Event Program - The Speech Bubble
Event Program - The Speech Bubble
With a mix of professional seminars, talks, collectors display, book display and original works exhibition, Speech Bubble is a month long event that provides an opportunity for artists, writers, parents, children, teachers, illustrators, collectors, companies, to bond over the shared love for comics. At Speech Bubble, we hope to foster the love for comics from an early age and to support the craft both locally and in the region. We want to encourage the exploration of the many possibilities comics hold and how they can be used in a myriad of ways be it for education and storytelling to therapy and even publication of corporate financial reports. See you at Speech Bubble! E v e nt P r o g r am m e 2 0 1 6 Tal k & Wo rks hop 03 SEP 11:00 M U LT I -P U R P OS E R O O M 15: 00 C hi l dren’s area treehou s e Jerry Hinds Felicia Low-Jimenez and Adan Jimenez D I GI TA L P R OD U C TI O N AN D ED I TI N G ( W O R KSH O P ) C reati ng You r Own Heroes by AJ L ow for ages 7 - 1 2 ( Talk) This workshop explains and demonstrates the importance of communication, when creating comic books. Editor to Writer, Artist, Inker, Letterer & Colourist. Convenient shortcuts to everyday tasks, and how to avoid making common mistakes often found during the comic making process. What makes a hero special? Is it their superpowers? Could it be because of their awesome costumes? Why do they need secret identities? Join the authors of Sherlock Sam as they analyse the secrets behind super cool heroes! 13:00 M U LT I -P U R P OS E R OO M 17: 00 M u lti -p u rp os e room Sonny Liew Julian Kam (Lefty) U nd e r t he S u r face ( TAL K ) C OMI C S AND ENTERTAI NM ENT ART ( TAL K) Comics combine images and text to tell stories. In doing so, it has evolved a language of its own, one with similarities to other forms, from prose novels to film and television, but which is also unique in its own limits and possibilities. Join Liew as he wonders whether we can make good comics with bad drawings and other strange notions. How is comics still relevant in the world of high-tech entertainment? It is fine for art students aiming to become a great concept artist, character designer or animator, but if you are one who always has stories in your head which are craving to get out, the most practical way to do it is through the comics medium. 15:00 M U LT I -P U R P OS E R OO M Eirliani Abdul Rahman C o -cr e at i ng a Gr ap h i c N ov el f o r C h i l d r en ( TAL K) Keen to learn more about possibly Singapore’s first graphic novel curated by children for children? Done in partnership with the Singapore Art Museum, on the sidelines of their annual children’s art exhibition ‘The Imaginarium’, Eirliani who is Executive Director of an NGO YAKIN (Youth, Adult survivors & Kin In Need) will speak more about the creative process, and what she hopes to achieve with the comic book. E v e nt P r o g r am m e 2 0 1 6 Tal k & Wo rks hop 06 SEP 09 SEP 18:30 M u lt i -p u r p os e r o o m 18: 30 MU LTI -P U R P OS E ROOM Favian Ee Andrew Tan (Drewscape) Ca r t oons, Com i c s: U ses an d Ap p l i c ati o n s ( TAL K ) How to Draw C omi c s the Non- Marvel way ( talk) Many people think of comics as entertainment, children’s books, or superhero stories like Marvel’s and DC’s. But comics is simply a way of telling stories, a way of saying something using visual and literary cues. There are many ways that cartoons and comics can be used for other purposes from branding and marketing to public awareness, from teaching to journaling, and more. Let’s look at some of them! So you aren’t interested in working for Marvel or some big comic publisher with their own house rules. You want the freedom of writing your own stories and drawing in the style you prefer. So how do you get started? Indie comicbook artist, Drewscape will walk you through his own comic creation processfrom ideas to drawing and getting it printed. He’ll share about the tools and illustration techniques he uses, as well as personal insights on what makes a good comic. 07 SEP 16 SEP 18:30 M U LT I -P U R P OS E R OO M 18: 30 M U LTI P U RP OS E ROOM Cheah Sinann Gary Choo At W i t ’s E nd : C a r to o n s an d D ead l in es ( TAL K ) Di g i tal I l l u s trati on i n S tep s ( tal k) This workshop will explore the ultimate challenge a cartoonist for a publication faces coming up with a good idea in a specific time frame. Deadlines can be a year, a month, a week, a day but in the world of a daily cartoon strip creator, he or she must consider the work is needed yesterday. Mental block, stress, pressure all these situations come into play and knowing how to deal with them is the key. Gary will present some of his painting pipelines for digital illustrations, pro tips and work experience. E v e nt P r o g r am m e 2 0 1 6 Tal k & Wo rks hop 17 SEP 24 SEP 11:00 M u lt i -p u r p ose r o o m 13: 00 MU LTI -P U RP OS E ROOM Karen Tan Felicia Low-Jimenez and Adan Jimenez FI NA NCI A L P L AN N I N G F O R F R EEL AN C ER S ( TAL K ) WRI TE WHAT YOU KNOW… HEROES AND VI L L AI NS! FO R AG ES 7-12 ( WORKS HOP, L I M I TED TO 30 S TU DEN T S) Pursuing your creative dreams can be a daunting challenge - how can you do what you love and pay the bills at the same time? Join financial consultant Karen Tan for a frank look at financial planning for freelance comics creators and other creatives. Whether you are just starting out on your career, or looking to transition from full time work to self-employment, this talk will provide an introduction to the concepts and tools that can help you achieve financial independence and security as a freelancer. In this one-hour long writing workshop, the authors of the Sherlock Sam series of children’s detective novels will help kids create their very own super-powered heroes and dastardly villains! Children will learn the basics of creating exciting characters to use in their very own stories. 15: 00 MU LTI -P U RP OS E ROOM Jerry Hinds C RAS H C OU RS E I N C ONS TRU C TI NG C HARAC TERS ( WO RKSH O P) Golden ratios are the name of the game! This simple workshop provides all participants with an insightful grid template - essential for creating original characters of all genres. Key tips on creating bodies from scratch will also be shared. 17: 00 MU LTI -P U RP OS E ROOM Professor Dr. Muliyadi Mahamood THE DEVEL OP M ENT OF THEMES AND S TYL ES OF M AL AY C OM I C S ( TAL K) How do history, culture and politics influence the form and content of comics? Join Professor Dr. Muliyadi Mahamood as he explores the unique themes and styles of Malay comics from the pre-independence days of the 1940s, through to the post-independence and contemporary eras. Through an examination of comics published in major national newspapers, such as Berita Harian, Berita Minggu, Utusan Malaysia and Mingguan Malaysia, Dr. Muliyadi sheds light on the development of the comics medium in Malaysia and Singapore. & SONNY L I EW S U P P ORTI NG PARTNERS