protected open space bethany, connecticut
protected open space bethany, connecticut
Margaret Cir Ed Rd Mo un tai n ny Amadeo Dr y Rd H and ond Rd Trl t Ln an an y Be th Fairw Sarg ent D r e Trl Old Pastu re Ln d Alm ar D Fal ls R d Hunt e rs T rl Todd St r Porter Hill R d H A M D E N Hunting g Wo od D r Way Peck Rd Dayton R Prince Dr H opp Brook Rd Hopbro ok R d on Dr eR Ridg Hill Rd d Clay R d Bethway R d Ct Nichola s o Dr Rd a rd ep h S Rd West Rock Ridge State Park Lake Chamberlain ins R usse ll Rd West Rock Ridge State Park Unknown Para dise St S he V Mountain iew Dr V in ta iew Moun Rd pard Pine Brook Molsick Rd Russ Row e Ct West River Meyers Rd d Keegan Dr Walter Rd R Sp lit Rock Co ll Unknown Hi Ann C t Ma y Ma fair y fa Rd ir A ve Rowe Ct Ct Miller Rd Rob erts Schilf Rd Rayzo e Ter Rayzo e Rd Dr Glenw ood High Rock Dr Crestw Unknown d hR Bunting Rd a Hig Birchwo od Rd Charles St Charles Rd Hopp Bro ok L n Ho p b rook Ln ood R ir Argyle C Fatim Anne Ave This map is intended to be printed at original size (48 x 36 in) Hopp Brook Hill Rd Hatfield Unknown Hill R d Rd d n Ln t Cir e Rd Lake Bethany Bro oks R Unknown d lco Green Hinman Rd d Fa Dr age d Bethmou rR Dr d Dr Emerald Ln reen R Rd Quarry Luke y Dr Dais Lilac Dr c He rit Crestwo o McD e d Hidden Broo k d Carm el Rolling G Tulip Dr Cobb lestone Hideaway Ln Unknown Gard ens Rd Unknown lD r Valley Rd Schaffe r Rd Schaeff er Rd Bristols Pond Ave Ln S E Y M O U R Coachman Ln te Choa Jo yc Cedar t Ln Bu tter nu Ho llo w Norvein Hier Dam Amity Middle School Bethany Deepw ood Rd Du e Hein Trails Rd Skokorat St Tuttle R d Unknown Woo ds R Pole H ill R d Hein Trails Dr Dr Rac cio Dr Peck Pond Ida Carrington Lowell Land Mdw Hoadley Rd Deerfield Rd Deerfield Dr Exeter Sargent River rmo t Talmadge Rd Bethany Community on R d Peck Ln Chatfie 69 R oc k ldst Fie ld D r Laurel Rdg Shaw Dam John s Rd Morning View Dr Morningview Ct M ornin B E T H A N Y Hillda le 69 Lakeview Ris e Virginia Rail Dr Forest Li l a FOR MORE INFORMATION about the POSM project, contact the Land Acquisition Division of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection at 860-424-3016. e r Ln ril Ap MAPS AND DIGITAL DATA Visit the CT ECO website for other natural resource and environmental maps at . Visit the CT DEP GIS website to download any of the digital spatial data shown on this map at . Timb Rd MAP SCALE INFORMATION - This map is intended to be printed at its original dimensions. Printing this map at a scale greater than 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2000 feet) may result in inaccuracies in parcel boundaries and locations. Rd ills Rdg 63 Ln gH llin o R Bushe r Ln Disbrow Dam Pleasan Bach elor Oak R Unknown DATA SOURCES Ln d Woods R d wy te H Sta Types of property that are not on this map include administration buildings, airports, athletic fields, commercial campgrounds, cemeteries, country clubs, golf courses, dog poinds, landfills, fire department lands, historic homes, libraries, marinas, museums, parking facilities, police stations, and others. Generally, parcels under 10 acres that contain buildings are not included and parcels with developed recreation facilities such as ballfields are not included unless the facilities comprise less than 50% of the total parcel area. Swa mp R d Sanford Brook top Hill Only parcels that meet the criteria of protected open space as defined by the POSM project are included. Protected open space is defined as: Land or interest in land acquired for the protection of natural features of the state's landscape or essential habitat for endangered or threatened species; or Land or interest in land acquired to support and sustain non-facility based outdoor recreation, forestry and fishery activities, or other wildlife or natural resource conservation or preservation activities. Rid ge Rd n Arr ow R d Tom Rd Old Rd bow as he Broke Oakwoo Munson Road Pond in Rd Deer Hill Rd n field L Deer d Rd Natu r ood R d Rd Ex t op rthr d P er De Rain one Lan tern Types of property that may be included in this map are landholdings of Federal, State, municipal, or other government entities; land held by private land conservation organizations or trusts; and church, religious, or non-profit open space lands. BASE MAP DATA is based on data originally from 1:24,000-scale USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps published between 1969 and 1992. It includes political boundaries, railroads, airports, hydrography, geographic names and geographic places. Streets and street names are from Tele Atlas copyrighted data. Base map information is neither current nor complete. Rd d Kalea s This map identifies parcels of open space land for towns included in the Department of Environmental Protection's Protected Open Space Mapping (POSM) project. Because this project is ongoing and incomplete, some towns are not represented. As towns are completed, new data will be added to the map. PROTECTED OPEN SPACE DATA - This map is based on information from various sources collected and compiled during the period from March 2005 through the present. These sources include municipal Assessor's records (the Assessor's database, hard copy maps and deeds) and existing digital parcel data. The data collected represents conditions on the date of research at each city or town hall and is not updated. Unknown s Rd Mou nta t Dr Hockanum Ct Rd Gl en Railroad EXPLANATION Rd tview s e W Rd iew st V e W Nyumphs Pl num tR ra ko o Sk ill R d l Rd Watch Hil Hocka erry H Dr Fairw o o d State Route Highway sa Me Gaylo rd P Fairwood Pond Nort hrop Downs Road Pond Lander Pond 4WD R oad Dr Muns on Rd Blackb Local Road od Hockanum Brook 42 Highway Ramp ew o Dr Ralp hR US Route Highway Ridg 42 r Buckingham D Bethany Rd Perkin Mari on R Interstate Highway Bethany Bog Tawney Dr Smith Farms Unknown e County Boundary Bo nna St non R d ood okw o r B Dr ld Tpk Litchfie State Boundary Leba Blackber ry Ridge Coo k Ln Town Boundary Tand em nes dws Pamanata M Unknown Do w River, Brook, Stream Mendell's Folly Bethany Land Trust, Inc r Dolly D Unknown Bethany Veterans Memorial Park Carrin gto Oak Dr Ct Wood ing H ill Rd Open Water Simpson Lake ill Rd Dr Sharon 42 d Tuttle Ct r Te Ce d a r Ln yR Pa tric ia sky Ca ir Cedar C try Unknown n Rd Ln un Bethany Veterans Memorial Park Judd H try v en Co Co Dr Rd sk La s Doolittle Dr rs Woodcutte Leys Pond B E A C O N F A L L S wa rd y 42 Dr An nD r Ed e Ridg Oak Rd Beacon 42 Ln State owned property such as parks and forests, flood control areas, and preserves. Primarily property owned by the Department of Environmental Protection. State Hw Dr Brooksvale Stream Unknown No Hollow Ct Quail n Dianna L L Diana n ine Sabrina Dr Dr State n Rice L Any privately owned lands (excluding land trusts) that are primarily open space, such as fish and game clubs and camps. Lor ra 42 d Kleeman Dam Naugatuck State Forest Terese Rd n Rd Burto R ire esh h C Unknown Naugatuck State Forest Rice Lane Ext Unknown Unknown Weingrad Pond Federally owned land. Examples include Army Corps of Engineers property such as Mansfield Hollow or Thomaston Dam properties. mill Dr Old Saw Private Unknown Unknown Municipally-owned parcels that include undeveloped open space parcels and parcels that are less than 50% developed in terms of buildings and facilities (ball fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.). Rd Unknown Beacon Hill Parcels owned by a land trust. Land trusts are generally private, nonprofit entities that own land for preservation. Naugatuck State Forest Mount Sanford iston Hum Municipal Knollwo od Rd Rd Naugatuck State Forest Ave 2nd 1st St Tollgate Rd Toll Gate Rd ge D r Land Trust Naugatuck State Forest Carria Federal d Mountain R Twitchell Reservoir Am ity s am Abr Rd Beacon Cap Naugatuck State Forest Description tha 42 t Rd Category Sanford Brook Holiday Hill ds wa r Unknown C H E S H I R E r n Gra Symbol Candee Rd Amber Ct Clark Hill Rd Clark Rd kD Naugatuck State Forest Rd Rd N A U G A T U C K Towe r Coo k Rd d Fox Hill R Little River u Tro ro o tB 4th St LEGEND Radio Be Ivy Ter Rd Valley Dr Dr Ave 69 Lacey Rd St d Fairwoo Hackett Rd Rd Hillview St Trackso n S ield erf m um r no Ma r Ci r no Ma Ess Dorche ster C ex t Ct F oxto n Ct Con cord Ct on ac Be on ac Be Avon Ct Maylew Pond 42 State Hwy 63 Bowman Dr Brockton Ct ge Ct Hackett St Manor r brid Cam Beacon Valley Rd Schmitz Ave Noble Ave W eid atton Dr Shirley St Dr Lau rel A v e Glen ral P Marks Brook Naugatuck State Forest k Rd r st D ncre Gen e Valentine St Ne w H aven Rd P R O S P E C T ge D r Hem loc ntai d 63 Cam brid Klug e Rd Lee Rd M ou Ma rjor ie S t Horton Ave ok Pl dale Ct bro Country Hill Rd Barn Finch Cir Hill Rd Dr Straitsville Haz el St Cr os s ir St George d Andrasko R Nicole Ci PROTECTED OPEN SPACE BETHANY, CONNECTICUT n Hollow Rd Vil lag eC yR Bethan Cotto ow Dr D' Arcangelo Osborn Rd 8 State H wy Cross Street School Me ad e Av n rre Wa Sey m R o u o u r Rd te 6 7 yL n aC ir un tr Co Unknown Strongs Pond Roseview Ln Unknown Sanford Rd Unknown High Ro ck R Old M Old A m Morr is W O O D B R I D G E Lindleys Pond Rd Carrington Hill Nic ho las Rd Rd Mountain Rd e Rd Heathridg Lake Watrous ok Rd o wb r o Me a d Newton Pond Pepperr idge Dr Round Hill Chaunce yR St 67 Ch els e eH wy Pine B r ook Peck Hill Rd gree n cres tC Ever iew Dr ir Cres tv Dr Unknown Mea dow Ac or n Hill R d Black Brook Pond Sta t Round Hill Pond Round Hill Rd Dunbar Hill Rd l Sterling P Bethany Farms Trail System 67 ge Rd Ct Ea rle y l Ln n eL Rd Cogwhe e g Villa n rid n Rd Newto Map is not colorfast Protect from light and moisture e Villag August 2011 th Be Bethany Village Pond Unknown g Xin Map prepared by CT DEEP Pine Brook Dam Bladens River Ha llse yL STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 79 Elm Street Hartford, CT 06106-5127 Bri ar Rd Rd Farm View Ma in Dr Bear Hill Pond Dr Norm an orn Ac Unknown Brinton Rd d Unknown in ldw Ba Hill St nR ve p Rd Sperr y Rd Ha 67 Farm Brook Proj. Site No 1 Dam Rd w Poplar Swam Unknown Bethany Farms Rd Anella Dr Bear H Ne State Plane Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3526 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection North American Datum of 1983 West River Pond Rd Downs Miles ill Rd ity Rd Ct Anthon y r Francis D 0.4 Amity Rd 0.3 ill L o orw n Ha mil ton H a Dr mi lto n 0.2 Atwat er R d p Whip ill Rd 0 0.05 0.1 d e Av Legion Rd MAP LOCATION Cir Bridge Covered Rd y ce un Old Cha d Hunte rs W ay