Presentation - Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
Presentation - Boğaziçi Üniversitesi
MANUSCRIPTS RELATED TO ULUGH BEG FROM THE KANDILLI OBSERVATORY COLLECTION Atila Özgüç Kandilli Observatory, Bogazici University, Çengelköy, Istanbul, Turkey June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 1 The First Observatory in the Ottoman Empire Th IIstanbul The t b l Ob Observatory t "Darür Rasad-ül Cedid" The first person to introduce scientific astronomy to the madrasa was Ali Kuşçu. Ali Kuşçu K was the th pupil il off Ulugh Ul h Beg. B Following the death of Kadı-zade-i Rumi, h became he b the h director di off the h Samarkand k d Observatory and helped complete the Ulugh Beg Chart. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 2 After Ulugg Bey, y Ali Kuşçu remained for a time at the court of Uzun Hasan, the ruler of the Akkoyunlu. y He was sent as an envoyy to Istanbul to establish peace among the Ottoman and Akkoyunlu states, states and was shown great hospitality by Sultan Mehmed II (the Conqueror Fatih) Conqueror-Fatih). Upon the invitation of the Sultan, he later came to Istanbul for a second time together with his family and colleagues, and in a short while Mehmed II appointed him professor of the Hagia Sophia Madrasa. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 3 Kuşçu prepared the curriculum at the Fatih complex l together h with i h Molla M ll Hüsrev, Hü andd taught h mathematics and astronomy. Furthermore, he measured the latitude and longitude of Istanbul, and made several sundials. After Kuşçu’s death in 1474, there was no one interested in astronomy for a long time. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 4 Astronomy was only used to determine prayer times or in the adjustment of the timing of the call to prayer. prayer In other words, words timekeepers took the place of astronomers. While studies in astronomy remained suspended in the Ottoman Empire, Empire great changes were taking place in the field in Europe. In 1539, Copernicus declared that the Sun was at the center of the solar system in his revolutionary book “De De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium”. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 5 Tycho Brahe, Brahe worked to improve this theory and founded the Uraniborg Observatory in Denmark in 1576. 1576 It was at this time that the dormant field of astronomy in the Ottoman Empire began to stir. The first observatory was established in 1577 upon the permission of Sultan Murad III by Takiyüddin, T ki üddi a teacher t h from f th Madrasah the M d h off Egypt. E t Takiyüddin T ki üddi travelled to Istanbul in 1571 and was appointed chief astrologer the same year. year Following his personal studies on the Galata Tower (Istanbul) under unfavorable circumstances, he established one of the most significant observatories of that century on the heights of Pera, behind Tophane. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 6 A simple observatory building was erected on this piece of land, in addition to housing for his previouslybuilt instruments. The observatory had a library. In addition to reproducing the available instruments in smaller size, Takiyüddin also invented several new instruments,, and made observations of the Moon, the Sun, and other planets. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 7 He designed sundials and mechanical clocks, and used the clock as an instrument instr ment for observation. obser ation He observed obser ed the comet that appeared in the sky for about a month beginning from 11 September 1577, one of the initial scientific studies undertaken at the observatory. observatory Takiyüddin prophesied that this event foretold a victory against the Persian army. army June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 8 However, in 1578, when an outbreak off plague l causedd many deaths, d h the h Şeyhülislam, Ahmed Şemseddin Ef di who Efendi, h was opposedd to t the th idea id of the observatory, informed the M d III that Murad th t the th observing b i off the th celestial bodies would bring misfortune if t t the to th empire.. i June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 9 The sultan ordered its destruction which was carried out on 22 January, 1580, by cannons from the sea on the orders of Kı1ıç Ali Pasha, Admiral of the Imperial Navy. Navy Despite this tremendous loss, Takiyüddin continued his work on astronomy by his own means until his death. And the dormant field of observational astronomii began b again i in i the h Ottoman O E i Empire June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 10 The Imperial Meteorological Observatory ( Observatoire I mperial Meteorologique ) "Rasathane-i Amire-i Alaimulcev" June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 11 Until the Ottoman reform movement in the early nineteenth century, astronomy in the madrasas of the Ottoman Empire was l learned d from f b k dating books d ti back b k to t the th Middle Middl Ages. A The second observatory in the Ottoman era was established not for astronomy, but for meteorology. The Rasathane-i Amire, founded in 1868 in a building in Pera area of Istanbul, met a fate similar to its predecessor in that it was destroyed together with all its instruments in the uprising of 31st March, 1909. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 12 Following the suppression of that event, the Minister of Ed Education, i E Emrullah ll h Efendi, Ef di ordered, d d on 21st 21 June, J 1910 a 1910, new observatory to be built, and appointed Fatin Gökmen (1878-1955), known to all as Fatin Hoca, as the director of the new Rasadhane-i Àmire. He chose the site at the Icadiye hill where the observatory is to be found today and it began operations in July of 1911. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 13 The Observatory Collection and Its Works Fatin Gökmen made great contribution to the world of scholarship: He founded a specialist collection of Islamic manuscripts written in Turkish, Arabic, and Persian d li with dealing ith astronomy t andd astrology. t l Being the only specialist collection of this type in Turkey it also contains a significant number of works on mathematics and geography and a smaller number of works in other subjects. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 14 •Kandilli Rasathanesi Kitaplığı Yazma Eserler Kataloğu II. Prepared by Muammer Dizer. İstanbul: MEB Kandilli Rasathanesi, 1973. •Kandilli Rasathanesi Kitaplığı Takvim Kataloğu. Prepared by Muammer Dizer and Atila Özgüç. İstanbul: MEB K dilli Rasathanesi, Kandilli R th i 1973. 1973 •Kandilli Rasathanesi Kitaplığı Yazma Eserler Kataloğu II Prepared by Rıfkı Seven. II. Seven İstanbul: MEB Kandilli Rasathanesi, 1977. •Kandilli Rasathanesi Yazma Eserler Kataloğu. İstanbul: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, 1988. •Kandilli Rasathanesi El Yazmaları 1. Türkçe yazmalar, P Prepared d bby Gü Günay K Kutt ett al. l Boğaziçi B ğ i i Üniversitesi, Ü i it i 2007 June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 15 Turkish Arabic Persian A Astronomy 590 233 59 Astrology 172 77 30 Mathematics 30 49 5 Geography 14 4 -- Others 15 51 8 TOTAL 821 414 102 June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 16 This collection includes many works in either author author’ss or translator translator’ss autographs or those prepared by the chief astrologers of the time and this attaches more importance to the collection. Here below some of them written ot translated by Ulugh Beg and some related with Ulugh Beg’s works June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 17 23 Cedvel-i ta‘dìlü‡l-ºamer Begins: 1b The workk consists Th i t off tables t bl related l t d to t the th motions ti off the th moon. The table on 1b gives the motions of the moon, in accordance with the Zìc of Uluğ Beg, between the years 1748-1807. Some tables show the yearly motions of the moon. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 18 52 ‘Alì Kuşì (4a) Kàtibì er er-Rùmì Rùmì Seydi (Seyyid) ‘Alì Alì b. Hüseyin (3a) (called also Seydì ‘Alì Re’ìs and using the pseudonym Kàtibì) (translator) [died 970/1562-63] OM III, 270-72; Adıvar 72. Hulàsatü'l-hey’e (4b) Begins: 1b and 2b Translated in Aleppo in January 1-30, 1549. A note on 1a of manuscript No: 141 mentions that this work is a translation of the work entitled Fethiyye by Alì Kuşçu. June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 19 June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 20 ‘Alì b. Mu¤ammad al-Kuşci (Commentator) Keşf II, 945 Şarh-i Zìc al-cadìd Begins: 158b The work is a commentary on the Zìc al-cadìd by Ulugh Beg. Deals with determining days and months with respect to the stars June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 21 June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 22 June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 23 References Catalogue of Astronomical, Astrological and mathematical manuscripts, i UNESCO CD, CD 1996 1996. History of Astronomy Literature During the Ottoman Period, Period E. E Ihsanoglu, R. Sesen, C. Izgi, C. Akpinar an I. Fazlioglu , ISBN 92-9063-072-8, IRCICA, 1997. Kandilli Rasathanesi elyazmaları, Günay Kut et al., Boğaziçi U i University it publication, bli ti 2007. 2007 June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 24 Tombstones of Ali Kuşçu June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 25 El Fatiha for Ali Kuşçu June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 26 THANK YOU June 9 - 11, 2009 Ulugh Beg and his contribution to the world science 27