BVRLA News, March/April issue


BVRLA News, March/April issue
March/April 2016
The bimonthly newsletter of the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association
Budget fails to address
industry’s tax concerns
The Chancellor of the Exchequer,
George Osborne, has delivered his
eighth Budget, announcing a
number of measures that will
impact the fleet industry.
The BVRLA welcomed the continued
freezes in fuel duty, Vehicle Excise
Duty (VED) rates for HGVs, and the
Road User Levy, as well as the plan to
cut Corporation Tax to 17% by 2021.
The three-year extension on 100%
first year allowances for businesses
purchasing ultra-low emission cars was
also positively received, although the
BVRLA expressed disappointment that
this benefit continues to be denied to
companies that lease their cars.
Before the Budget, the BVRLA wrote to
HM Treasury highlighting the increasing
tax burden on company car drivers.
Demonstrating the combined effect of
the two percentage point increase in
Company Car Tax bandings from 2017,
plus the abandonment of the Chancellor’s
previous pledge to remove the additional
3% surcharge on diesel vehicles, the
BVRLA outlined how this will result in an
average tax increase per company car
driver of £626.94 in 2017-18, and £882.26
in 2018-19. This growing tax burden could
exacerbate the reduction in the number of
company car drivers, which has fallen by
30,000 since the Chancellor took office.
BVRLA Chief Executive Gerry Keaney
said: “While the decision to retain the
3% diesel supplement for the next
three years was announced in the 2015
Autumn Statement, it’s unacceptable that
the Chancellor has not seen the error
of his ways and done a U-turn in this
Budget. This punitive tax on company car
drivers penalises innocent employees for
decisions they have already made.”
The BVRLA also expressed caution at
the Chancellor’s repeated reference to
reviewing the current salary sacrifice
arrangements. Although HM Treasury
has stated its intention to maintain
the attractiveness of salary sacrifice
schemes, only childcare, cycle purchase
and pension schemes were specifically
mentioned in the Budget statement.
Further announcements are expected,
with HM Treasury considering a formal
review of salary sacrifice arrangements
ahead of this year’s Autumn Statement.
The BVRLA will meet with representatives
of the Treasury to discuss the scope of
this review, and will contact interested
members to discuss an industry response.
Keaney said: “It’s vital that the
government understands the cumulative
effect of its announcements, rather than
looking at them in isolation. The rental
and leasing industry is responsible for
more than four million vehicles and
contributes £24.9bn to the UK economy.
It relies on a fair and simple system
of taxation.” u
The BVRLA’s summary of Budget 2016 is
available at
CV Show launch for
Fair Wear & Tear Guide
Fully revised and clearer
than ever, the BVRLA’s
Industry Standard HGV
Fair Wear & Tear Guide
is ready for action.
page 4
Association talks to
Highways England
The BVRLA leads
crisis talks to address
problems dogging the
Dart Charge payment
system for crossing the
River Thames.
page 5
BVRLA policy papers
set fleet agenda
Four policy papers have
been issued to address
key areas of concern to
the industry.
page 6
Leasing survey sets
out business growth
The latest figures show
that BVRLA members’
business leasing fleet
continues to grow.
page 7
Pow! Annual Dinner
packs a punch!
The industry’s biggest
social event has already
happened: relive the
highlights here.
page 8
Training gets off to
a flying start in 2016
The BVRLA’s training
division has already
delivered several
effective courses this
year – including one
in Poland.
page 10
• Promoting responsible road transport since 1967 •
The BVRLA Broker
200 is back!
Taking place on Wednesday 18th May 2016 at Daytona
Milton Keynes, this endurance race is for a great cause. This
is a fantastic opportunity to meet up with peers and other
business contacts in a good hearted competition and raise
those much needed funds for our industry charity.
18 May 2016
Daytona Milton Keynes
For more information
and to book online visit:
The BVRLA team
Chief Executive
Gerry Keaney
01494 545716, [email protected]
Secretary to the Chief Executive
Kate McLaren
01494 545709, [email protected]
Management Accountant
Bharti Ladwa
01494 545708, [email protected]
Director of Communications
& External Relations
Toby Poston
01494 545700, [email protected]
Interim Research & Insight Manager
Manda Long
01494 545717, [email protected]
Media & Communications Officer
Jamie Fretwell
01494 545710, [email protected]
Marketing & Communications
Tamsin Stuczynska
01494 545707, [email protected]
Director of Member Services
Nora Leggett
01494 545713, [email protected]
Events Executive
Fran Hampson
01494 545703, [email protected]
Learning & Development
Duncan McMillan
01494 545719, [email protected]
Marketing & Administrative
James Mansfield
01494 545720, [email protected]
Director of Policy & Membership
Jay Parmar
01494 545706, [email protected]
Membership Manager
Greg Theaker
01494 545705, [email protected]
CRM Project Lead
Robert Burford
01494 545702, [email protected]
Senior Policy Advisor
Patrick Cusworth
01494 545712, [email protected]
By Gerry Keaney, BVRLA Chief Executive
Why the BVRLA is
not taking a position
on Brexit
With less than 100
days to go until
Britons vote on the
issue, many people
are still undecided
about whether the
UK should remain part of the
European Union or leave.
The referendum will take place
on 23 June, and some trade
bodies have already revealed their
position. More than three-quarters
of Society for Motor Manufacturers
and Traders (SMMT) members
wish for the UK to remain part of
the EU. BVRLA associate member
Grant Thornton is currently
surveying the automotive industry
on the subject as well.
As the trade body for the vehicle
rental and leasing sector, the
BVRLA is used to taking a
position on major issues, but we
won’t be doing this for the EU
referendum. At the moment there
is very little detailed analysis
of the regulatory or economic
implications and the potential risks
involved. Furthermore, we feel
the referendum is a personal
and political decision – not a
business one.
As ever, our role is to keep
members advised. This is no
different to the way we notify you
about impending changes to Vehicle
Excise Duty, benefit-in-kind tax or
the lease accounting standard.
Where we can, we will inform
members of any potential
ramifications of Britain staying
in the EU or exiting. But we will
do this by sharing information
that comes from independent
Come 23 June, it will be down
to you as individuals to use
this information to make your
own decisions.
Legal & Policy Executive
Amanda Brandon
01494 545701, [email protected]
Compliance Officer
Natasha Howard
01494 545718, [email protected]
Conciliation Service Manager
Sallie Catchpole
01494 545715, [email protected]
Conciliation Service Officer
Stephen Dix / Sarah Philp
01494 545711, [email protected] /
[email protected]
The British Vehicle Rental & Leasing Association
River Lodge, Badminton Court Amersham, Buckinghamshire HP7 0DD
Tel 01494 434747 Fax 01494 434499 Email [email protected] Web
© Copyright BVRLA 2016.
BVRLA News articles may be used copyright free by members provided that
an acknowledgement is given.
Honorary Life President Freddie Aldous
Chairman Simon Oliphant
BVRLA News | March/April 2016
Vice Chairman Peter Cakebread
Honorary Treasurer Brian Back
CV Show date for HGV Vans get their
Fair Wear & Tear Guide own forums
The BVRLA will use the
upcoming Commercial Vehicle
Show to launch the latest
version of The Industry Fair
Wear & Tear Standard for
Drivers and Operators of
Contract Hire, Rented and
Leased Vehicles over 3.5 Tonnes
GVW – or HGV Fair Wear & Tear
Guide, for short.
The aim of the guide is to
provide an industrywide standard
for fair wear and
tear on HGVs
when they are
returned to BVRLA
members. It is
hoped that greater
clarity will help keep
vehicle leasing an
attractive option for
business customers by
explaining end-of-lease
For 2016, the publication has been
simplified and aligned with the
BVRLA’s Fair Wear & Tear Guide for
leased light commercial vehicles.
Examples of acceptable fair wear
and tear include chips to painted
surfaces – as long as the diameter
of the chip is no more than 8mm and
there are no more than four on a
panel, six on a door edge and eight
on a forward-facing panel. One or
two dents of up to 15mm diameter
are acceptable on a panel, and
scratches of 25mm are acceptable
(with a maximum of four scratches
on any panel). Light scratches
(those with no burr) may be longer
on the bodywork of a trailer.
As well as the new HGV Fair
Wear & Tear Guide, the
BVRLA will also have copies
of its new Commercial
Vehicle & Minibus Code
of Conduct available at
the CV Show. BVRLA
staff will be on hand
to answer any
questions from
operators and
hire companies. u
can be found at stand
4J02 at the CV Show, which
takes place from 26-28 April at the
Birmingham NEC.
BVRLA members’ commercial
vehicle fleets are running at an
all-time high, with members
responsible for 689,508
vehicles at the end of 2015.
The growth in internet sales and
home deliveries, shortages of
professional HGV drivers, increased
regulation in the HGV sector and
restrictions surrounding clean
air in city centres have all led to
increased demand for businesses to
rent and lease vans.
For many BVRLA members,
dealing with commercial vehicle
customers is a steep learning
curve. With this in mind, the
association is to hold two van
forums this year, on 19 July and
25 October. Both will be hosted by
DAF in Thame, Oxfordshire.
To arrange to meet the BVRLA at
the show, please contact BVRLA
Membership Manager Greg Theaker.
These forums will enable members
to help their clients formulate fleet
policies to ensure compliant, safe
and efficient operations. Speakers
will discuss vehicle specification,
training and the latest telematics
products, as well as vehicle, driver
and accident management. u
Greg Theaker
01494 545705
[email protected]
Fran Hampson
01494 545703
[email protected]
TfL wants to modify London lorries
The BVRLA has called on
Transport for London (TfL) not
to implement plans that would
require lorries to have vision
panels in passenger-side doors.
In its response to a consultation
on the London transport authority’s
proposals, the association says the
panels: “will not deliver the [claimed]
road safety benefits and reduce
the driver blind spots that contribute
to accidents.”
The BVRLA also suggested that
TfL further explore electronic
devices which warn of cyclists’
and pedestrians’ proximity, and/or
devices which show a 360-degree
view around the vehicle, as if
from above.
The BVRLA objects to cities
introducing their own design-specific
road safety measures as this would
cause added costs and confusion
for operators. The association
considers such issues a matter for
the UK government through the type
approval regime and construction
and use regulations. u
Further information
The consultation can be found
online at TfL’s Consultation Hub:
The BVRLA’s response can be
found on the association’s website:
March/April 2016 | BVRLA News
VED poses
list price
Association meets with
Highways England at
Dart Charge crisis talks
The BVRLA has met with senior
officials from Highways England
(HE) and service provider Sanef
following a strongly worded
letter complaining of the poor
performance of Dart Charge –
the payment system for users
of the Dartford Crossing across
the River Thames to the east
of London.
Despite three meetings between
the BVRLA, its members and
representatives of Highways
England in the past eight months
– with representatives of Sanef in
attendance – members continue
to report increasing numbers of
Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)
being issued and mismanaged. One
member reported that it is dealing
with Dart Charge PCNs at the rate
of one every minute, resulting in a
35% increase in administrative time.
Some of the concerns raised with
HE included:
› Problems with the online Dart
Charge system currently
The BVRLA has been working
with the Driver & Vehicle
Licensing Agency (DVLA) on
how it will implement the new
Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)
regime on 1 April 2017.
registering payment against the
most recent crossing journey,
rather than the date and time
the payee intended.
› PCNs being received up to eight
months after a crossing has been
made by a customer.
› Poor customer service.
Vehicles which attract the
supplement won’t be treated
differently in terms of electronic
relicensing – the supplement will
simply be added onto the standard
VED rate.
In its letter to HE, the BVRLA
called on the government-owned
company to suspend enforcement
actions until all these issues are
resolved satisfactorily.
The letter was also copied to Andrew
Jones, the Secretary of State for
Transport, and to Louise Ellman,
the chair of the House of Commons
Transport Select Committee.
The BVRLA is hopeful that the
meeting will result in some swift
action to help members with the
stress caused by the current
system. If not, the association will
begin a press campaign for the
suspension of enforcement action.
As announced in last year’s
Summer Budget, vehicles with a
list price above £40,000 will attract
a supplement of £310 on top of
the standard VED rate in years two
through six (there is no supplement
in the first year).
The list price is the price the day
before the vehicle was registered
and includes accessories fitted
before registration.
Members should consider
advising customers who are
ordering vehicles that cost
around £38,000 and have long
lead times about the changes and
the impact any accessories may
have which will push the list price
over £40,000. u
BVRLA establishes data principles
The BVRLA has been
working with members
on a document to set out
principles for the collection
and use by manufacturers
of data from vehicles owned
or managed by leasing
The intention is to facilitate
discussions between members
and manufacturers on ‘connected
vehicles’ – those using telematics.
BVRLA News | March/April 2016
The association wants to ensure that
members’ customers are able to
enjoy the benefits of new technology
and full access to the services of
their leasing company, whilst having
appropriate data protection.
This data principles document
will be published shortly and
members will be sent a link to it
via the BVRLA’s Weekly Update
email, which is sent out every
Monday afternoon.
The BVRLA will be discussing the
issues surrounding connected
cars and data at the 2016 Fleet
Technology Congress. Taking place
on 6 July at the Williams F1 facility
in Grove, Oxfordshire, the event
– sponsored by Trak Global – will
feature a range of expert speakers.
Further information
To book a place at the Fleet
Technology Congress, visit the
BVRLA website:
BVRLA policy papers
set fleet agenda
The BVRLA has published a set
of four policy papers, following
its series of roundtable events
in 2015.
The papers focus on the themes
of air quality, business car
taxation, intelligent mobility and
vehicle safety. They include policy
recommendations agreed by
members and stakeholders from the
fleet sector aimed at safer, greener
and more cost-efficient motoring.
The Business Car Taxation paper,
which partly informed the BVRLA’s
submission ahead of the Budget in
March, includes recommendations
such as reforming benefit-in-kind
(BIK) ratings, with greater detail on
incentives for the take-up of lower
emission vehicles. This would ensure
tax policy is more closely aligned
with depreciation of the vehicle, as
well as improving fairness for drivers
of greener cars.
The paper also highlights the
growing tax burden on company car
drivers as a result of the Chancellor’s
two percentage point increase in
Company Car Tax, as well as the
abandonment of his previous pledge
to remove the 3% surcharge on
diesel vehicles in 2016.
The Vehicle Safety paper recommends
that the government further
encourage the take-up of Autonomous
Emergency Braking (AEB), given its
demonstrable record in reducing road
accidents, especially those under
40mph. As AEB is already mandatory
for all newly registered HGVs, the
BVRLA also recommends that the
government consider making AEB
mandatory for all new cars and vans.
In Air Quality, the BVRLA supports
the proposal by the Department for
Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
(Defra) for a National Framework to
provide guidance to cities across the
UK considering bringing in a Clean
Air (or Low Emission) Zone. However,
it also emphasises that such a
framework provide consistency
and certainty, and give sufficient
notice for fleet operators to make
vehicle purchase decisions without
unnecessary financial penalties.
The paper also highlights the
importance of the continuation of
the Plug-in Car Grant to encourage
take-up of electric vehicles, as
well as in-life incentives to provide
confidence to the still-growing used
vehicle market.
The Intelligent Mobility paper
emphasises the importance of
establishing a common set of
data standards and metrics for
connected and autonomous
vehicles. It suggests that the
government appoint a new specialist
Commissioner on vehicle data.
The BVRLA has sent copies of the
four papers to government ministers
and senior policymakers across
Whitehall, including HM Treasury,
HMRC, Defra, and the Department
for Business, Innovation & Skills.
The association plans to meet
with representatives from these
departments to discuss the policy
recommendations as well as the
research and experience which
contributed to them. u
Further information
The four policy papers can be
read online at the BVRLA website:
March/April 2016 | BVRLA News
Leasing survey sets out business growth
BVRLA members’ business
leasing fleet stood at 1.29 million
vehicles at the end of the last
quarter of 2015 (Q4).
The latest quarterly survey of the
BVRLA’s leasing members found that
the leasing fleet is still growing. Cars
experienced growth of 3.5% over
the period from Q4-2014 to Q4-2015,
while van volumes increased by
10.5% over the same period.
Almost one in 20 of all new leased
cars registered in the final quarter
of 2015 was a plug-in. This exceeded
the market penetration achieved
across all new registrations, which
stood at 1.3%, according to the
Society of Motor Manufacturers
and Traders.
Across 2015, 4% of BVRLA leasing
members’ new additions were plugin vehicles, compared to 1.1% of all
new vehicles registered in 2015.
Average CO2
emissions in 2015
Whole fleet emissions
remained stable at
117.8g/km CO2, with
new registrations
returning the lowest
ever levels: 112.2g/km
CO2. The average lease
car added to a BVRLA
member fleet in 2015
emitted just 112.6g/km
CO2, more than 7% less
than the average new
car registered in 2015.
Market share
of new plug-in
cars in 2015
Furthermore, more than
25% of all lease cars now
sit in Vehicle Excise Duty
(VED) band A (sub 100g/
km CO2), with a further
20% in Band B. u
To ensure your
company’s figures are
included in these reports,
contact BVRLA Interim
Research & Insight
Manager, Manda Long:
(Sub-100g/km CO2)
Manda Long
01494 545717
[email protected]
Survey says leisure trips rule rental market
Personal renters answering the
BVRLA’s 2015 Rental Behaviour
Survey said that the main
reasons they hire cars are to
visit family and friends, for
holidays, and for day trips.
Rental cars had higher occupancies
than private cars, amongst the
personal renters surveyed, with the
average vehicle occupancy while
renting being 2.2 people. Nearly
three-quarters of survey respondents
(74%) said their rental vehicles were
small or medium cars. u
BVRLA News | March/April 2016
visiting family or friends
day trips or special occasion20.5%
general activities
work travel for meetings etc15.5%
link to another means of transport 8.7%
work travel
transporting goods or property
medical appointment
With a line-up including TV legend Jeremy Paxman and stand-up comedian Jimmy McGhie,
this year’s BVRLA Annual Dinner really packed a punch…
Taking place at the London Hilton
on Park Lane in March, the event
saw more than 950 guests enjoying
a wonderful evening of food, wine
and entertainment.
Dinner attendees not only networked
on the night, but they also donated
£8,954 to automotive industry
charity BEN – so with gift aid the
charity received over £11,900.
The guests
One lucky diner won an iPad in the
prize draw as well.
The BVRLA would like to
thank all guests for attending,
and acknowledge the sponsors
of the event: CCAS, Enterprise
Rent-A-Car, Lombard, moDrive,
MS Automotive (London) Ltd,
Paragon Automotive, VRS and
Volkswagen UK. u
People from BVRLA member companies big and small
attended the dinner, reinforcing the event’s position as the
social highlight of the rental and leasing industry’s calendar.
To register your interest in attending
the BVRLA’s 2017 Annual Dinner,
please contact BVRLA Events
Executive Fran Hampson.
Fran Hampson
01494 545703
[email protected]
The Chief Executive
Gerry Keaney welcomed
attendees to the Dinner and
highlighted the association’s
success in the last 12 months.
March/April 2016 | BVRLA News
The Inquisitor
The Chairman
Award-winning journalist Jeremy Paxman recalled
stories from his 25-year tenure on Newsnight.
It was Simon Oliphant’s first time hosting the BVRLA
Dinner, but he didn’t disappoint.
The Players
The Joker
The after-dinner get together
(sponsored by Volkswagen UK)
featured a casino, where the
roulette table proved popular.
Acclaimed stand-up comedian
Jimmy McGhie entertained the
audience with his quick wit and
observational humour.
Award winners
BVRLA Chief Executive
Gerry Keaney said:
“Our awards
recognise the very
best individuals in
the rental and leasing
industry. Whether it’s the
top performers from our
accreditation and training
courses, or the Industry
Heroes who have gone above
and beyond the call of duty,
our winners are excellent
ambassadors for our sector.”
Arnold Clark
Car & Van Rental
in Aberdeen
Rental Operator
of the Year
Activa Contracts
Industry Hero
Car Rentals
Industry Hero
BVRLA News | March/April 2016
Hitachi Capital
Vehicle Solutions
Industry Hero
Andrew Smith
CCAS (Awards Sponsor)
Managing Director
Volkswagen Financial
Services (UK) Limited
Fleet Consultant
Development Award
The Industry Achievement
Awards, sponsored by BVRLA
associate member CCAS,
were presented to the top
performers from BVRLA
training or assessments during
The Industry Hero Awards
rewarded stars of the sector,
nominated by their co-workers.
Stokenchurch Feb ’16: Selling, Regulation and Compliance for Leasing Brokers
Training gets off to a
flying start in 2016
The BVRLA’s training division
has extended its services into
Europe by delivering a successful
Selling Contract Hire programme
in Poland.
The Introduction to Daily Vehicle
Rental course provided delegates
with a sound foundation for all frontline employees involved in the daily
vehicle rental business.
BVRLA Chairman Simon Oliphant
is also Chairman of Hitachi Capital
Vehicle Solutions. He worked
with the association’s providers
at Grosvenor Training Services to
create a training course for the
company’s sales team in Poland.
The Selling, Regulation and
Compliance for Leasing Brokers
course remains popular, with
attendees learning about the skills,
knowledge and technical expertise
required to work as a leasing broker
in today’s heavily regulated market. u
Lilly Santosh from the Hitachi
Capital Newbury office and course
facilitator Karen Morton flew
to Warsaw to deliver the new
programme in January.
For more information about the
BVRLA’s training courses, contact
Learning & Development Professional
Duncan McMillan.
Closer to home, the BVRLA hosted
two training courses in Stokenchurch,
Buckinghamshire, in February.
Duncan McMillan
01494 545719
[email protected]
and safety
are tougher
Companies that breach health
and safety laws face fines of up
to £20m after new sentencing
guidelines came into force on
1 February 2016.
The move is intended to ensure
that large organisations pay higher
fines, with penalties having been
brought more closely into line with
those for economic crimes such as
competition law breaches.
The guidelines set out procedures
that take into consideration the
degree of harm caused, the
turnover of the organisation
involved and the culpability of
the offender.
In light of this, the BVRLA
reminds members to ensure
that employees who drive for
work have their driving licences
checked regularly. u
Further information
For the BVRLA Driver Licence Check
New (and familiar) faces join the BVRLA
The BVRLA is delighted to
announce two additions to the
Member Services team.
After a short sabbatical, Fran
Hampson has returned to the
association as Events Executive.
Members can contact her for all
events queries: from forums and
seminars to conferences and
social events.
Industry newcomer Duncan
McMillan has joined as Learning
& Development Professional.
While not as well
known to BVRLA
members as
Fran, Duncan has
considerable experience
of working in the life
insurance broking sector,
which is also a regulated
sales environment
for consumers.
Duncan is now taking
bookings for the
BVRLA’s training and
accreditation courses.
Fran Hampson
01494 545703
[email protected]
Duncan McMillan
01494 545719
[email protected]
Fran and Duncan: boosting the BVRLA team
March/April 2016 | BVRLA News
New members
121 Rental (London)
Blakedale (Lancashire)
Go Drive (Essex)
H & H Van Hire (London)
Otis Vehicle Rentals (West Midlands)
Parkers Car & Truck Rental
(West Sussex)
Prestige Carriages (London)
Priority Hire (Bromsgrove)
Specialised Hire Solutions (Essex)
Super Van & Superbike Rental (Essex)
Professional Fleet Consultant
Development Programme
4-5 May & 28-29 June
This course aligns the rental and
leasing sales functions to the
requirements of fleet managers.
Leasing/Contract Hire
VMS (Fleet Management) (Hertfordshire)
Leasing Broker
21st Century Motors (Lancashire)
Genus Vehicle Solutions (Stirling)
A & W Fleet Solutions (Hampshire)
GVE London (Middlesex)
AMG Autolease (Doncaster)
Hamborough Enterprises (Oxfordshire)
Andrew Mole (Kent)
KG Vehicle Solutions (Glasgow)
Ash Vehicle Contracts (Hampshire)
Lindsay Finance (Nottingham)
Commercial Finance & Leasing
New Car Leasing Company LLP
(West Sussex)
Company Vehicle Solutions
(Llandudno Junction)
New Star Leasing (Derbyshire)
Economy Leasing UK (Essex)
Premier Leasing Options (Cheshire)
E-Drive West Midlands (Shropshire)
Proleasing (Watlington)
EFL Vehicles (Lancashire)
Radar Finance and Leasing (Derbyshire)
FFVM (Wiltshire)
Renascence Vehicle Leasing
Fleet Elite Vehicle Management
Selling Contract Hire
27-28 April, Stokenchurch
For sales professionals who oversee
vehicle fleets. Delegates will learn
the benefits and opportunities of
contract hire products and services.
Phrasers (Perthshire)
WestWon (Buckinghamshire)
Introduction to Daily Vehicle Rental
1-2 June
These two days of training provide
a sound foundation for customer
service in daily vehicle rental.
It provides a good grounding for
employees who are new to the
business and need clear, relevant
information to get them started.
Duncan McMillan
01494 545719
[email protected]
New associate members
Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank
For over
175 years,
and Yorkshire
Bank has served and supported the
community. Today it has 300 retail
branches and 40 Business & Private
Banking Centres to support its
growing customer base in the UK.
Its specialist teams with industry
experience and knowledge can add
real value when developing the
growth plans of businesses in the
vehicle rental and leasing sector.
Lloyds Bank
Since its
foundation on
3 June 1765,
Lloyds Bank
has been serving the households,
businesses and communities of
Britain. In 2015, the company
celebrated 250 years of helping
people with the things that
matter most to them. It offers a
comprehensive range of financial
products and services – including
current accounts, savings,
mortgages, loans and credit cards.
Miles Smith
Miles Smith
offers specialist and niche
products to help protect members’
businesses, and offers advice
on vehicle rental insurance. As
a Lloyds insurance broker with
chartered insurance status, the
company is well placed to develop
insurance solutions for the rental
industry. Its risk management and
in-house claims services ensure
that members get the best cover.
BVRLA Events
CV Show
BVRLA Broker 200 Kart Race Industry Forum sponsored by M&P Insurance Solutions
Technical & Operational Management Forum
The NEC, Birmingham
Daytona Milton Keynes
DW Stadium, Wigan
MG Motor, Longbridge
26-28 April
18 May
19 May
7 June
For details contact BVRLA Events Executive Fran Hampson: 01494 545703, [email protected]
Full details of all BVRLA events can be found online:
BVRLA News | March/April 2016
Fleet Technology
Wednesday 6th July – Williams F1 Conference Centre, Grove, Oxfordshire
Sponsored by
Working with
Fleet Technology
Next Generation
Supply Chain
What should fleets expect from
future vehicle powertrains,
autonomous systems and
connected services?
What are the SMR, data
compliance, security and risk
implications of connected,
autonomous and electric
How are our automotive
industry partners moving with
the times?
Find out more at
Promoting responsible road transport