LHC forward experiment : LHCf
LHC forward experiment : LHCf
LHC forward experiment : LHCf Hiroaki MENJO (KMI, Nagoya University, Japan) On behalf of the LHCf collaboration HESZ2013, Nagoya Univ., Japan, 02 -04 March Contents Large Hadron Collider q Introduction q The -The most powerful accelerator on the earth- LHCf experiment -An LHC forward experimentq Recent results Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays What is the most powerful accelerator in the Universe ? - Forward photon energy spectra at 900GeV and 7TeV p-p - Forward π0 spectra q Recent & Future Operation q Summary SppS Tevatron LHC The LHCf collaboration T.Iso, Y.Itow, K.Kawade, Y.Makino, K.Masuda, Y.Matsubara, E.Matsubayashi, G.Mitsuka, Y.Muraki, T.Sako Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute, Nagoya University, Japan Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan H.Menjo K.Yoshida K.Kasahara, Y.Shimizu, T.Suzuki, S.Torii Waseda University, Japan Kanagawa University, Japan Ecole Polytechnique, France LBNL, Berkeley, USA T.Tamura M.Haguenauer W.C.Turner O.Adriani, L.Bonechi, M.Bongi, R.D’Alessandro, M.Grandi, P.Papini, S.Ricciarini, G.Castellini K.Noda, A.Tricomi J.Velasco, A.Faus A-L.Perrot INFN, Univ. di Firenze, Italy INFN, Univ. di Catania, Italy IFIC, Centro Mixto CSIC-UVEG, Spain CERN, Switzerland Introduction HECRs Extensive air shower observation • longitudinal distribution • lateral distribution • Arrival direction Air shower development Astrophysical parameters • Spectrum • Composition • Source distribution Xmax distribution measured by AUGER Xmax the depth of air shower maximum. An indicator of CR composition Uncertainty of hadron interaction models > Error of <Xmax> measurement 1018 4 1019 Auger Coll. ICRC2011 ① Inelastic cross section If large σ rapid development If small σ deep penetrating ④ 2ndary interactions nucleon, π ② Forward energy spectrum If softer shallow development If harder deep penetrating ③ Inelasticity k= 1-plead/pbeam If large k (π0s carry more energy) rapid development If small k ( baryons carry more energy) deep penetrating 5 (relevant to Nµ ) The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) pp 7TeV+7TeV è Elab = 1017eV pp 3.5TeV+3.5TeV è Elab = 2.6x1016eV pp 450GeV+450GeV è Elab = 2x1014eV 2014- Key parameters for air shower developments q CMS/TOTEM q q Total cross section ↔ TOTEM, ATLAS, CMS Multiplicity ↔ Central detectors Inelasticity/Secondary spectra ↔ Forward calorimeters LHCf, ZDCs ALICE LHCb/MoEDAL ATLAS/LHCf 6 The LHCf experiment LHCf Detector(Arm#1) ATLAS Two independent detectors at either side of IP1 ( Arm#1, Arm#2 ) 140m Beam pipe Protons Charged particles (+) Neutral particles Charged particles (-) 96mm TAN -‐Neutral Par-cle Absorber-‐ transi-on from one common beam pipe to two pipes 7 Slot : 100mm(w) x 607mm(H) x 1000mm(T) The LHCf Detectors Sampling and Positioning Calorimeters • W (44 r.l , 1.7λI ) and Scintillator x 16 Layers • 4 positioning layers XY-SciFi(Arm1) and XY-Silicon strip(Arm#2) • Each detector has two calorimeter towers, which allow to reconstruct π0 Expected Performance Energy resolution (> 100GeV) < 5% for photons 30% for neutrons Position resolution < 200µm (Arm#1) 40µm (Arm#2) Arm2 32mm 25mm Front Counter • thin scintillators with 80x80mm2 • To monitor beam condition. • For background rejection of beam-residual gas collisions by coincidence analysis 40mm 20mm 8 Arm1 Arm1 Arm2 IP1,ATLAS 92mm 90mm 9 LHCf can measure Front view of calorimeters @ 100µrad crossing angle Energy spectra and Transverse momentum distbu7on of • Gamma-‐rays (E>100GeV,dE/E<5%) • Neutral Hadrons (E>a few 100 GeV, dE/E~30%) • π0 (E>600GeV, dE/E<3%) beam pipe shadow 8.5 ∞ at pseudo-‐rapidity range >8.4 Mul7plicity@14TeV η Energy Flux @14TeV High energy flux !! Low multiplicity !! 10 simulated by DPMJET3 Results from √s = 900 GeV and 7 TeV p-p data “ Measurement of zero degree single photon energy spectra for √s = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC “ O. Adriani, et al., PLB, Vol.703-2, p.128-134 (09/2011) “Measurement of zero degree inclusive photon energy spectra for √s = 900 GeV proton-proton collisions at LHC“ O. Adriani, et al., Submitted to PLB.,CERN-PH-EP-2012-048 “Measurement of forward neutral pion transverse momentum spectra for √s = 7TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC” O. Adriani, et al., Submitted to PRD, arXiv:1205.4578 Operation in 2009-2010 At 450GeV+450GeV p-p • 06 Dec. –15 Dec. in 2009 27.7 hours for physics, 2.6 hours for commissioning ~2,800 and ~3,700 shower events in Arm1 and Arm2 • 02 May – 27 May in 2010 ~15 hours for physics ~44,000 and ~63,000 shower events in Arm1 and Arm2 At 3.5TeV+3.5TeV p-p • 30 Mar. – 19 July in 2010 ~ 150 hours for physics with several setup With zero crossing angle and with 100µrad crossing angle. ~2x108 and ~2x108 shower events in Arm1 and Arm2 Operation at √s = 900GeV and 7TeV has been completed successfully. The detectors has been removed from the LHC tunnels at July 2010, and will be upgraded for the future operations. 12 Event sample Longitudinal development measured by scintillator layers 25mm Tower 32mm Tower è600GeV è420GeV photon photon Total Energy deposit èEnergy Shape èPID Lateral distribution measured by silicon detectors X-view Hit position, Multi-hit search. Y-view π0 mass reconstruction from two photon. M π 0 = Eγ 1Eγ 2 ⋅ θ Systematic studies Photon spectra at √s = 7 TeV p-p LHCf Collaboration / Physics Letters B 703 (2011) 128–134 8.81<η<8.9 q q Pseudo-rapidity, η>10.94 and 8.81<η<8.9 The spectra of two detectors are consistent within the errors. η>10.94 Arm1 Arm2 Fig. 1. Cross sections of the calorimeters seen from IP1, left for Arm1 and right for Arm2. The origin of the coordinates is defined as the zero degree collis ideal case while the stars indicate the actual zero degree found in the experimental data. The shaded area over Y = 40 mm is behind the projection of th case of 0 beam crossing angle where the calorimeters are insensitive to the collision products. Dashed lines in the calorimeters indicate the boarder of the as described in Section 3.1 and the dark areas indicate common rapidity ranges of the two Arms selected to obtain the final spectra. measure the neutral particle production cross sections at very forward collision angles of LHC proton–proton collisions, including zero degrees. When the LHC reaches its designed goal of 14 TeV collision energy, the energy in the equivalent laboratory frame will be 1017 eV, a factor of one thousand increase compared to previous accelerator data in the very forward regions [8,9]. Two detectors, called Arm1 and Arm2, have been installed in the instrumentation slots of the TANs (Target Neutral Absorbers) located ±140 m from the ATLAS interaction point (IP1) and at zero degree collision angle. Inside a TAN the beam vacuum chamber makes a Y shaped transition from a single common beam tube facing the IP to two separate beam tubes joining to the arcs of LHC. Charged particles from the IP are swept aside by the inner beam separation dipole D1 before reaching the TAN so only neutral particles are incident on the LHCf detectors. This unique location covers the pseudo-rapidity range from 8.7 (8.4 in case of the operation with the maximum beam crossing angle) to infinity (zero degrees). Each detector has two sampling and imaging calorimeters composed of 44 radiation lengths (1.55 hadron interaction lengths) of tungsten and 16 sampling layers of 3 mm thick plastic scintillators. The transverse sizes of the calorimeters are 20 mm × 20 mm and 40 mm × 40 mm in Arm1, and 25 mm × 25 mm and 32 mm × 32 mm in Arm2. The smaller calorimeters cover the zero degree collision angle. The cross sections of the calorimeters seen from IP1 are illustrated in Fig. 1. Four X–Y layers of position sensitive detectors (scintillating fiber, SciFi, belts in Arm1 and silicon micro-strip sensors in Arm2; 1 mm and 0.16 mm readout pitches, respectively) are inserted in order to provide transverse positions of the showers. The LHCf detec- Arm1 detector Arm2 detector MC predictions of several hadron interaction models and summarized in Section 6. 2. Data Data used in this analysis was √ obtained on 15 M ing proton–proton collisions at s = 7 TeV with zero crossing angle (LHC Fill 1104). The total luminosity crossing bunches in this fill, L = (6.3–6.5) × 1028 cm vided ideal operating conditions as discussed in Sectio that were taken during a luminosity optimization scan nated from the analysis. The trigger for LHCf events w at three levels. The first level trigger (L1T) was gen beam pickup signals (BPTX) when a bunch passed IP trigger was generated when signals from any success lation layers in any calorimeter exceeded a predefine Then the second level trigger for shower events (L2TA when the data acquisition system was armed. The th chosen to achieve >99% efficiency for >100 GeV p were recorded with the third level trigger (L3T) when types of second level triggers (pedestal, laser calibratio combined. Examples of the longitudinal and lateral de electromagnetic showers observed in the Arm2 detect in Fig. 2. In this case two electromagnetic showers fro into two photons are shown, with each photon strik ent calorimeter of the Arm2 detector. The generation and L3T triggers, and hence the data recording, wer independently for the Arm1 and Arm2 detectors. Dat was carried out under 85.7% (Arm1) and 67.0% (Arm2) Photon spectra at √s = 7 TeV p-p Data Sys.+Stat. DPMJET 3.04 QGSJETII-03 SIBYLL 2.1 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 • No model can reproduce the LHCf data perfectly. • DPMJET and PYTHIA are in good agreement Eγ<1.5TeV, but harder in E>1.5TeV. • QGSJET and SIBYLL shows reasonable agreement of shapes in high-η but not in low-η • EPOS has less η dependency against the LHCf data. Photon spectra at √s = 900 GeV p-p Data Sys.+Stat. MC/Data DPMJET 3.04 QGSJETII-03 SIBYLL 2.1 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 • Both of Data and MC show little η dependency. • The tendencies of MC against Data are very similar to one of 7 TeV in η > 10.94. DATA : Comp. 900GeV/7TeV Coverage of 900GeV and 7TeV results in Feynman-X and PT XF spectra : 900 GeV data vs. 7 TeV data Preliminary Arm1-Data Preliminary 900GeV vs. 7TeV with the same PT region Data 2010 at √s=900GeV (Normalized number Data 2010byatthe √s=7TeV of(η>10.94) entries in XF > 0.1) Data 2010 at √s=7TeV (η>10.94) Data 2010 at √s=900GeV Small tower : 22.6% Large tower : 77.4% Scaling factor : 0.1 Good agreement of XF spectrum shape between 900 GeV and 7TeV. èweak dependence of <pT> on ECMS Note : No systematic error is considered in both collision energies. 21% of the luminosity determination error allows vertical shift. 1 d inel dXF ⇥<limited / i • Good agreement of each XF scali dependence of <pT> on ECMS. π0 analysis 140m θ γ2(E2) Eπ 0 = Eγ 1 + Eγ 2 , I.P.1 PT π 0 = PT γ 1 + PT γ 2 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 300 T 0.4 0.4 -4 10-4 0.3 0.3 100 0 80 10 E=E= 0.2 0.2 1T1eTe VV 0.1 0.1 100 120 140 160 180 Reconstructed mγ γ [MeV/c2] 00 99 -3 eVV 2TTe EE==2 0.4 0.4 -2 -3 -3 eV 2TTeV E=2 E= 0.5 0.5 200 -2 -2 eV 3T eV EE==3T 400 9.0 < y < 9.2 ∫ Ldt=2.53nb 1 T LHCf-Arm1 s=7TeV, -1 p [GeV/c] p T[GeV/c] 500 Acceptance - PTfound. A chi-sq tically significantRapidity difference was 1 1 of the corrected spectra based on the default 10 0.9 LHCf Arm1 LHCfensures Arm2 the 10ch function true spectra LHCf Arm1against10 the 0.9 LHCf Arm2 0.8than 60 %. Thus it is co probability is greater 0.8 0.7 used in this analysis the that with the method 0.7 10 significant bias and the 0.6 statistical uncertainty is 10 10 0.6 quoted. 0.5 0.5 eV 3TeV E=3T E= Events / (1 MeV/c2) Mass reconstructed from photon pairs pp [GeV/c] T [GeV/c] R R 140 m θ= γ1(E1) Mass, energy and transverse momentum are reconstructed from the energies and impact positions of photon pairs measured by each calorimeter M π 0 = Eγ 1 Eγ 2θ 2 , 0.3 0.3 -4 10 -5 0.1 0.1 E.1010 Acceptance correction 00 -5 -5 9.5 9.5 10 EE= 0.2 =1T1Te 0.2 eVV 10 10 10.5 11 10.5 11 Rapidity Rapidity 99 9.5 9.5 1010 10.5 10.5 1111 Rapidity Rapidity Rapidity 10 Data 2010 10-2 -2 LHCf s=7TeV π0 9.2 < y < 9.4 1 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb -1 3 -1 3 10 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb -1 11 -1 10 3 -1 3 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb -1 LHCf s=7TeV π0 9.0 < y < 9.2 1 1/ σinel Ed σ/dp [GeV c3] -2 LHCf s=7TeV π0 8.9 < y < 9.0 1 1/ σinel Ed σ/dp [GeV c3] 1/ σinel Ed3σ/dp3 [GeV-2c3] π0 spectra at √s = 7 TeV p-p 10-2 10-2 DPMJET 3.04 QGSJET II-03 -3 -3 SIBYLL 2.1 10 -3 10 10 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 10-40 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -1 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb -1 10-1 3 10-2 10-3 10-4 10-2 10-3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 pT [GeV/c] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 pT [GeV/c] LHCf s=7TeV π0 10.0 < y < 11.0 1 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb -1 10-1 3 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb 10-1 LHCf s=7TeV π0 9.6 < y < 10.0 1 3 -2 LHCf s=7TeV π0 9.4 < y < 9.6 1 10-40 0.6 pT [GeV/c] 1/ σinel Ed σ/dp [GeV c3] 1/ σinel Ed3σ/dp3 [GeV-2c3] pT [GeV/c] 0.5 -2 0.1 3 10 0 1/ σinel Ed σ/dp [GeV c3] -4 10-4 0 10-2 10-3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 pT [GeV/c] 10-4 0 0.1 • EPOS1.99 show the best agreement with data in the models. 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 pT [GeV/c] FIG.• 7:DPMJET (color online). Combined pT spectra of harder the Arm1 spectra and Arm2 detectors (black dots) and themodel”) total uncertainties (shaded and PYTHIA have than data (“popcorn triangles) compared with the predicted spectra by hadronic interaction models. • QGSJET has softer spectrum than data. (only one quark exchange is allowed) MC/Data MC/Data LHCf π0 PT spectra at 7TeV (data/MC) DPMJET 3.04 QGSJETII-03 SIBYLL 2.1 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 EPOS gives the best agreement both for shape and yield. 0 PT[GeV] 0.6 0 0 PT[GeV] 0.6 0 PT[GeV] 20 PT[GeV] 0.6 0 PT[GeV] 0.6 0.6 0 PT[GeV] 0.6 <PT> of π0 at √s = 7 TeV p-p pT spectra vs best-fit function Average pT vs ylab PLB 242 531 (1990) YBeam=6.5 for SPS YBeam=8.92 for7 TeV LHC ylab = ybeam - y 1. Thermodynamics (Hagedron, Riv. Nuovo Cim. 6:10, 1 (1983)) 2. Numerical integration actually up to the upper bound of histogram • Systematic uncertainty of LHCf data is 5%. • Compared with the UA7 data (√s=630GeV) and MC simulations (QGSJET, SIBYLL, EPOS). • Two experimental data mostly appear to lie along a common curve → no evident dependence of <pT> on ECMS. • Smallest dependence on ECMS is found in EPOS and it is consistent with LHCf and UA7. • Large ECMS dependence is found in SIBYLL Neutron analysis on-going Big discrepancy between models. 10000 9000 8000 7000 Small tower true energy MC 4000 PYTHIA EPOS QGSJET2 DPMJET3 SYBILL (0% smeared) @ 1.5TeV n Detector performance is also interaction model dependent. QGSJET2 DPMJET3 SYBILL 3000 true energy Entries Entries 5000 2000 4000 (0% smeared) 1500 3000 1000 2000 500 1000 0 0 10000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Energy[GeV] Small tower 9000 PYTHIA EPOS 8000 QGSJET2 DPMJET3 SYBILL 7000 35% smeared 6000 Entries Performance for neutrons o 70% Efficiency o 35% Eres o 1mm Position Res. PYTHIA EPOS 3500 2500 6000 q Large tower 5000 4000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Energy[GeV] Detector performance Large tower 4000 PYTHIA EPOS 3500 QGSJET2 DPMJET3 SYBILL 3000 2500 35% smeared Entries q 2000 1500 3000 1000 2000 500 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Energy[GeV] 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Energy[GeV] Operation in 2013 and future prospects. Resent and Future operations p-Pb operation (Jan-Feb. 2013) Install the one of the LHCf detector. Nuclear effect at the proton remnant side. LOI, O.Adriani, et al.CERN-LHCC-2011-2015 p-p at 13TeV (2015) Done Future Measurement at the LHC design energy. Energy scaling by comparison with √s = 900 GeV and 7 TeV data TDR, O.Adriani, et al. CERN-LHCC-2006-004 p-light ions (O, N) (2019?) Collisions as high energy cosmic-rays and atmospheric nuclei. Operations at RHIC ( Sako’s talk tomorrow) Lower collision energy, ion collisions. Starting discussion with RHIC people. LHCf p – Pb runs at √sNN= 5 TeV IP2 Pb IP1 Arm2 p IP8 l 2013 Jan-Feb for p-Pb/Pb-p collisions. ¡ Install only Arm2 at one side (Si good for multiplicity) ¡ Data both at p-side (20Jan-1Feb) and Pb-side (1fill, 4Feb) One of the LHCf detector (Arm2) has been installed into the LHC tunnel again in Dec. 2012. Arm2 detector 25 LHCf p-Pb runs L = 1x1029 – 0.5x1029cm-2s-1 q β* =0.8m, 145µrad crossig angle q 338p+338Pb bunches (min.ΔT=200ns), 296 colliding at IP1 q 10-20kHz trig rate downscaled to ~700Hz q 20-40Hz ATLAS common trig. Coincidence seems successful #Events (Millions) q Statistic in Operation 2013 p-‐remnant side Pb-‐remnant side Beam reversal 20 Jan 27 Jan. 01 Feb. 26 Operation at Pb-remnant side Pb-remnant side IP2 p IP1 Arm2 Pb IP8 +4.0MC cm (Pb-remnant) shift from beam spo 3.5cm, 4.0cm A high multiplicity event (Pb-side) 27 Operations in 2013 Proton-Proton Collision at √s = 2.76 TeV. o 4 hours operation on 14 Feb. 2013 successfully done. è Energy Scaling by comparing with 7TeV and 900GeV data q CommonJoint operation with ATLAS in 2013 Data Taking LHCf won't be in ATLAS readout (no ROD/ROB for LHCf) o ATLAS was triggered by prescaled LHCf triggers ( 20-40 Hz) Strategy is to record events independently events and then merge them at q offline level (cf https://edms.cern.ch/document/930829/1) → Write ATLAS LVL1ID in LHCf event よって生じているかを推定するのは容易ではない。 L1 Common analysis with ATLAS LHCf検出器が設置されている衝突点(IP1)に can help to study the mechanisms は、ATLAS検出器が設置されている。ATLASと of forward particle production. LHCfによって広いラピディティ(η)領域をカバー èCentral information. L1ID etc... した測定を行うことにより、陽子衝突事象の分類が èZDC 可能になる。図3は、ATLASとLHCf検出器のラピ ティティ範囲と特徴的な事象での生成粒子の分布を 示した。Diffractive事象では、中心領域には粒子生 L1_LHCf Raw Raw 成がなく、ATLAS検出器を使うことでNonDiffractive事象と明瞭に区別することができる。図 Merging Reco Reco 4には、ハドロン相互作用モデルEPOS1.99LHC4)を 用いて計算した14TeV陽子衝突での最前方中性子ス Merged D3PD (?) ペクトルを示す。中心領域 (¦η¦<5)に粒子生成がゼ To have a substantial overlap between ATLAS and LHCf, ATLAS should ロであり、高エネルギー陽子の有無により、Single/ record events when LHCf trigger fires Not clear at which level of data format will be merged → Useful to discuss 3 Double Diffractive 事象選別したものを破線で示す。 with physics group and Data Preparation Data list of LHCf γ, n π0 With ATLAS p-‐p, √s=900GeV, 2010 ✔ (event flags) p-‐p, √s=2.76TeV, 2013 ✔ LHCf triggers è p-‐p, √s=7TeV, 2010 ✔ ✔ (event flags) p-‐p, √s=13 TeV, (2015) ✔ ✔ LHCf triggers è p-‐N,O, (>2019) ✔ ✔ p-‐Pb, √sNN=5TeV, 2013 ✔ ✔ LHCf triggers è p-‐p 400GeV, p-‐A at RHICH (???) ✔ ✔ è PHENIX, STAR Future operations LHCf triggers è Data list of LHCf γ, n p-‐p, √s=900GeV, 2010 p-‐p, √s=2.76TeV, 2013 p-‐p, √s=7TeV, 2010 π0 With ATLAS (event flags) Energy - Energy Scaling LHCf triggers è ✔ - Larger PT Coverage ✔ Higher flags) ✔ PT = (√s/2) ✔ XF (event θ p-‐p, √s=13 TeV, (2015) ✔ p-‐N,O, (>2019) ✔ p-‐Pb, √sNN=5TeV, 2013 ✔ p-‐p 400GeV, p-‐A at RHICH (???) ✔ LHCf triggers è ✔ Heavier Ion - Nuclear effect ✔ LHCf triggers è ✔ LHCf triggers è Extend our Physics - Diffraction ✔ è PHENIX, STAR Summary q q q q q LHCf has measured the energy and transverse momentum spectra at the very forward region of √s = 900GeV and √s =7TeV p-p collisions in 2010. We showed the spectra of very forward photons at √s = 900 GeV and 7 TeV p-p collisions and π0s at √s = 7 TeV p-p collisions. No model can produce data perfectly but the data are located in the middle of the model predictions. Many analyses are ongoing, o Hadron analysis o PT spectrum of photons Recent and Future operations will provide many data. o p-Pb collisions (Successfully done in 2013) o p-p collisions at √s = 7TeV (2015) o p-Light ion (O,N) (>2019) o operations at RHIC Analysis with the central data (ATLAS) o Trigger exchange between LHCf and ATLAS Backup slides ATLAS Photos 620mm η 8.7 ∞ ne is x a m a e utral b Shadow of beam pipes between IP and TAN 280mm 90mm Pseudo-rapidity range. η > 8.7 @ zero crossing angle η > 8.4 @ 140urad 7TeV π0 analysis 7TeV photon spectra by LHCf PT threshold PT threshold PT threshold PT threshold (Phys. Lett. B 703 128-134 (2011)) • Photon analysis and π0 analysis compensate each missing information. - High energy photon originates from large PT π0 events. - Photon spectrum includes a contribution from other hadrons/baryons. Photon PT analysis can connect each measuremen Photons on the p-remnant side Photon energy distrib. in different η intervals at √sNN = 7 TeV q Comparison of p-p / p-N / p-Pb q Enhancement of suppression for heavier nuclei case q QGSJET II-04 SIBYLL 2.1 p-p p-N p-Pb All ηs 8.81<η<8.99 η>10.94 Courtesy of S. Ostapchenk 35 Event sample Longitudinal development measured by scintillator layers 25mm Tower 32mm Tower è600GeV è420GeV photon photon Total Energy deposit èEnergy Shape èPID Lateral distribution measured by silicon detectors X-view Hit position, Multi-hit search. Y-view π0 mass reconstruction from two photon. M π 0 = Eγ 1Eγ 2 ⋅ θ Systematic studies 900GeV photon analysis Cross section of LHCf detectors Beam pipe shadow Arm1 Beam pipe shadow Arm2 Two pseudo-rapidity ranges • - η>10.15 - 8.77<η<9.46 Arm1 and Arm2 data show an overall good agreement within their systematic uncertainties. Arm1 data vs Arm2 data 4.5 4 3.5 3 LHCf s=7TeV π 0 DPMJET 3.04 QGSJET II-03 8.9 < y < 9.0 SIBYLL 2.1 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb -1 EPOS 1.99 5 4.5 4 3.5 PYTHIA 8.145 3 LHCf s=7TeV π MC/Data 5 MC/Data 0 9.0 < y < 9.2 4.5 4 -1 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 pT [GeV/c] 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 LHCf s=7TeV π0 9.4 < y < 9.6 -1 0 0 0.6 5 LHCf s=7TeV π0 4.5 9.6 < y < 10.0 4 3.5 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb 0.5 -1 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 pT [GeV/c] 0.3 0.4 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 pT [GeV/c] 0.5 0.6 LHCf s=7TeV π0 10.0 < y < 11.0 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb -1 3 2 0.5 0.2 4 2 0.4 0.1 3.5 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb 3 0.3 -1 4.5 2.5 0.2 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb 5 2.5 0.1 9.2 < y < 9.4 pT [GeV/c] 2.5 0 0 LHCf s=7TeV π0 pT [GeV/c] MC/Data MC/Data 5 3.5 ∫ Ldt=2.53+1.90nb MC/Data MC/Data 12 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 pT [GeV/c] G. 8: (color online). Ratio of the combined pT spectra of the Arm1 and Arm2 detectors to the predicted pT spectra by dronic interaction models. Shaded areas indicate the range of total uncertainties of the combined pT spectra.
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