Lampasas Dispatch Record
Lampasas Dispatch Record
Lampasas Dispatch Record Page 4 Tuesday, July 22, 2014 Youth advances at pageant Jessi Re’Ann Fields recently was awarded the titles of Baby Miss Heart of Freedom and Baby Miss Heart of the USA. Jessi is the daughter of Tara and Brandon Fields of Lampasas. The Miss Heart of the USA Pageant strives to provide contestants with the opportunity to have fun, establish friendships, and build confidence and selfesteem, while encouraging them to get involved with organizations in their communities that benefit those in need. Jessi will be representing Lampasas and Fort Hood at the 2014 Texas State Miss Heart of the USA, where she will compete for scholarship money. Winners advance to the Miss Heart of the USA Nationals in Orlando, Fla. The Miss Heart of the USA Pageant began as a food drive for a rescue mission. It has blossomed into a national program that has distributed over In the Service Sheehan Navy Fireman Matthew C. Sheehan recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. During the eight-week program, Sheehan completed a variety of training which included classroom study and practical instruction on naval customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival, and shipboard and aircraft safety. An emphasis was also placed on physical fitness. The capstone event of boot camp is “Battle Stations.” This exercise gives recruits the skills and confidence they need to succeed in the fleet. “Battle Stations” is designed to galvanize the basic warrior attributes of sacrifice, dedication, teamwork and endurance in each recruit through the practical application of basic Navy skills and the core values of honor, courage and commitment. Its distinctly ‘’Navy’’ flavor was designed to take into account what it means to be a sailor. Sheehan is a 2013 graduate of Lampasas High School. He is the son of Ricky L. McQueen, and Kimberly M. Sheehan of Mustang, Okla. 3 million nonperishable food items to nonprofits, collected donations for Toys for Tots and distributed much-needed baby items for a women’s hope center. For more information on the program, see www. missheartoftheusa. com/texas. State convention Lampasas High School FFA officers and award recipients joined 12,000 Texas FFA members and guests at the Fort Worth Convention Center for the 86th annual state convention. Lampasans in attendance included, from left, Quint Smith, Kaitlyn Knapke, Hope Moseley, Abbie Carson, Carolyn Laborde, McKenzee Thornton and Caul Smith. Not pictured: LHS students Kirby Blankenship, Trilby Holloman, and Hunter Webb, and adult advisers Rick Prescott, Dr. Steve Forsythe and student-teacher Anika Stewart. Multi-Service Center Pet Care Day Camp scheduled Aug. 19 Friends of Lampasas Animal Shelter will hold the third an901 S. Live Oak - Lampasas • 8 a.m.-4 p.m. nual Pet Care Day Camp Aug. 512-556-3858 • 512-556-2550 fax 19 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Lunch is served Monday through Friday at 11:30 a.m. Reserva- First Presbyterian Church, 407 tions may be made by calling 24 hours in advance, 512-556-3858. S. Chestnut St. Wednesday, July 23, 2014 Youths ages 5-18 are invited to Menu: Beef tips & gravy, scalloped potatoes, seasoned spinach, attend the free camp. They will whole wheat bread, chunky fruit medley and milk. Thursday, July 24, 2014 Menu: Chicken enchilada bake/salsa, pinto beans, yellow squash, flour tortilla, seasonal fresh fruit and milk. Friday, July 25, 2014 Menu: Crunchy baked fish, potato wedges, spicy buttered carrots, red & green coleslaw, butter crackers, brownie and milk. The Central Texas Area CounMonday, July 28, 2014 cil of the American Business Menu: Cranberry-glazed ham, whipped sweet potato, mixed California-blend vegetables, whole wheat bread, chunky fruit med- Women’s Association will hold its 19th annual Women’s Leadley, oatmeal-raisin cookie and milk. ership Conference, “I’m Every Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Menu: Pulled pork on bun, baked steak fries, pineapple coleslaw, Woman,” which provides opportunities for women to network fruit cup and milk. with other professional women. *** This year’s conference is Aug. 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Center activities Central Texas appointment only Central Texas College’s AnderFoot therapy/blood pressure check...................1st Monday, 9 a.m. son Campus Center bldg. 156, Knitting classes....................................................Mondays, 1 p.m. 6200 W. Central Texas ExpressPaper crafts............................................3rd Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. way. Speakers and their topics inAA-Soc. Sec./Medicare/Medicaid Q&A.......... 2nd Tues. by appt. Haircuts..................................................1st Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. clude Cyd West, senior vice Treadway Hearing Aid Service.............2nd Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. president of First Community Birthday/anniversary cake/ice cream...3rd Wednesday after lunch Mortgage, “The woman next Ag Extension program...............................................3rd Thursday door;” BarBara “BB” Crawford, Pizza day.....................................................................1st Thursday an emotional self-sufficiency coach, “Learn 9 steps to livBingo.....................................................................Fridays, 10 a.m. ing the effortless, energized Quilting....................................................Mondays and Thursdays life you deserve!;” Aya Eneli, Card games and dominoes................................................Anytime chief executive officer of Aya be taught about different types of pets, their care, shelter adoption and veterinary career opportunities while participating in fun activities. For more information, phone the animal shelter at 512-5568586. ABWA to hold annual leadership conference *** Center notes • Dotty McRae, center director Homebound meals for seniors who qualify are delivered Monday through Friday, except on holidays. All donations are greatly appreciated and can be made to the Lampasas Nutrition Program. *** The Area Agency on Aging can be reached by phoning 800-4477169, ext. 2330. *** HOP transportation is available Monday through Friday. Reservations can be made by calling 800-791-9601 24 hours in advance. *** Energy assistance programs are available for qualifying applicants who are elderly, disabled or low income. Call 512-556-2550. Shelter pet adoption Queso is a shy puppy that warms up with a little one-on-one attention. He is a 4-month-old Australian cattle dog-mix that needs a home. He keeps his kennel fairly clean, and appears to like other dogs. His adoption fee is $25. Find Queso and other pets that need homes at www.petango. com/, or visit the Friends of the Lampasas Animal Shelter Facebook page. Donations, memorials and honorariums can be made to Friends of Lampasas Animal Shelter and sent to P.O. Box 41, Lampasas, TX 76550. Phone 512-556-3118 for information. Brick pavers are on sale to support the shelter. Cost is $50 each. Phone Mary Black Davis, or Carol Wright at 512-556-5559 to place an order. Jessi Fields Queso The Lampasas Animal Shelter is in need of puppy food, dog food, fans, bleach, cat food, cages (for dogs and cats), pet toys, pet beds and paper towels. Lampasas Animal Shelter 301 College St.•512-556-8586 Eneli International, “Stand up and L.E.A.D;” and Lorie Burch, AWBA national president, “ABWA -- WIIFM?” Registration is $30, which includes a continental breakfast, a buffet lunch, four educational sessions, goody bags and visits with vendors. The conference is open to the public, and ABWA membership is not required. Sponsorship is available at various levels, and each level offers benefits such as complimentary registrations and lunches. A vendor showcase will be featured. Register and find information at, or contact Linda Hutto at 254220-03561 or TaNeika DriverMoultree at tnd2475@gmail. com. Allied health programs coming The Lampasas County Higher Education Center has several allied health programs scheduled. Scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance. Course offerings include: • Phlebotomy: July 28 to Aug. 8, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $1,200. • CPR/AED: Aug. 2 or Nov. 8, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Cost is $50 for either class. • Nurse Aide: Aug. 4-28, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sept. 2 to Oct. 9, 5:159:30 p.m.; and Nov. 3 to Dec. 4, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Each class is $895. • Home Health Aide: Aug. 4-28, Monday through Thursday, 5:15-9:15 p.m. and Oct. 13-30, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Cost for either class is $700. • Medical Administrative Assistant: Aug. 4 to Sept. 3, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $895. • HCP/BLS: Aug. 9 or Nov. 15, 8 a.m. to noon. Cost is $50 for either class. • Pharmacy Tech Exam Prep: Aug. 25 to Oct. 6, Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to noon. Cost is $895. • Clinical Medical Assistant: Sept. 5 to Nov. 22, Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Advertising works. 512-556-6262 Cost is $2,500. • Medical Billing and Coding: Sept. 8 to Oct. 15, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $895. • Dental Assistant: Sept. 8 to Dec. 17, Mondays and Thursdays, 5:15-9:15 p.m. Cost is $2,500. • EKG Tech: Oct. 13 to Dec. 8, Mondays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cost is $1,200. For information or to register, call Melonie McCoy at 512-5568226 or e-mail melonie.mccoy@ Editor & Publisher.....................................Jim Lowe Co-Publisher.............................................Gail Lowe Managing Editor...................................Lisa Carnley News Editor............................................David Lowe Sports Editor..............................................Jeff Lowe Advertising Sales............................Teresa Thornton Graphic Design..................................Misty Thebeau Office Manager/Bookkeeper...............Brenda SmithCirculation...........................................Bill McDonald and Phillip Garrett The Lampasas Dispatch Record (ISSN87501759), is published semiweekly by Hill Country Publishing Co. Inc., 416 S. Live Oak St., Lampasas, Texas. Periodicals postage paid at Lampasas, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Lampasas Dispatch Record, P.O. Box 631, Lampasas, TX 76550-0631. Mailing address for the Lampasas Dispatch Record is P.O. Box 631, Lampasas, TX 76550-0631. Phone (512)5566262. One-year subscriptions, payable in advance, are $40.00 in Lampasas; $50.00 elsewhere in Texas; and $60.00 out-of-state. MEMBER 2014 TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION HEAD START TAKING APPLICATIONS (No Transportation Provided) Lampasas Head Start is now accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year! Head Start is a preschool offering excellent educational opportunities along with medical, dental, developmental and nutritional benefits at no cost. The Head Start approach of individualized care and guidance is well-suited to helping children with disabilities. Children between the ages of 3 and 5 may be eligible. There is no charge for participation in Head Start. Pick up your application now at the Head Start Center at 500 E. 8th Street. For more information, call your local center at 512/556-2555 or Hill Country Community Action Association at 325/372-5167. HEAD START ESTA ACEPTANDO APLICACIONES (Ningun Transporte Disponible) Lampasas Head Start esta aceptando aplicaciones para el ano 2014-2015! Head Start es una escuelita para ninos de edad 3-5 anos que califican. Head Start ofrece oportunidades excelentes para educacion y tambien beneficos de medico, dental, desarrollo, y de alimento. Head Start ofrece mucha ayuda para ninos y familias. No cuesta nada para que su nino atiende el programa de Head Start. Puede usted recojer ahora una aplicacion para solicitar un puesto en Head Start. Para mas informacion llame a la Head Start, 500 E. 8th Street, # del telefono: 512/556-2555 or Hill Country Community Action Association at 325/372-5167. MEXICAN-STYLE POT ROAST INGREDIENTS: 2 1/2—3 lb. chuck roast 2 Tbsp. vegetable oil 3 Tbsp. all-purpose flour 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. black pepper 1 cup Mexican beer (recipe tested with Corona) 1 can (10 oz.) diced tomatoes and green chilies 1 can (15 oz.) corn, drained 1 can (15 oz.) black beans, drained and rinsed 1 cup prepared pico de gallo 1 cup prepared picante sauce flour tortillas shredded Mexican cheese blend Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Heat oil in Dutch oven over medium-high heat, until hot. Combine flour, salt and pepper in sealable plastic bag. Add roast and turn to coat evenly. Place roast in hot pan. Brown on all sides. Add beer, tomatoes, corn, black beans, pico de gallo and picante sauce. Cover tightly with lid and place in preheated oven. Cook 3 to 3 1/2 hours, or until fork tender. Remove from oven, allow to cool 10-15 Tues-saT 9am-6pm minutes. Shred beef 608 FM 580 East with fork, removing Lampasas, Tx any remaining fat. Stir to incorporate all 512-556-5969 ingredients in pan. Steve & Marquette Meyer Serve on flour tortillas topped with grated Come by and see cheese. what’s for dinner. We specialize in fresh meat, custom cuts and seasonal variety. Beef • Pork • Chicken • Hamburger • Steak • And Much More
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