Drainage Identification, Analysis and Mapping System (DIAMS)


Drainage Identification, Analysis and Mapping System (DIAMS)
Drainage Identification,
Analysis and Mapping Project
Dr. Jay N. Meegoda, PE
Professor of Civil & Env. Eng.
New Jersey Institute of Tech.
Newark, NJ 07102-1982
Drainage Identification,
Analysis and Mapping Project
NJDOT Research Project Manager:
Ms. Stefanie Potapa
NJDOT Research Customer:
Ms. Nancy Ciaruffoli and Mr. Andrew Tunnard
Research Team:
Drs. Meegoda, Juliano, Potts, Tang, and Marhaba,
Mr. Liu and Mr. Bell of NJIT
Dr. Guo of Rutgers
Collapse of New York State Thruway (I-88) due to culvert
failure on June 28, 2006 (New York State Police Photo)
Asset Management 101
• Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 34 (GASB
34) requires that state and local governments report the value of their
infrastructure assets
o Phase I- Need to locate and catalogue all assets
o Phase II- Need to present the current value of infrastructure
• Value of infrastructure asset depends on remaining service life
• Remaining service life is based on current condition state
GASB 34 Requires Utilities to:
• Maintain an up-to-date inventory of eligible infrastructure assets.
• Perform condition assessments of eligible infrastructure assets at least
every three years, using a replicable basis of measurement and
measurement scale.
• Summarize the results, noting any factors that may influence trends in
the information reported.
• Estimate each year the annual amount to maintain and preserve the
eligible infrastructure assets at or above a prescribed level.
• Compare the estimated maintenance cost of infrastructure assets at or
above the established condition level based on amounts spent during
each of the past five reporting periods.
Management of Underground
• Inventory and Health Monitoring
o Condition State
• Valuation and Maintenance of Value
o Remaining service life and value
• Financial Analysis
o Cost of rehabilitation/repair or replacement and user cost of
• Return on Investment
o Prioritize the action
• User Costs and Charges
o Way to raise funds, manage assets including equity implications
• Customer Satisfaction and Goodwill
o Final objective of any service provided
Typical Health Monitoring and Instrumentation for Pipes
DIAMS – Background
• DIAMS integrates drainage asset data obtained from field
inspections into a comprehensive information, analysis and mapping
system for electronically documenting, monitoring, and managing
these assets.
• DIAMS manages the database of culvert and storm drain pipe asset
inventories to assist with verifying locations, tracking condition
states, assessing performance, scheduling inspection and
maintenance activities, and selecting and budgeting rehabilitation
and replacement jobs.
DIAMS – User Interfaces
DIAMS Home Screen
Home Screen
The Asset identification interface consists of four sets of data
review/edit forms and several functional sub-forms:
Asset Identification Interface
Home Screen
Asset Identification
The Structure Data Form displays Inlet/Outlet structure IDs, their
attributes and inspection results. Using the drop-down boxes, users
can search a particular structure record using Route, Milepost and
Structure ID.
Inlet/Outlet Structure Data Module
Home Screen
Asset Identification
The Pipe Data Form displays Pipe Segment, Inlet/Outlet nodes, pipe
attributes, inspection results and condition states. Users can search a
particular pipe record using Route, Milepost and Inlet/Outlet nodes
Pipe Data Form
Home Screen
Asset Identification
• The lower portion of the Pipe Data Form lists all related
inspection information of the selected pipe segment record;
including comments, photo file names, and movie file names.
• Users can edit data fields on this form; fill-in missing data; and
click the ‘Update Record’ button to save changes.
• Clicking the underlined movie name in ‘Video Link’ will link to its
video file if it has been stored in the ‘image’ folder under the
application path. The linked movie file will automatically play
with the local system media player as shown below.
Pipe Data Form
Home Screen
Asset Identification
The Pipe Assessment Form summarizes the pipe’s material type,
current condition, treatment cost, and relevant date information for
users to make operational decisions such as if the pipe needs
inspection or rehabilitation treatment.
Pipe Assessment Form
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Pipe Assessment
Pipe Treatment Decision-Making
DIAMS will automatically calculate the standardized pipe treatment costs for
the current pipe segment under review; according to 1) pipe age 2)
condition state 3) segment length 4) diameter and 5) pipe material
type, (e.g., Cost of New installation, Cost of Inspection/Cleaning cost, Cost
of Rehabilitation and Cost of Replacement).
Standardized costs are calculated based on the 2011 NJDOT Engineer’s
Estimate – Maintenance Drainage Repair Contract unit costs. The unit
cost table is a template which can be modified at any time in the DIAMS
settings based on previous year’s bids, working experiences etc.
Additionally, new contract items can be added or deleted if not used.
Itemized treatment costs may also be set by the user for the particular pipe.
DIAMS will use the existing values until they have been changed.
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Pipe Assessment
If further refinements for estimated treatment costs are required,
click ‘Estimate Costs’ button to open the Cost Estimation Form to
make cost justification. Knowing the actual total treatment costs,
users can directly input these total costs into the cost fields on the
form. Or, click one of the ‘Help’ buttons next to the cost fields to
bring up a cost analysis template form.
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Pipe Assessment
Help menu: Pipe Replacement Cost Estimate
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Pipe Assessment
This template form will guide users to consider relevant cost
components in estimating pipe treatment costs.
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Pipe Assessment
In cases when both the pipe current condition state and pipe age are
known, the Treatment Techniques Form will open. This form displays the
system recommended techniques, and the current and improved condition
states that are retrieved from the treatment policy tables. Users can
select the desired technique listed in the sub-form.
Treatment Techniques
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Pipe Assessment
In the Treatment Justification Form, DIAMS will automatically compare the treatment
technique costs and notify the user if the selected action is justified. The user can
make a choice to either accept the system recommendation or reject. There may be
several actions justified. Only one action can be selected. If a justified action is
selected, the recommend treatment technique will be saved in the decision comment
text box and transferred back to the database. The decision will show up on the Pipe
Assessment Form for the user to review.
Treatment Cost Justification Form
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Pipe Assessment
Financial Analysis Module
After the treatment techniques for the pipe segments have been
determined, the user can define ‘maintenance projects’. Here, a
‘maintenance project’ is defined as a group of pipe treatment jobs
to be considered within a certain allocated total budget.
With DIAMS, users can search the optimal or near optimal
solutions for the budget allocation among these pipe treatment
jobs. The pipe assessment and optimization process are the core
components of DIAMS pipe financial analysis module.
Home Screen
Financial Analysis
Pipe Project Optimization
• The Pipe Project Optimization Form consists of four
major components:
1. The system evaluates the Project Input Data and
summarizes its major attributions:
a. How many pipe segments are in the project?
b. What is the total capital required by their treatment
c. How many are pre-fixed jobs as well as the
minimum required capital for these pre-fixed jobs?
2. In the upper sub-form, the Project Input Data Set is
displayed. In the lower sub-form, the solution results will
be displayed after running calculation algorithms. At the
bottom, a short label will state the final solution summary
Home Screen
Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis User Interface
Home Screen
Financial Analysis
Define Network Group
Pipe segments assigned treatment techniques will be listed on the
form. Pipes that were already treated or those with decisions of ‘Not
Determined’ or ‘Do nothing’ are omitted.
Users can select a group of pipes as the elements of a project by
clicking the box under ‘Selected’. Users can also decide if some of the
selected segments must be included in the optimal solution regardless
of their treatment cost by checking ‘Pre-fixed’.
Home Screen
Financial Analysis
Define Network Group
Review Input Data
• After a project has been defined, click ‘Review Input
Data’ button on the ‘Financial Analysis Module Form’ to
review the project input data set. Users can make last
minute changes on the input data review form and send
the confirmed input data set to optimization solution
Home Screen
Financial Analysis
Review Input Data
Optimized Solution
Home Screen
Financial Analysis
Optimize Budget
Financial Analysis Sample Solution Report
Specific layout and contents can be modified to meet customer requirements.
Home Screen
Financial Analysis
Generate Report
Stormwater Devices
There are two (2) stormwater data modules in the DIAMS:
1. MTD Data Entry module for MTD records data entry and data
2. MTD Data Review module for users to register/view/edit
complete related MTD information in detail (e.g., device history)
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Stormwater Devices - MTD Data Entry
• The MTD Data Entry form contains all 160 current NJDOT
inspected stormwater device asset data, inspection data and
major maintenance records.
• Information is contained in sub-forms under the following
three tabs:
o Device General Info.
o (i.e. location map, GPS coordinates, manufacturer
designated sediment cleanout depth)
o Inspection Information
o (i.e. latest inspection, measurements and photos)
o Maintenance Information
o (i.e. Cleanout/Repair/Replacement photos)
• Users can either look up MTD records by Route & Milepost or
Device ID (as assigned by NJDOT)
Home Screen
Asset Identification
MTD Data Entry
Home Screen
Asset Identification
MTD Data Entry
Inspection Information form
Home Screen
Asset Identification
MTD Data Entry
Home Screen
Asset Identification
MTD Data Entry
Stormwater Devices
Home Screen
Asset Identification
MTD Data Review
Stormwater Devices
Home Screen
Asset Identification
MTD Data Review
• The DIAM system has an Outfall module containing information
of all current 1,526 NJDOT inspected Outfall records statewide
o Users can look up Outfall records by first selecting a Route
(e.g., RT10),
o Next, select nearest Milepost for location of interest (e.g., 1)
o And finally selecting an available outfall at an exact
milepost location (e.g., OUTFALL.RT10E.0.655) to display
the outfall asset record and most recent inspection data.
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Outfalls Inspection Report
Home Screen
Asset Identification
Data Uploading Module
• The Data Uploading Module provides the functionality for users to
upload Vendor Pipe Inspection Databases (Access 2000 format) into
DIAMS database
• The module will permit automatic appending of valid data records
from a source database (i.e. Inspection DVDs).
• Current valid databases include Mount Construction Inc., National
Water Main Cleaning Co. and Fred Cook, Inc. Any unqualified
records will be disregarded.
• DIAM system QA/QC procedures will alert users if they provide
inaccurate or missing critical data and they will be asked to
Home Screen
Data Uploading
Inspection Data Uploading Module
Home Screen
Data Uploading
Summary and Conclusions
A drainage identification, analysis and mapping system that will comply
with both requirements stipulated by the Governmental Accounting
Standards Board (GASB-34) and new federal storm water regulations was
It maintains an up-to-date inventory of eligible infrastructure assetspipes, inlet/outlet structures, manufactured treatment devices and
It consists of three major computer software components: databases,
user interfaces, and a data administration module.
It contains a financial analysis module capable of analyzing decisions to
inspect, rehabilitate/replace or do nothing at both project and network
At the project level this is achieved by comparing inspection and/or
rehabilitation/replacement costs with risks and costs associated with
At the network level, the associated costs are optimized to meet annual
maintenance budget allocations by prioritizing culverts needing
inspection and rehabilitation/replacement
It has an online data submission and quality control module for
inspection data.