALABRIA [email protected] ELIZABETH CHIARNI ——————Is our editor for: Traditional home made ice cream since 1901 PLACES TO GO THINGS TO SEE BLOGS TRAVEL HEALTH AND FITNESS ADVERTISING XPATCALABRIA SECRETARY [email protected] Looking for a holiday this year? Dont forget to visit www.calabriarental.com for all the best choices in Calabria. Fully furnished, modern and all in one price. Dont get caught out paying extra. Contact us now to see how we can help. [email protected] Are you looking for a property here in Italy? We at Selective Italy present you only the best builds, best locations all chosen by our property guru Dennis Onstenk. standards of personal service. Established in 2004, we pride ourselves on focusing on quality Italian property and delivering the highest Selective Italy is company based in The Hague, Netherlands, with partner offices on the Italian Riviera, Le Marche and in Calabria. Italy has one of the most stable real estate markets in Europe today. This is largely due to the Italians own love of property. As many as 80% of Italians own a property and many have a second home. Read more in our Real Estate Outlook for 2013 It is against this background that the team invites you to discover the pleasure of a home in Italy and the chance to claim your own little slice of la dolce vita. For more information please visit our website at www.selectiveitaly.com or call in and see our representative here in Calabria. The office is located in Pizzo historic town center. To call and make an appointment please call: +39 963371487 Or email us at [email protected] Regards The Selective Italy team. ADVERTISE IN THE CALABRIAN VOICE Volete incrementare il Vostro guadagno queste estate? Inserire nel “Calabrian Voice” – nostro giornale in lingua Inglese Vi darà immediate riscontri! Inserzioni da: 20.00 € al mese per un’inserzione da 50mm x 100mm 35.00 € al mese per un’inserzione da 100mm x 100mm 60.00 € al mese per un’inserzione da mezza pagina 150mm x 200mm 100.00 € al mese per un’inserzione da pagina intera 300mm x 200mm Sconti del 30% per sottoscrizione annua. Tutti I prezzi s’intendono IVA esclusa. Telefonate Paul al 3275380267 ora !!! O Elizabeth 3317626125 per ulteriori informazioni oppure per un incontro. AffrettateVi !!! Chiamate ora al 327 5380267 Paul per ulteriori informazioni oppure per un incontro. WIFI HUBS AND DONGLES (MODEMS) THE WIFI HUBS ARE PROBABLY THE BEST OPTION FOR SMALL GROUPS TRAVELING, NOT ONLY DO THEY OFFER YOU WIFI CAPABILITIES FOR UP TO 5 SEPERATE CONNECTIONS BUT ONCE CHARGED CAN BE TAKEN TO THE BEACH OR ANYWHERE ELSE WITH CONNECTION. MAJOR BENEFIT IS THAT YOU CAN PLACE IT OUTSIDE TO GET BEST RECEPTION AND STILL HAVE IT WORKING FOR YOU. COST: APPROX 70.00 FROM ANY PHONE SHOP. BENEFIT: MULTI USE NEGATIVE: MORE EXPENSIVE DONGLES ARE THE 2ND OPTION AND ARE GOOD FOR SINGE COMPUTER USE. THESE ARE CHEAPER THAN A WIFI HUB BUT ONLY ALLOW ONE CONNECTION AT A TIME. COST: 35.00 EURO FROM ANY PHONE SHOP. BENEFIT: GOOD CONNECTION AND EASY TO INSTALL NEGATIVE: SINGLE PC USAGE Other soluctions: HOW TO FIND A FREE WI-FI HOTSPOT Be prepared. Set aside a few minutes at home before you go, ask your hotel and check the host of sites that list wireless hotspots around the world. Local hotspots. JiWire allows you to type in a place name and search for local spots among the 824,000 or so on its database. It's also worth checking Free Hotspot andHotspot Locations. Try Google Maps. You can also use Google Maps to find places which offer free wireless access. To find them, type in the name of the area you're going to, click on the marker, then "Search nearby" and type in "free wi-fi". The map will show all locations with free wi-fi. Alternatively, type into the search box on the Google Maps home page:Free wi-fi loc: PLACE NAME, eg, Free wifi location Emergency Phone Numbers for Italy. 12 - Telephone Directory 112 - Carabinieri 113 - Emergency Police Help Number (also ambulance and fire) 115 - Fire Department 116 - A.C.I. (Italian Automobile Club) road assistance. 118 - Medical Emergencies PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REAL ESTATE SERVICES Calabrian Services Property management Furnishing Inspections Tax and utility help Contact us [email protected] MENU: STARTERS MAIN DISHES FRESH FISH SALADS PASTAS LOCAL SANDWICHES TAX, WATER, WASTE, ELECTRIC CONNECTION FURNITURE AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES CLEANING GARDENS & LANDSCAPING IMPORTED AND LOCAL BEERS WINE FROM CALABRIA LOCATED ON THE CORSO SAN FRANCESCO IN PIZZO PROPERTY MAINTENANCE since 2009 THE ICE CREAM MAKER’S SECRET AT BAR DANTE As the central piazza of Pizzo becomes inundated with sunlight the only place to take refuge from the rays is under one of the ice cream parlor’s parasols. In this heat no one wonders why so many ice cream makers decided to seek out this spot to sell their cooling delights. One type of ice cream takes precedent over all other kinds on this square, Tartufo di Pizzo. Named after the most expensive mushroom in the world, this delicacy only looks like the smelly fungus, and, like the earth hides the mushroom, this ice holds a fluid secret in its center. A giant mistake prompted an inventive man called Don Pippo de Maria many years ago to come up with a practical solution against ice melting too fast. It was the year 1952 when a relative of King Victor Emanuel III was invited to attend an aristocratic wedding in Pizzo. Many dignitaries flocked to the town and all the best chefs were asked to prepare a sumptuous dinner. In Italy a meal without dolce is as unthinkable as an honest politician, so the dessert took a prominent place on the menu. But the kitchen had miscalculated and was starkly short of ice cream cups to serve its many guests. Don Pippo must have been in absolute panic when he put his creative skills to practice and came up with a solution nobody else had thought of. He just created a new kind of ice cream. One that wouldn’t melt so easily and therefore could be served on a plate. He called his invention Tartufo di Pizzo and in no time the people, no doubt wanting to emulate their esteemed gentry, wanted nothing else. Tartufo ice cream was a hit. Don Pippo returned to his place in the kitchen of Bar Dante, the ice cream parlor owned by Dante Veronelli, located in the old 19th century stables of the knighted Gagliardi family on the central square. Soon Don Pippo bought himself a share in the rapidly growing business, all the while cautiously guarding his secret recipe. Bar Dante is still there, on the central square and it still sells the original Tartufo from Don Pippo’s secret recipe. In 1948 Giorgio di Iorgi started working in Bar Dante as a waiter. On the pictures behind the counter a charming man is seen wearing a professional waiter’s black suit, white blouse and bow tie. Giorgio always wore his gloves, his relatives tell us. Giorgio Jr. is slightly nostalgic when he talks about his grandfather: “Even though he died when I was only a child, I remember my grandfather as a very funny man. He was a traditional waiter, who took pride in his work.” Giorgio’s father Gianni agrees. “He was the real heart of the business.” He says, “The customer came not only for the excellent ice cream but for the man himself.” Giorgio was a hard worker. Started working at age nine to the day he died in 1993, Giorgio di Iorgio never missed a day. His dream was to one day take over Bar Dante. In 1964 this dream became reality, when Dante Veronelli retired. Although Bar Dante, that once started as Bar Excelsior in 1940, was the first ice cream parlor on Pizzo’s piazza, nowadays Tartufo di Pizzo, or a derivative of it, is made by every ice cream bar on the square. It was a recipe that escaped Bar Dante with every ice cream maker turned bar owner throughout the years. But one recipe Giorgio managed to keep so close to his heart, he ended up taking it to his grave. Giorgio Jr. says tellingly: “Every Sunday my grandfather ate Sicilian cannoli for breakfast. This cannoli he made himself in his kitchen in the back of the bar. No one was allowed to come near him when he made it. He never let us in on the secret.” Giorgio’s grandson has big plans for Bar Dante and its Tartufo. “My objective is to serve the world our product. It has to remain a craft though, Tartufo ice cream is not to become an industrial product. Good honest handwork and quality ingredients will do.” randfather Giorgio’s cannoli shall never be tasted again, but fortunately for us, Don Pippo’s Tartufo can be eaten every day at Bar Dante. Sitting under a parasol, whilst enjoying a view much similar to what he must have seen, all those years ago. Nadette de Visser IL VICOLO DI PIZZO B&B via del Vicolo, Pizzo Telephone : +39 335 6396614 Email : [email protected] NINO D'ANGELO IN CALABRIA BEER FESTIVAL in Malito Sunday, August 4, 2013 04-05-06 August 2013 Location: Longobucco (CS) Location: Malito (CS) Nino D'Angelo Tour 2013 in Concert in Longobucco (CS) Beer Festival 2013 in Malito FIORDALISO IN CALABRIA MAGNA CALABRIA 2013 Monday, August 5, 2013 Tuesday, August 6, 2013 Location: Tirindrish (CZ) Location: Sellia Marina (CZ) Cornflower in Concert in Tirindrish in honor of the celebration of Mary SS.della Snow Magna Calabria 2013 Sellia Marina - "Sounds of the Mediterranean Flavors and Knowledge" TARANPROJECT IN CONCERT XXXV FESTIVAL FROM SUJACA 2013 Monday, August 5, 2013 Tuesday, August 6, 2013 Location: Maropati (RC) Location: Draper of Caria (VV) Mimmo Cavallaro - TaranProject Tour 2013 Maropati XXXV Festival from 2013 Sujaca FESTIVAL OF POPULAR CULTURE AMBIENT CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL 5:06 Agosto 2013 hours 20:30 Wednesday, August 7, 2013 Location: Tropea (VV) Location: Trebisacce (CS) The edition of the World Festival of Popular Culture, Cultures in Dialogue brazil / russia / colombia / Italy - Ambient Arts - Cultural Festival Mestizaje Also returns this year, by popular demand, the one and only BEER FESTIVAL of Calabria The Feast of Sujaca (delicious and original beans of Caria) is one of the longest festivals in the province of Vibo Valentia. An event focused on multiculturalism and its attention to renewable energy NO WAR DAY - I'M WITH EMERGENCY Wednesday, August 7, 2013 Location: San Giacomo d'Acri (CS) Fourth edition of "No War Day I'm with Emergency" in collaboration with the delegations of Emergency Cosenza and Catanzaro CURINGA MUSIC FESTIVAL EXHIBITION: SHADES OF A WOMAN From 04 to 8 August 2013 Location: Ciro (KR) Shades of woman - exposes the Calabrian artist Mistral (Francesca de Bartolo) The Palace Museum, Ciro GUARIMBA THE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Coreca BEER FESTIVAL 08 e 9 August 2013 Location: Coreca of Amantea (CS) 1 Coreca Beer Festival in Coreca of Amantea The event will focus on the tasting of different types of foreign beer and not BEER FESTIVAL STORIES OF PASSION AND SUCCESSFUL Friday, August 9, 2013 at 21:30 Location: Pizzo Calabro (VV) "Stories of passion and success" event dedicated to the Woman and Calabria MuSaBa: EARTH-SKY WILD BOAR FESTIVAL 2013 Friday, August 9, 2013 19:00 Location: Civita (CS) Wild Boar Festival 2013 Civita Wild Boar Festival, an initiative that, like the feast dell'vino, arouses sympathy and attendance growing not only among gourmets A FESTIVAL OF MR STOCCO SCILLA FESTIVAL OF DAWN Friday, August 9, 2013 21:00 Location: Cotronei (KR) Aurora Festival - Jazz Under the Stars Egidio VENTURA 4TET Restaurant jazz club at Santa Venere 21 Cotronei (KR) Saturday, 10 August 2013 22:00 Friday, August 9, 2013 at 21:30 Location: Curinga (CZ) Curinga Music Festival 2013 Experience from previous editions of Arcinfestival 2011 and 2012, From 07 to 10 August 2013 Location: Amantea (CS) The Guarimba International Film Festival as a summer event. 09 e 10 August 2013 Location: Botricello (CZ) Beer Festival at the municipal stadium of Botricello (CZ) Friday 9 August 2013 20.30 Brazilian show, 22.00 Joy Popular in Concert Saturday, 10 August 2013 17:00 Location: Mammoth (RC) MuSaBa "EARTH-SKY" in Mammoth Art, music and the starry night of San Lorenzo Saturday, 10 August 2013 21:30 Location: Scilla (RC) 1st Festival of the Fish carpaccio and fried in Scilla Scilla RC - Borgo dei Pescatori of Chianalea Location: Catanzaro (CZ) Fabri Fibra in Concert in Catanzaro (CZ) Area Magna Graecia For more information: www.fabrifibra.it MARCO MENGONI IN CALABRIA Saturday, 10 August 2013 21:30 Location: Villapiana (CS) Marco Mengoni "The Essential Tour" in Concert Amphitheatre Villapiana TRUFFLE FESTIVAL OF ICE CREAM LACE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF FOLKLORE From 10 to 11 August 2013 Location: Pellaro (RC) 32 th International Festival of Folklore Gira Lu Mundu "Fun and entertaining" .... In this spirit was born in 1980, the Folk Group I Peddaroti MAGNA GRAECIA THEATRE FESTIVAL 2013 COVER BAND Renzo Arbore Sunday, 11 August 2013 22:00 Location: Parghelia (VV) Cover Band of Renzo Arbore "Luna Rossa" in concert for the festivities in honor of Our Lady of Portosalvo, Piazza F. Ruffa, Parghelia 3 ° RALLY GIANT RON IN CONCERT Sunday, 11 August 2013 21:30 Location: Pazzano (RC) Ron Concerto in Pazzano (RC) Main square MEMORIAL OF THE STARS 2013 Vinicio Capossela IN CONCERT Sunday, 11 August 2013 21:30 Location: Novigrad (RC) Vinicio Capossela in Concert in Novigrad (RC) Square Campanella (With the participation of Banda Post) For more information: www.viniciocapossela.it Conjure IN CALABRIA Monday, 12 August 2013 20:30 Location: Paravati (VV) Sagra del Tartufo Ice Cream Pizzo and the Calabrian typical products Waterfront Pizzo Calabro Monday, August 12, 2013 at 21:15 Location: Lamezia Terme (CZ) Elisabetta Pozzi in "Giovanni d'Arco" by Maria Luisa Spaziani, music Daniel D'Angelo, directed by Andrea Ask - Elsinore Teatro Stabile of Innovation Monday, 12 August 2013 21:30 Location: Melicucco (RC) For the Feast of St. Rocco di Melicucco one of the largest gatherings of more than twenty pairs of giants and among the lar- 11-12-13 August 2013 Location: Morano Calabro (CS) Morano Calabro: Memorial Delle Stelle 9th edition Tuesday, 13 August 2013 21:30 Location: Puerto Cetraro (CS) Conjure in Concert in "Human Nature Tour 2013 ' Concert Area Porto Cetraro LOOKING FOR A HOLIDAY THIS YEAR AND WANT EVERYTHING INCLUDED. SPECIAL DEALS ON APARTMENTS FOR RENT, NO EXTRAS JUST ARRIVE AND ENJOY YOUR STAY Visit the Chicche di Calabria for a taste of local produce. Fresh salads, local salami, cheeses, fish and meat products. Open every day for light lunch and dinner. Fine Calabrian wines available while you relax with an antipasto on our terrace located in the Piazza di Repubblica right here in Pizzo. Visit us today and dicover calabrian food at its best Located next to Bar Ercole in Pizzo Piazza SPQR IS LOCATED IN THE MAIN PIAZZA IN PIZZO—LUNCH AND DINNER RISTORANTE PIZZERIA LE CASTELLANE PIZZO PIAZZA LOCATED NEXT TO THE CASTLE MURAT MENU: PIZZA, HOME MADE AND FRESH OVEN BAKED PASTA, SELECTIONS OF FRESH LOCAL I NGREDIENTS FROM CALABRIA FISH, LOCAL AND FRESH MEATS, STEAK, PORK DISHES, VEAL WINES AND BEERS FROM ITALY AT A GLANCE MARKET DAYS The market usually opens by 8am and closes 1pm / 1.30pm Pizzo : Thursday , off the top road in Pizzo Vibo Valentia : Tuesday and Saturday, pedestrian high street and back streets Filadelfia : Thursday in the main Piazza Lamezia : Saturday , by the train station Vibo Marina : Monday , in the old station yard Tropea: Saturday morning in the center All the markets sell local home grown fruit and vegetables, wine, cheeses, meats and breads. Various clothing, household goods, knick knacks, ornaments and the stuff you usually find at markets. Visiting a market is always a great adventure, there is always a bargin to be had. Don't forget, barter !!! IN PIZZO MANY PEOPLE THESE DAYS ARE LOOKING FOR INTERNET ACCESS WHILST ON HOLIDAY. THIS CAN BE DONE IN MANY WAYS WITH INTERNET SIM CARDS OR DONGLES. THE EASIEST AND FASTEST INTERNET CAN BE FOUND IN MANY BARS AND RESTAURANTS IN AND AROUND THE PIAZZA HERE IN PIZZO. JUST LOOK OUT FOR THE SIGNS AND ASK FOR A LOG IN PASSWORD. DON’T FORGET TO USE THESE BARS AND RESTAURANTS AS THEY OFFER THIS SERVICE AS PART OF THEIR BUSINESS. FOR A FULL LISTING OF WIFI ZONES VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.CALABRIANVOICE.COM Swordfish Calabrian Style Ingredients: Servings 4 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice salt and pepper to taste 1 1/4 pounds fresh swordfish, cut into chunks 1 small onion, chopped 1 teaspoon all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups dry white wine 1 (19 ounce) can fava beans, drained "This is a typical dish of southern Italy. Swordfish is marinated in a lemon and oil mixture, then fried and cooked with fava (broad) beans and white wine." In a medium bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons of the olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add the fish and stir enough to get it coated. Let it marinate for about 15 minutes. Remove fish from the marinade, and pat dry. Heat the remaining olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Fry the onion until golden, then add the fish. Brown the chunks of fish on all sides, then remove from the pan, and set aside. Stir the flour into the skillet; cook and stir until lightly browned. Gradually stir in the white wine. Return the fish to the pan, and add the fava beans. Sprinkle with fresh parsley, cover, and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork. Serve hot. WWW.ITALIANTAXES.COM If you own a property here in Calabria then you are subject to payment of local tax and waste and water to the local council offices. Have you paid your bills? If you have not registered yet and wish to, then we at Studio Ruoppolo can help. We offer a service that includes the registration and payment of your property taxes and bills. If you have any questions please email or call us: Landline: 0963 531200 Fax: 0963 531200 Email: [email protected] Address: via nazionale 38, Pizzo, VV 89812 If you do not speak Italian and prefer to talk in English please call +39 327 538 0267 To apply online www.italiantaxes.com To ask for a free quotation please complete and scan this form to [email protected] or visit our office with the registration form above. TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS PIZZO BASED PAINTING/TILING/CARPENTRY/MAINTENANCE Prepare your apartment for the upcoming season with a fresh coat of paint & resolve any little maintenance jobs which require attention. - Very competitive rates - Genuine references available - 20 years experience in building/construction - English speaking - Covering west coast Calabria CALL ALAN FOR A QUOTE - 348 678 1625 or EMAIL: [email protected] FESTIVAL OF SWORDFISH Tuesday, 13 August 2013 21:30 Location: Marina di Nocera Terinese (CZ) Fifth Edition of the Festival of Swordfish in Marina di Nocera Terinese John Paul II Square ANATHEMA IN CALABRIA Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:00 Location: Anoia Superiore (RC) Paul Weller in Concert in Anoia Superiore (RC) - Concerto in square PAOLA MUSIC VILLAGE 2013 12-13-14 August 2013 Location: Paola (CS) Paola Music Village is a village of more than 2000 square meters created temporarily on the beach promenade of San Francesco di Paola DOLCENERA IN CALABRIA Thursday, 15 August 2013 21:00 Location: Montalto Uffugo (CS) Dolcenera in Concert in Montalto Uffugo (CS) IRENE FORNACIARI IN CALABRIA Wednesday, 14 August 2013 22:00 Location: Roseto Capo Spulico (CS) Irene Fornaciari in Concert in Roseto Capo Spulico on the Waterfront MIETTA IN CALABRIA Thursday, 15 August 2013 21:30 Location: Villapiana (CS) Mietta in Concert in Villapiana (CS) For more information: www.mietta.it XXV FESTIVAL OF POTATO Wednesday, 14 August 2013 20:00 Location: Pernocari of Rombiolo (VV) XXV edition of the Potato Festival will accompany the evening a lot of ethnic music DIFFERENT TWINS IN CALABRIA Thursday, 15 August 2013 21:30 Location: Delianuova (RC) Gemelli Diversi "All Da Capo Club Tour" in Concert at Delianuova (RC) Piazza Regina Elena www.gemellidiversi.it MAGNA GRAECIA THEATRE FESTIVAL 2013 Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 21:15 Location: Lamezia Terme (CZ) Massimo Ranieri in "Richard III" by William Shakespeare, original music by Ennio Morricone, directed by Massimo Ranieri - Cooperativa Teatro Ghione Francesco Renga IN CALABRIA Friday, August 16, 2013 Location: Melicucco (RC) Francesco Renga in Concert in Melicucco EUGENE BENNATO IN CALABRIA Thursday, August 15, 2013 Location: Stilo (RC) Eugene Jackson in Concert in Stilo (RC) DEAFEST 2013 From 04 to 17 Agossto 2013 Location: Valley of Gallico (RC) Deafest - Festival of nature, culture and traditions in the Valley of Gallico Are you looking to book for next year. Visit our website and see what offers are available for 2014 Need a property management company based here in Calabria. Visit our website at www.calabrianservices.com REMAINING EVENTS AND FESTIVALS IN THE AREA FOR August 2013 FESTIVAL OF TUNA Saturday, 17 August 2013 20:00 Location: Pizzo Calabro (VV) Tuna Festival in Pizzo - The Feast of the finest and most delicious of Calabria Pizzo Marina Promenade Tuna Festival in Pizzo Saturday 17 August 2013 14.30 ECO FESTIVAL FAGGETA Saturday, 17 August 2013 14:30 Location: Serrastretta (CZ) Eco Faggeta Festival 2013 Back for the second edition of the ECO FESTIVAL FAGGETA, the independent festival held in the beautiful surroundings of the Park of the beech wood on Mount Condrò of Serrastretta. Eco Faggeta Festival Saturday 17 August 2013 22:00 PM GUE PEQUENO IN CALABRIA Saturday, 17 August 2013 22:00 Location: Soverato (CZ) Guè Pequeno in Concert in Soverato (CZ)Temple of Atlantis For more information: www.guepequeno.it Guè Pequeno Saturday 17 August 2013 HOURS 21:45 ENYA IN CALABRIA Saturday, 17 August 2013 21:45 Location: Chiaravalle Centrale (CZ) Fabrizio Moro in Concert in Chiaravalle Centrale (CZ), square For more information: www.fabriziomoro.net Fabrizio Moro Saturday 17 August 2013 21:30 ENRICO BRIGNANO IN CALABRIA Saturday, 17 August 2013 21:30 Location: Catanzaro The new show of Henry Brignano in Catanzaro Arena Magna Grecia of Catanzaro Lido Saturday 17 August 2013 22:00 PM BANDITS ZONE IN CONCERT Saturday, 17 August 2013 22:00 Location: Cerchiara Calabria (CS) Zona Briganti in Concert in Cerchiara Calabria For more information: www.zonabriganti.it Zona Briganti FESTIVAL 16-17-18 August 2013 HOURS TRADIZIONANDU ETNOFEST 2013 16-17-18 August 2013 Location: Novigrad (RC) Also this year a rich program of initiatives and cultural events Tradizionandu Etnofest, here is the 2013 program. The association Side2 presents the sixth edition of the festival Novigrad Tradizionandu Etnofest Sunday 18 August 2013 22:00 PM Amedeo Minghi IN CALABRIA Sunday, 18 August 2013 22:00 Location: Rossano (CS) Amedeo Minghi in Concert in Piazza Piragineti of Rossano For more information: www.roccogentile.it Amedeo Minghi Sunday 18 August 2013 HOURS FESTIVALBAND Sunday, August 18, 2013 Location: Tirindrish (CZ) The Festivalband is a competition for emerging bands in 7 years has become an eagerly awaited event for bands of Calabria Sunday 18 August 2013 22:00 PM ANATHEMA IN CALABRIA Sunday, 18 August 2013 22:00 Location: San Costantino Calabro (VV) Paul Weller in Concert in San Costantino Calabro (VV) in the square For more information: www.paolomeneguzzi.com Anathema Sunday 18 August 2013 21:30 NOMADS IN CONCERT Sunday, 18 August 2013 21:30 Location: Stelletanone of Laureana di Borrello (RC) The Nomads in Concert in Stelletanone of Laureana di Borrello (RC), Piazza Santa Maria della Minerva For more information: www.nomadi.it Nomads MONDAY 19 August 2013 22:00 PM NOMADS IN CONCERT Monday, 19 August 2013 22:00 Location: Rossano (CS) The Nomads in Concert at the Stadium "Rizzo" of Rossano For more information: www.roccogentile.it Nomads THREE DAYS 18, 19, 20 August 2013 SAN BERNARDO MUSIC FESTIVAL 18, 19, 20 August 2013 Location: Decollatura (CZ) San Bernardo Music Festival A three-day festival to honor the patron saint "San Bernardo". So the parish youth group "Path" San Bernardo Music Festival WEDNESDAY 'From 19 to 21 August 2013 22:00 PM CLETO FESTIVAL 2013 From 19 to 21 August 2013 Location: Cleto (CS) Cleto festival, 2013, the taste and the music of consciousness - the third edition of the event created by La Piazza. From the notes to the anti-mafia bread of tradition WEDNESDAY ' 21 August 2013 22:00 PM VERDIANA IN CALABRIA Wednesday, 21 August 2013 22:00 Location: Roseto Capo Spulico (CS) Verdi in Concert in Roseto Capo Spulico, Beach Castle of Frederick For more information: www.roccogentile.it Green Category: Events - Events Cosenza - Rossano Events - Concerts Calabria THURSDAY '22 August 2013 HOURS 21:15 MAX GAZZE 'IN CALABRIA Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 21:15 Location: Altomonte (CS) Max Gazzè in concert in Altomonte (CS)Amphitheatre Altomonte for "EuroMediterranean Festival For more information: www.maxgazze.it Max Gazzè FRIDAY ' 23 August 2013 HOURS 21:15 MAGNA GRAECIA THEATRE FESTIVAL 2013 Friday, August 23, 2013 at 21:15 Location: Lamezia Terme (CZ) Goldenart Production: Michele Placido in "Amor exempts no one beloved from loving ..." An evening dedicated to love with an original production for the 2013 MGTF Benedictine Abbey of St. Vetere Eufemia Lamezia Terme For more information: Event Schedule Michele Placido FESTIVAL From 14 to 24 August 2013 ROCCELLA JAZZ FESTIVAL From 14 to 24 August 2013 Location: Roccella Jonica The 33rd edition of Roccella Jazz Festival will be held August 14 to 24 2013. Roccella Jazz Festival Saturday 24 August 2013 20:30 FESTIVAL OF FICO D'INDIA Saturday, 24 August 2013 20:30 Location: Scandale (KR) La Sagra del Fico d'India in Scandale - Special 10th edition La Sagra del Fico d'India in Scandale Saturday 24 August 2013 POVIA IN CALABRIA Saturday, August 24, 2013 Location: Palermiti (CZ) Povia in Concert in Palermiti For more information: www.povia.net Povia 2 DAYS 25 August 2013 SILA SINGING FESTIVAL August 24th and 25th 2013 Location: Village Palumbosila Silas Sing Festival - The National Singing Competition of Musical Bases Reserved for songs published and unpublished Presents Dominic Milani (sent Rai Uno) with the special participation of Mary Perrusi Miss Italy 2009 For more information: www.palumbosila.it Silas Sing Festival Sunday 25 August 2013 1 CAMPORA BY NIGHT 2013 Sunday, August 25, 2013 Location: Campora San Giovanni (CS) Campora by Night 2013 First edition of CAMPORA BY NIGHT which is proposed as one of the most important events of the summer of the town of Amantea Campora by Night 2013 Sunday 25 August 2013 21:30 ANNA OXA IN CALABRIA Sunday, 25 August 2013 21:30 Location: Reggio Calabria (RC) Anna Oxa concert in Reggio Calabria-Porto Bolaro Mall For more information: www.annaoxa.it Anna Oxa FESTIVAL From 27 to 31 August 2013 KAULONIA Tarantella FESTIVAL 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 August 2013 Location: Caulonia (RC) KAULONIA Tarantella FESTIVAL - XV edition Caulonia (RC) For more information: www.kauloniatarantellafestival.it www.calabriarental.com Visit today……………. CLASSIFIED SECTION SERVICES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMPANY CUSTOM KITCHEN DESIGNS TO FIT ALL SPACES Based in Pizzo Visit www.calabrianservices.com for more info Contact [email protected] NEED TO OPEN A BANK ACOUNT Website www.calabrianservices.com Need help with tranlations? 3275380267 LEARN ENGLISH WANTED Based in Pizzo Ages from 10 up Contact Claire Telephone 00 39 345 812 8551 PAY ICI TAX AND OTHER UTILITIES LP’s, 33’ wanted, good condition, all music types We are looking for all manner of music vinyls, good prices paid or just take away. ARE YOU CHANGING YOUR FURNITURE? NEED PRINTING Do you need to have furniture removed or looking to sell some furniture? Transport available. Best prices paid. Tshirts, photos enlarging, business cards and much more Contact Antonio GARDENENING SERVICES Based in Pizzo Based in Pizzo Contact Paul GARDENING SERVICES PIZZO BEACH CLUB Telephone 00 39 327 538 0267 BOOK SWAP SHOP Based in Pizzo Bring your books in for exchange Visit the Calabrian Services office in Pizzo Based in Rome, Reggio, New York and Toronto PROPERTY FOR SALE—PRIVATE BY OWNERS Contact [email protected] Pizzo, Tropea, Zambrone English, Italian, Spanish and Русский Conact us in first instance at [email protected] TRANSLATION SERVICES/PROOF READING LUXURY ECO BUILD PROPERTIES IN PIZZO English to Italian Super luxury, best positions, ECO friendly Italain to English Contact in first instance [email protected] Contact ELIZABETH at [email protected] Eco air con units for sale. See advert on page 6 for more details. tel: 331 762 6125 NEW WEBSITE FOR OWNERS AT TERRAZZA DI PIZZO, PIZZO VISIT WWW.TERRAZZADIPIZZO.COM TO VIEW ALL NEW EVENTS VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.XPATCALABRIA.COM X-PAT CALABRIA DISCOUNT KITCHEN UNITS—ALL NEW Contact [email protected] LEGAL SERVICES—ZAGAMILAW Whats on events FOR SALE Fridges with surround, base units, drawer units, extractor fans, kitchen sinks, taps and fittings. Units can be collected or delivered and installed. Contact Paul Gardiner on 342 045 8360 More info see www.xpatcalabria.com Contact Paul on + 39 327 538 0267 Maintain or build your garden in Calabria, great rates, maintenance contracts available BASED IN Pizzo Beach Club EVENTS Contact Paul on + 39 327 538 0267 Based in Pizzo Based in Pizzo X-PAT CALABRIA More info see www.xpatcalabria.com Studio Ruoppolo, Accountant, Pizzo 5% discount on service costs for first time register. Restaurant SPQR Based in Pizzo, Pasta, meat, Fish 5% discount on bill. and mention the XPATCALABRIA card NEXT XPATCALABRIA CLUB MEETING See website for update All welcome, bring a friend Visit www.xpatcalabria.com for more info. CALABRIAN SERVICES Based in Pizzo-Property management 5% Discount on snagging services and deep cleans Visit www.calabrianservices.com and mention the XPATCALABRIA card Restaurant La Lampara Fresh local fish dishes prepared in a typical calabrese fashion. 5% discount on bill Located just next to the office of Calabrian Services Chez Toi Wanted . Properties for sale in Pizzo? Looking to sell your property in Pizzo Contact us via our website www.selectiveitaly.com Why not try some of the best loca ice cream available in Pizzo. Located right in the center of the Piazza della Repubblica. Offering a 20% discount of all ice cream products. Large parties welcome. We cover: Pizzo beach club Terrazza di pizzo Due mare Lamezia airport Train station Fioribello Tropea TAXI DO YOU NEED A TAXI SERVICE IN AND AROUND CALABRIA ? Do you represent or work within a group. Do you holiday together and try find new places to stay and things to see. Why not visit Calabria This year. We can offer accomodation at bargin prices throuought the year for groups of upto 40 people all in one area. Have the freedom of an apartment for the same price as a hotel. CALL CONCETTA NOW ON +39 338 816 5442 + 39 327 702 2771 Zambrone ATTENTION ASSOCIATIONS AND GROUPS. AVAILABLE UP TO 8 PEOPLE WITH LUGGAGE. CALL FOR QUOTATION. Located in Piazza San Francesco Contact us now at: www.calabriarental.co m for more information.
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