alumnimagazine - Colby


alumnimagazine - Colby
F A L L / W I N T E R
2 0 0 0
David R. Morcom
Sheila Lewis Henry
Lucille V. Shevett
Peg Cawley
Sheila Lewis Henry
Adam Kamras
Jean London
Amy McConnell
David R. Morcom
Patricia Wetherall
Donald A. Hasseltine
Suellen M. Peluso
Sandra Swain-Bromwell
Katie Dow ’90
Dysart Creative
Duxbury, MA
Penmor Lithographers
Lewiston, ME
David R. Morcom, Editor
Publications Office
As the colors of early autumn begin to show themselves, it’s a time of special
Colby-Sawyer College
beauty and excitment on the Colby-Sawyer campus. Friendships that were put on
100 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
hold over the summer are renewed. Stories of adventures and accomplishments are
exchanged. And our new and returning students settle into the comfortable
rhythm of their home on the hill, where learning in and out of the classroom,
Phone (603) 526-3730
cultural events, sports activities, and making new friends will fill their days and
E-mail: [email protected]
nights for the next nine months.
Fall/Winter 2000
Peg Cawley ’41
These happy campers, camp directors, and counselors shared many joyful moments on Little Lake Sunapee when Colbytown Camp was in its heyday.
You’ll meet some of this group and hear their stories when you read Wishes Afloat on Moonlit Waters in this issue.
Virtual Visits
S p o r t s R o u n d - U p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Colby-Sawyer a Popular Place in Cyberspace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
O ly m p i c C o n n e c t i o n s
A n g e l s o n t h e H i g h wa y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Judy in Wonderland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Dana in the Land of Oz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
E l e c t i o n s : Tr u s t e e P r o f i l e s
Black, Coughlin, Fontaine, Goldthwait, McLaughlin & Thielen. . 6
R e u n i o n 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
C o n v e r s at i o n :
I n Th e N ew s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
The President and a Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
C l a s s N o t e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Wi s h e s A f l oat o n M o o n l i t Wat e r s
Stories About Colbytown Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
I n F o n d M e m o r y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
C o m m e n c e m e n t 2 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
A n n u a l R e p o r t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Colby-Sawyer a Popular Place in Cyberspace
by Patricia Wetherall
Since its launch in August 1999 onto the World Wide Web,
Colby-Sawyer’s Web site at had welcomed
470,764 visitors by September 30, 2000. That’s an average of
more than 1,188 virtual visits per day. The Web site’s increasing
size and sophistication will ensure that more people will visit
Colby-Sawyer online to stay informed about what’s happening
mation to current and prospective students and their families,
members of the campus community, and alumni and friends of
the college, as well as to other visitors from the local, national,
and international communities.
Initially developed in summer 1999 by a campus team of
volunteer Web publishers and editors–and guided by
with our programs and people, including students, faculty, staff,
alumni, and friends of the college.
The purpose of the Web site is to serve as a user-friendly,
XeniumGroup, a Web site design and building firm based in
Hanover, New Hampshire–the college’s site has burgeoned to
more than 1,100 pages in its first 13 months. It shows no signs
internal and external medium for communicating about the
high quality of life and learning at Colby-Sawyer, as well as the
unique traditions, celebrations, and opportunities that make our
of stopping. One goal for our Web site is to have it double in
size as quickly as possible while maintaining its elegant “look”
and conversational “feel.” Other goals include making it
school special. Our professionally designed site provides infor-
increasingly interactive and to accelerate our pace of updating
information, including sections of particular interest to alumni.
During the summer prior to his senior year, Rob Carroll ’00,
a Communication Studies major, completed the challenging job
of organizing content from numerous college departments to
bers. They can also read about the achievements of their peers,
Alumni Association activities, and the Alumni Volunteer
Program, which assists the Admissions Office. In the future,
alumni will be able to form chat rooms with their classmates
post onto the Web site. His task was to do this in a way that
and dorm buddies, network with the college’s Career Services
would inform Netsurfers with a wide variety of interests and
Office, access our online Alumni Directory, pledge to the
information needs. We are still reaping the benefits of Rob’s
strong sense of the type of information that would prove valu-
Annual Fund, and access student re´sume´s when seeking interns
or employees for their businesses. As the Web site develops,
able to virtual visitors.
alumni will simply know more about what’s happening on cam-
Xenium’s graphic designer, Scott Chesnutt, conceived the
Web site’s overall appearance, and Xenium’s founder, Mike
pus, and they’ll know it sooner.
Parents of current students love access to such features as the
Yacavone, served as strategic advisor and cheerleader to the cam-
new online calendar of events, as well as to our constantly
pus Web team. Mike continues to advise the college’s Web masters, Barbara Marty and Doug Minor, as well as our Web
Council, which represents the perspectives of Academic Affairs,
updated sports information. Because the college’s online calendar is multi-year, parents can use it to plan ahead for vacations
and holidays. Prospective students and their parents eventually
Admissions, Alumni Relations, Athletics, Development,
Information Resources, Public Relations, Student Development,
and other college offices and departments
will be able to enjoy online tours of campus before they arrive
for Discovery Days and/or the interview process. When making
the trip to New London in person isn’t possible, alumni virtual-
The pace of change and innovation on the World Wide Web
is accelerating at warp speed. The job of the Web masters and
Web Council is to anticipate information needs of both the
ly will be able to tour new and recently upgraded facilities at the
college as well as meet new faculty through their home pages.
The most popular destinations during the Web site’s first 13
campus community and external visitors to the Web site and to
prepare our site to meet these needs. This involves planning,
research, keeping a watchful eye on Web innovations, and care-
months included the following: Academics, General
Information, Information for Prospective Students and Families,
Campus Life, Athletics, College Administration, Admissions,
ful listening to users’ requests.
Colby-Sawyer’s younger alumni take connectivity to the
Internet for granted, and future graduates will have even higher
Calendar of Events, Colby-Sawyer People, Alumni & Friends,
International Students, and Human Resources.
Visitors to the Academic pages can learn a great deal about
the thirteen majors offered by the college and can even peruse
the Colby-Sawyer College Catalog with its selection of course
The first 15 months of traffic on the Web site has included
54,436 unique visitors, 11,845 repeat visitors, 916,476 pages
accessed, and 5,989 file downloads, making the Colby-Sawyer
virtual campus a most popular and accessible cyber-resource for
expectations for the college’s ability to communicate with them
and provide a more interactive online experience. The AARP
indicates senior citizens are the fastest-growing group of U.S.
World Wide Web users, so members of the earlier classes are as
likely as recent grads to appreciate a constantly evolving Web
site that keeps them informed.
Through the Web site, alumni currently can enter them-
those who want to learn a little or a lot about our college.
selves into the E-mail Directory and update such information as
address, work title, place of employment, and telephone num-
The last issue of the Colby-Sawyer College Alumni Magazine ran a small item about one of our students who saved a
woman’s life in a frightening auto accident. The item came to us so close to our publication deadline that
we were not able to give it in-depth coverage. Below is an expanded version of the harrowing, courageous story as told
in her own words by senior Nursing student Michelle Doyle ’01. Lives were at stake on the day this story took place,
Angels on the Highway
and, after reading what happened, you will be convinced there really are
As told to David R. Morcom
Craig Line, AP Photo
“It was kind of ironic because,
car I had to assess her condition.
due to road conditions that were
I looked in and saw that the
too icy for me to go home, I
woman (Stephanie Perkins, 24)
stayed at my parent’s house the
was trapped under the steering
night before the accident. My
column, which had been bent
parents called me where I was a
over and was pinning her in
waitress over the holiday break
place. She had serious laceraand said, ‘Please come stay with
tions and was very disoriented.
us. Don’t try to drive all the way
I told her I was an emergency
back to New London.’
care attendant, that my name
“It was about ten o’clock the
was Michelle, and that I was
next morning, Saturday, (January
there to help her. All of this is
8, 2000) and I was driving
pretty standard when you’re
through Quechee, Vermont, on
trained as an ECA. The woman
my way back to my apartment in Both Daniel Eigenbrod (far right) and Michelle received the Vermont responded by saying she didn’t
New London. As I came around Governor’s Certificate of Honor for their selfless actions. In honoring
know what had happened, so I
the two, Governor Howard Dean (left) said, “These are two extraora rather sharp bend, I saw a car
did some quick medical assessdinary
stopped on the side of the road
ments. I asked her if she was
human spirit.”
and another slowing behind it.
able to breathe and where she
There were two people looking
had pain. I advised her that
down from a steep embankment. I slowed, put on my hazards,
help was on the way and we would be getting her out of the car;
and asked if there had been an accident. A woman frantically told
but until we knew what her injuries were, she had to stay still.
me there had been, so I jumped out of my car and raced down the
“I was told later by the head of the fire department that this
bank to see if I could help. When I saw the car, I was really conentire incident took place in seven-and-a-half minutes. During
cerned. I turned and yelled to the bystanders to call 911 because I
that time, I was so focused on the victim that I wasn’t paying much
knew we would need help. The vehicle was in such terrible shape
attention to what was going on around me. I remember there were
that I wondered whether or not someone could survive. The car
two men near the car, but they had stepped back away from it. I
was crushed in and so wedged between trees that it didn’t look like tried to open the driver’s side door, but both doors were so battered
anyone could make it through such a wreck.
and bent that they were jammed tightly shut. The windshield was
“As I got closer, I heard a man yelling, ‘Let me try to get you
shattered, but there was no opening. The steering wheel looked as
out.’ He was yelling into the car at the woman who had been drithough it was crushing the driver.
ving. I told the man (Daniel Eigenbrod, 36) I was an emergency
care attendant (ECA), and before we could move the woman in the
We struggled with the
windshield and were able
to break through it.
Chris Bryer ’01
“It seems strange, but at that
the hood also. We struggled with the
point, because I’ve been trained to
windshield and were able to break
The fire was spreading rapidly.
deal with emergency situations, I had
through it. The fire was spreading
a certain level of calmness that has
rapidly. The two of us grasped the
The two of us grasped
been hard to explain to people who
woman and, fighting against the
haven’t had that kind of training.
wreckage, the awkward position of her
There is a set of steps you need to go
weight, and the encroaching flames,
the woman and . . .
through and you’re constantly prioriwe managed to free her with only sectizing in your mind how you’re going
onds to spare. I felt the weight of her
to react based on the information
body in my hands as we got her down
you get from each step. When I’m
to the ground. I then immediately
doing things like making sure help’s been called, that the victim
turned to look at the car, and everywhere we had just been was
can breathe, checking her level of consciousness, finding out where
completely engulfed in flame. I could feel the searing heat on my
her pain is, and emphasizing that she stay still, it’s like a pilot’s
body and face.
check list. So, I was relatively calm and talking to her in a soothing
“I looked up because I needed help moving the woman, and
manner because I knew she was very scared and disoriented.
several bystanders were now coming toward us. It was really
“Then the fire started, and from the woman’s position in the
strange because I felt like a commander or something, and that’s
car, it seemed to have started right behind her head, which was
not like me. I said, ‘On the count of three, we need to lift her
very frightening to me.
together. I need someone to support her head. I need someone to
“Upon seeing the fire, the first thing that came rushing into my support her neck. We’re going to carry her like a log.’ And that’s
mind from my training was that you should never go near a burnwhat we did to get her
ing car. The reason for this is that if you lose your life attempting
away from the car. It
to save that person in that circumstance, you’re never going to save
was only a couple of
anyone else. You’re just another victim. I know nothing about car
minutes before the car
fires, so I thought the car was going to blow up, and I was frightburned to the ground.
ened for my life. I was over my head in that sense. But there was
There was very little
no way I could leave Stephanie. I felt completely connected to her
left of it.
at this point. I told her we were going to have to try to get her out
“I then started to
now because the car was on fire. She was aware of the fire because
do assessments on her
she could feel the heat. She grew really upset and began screaming.
again, asking her quesI stepped back from the car and yelled for help because time was
tions. She was freeznow of the essence. We had to get her out of the car immediately,
ing, so I took off my
Michelle will graduate from Colby-Sawyer
and I knew I couldn’t do it by myself.
coat and put it over
with her degree in Nursing in May 2001.
“Things got a little blurry for me at this juncture. I tried to
her. In addition to her
climb up on the hood of the car and Mr. Eigenbrod climbed up on lacerations, she had hip, rib, and pelvic fractures. When the emergency squad arrived, I helped get her onto a board and then got
her loaded into the ambulance.
Continued on page 7
Anne Winton Black ’73, ’75
Andree Ivey Fontaine
Ms. Black of West Simsbury,
Ms. Fontaine, of Sudbury,
Massachusetts, is the CEO of
Advanced Career Technologies, Inc.
(ACT), a company with offices in
Connecticut was the recipient of ColbySawyer’s Distinguished Alumni Award
at this past year’s commencement cere-
John Quakenbos
Black, Coughlin, Fontaine, Goldthwait, McLaughlin
mony. This was the latest of the many
awards and commendations she has
received from Colby-Sawyer, including the college’s highest award,
Framingham, Massachusetts. ACT
the Susan Colgate Cleveland Medal for Distinguished Service (1990).
Her father, David H. Winton of South Woodstock, Vermont, served
as Colby-Sawyer’s chairman of the Board of Trustees from 1983 to
1987. He, too, was a recipient of the Susan Colgate Cleveland
Medal. In 1989, Ms. Black played a critical role on the task force
that recommended the college return to coeducation. She has served
as president of the Alumni Association, vice chair of the highly successful Campaign for Colby-Sawyer College, and as a trustee from
1990 to 1999. Ms. Black received her A.A. from Colby Junior
College in 1973 and her B.S. in Business Administration from
Colby-Sawyer in 1975.
Fontaine founded ACT in 1994 as a company that began by partnering with colleges and universities to provide career-oriented, informa-
is a highly successful organization
and is a subsidiary of Friedman, Fleischer & Lowe, L.L.C. Ms.
tion technology training and career placement to clients in career
transition. She graduated from Ithaca College with a Bachelor of
Arts. Born in New London, New Hampshire, she is the daughter of
Curtis L. and Doris Ivey of Sunapee, New Hampshire. The Iveys
were the recent donors of the largest gift ever received by the college
(Colby-Sawyer College Alumni Magazine spring/summer 2000). Ms.
Fontaine and her husband, John, have a second home on Lake
Mr. Coughlin of Washington, D.C.
is the president of Riggs National
Corporation (Riggs Bank), a
Washington, D.C. financial-services
holding company. He has served
Ms. Goldthwait of Wellesley,
Massachusetts, is an alumni trustee.
She has held several leadership
Katie Dow ’90
Eleanor Morrison
Goldthwait ’51
Timothy C. Coughlin
Chase Studios
Spencer Sloan Photography
positions in the college’s Alumni Association, including terms as vice
president from 1966 to 1968 and as president from 1968 to 1970.
She previously served on the college’s Board of Trustees as an alumni
the college as a member of the
Parents Fund Committee since 1997 and is involved in many notfor-profit organizations in the Washington area. He received a bachelor’s degree from Brown University in Rhode Island and an M.B.A.
from New York University. He served with the United States Marine
Corps Reserve from 1966 to 1972. Mr. Coughlin’s son, John, graduated from Colby-Sawyer in 2000 with a B.A. in History, Society, and
trustee from 1974 to 1977 and as a term member from 1977 to
1989. Ms. Goldthwait held senior development positions at Wheaton
College and Wellesley College before her retirement. In 1985, the
college honored her with its Alumni Service Award. Ms. Goldthwait
has been active as a director, member, or trustee for a variety of organizations in the greater Boston area.
& Thielen
Angels on the Highway
Continued from page 5
“In looking back at that seven-and-a-half minutes, I think
I was in some degree of shock myself. When the police who
had arrived suggested I go get warm and dry, I realized, for
the first time, I was freezing cold, trembling, and soaking wet
from the water in the field. When people ask me about what
happened, there’s so much of it that’s fuzzy and so many
details I can’t readily recall. When people tell me that I took
a risk with my own life, I just think, ‘Well, someone needed
help, and I was able to respond to that. I can’t imagine doing
anything else.’
“My biggest gift from this experience, other than helping
save Stephanie’s life, was what it did for my self-confidence.
It’s a serious test to be faced with a situation where you know
your own life is at risk, but where you can act to use what
you’ve worked so hard to learn to make a difference. To be
able to cope with a situation like that has done wonders for
my sense of self and for my confidence in my skills. It’s
David T. McLaughlin
Dartmouth College Library
Mr. McLaughlin, of Newbury, New
Hampshire, served from 1981 to
1987 as president of Dartmouth
College. During his presidency,
Dartmouth’s endowment doubled,
its academic and athletic facilities
were improved, and four major buildings were constructed. He
facilitated relocation of the old Mary Hitchcock Memorial
Hospital to Lebanon, New Hampshire to become part of the
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, where Colby-Sawyer
Nursing majors often fulfill requirements of their clinical training.
Mr. McLaughlin is president emeritus and honorary trustee of The
Aspen Institute, a Washington, D.C. non-profit, public policy
organization. He has held top management positions with major
corporations, serves on the board of the American Red Cross, and
something you never really know until you’re tested at that
has been appointed by the Governor of New Hampshire to chair a
Blue Ribbon Commission to examine funding sources for public
Stephanie Perkins recovered from her injuries.
Michelle Doyle is a pretty, soft-spoken, young woman with
maturity well beyond her 24 years. She is genuinely modest about
her accomplishments and leads a well-rounded life, which, in
addition to full-time Nursing studies, includes community service,
work as a waitress, and independent study at the Good Neighbor
Clinic in White River Junction, Vermont. She serves as co-president
of the Colby-Sawyer Student Nurses Association and as vice-president for the State of New Hampshire Student Nurses Association.
She hikes, kayaks, snowboards, plays tennis, and has a passion for
politics. She is also a part-time guardian angel.
In 1974, Mr. Thielen of Boston,
Massachsetts, and Sunapee, New
Hampshire, founded RINET
Company, Inc., which became
successful as a financial-services
Katie Dow ’90
Richard N. Thielen
and financial-planning firm. As
president and CEO, Mr. Thielen oversees 21 employees serving
more than 80 clients, and he directs investments in real estate,
marketable securities, venture capital, and mutual funds. In
October of 1999, the firm merged as an independent subsidiary
into Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc. a one-bank holding
company. Mr. Thielen serves on the board of Boston Private
Financial Holdings, Inc., has served on other boards, and as a
director of several privately held firms. He served three years with
the United States Navy.
As a result of her actions, performed at great risk to her own life,
Michelle has been nominated for the prestigious Carnegie Medal
of Honor, which is granted by the Carnegie Hero Fund
Commission to recognize “outstanding acts of selfless heroism
performed in the United States and Canada.”
The President and a Friend
Edited by David R. Morcom
“AP Mary, you’ve been involved with the college for six decades.
It must mean so many things to you.
MT It does. I was the first one to come here from the Buffalo
area. I came alone, didn’t know a soul, and I walked in and felt right
at home. I felt there was going to be a special spot in my heart for
this school, and there was right from that first day.
“AP You were here during the war years in the early 40s, a time when,
John Quakenbos
because of rationing and because of the small campus here in New
Hampshire, you had to make a lot of your own fun. What was your
life like as a student at Colby Junior College?
” I lived in Colgate, which was the freshman dorm, and I made
friends very quickly. I was a member of the Outing Club, and in the
spring and winter we’d have get-togethers at The Lodge, which was
very important to our class. We’d ski a lot in the winter and play bas-
In 1941, Mary Scheu Teach arrived at Colby Junior College
from Buffalo, New York. Almost 60 years later, she lives in
ketball. It was, just as my mother would say, ‘Good, old fashioned,
New London and is very much connected to her alma mater.
natural and wholesome fun, dear.’ They were comfortable years
because, being a small college, we got to know everybody on campus,
Among her much appreciated efforts, she has served as the
including faculty and staff. We did a lot of things as a group, and, of
reunion chair for her 50th and 55th Reunions of the Class
of 1941, has worked as an Annual Fund volunteer, and is
course, Mountain Day was very important to us.
“AP It seems many of the important things of the college still flourish.
a leading member and supporter of the Chargers Club.
We still celebrate Mountain Day, which is a thriving tradition. Over
700 people participated in Mountain Day this fall. Although The
Two of Mary’s children attended Colby-Sawyer; Nancy Teach
Lodge isn’t down on Little Lake Sunapee as it was from 1934 to 1998,
the important parts of it are here on campus.
’70, ’84, and Donna Teach Young ’71. Nancy’s daughter,
MT That’s right, and I’m glad to see it being used. Our class
donated a crab-apple tree as part of the landscaping, and I’m hoping
some of my classmates will be able to see that tree blossoming at our
Jessica, continued the Teach tradition when she graduated
in 1997. Mary has recently given the college a major gift,
60th Reunion in 2003.
because she knows what it may mean to the students of
today and tomorrow. Mary’s legacy of involvement with
“AP I would guess one name that always comes up at your reunions is
that of President H. Leslie Sawyer. What do you remember about
Colby-Sawyer is a superb mix of fond memories, caring,
and generosity.
” I have a warm spot in my heart for him because I was presi-
but a lot of it has been due to you, Anne, because you have presented
dent of the Student Government. As president I used to have a few
little problems now and again, so I’d be wandering the halls trying to
sort them out and he’d invariably come out and put an arm around
me and say, ‘Come on, let’s talk.’ When we’d finish, I’d walk away
thinking I really didn’t have any problems. He was very close to us all,
and we loved his chapel sermons. We were somewhat isolated, so he
yourself out into the community. You have attended so many activities and organizational events around town. The Hogan Sports
Center has been a real draw, especially the way the college has set up
the swimming programs for the community and the soccer and basketball camps for young people. I also think the college has promoted
its sports programs in a way that attendance has been wonderful.
kept us up to date about what was going on out there. He was very
comforting to many students who had losses in the family because of
the war, and he helped us come through that difficult period. He and
Above all, I think the performing arts programs for campus and community have been greatly improved since your arrival here. There’s so
much going on that it’s impossible for anyone to go to everything.
Mrs. Sawyer had small receptions on Sunday evenings. We’d go across
the street to the President’s House and they would make us feel like
we were in our own homes.
This is a good thing, especially for the students.
“AP Mary, you are a wonderful benefactor to Colby-Sawyer College,
and you recently arranged a significant gift, a charitable remainder
uni-trust, in excess of a quarter-of-a-million dollars. Where did you
get the idea for such a truly splendid contribution?
“AP Nancy, your daughter, is the college’s director of academic advising, so she comes in contact with our students on a daily basis and is
equally popular with them and respected by them. You also are able
MT I wanted to do this because Colby Junior College, as it was
called back then, gave me so much when I went to school here. It
also gave a great deal to my daughters and my granddaughter. We all
to interact with our outstanding young men and women when you
visit campus for various events, and this must please you.
” Yes, I enjoyed the recent art opening and was very impressed
with the number of students who attended. They were nicely dressed,
great-looking young men and women. Their enthusiasm was evident
as I wandered around the room, and I came away very excited. When
received excellent foundations for our futures. So, in consulting with
my brothers, it was decided the time had come when I could give a
substantial gift. In the past I had given cash, but this time it made
sense, because of considerable capital-gains tax advantages, to give a
I come to campus for Chargers Club meetings and I go into the
Hogan Sports Center, the students are always very friendly. They
hold doors for you and are always willing to chat for a few minutes.
substantial amount of stocks. I also felt the time had come that, if I
wanted to give, I should choose one organization I truly wanted to
I feel there is an abundance of excitement on campus and that’s what
draws me here. I’m very much looking forward to attending the
sports activities throughout the year. I’m impressed not only with the
“AP Tax advantages make a charitable remainder uni-trust a vehicle
that almost always makes it possible to donate a much larger amount
than one might have thought possible. Were you surprised by how
much you could give the college?
new athletic fields, but with the entire campus. I tell so many of my
classmates that they must come back because they’d be amazed at the
spirit and attractive growth of the campus.
MT Yes. The nice thing about my gift is that not only does the
college benefit, but I also benefit because I receive more than I would
have if I left my securities as they were. My children will also benefit
because their inheritance taxes will be greatly reduced. I liked the
look of that picture. It’s one of those fortuitous situations in which
everyone comes out a winner.
“AP The college has changed and so has the town of New London,
but they seem to be traveling arm-in-arm.
MT The town-gown relationship is so much better than it’s ever
been. I’m quite pleased at the way the community and the college
have come together. I must say that I think the natural ties are there,
Wishes Afloat
Moonlit Waters
by Margaret E. Cawley ’41 and Jean D. London ’41
No Fences
A college tradition from 1940 to
1989, Colbytown Camp began as a
refuge for children escaping from
Nazi persecution in Europe. It also
included American children who could
not afford a camp experience and who
could help the refugees learn to be at
home in this country. Together they
would be able to experience nature in a
supportive environment.
Throughout the academic year, the
college community raised all the money
needed to support the camp. Each
July, 24 girls, ages 7 to 11, lived in
tents and in the college Lodge on Little
Lake Sunapee. Their counselors were
volunteer Colby Junior College students and the directors, nurse, and
cook were faculty volunteers. All camp
chores, such as meal preparation and
housekeeping, were done by the
campers and staff in cooperative teamwork.
Camp activities included swimming, boating, nature hikes, arts and
crafts, music, storytelling, community
visits, and climbing Mount Kearsarge.
These photographs and stories relate to
the years 1949 to 1952. The Lodge
building, in which Colbytown Camp
was centered, has now been disassembled, and using its historic beams, it
was reconstructed on campus as The
Lodge at Colby-Sawyer College.
A small team of drivers in station wagons met at the Claremont railroad station not quite sure what to expect
when 12 little refugee girls arrived
from New York City. Earlier, the
Colbytown Camp Committee had
selected 12 children from the many
applications submitted by an international refugee agency. The train stopped
and the girls got out and looked around
with uncertainty. For a moment they
were solemn and silent, but when we
stepped forward with welcoming smiles,
they picked up their well-worn little
suitcases and followed us to the cars.
As we came around the curve of
Little Lake Sunapee, we pointed out that
Colbytown Camp was just ahead. One
little girl beside me asked in a timid
voice, “But where is the fence?” The
only camps she had known were concentration camps with high barbed wire
fences. Another child, studying the
birch trees wondered, “Why are the trees
bandaged?” These girls, with their families, had escaped Nazi persecution in
Czechoslovakia, France, Poland, and one
child had been sent from London to
escape the terrors of the Blitz.
At first, some had only limited
English facility, however, the other
campers from Roxbury, Massachusetts
and New Hampshire soon taught them
new words and gave them daily practice
so that four weeks later they spoke
The following stories were written by
Margaret “Peg” E. Cawley
and Jean D. London ’41.
Peg Cawley took the photographs.
Both women are alumnae and faculty
emeriti and were co-directors of
Colbytown Camp.
For these two women, Colbytown Camp
experiences remain among their most
treasured memories of a lifetime.
As you read these stories,
you’ll understand why.
(Top left) Director Jean London hangs the
“twig sign” at the camp entrance.
(Top right) Director Peg Cawley tightens the
ship’s bell, which rang for changes in activities.
These three magicians were able to
turn beets into marbles.
The Little Truck Driver
One New Hampshire girl of about eight years, a ward of
the state because of some abusive home circumstances,
had learned early to make the best of any situation. She
cheerfully pitched in waiting on tables, balancing the tray
above her shoulder just as she had seen waiters do. She
piled the dishes so heavily that the counselors fondly called
her “Little Truck Driver,” as she seemed to have the energy
and strength of an older boy. But she had a gentle side too.
She loved music and, whenever there was a lull in activity
on a rainy day, she could be found snuggled against the old
phonograph, seemingly transported by the sounds of a few
well-worn 78s left in The Lodge collection. She also had endless
enthusiasm for leading the other children ad infinitum in the
singing game “Ten Little Indians.” She did this bent double in
what she thought was a warrior’s attack stance. She loved every
minute of the four weeks and contributed as much as she gained.
Arrival of the European refugee
children from New York City
meant a gamut of emotions, but in
the end, smiles were seen all around.
English easily. They had already suffered so many uprooting and
harrowing flights from country to country that they were quick to
adjust to yet another temporary residence, although, for most, living in a little forest beside a lake and sleeping in a tent was a very
new experience.
When something’s free and as good as ripe blueberries,
even too many might not be enough.
Eight Colby Junior counselors shared their tents with the children.
With two faculty directors they planned each day’s programs, one
for a sunny day and one for a rainy day, as we could never trust the
weather forecast. All of us cooperatively did all camp chores
and, with a faculty member as camp cook, prepared and served
the meals.
There was an award for the “tent of the week,” which had the
best-swept floors, neatest beds, and clothes put away in order.
Each morning, a “camper of the day” raised the American flag on
the tall pole in front of The Lodge and led the whole camp in the
Pledge of Allegiance. Sometimes this required a little prompting
from the “counselor of the day.”
After breakfast, one squad cleared tables and dried dishes, while
another prepared vegetables to be cooked for dinner. One trio,
given bunches of beets to clean, scrubbed them so gleefully and
thoroughly that the beets were the size of marbles when handed
back to the surprised cook, who had to send the director racing to
Cricenti’s Market to get more bunches of beets!
The European children were aghast when they helped to clear
tables and saw plates with food not eaten. They had known
hunger and, so, wasted not a crumb! Even some of the New
Hampshire children were painfully thin on arrival, but four weeks
later the camp nurse could report the campers had a successful gain
of several pounds and renewed energy.
When the wild blueberries were
ripe on the rocky hillside, we
took the whole camp out to
pick them so the cook could
make blueberry muffins and
pancakes. The New
Hampshire girls were old
hands at this, but for the
city children berries had
been a luxury which was
too costly for their mothers’
strained budgets. Of course, we all tasted as
many as we dropped into the berry pails, but that’s the fun of picking berries on a hot July day, isn’t it?
One afternoon, after the supper dishes were put away, a counselor discovered that one of her girls from Roxbury, Massachusetts
was missing. A quick search of tents, dockside, and wood paths
turned up no clue of the missing camper. Panic went through the
hearts of the directors until someone thought to return to the blueberry patch. There she was, crouched down in the bushes with her
Wishes Afloat
Moonlit Waters
This young lady is helping get ready for the Sunday night storytelling. The campers dressed in their PJs and listened in front of
the great fireplace as Director Peg Cawley spun tales accompanied
by crackling and snapping of wood and bright embers.
plastic toothbrush cup, filling it with this delicious free fruit,
more precious than sapphires!
Occasionally, a child would be upset at a remark made by another
child from a different culture, a child who simply saw things from a
different base and meant no harm. One such instance came in an
informal discussion of the different ways of different people. A
New Hampshire child pointed to a refugee girl and said, “She’s
Jewish.” It was not a criticism, as she had probably never before
met someone who was Jewish. However, the refugee child stiffened
up in fury, shouting, “Why did you tell her that?”
Being given away as Jewish in Nazi Europe had too often been a
death sentence in her experience. So, she decided it was best to run
away from camp. With a friend, she started off around the lake to
Newport Road. Director Jean London quietly started in pursuit,
keeping the runaways in sight. She reasoned, correctly, that a direct
confrontation probably would not resolve the situation.
The little runaways would hurry around each curve, then stop
and wait to be sure Jean was still coming after them. Finally, Jean
called out, “Wait for me!” and they did. All three linked hands and
walked back to camp, the crisis past.
Skits, plays, and laughter
kept the campers busy on
rainy days and added a
festive touch to holidays.
However, as camp activities began to include
more outdoor, nature-centered skills, they discovered leadership
qualities within themselves that no one had praised before. They
soon were leading the refugees in swim lessons, toasting hot dogs,
and climbing Mount Kearsarge.
Some of the city girls seemed always to be first in line for everything, however it was not because they were quicker. In the city,
they had had to push and shove to be sure of getting their share.
Gradually, the camp experience taught them that they would get
lunch sooner if they politely took a place in line instead of being
sent to the end of the line for rudely elbowing.
And so, during the month, all three groups had learned and had
taught. Children and adults alike learned valuable lessons about
living in harmony.
As the weeks passed, we were fascinated by shifts in leadership
among the three groups of children: the city girls from Roxbury,
Massachusetts; the refugees, who had been temporarily residing in
New York City; and the New Hampshire children who came mostly from rural villages.
At first, for the refugees, Colbytown Camp was just one more
new scene in their young peripatetic lives and they easily stepped
forward, while the New Hampshire children hung back, overcome
with shyness. Many New Hampshire girls had never known a
world wider than the one from their farm to school and church and
back. At first, some were homesick and wept quietly at night, missing the sisters with whom they usually shared a little bed.
The Colby Junior counselors, who like the faculty were all volunteers, learned many things during their camp experience. The
Fourth of July seemed an exciting opportunity to teach American
history while having a big holiday. There were amusing mini-dramas with George and Martha Washington, Betsy Ross, and others.
There was a grand beach picnic on Colby Point with hot dogs and
marshmallows to roast on sticks over a fire, followed by the eating
of big slices of watermelon.
Stories continue on page 14
Wishes Afloat
Moonlit Waters
Jean London ’41 (blue print dress) and Peg
Scholarship in recognition of their volun-
Cawley ’41 have lived their lives sharing
teer work. At the time of this honor, Peg
with others. Their time spent at
Colbytown Camp, as described in the
accompanying stories, is but the tip of the
iceberg when reviewing the good works of
explained the motive behind the “Peg and
Jean team” when she said, “We never thought
of ourselves as unusual volunteers or leaders.
We just believe it’s better to light a candle
these two remarkable women. However, it was the lessons
than to curse the darkness. If our civilization is to survive, we
they learned among disadvantaged children during those gold-
must all care and help each other. We found that the greatest
en summers so long ago on Little Lake Sunapee that were the
joy of all comes from sharing. The more we give away, the
beginning of a lifetime of service. “Some of the children had
more we seem to have.”
been in concentration camps,” Jean remembers. “During
Peg and Jean continue to be involved in good works, hav-
those days on the lake, they shared their joy, so they gave us
ing served at a camp established by actor Paul Newman for
more than we gave them. There was a real sense of self-fulfill-
children with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. Peg has
ment that told me I, as one person, could make a difference.”
volunteered many music courses for Elderhostel and Lifelong
In 1962, Peg joined the Music Department at State
Learning classes, continues with her photography, and has her
University of New York, College at Oneonta. In 1965, Jean
own bench printing press with which she sets type to create
became a reference librarian at that college. When they
small hand-made books for gifts. Recently, she sold some of
retired, one of their activities was the initiation of free
her musical instrument collection to support music activities
Christmas dinners, which, beginning in 1988, have been
for war-damaged children in Kosovo. Jean volunteered once a
served each Christmas Day to the homeless and disadvan-
week in a local library and is an avid gardener. She has also
taged. This past Christmas approximately 400 dinners were
found a way for her Quaker Meeting to support a Quaker vol-
served, and Peg and Jean have joined forces with Saturday’s
unteer to teach Alternatives to Violence to schoolchildren,
Bread, the Oneonta Soup Kitchen. In 1994, SUNY, College
prisoners, and released prisoners. Both Peg and Jean continue
at Oneonta President Alan B. Donovan announced the
to light candles wherever they go.
Margaret E. Cawley & Jean D. London Community Service
Wishes Afloat
Moonlit Waters
The college girls, for whom Fourth of July had always meant
fireworks—the louder the better—were the ones to have a real history lesson. To the refugee children, whose homes had been
bombed to rubble, the sound of firecrackers was terrifying and
brought back nightmares of bombed-out cities, death, and destruction. The counselors learned that a quiet Fourth of July could be
just as good a celebration.
One summer, we all had a special challenge in the round form of
eight-year-old Margie. She was a ward of the state, having been
removed from a non-functional family. She had already been
placed in at least five foster homes, and in each they had finally
said they could not handle her. The social worker told us that
Margie would be placed in an orphanage in Manchester, New
Hamphire after the camp season.
In the first weeks of camp we frequently heard exasperated
counselors crying, “Margie!” and we knew she had once again been
in trouble. Tent #1 kept losing its chance to be “tent of the week”
because Margie dropped her clothes all over the floor, would not
make her bed, and talked all through rest hour. She would not
cooperate and do her camp chores, did not understand how to
share with others, and generally was our greatest trial.
Perhaps it was just the understanding that we all cared about
her, but something transformed the chubby little devil into a loveable child with an infinite need for affection. She learned to be
neat, to help with chores, to share books and dolls, and to enjoy
herself and camp. The last night of camp there was the usual ceremony of writing heartfelt wishes on scraps of paper, which were
fastened to little wooden boats with candles and then set afloat on
the moonlit waters of Little Lake Sunapee. It was a clear, starry
night and Margie, who had a sore throat, was wrapped up in a
blanket on my lap. After a long time of looking up at the stars, she
asked, “Do angels get sore throats?” When assured that they probably did not, she wistfully said, “I wish I were an angel.” Did she
know how uncertain her future was?
It so happened that the social worker was delayed in coming for
Margie, so she was the last camper to depart. By now we had all
become so fond of her that when the car drove off there was not a
dry eye among us! That night in our staff meeting, the counselors
proposed a “great idea.” “Margie will hate the orphanage, so you
two (Peg and Jean) should adopt her! We will take turns baby-sitting and will raise funds to help with her expenses.”
At that time, New Hampshire law did not allow single women
to adopt, and our very heavy teaching assignments made such a
plan wholly unworkable, but we promised them we would keep in
touch with Margie.
. . . there was the usual ceremony of
writing heartfelt wishes on scraps of
paper, which were fastened to little
wooden boats with candles and then
set afloat on moonlit waters. . .
When Colbytown Camp began, New London had its share of people who suspected that the Nazis might have planted some spies
among these children. It was the time of McCarthyism and an
overzealous Central Intelligence Agency, which went so far as to
send an unsmiling agent to grill us about the camp. However, after
we arranged a Sunday when we brought the children to churches in
New London instead of to the little camp chapel in the woods, suspicions evaporated. The sight of these little refugees, some only
seven or eight years old, put fears at ease.
We were able to arrange Sunday visits, which began in church
services and went on to dinner with local families. Soon people
were competing to see who could plan the best treat: pony rides,
motor boating, sailing, visiting farm animals, etc. When the children came back to camp at night from the various homes, they
were bursting with tales to tell and treats to show.
Many New London people were touched by these encounters
and later called to offer bounty from their gardens, including
watermelons or ice cream treats for the whole camp. Sometimes
the littlest ambassadors are the most persuasive!
Wishes Afloat
Moonlit Waters
One Saturday in October we arranged
with the director of the orphanage to
bring a picnic and to take Margie out for
some fun on a nearby playground. The
director was very surprised at my question
about Margie’s behavior. Evidently they
had had no trouble with her at all. After
the picnic, Margie wanted to go right back
and she led us up to her dormitory room to
show us her little shoes lined up neatly under
her well-made bed and her clothes folded in
the drawers. She was so proud to have us see
this. We had been afraid she might cling to us and beg to be taken
back to New London, but on the contrary, she seemed happily
adjusted, with no desire to leave.
Afterwards, when we wondered if all the hard work and annual
struggles to raise the funds to support the camp were worth it, we
would remember with fondness Margie’s transformation.
Miracles of nature such as this small turtle on a leaf
were discovered with awe by those campers who had
lived in cities in Europe all their young lives.
The chapel site was on sloping ground with a
bed of soft pine needles facing down toward the
symbols and the two stumps. When all the
campers had found a place on their pillows, the
music would come to an end and the counselor-chaplain would start the service. It usually consisted of thoughtful queries to which the
children volunteered answers—“In this very quiet place, what can
you hear?” “What is the most beautiful thing you have seen this
week?” “What do we have to be thankful for?” Considering their
backrounds, the campers’ answers were often very moving.
Occasionally, there would be a moment of comic relief when one
little camper’s pillow would slip loose on the pine needles and she
would slide WHOOSH! down to the Star of David.
Sometimes we sang folk songs or rounds and sometimes a
counselor read a story. Always there was the sound of wind in the
pines, birds calling, and maybe a squirrel or chipmunk scurrying
by, surprised to find its habitat invaded.
It was a peaceful time. At the end the campers picked up their
pillows and trudged back down the hill to the receding sound of
the flute. Now, 50 years later, one wonders if they recall those special hours when we all paused to be grateful.
Under The Pines
The campers belonged to many different faiths, not all of which
were represented in New London at that time. So we used to have
a simple interfaith chapel service for them under the pine trees up
a little hill across from camp. The counselors found some birch
saplings, broken in a storm, from which they created a simple
Christian cross, which stood in the center of a Star of David outlined on the ground. Two short stumps on either side provided
seats for the counselor who led the service and for Peg Cawley,
who provided music on her silver flute.
After Sunday breakfast and the morning chores, the campers
each picked out a pillow from the old laundry basket by the back
door and started off in single file to cross the road. With the eager
anticipation of children about to experience something new, they
chattered as they walked until the leading counselor turned to say,
“SHHHHH! We have to find the way by following the sound of
the flute! Can you hear her?” So, like little Indians, they crept up
the path, listening…listening…
The Cardboard Shoes
They may have been proud party shoes once, when, as a small
child, she first wore them in her native village in Poland. But that
was before Hitler swept through Europe leaving a trail of horror
and destruction, which sent Ruth’s family fleeing from country to
country until they finally found haven in Manhattan.
Now it was July in the early 1950s in a small college camp for
underprivileged girls, Colbytown Camp on Little Lake Sunapee in
New Hampshire. Ruth, with eleven other refugee children, had
arrived at the train station with a tattered suitcase and wearing
scuffed, very worn, red shoes with a thin strap. She spoke little
English that day but learned quickly and soon was enjoying swimming lessons, nature hikes, story hours, and campfire cookouts.
But when we all climbed Mount Kearsarge, the pathetic little red
shoes were hardly equal to the challenge. While the New England
Wishes Afloat
Moonlit Waters
children in their scruffy
old sneakers clambered
easily over the big
rocks in the trail,
Ruth’s slippery, thin
soles could not find
a foothold. We
hauled her up the
mountain and
hung on tightly
as she skidded
all the way
The next day I explained that we could go
together to Newport where I would buy her a pair of sneakers like
the other girls wore. As usual, she made no comment but obediently followed me to the car. At Wright’s Shoe Store, the clerk
commented that her toes were pressing tightly against the front of
the shoes. She needed a larger size now. Soon she was fitted into a
good pair of Keds. The clerk asked if he should discard the worn
red shoes. A frantic look flashed across Ruth’s face as she grabbed
the shoes, clutching them to her.
On the way back to camp I tried to persuade her that sneakers
were part of the “American Way,” best suited for the “Trail to
Freedom,” and that they were the sporting shoes for outdoor life.
It was no use. Shortly after our return, Ruth emerged from her
tent to go to swimming class, the old red shoes on her feet.
Another day, when she was running along the forest path, I
noticed the sole of one red shoe was flopping loose, threatening to
trip her. I asked her to change into the sneakers so I could take the
shoes to the repair shop for a new sole. Rhys Jones, the cobbler,
often had accomplished miracles with farmers’ old boots when
there was no money for new ones, but when I gave him the little
Polish shoes with the ragged strap, he just laughed. “How do you
expect me to work on these? They look as though they were made
out of cardboard and there’s practically none of it left!”
When I returned to camp with the shoes unrepaired, Ruth still
refused to give them up for the new sneakers. In a tearful little
voice she explained that she always wore these shoes! It was in
them that she had walked across half of Europe with her family in
their desperate search for freedom. These were her last link with
the memory of home. There just had to be a way to preserve them
through the summer at least.
In her red, cardboard shoes, walking by night, hiding by day, Ruth fled
from country to country across Europe to escape Nazi persecution.
Maybe when she returned to New York City her mother could
lead her to put them aside for the sneakers which did not pinch her
toes, but she was not ready for that yet. Ruth’s family had crossed
so many borders in their flight from the Nazis that she had not yet
begun to feel American. The shoes said she was a Polish girl and
that still mattered to her.
So, the next day, both Ruth and I went to Rhys Jones’ Shoe
Repair Shop. I lifted her up on his high counter so the flopping
sole and worn strap hung down in front of him. “Rhys, this is
Ruth who had to walk all across Poland in these shoes to escape
from Hitler,” I said. “They are all she has left from her homeland
and she will wear no others. Please help her.” That did it. As
usual, when townspeople, initially suspicious of these refugees,
Ruth, with eleven other
refugee children, had arrived
at the train station with a
tattered suitcase and wearing
scuffed, very worn red shoes
with a thin strap.
actually met one of the children, their hearts opened. The gentle
old Welshman gave a great sigh and reached out to undo the straps.
While Ruth wriggled her bare feet in the warm grass of his yard,
Rhys performed yet another miracle. There was no charge; Ruth’s
smile was reward enough.
At the end of the Colbytown Camp season Ruth returned to
the city tanned, a little fatter, smiling much more often, and speaking English easily. When she boarded the train, under one arm was
the box with the sneakers, but on her feet were the paper-thin, too
small, beloved old red shoes.
The preceding stories and pictures are displayed in The Lodge at
Colby-Sawyer College.
By Amy McConnell - Concord Monitor Staff
Reprinted with permission of the Concord Monitor
Concord, New Hampshire
NEW LONDON, NH - May 14, 2000 - Valedictorian Zachary Pinard pondered the still-cloudy future. “It has the power to
change you, but more importantly you have the power to change it,” he said. “Be your best, do your best, and above all, know that
you can be the best at what you do.”
These words were spoken as the Colby-Sawyer class of 2000 graduated yesterday
to the standing ovation of the crowd pressed beneath a tent on the college lawn.
would hear in their “mind’s ear” when they reminisced about their college days
or visited their alma mater, according to college President Anne Ponder. Many
Katie Dow
The congratulatory sound would be just one of many echoes graduating seniors
echoes had accumulated over their four years at Colby-Sawyer, she said. Seniors Catherine Anne
had made speeches when the Kelsey Fields were dedicated, had mooed at a cow
sculpture in the student art show, had shuffled and tapped at school dances. The sound of fog quieting the college’s hilltop would echo through the years, as would the sound of dry snow falling and the sound of classmates squealing in the
bright, new sunlight of spring, Ponder said.
When they came to Colby-Sawyer four years earlier, Ponder said, she was just starting, too. Back
then she told them “to make Cs” by learning about courage, confidence, compassion, and community. Now, as they were about to leave, she told them, they had learned those lessons well. “We
ow ’90
Katie D
are very proud of you and we can barely stand for you to leave,” Ponder said. “We will listen for
the echoes of your return.”
ns, Kristi
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(Front l and Jillian Gra u, Michael
Burke, a
The college’s president then honored Anne Winton Black ’73, ’75 with the Distinguished
Alumni Award and David Coffin with the Susan Colgate Cleveland Medal for Distinguished
Service. Ponder gave local resident and children’s author Tomie dePaola the Town Award for
his contributions to the New London community. She gave environmental advocate and
former Delaware Governor Russell Peterson an honorary degree, and graduates celebrated Professor Anthony Quinn’s superb career
advice with thunderous applause.
Ponder also honored Dr. Kathryn Springsteen, a professor of science at Colby-Sawyer
since 1977 and a visiting scholar in occupational health at Harvard University, for her
school service and excellence in teaching. In the school’s
162nd commencement address, Springsteen slid on her
Scientists, she said, are constantly testing their environment, looking for patterns to help them create
Terrell D
hypotheses to decipher the world’s mysteries.
John Qu
glasses and asked graduates,“What should you know?”
Finding those patterns, establishing those relationships between
information and experiences, was the key to making sense of things, according to Springsteen. “If we
really want to appreciate the world we live in, then we need to reverse the view of knowledge as fragmented and specialized,” she told students.
Like Springsteen, graduating senior Zanna Campbell reminded classmates that openness to new experiences would continue
their future education as adults. And keeping in touch with their past, including their years at Colby-Sawyer, would give them
roots amid the change to come. “Fellow grads, don’t forget where you came from - this faculty and staff are irreplaceable,”
Campbell said. “Please don’t forget this address - it never changes. It will always be 100 Main Street, New London, New
Hampshire 03257 - and just attach their names.”
After the speeches came the point of it all: a handshake from school officials, and a
college diploma amid the hoots and whistles and applause of friends. Then,
to the music of a brass quintet, college
faculty members lined up as an honor
guard, and graduates passed between
tears and congratulations.
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their former teachers to family members’
John Quack
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Katie Dow ’90
John Qu
Professor Anthony Quinn
receives Nancy Beyer Opler
Award for Excellence in
John Quackenbos
Jaime Insinga and Charles Gaede III
(L to r) Tomie dePaola (Town Award), Anne Winton Black
’73, ’75 (Distinguished Alumni Award), President Anne
Ponder, Russell W. Peterson (Honorary Degree), David L.
Coffin (Susan Colgate Cleveland Medal for Distinguished
Service), and Kathryn Springsteen (Gown Award).
Katie Dow ’90
John Quackenbos
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Katie Dow
Justin Hersh and
Lisa Maranian
John Quackenbo
Katie Dow
Zachary Pinard with the David H.
Winton Baccalaureate Award, given to
the top scholar in the Class of 2000.
Jason Varg
President Anne Po
By Adam S. Kamras
Valuable Player for the third time. Hurley graduated as the team’s
2 0 0 0
all-time leader for singles (37), doubles (30), and total victories in
dual matches (67).
The women’s lacrosse team won its last three games and finished
the year with a 7-5 overall record. The seven wins were the most
for the program in the 14 seasons the Chargers have been mem-
Head Coach Jim Broughton’s team reached the 20-victory mile-
bers of the NCAA. Head Coach Jill Donovan’s squad won three
stone for the second straight year (20-18) and was the runner-up
of its last four New England Women’s Lacrosse Alliance (NEWLA)
at the CCC Tournament. The Chargers, who won their last seven
Northern Division games and completed the year with a 3-4
regular-season conference games, finished with an 8-4 mark in
NEWLA mark.
CCC play. They were seeded fifth for the CCC Tournament and
reached the championship with wins over the fourth, third, and
Co-captains Abby Lefebvre ’01 and Brooke Morin ’01 led the
offense and defense, respectively. Lefebvre continued her assault
second seeds. Their bid for a third consecutive league title was
on the Chargers’ record book with team highs of 38 goals, 17
snapped with a pair of losses in the double-elimination competi-
assists, and 55 points. She was the Chargers’ Most Valuable Player
The Chargers moved onto the brand new Kelsey Fields in 2000
for a second consecutive year and was a NEWLA All-Northern
Division selection. Morin played every minute at goalkeeper for
and Shawn Herlihy ’01 broke in the new diamond with three
the second year in a row and stopped 10 or more shots in nine of
home runs in the first game ever played there. He narrowly
the games. She had a high of 20 saves against the University of
missed tying the NCAA Division III record of four homers when
New England.
he blasted a double that hit the top of the fence. Herlihy was
named to the First Team All-CCC and the ECAC Division III
New England All-Star First Team. He was joined on the First
The men’s tennis team went 10-7 and established its single-season
Team All-CCC by Ryan Smith ’00, who became the school’s fifth
victory record for the third straight year. The Chargers returned
Academic All-America selection in the past four years. Chris Cabe
from their season-opening trip to Hilton Head, South Carolina
’00 and Michael Mooney ’02 were Second Team All-CCC picks.
and won 10 of their last 12 matches, including seven victories in
their last eight outings. Colby-Sawyer was 5-0 versus
Commonwealth Coast Conference (CCC) opponents in the regu-
The Colby-Sawyer equestrian team finished second in Zone 1,
lar season and had its best-ever showing at the CCC Tournament
Region 2 of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA).
with a second-place finish. Rick Ellis served as the acting head
The Chargers have been one of the top two teams in the region 13
coach and he was selected as the CCC Men’s Tennis Coach of the
times in the last 14 years.
Head Coach Brian Jolicoeur’s squad won two shows last season
Year. Marty Perry will take over the reins this coming spring.
and tied for first at another. The Chargers also came in second
Newcomer Matt Cartmill ’03 captured the Flight No. 4 singles
championship at the CCC Tournament, while Chuck Gaede ’00
three times and finished third once and fourth once out of 11
and Andrew Lydecker ’00 joined forces to claim the conference
schools. They were invited to the prestigious Tournament of
doubles title. Seth Hurley ’00 was named the team’s Most
Champions for the second consecutive year and came in 10th out
of 23 colleges.
(Left) As a decathlete,
Reuben Brown ’01 was
a tough competitor in
running, throwing,
and jumping events,
and he was instrumental in leading the
Chargers to a successful
outdoor track season.
Photos by John Quackenbos
(Right) On the lacrosse
field, Abby Lefebvre ’01
displayed strength,
speed, and talent that
inspired her Chargers
teammates and often
left opponents in awe.
out of 17 entrants in the trials of the javelin throw and just missed
When it came time for the postseason, the team was well represented, as 11 of the riders were individual qualifiers for the Region
being one of the eight athletes who advanced to the finals. Addy
2 Championships of Zone 1. Five riders moved on to the Zone 1
Danaher ’02 finished third in the heptathlon at New Englands and
Championships, and three of the Chargers, Patience Hillger ’00,
second at ECACs. Danaher was named the team’s Most Valuable
Lily Mills ’02, and Barbi Norris ’01, went to the IHSA National
Performer for the second time in as many seasons.
Championships in Georgia. Hillger came in seventh in intermediate fences and Mills was 10th in walk-trot. Norris qualified for
nationals in open flat and also came in 12th in the Cacchione
Head Coach Peter Steese also guided the outdoor men’s track and
Cup, a competition between the top riders from each of the 25
field team to unprecedented success with an 18th-place perfor-
regions in the country.
mance at the New England Division III Championships. Reuben
Brown ’01 became an All-New England decathlete for the second
consecutive year and he claimed his third straight team Most
The women’s outdoor track and field team had its best-ever perfor-
Valuable Performer award.
mance at each of the postseason events it attended. Head Coach
Brown also competed at New Englands in the 110-meter hur-
Peter Steese’s squad tied for 14th place at the New England
dles and as part of the 4 x 400 relay along with Garrett Coffin ’03,
Division III Championships and tied for 12th at the ECAC
Travis Dunbar ’01, and Matt Wheel ’03. Coffin joined Brown at
Division III Championships.
the postseason decathlon and he also earned All-New England
The season concluded with Stephanie Roy ’02 becoming the
honors. In addition, Matt Ferguson ’03 went to the New England
program’s first-ever competitor to qualify for the NCAA Division
Championships and competed in the javelin throw.
III Outdoor Track and Field Championships. Roy placed 11th
Judy in Wonderland
by David R. Morcom
Katie Dow ’ 90
Judith Butler Shea ’60 lives in Lake Placid,
States Skeleton Team. Skeleton is a oneNew York, and, if you have never been
man sled, and the driver flies downhill head
there, you should consider a visit. Tucked
first, reaching speeds of more than 70 miles
into the Adirondack Mountains in upstate
per hour. Jimmy was 1999 World Skeleton
New York, it is a natural wonderland, espeSled Champion, and if he qualifies for the
cially for those who, like Judy, enjoy winter
Olympics, the Sheas will make history as the
sports. The Lake Placid region boasts
first three-generation winter Olympians.
beauty at every turn of the head: rolling
Judy helps run the family business on
hills and craggy mountains, v-shaped
Main Street in Lake Placid and keeps busy
chasms and cascading waterfalls, transluas a professional official for college and high
cent streams and gemstone lakes. In addischool field hockey, lacrosse, and soccer.
tion to the natural scenery, the winter
She plays golf and tennis, has volunteered as
sports training facility for the United States
a parade coordinator, teaches cross-country
Olympic Team is there. In talking with
skiing, and volunteers as an ambulance
Judy, one gets the feeling that this is a
emergency medical technician with the Lake
woman who has found her place in the
Placid Volunteer Ambulance Service. “I’ve
always had an interest in nursing,” Judy
“I skied on the team at Colby Junior
explains. “During my CJC days, I worked
College,” Judy says with a smile of rememas an operating room technician and was on
brance. “We went to the Division I winter
the Ski Patrol. But you have to balance
carnivals at places such as the University of
your personal life with the ambulance volVermont, Middlebury, and St. Lawrence.
unteer work because, once you get a pager,
After CJC, I went to the University of
you can get very much involved.”
Denver and continued to ski, trying out
Judy returned to Colby-Sawyer for her
for the U.S. FIS Team in 1962. Out west I
40th Reunion and was impressed with the
raced in places such as Aspen, Utah, and
growth of the college. “I like President
Sun Valley.”
Ponder. I think she’s down to earth and has
For Judy, skiing has been a lifelong joy,
a superb command of what she’s doing for
and recently she appeared in Sports
Colby-Sawyer. How many times can you go
Illustrated for Women in the “Faces in the
back to a reunion and see that all aspects of
Crowd” section. The article said: “Shea,
your college are doing so well? That school
59, beat Dee Larsen, 56, of Bedford, Mass,
was very special to me, and the women who
with a two-run time of 1:50.12 to take the
were in our dorm, Abbey, formed many
gold medal in the slalom in the 55-59 age
deep and lasting friendships.”
group at the 2000 Winter National Senior
In addition to all of her current activiGames. She also won a silver medal in the The 1959 Colby Junior College Ski Team
ties, Judy has somehow found time to
giant slalom.”
a member of an elite group. There
(l to r) Beverly Schutz Stabile ’59, Julie
Competition on the national or world
in the Lake Placid region
Dougherty Egenberg ’60, Nancy Kolar Bowen
level is nothing new to the Shea family.
which are over 4,000 feet high, and, if you
’59, Joan Perry MacDermott ’60, Judy Butler
Judy’s father-in-law, Jack, won two gold
scale them all, you become a “46er.”
Shea ’60, and Coach Polly Gosselin.
medals in speed skating at the 1932 Lake
Perhaps her accomplishment of achieving
Placid Olympics. Her husband, Jim, was on the Nordic Ski Team
“46er” status is not a surprise since Judy, it seems, will always be
in the 1964 Olympics. Now, her son, Jimmy, is on the United
looking for new mountains to climb.
Dana in the Land of Oz
As a student at Colby-Sawyer, Dana Healy ’94 was involved in
everything time would allow. She rode on the equestrian team and
was captain of the 1994 National Champions. She was a member
of the Student Government Association and the Alpha Chi Honor
Society. She tutored fellow students in her Exercise and Sport
Sciences major, and, when it came time to graduate, Dana was
chosen by her classmates to present the senior address. She was
also the recipient of the Sport Sciences Departmental Award as the
student who showed the highest degree of interest and excellence
in her field of study.
Dana went directly from Colby-Sawyer to the University of
Connecticut, where she had a graduate assistantship in the Exercise
Sports and Leisure Department. “Part of my graduate assistantship,” Dana explains, “was running the student fitness centers,
working in corporate fitness with the State Department of
Connecticut, and I was involved with the American College of
Sports Medicine, where I helped run clinics and certification programs. However, Dana got the feeling she should see a little more
of the world by moving out of New England. It never occurred to
her that she would be seeing a part of the planet about as far away
from New England as it’s possible to get.
“I met some people from the United States Olympic
Committee (USOC) at a conference,” she remembers. “They
encouraged me to come to Colorado Springs. I thought it would
be a good fit, so I began work as the assistant strength and conditioning coordinator for the United States Olympic Team in 1997.
I’m now the head strength and conditioning coordinator and the
interim director of the program which oversees the Olympic training sites in Lake Placid, New York; Chula Vista, California; and
Colorado Springs.”
Dana’s job makes her an important cog in United States
Olympic success, and this past September she found herself in
Sydney, Australia. “Within my Sport Science Department, we
have strength and conditioning, bio-mechanics, exercise physiology, computer sciences, sports psychology, and engineering and
technology. In Sydney we set up a human performance center in a
big warehouse next to the athlete’s village. Many of the athletes
said that because of the way we set things up, they felt right at
home. I liked that. I worked with gold medal winners Steven
Lopez (tae kwon do) and Rulon Gardner (Greco-Roman
wrestling), among many others. The work was hard, 12-hour days
for 30 straight days, but very rewarding considering the showing
our teams made. It was energizing to know that I was helping
these athletes achieve dreams they’d had for most of their lives.
Dana Healy ’ 94
by David R. Morcom
With incrdible sights greeting her
at every turn, Dana discovered
that “the land down under” was
a place of wonder.
“I got to go to a lot of
events in person because we
were allotted tickets as a
reward for our hard work. I
was thrilled to get to see the
gold medal baseball game
when the United States beat
Cuba. That was amazing.
After the Games were over, I
got to do some scuba diving in
North Queensland. The Great Barrier Reef was incredible, and I
saw a lot of sights I’d seen only in National Geographic specials.
I feel I’ve been extremely fortunate to have had this opportunity of
a lifetime.
“I love my job, and didn’t realize, until I went to this
Olympics, just how important my work is to so many people. I
believe I was well prepared for this type of responsibility at ColbySawyer because I was given a lot of guidance and a lot of freedom
to explore my future. I still have a lot of friends on the faculty and
look forward to seeing them when I come back to campus to present at seminars. One special professor is Kerstin Stoedefalke,
who, in and out of the classroom, was instrumental in getting me
to where I am today. We’re still great friends.”
We l c
HOMEo m e
By Sheila Lewis Henry
Photography by John Quackenbos
Class pictures by Bob Shevett
(Left) Reunion Weekend kicked off with a Lake Sunapee luncheon cruise aboard the
M.V. Mt. Sunapee. Getting reacquainted on the upper deck are 50th reunion attendees
(l to r) June Ramsey Atwood, Craig Waldbillig,
Leslie Moore Waldbillig, Bunny Duryea
Rybeck, Sally Ritchie Brannan, and Bert
(Right) Beaming members of the class
of ’45 shared their pride in achieving the highest class participation in the Annual Fund. (L to r) Alumni Service Award recipient Jean Morley
Lovett, Helene Walczak Ross, Class Fund Agent Nancy Dean Maynard, Charlotte Epps
Irion, and Shirley Glidden Splaine.
(Left) Reunion co-chairs Sue Morrison Mayer and Bobbie Bishop MacLean pose with the silver bowl awarded to the class of 1950 for the largest gift to the Annual Fund. The class
raised $40,000 and another $30,000 to fund the
Class of 1950 Endowed Memorial Scholarship.
(Right) President Anne Ponder addressed
alumni and their families in The Lodge prior
to a presentation with senior officers
about the current Colby-Sawyer
experience and the college’s future
(Left) The youngest reunion class gathered in record numbers
and included alumni from adjacent classes. The class of ’95, celebrating
friendships, shared experiences, and perfect weather, held a barbecue lunch on
the Nye terrace and lawn behind the Cleveland, Colby, Colgate Archives.
We l c
HOMEo m e
(Right) The feature event on Saturday afternoon, presented twice to accommodate enthusiastic crowds, was a presentation titled “Looking Back, Looking Ahead” by Ann Page Stecker,
associate professor of humanities.
(Right) Decades of alumni were delighted
to see Gen Millar ’32 (in blue) at the Gala
Reunion Banquet. Gen sat with old friend
and former trustee Eleanor Bernert Sheldon
’40 (far right) and enjoyed conversation with
President Ponder.
(Left) Marlene Mustard Graf and Anne Winton
Black were joined by eleven other members of
their class of ’75 celebrating their 25th reunion.
(Right) Forty-three members of the class of ’50 returned
with spouses and guests for the 50th reunion and gathered for a cocktail reception in The Lodge at ColbySawyer preceding the Gala Banquet.
(Left) 50th reunion friends enjoying the banquet together
were (back row l to r) Sue Morrison Mayer, Perry Morgan, Bobbie
Bishop MacLean, Bob Mauk, (front row l to r) Phil MacLean, Joan
Eaton Mauk, Gerry Mayer, and Liz Harrison Morgan.
(Right) Members and guests of the 5th reunion class circulated
among the dinner guests to chat with alumni in older classes. Lynne
Morse ’95 and Jonathon Taylor ’97 chat with David Brandley (husband of Joan Lucas ’50) and Pat Davis Hoffman ’50.
(Left) Jody Hambley Cooper ’78 led the after-dinner entertainment, accompanied on the piano
by Ruth Sisson, the “wandering minstrel of the Upper Valley.”
We l c
HOMEo m e
Class of 1935
Left to right: Barbara Crampton Jones, Ethelyn
“Jackie” Dorr Symons, Ina Faulkner Bourgard,
Marjorie Rolfe
Class of 1940
Left to right:
Row 1: Margery Tunison Hoch, Mary Robins Abbey, Mercie Franke
Dunfee, Jeanne Schwob Homer
Row 2: Juliette Conover Reinicker, Elizabeth Thomas Densmore, Jane
Winey Heald, Eleanor Bernert Sheldon, Janet Canham Williams,
Harriet Wickham Gorman
Class of 1945
Left to right:
Row 1: Charlotte Epps Irion, Joy Waldau Hostage, Kathryn Walker Munro, Patricia
Brewster Austin, Shirley Glidden Splaine
Row 2: Janice Cooper Adams, Susan Roberts Bean, Lucille Lane Kelleher, Dutton
Harder Long, Janet Davis Keegan, Ruth Anderson Padgett
Row 3: Nancy Dean Maynard, Shirley Fuller St. Pierre, Nancy Teachout Gardner,
Adele Shays Bowler, Helene Walczak Ross, Jean Morley Lovett
Class of 1950
Left to right:
Row 1: Susan Morrison Mayer, Joan Lucas Brandley, Joan Eaton
Mauk, Lindy Clapp Macfarland, Adrienne Ayres Brinker, Leslie
Moore Waldbillig, Anne Maher Grimes, Sally Ritchie Brannan,
Barbara Duryea Rybeck, Barbara Decker Egbert
Row 2: Priscilla Johnson Greene, Carol Lynch Hermance, Marilyn
Colburn Dow, Jean Hubley Meyer, Joan Hubley Sundeen, Josephine
Carlson Clark, Ann Bemis Day, Marilyn Smith Hooper, Joan
Reynolds Irish, Anastasia Payne Rooke, Nancy Frost Smith,
Katherine V. Jones, Mary Agnes Stanton Tullis
Row 3: Elisabeth Harrison Morgan, Mary Hood Smith, Jean Fuller
Knowlton, Jean Holmes Duffett, Barbara Bishop MacLean,
Barbara Fetzer Herbert, Patricia Davis Hoffman, Shirley Smith
Crawford, June Ramsey Atwood, Jean Wheeler Blackmur, Deborah Rosenblum Shapiro
Row 4: Betty Alden Parker, Jean Finley Doughty, Sally Ives Foster, Coralie Nash Liechti, Marilyn Clark Walker, Martha Frey Allen, Gertrude
Riley Oaks, Virginia Colpitts Bowers, Jeanne Marquis Williams, Marjorie Hamilton Gorham, Elizabeth Hansen Cohen
We l c
HOMEo m e
Class of 1955
Left to right:
Row 1: Eleanor Faulkner Jones,
Nancy Sellers Mion, Adrienne
Pease Guptill ’56MT, Elaine
Andrews Demetrovlakos
Row 2: Carol Myers Ditmore,
Alethe Laird Lescinsky, Judith
Engel Hunter, Nancy Wilkins
Class of 1960
Left to right:
Row 1: Marsha
Goodale MacDonald,
Sue Hillier Puffer,
Gretchen Polk Caines,
Sally Kimball Campbell
Row 2: Ann Parson Klump, Betsey Loveland Wheeler, Barbara Swanson
Smith, Patricia Canby Dushane, Gale Hartung Baldwin, Ellen Cook Barnes
Row 3: Judith Butler Shea, Emilie Merritt Cobb, Susan Barto Monk, Judith Johnson Gibbs, Rosemary
Rood Idema
Class of 1965
Left to right:
Row 1: Dorothy “Darcy” Holland, Janet Sargent Simblist, Lois Gilbert
Fulton, Judith Butler
Row 2: Christina Murray McKee, Christine Biggs Ferraro, Ruth Elliott
Holmes, Emily Dana Merrill Cashin
Class of 1970
Left to right:
Row 1: Elizabeth Early Sheehan, Susan Bonanno, Martha “Muffy” Clark Faucher,
Sarah Haskell
Row 2: Deborah Marcoux Deacetis, Nancy Teach, Susan Pomerantz, Valerie Turtle
Class of
Class of 1975
Left to right:
Row 1: Anne Winton Black, Marlene Mustard Graf, Heidi Scheller Maddrix, Michelle “Shelley”
Baird Mathias, Nanci Schallman
Row 2: Carlene Dahill Bush, Gail Gorton Bowman, Lynn Hollis Dewey, Sally Hart Greiner, Alice
Noble Morse, Jennifer Reggio Greenspan, Eleanor Cummings Bowe ’74
Row 3: Arden Avedisian, Christina LoBello, Charlotte Lipton Kelman, Laurie Ferguson, Carolyn
Van Vleck
Left to
Row 1:Anita
Renzetti Brefini,
Paula Schilling
Dhein, Leslie
Brown Bell
We l c
HOMEo m e
Class of 1985
Class of 1990
Left to right:
Row 1: Martha Cross, Amy Carrier, Margaret “Peg” Rogers Andrews,
Johanna Anderson Mills, Tracy Shipman Thompson
Row 2: Kathleen McPadden Pepper, Sandra Beattie Hand, Alice Wright
Goodrich, Janet “Jen” Ellis
Left to right:
Row 1: Jane Barhoff Ypsilantis, Sara Davis Bryant, Janice Johnson
Madden, Jill Dean
Row 2: Janette Robinson Harrington, Wenla Vincent Petry, Karen
Morton Roy
Class of 1995
Left to right:
Row 1: Catherine Luecke, Robyn Ryan, Maura Higgins ’96, Wendy Mansson, Sarah Harvey Bullock, James Bullock, Jeffrey
DelliColli, Patrick Desmond, Richard “Rick” Ellis
Row 2: Lisa Casey, Loretta Manning, Nadine Corrieri, Amy Tsirovasiles, Heather Bigelow Oberheim, Heather Hoxsie Seeley, Amy
Henderson, Dawn Sutton, Stefan Schwarz, Elizabeth Ford
Row 3: Krista Barbagallo LaFemina, Wendy Morgan Root, Brenda Sherwood, Sara Gilderdale, Jill Rivers, Lynne Morse, Stephanie
Hoffman, Julie Bradstreet Choate, Gretchen Eriksson, Holly Ferris Merriam
Row 4: Robert Peaslee, Matthew Richards, Donald Varnum, Jr., Derek Hosgood, Allison Latham Hosgood, Kenneth Lubin, Jonathan
Taylor ’97, Deborah Casner Shapiro, Amie Pariseau ’97
....... In The News ........
by Patricia Wetherall
evidence, and communicative style. Forensics also includes debat-
Erica Pockell ’03 –
Public Speaker Extraordinaire
ing, rhetoric, and other performances, such as poetry reading, in
addition to informative speaking.
After hearing Pockell in her second round, a judge from the
The Book of Lists reveals that public speaking ranks as the number
one fear for many Americans. However, Erica Pockell can hardly
University of Pennsylvania commented, “Colby-Sawyer College
wait to face a crowd—and the
should be very proud of the caliber of student they produce.”
bigger, the better. The Randolph,
Massachusetts resident competed
the thirtieth Annual National
Gift to Support
Student Speaking
Forensics Tournament in Ohio
last spring. She qualified for the
nationals by placing first in
President Anne Ponder announced a $1 million gift to ColbySawyer, which will assist the college in establishing an across-thecurriculum approach to speaking. The gift is from Albert L.
Informative Speaking at the New
England Speech and Debate
In Ohio, Pockell was one of
Chris Bryer ’01
in four rounds of competition at
Gibney of Venice, Florida, and Little Compton, Rhode Island. Mr.
Gibney wants the funding to be used to “increase the effectiveness
of speech by college students.” Through this gift to Colby-Sawyer,
Mr. Gibney and his wife, Jane, created the Gibney Fund, which
more than 150 contestants from ninety schools to compete in her
category. She placed among the top twenty in Informative
Speaking, competing against students from Cornell University,
allows the college to meet one of its learning objectives: “To have
students who will articulate and understand their experiences
through speaking, reading, writing, listening, movement, and vari-
Columbia University, Northwestern University, the University of
Pennsylvania, and other well-known schools. Erica, a first-year
Psychology major, spoke on the problems and symptoms of panic
ous modes of artistic appreciation and expression. They will develop competence with new and traditional methods of communication. They will apply these skills, demonstrating effective collabora-
Pockell has convinced some of her classmates to start speaking
competitively. “I tell them how much fun it is and how good it is
to have on your résumé.” Not only does Pockell enjoy speaking in
tion in their personal, social, and professional lives.”
Mr. Gibney has a long history with Colby-Sawyer. His late first
wife, Eloise Beach Gibney ’36, attended Colby Junior College, as
did her sister Elizabeth Beach Walker ’39. Albert L. and Eloise
front of a crowd, she also enjoys being on the stage: “I want to be a
professional singer.” She sang soprano roles in musicals during
high school, has appeared in two plays at Colby-Sawyer, and
Beach Gibney’s daughter, Joan Gibney Whittaker ’63, graduated
from Colby Junior College. Their granddaughter, Susan B.
Whittaker DiFatta, graduated from Colby-Sawyer in 1997. In
knows what works for her voice. “Before competing, I avoid dairy,
chocolate, and caffeine. No greasy or spicy foods, either. Just rice
and echinacea tea.” Although Pockell doesn’t spend long hours
1998, Mr. Gibney established a scholarship fund for Native
American applicants to Colby-Sawyer in honor of, and named for,
these family members who attended the college.
“We are particularly excited about the way this gift supports
stressing out over performing, she confesses that preparation is
“I wrote at least twenty-five drafts of my speech,” Erica said.
the ability of our students to communicate and interact effectively,” said Dr. Judith A. Muyskens, academic vice president and dean
of faculty. “Many Colby-Sawyer students will benefit directly from
Judges at the Ohio event ranked contestants on organization, presentation, eye contact, voice and vocal variety, content, use of
the Gibneys’ gift.”
continued on next page
....... In The News ...........
College to Name Mercer Hall
Scholarship Fund, Colby-Sawyer will defer a portion of compre-
Colby-Sawyer College will renovate and upgrade the Health,
Exercise, and Sport Sciences [HESS] Center to create Mercer Hall,
home of its Exercise and Sport Sciences Program. A recent gift
from former trustee William C. Mercer and Ramona Wells Mercer
’41 of Westwood, Massachsetts will support the cost of renovation
and construction and also establish an endowment for the building’s continued maintenance and upgrades. (See rendering below.)
Improvements to the HESS center, built in 1963, will total
$800,000, part of $1.1 million in gifts from the Mercers.
Construction will begin in the spring of 2001 and will develop new
classrooms, conference areas, laboratories, and office space to meet
the needs of students, faculty, and staff affiliated with Exercise and
Sport Sciences, which is among the college’s most popular majors.
The project will include a 20-foot addition to the building’s south
elevation, facing Mt. Kearsarge, and will feature a climbing wall
and glass expanse of windows overlooking the mountain. The work
will include an architectural facelift to the front façade, as well as a
colonnade linking Mercer Hall to The Lodge at Colby-Sawyer.
Mercer Hall will border Mercer Field, which was constructed on
Seamans Road in 1994 through a gift from the Mercers.
The $200,000 endowment established for ongoing refurbishment of Mercer Hall represents the first funding of its kind in the
seniors. The college also will earmark $50,000 to create the
hensive costs for selected Exercise and Sport Sciences juniors and
William C. Mercer Faculty Development Fund.
A lifetime supporter of higher education and a sports enthusiast, Mr. Mercer was elected to the Colby-Sawyer Board of Trustees
in 1980, and served eighteen years over three terms. He chaired the
1990-1995 Campaign for Colby-Sawyer College. In 1997, the college awarded him its highest honor, the Susan Colgate Cleveland
Medal for Distinguished Service.
Ramona Wells Mercer graduated from Colby Junior College in
1941 and received a B.S. She previously served as a volunteer with
horticultural societies, the YMCA, and the PTA.
“Choose any event of importance to Colby-Sawyer in the past
two decades, and Bill Mercer’s fingerprints are all over the scene,”
remarked William H. Dunlap, chairman of the Board of Trustees.
“The college has grown strong beyond expectation due, in large
part, to Bill’s guidance. He remains key among those who were
instrumental in transforming Colby-Sawyer into one of the most
respected colleges in its peer group. Through their gift of Mercer
Hall, Bill and Monie Mercer have set an example of personal philanthropy that will contribute significantly to the daily lives of faculty, staff, and students in the Exercise and Sport Sciences
school’s history. Another $100,000 will create endowments for student scholarships and faculty development, reflecting the Mercers’
individual interests. Through the $50,000 Ramona Wells Mercer
Anderson Scholarships Announced
Colby-Sawyer will establish twenty new scholarships of $5,000
Rooke Gift Enhances
Campus Expansion
each, to be available to selected students. The Helen Henry
Colby-Sawyer has received a gift of $1 million from Robert C. and
Anderson Scholarships will assist qualified undergraduates in meet-
Natalie Davis Rooke ’48 of Morristown, New Jersey, and Bristol,
ing the comprehensive annual cost of attending the college. A
New Hampshire, to assist the school in underwriting the cost of
recent gift of $1 million from Harry W. Anderson of New London,
acquiring and developing a twenty-acre residential property adjacent to campus. The college acquired the house and property,
located at 86 Main Street in New London, from Michael
DiLorenzo last spring. The property forms the eastern edge of campus between Main Street and Seamans Road and offers panoramic
New Hampshire and Vero Beach, Fla., in honor of his late wife,
Helen Henry Anderson, has created a fund to underwrite these
Mr. Anderson was born in Waterbury, Conn. He graduated
from the University of Cincinnati Engineering School and Harvard
Business School. During World War II, he served on active duty
with the U.S. Army for five years, retiring as a full colonel. After
his Army service, he returned to his duties at the Bank of New
England in Boston. He eventually retired as a senior vice president
of the bank to become executive director and treasurer of the
Frederick J. Kennedy Memorial Foundation, which contributed
more than $40 million to charities in the Boston and Mid Pines,
views of Mt. Kearsarge and surrounding mountains.
“Through their continued philanthropy to Colby-Sawyer
College, Bob and Natalie Rooke have demonstrated not only their
wonderful generosity but their vision in recognizing this property’s
unique potential to enhance the living and learning on campus,”
said Bill Dunlap, chairman of the Board of Trustees. “Their gift
will help to ensure that Colby-Sawyer students continue to receive
the best educational experience to be found anywhere at a college
North Carolina, areas. He retired from the foundation after 11
of our size.”
years, when its mission was completed. Helen Henry Anderson,
The Rooke family has been significantly philanthropic to higher
education, especially to Bucknell University and Dartmouth
College, as well as to Colby-Sawyer. Natalie Davis Rooke graduated
who died in 1988, was a graduate of Abbot Academy in Andover,
Massachsetts, where she later served as an active trustee. She also
graduated from Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts.
with an Associate in Arts from Colby Junior College. She served as
a Colby-Sawyer trustee from 1987 to 1996 and was a member of
the 1995 Presidential Search Committee, the Academic Affairs
Committee and the Building and Campus Planning Committee.
In 1996, Colby-Sawyer awarded her the Susan Colgate Cleveland
Medal for Distinguished Service, the college’s highest honor.
Robert C. Rooke graduated from Dartmouth College and the
Amos Tuck School of Business Administration. He is principal
partner of The Rooke Company, an investment-management firm
Mr. Anderson spends summers at his home at Hilltop Place in
New London, New Hampshire.
in Morristown, New Jersey. His community service includes serving as a trustee at Bucknell University from 1975 to 1997, where
he currently holds the position of vice chair emeritus. In 1997, he
received the Stephen W. Taylor Medal, Bucknell’s most distinguished recognition of extraordinary service, which the university
had previously awarded to his father, Robert Levi Rooke, in 1976.
continued on next page
........ In The News ........
Lost your Colby Junior or
Colby-Sawyer yearbook?
continued from previous page
Now is your chance to purchase another!
The Alumni Office has a limited number of
yearbooks from various years for sale, and all
proceeds will benefit programs sponsored by the
Alumni Association for alumni, students,
and members of the New London community.
Orders will be filled on a first-come-first-served
basis. Some of the yearbooks are not in “mint”
condition and may contain some handwritten
Kelsey Gift Continues
History of Generosity
Patricia “Pat” D. Kelsey and Robert P. Kelsey have pledged
$500,000 to the college, an amount that will be used to enhance
Colby-Sawyer’s technology and athletic programs, areas of interest
to which the Kelseys have had a long-standing commitment.
The following yearbooks are available in the
quantities indicated:
Evidence of the Kelseys’ generosity is everywhere on campus, from
well-equipped computer laboratories, to a multimedia computer
laboratory in the library, to the Patricia D. Kelsey Tennis Courts. A
gift from them in 1999 made it possible for the college to construct
the 30-acre Kelsey Athletic Fields, one of the most breathtaking
outdoor athletic venues in New England.
Pat Kelsey has demonstrated a lifelong love of various sports
2 (soft)
and successfully competed in several of them. She served as a phys-
ical education instructor at Colby-Sawyer from 1969 to 1973, and
as a coach. In 1987 she received Colby-Sawyer’s Town Award, and
in 1994 she received the college’s highest honor, the Susan Colgate
Cleveland Medal for Distinguished Service. She served as a mem-
ber of the Board of Trustees from 1989 to 1998 and was re-elected
to the Board in 1999. In 1982, she was a founding member of the
8 (soft)
1982/83 10
Colby-Sawyer Chargers Club, the college’s athletic booster club.
Hard cover copies are $25 and soft cover copies
are $15. Prices cover postage and handling.
Please make checks payable to Colby-Sawyer
College. Mail your request and check to:
She served as president of the Chargers for ten years, and has served
as a trustee of the New England Kurn Hattin Homes and the
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Robert Kelsey is a graduate of
Harvard University and served as a colonel in the United States
Office of Alumni Relations
Colby-Sawyer College
100 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Air Force. He has enjoyed a successful business career and
currently is an investment advisor.
We will notify you and return your check if the year
you want has been sold out. If you have any
questions, please contact us by e-mail at
[email protected].
Alumni Association Council
from Nashville, TN; Betty Mason
and family; and me. When I left
my church in Melrose, MA, I was
presented with a framed plaque for
my faithful service as church clerk
from 1976-1993.” Elizabeth Page
Winslow is able to go outside only
if someone can push her wheelchair. She stays content making
toys for children in Third World
countries. Please let me hear from
other classmates.
2000 - 2001
Leslie Norris Gray ’64
Vice President
Anne Baynes Hall ’67
Louise Sprague Danforth
Sept - May:
Heritage Homes
149 East Side Drive, #204
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 224-2029
Council Director, Annual Giving
June - August:
Ragged Mountain
Fish & Game Club
P. O. Box 65
Potter Place, NH 03265
(603) 735-5798
Nancy Nielsen Williams ’59
Please see In Fond Memory.
Nancy Dean Maynard ’45
Alumni Trustees
Robin Mead ’72
Nancy Woodring Hansen ’64
Eleanor Morrison Goldthwait ’51, ’52
Please see In Fond Memory.
Council Director,
Alumni Programs
Jody Hambley Cooper ’78
Chair, Annual Fund
Class Giving Committee
Keith Perkins ’99
Chair, Alumni In
Admissions Committee
Tammy Hoyt ’91
Chairs, Career
Development Committee
Ann Woodd-Cahusac Neary ’74
Susan Brown Warner ’74
Chair, Regional Programs
Mary Ellen Blatchford Walker ’80
Chair, Research Committee
Gordon McAllen Baker ’53
Chair, Awards and Recognition
Chair, Nominating Committee
Richard Baynes ’76
Faculty Representatives
Randall S. Hanson
Associate Professor,
Social Sciences & Education
Elizabeth C. Crockford
Assistant Professor,
Business Administration
Barbara M. Clough
Box 206
80 Old Lyme Road
Hanover, NH 03755-1226
(603) 643-3779
Reunion Chair:
Barbara M. Clough
Council Director,
Growth and Development
Patricia O’Connor Gowling
9924 Carmelita Drive
Potomac, MD 20854-4238
(301) 983-1090
It was most unfortunate that none
of us could attend reunion in June.
I did want to thank the Alumni
Office for the wonderful invitation
to our class! Barbara Mason writes,
“Since 1993, I have been living in
the Taylor Home Retirement
Community in Laconia, NH. My
sister-in-law Betty Mason lives here
on another floor. I am on the
Library Committee and helped set
up the library when the building
was built. Our family has been
coming to the same area since 1923
when we built a cottage on Lake
Winnipasaukee in Gilford. It is
almost like coming home since I
am only six miles from the cottage.
My sister Constance “Connie”
Mason Lane ’36 has a home here as
well. We have a family reunion
each summer that includes Connie
and her family; sister Audrey Phelps
and family from Jamestown, NY;
sister Brenda Leach and husband
Barbara Fetzer Herbert ’50
It’s hard to believe our class will celebrate its 70th reunion the weekend of June 1-3, 2001. Those of
you who can return for this auspicious occasion, please set the date
aside. Remember you are the foundation of what CSC is today. I sold
my house in Wellesley and moved
in June to Kendal in Hanover, NH.
Please note my change of address.
Dear classmates, by now we are
well launched into the new millennium with or without computers
and email. Barbara Vaughan
Garside had a good winter enjoying
music and theater and in June went
on a trip to Blowing Rock, NC.
Prudence Potter Jenkins and
daughter Susan visited the campus
in May and stopped in the Alumni
Office. She hadn’t been back in 16
years but has some wonderful
memories of her days here. What
admiration I have for Barbara
Bodge Knowles’ active life of volunteer work in two local libraries
and her talks about Africa in retirement homes, not to mention her
Student Representatives
Sean Peschel ’01
Cheryl Lecesse ’02
publications. Keep on walking a
mile, Barbara. Mayberry Hill is theplace to do it. Mary Eloise
Carpenter Sloan writes, “Reading,
committee work and needlepoint
take up most of my time.”
Elizabeth “Liz” Grimes Smith may
be seen more frequently in New
London now that her daughter has
moved there. Harriett Gray
Vangsness continues to enjoy good
health and is active in four exercise
classes each week, and helping
friends in assisted living and nursing homes. Besides nine grandchildren, she has four great-grandchildren. In answer to a postcard I sent
to Katharine Bonney, I received a
note from someone handling her
affairs saying, “Kay continues as
well as can be expected. She is
always very happy when I talk to
her about CSC although she cannot verbalize her thoughts. Kay celebrated her 90th birthday in May
with staff and residents at
Pomperaug Woods. Greetings to
you and the others at CSC on her
behalf.” Helen Goodwin Yeagle
asks, “Do you remember the view
from the Hill, the sound of the bell
that summoned all, and the many
talents of Dr. Sawyer?” Our
thoughts are with Elinor Clark
Cole as she adjusts to the loss of
her husband Ralph last June.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Have a change of address?
Need information on the
college or about your reunion?
Looking for classmates?
Contributing news for your
class column?
Email us at:
[email protected]
alone. I’d love to have you visit,
Lutie, and that invitation is extended to anyone who can come. I’m
trying to get Gertrude “Gert” Ball
Humphrey to come up. I was so
pleased to hear from Nancy Gaunt
Bradford, who says that it has been
very warm in Denver. She is using
a walker and needs oxygen. She
asked about Genevieve “Gen”
Millar. I have seen Gen several
times and she seems very well. She
is still living in her house but has
around-the-clock care. I’m still hanging in there. I work one day a week
in the Town Archives, which moved
to what was the Old Academy
Building. The Police Dept. took over
the Town Hall where we used to be
and the Academy Building was given
to the town by the college. I also do
oral histories of many of the townspeople which is very interesting. The
New London Historical Society also
keeps me busy. I sadly report that
Jane Chase Quinn and Nome
Thomas Seiler passed away. Nome’s
husband is in a nursing home. Please
keep the news coming!
Barbara Johnson Stearns ’32 and Anna Gay Rich, a ’27 graduate of Colby Academy, were special guests at the Reunion
Banquet in June. Barb was a member of the Board of Trustees
from 1957-1973 and was named Trustee Emerita in 1974. She
received the Alumni Service Award in ’81 and the Colby-Sawyer
Town Award in ’99. Anna has a strong family legacy. Her brother, Paul Gay, graduated from the Academy in 1918 and her husband, Kenneth Rich, graduated in 1925.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Barbara Johnson Stearns
31 Gay Farm Road
New London, NH 03257
(603) 526-6339
Email: [email protected]
I’m very proud of our class. I
received 15 replies to my appeal for
news. Mary Kennon Robertson
wrote to me about a mutual friend
of ours but never told me a thing
about herself. I am assuming all is
well with you, Mary. Margaret
“Peg” Olmsted Ford-Twombly
wrote she had been to a CSC meeting at which President Anne
Ponder spoke. Dorothy Melendy
Scott and Dick still live in New
London. Granddaughter Tiffany is
still skating and she is very good.
The last two grandchildren graduated from HS in June. She has one
great-grandson living in PA and she
speaks to him often. Eight months
ago, Barbara Wilson Lenox moved
to a health care facility and says it
was the right thing to do. The people are very nice and there are
planned activities. She went to
Jekyll Is., GA last April to an
Elderhostel on Jazz History and the
Barrier Islands. It was great fun and
she hopes to attend more. Eleanor
Pillsbury is not well but is receiving good care in the Avery Manor
Nursing Home in Needham
Heights, MA. It would be nice if
everyone sent her a card. She sends
her love and greetings. Harriet
Isherwood Power spent Easter in
FL with her family plus a new
great-granddaughter, her seventh.
This was the year for Helen
Estabrooks Tebo’s great-grandchildren to get married. One greatgranddaughter and her 13-year-old
are living with her now. Betty Ball
Hughes broke her leg in March, is
back on a cane, and is thankful for
family. She is lucky to have a new
great-granddaughter named for her.
Evelyn Kelley says, “Life is exciting,
even at 88.” She enjoys walking,
exercising and keeping company
with a few friends at Mission
Towers. She has meals delivered, so
feels spoiled with no cooking or
dishes to do. Lutie Grinnell
Shanahan still lives in Waterman
Village, FL with full-time help and
says she is spoiled rotten but loves
it. Her daughter is in VA and her
son is in Mt. Dora so she is not
Class Correspondent Needed
Hildreth Aiken Bourn
150 Warren Avenue
Englewood, FL 34223
(941) 474-6820
Please see In Fond Memory.
Ethelyn “Jackie” Dorr Symons
4432 Blackbeard Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
(757) 464-0165
Greetings to all. Our 65th reunion
is gone but not forgotten. The
weekend was full of happy times,
wonderful get-togethers and special
programs from which we all gained
knowledge. Knowing that age has
caught up with us, CSC students
drove us to and from our destinations in golf carts. There were three
who attended with me from our
class: Barbara “Crampy”
Crampton Jones from MA, Ina
Faulkner Bourgard from CT, and
Marjorie Rolfe from NH. Dorothy
Cooper, my dear roommate, could
not come because of her health, but
she was present in spirit. She wrote,
“Hi, dear classmates. I wish I were
there with you. I have carried your
love and friendships all my life
since 1935. We shared laughter and
what wonderful memories I have
recalled and woven in my heartfelt
Tapestry of Life. To those who have
passed on, to live in the hearts left
behind is not to die. My love and
loyalty always.” Annette “Ann”
Briggs Young sent an album of
class and college photos for the
archives. A classmate had prepared
it years ago. Ann was married for
55 years until her husband died in
1995. She has moved to an assisted
living apartment in Galveston, TX
near her daughter. She attends
occasional plays and entertainment.
Thanks, Ann, for your gift and
affection for our college. Elizabeth
“Lib” Smith Angier lives in So.
Yarmouth and prefers to be called
“Beth.” She writes, “We are a growing family with three daughters,
three sons-in-law, nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
We have been active volunteers at
Cape Cod Hospital, a local nursing
home, and the Salvation Army. We
are now active in a retirement community. As airline people, we have
enjoyed extensive travel but recently we have settled down to short
visits with family.” Barbara Stone
Cornwell wrote, “How I wish we
could have been with you in New
London. My husband Jack has had
three episodes of open-heart
surgery but he would have made
the trip if I agreed. It might have
been easier said than done. My HS
friend bought a home in New
London. What a coincidence. Best
to all!” Ina Faulkner Bourgard said,
“Frank and I were married 57 years
until his death at 93 in ’97. We
have two sons, two daughters-inlaw, four grandchildren, one greatgrandchild, and another due in
March. We were lucky to travel
extensively in Europe and the US.
In our younger days, Frank and I
were involved in Meals On Wheels
and worked in a soup kitchen. Son
Stephen lives in Virginia Beach so
when I visit, Jackie and I have
lunch together.” Many thanks to all
who represented the class of 1935
at reunion and much affection to
those who were absent but always
in our thoughts.
Barbara Melendy Parker
Little Briton Farm
One Route 114
New London, NH 03257
(603) 526-2724
Reunion Co-Chairs:
Barbara Melendy Parker
Geraldine McKewen Bateman
(954) 574-1724
Reunion Weekend is June 1-3,
2001 and our class will be celebrating its 65th reunion. Please set the
date aside and plan to return for a
weekend of celebration. Thanks to
all who sent in news and answered
my question, “Didn’t you enjoy the
Spring/Summer issue of the
Alumni Magazine?” They did!
Trude Brauner Rose went to HI in
Sept. for a month. Beulah Carrigan
Crosby is still volunteering in the
thrift shop at her church and
enjoying her three grandchildren.
She spent part of the summer in
ME. Judith “Judy” Clarke Kitchen
is enjoying life at Laurel Mead to
the fullest and the many activities
and programs. Her latest interest is
the stained glass workshop and she
is attempting to do a window
depicting a Chinese fairy tale, The
Magic Brocade. In July, Judy visited
New London and Colby-Sawyer
with her daughter Martha. They
went on a tour of the campus and
her old dorm. Judy was delighted
to see how wonderful the college
looks. Son Steve and grandson
Ryan visited in Aug. for a week.
Lots of news from Miriam “Mimi”
Clemmer Wakelin, who is living in
Kennebunk, ME. She feels fortunate to have most of her family and
grandchildren living in ME where
they have spent many summers
together at Biddeford Pool. One of
her neighbors is Lois Alley
Ferguson ’37. “Small world” experiences are very special. Her sister-inlaw Emily Morgan Clemmer ’45
and her daughters are also CSC
grads and are very dear to her, as is
her oldest and dearest friend
Martha Ware ’37 with whom she’s
kept in close touch for almost 65
years. Mimi noted the news of the
death of her sister-in-law Virginia
Wakelin Oldershaw on Sept. 3, ’99
after a long bout with cancer.
Athelyn Gay Hale made a quick
medical emergency trip to NH in
May. Nancy Martin LaBahn was in
the North Country until Oct. and
hoped to get to New London.
Hannah “Smitty” Smith Handy
wrote hurriedly as she was off to
get a pacemaker in Salisbury.
Everyone tells her that she’ll be as
good as new and she can’t wait. She
had an enjoyable trip to FL to visit
a brother in Tallahassee, and then
on to Asheville, NC where her
other brother lives. Marjorie
“Marge” Underhill Christian has
moved from her apartment to a
retirement place. She has a nice
villa and feels much safer there.
Daughter Jean came from TN at
Christmas and the family was
together at daughter Helen’s in
Orlando. Geraldine “Jerry”
McKewen Bateman spent the summer in Sunapee. She still enjoys
singing in the church choir, community chorus, and two other
smaller singing groups. She is
expecting two more great-grandchildren bringing the total to eight.
Constance Mason Lane wrote that
at the alumni reunion luncheon at
BU’s College of Hotel
Administration on May 30, the
school announced that a named
scholarship had been created to
honor the memory of her husband
who was the founding director and
guiding force for the school. The
Harold Lane Memorial Fund will
assist a student or students meet
financial needs for their college
education. Understandably the
family feels very grateful and honored. That happy event was followed on May 21 by the graduation from UVM of Connie’s oldest
grandson Travis. Grandson Tim
graduated from HS on his 18th
birthday in June. I, Barbara, am
still working at Cricenti’s Market
running the flower shop and loving
it. It was good to hear from so
many classmates and I look forward
to receiving news from the rest of
my class. Sincere condolences to
the family of Virginia Wakelin
Gladys Bachman Forbes
9229 Arlington Blvd., Apt. 235
Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 352-4519
Email: [email protected]
Virginia Enslin Fagan keeps busy
with friends and family, especially
the grandchildren and their activities. Jean Huckins Hawkes still
travels and her OR family visited
this summer for several weeks.
Frances Brackett Quackenbush
keeps in touch with her roommate
Dorothy Rodgers Dexter.
Although she believes strongly in
women’s colleges, she is pushing
CSC to her great-niece. Lois
Nutting Fitch and “Fitchie” celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in April. They’ve had many
nice trips including seven to
Bermuda! Eleanor Rice Sampson
has attended all of her six grandchildren’s HS and college graduations. She has one great-granddaughter. She loved her trip to AK.
Marjorie “Marj” Hudson
McGown and “Win” celebrated
their 62nd anniversary last summer.
Marj still plays golf. They travel a
bit and enjoy watching their four
grandchildren bring up six greatgrands. Doris Nichols Pester’s
granddaughter brought her three
little ones to visit. Doris had a hip
replacement and now uses a cane.
She says, “It hurts my pride, but so
what?!” Carol Everett Fraser had a
total knee replacement and hopes
to have the other knee done too.
She expects to move into an apt. in
her daughter’s home in Acton. She
still has her summer home in
Nanemet that the grandkids enjoy.
She still sees Dorothy Rodgers
Dexter. Ruth Reed Brown and
Brownie enjoy their three children,
two daughters-in-law, four grandchildren and two great-grands.
They had a visit from a WWII
friend Brownie met at Carlisle
Barracks in l942. Ruth enjoyed the
last Alumni Magazine; especially
our news. Ever since their dog died,
Frances Harrell Faulkner has been
chief dog walker for her friends
who can no longer walk their dogs.
Please see In Fond Memory.
She and Gordon visited Whistler,
BC in July with their sons, both of
whom are retired. Frances said,
“That really makes us feel ancient!”
Jeanne Miller Ewing writes that
she owns Jeanne M. Ewing
Antiques in Smithfield, PA and
keeps very busy. Constance Warner
Regli says that Oberlin, OH life is
good at Kendal, a Quaker-oriented
retirement place. She still travels,
enjoys family and her increasing
number of grandchildren. She had
a good visit with Clarissa “Polly”
Pickles Wooster. Barbara Cooper
Cogswell is enjoying email since
her children gave her a computer
for Christmas. She and her husband love AZ, but return to NH in
June. Eleanor Rich Brothwell
enjoys good health and has a large
vegetable garden and a small flower
garden. She grows peaches, apples
and blueberries. She worked at Pat’s
Peak ski area during the winter and
has another part-time job for the
summer. All 17 members of her
family live in NJ or ME so she gets
to see them occasionally. Esther
Ellet Mayo lives in Sun City, AZ
and enjoys playing bridge, doing
outdoor volunteer work, and
spending some time with her family in Flagstaff, AZ. She travels a lot.
In Branson, MO, she saw the beautiful Shoji Tabuchi show, the
Osmond Brothers, a spectacular ice
show and Yakov Smirnoff, the mad
Russian, which was VERY funny.
She enjoyed a wonderful visit from
Marilyn Pease Perry who had been
visiting her granddaughter Dana
and three great-grands in Houston,
TX. Faith Butterfield Wyer and Hal
are deciding whether they should sell
their house in ME next to Portland
Head Light and live in FL or move
to CT near daughter Judy. Marianne
Holehouse Bevan and George gave
up traveling but their daughter lives
near their retirement village.
Constance Arnold Martin and Earl
are well and travel some, have volunteer jobs and see their two daughters
a lot. No grandchildren; just horses
and dogs! Charlotte White Gaunt
had many happy years with her firstgrade teaching, and now is in her
25th year of Tour Director/Escort
work for her travel club. Husband
Howard is in a nursing home so she
keeps busy with her house, yard, and
club work. Frances Morrison
Archibald is interested in seeing
changes at the college, but this year
isn’t well enough to visit her brother
near CSC. She sends her best to
everyone. Ann-Marie Gjerlow
Aasland celebrated her 85th birthday
with all the members of her large
family in attendance. She has 22
descendants. Our sincere condolences to Dwight H. Lowrey and
family on the death of his wife,
Margaret Coryell Lowrey on May
21, 2000; to the family of Dorothea
Thompson Howe who died on
March 21, 2000; and to Deborah
Goodin-Wells, daughter of Doris
Wesson Gates who died several years
ago. I hope some of you will email
me. It’s so easy and I’ll appreciate
hearing from you.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Martha McCracken Howard
21 Boyd Street #1310
Bangor, ME 04401
Stuart Lydiard Patterson in
Calgary, Alberta is busy helping her
middle daughter, who is recovering
from a cancer operation. Her other
daughter who teaches in Korea was
home for a few weeks. Stuart is still
in her home with some help and
expected to renew her driver’s
license for another year. I received a
nice note from Mary Trafton
Simonds who was preparing for a
fun trip in April to celebrate son
Bill’s 50th birthday. They were off
to Paris and a week on a barge.
Mary spent a second week visiting
a cousin in West Sussex. She had
two cataract operations and only
wears glasses to read up close.
Barbara Lindbladh Fontaine
remembers the days of the jazz
bands. She did a lot of ballroom
dancing at the Officers Club in NY
years ago when she was a professional singer and mentioned that
Elizabeth “Bette” Hill Bolton used
to teach ballroom dancing at the
Fred Astaire Studios in Boston. I,
Martha, am planning to sell my
condo in New London and move
to Bangor, ME to be near my
Frances Holbrook Armstrong
321 Love Lane
Warwick, RI 02886
(401) 884-6763
Email: [email protected]
Thanks to all who were so good to
send me lots of news. Marguerite
“Margie” Hale Dulac is at the
Clover Living Center in Auburn,
ME. She is meeting new friends,
going on outings, and enjoying the
food. She wishes all of you “happy
golden years.” Barbara “Mixie”
Mix Wells’s daughter Lucy
informed the Alumni Office of a
feature article about her mother in
the April Wicked Good Calendar.
Lucy said that Dr. Sawyer referred
to Barbara as the only student who
arrived at CJC on a bicycle. Does
that surprise you? Margaret
“Margie” Carter Colony had a surprise 80th birthday party with all
of her family. Anne-Shirley
“Shush” Orent Hudler and her
husband are ardent travelers. This
year it’s Italy and Sicily, a barge trip
on the canals of Burgundy, France,
and a trip to Spain and Portugal.
Last winter, while home between
trips, she got together with Gladys
“Gig” Greenbaum Meyers for
lunch in Boca Raton, FL. Reading,
knitting and golf keep her busy.
Lucienne “Cinny” Jones Albro
enjoys an Oriental Vestamyd rug
class, bridge, gardening, symphonies, and going to Alzheimer’s
support meetings with friends.
Mary Healy Howe is busy on the
Cape with bridge, painting, rug
hooking, and gardening. She also
takes a couple of painting classes a
year. Sally Stevens Ayres invited
Norma Nordlund Overbeck for
lunch at her condo in Naples.
Norma still plays golf and some
tennis, but her first priority is John,
whose health isn’t good. She still
sings in the church choir. Christine
Close McKisson has a “wonderful
routine:” summer at her Leland
cottage with family and friends
from mid-June to mid-Oct.; Toledo
’til Feb.; a month or two at Amelia
Island, FL; Toledo for Apr. and
May. She does a lot of gardening
and fishing, and has six grandchildren. “Old age ain’t what it oughta
Betty Thomas Densmore ’40
relaxing on the M.V. Mt.
Sunapee during Reunion
be,” writes Miriam “Mimsi” Cluff
Worthley. Things that looked easy
a year ago don’t look that way any
more, but her “cognitive reasoning
is OK.” Marion Sage Boyd and
Jack are still making the trip to
Siesta Key for Mar. and Apr. They
know many others there and they
enjoy doing things together. Last
fall, Elizabeth “Betty” Higgins
Hassell and Henry went to
England, France, Portugal, Spain,
and Monte Carlo. Yours truly,
Frances Holbrook Armstrong and
Ed make the trip to FL in March,
but it seems longer every year.
However, we are in pretty good
health; just a little creakier. Keep
those cards and letters coming and
remember Joy.
Janet Canham Williams
64 Lower Ridge Road East
Andover, NH 03216-006
(603) 735-5235
Reunion was great and we had a
good turnout! We missed all of you
who couldn’t be there. Helen
“Tripp” Tripp Davies wrote a
beautiful saga of her fascinating
family. Eldest son, just home from
Lima, Peru on a Fulbright and
Guggenheim Fellowship, was visiting at the time of our reunion. Two
other sons, seven granddaughters
and four grandsons, plus traveling
and a fun whack at the game of
golf keep her “a goin’,” as she puts
it. Joan Webber Plummer is happy
since she broke her promise not to
retire to ME. In spite of being widowed in ’96 and having a double
cardiac by-pass in ’97, she keeps
herself very busy in Kennebunk,
ME. Her kids have been busy, too,
as she notes sixteen grandchildren
and six greats! So good to see
Mercie Franke Dunfee ’41MT at
reunion! She and Gordon have
recently moved to The Highlands
in Topsham, ME, after 41 years at
the Jersey shore. Harriet “Tilly”
Tillinghast Fuller has macular
degeneration, but she and her husband continue to travel the world
over. She says she is still able to
deliver Meals on Wheels. Two kids
and seven grandchildren live within
a few hours drive. It was great fun
to see Harriet “Wicky” or “Toddy”
Wickham Gorman and Bill at
reunion, up from Tangerine, FL
where they’ve been living for 29
years. Busy, busy they are on their
eight acres of woods. Golf, gardening, and a menagerie (4 dogs and 3
cats) fill their retirement years.
Helen Clark Hall ’41MT has
recovered from the accident that
left her with a broken vertebra and
pneumonia. It was a treat to see
Margery “Miggs” Tunison Hoch
’41MT at reunion. She and Gene
have a spring sugaring operation
and a large vegetable garden, and
spend winters hiking and skiing.
Miggs serves as treasurer of a local
charitable organization. Eleanor
“Ellie” Bernert Sheldon came up
from NYC for reunion, but Nancy
White Simpson couldn’t make it.
She wrote: “Married housewife living in 1820’s home on 80 acres in
Randolph Center, VT. Husband
Robert retired US Marine Corps.
Community activities are church,
Grange, and senior citizen volunteer with America Reads. Past president of Gifford Memorial Hospital
Auxiliary and Randolph Garden
Club and eight years Town Library
Trustee. Three children, seven
grandchildren, and two greats.”
Marion Besse Tucy is a travelin’
tiger! She has been a travel agent
and is now doing group reservations at a nearby resort. Her home
is in Buzzards Bay, MA. She went
see the world. I am in good health
and enjoy tennis, hikes, and whatever comes along. Ragged
Mountain is like an extended family, so I am contently living in the
right place. It was a joy to see all of
you who attended reunion. Our
sincere condolences to the family of
Barbara MacCormick Wood.
Please see In Fond Memory.
will be a freshman at CSC this fall.
She and daughters Sharon and
Marcia are very proud of the threegeneration legacy. Grandson
Christopher will be attending the
MA Art Institute in Boston. Twice
yearly Betsy James Wyeth’s husband Andrew and son Jamie are
joined by volunteers who enjoy the
work and adventure of rounding up
the sheep on Allen Island which is
owned by the Wyeth family. The
sheep keep the fields from turning
back to woods. Mary Louise
Williams Haskell went on a crosscountry ski weekend with her son
and family in Feb. and enjoyed a
barge trip in France in May with
daughter Sarah Haskell ’70 and
family. They also spent five days in
Paris. Margaret “Margie” Law put
a new top on her antique baby blue
convertible and went for a spin
down to her cottage in Bangor.
Don’t forget - 60th Reunion - June
1-3, 2001! Mark your calendars.
Constance Linberg Borden
7 Goulding Road
P.O. Box 445
Sterling, MA 01564-0445
(978) 422-6848
Reunion Committee:
Ruth Hall Dowden
75 Catlin Road, #309
Franklin, NJ 07416,
(973) 209-7581
Margery Tunison Hoch
(603) 795-2415
to Scotland in March to celebrate
her 80th birthday and Spain in
April. I had a good visit with Mary
Robins Abbey who bunked in with
me here on Ragged Mountain. She
has retired from her volunteer work
in the hospital auxiliary and gift
shop. She is a trustee and member
of capital funds and building committees at her church. She and Carl
have a daughter and son-in-law
nearby; a son is in CA. They are
grandparents to two Rottweilers,
one Golden Retriever, and a
Belgian Warmblood show horse.
Margaret “Peg” Van Duser Bell’s
days are still happily full of activities, thanks to good health, good
family, and good neighbors. She
travels several times a year. A trip to
CA and Seattle brought a visit with
Joe and Rosemary “Petie”
Gamwell McCrudden in their
home in Sequim. Elizabeth
Thomas Densmore enjoys hiking,
biking, bird watching and her
church activities. She is also
involved in playing three concerts
with the Nevers Band. Still “perking along” in FL is Jeanne Schwob
Homer. Although her family is
scattered, they manage to visit each
other several times a year. The year
2000 marked her 26th year in FL
and 57th wedding anniversary. She
and Bill enjoy theatre, good
movies, books, and visits from
friends and family. Barbara
Buckley Maner has been a widow
since Jan. ’84. She moved two years
ago from her in-town house to a
smaller townhouse at “The
Marshes” which is quiet, has lovely
views, and is just ten minutes from
Savannah, GA. She takes arthritic
water exercises three times a week
and does some church work. After
49 years of enjoying their home in
Smithville-Absecon, NJ, Eileen
Mattis O’Brien and Richard
moved to a smaller home in an
active adult community just a few
miles away. Winters are spent in
Sarasota, FL but they fly home for
Christmas. Juliette “Judy” Conover
Reinicker is taking classes at the
Academy of Lifelong Learning, a
program for seniors sponsored by
the U of DE. She’s trying to learn
how to navigate the net and dabbles in genealogy. I, Janet, have had
many wonderful opportunities to
Committee members are needed to
help plan our 60th reunion. Won’t
some of you join Ruth and
Margery on the committee? We
need your suggestions and ideas, so
please contact them or the Alumni
Office. Janice Wilkins will be leaving NYC after 30 years and moving
to an assisted living facility in MA.
She finally retired from the law in
July ’98. She will also be selling her
house in Walpole. The double
move boggles my mind! Keep us
posted on your new address, Janice.
Joan Rosenwald Scott and Scotty
are moving from their farm to a
retirement community. Their children and grandchildren are all
thriving, and Joanie is looking forward to our 60th Reunion.
Memorial Day evening, Anne
Weston Miller called and surprised
me by putting Kumari Paul Batra
on the phone. She and Brij were in
Brookline for the graduation of her
niece. All is well with her and their
family in VA. Another phone call
came from Claire Basch Barger ’42,
who was trying to connect with Big
Sister Eleanor “Ellie” Sanford
Logie. I also had a call from my
Big Sister, Elizabeth “Betty”
Higgins Hassell ’39. It was so good
to hear from her. How many of
you keep in touch with your Big
and/or Little Sisters? Susan “Sue”
Speir Parker wrote that the summer home on Schroon Lake is
being sold. Granddaughter Jessica
Please see In Fond Memory.
Margaret “Peg” Lasher Muller
151 Langley Parkway #326
Concord, NH 03301-7537
Ruth Kerney Scott writes, “Last
June, two more of my sixteen
grandchildren graduated from college and I became a great-grandmother. Sally Bisset Douglas and
Jim still live in a wonderful continuing care retirement residence that
is self-governed and where they
own their own apartment. It is in
San Rafael, CA with the best
weather in the world.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Margaret “Peg” Morse Tirrell
P.O. Box 37
Lower Waterford, VT 05848-0037
(802) 748-8538
Email: [email protected]
Last summer Doc and I camped
around Baltimore, MD for a couple
of conventions and went sightseeing in Washington, DC with the
grandchildren. Then we went to
Ancaster, Ontario, and Casper, WY
for more round and square dancing
conventions. Jim and Anne Abbott
Herdic spent another winter at
their home in St. Petersburg, FL
where they played lots of golf and
renewed old friendships.
Granddaughter Julie Herdic, who
played on the high school soccer
team which won the GA state
championship, was featured in
Sports Illustrated. Julie has scored
147 goals, just two short of the
record! Jean Spencer Brown and
Bob have seven grandchildren and
they travel in style to visit them in
their Bounder RV with two TV’s
and a microwave. They spent a
month last winter in FL. With 10
grandchildren living in New
England, plus their involvement in
their community, Jean Stewart
Hilton and her husband keep very
busy. They took a lovely boat trip
to HI last fall and planned a Sept.
trip to Paris and London. Jean
Wackerbarth Hadidian and Dikran
moved to San Jose, CA to be near
son Andrew, his wife and two
daughters, but spent last summer at
Dodge Pond. Jean wrote that it
wasn’t an easy job moving from
their large home with its 33 years
of accumulation, plus the business,
to a town house - but they survived! Jane Hamlin Horton and
Ernie planned to visit NH and VT
this past summer. Her sister lives at
Kendal in Hanover. Ernie is an
independent geologist while Jane is
involved with church work and
painting. Jean Thurman Ramsey
and Frank also planned to spend
the summer in New London.
Guess where Meredith “Mooge”
Munsey Craig was when the Call
for ’43 News came? She was in New
London, NH having a wonderful
time at her granddaughter’s graduation. Contributing to a perfect
weekend was Mary “Shy” Scheu
Teach as hostess with the mostest.
Priscilla Coan Barnes wrote that
two grandsons were getting married
in summer 2000 and two granddaughters were already married.
Their great-grandson was to be the
ring bearer in one wedding. Living
in the foothills of the beautiful
Ozark Mountains in northwest AR,
about a mile from the OK border
and thirty miles from MO, allows
them to enjoy the four seasons.
Patricia “Pat” Stickel Crandall and
Steve celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary by driving to FL in Jan.
to visit former ushers and bridesmaids. In Nov. ’99, they invited
100 friends to help celebrate at Bull
Finch’s in Sudbury where their sonin-law plays bass regularly. Pat still
gives tours of Symphony Hall in
Boston and often visits their
daughter, son-in-law, and threeyear-old grandchild who live nearby. Last June, they planned to visit
their son in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Priscilla “Puss” Parker Craig has
moved to Venice, FL. Daughter
Judith, whose husband David succumbed to A.L.S. a year ago, has a
daughter at Dartmouth and a son
in HS. If you fly Delta you may
meet the Craig’s daughter Donna
who is a flight attendant. Missy
and her husband are living in
Kona, HI. By the time you read
this perhaps Sally King Cramer
will have met her 7th grandchild.
Sally spent three weeks in Tobago
where youngest daughter Shelley
lives, and the baby boy was born
two days after she left! Shelley’s two
girls were also born in the
Caribbean. Shy and Sally took a
10-day tour to Costa Rica in April
visiting coffee, banana, and butterfly plantations along with river and
other trips. Sally is still working in
real estate in Williamstown, MA.
Carolyn Sigourney Holtz continues to paint and draw. Her most
exciting sketches are from the
Marquessas, following Jacques Brell
and Melville. Husband Merriman
just celebrated his 50th reunion at
Yale. Elizabeth “Betty” Everill
Henderson recently had a wonderful trip to Spain, Portugal, and
Morocco. When home she keeps
busy with volunteer work and
bridge. Seven of her 11 grandchildren live nearby. “Not much news
since Tom had his heart attack,”
wrote Shirley Hobbs Craven. They
exercise together three times a
week, and love the ME coast and
dining out. Shirley belongs to the
No. Shore Music Hall and a Bible
study group, gardens, plays bocce
ball, and enjoys going to Bretton
Woods in the White Mts. They
have one grandson. Margaret
“Margo” DeGraff Hotaling was
trying to put together a minireunion with Jean Aronson Rea,
Barbara “Connie” Constantine
Johnson, Marjorie “Marge”
Campbell Upson, Patricia “Pat”
Stickel Crandall, and Elizabeth
“Libby” Floyd Knowlton before
she went on another cruise with
her family this fall. Margo is thoroughly enjoying “Colby,” her beautiful German Shepherd puppy. Shy
Teach shared with me the story of
Enid Belden Logan’s path from
disaster to joy, which began when a
medical accident robbed her of her
hearing and kidney function. Seven
years later she had a working kidney donated by her identical twin
sister and a new type of cochlear
implant and she married the doctor
who stood by her side the whole
time! Shy also shared a picture of a
very surprised Sally King Cramer
with the perfect present for her
75th birthday...a CSC afghan.
Dorothea “Dot” Gay Bewley and
Jim were recipients in June of the
New London Service
Organization’s “Third of a Century
Award,” which honors those who
have lived and worked in New
London for more than 33 years and
who have contributed significantly
to the life of the town. Former
recipients include William Kidder,
H. Leslie Sawyer, J. Duane Squires,
and M. Roy London. Dot’s father
received the award in 1968.
Congratulations, Dot and Jim! Jean
Aronson Rea, whose husband Dave
died at Thanksgiving a year ago,
shared what daughter Kit wrote
about her father: “If he had to go,
it was the best day of the year,
because now I have more to be
thankful for, in thinking of what
my Dad gave to me.” Heartfelt
condolences to the family of
Shirley McNab Mernick and to
Virginia “Ginny” Hansen Gato
whose husband Tom died in
Dec. ’99.
Grace McLean Smith
19 Green Hill Avenue
Mirror Lake, NH 03853
(203) 239-1332
Email: [email protected]
Jane MacCabe Kelly
P.O. Box 210
North Haven, CT 06473
(603) 569-5877
Editor’s note: In early July, Grace
informed the Alumni Office that she
had just gotten out of the hospital
after brain surgery for cancer. She
was still rather weak and apologized
for having to skip this issue of the
magazine. I know you join us in
wishing her a speedy recovery.
Shirley Merz Bryant and Bob still
enjoy their six months in FL and
five months on Lake George. Travel
time eats up the other month.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Dutton Harder Long
423 Northfield Road
Watertown, CT 06795-150
(860) 274-8318
Helene Walczak Ross
845 Cottonwood Drive
Severna Park, MD 21146
(410) 647-1127
Editor’s note: The Alumni Office
extends sincere thanks to Shirley
Glidden Splaine and Jean Morley
Lovett for the time they devoted to
this column and their class.
Jean Morley Lovett and I, Shirley
Glidden Splaine, have enjoyed
being your correspondents for the
past five years and wish Helene
Walczak Ross and Dutton Harder
Long as much enjoyment as we
have had. Please help them by
sending in your news.
Reunion 2000, our 55th, was very
special and very successful for the
28 who attended. Friendships
become more valuable as the years
go by. Jean and I, who served on
the reunion committee, thank
Patricia “Penny” Brewster Austin,
and Kathryn “Pat” Walker Munro
for co-chairing our 55th reunion
and the other committee members,
Nancy Dean Maynard, Jean Jacob
Vetter, and Joy Waldau Hostage.
We were so proud of Jean Lovett
who was one of the two Alumni
Please see In Fond Memory.
Service Award recipients this year!
She received her award at the
Annual Meeting of the Alumni
Association in the Lodge. M. Janice
Cooper Adams suffered a stroke
last summer but continues to
improve. She summers in NH and
entertains five children and their
families. In the winter, she lives in
FL. “Penny” Brewster Austin also
spends winters in FL and summers
on Cape Cod. She works part-time
in the info booth for the Yarmouth
Chamber of Commerce and is a
tour guide. It was fun to see Adele
“Shaysie” Shays Bowler after all
these years; also Susan Roberts
Bean and Edwin. Nancy Teachout
Gardner lives in FL, plays golf, and
is on a competitive shuffleboard
team. She plans a cruise through
the Panama Canal this year. Joy
Waldau Hostage and Arthur are
enjoying their grandchildren in the
USA and England. Traveling is
their hobby and they have visited
Australia, New Zealand, and
Guam, took a western
Mediterranean cruise, and plan a
tour of China. Joy keeps busy with
the CT State Library Board,
Gaylord Hospital Auxiliary Board,
League of Women Voters, Women’s
Club, and the Democratic Town
Committee. She received an award
in 1999 for her significant contribution to community service!
Charlotte “Char” Epps Irion and
Bud told us of all their travels to
visit their children in CA, IL, VA,
and Turkey. They have also traveled
to Spain and Italy and were off on
a world cruise after reunion.
Dutton Harder Long and Henry
celebrated 52 years of marriage this
year and are lucky to have their
four daughters and families within
ten minutes of their home. She is a
keen gardener and has a greenhouse
room for her hobby plants. Ruth
Anderson Padgett came from CA
with her daughter Robin. She,
Nancy Dean Maynard, and I
roomed together in Lawson Hall;
we NEVER stopped talking! Nancy
still works in a law office in
Andover MA, is taking piano
lessons, and enjoys attending
grandchildren’s sports events. She
had a great trip to Germany last
Jean Morley Lovett ’45 certainly knows how to pull a successful
reunion together, having served as reunion chair in ’90 and on
the reunion committee in ’95 and ’00. For her outstanding service to Colby-Sawyer and to her community, Jean received one of
two Alumni Service Awards at the Annual Meeting of the
Alumni Association in June. Jean shows off her Colby-Sawyer
clock with Sheila Lewis Henry, executive director of alumni and
Yes, it’s that time again. We will be
celebrating our 55th reunion.
Remember what a wonderful time
we had at our 50th? Please set aside
the weekend of June 1-3, 2001 and
plan to return for another wonderful weekend. Our condolences to
Mollie Miller Tanner who lost her
husband, Lewis, in May.
community relations.
fall. Ruth enjoys tennis and is a
semi-retired travel consultant. She
had a successful recovery from
brain surgery two years ago. I went
to the College Sport Shop with
Janet Davis Keegan who was
adding to her travel wardrobe in
preparation for a trip. Irene
Bartholomew Brower was unable
to come to reunion. She and John
traveled around the US last summer and planned to spend Sept. in
Quechee, VT. Emily Morgan
Clemmer wrote that she had a nice
reunion last summer with Martha
Whitney Steers. I keep busy with
my gardens, which will be open to
the public this July for the National
Garden Conservancy Open Days. I
am clerk for St. Mark’s Episcopal
Church and chairman of the
Learning Garden at the Ashland
Community Center. My mother is
nearly 96 so I spend a good bit of
time either with her or scheduling
her caregivers. Kathryn “Pat”
Walker Munro moved to a town
house in S. Dartmouth, MA, where
she’s lived for 25 years. Elizabeth
“Libby” Bryant Parker lives in
Windsor, CT and has had three
mitral valve heart operations and is
still going strong. She is very active
in the Windsor Historical Society,
Ramona Hopkins O’Brien
54 Texel Drive
Springfield, MA 01108-2638
(413) 739-2071
YReunion Co-Chairs:
June Taylor Wright
P.O. Box 1858
New London, NH, 03257
(603) 526-6250
P.O. Box 1068,
Boca Grande, FL 33921-1068
(941) 964-2417
Beverly “Bebe” Walker Wood
35 Tower St.
Bristol, NH 03222
(603) 744-2185
Reunion Committee:
Ramona Hopkins O’Brien
Please see In Fond Memory.
church, DAR, Republican Town
Committee, and town planning
commission. Another busy person
is Jean Shanley Puckhaber. She is
the Ballston Spa, NY historian, an
antique dealer, an active member of
the house and garden club, and
works at the county office as a master gardener. Ruth Wilgus
Rockwell lives in Atlanta, GA. Her
interests are aerobics classes, conversational French, gardening, computers, and oil painting. She is represented by several galleries in
Atlanta and the Southeast. Helene
Walczak Ross is involved with
fundraising for Chesapeake
Hospice, bringing the Antiques
Roadshow to Annapolis, and the
Sailboat Regatta with 70 classes of
boats. Jean Jacob Vetter missed
reunion but was there in spirit. I,
Jean, enjoyed an incredible trip to
the Galapagos Islands with three
generations. It’s great to see a trip
through children’s eyes. We were
greatly saddened to learn that
Barbara Boynton Brown and
Eleanor Holcomb Powell passed
away recently. Our deepest sympathy to their families.
Marilyn Perry Sagar
2 Heathmuir Way
Savannah, GA 31411
(912) 598-0197
Dorothy “Pooh” Fitch Adamson
would enjoy hearing from any of
you passing through Bethlehem,
CT. Margaret “Peggy” Fish Langa
and Paul took the whole family on
an AK cruise in Aug. as an early
celebration of their 50th wedding
anniversary in Oct. I goofed in the
last column by informing you they
went to Miami in Jan. when, in
fact, they went to Maui. I spent
some quality time in Washington,
DC with my younger daughter
Amy, and 7-year old Charlie. In
June I flew to NJ to meet with HS
girlfriends for a long weekend at
the NJ shore. It was such fun last
year that we want to do it again
Please see In Fond Memory.
and again. With sorrow, I report
that David Clark, son of June
Curran Clark, informed me of her
death on April 21, 2000. He said
that she truly loved her college
years and had many wonderful stories about her friends there. Her
feelings for the college and the
region were very influential in
David’s decision to attend
Dartmouth. When you think of
CJC and our wonderful days there,
I hope you’ll send me some news.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Phyllis “Les” Harty Wells
6305 SW 37th Way
Gainesville, FL 32608-5104
(352) 376-8475
Fax: (352) 395-7429
Email: [email protected]
Sarah “Sally” Ackerman Frey
recently attended her 50th reunion
at Denison U in Granville, OH.
She and Len are still employed
part-time at the Hutchinson
School. They spent six weekends in
NYC last winter attending
Metropolitan Opera productions
and visiting former colleagues from
The Chapin School. From midJune to mid-July, the Freys traveled
in France and took a barge trip
though the champagne country,
drove to the Mont St. Michel
coastal area and south to Quimper.
Like the Freys, Mase and I travel a
lot. We spent the Y2K in Buenos
Aires and then took a cruise on the
Norwegian Crown, sailing around
Cape Horn, the Beagle Channel,
the Strait of Magellan, and the
Chilean Fjords. Valparaiso,
Santiago’s port, was the end of our
14-day cruise. After three days in
Santiago, we flew to Lima, Peru
and spent the rest of this wonderful
trip exploring that country. We had
a busy spring with short trips to
Miami with the Lady Gator Golf
Team, Pensacola for the FL Retired
Officers’ Convention, Annapolis
for a USNA Alumni Association
Board of Trustees meeting, and
Amelia Island for a reunion with
old friends and neighbors from
DC. In July, we took our two children and their families to France.
Nancy “Hobby” Hobkirk Pierson
and Jim have purchased a house in
FL and will take possession in Jan
’01. They’ll be close to Jim’s brother in Jupiter Inlet. In the summer,
Hob goes to the VT house to paint
and to their NYC apartment so she
can take her beloved classes at the
Art Students League. Jim’s still
enjoying the fuel business, but
occasionally finds time to play golf
in St. Croix. Patricia “Pat” Bentley
Nye and Tom stayed in New
London until mid-Jan. so Tom
could ski on the little natural snow
they had in NH. They were in
Boca Grande, FL, the rest of the
winter, enjoying the Gulf of
Mexico and playing golf at Lemon
Bay GC. In March, Katherine
“Kay” Heinrich Clark and Jim had
a great week in Denver visiting one
of their daughters. They enjoyed
some celebration festivities when
their son-in-law was sworn in as a
Federal Magistrate Judge. Jane
Maynard Gilbert Gibson sent news
of her marriage to Jack Gibson in
Jan. All is well with Grace James
Evans and Stan who were in the
NC mountains for three weeks in
June. In Sept., they visited Toronto,
Quebec, and VT. In ’99, the Evans
had a fantastic trip to the UK,
France, Spain, and Portugal.
Pauline “Polly” Carver Watson
enjoys visits from children and
grandchildren during the winter in
Naples. She’s back in Marblehead
during the summer. Elizabeth “Sis”
Forrest Annis’s husband Bill continues to be involved with the
Eastern States Expo in Springfield,
MA. They loved their few weeks in
FL in Feb., but always enjoy the
recently milder winters of NH.
Jean Klaubert Friend and Paul
enjoyed touring the CSC campus.
Patricia “Pat” Anderson Schmitt
and Dan spent last winter in
Tequesta, FL. They stay at their NY
farm from Apr. to June and then go
to Wolfeboro, NH off and on until
mid-Oct. They see their seven
grandchildren often. Janice “Jan”
West Williams and Harry still
work in the restoration business.
Dorothy “Dot” Sanborn Breed
and Dick spend winters in Naples.
They now have 11 grandchildren!
Dot’s still pursuing her “three
careers” in golf, gardening, and
bridge. The Breeds had a great
Egyptian trip in Dec. ’99.
phase in their lives. Their home
had been completely remodeled,
ready to move in. Our sincere condolences to the Olsen family.
Margaret “Patsy” Dimmit White
and Peter are enjoying their retirement. Patsy’s still involved with the
League of Women Voters, is a
director of EAH (affordable housing development), chairs the
Housing Commission for the City
of Novato, and is on the boards of
the Chamber of Commerce and
local YMCA. Carol “Shoe”
Shoemaker Marck had a great
annual reunion with Emy Lu
Simson Croke and Cornelia
“Nini” Hawthorne Maytag in Mar.
at her home in Snowmass. Shoe
and Chuck split their time between
the Poconos and Bethesda. Emy Lu
takes one big trip a year with a
widowed sister. In the last three
years, they’ve taken a river cruise
from Budapest to Amsterdam, been
through the Panama Canal, and
visited the Galapagos Islands. Emy
Lu has five grandkids, four stepgrandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren. In March she stayed
at the recently refurbished, historic
US Grant Hotel in San Diego. She
attended an awards ceremony given
by the Freedom Foundation of
Valley Forge, PA. Nini had lunch
with Priscilla “Pan” Irish Demos
who was in town from Grand
Junction. Dr. Joan “Pete” Peterson
MT ’49 says that her travel wings
have been clipped by her new
puppy, another Bichon. Barbara
Jane “Beej” Smith Thompson
took a trip to Spain, Portugal, and
Morocco. She spent Jan. through
Mar. in Vero Beach, FL, and plans
to do the same in 2001. Beej’s
daughter Mary Jane Thompson
O’Hare ’86 presented her with her
tenth grandchild in Nov. ’99. Anne
Smith Jeffus sends her best to all of
’48. Nuff said for this issue!
Please see In Fond Memory.
Jean Hubley Meyer
P.O. Box 72
Cleverdale, NY 12820-0072
(518) 656-9375
From all reports, the 50 +50 =
2000 Reunion was a big success.
There were 45 classmates in attendance from all over the country
and the opportunity to catch up on
everyone’s lives was a treat. A special vote of thanks goes to the
reunion chairs, Susan Morrison
Mayer and Barbara Bishop
MacLean and their committee
members, Nancy Frost Smith, Joan
Hubley Sundeen, and Leslie
Moore Waldbillig, who organized
all the special activities for the big
five-0. One of the highlights was
the opportunity for many of us to
meet Anne Ponder for the first
time. She is truly an outstanding
leader and with her able senior
staff, there’s no doubt but that CSC
is in good hands. The scrapbook
news provided lots of information
that I’ll try to condense. Elsie-Joan
“EJ” Martin Albergotti and Julian
lead active lives in Charlotte, NC
and enjoy their 17 grandchildren.
Martha Frey Allen and Don enjoy
the CO mountains and never miss
an opportunity to hike and ski.
Her three children are in FL, CO,
and OR and she’s especially proud
of her three grandsons. June
Ramsey Atwood and Joe live in
West Falmouth, MA where she is
trustee of Emerson House and their
local library as well as president of
Colonial Dames. They have two
children and three grandchildren.
Jean “Jeanie” Davis Bates and Don
call S. Easton, MA home. Jeanie
retired from the VA Medical
Center three years ago and now is
involved in animal welfare. They
lost their daughter two years ago to
an eating disorder. Their son and
family live nearby and they have
Margaret “Peggy” Monroe Mink
2360 McKivett Drive
Toledo, OH 43615-2425
(419) 843-4790
I enjoyed a wonderful trip to
Portugal in Nov. ’99 and to Spain
in June. I look forward to hearing
from more of you so I have news
for the next magazine. With deepest regret I share news of the sudden death of Beverly Bartlett
Olsen last May. Bev and Dan
arrived in CA two weeks before and
were very excited to begin a new
two grandchildren. Jean Wheeler
Blackmur and Arnold spend their
winters in Jupiter, FL and summers
in Great Barrington, MA. They
have four children and seven grandchildren. They will celebrate their
50th anniversary in CA. Genealogy
is Jean’s special hobby. Ann
Roraback Bowen and Bill start
their many trips from Harwinton,
CT. She’s active in the church choir
and takes special pride in their
three grandchildren. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in Aug. Virginia “Ginny”
Colpitts Bowers and Buzz enjoy
living in East Orleans, MA and
having their four children and eight
grandchildren visit during the summer. Ginny has retired from the
medical field and frequently
accompanies Buzz on his Boston
Red Sox scouting trips. Joan
“Lukie” Lucas Brandley and David
live in Caldwell, NJ. Between
them, they have five children and
five grandchildren. Lukie enjoys
watercolor painting, flower designing, and teaching David how to
play golf. She’s involved with several volunteer groups and social organizations. Sally Ritchie Brannan
and Bert live in Greensboro, NC
and have three children and six
grandchildren. She’s active in many
volunteer causes and is currently
church senior warden. Rita
“Skeety” Ferris Briggs and Pete
started married life in Puerto Rico
and their three children have also
done some globe trotting. Skeety is
a retired MT and is now involved
in family hospice. Adrienne Ayres
Brinker sends her best from
Wilmington, DE. Barbara Steen
Bryant stays busy playing golf in
Marietta, GA. She and Goble enjoy
their children and six grandchildren. Josephine “Jo” Carlson Clark
lives in Ipswich, MA. Her three
grandchildren are her pride and joy.
Gloria Demers Collins and John
celebrated 50 years in Nov. and
have two grandchildren. She’s
active in the local senior center and
as a hospital volunteer. Shirley
Smith Crawford and Bruce live in
Sarasota, FL, but summer in NH.
Their four children and nine
grandchildren helped celebrate
their 50th in July. Ann Bemis Day
is still active with her guest farm
inn, ski school, and riding program
in Waitsfield, VT. She enjoys her
two children and four grandchildren, writing for the local newspaper, and being active in poetry and
writing societies. Jean Holmes
Duffett and John divide their time
between Manchester, NH and
Siesta Key, FL. They enjoy their
three kids and six grandkids and
their time spent with old CJC
friends. Joan Smith Eastman and
Gerry find time to travel and enjoy
their six grandchildren. In the winter, she spends five weeks skiing in
VT. Barbara Decker Egbert splits
her time between Glen, NH and
New Harbor, ME. She enjoys winter skiing, summer sailing, and
travel. Quilting, painting, and
sculpting fill her free time.
Gretchen Siegfried Estensen, a
widow since ’95, enjoys her visits to
Naples, FL. At home she plays golf
and bridge and enjoys her old CJC
friends. June Kemp Fryer reports
that retirement is great in Camden,
ME. They have three sons and six
grandchildren and look forward to
some travel. Gisele Gonfreville
Hornbostel was unable to come to
reunion from Paris, France because
of health problems. Her husband
died two years ago but she has two
daughters and three grandchildren
nearby. She’s currently collecting
her husband’s writings. Marjorie
Hamilton Gorham and Jim have
two sons and two granddaughters.
She retired in ’98 and they now
plan an extended car trip each year
to visit sons and families in
Houston and Phoenix. Joan
Magavern Gregory and Don have
four daughters and eleven grandchildren. She has remained a homemaker and Don, a physician, works
half time. They have no plans to
retire elsewhere. Anne Maher
Grimes retired to Southport, ME
after 30 years in NJ. She and her
husband travel to visit their children and grandchildren in the
Boston area and Sydney, Australia.
Barbara Schlicht Hanington and
Wes retired to Dunnellon, FL five
years ago after 40 years in MD.
They keep busy traveling, golfing,
playing bridge, and being active in
the community. They have three
children and four grandchildren.
Patricia Vaughn Hatch is the
retired supervisor of secretarial staff
for the NV State Assembly. Eight
grandchildren and one great-grandchild provide diversion when she’s
not sailing. Harriet Fitkin Hill is in
Rancho Mirage, CA. Since her
divorce she has traveled extensively
and plans to visit China soon.
Patricia Davis Hoffman now lives
in Topsfield, MA and enjoys her
two children, three grandchildren,
and many friends. Marilyn Smith
Hooper now lives in Cocoa Beach,
FL two blocks from the beach. She
invites all classmates and friends to
visit. Maxine Morrison Hunter is
enjoying commuting between Lake
Forest, IL and Boca Grande, FL
with retired husband Tom. Their
two sons and three grandchildren
also live in Lake Forest. She’s
stopped teaching classical piano
and now volunteers at the Art
Institute of Chicago and the
Chicago Symphony. Marilyn
Simmons Johnson and Ned havetraveled in all 50 states. They have
two sons and one grandson.
Another grandson died last year.
Since retiring she’s become an
accomplished painter recognized by
the Smithsonian. Earlier the JC’s
honored her as an outstanding civic
leader. Since retiring, Jean Fuller
Knowlton and Vern have done
some traveling from their home in
Henniker, NH. They get winter
sun in Sanibel Island, FL but still
love to ski at Sunapee in the winter.
Nancy Hendrickson Latham and
Dick live on the shore in Easton,
MD but still spend summers on
Fire Island, NY and play lots of
golf. Their three sons and three
grandchildren are scattered across
the country. Susan “Sue” Morrison
Mayer and Gerry live on Lake
Sunapee. They built a house next
door for their eight children and 19
grandchildren. Sue is proud to be a
CSC trustee again as she and Gerry
have both served in the past. They
are involved in many civic, cultural,
and charitable activities but find
time to travel all over the world.
Last year they took their children
and spouses to the Turks and
Caicos Islands for a week without
grandkids. They play tennis and
exercise at the Hogan Sports
Center. Lindy Clapp Macfarland
and Will traveled extensively while
he was in the Navy and now travel
to visit their four children. They
keep busy with community activities in Orchard Park, NY, but love
to return to beautiful New London.
Barbara “Bobbie” Bishop
MacLean and Phil live in Bridgton,
ME. Bobbie earned her BS in ’94
and has had several part-time jobs.
She’s also a professional ski instructor. They’ve traveled to Australia
and New Zealand and currently
work for the US Census Bureau.
Phil has one daughter and they
have two sons and four grandchildren. Joan Towson McCauley and
Bob retired to Clearwater, FL in
’91 but spend summers in PA. Joan
golfs and they both enjoy their
three children and eight grandchildren. Jean Hubley Meyer and Dick
live in Cleverdale, NY on Lake
George and love the four seasons.
They have three children and six
grandchildren and for the past two
years have taken them all to Sea
Island, GA. In April ’99 their
Cinnamon had 5 yellow lab puppies which gave a new meaning to
the term “care givers.” They kept
one, Buffalo Bill Cody, giving them
three dogs and a cat. Come visit
the menagerie! Elisabeth “Liz”
Harrison Morgan and Perry are
retired in Princeton, NJ. They have
four children and 12 grandchildrenand keep busy with golf, community service, and wonderful
trips. Kathleen “Katie” Valliere
Ouilette lives in Skowhegan, ME.
Her two marriages resulted in 11
perfect grandchildren split between
both coasts. She has had a wide
variety of work and professional
experience. She’s been active in
community affairs and is a candidate for Somerset County
Commissioner. Jane Richardson
Pearson in Marshfield, MA retired
in ’95 from her third career as legal
secretary-bookkeeper and lives with
her three cats. She’s active in charitable work, gardening, swimming,
and singing in a choir. She enjoys
travels to her daughter and with
some of her CJC friends. Jean
Merrill Pierce and Dick live in Sun
City Center, FL. She has two sons,
two stepsons, and 8 grandchildren.
They both enjoy traveling. Barbara
“Bunny” Duryea Rybeck lives in
Meriden, CT but summers in
Chatham, MA. Her Pete died in
May. She has three children and six
grandchildren and still enjoys tennis, biking, clamming, and lobstering. Phyllis Sanderson Scott retired
from teaching music in ’88 and
couldn’t make the reunion because
she was on a European concert tour
with the Monadnock Chorus. She
and Don have three children and
boast of six musical grandchildren.
They live in Peterborough, NH
and winter in Hilton Head, SC.
Deborah Rosenblum Shapiro and
Bob live in Bedford, NH and have
two children. They sold their food
vending business in the late ’90’s,
but keep active skiing, golfing, and
playing tennis. They also enjoy
vacations in exotic locales. Mary
Hood Smith lives in Oxnard, CA
and has five children, five granddaughters, and one great-grandson.
She’s been an interior designer for
45 years and loves it. Many of her
kids will be in CA for her 70th
birthday. Nancy Frost Smith and
Mort summer in Melvin Village,
NH and winter in Marco Island,
FL. They have three children and
seven grandchildren and enjoy travel and church work. She’s also an
accomplished teddy bear maker.
The memorabilia about cold
weather clothing, the demerit system, the president’s letter to the
family, plus other items which she
saved from 1950 are prime candidates for the time capsule for the
class of 2050. Joan Hubley
Sundeen and Bob live in
Manchester, NH. They have one
son who has his own courier service. She has been active in her
church and for two years was president of the Elliot Hospital
Auxiliary where she still does volunteer work. Elizabeth Blake
Tornaritis has lived in Limassol,
Cyprus since ’58. She and her
physician husband operated a clinical laboratory until his death. She
started the blood donor program
through the Red Cross which, after
some struggles, is now operating
well. She was a member of the
Fulbright Commission for 20 years
helping both Greek and Turkish
Cypriot students study in the US.
She has three children and five
grandchildren living around the
globe. Ruth Shonyo Trask lives in
West Boylston, MA. She’s a graduate of Middlebury College and
Katherine Gibbs School and has
She says she expects to grow feathers. She attends one of the best colleges for seniors - UNC, Asheville.
Mary Loudon Eckert had luncheon
in Naples with Barbara Styles
Stevens who was Dr. Sawyer’s secretary in our day. She says President
Anne Ponder was there, that she is
a really marvelous person, and we
are lucky to have her. Elsie-Joan
“E.J.” Martin Albergotti and
Julian have 17 grandchildren and
enjoy going to Elderhostels. E.J.
has a busy life with golf, tennis,
and travel. They work in a soup
kitchen and are both active in
church. Eleanor Merklen Cambrey
does volunteer work and plays golf.
She visited her roommate in
Boston, and went to her 50th HS
reunion in Darien, CT. She has six
grandchildren. Ruth Gray Pratt
writes that Ruth Bannister will be
living in Boothbay Harbor, ME.
Patricia “Pat” Day has gone back
to her Beacon Hill apartment.
Maryann Henry von Dwingelo
expects to visit her. Anne Houston
Conover and Patricia “Pat”
Seymour Forstrom see each other
in the Venice, FL area. Remember,
a 50th reunion comes once in a
lifetime, so do plan to attend. It
will be nice to see old friends.
Please send me your news!
Bobbie Fetzer Herbert (left) and Priscilla Johnson Greene
catch up with each other at the ’50 reception in the Lodge
during Reunion Weekend. Bobbie, who served as president of
the Alumni Association from ’86-’88, is the new Director of
Alumni Programs on the Alumni Council.
you” for the fabulous brunch they
provided for our class on Sunday of
reunion. A perfect way to end a
perfect reunion.
Roberta Green Davis
107 Columbia Avenue
YSwarthmore, PA 19081
(610) 543-6688
Reunion Co-Chairs:
Sally Conner Parry
(413) 533-1304
Email: [email protected];
Barbara Easterbrooks Mailey
(978) 468-5110
Reunion Committee:
Patricia Day
(617) 523-9264
Eleanor Merklen Cambrey
(843) 527-6884
Email:[email protected]
Roberta “Bobbie” Green Davis
(610) 543-6688
Ruth Gray Pratt
(781) 784-7035
done considerable writing and editing through the years. She has sung
at her local church, with the Master
Singers in Worcester, and currently
co-chairs her 50th Middlebury
reunion. She has four children and
one granddaughter. Mary Agnes
Stanton Tullis of Groton Long
Point, CT lost her Bob in Feb. She
has three children and eight grandchildren and urges us all to cherish
every moment with loved ones.
Avis Wilcox Van Vleet retired from
teaching in ’96. She lives in
Saratoga Springs, NY in the winter
and on Lake George in the summer. She admits to having the travel bug and has already covered
about half the world. She enjoys
cheering on her granddaughter in
track and skiing. Marilyn Clark
Walker and Wally have five grandchildren and live in Saint Louis
Park, MN. Jeanne Marquis
Williams and Ron winter in East
Greenwich, RI and summer on
Lake Sunapee. They enjoy having
their three grandchildren at the
lake and participating in CSC’s
Adventures in Learning. A raffle was
held at reunion and Joan Eaton
Mauk won a CSC rocker.
Congratulations! Susan and Gerry
Mayer deserve a tremendous “thank
Nancy Shumway Adams
10 Canton Road
P.O. Box 189
West Simsbury, CT 06092
(860) 658-5542
Rayma Whittemore Murray
201 River West
Greenwich, CT 06831
(203) 531-8955
Email:[email protected]
Editor’s note: A big welcome to
Rayma Whittemore Murray who
has volunteered to be co-correspondent! I, Rayma, apologize for the 20
or so empty envelopes that were
mailed before I had stuffed them
It’s hard to believe but we will be
celebrating our 50th reunion the
weekend of June 1-3, 2001. Save
the dates and return to your college
for this gala occasion! Eunice
Morse writes that she has been
hobbling around with a torn cartilage and being treated with injections of chicken fat and salt water.
with a letter asking for your news
and reminding you that our 50th
reunion is coming up in 2002. If
you do have news and didn’t get a
letter please write to Shum. Donna
Robb Trask, Audrey Kelley
Vosburgh, and Carol O’Donnell
Wood called me. Carol has remarried and is now Carol Bruza.
M. Jane “MJ” Montgomery and
Shum both reported seeing each
other at the New England Ski
Museum at Cannon Mountain. MJ
will be working with Shum’s oldest
son Bo on the board of the museum. Barbara Smith Day has
worked with the Denver Children’s
Hospital handicapped ski program
at Winter Park for 18 years. She is
still at the real estate office where
she’s been for 13 years. Another
CO classmate, Mary Lanius, was
east for her brother’s 80th and a big
family reunion. Her niece is a portfolio manager at U.S. Trust where I
work. Marilyn “Woodsie” Woods
Entwistle has six children and eight
grandchildren. In March ’99, she
talked her old roommates Elizabeth
“Betty” Carlson Salomon and
Nancy Angell Taylor into skiing
again after 30-40 years. They
amazed everyone. They all flew
back to Betty’s home in Ocean
Grove, NJ and took trips into NYC
for some culture. They called
Jeanne Roach Tozier in San
Antonio, TX and had a wonderful
catch-up conversation. Nancy has
been to HI with friends and to
Copenhagen with her daughter and
son-in-law. Ann Dodge
Robertson’s husband died in ’86.
She lives near and helps care for her
grandchildren and elderly neighbors. Joyce Philibosian Stein lives
in Indian Wells, CA and summers
in Malibu. Husband Joe has been
appointed to serve on the CA-NV
Super Speed Train Commission
and on the CA State Summer
School for the Arts. Noel
Henriques Brakenhoff ran in the
Avon 3-day 20-mile walk for cancer
and raised $4,500. Marilyn
“Chasie” Chase went sailing with
Noel, Bruce, and their friends in
N. Palm Beach, FL. Chasie and
Noel had lunch with Polly Heath
Kidder. Polly and Hank have
retired but still help out at Twin
Lake Village for eight months of
the year. Polly attends President’s
Advisory Council meetings at CSC.
Please remember to give to the
Annual Fund when Joan Rablin
Keppler asks. Our class needs to
improve its record! Coralee “Toddy”
Huberth Sloan still manages her
farm by herself. She loves being a
“gramma.” In June, she went to
England on a garden tour. Mimi
Bentley Burton had a chance meeting with Patricia Caswell Dey and
KV at Logan Airport in April. Pat
joined the Burtons in June for
Mimi’s daughter’s wedding at Castle
Hill in Ipswich, MA. Mimi also saw
Joan Rablin Keppler and Bob in SF.
Joan saw Sarah Bond Gilson and
Ruthie Richards Lovingood at her
50th HS reunion. Joan finally has a
granddaughter. She was in GA in
time for the yachting events of the
Olympics. “A real once in a lifetime
experience.” She is also active with
an animal group that encourages
people to neuter their pets.
Elizabeth “Libby” Johnston
Carlson’s husband Korey died in
April ’99. Libby and Natalie “Nat”
Clarke Jones keep in touch with
each other via email. Nat hopes to
see Nancy Nelson Hill in Glen, NH
when she goes there for a family
reunion. Nancy is a volunteer for the
AMC Pinkham Notch area and the
local hospital. She has six children
and nine grandchildren and is still
working at Shaw’s supermarket.
After 25 years as manager of a dental
office in Montclair, NJ Mary Jane
Thompson Erickson has retired to
Marco Island, FL. Anne Prindle
Johnson is also on Marco Island in
Feb. Joanne “Judy” Fowle Hinds
lives in the Bahamas in the winter
and on an island off Portsmouth,
NH in the summer. Judy and Ray
continue to work for hospice and
the board of a local library. In the
winter, their family and friends join
them in the Bahamas for the holidays. June Parker Smith retired in
’90. Two of her grandchildren live
next door. Paul and Barbara Hallett
Lester live in Redmond, WA and
have three children and nine grandchildren. Mary Anne Lutz Mackin
went to England, Ireland, Scotland,
Paris, and Normandy, where they
visited the war memorials and
beaches. Ingrid Mellgren Davidge
moved to Westport, MA in Aug. and
is retiring. She has three children
and seven grandchildren. Elizabeth
“Betsey” Borgerson Stevens has a
summer home in Chatham, MA
where her four children and seven
grandchildren come to visit. She and
Don are retired and enjoying their
travels. Joan Henley Mattoon and
Pete were married in ’52 after he
graduated from Dartmouth. They
spent 3 years in the Navy and then
Pete went to Harvard Law School.
Pete is chairman of his Phila. law
firm where he has been for 18 years.
They have four children and nine
grandchildren and have a home in
Winter Harbor, ME where they
spend the summers and holidays.
Ann Taylor Stokes has been semiretired since ’97. She works at Home
Depot as a kitchen designer. She has
three children and four grandchildren. Nancy Garland Menchetti is
busy with club activities, sewing,
quilting, and bridge. They have five
children and seven grandchildren,
three of whom graduated this June,
one from the U of San Diego.
Martha Marano Ackermann’s sons
live and work nearby in Norwalk
and Greenwich. She saw Carol
Wolfenden Ritter at their 50th HS
reunion. Ann Doyle Gramstorff
took a two-week trip to AK. She
spent time in NH last summer with
Arthur and Sandra Hall Speros.
Janet Udall Schaefer wins the grandchildren and great-grandchildren
award. She has 19 step grandchildren and 50 step-great-grandchildren; and she says she has no special
news! As for me, I’m still working
for U.S. Trust and live in Greenwich
with my youngest daughter
Penelope. Another daughter, her
husband, and their two daughters
live in Tucson, and my son is in
Richmond, VA. Thanks to everyone
who responded so quickly to my letter. Keep your news coming please!
Carolyn Nagel Kaufman
83 Bog Road
New London, NH 03257
(603) 526-6329
After thirty years, Louise “Lou”
Dumontier Gaumer and Kenneth
moved from the heat and congestion
of south FL to Connestee Falls, a
community south of Brevard, NC.
They bought an older house and
have been busy remodeling for two
years. Fortunately, Lou sees her children and five grandchildren frequently as all three families live in
GA and FL. In recent years, Lou has
had get-togethers with Janet
Arminio Connolly, Marina Filides
Latchis, and her roommate, Barbara
Fenn Wysession. She occasionally
sees Betsey Cook Willis ’48, who
also lives in Connestee Falls. Lou
planned a trip to China for fall ’99
and will see the Yangtze River in its
original state before the great dam
forever changes the river’s configuration. Ednamae “Teddi” Nichols
Clarke writes from Stratford, CT
that her days are spent caring for her
94-year old mother, her husband,
and two dogs. Teddi also serves on
the Board of the Homeless Coalition
and is her stepbrother’s sponsor for
the Special Olympics. If any of you
are in the market for an older pet,
Teddi is active in the greyhound
adoption program. Billie Sweigard
Carroll and John are active golfers
and have recently moved to a golf
community in West Chester, PA.
They have two children nearby and
two more living in Ossining, NY
and Baltimore, MD. The Carrolls
still own a house in Ocean City, NJ
where they spend summers. Polly
Black Koerner and Jack enjoyed a
trip to Oslo, Norway and visited
Nora Elligers Anker-Rasch ’52, her
’50/’51 roommate. Nora mentioned
that Agnes Lind Werring ’54 had
two daughters who attended CJC.
Peggy Yeaton Gleckler will be pursuing an MA in marriage and family
therapy at Antioch New England’s
graduate school in Keene, NH.
While currently living in
Londonderry, VT Peggy and her
husband are building a home in
New London, NH. Have a great
winter skiing, snowshoeing, golfing,
or relaxing on the beach and don’t
forget to send me your news! Our
sincere condolences to the family of
Carole Nelson Burrill who passed
away in June, as well as to Nancy
Messenger Roby who lost her husband, Allan, in September of 1999.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Jane Doherty Bissell
265 Woodland Avenue
Winnetka, IL 60093
(847) 446-2915
Had a wonderful long letter from
Joan Dryden May who wrote after
reading all the news of our class in
the last Alumni Magazine. After 18
moves in their 44 years of marriage,
Joan and Mike have settled in Lake
Worth, FL and are thrilled to be
there and have a constant group of
friends visiting. Joan is working
part-time for an interior designer
and Mike is VP of marketing for a
firm in Ft. Lauderdale. Their son
and family have just moved back to
Chicago from Tokyo. Their daughter
Whitney and her husband are both
professors at Indiana U. Joan and
Mike have been on two cruises, one
around Europe and another to
Istanbul and the Greek Isles. Joan
mentioned how absolutely beautiful
the CSC campus was on a recent
visit. Joan’s is the only news I
received, so to the rest of the class:
please write!
Please see In Fond Memory.
Jane D. Kaup
135 East Main Street, S-8
Westboro, MA 01581
(508) 366-9647
Kudos to Gretchen Davis Hammer
and Nancy Sellers Mion ’55MT,
along with Nancy Wilkins Kaplan,
Eleanor Faulkner Jones, Judith
Engel Hunter who made Reunion
Weekend an occasion to remember
for the sixteen members of the class
who attended. There is much news
to report. After retiring early from
her profession in the financial services industry, Martha Dodge
Altemus bought a small business in
Sedona, AZ. After 12 years, she
and Bill purchased a second home
in NH and then decided to make it
their permanent residence. While
in Sedona, Martha taught investing
at the local community college and
served on the Board of Directors of
the Sedona Arts Center, becoming
its president in ’98. Eloise Hamel
Becker moved from NJ to Salinas,
CA five years ago and lives near her
daughters and grandchildren. She
has been a skating coach for 32
years and has master ratings with
the Professional Skaters Guild of
America. She has written a PSGA
coaches manual, developed a PSGA
apprentice program and is on the
PSGA Board of Directors along
with top coaches in the US. She
enjoys photography since moving
to CA and started a small business
called Pacific Images. She sells her
images in the form of photographic
cards and enlargements. Beverly
Stearns Bernson is an antique dealer. She and Bob, a retired auto
dealer, travel a lot. They love tennis, skiing, snorkeling, and touring.
Nancy Robinson Bradtmiller lives
in Venice, FL. She loves to sail, and
is an active participant in AAUW,
church, and her sorority alumni
group. Stephanie Brown Carleton
winters in Patagonia, AZ and summers in Hanover, NH and Post
Mills, VT. Her paintings are at the
Roseguist Galleries in Tucson,
Hayden Hayes at The Broadmoor
Hotel in Colorado Springs,
Mesquite Grove Gallery in
Patagonia, and Ava Gallery in
Lebanon, NH. Ann Siegfried
Carlson was diagnosed with a rare
form of sinus cancer last year and
underwent chemo and radiation
treatments. She and Chick celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary.
They live in Naples, FL in the winter and summer in Buffalo. Patricia
Cook Cohen owns a small flower
and garden gift shop in Hanover,
NH and also works at a Concord,
NH law firm. She has taken several
wonderful trips to Italy with Don
and Nancy Wilkins Kaplan. For
the past 18 years, Ruth Perin Davis
has worked in the NY Presbyterian
Hosp. in their Institute of
Colby-Sawyer College
Alumni and Past Trustee
Inaugural Delegates
During the past months, Colby-Sawyer alumni
and past trustees represented
President Anne Ponder and their college
as official delegates to inaugural ceremonies
at other colleges and universities.
We are grateful to those who accepted invitations.
Ken Miller, Past Trustee,
Hampden-Sydney College, VA
October 21, 2000
Margaret Fish Langa ’47,
The University of North Carolina at Asheville
October 6, 2000
Dr. Marjorie Bell Chambers, Past Trustee,
The College of Santa Fe, NM
September 22, 2000
Corinne Charron Turner ’38,
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
September 15, 2000
Beatrice Korab Jackson ’70,
Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, NY
April 29, 2000
Marian Pennock Calhoun ’52,
North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University
April 20, 2000
Linda Tilton Coker ’64,
Converse College, Spartanburg, SC
April 13, 2000
Karen Class Roberts ’66,
Fisk University, Nashville, TN
April 8, 2000
Jane Marcelais Childers ’56,
Albright College, Reading, PA
Chronobiology and Sleep
Laboratory. Most recently she is an
admin. secretary in the Child and
Adolescent Division. Husband Ray
is retired and she plans to do the
same in another year or so.
Constance “Connie” Valpey
Deschenes does freelance writing
and photography and has been
published locally. Ed is retired so
they spend their time traveling,
playing golf, and going cross-country skiing with family and friends.
Judith “Judy” Meyer Desenberg
and Jon are semi-retired. He still
practices law and she is doing clinical social work when they are not
up north in Traverse City, MI at
their vacation home. Carol Myers
Ditmore and Dave, a retired dentist, enjoy the freedom to travel.
During the winter, she plays tennis
and swims a mile afterwards twice a
week. Sara “Sally” Paul Dommel is
involved in community service and
has been a Republican
Committeewoman for 25 years.
Her hobbies include golf, bridge,
swimming, and travel. Sallie Lou
Johnson Elliott and Dave retired
five years ago and travel a lot.
Mareen Dedrick Evans lives in
Jacksonville, FL. Her husband died
in ’97, but her children live nearby.
She enjoys her job as an admin.
assistant for an engineering firm.
Adrienne “Adie” Pease Guptill
’56MT held three positions as an
MT before retiring from Deaconess
Hospital in ’87. She has been in
real estate and plans to semi-retire
this year. In ’96, Adie began a B&B
business and enjoys meeting many
people. Carol Binney Haehnel had
careers in banking, a research lab,
and a doctor’s office, and is now
working in a bank again. Gratia
Wrye Hamilton retired in ’98. She
enjoys taking classes, folk choir at
church and traveling. Marcia
Symmes Harmon and Chuck live
in Cape Porpoise, ME. Marcia is a
member of the Seacoast Garden
Club. For the past 21 years, Sandra
“Sandy” Heath has been challenged by spasmodic dysphonia, a
vocal disability. She is involved in
raising public awareness for voice
disorders. Her favorite vocal pastime is promoting skiing. At her
favorite job, Ports of Call Travel at
Saks Fifth Avenue, she worked
closely with high profile personalities and celebrities and opened a ski
travel desk. She did stints as a skiwear consultant for Bergdorf
Goodman and Bloomingdales. A
Stowe, VT resident, she is still
involved in sales and has created
“Vintage Visions,” an entertaining
and historical ski fashion show.
From Sarasota, FL Ann Whaley
Hosted has been a volunteer in
nursing homes for the past 40 years
and has also been involved with
hospice care. She established the
Pet Therapy Program for Hospice
in Stamford, CT and also in FL.
After 16 years as a realtor in CT,
Please see In Fond Memory.
Nancy Hoyt Langbein
42 Hemlock Drive
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 729-3879
Reunion Weekend is June 1-3,
2001 and we will be celebrating
our 45th reunion. Save the date
and plan to return to campus!
When Ed and I were at CSC in
early June, we saw the restored
dome on our cupola. Thanks to a
generous gift from Ernestine
Bellamy Firth, there is now a stunning new weather vane to replace
the one that had been leaning for
years. Please, everyone take heed to
what Nancy Morris Adams said in
her newsy letter, “it’s about time I
contributed to the alumni news.”
Since Sam sold his ski business two
years ago, he and Nancy spend
time traveling around the west in
their VW camper visiting friends
and family and enjoying hiking,
fishing, and as many outdoor activities as possible. Nancy still does
her Travel to Music group tours.
They are now summer residents in
Jonesport, ME as they are remodeling a home there. They still have
their home in Lincoln, NH. In
March, Ed and I visited my sister
Barbara Hoyt Baker ’49MT and
then went over to Key Biscayne to
attend the Ericsson tennis tournament. While in Naples I called Jane
Veckly Soffel who spends two
months each summer in upstate
NY. Their three children are in
DC, NY and MI. By the time you
read this column, the reunion questionnaires will not be far behind.
Please fill one out whether you plan
to attend our 45th or not. Anyone
who would like to help with
reunion should contact the Alumni
Have a change of address?
Need information on the college or about your reunion?
Looking for classmates?
Contributing news for your class column?
Email us at:
[email protected]
therapy at the UNH after graduation. While raising her family, she
ran a nursery school and then was
on the staff of the Hospice of the
Good Shepherd for many years.
She and Hugh retired to Hebron,
NH where they enjoy the out-ofdoors and travel to visit with family
and friends. They have sung with
the NH Friendship Chorus in
many countries and foreign cities
including New Zealand, Australia,
Russia, South Africa, Prague,
Krakow, Budapest, and Vienna. Jim
and Janice Spurr Titus are enjoying retirement. They lost a daughter in an automobile accident ten
years ago. Daughter Joy is a realtor.
Son James Jr. is married and has
two daughters. Dick and Barbara
Frostholm Vreeland switched houses with their daughter and now live
in a little stone cottage overlooking
Lake Valhalla. She is working as a
travel consultant. Janet Taber Walls
and Alden live in Jamestown, RI.
She retired this June after 15 years
at the Wilton, CT HS and 12 years
at an HMO in Warwick, RI. Mary
Jane “Mimi” Downes Watson married Jim Watson in May ’98. John
and Polly Parsons Nash and Bill
and Heidi Scheller Maddrix ’75
attended the wedding. Jim is a
Tufts U professor and tennis coach.
Currently Mimi is involved with an
Internet start-up company but also
plans to remain active in medical
editing. Frances “Fran” Roberts
Wilson is a psychiatric nurse and
works part-time in a drug and alcohol rehab program at Bergen
Regional Medical Center in
Paramus, NJ. She lives in New
London, NH part of the year. Fran
stays in touch with Georgianna
Hubbell Sorensen and Nancy
Demme Nichols.
dept. at Salem Hospital and for the
Marblehead Historical Society.
Barbara Harris Mimmack and
Fred enjoy living in CO where they
raised four sons and continue to
raise Arabian horses. Fred still practices psychiatry and psychoanalysis
and teaches at the U of CO Health
Sciences Center in Denver. Barb
retired as a medical secretary and
has fun with plant maintenance
and in a retail plant shop. At this
time, she enjoys being day-care
grandma for their youngest granddaughter. Nancy Sellers Mion
’55MT and John lost two of their
six children in tragic car accidents
but feel blessed with four remaining children, their spouses, and ten
grandchildren. Nancy keeps in
close touch with her roommate
Cynthia Bryant Reavis ’54. She sees
Jane Shoemaker Storm and Sandra
Davis Carpenter who were in her
small MT ’55 class. Polly Parsons
Nash taught at a nursery school for
11 years and then moved into her
long-term interest in antique horses
and buildings. She is a volunteer
curator of a small early 19th century captain’s horse museum, and
chair of their 1840 church’s interior
restoration. After 15 years working
at Digital Equipment Corp. (now
Compaq), Jean Warwick Osgood
was laid off. She was not disappointed and joined Longfellow
Racquet Club and does aerobics.
She and Bill travel a lot. After a
successful career in laboratory and
hospital management and as chair
of the Dept. of Med. Tech. at
UVM, Eleanor Russell is now happily retired. She studied art at the
U of WI and enjoys painting. She
volunteers for the local newspaper,
doing layout and some proofreading and is the Champlain Valley
Coordinator for the American
Cancer Society Road to Recovery
program in VT. Jerry and Barbara
Harmen Sawyer are retired. He is
involved in the Masons and is the
Grand Master for the state of NY
which affords them the opportunity to travel to other lodges. Julian
“Shoe” and Martha “Marti”
Strauss Shoemaker sold their home
of 34 years in Lexington, MA, and
built a new house in Hinesburg,
VT. Marti is a chiropractic assistant
and sings in NH Friendship and
Music Festival choruses. Nancy
“Mudgee”Mudge Sycamore
entered the field of occupational
Judith “Judy” Engel Hunter
moved to Littleton, CO in ’94. She
retired in ’97 and loves it. Eleanor
“Ellie” Faulkner Jones and Dick
have owned a food ingredient business for the past 18 years. Last
spring, Dick and their oldest son
bought a sports beverage business.
Ellie volunteers at the local historical society and hospital. Last May,
she visited Judy Engel Hunter.
Nancy “Nan” Wilkins Kaplan and
Don retired three years ago. Nan
was Don’s office manager in his
ophthalmology practice. They sold
their Mystic, CT home and now
reside on Ragged Mt., eight miles
from CSC. Nan served on the
Board of CSC for nine years and
said that it was such a privilege.
They travel a great deal. Rosemary
“Rosie” Carhart Keenan and Mike
live in Sherrill, NY, the smallest
city in NY state and second smallest in the country. Rosie spent the
first 20 years of her marriage at
home and at age 42 went to work
at Oneida, Ltd. as secretary to the
manager of technical design. She
retired five years ago and is now a
volunteer driver for Meals On
Wheels. Diane “Di” Longmaid
Kelly broke her entire foot in a car
accident and was in a nursing
home for 15 weeks. She is fine now
and walking. She still teaches elementary piano to 12 students and
loves it. Nancy Fisher Kerr is
retired and busy with grandchildren, volunteer work, and traveling. She also has a home computer
business. Christiana “Chris”
Huckel Kinnamon and Tom celebrated their 43rd anniversary. Chris
is a member of two singing groups
and a church choir. She volunteers
for Meals On Wheels, hospice, and
a food pantry. She is involved with
a prison ministry called Kairos at
Edna Mahan, which is the only
women’s prison in NJ. Alethe Laird
Lescinsky has worked for 28 years
at a community nature center that
she and Frank helped found. They
are now retired and live in the
Adirondack Mts. Paul and Linda
Ann Valpey Langan retired 11
years ago from GTE Sylvania. They
travel, play golf, and cross-country
ski. Ann volunteers in the payroll
Sue Hillier Puffer, Judy Butler
Shea, Linda Read Stewart from
Scotland (who won the award for
traveling the longest distance),
Betsey Loveland Wheeler and
yours truly had a great time at our
40th reunion. There were seven
husbands in attendance. Seeing
friends we had not seen in 40 years
was wonderful. Following is news
received from classmates who could
not join us. Roberta “Bobbie”
Newton Brown has been a faculty
assistant at Harvard Business
School for ten years. She is taking
classes toward an AB degree, probably in art history. Son Chris is an
architect whose wife Rachel is in
her second year of residency at
UVM. Daughter Julie is in sales at
the Galleria Park Hotel and loves
SF. Son Nate is a woodworker and
part-time student and his wife Beth
is a second year resident at U of
Rochester. All love the outdoors
and Bobbie enjoys visiting them all.
Sharley Janes Bryce lives in
Portland, OR and is taking classes
in psychology and interior design.
She and Graham love travel, fishing, golf, photography, and their
new granddaughter Maren Clark.
Sharley went to Italy this past
spring and spends time at their
recreation home at Black Butte
Ranch. Hope Tyler Buckner, Buck,
and family have been operating a
cattle ranch since ’72 in eastern
OR, two hours from Boise, ID.
They have been busy with 4-H and
Boy Scout youth groups, teaching
safety with horses and firearms.
They are active competitive shooters and give NRA Personal
Protection classes every year.
Caroline Clark Chipman lives in a
little bungalow on a lake in Lake
Orion, NC with husband Curt
who is math professor at Oakland
U. Their son and his family relocated back home last year. Elizabeth
Boothe Davis owns her own business, VA Center for Dyslexia. She is
a specialist and facilitator for The
Davis (not related to her) Dyslexia
Assoc. International of Burlingame,
Miriam Barndt-Webb
19 Federal Street #1A
Brunswick, ME 04011-1525
(207) 729-0529
Fax: (207) 798-4780
Email: [email protected]
Cynthia Grindrod van der Wyk
Huntington Harbour Bay Club
4167 Warner Avenue #105
Huntington Beach, CA 92649
(714) 846-6742
Email: [email protected]
Hello to all of you who might
remember me; perhaps as a member of the choir, soloist and leader
of the Buzzin’ Dozen? I seem to
have reached about a third of you
(the rest to come). Some of you
forgot to tell me who you are/were
so should you not find your news
in his column, please send it to me
again and I will include it next
time! I was able to identify Kim
Yaksha Whiteley because of the
connections with Emily Barry
Walker, Robin McDougal and
Diane Shugrue Gallagher.
Elizabeth “Betty” Kendig Eastman
and Fred celebrated their 40th
anniversary in July. They have a son
who practices law with Fred, a
daughter who works in marriage
and family counseling, and two
grandchildren. Their travels take
them to FL yearly. Judith Lynch
Wheeler is retired after 35 years of
teaching first grade. Eva Lorange
Mitchell celebrated the arrival of a
fourth grandchild. Two are in CO
and two in NJ. Barbara Snow
Coote says hello to her old roommate Janet Head Gustafson.
Suzanne Vander Veer has a married
daughter. Sandy Dennis Allen
retired from Ware Cooperative
Bank after 43 years and now has a
retirement home in North Port, FL.
She celebrated the arrival of her
first grandchild Curt. I’m still
teaching piano and violin, although
no longer at Bowdoin. I had a
wonderful singing career and got a
PhD in Musicology, with years
abroad and then teaching at various
colleges. Margaret “Peg” Cawley
’41 and Jean London ’41 still keep
in touch. Please DO get in touch
with me and let us hear what you
are doing and don’t forget to sign
your notes! I’ll catch up with more
of you next time.
Joanne Macudy Fairchild writes,
“Our youngest daughter Karen was
married in July ’99 so we are really
‘empty nesters’ now. We have two
beautiful granddaughters in NH
and two wonderful grandsons in
OH but don’t see enough of them.
Best wishes to all.”
Please see In Fond Memory.
Sarah Beal Fowler
449 Summer Street
N. Andover, MA 01845-5642
(978) 682-0358
Email: [email protected]
Nancy Kolar Bowen and Julie
Dougherty Egenberg ’60 had lunch
with Judith Johnson Gibbs ’60 at
her home in Newport Center, VT.
Julie lives in Stowe, VT and Nancy
in West Charleston, VT. Marsha
Halpin Johnson and Bruce frequent our N. Andover town library,
where I work, when they’re not in
New London. During Brooks
School’s spring break in March, I
visited my 88-year old aunt in
Sebring, FL and in April visited
Newport, RI with my sister and
brother-in-law. This is your column, so let’s hear from you.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Patricia Canby Dushane
594 Pleasant Cove Road
RR1, Box 594
Boothbay, ME 04537
(207) 633-5461
Email:[email protected]
Barbara Swanson Smith, Ellen
Cook Barnes, Gale Hartung
Baldwin, Gretchen Polk Caines,
Sally Kimball Campbell, Emilie
Merritt Cobb, Rachelle Morency
College, Judith Johnson Gibbs,
Rosemary Rood Idema, Diana
Davis Kingman, Ann Parsons
Klump, Marcia Goodale
MacDonald, Charlotte Heyl
McLaughlin, Susan Barto Monks,
CA. She has three grown children.
Julie Dougherty Egenberg and
John were in Australia and New
Zealand last spring. They enjoy flyfishing, gardening, skiing, and trips
to Bermuda where she hopes to see
Marcia Goodale MacDonald. Joyce
Nicols Lewis is a close neighbor in
Stowe. Doug and Joyce Klapproth
Forsyth live in Baltimore, MD.
They were married the weekend
after she graduated with a BS. Two
daughters live in Boston and one
lives in Seattle with her husband
and two children. Joyce worked as a
MT until the rnid-’80’s and then
part-time as a receptionist in real
estate. She and Doug enjoy their
summers in NC and traveling.
Judith “Judy” Provandie Johnson
lives in Belgrade Lakes, ME where
she is a library assistant at the elementary school and introduced the
ME Student Book Award program
for 5th and 6th graders. She loves
reading, golf, and sewing. She and
Dick have two children, Dean and
Cindy, and three grandchildren.
Carolyn Nienhuys Karl and Joe
live in Fairfield Glade, TN and she
works part-time as a physical therapist. She enjoys golf, tennis, hiking,
gardening, and good friends. They
have four children and eight grandchildren. Cynthia Naylor lives in
Melrose, MA and has worked at the
Houghton Library at Harvard in
the Catalogue Dept. for 38 years.
She enjoys travel, photography,
reading, and cooking. Virginia
“Ginger” Rhoades Newkirk lives in
Kingwood, TX where she and Dick
are both retired. Ginger worked in
real estate for 25 years. They love to
travel here and abroad and enjoy
Elderhostel programs. They have
taken a bike tour in Holland, a
wine tour in France, and a walking
tour in Austria and Italy. Their second home is in Breckenridge, CO
where they go skiing and hiking.
Son Bob lives in CA. After 27
years, Sandra “Sandy” Martin
Pedrick retired from teaching elementary school; the last 17 years
were at Chestnut Hill Academy in
Phila. She passed the teaching
baton on to her daughter. Sandy is
(L to r) Judy Johnson Gibbs ’60, Julie Dougherty Egenberg ’60
and Nancy Kolar Bowen ’59 with a picture of the 1959 ski
team, which included Julie, Nancy, Beverlee Schutz ’59, Joan
Perry Mac Dermott ’60, Judith Butler Shea ’60 and Coach
Editor’s note: Welcome and thanks to
Susan who volunteered to be your
new Class Correspondent. A warm
hello to all. Verne and I moved to
New London five years ago. We
have two daughters. Susan, who
graduated from CSC in May with
her registered nurse and Bachelor
of Science degree, is a nurse at
Elliott Hospital in Manchester,
NH. Sarah, our youngest, graduated from Kearsarge Regional HS in
Sutton, NH in June and is attending UNH in Durham, NH. I
enjoyed a nice lunch with my
Shepard roommate Martha Clark
last summer at her condo in
Hanover, NH. Martha is still
employed at the United Nations in
NYC where she maintains an apartment. Last year I received a telephone call from Elizabeth “Tizzie”
Grove Schweizer who was temporarily residing in Newbury, NH.
We frequently had lunch together.
Tizzie and Fred are presently residing in Ithaca, NY. Janice Weaver
Lima ’61MT sent an email to the
college with the address of Claire
“Dusty” Brown Bergen, ’61MT
who lives in Australia. Claire is
retired and has made a short distance move to be nearer the shore.
Janice says, “It makes you want to
take a trip for the Olympics. I,
Janice, am retired after 34 years at
Falmouth Hospital, Cape Cod. I’ve
been recovering from open-heart
surgery and also enjoying our three
grandchildren, soon to be four.
Frank is retired but keeps busy
doing a bit of construction work
for family, friends, and our second
home in ME. My family, aunts,
Pauline Gosselin. (See story “Judy in Wonderland” in this issue.)
working part-time as a library assistant in the Wissahickon Valley
Public Library. She saw Barbara
McCabe Warner at a wedding in
June. Martha “Marty” Harrison
Sims lives in Hot Springs, AR.
Husband Larry died in Jan. Our
deepest condolences to you and
your family. Marty retired after 25
years as a library assistant and in
’93 suffered a massive stroke that
left her with a bad limp and little
use of her left arm. She is in charge
of the children’s library at the
Presbyterian church she attends.
Son Mike lives in Irving, TX and
daughter Beth lives and works in
Little Rock and will be married this
year. Catherine “Kitsy” Baird
Smith remarried in ’93 and lives in
Richmond, VA with Gordon. They
have a second home on the
Rappahannock River in White
Stone, VA. All her children are
married. Kitsy is on the Board of
Governors at Westover School and
on the board of the Museum of
Fine Arts in Richmond and is very
active in her garden club. Her CJC
friends in Richmond are Mary
Watt Frischkorn New ’61 and
Susan Guerney Buckey ’59. She
also keeps in touch with Sharon
Quinn Ainslie and Linda Read
Stewart. Greg and Brenda Hirst
Stone live in Westport, MA.
Brenda has a BA in Psychology, an
MA in Developmental Psychology,
Susan “Sue” Olney Datthyn
P.O. Box 1018
New London, NH 03257-1018
(603) 526-2283
Reunion Chair:
Susan “Sue” Olney Datthyn
Reunion Committee:
YBarbara Green Gramenos
(203) 737-2282
Prudence Jensen Heard
(207) 846-1357
Constance Lew Ko Jones
(603) 863-8395
Dorothy Bartels Denault
(561) 278-0286
Martha Clark
(212) 963-0886
and a PhD in School Psychology.
She is the school psychologist in
Westport. Greg is Director of
Internet Development for U Mass
Dartmouth. Their daughters
Margaret and Sarah are married
and they enjoy four grandchildren.
Anne Bishop Yetman has owned
The Bay Leaf, a gourmet gift shop,
for the past 24 yrs. She and
Norman live in Lawrence, KS
where he is a professor of Sociology
and American Studies at KU.
Daughter Jill is married and lives in
LA with their two children. Son
Doug returned to Lawrence and
opened a restaurant a block from
Anne’s shop. Anne and Norman
came east to Stone Harbor, NJ for
two months in fall ’99. In Feb. ’99,
David and Hannah “Haydi”
Caldwell Sowerwine sent a long
letter to their friends and family
from Lalitpur, Nepal along with a
photo of them on their first Wire
Bridge which they installed. Their
first grandson was born in Feb. ’99.
It was wonderful to hear from so
many of you. Please continue to
stay in touch. Reunion was wonderful and we look forward to our
45th. Our sincere condolences to
the family of Wendell Harter
Please see In Fond Memory.
cousins, etc., still vacation at Twin
Lake, a 50+ year tradition, so I’m
kept further informed about CSC.”
Virginia Fitz Loeffler writes, “This
year was my 11th winter back
teaching adult private ski lessons in
Vail, CO. I spend my summers in
Denver doing event marketing and
promotions. I still try to get back
to Chatham, MA for a few weeks
every summer to visit eastern
friends and family.” Sue Romer
Ladouceur and Peter live in CA.
Their daughters are both at Yale
doing graduate work. Lynne is getting a MPH after serving in Africa
in the Peace Corps and Robin is
getting her PhD in Russian literature and is on a Fulbright scholarship in Moscow. Sue hopes to retire
in the next few years from her job
as a librarian and return to painting
full time. Linda Masterpaul
Ungerer is also retired now. Diana
Curren Bennett ’61MT wrote,
“Pete and I live in Hingham, MA.
We have three married children
and six grandchildren. I have a
graduate degree from GordonConwell Theological Seminary and
have been serving as minister to
Small Group Ministry at “Historic
Park Street Church on the Boston
Common” for several years. It’s a
huge church and I’ve loved the
association with all ages. I also have
been busy with conference and
seminar training elsewhere. Pete
had been Executive VP for State
Street Research & Management
Co., Inc., in Boston for some time.
The big news is that we both
resigned in June and are looking to
build our new home in Osterville,
MA and spend more time traveling,
with each other and family. We
both love to fly fish and plan to
spend Jan/Feb in New Zealand, our
second home. We will continue in
limited ways with various ministries
as Pete serves as Chairman of the
Board at Gordon College in MA
and I want to keep my hand in
ministry as well.” Please remember
that our 40th reunion will take
place June 1-3, 2001. Save the
Tilda Hunting
894 South Deerfield Road
Conway, MA 01341
(413) 369-4170
Beatrice Campbell Kempster
5020 Hunting Hills Circle
Roanoke, VA 24014
(540) 989-5982
Email: [email protected]
I’ve had a tremendous response
from many of you, so this column
should be fun for everyone to read.
Carol Davis Bonazzoli returned to
MA for the summer after their
winter months on Captiva Island.
She is enjoying her gardening
which is “just keeping one step
ahead of the deer.” Can you believe
Carol has 12 grandchildren? She’s
expecting #13 early next year.
Taking up golf has been a humbling experience for her. I was sorry
to hear from Janet Durbin Sisto
that her husband, Jerry, died on
July 9, 1999. Our deepest sympathy goes out to her. Janet’s sister
Joan Durbin Valle ’67 has been a
great comfort to her. Son Jeff is in
the Marines and is stationed in
MD. Son Andrew will be a senior
at Bates, from which Jeff graduated
in ’97. Janet also has two stepchildren. Christopher lives in Victoria,
TX with wife Laura and son Joe.
Cammy is in Ashburnham, MA
with husband Bill and two children, Christopher and Courtney.
Janet visited Deborah “Debby”
Morgan Lazoff in April ’00 at her
home in Jacksonville, FL.
Katherine “Kathy” Beck Smith, a
former Shepard roommate of mine,
has three grown sons. Jason is finishing up his masters in biochemical engineering and will attend
Tulane Medical School in the fall
’00 to study orthopedics. Ian is a
financial analyst and Chad is a free
visits to campus for trustee meetings. Sarah “Sary” Caldwell
Anderson has been the Regional
Manager (ME to PA) for J.Crew
for the last seven yrs. Before working for J.Crew, she was the
Regional Manager for Casual
Corner for 14 yrs. Husband Bucky
is the editor of The Eagle Tribune in
Andover, MA. Son Slade is an
artist, married, and lives in Boston.
Elisabeth lives on Beacon Hill and
works in Braintree running the
marketing department for a preservation landscaping and architecture
firm. Joelle Hodgson Burrows is
working in residential real estate in
Stamford, CT where she and
William live. Their daughter went
to NYU and Dartmouth Medical
School. She is now in her last year
of residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Johns Hopkins. She is
married to a resident who is finishing up in Albany, NY. Julie
Hodgson McClennan has been the
driving force behind the Shoreline
Alliance for the Arts which supports the visual and performing
arts. Leslie “Lee” Norris Gray still
lives in Hampton, NH but moved
to a new home last June. She
writes, “I am enjoying my tenure as
President of the Alumni
Association. You all must get back
to campus to see all the wonderful
changes. Rick and I are enjoying
our four grandchildren who live
nearby. I continue selling real estate
on a limited basis and only work
with special customers. I try to play
tennis three times a week in the
winter and golf during the warm
months. I keep in touch with Ellen
Terhune Schauff, Catharine
“Cathy” Wood Hallsworth,
Elizabeth “Liz” Ridley Mills,
Mary-Lynn Rand Jost, Cliff-Ann
“Cliffie” Peak Wales, Carole
Underwood Bruere ’63 and Sharon
Stokes Pietz ’63.” Elizabeth
Reisner Murray’s daughter Barbara
was married in Dec. ’99 in
Wellesley to Ehrich Grein. Barbara
is attending UNC/Chapel Hill and
working on her doctorate in
accounting. Ehrich is a software
programmer. Youngest daughter
Susan received her MA from E.
Mich. U and is currently
spirit. Kathy separated from her
husband of 31 years and is working
in the antique business. She is a
breast cancer survivor. Kathy kept
in touch with Patricia “Patty”
Thomson Russell for a while and
says that Patty has three sons also.
Donna Dederick Ward and Cliff
bought The Battenkill Inn in
Manchester, VT last Dec. You cancheck it out at her Website:
Deborah “Debby” Landon is managing a family-owned thoroughbred
horse operation called Cobble View
Stable. They breed and race horses.
She has homes in Palm Beach, FL
and NYC. Debbie is very active in
the Palm Beach chapter of the
American Red Cross and heads up
the financial development committee. She has been to China and
Dubais, United Arab Emirates.
Debbie received her BA in ’95.
Jane Ingraham Ashford and
Charles, who is a doctor, have been
married for 36 years. They have
two children, a boy and a girl, who
are both grown and living in a
house they bought together in
Charlotte, NC. After years of nursing and volunteer work, Jane got a
BA in English and a masters in
technical communication. She’s
currently freelancing from home,
writing, editing, and producing
publications. Please remember to
send me your new address if you
move. I have had several of my letters returned with expired forwarding notices. Email me with your
news for the next column. Hope
you have a wonderful holiday season and a healthy and happy 2001.
Nancy Woodring Hansen
Box 399, 19 Barn Road
Spofford, NH 03462
(603) 363-4327
Email: [email protected]
Class Correspondent Needed
This time I searched for some people that had not been heard from
or about for some time. Thoughts
of many of you are stirred by my
attending Boston U beginning
work on her doctorate in biology.
As of June 1, 2000, Dr. Valerie
Taft West assumed the position of
Associate Provost for Education at
the Medical U of SC. Her sons are
still living in NYC. One is in the
music industry and the other is in
advertising. She and her husband
enjoy their home on the golf course
and play golf often. Please feel free
to call, write, or email me. I am
going to be stepping down from
the job as Class Correspondent and
urge anyone who would like to
take over to call the Alumni Office.
Please see In Fond Memory.
Lois Gilbert Fulton
25 Heather Lane
Windsor Locks, CT 06096
(860) 623-1890
Spectacular would indeed describe
our glorious 35th reunion at CSC
on June 2, 3, and 4, 2000! A vote
of thanks to our co-chairs, Rosalie
Belanger Sorenson and Christine
“Chris” Murray McKee. Rosalie
serves as an assistant hospital chaplain in area nursing homes. Chris
and family are back in New
London where she is selling real
estate. Dorothy “Darcy” Holland
told us about her new business,
Solutions for Life-Long Living in
Newbury, MA. It assists families
with geriatric care management and
facility placement for their loved
ones. Ruth Elliott Holmes owns
Pentec, Inc., a handwriting and
document examiners business
which takes her around the world.
She analyzed each of our writing
and was right on the money. Judith
“Judy” Butler volunteers at
Recording for the Blind and
Dyslexic. Her mother is living with
her now. Dana Merrill Cashin is
the comptroller for an advertising
and marketing business that she
and her husband own. Christine
“Tina” Biggs Ferraro has a medical
specialties business in Hingham
MA. Cathleen Earl Kostamo and
Steve have a son Sam. She works in
the group sales department at the
continue to operate our financial
communications consulting firm as
well as our writing business. We
have completed two short stories
and a novel so far. Where are our
literary agents? We also completed
renovation of our family’s 90-yearold cottage in the Adirondack
Mts.” I’m still a teacher’s aide and
have just been notified that I’ll be
doing a special “reading recovery”
type of program with 2nd and 3rd
graders for the coming year, which
starts Aug. 16. My family and I will
be having a vacation in
Williamsburg, VA and surrounding
areas, which is where we moved
from 3 years ago. In Jan., we had a
vacation skiing in NC. (Yes, there
IS skiing there.) In May, son
Kenneth got his degree in communication arts from Salisbury State U
in MD. Son Ted continues his
career as a financial planner with
American Express in Raleigh, NC.
Son J.R. is a line cook at several
restaurants in the Waldorf, MD
area, hoping for a new and better
job in the Richmond, VA area.
Daughter Nattie is a rising 7th
grader and will be attending the
School of the Arts here in
Summerville in the Theater Arts
core. We’re still enjoying living in
the Charleston area and would welcome any contact from former
classmates who visit the lovely
“Holy City.”
a child readiness center in
Hartford. Son Christopher graduated from CSC in ’96 and is working
in Boston. Tom is a fifth-grader
and plays the clarinet. It is with
great sadness that I report receiving
a letter from Polly Bennett
Carbonari’s sister Meredith Bennett
’70 saying that Polly died in May
2000 from cardiovascular disease
and that she would like to be
remembered as a passionate horsewoman. On a happier note, Ev and
Ruth Woodman were with us at
reunion. They are both healthy and
were so glad to see us. Life is so
precious. We need to make time for
each other. Please send me your
Please see In Fond Memory.
Linda Brooks Hiross
Y260 Silverthorn Way
Cedartown, GA 30125
(770) 748-2045
Email: [email protected]
Sandra Hall Devine
331 West Shaw Hill Road
Stowe, VT 05762-4613
(802) 253-8506
Fax: (802) 888-4150
Email: [email protected]
Comfort Inn Oceanfront in
Jacksonville. Dana Brough Boyce
and David moved recently to
Nantucket. Dana is working in real
estate. Barbara Blank Danser is an
artist who has been giving plein-air
painting (painting in outdoor light)
workshops in UT and Italy. Son
Scott attends college in New
Haven, CT. Pamela “Pam” Dodd
has her own human resources
development consulting business in
Orlando, FL. Son Scott is in marketing, son Doug is in Internet
advertising, and stepdaughter Avis
is in grad school. Katherine
“Kathie” Drohan Flatley and Brian
have spent the last 30 years raising
two children and devoting their
professional lives to a private
Catholic boys HS. Daughter Kate
is a journalist and son Brian graduated from Holy Cross. Joyce Clark
Follet has two sons, earned her
PhD in women’s history, and has
recently moved back to New
England. She is now at the Sophia
Smith Women’s History Collection
at Smith College. Molly McAdams
Morizon is married, living in
France, and has three grown children. Roommate Joyce Chapman
Cerny ’66 and family paid her a
visit. Deborah “Debby” Detwiller
Smith is trying to get back into
painting and has sold some pieces.
Leslie Seymour Wears’s son Ty is in
sales and son Grey works for a
recording studio. Leslie is working
part-time in social work as assistant
to the ombudsman with the county
child welfare agency. Marilyn Cole
Wilkoff has three grown children.
She earned a BA in sociology in
’95, is now volunteering at her
town library, tutoring ESL, and is
involved in a training program at
the Portland Art Museum. Suzanne
“Sue” Hewson Wise has two
daughters working in the Internet
and communications fields. Sue
and Joe live in Santa Fe, NM and
do the sales and advertising for a
European antique shop. As for us,
we are trying to stabilize our lives.
Jim is studying to become a certified HS math teacher. I have just
started a new job as head teacher in
Reunion Chair:
Susan Weeks
(603) 448-7081
Reunion Committee:
Susan Weeks
Diane “Pidge” Webster-Brady
(518) 563-9429
Sandra Hall Devine
Linda Brooks Hiross
Class Correspondent Needed
Editor’s note: Gusty Lange has
served as your Class Correspondent
for the past 9 years and is unable to
continue. She wants her classmates to
know that she really enjoyed this
position over the years and will miss
being in touch with her classmates.
Please join us in wishing her well
and extending our appreciation for a
job well done.
Our 35th reunion will take place
June 1-3, 2001. Make sure you save
those dates and return to your college for a weekend of fun, renewing
old friendships and making new ones.
Sis Hagen Kinney
104 Downing Drive
Summerville, SC 29485
(803) 871-2122
Email:[email protected]
Looking for classmates?
Contributing news for your
class column?
Emily Waterman Mooney has been
a teacher for 26 years and is currently living in Bradford, VT and
teaching at Oxbow HS. Demaris
King Neilson writes, “Wen and I
Email us at:
[email protected]
Deborah Adams Johnston
3727 Moreland Drive
Charlotte, NC 28226-1120
(704) 542-6244
Email: [email protected]
Eric and Ruth Rhodes Nahm celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary in June. They have three
daughters. Kristin is an analytical
chemist who lives in NC with husband Doug; Lindsay is at
Columbia U in a Master’s program
for reading specialist; Erica is a
junior in HS. Ruth works in a
CCRC as Activity Coordinator and
Eric is a real estate agent in Basking
Ridge. I, Deborah, took my last
son to Annapolis on June 30. He is
the last of three boys to attend
USNA. As of July, my oldest was
flying out of Bahrain; my second
son is a LTJG on the USS Maine
(submarine) out of Kings Bay, GA;
my daughter is in Florence, Italy
for a year to study art. In July, my
sister Susan Adams Swann ’71 and
I were in NH as my mother M.
Janice Cooper Adams ’45 suffered a
stroke but continued to improve.
We hadn’t been that close to CSC
in 30 years! Please send me news
for the next column!
Gail Remick Hoage
64 Valley Road
New Durham, NH 03855
(603) 859-3241
Kudos to Nancy Teach and Sarah
Haskell who made reunion a memorable occasion for those classmates
who attended. Here is news from
the Scrapbook News forms. Leslee
Jacobs Doherty’s daughter Amy
graduated from Scranton Prep. Son
Michael is a senior at UVM. She is
the Quality Review Analyst at one
of the local medical centers. A
mother of three boys and wife of a
Division I Dartmouth basketball
the next challenge will be. Gale
Collins Rome works for an adult
basic education agency, teaching
and coordinating volunteers who
are teaching adults with various
needs. Gale has a daughter who
attends CSC and loves it. She also
has three stepsons. Gale Spreter
lives in NYC and does a series of
freelance jobs that have been very
rewarding. A more flexible schedule
allows her time with her aging parents and with her sister Sharon
“Misty” Spreter Lee ’72 and two
nieces. In ’98, she was diagnosed
with thyroid cancer, had surgery
and now takes medication every
day. She is happy to report that
she’s fine. She has been in touch
with her roommate Christy Hoyt
who lives in Australia. Christy has a
very heavy accent but other than
that, she said it was like nothing
had changed between them after all
those years. Barbara Griffith
Stevens and Philip live in Darien,
CT and have a son and a daughter.
After her family moved from
Buffalo to New London in the
summer of ’70, Nancy Teach
managed to settle into the community quite comfortably. She has a
27-yr. old daughter who is thriving
in SF. For the past 15 yrs., Nancy
has worked at CSC in a variety of
jobs - residential life, admissions,
and academic advising. Deborah
“Debbie” Merrill Velli and Joe gave
up the corporate life in Atlanta six
years ago and settled in Bozeman,
MT where they own and operate
The Cottonwood Inn B&B. You
can check out their Inn at
on the Internet. Summers are very
busy but winters afford them time
for skiing at Big Sky, just down the
road. Joe sells real estate for
Century 21 and Debbie is still
involved in the travel industry,
operating her office from the B&B.
Son Jon is finishing his last year at
MT State U. Jeanette Colardo
Vermilyea has worked in the
Coxsachie-Athens Central School
District since ’86, first in the
Special Education Dept. and then
in the HS office. Husband Willis
was re-elected last Nov. as Treasurer
of Greene County. Over the years,
Jeanette has been active in the
Booster Club, an organization
which enhances the sports programs at the HS, was business
manager of the yearbook, and a
member of the Coxsackie Council
on the Arts, the Coxsackie Youth
Council, and the Bicentennial
Please see In Fond Memory.
Karen Siney Fredericks
16 Rainbow Falls
Irvine, CA 92715-3420
(714) 540-5188 Ext. 12
Fax: (949) 854-4598
coach, Martha “Muffy” Clark
Fauchert is also a reading teacher of
first grade students. Son Mike
graduated from Middlebury
College in ’99 and lives in Denver;
son Joey graduated in ’00 from
Middlebury; and son Scott is in
fourth grade. Elizabeth “Betsy”
Goodale lives in Baltimore and is
still working as a dental hygienist.
Last year, she was diagnosed with
MS. Sarah Haskell and Ben moved
to York, ME to be nearer the ocean
and families. They have two children, Robin and Zoe. Sarah is still
weaving, making art for interiors,
teaching weaving, and working as
an artist in residence at Heartwood
College of Art in Kennebunkport,
ME. She is on the ME and NH
State Artist Rosters. Katharine
Jewett is the mother of Sophie, a
sixth grader, and is involved in
community events in Telluride,
CO. She works as a bookkeeper
but spends just as much time on
her hobbies, skiing, and producing
educational videos. She and her
partner are on the board of directors of Sparky Productions. They
completed Soft Smoke: AIDS In The
Rural West in ’99 and are currently
distributing the film to schools,
health organizations, etc. Joan
Kirby Ragsdale moved to
Richardson, TX, a Dallas suburb.
Temporarily retired, she keeps busy
with the various interest groups in
their newcomers’ club. She enjoys
gardening, antiquing, and running
4 1/2 miles a day with husband
John. Trips to visit daughters and
stepdaughters also keep them busy.
Genealogy is a hobby. Ann Lozier
Rohrborn ’71MT finally returned
to NH in Feb. ’85 leaving a 13year career in hematology and four
years in clinical advertising in
NYC. She joined a new company
as their seventh employee and
resigned last year as VP of
Marketing Communications. She is
now enjoying family, friends, and
life in general while deciding what
Reunion Weekend is June 1-3,
2001 and we will be celebrating
our 30th reunion. Save those dates
and plan to return for a weekend of
fun and memories.
Linda “Kelly” Graves
880 Tannery Drive
Wayne, PA 19087
(610) 688-0230
Email:[email protected]
Elizabeth Doonan Hampton’s
daughter Sarah Anne turned 13 on
June 21 and went to Simsbury, CT
to see her godmother Anne Winton
Black ’75. Michelle Sullivan
Lichtenberg works part-time but
does a lot of volunteer work. She
has two sons. How about some
news, classmates! Email is a wonderful way to communicate.
Catherine Moore Pomeroy
4520 South Downing Circle
Englewood, CO 80110
(303) 789-0891
Email: [email protected]
Nancy R. Messing
260 Cook Street
Denver, CO 80206-5305
(303) 388-5263
Karen Terrio Onderick’s daughter
Heather will be a junior at
Hamilton Coll. this fall. Son Peter
will be a senior at Wichita
Collegiate. Husband Mike contin
ues to improve after suffering a
major stroke in July ’96. Empty
nest syndrome is beginning to
creep into her life. Classmates,
please send some news!
Susan Elizabeth Brown Warner
48-7 Spring Street
Greenwich, CT 06830-6129
(203) 629-1454
(914) 785-3205 (work)
Email: [email protected]
Gail Fraser married Arthur Marcel
Poulin, an architect and professional tenor/concert pianist, in Sept.
’99. Gail is an associate partner of
Andersen Consulting. Last May,
they bought the top of a mountain
in Hillsboro, VA and built their
home. Elizabeth “Beth” Janes
Nesbitt says, “I am still hanging
out in a small rural college town
and work part-time in the Williams
College Admission Office interviewing prospective students and
readying applications. Husband
Dick, our two sons, and I get to RI
regularly to see my mother,
although my father died in March
’99. Heidi Christ Colella and her
family are my mother’s neighbors.
Ann Flanders Damon writes,
“Pamela Moe Bonneville,
Christine Smart Ferguson,
Deborah Laurence Forman, and I
met in Boston for a luncheon
reunion. We decided we looked
pretty good!”
Laurie Ferguson
P.O. Box 150
Andover, NH 03216
(603) 735-6420
Email: [email protected]
I received an email message from
Bradley Nevins Olufs, who said,
“It made me happy to see your
name on the reunion letter. My
stint at orthoptics lasted ten years,
but when baby #2 arrived, I threw
Janet E. Spurr
203 Washington Street, #2
Marblehead, MA 01945
(781) 639-1008
Email: [email protected]
Reunion Chairs:
Janet E. Spurr
Anne Tilney Brune
Email: [email protected]
Marilyn Hastings Traver
(908) 638-9246
Email: [email protected]
Richard Baynes
(603) 763-9906
Email: [email protected]
Reunion Committee:
Margaret Parker Rand
(603) 286-9648
I know it’s hard to believe but we
will be celebrating our 25th
reunion the weekend of June 1-3,
2001. Please mark these dates on
your calendar and plan to attend.
Debra Barker Boyette is still living
in Colorado Springs with her two
girls Sarah and Mckenzie. She is
the sales manager for Destination
Management Partners which works
with the Broadmoor Hotel.
Margaret “Meg” Parker Rand lives
at the Tilton School where she runs
a girls’ dorm. Jon is Director of
Admissions and daughter Jenn is a
sophomore. Son Charlie is at
Winnisquam Middle School. Meg’s
sister owns Gourmet Garden in
New London so she visits quite
often. I saw Suzanne Pfeiffer in
Marblehead. She lives in Chicago
and works for GSD&M as the
Cellular One Buying Director.
Please contact me with any ideas or
suggestions for our reunion. I look
forward to hearing from more of you.
Marisa Annacone Robertson
28 Buttonwood Lane
Rumson, NJ 07760
(732) 842-4721
Marjorie Lappin Cantor writes,
“My son, Reed, Susan Carroll
Hassett’s son, Chris, and Jeffrey,
the son of Sally Bull Sands ’78 are
all on the same Little League
team.” Sally Watson Gushue says,
“Hi, everyone! I’m enjoying living
in PA with husband Jim, our children Leanne and Charlie, and
Eddie, a border terrier.
Russian republics. Rich and Alice
Noble Morse live in Amherst, MA
with daughter Liza. Alice is still
doing interior design work on her
own and with a life-long friend
who owns a design firm in
Washington, D.C. They are currently working on “Merrywood,”
the childhood home of Jackie
Kennedy Onassis in McLean, VA.
She is also busy in the choir at her
local church. Rich has been putting
bad guys in “time out” for almost
10 yrs. as an Assist. District
Attorney in Springfield, MA.
Lindsay Hutchins is a clinical
social worker in SF dealing in
chemical dependency. Husband
Cedric Alebar also works in this
field on an administrative level and
they share numerous community
service commitments. Marsha
Meyer Hall, Steve, and sons Chris
and Greg are in Lake Orion, MI.
He has been working with GM for
21 yrs. and they have also lived in
NE, WI, MI, and CA. Marsha is
working part-time for a dental supply company. Julia Connolly
Means and Rick are in Essex, MA
and have two children, Amanda
and Chip. She teaches quilting and
works in a quilt shop. She is also
working with yarn, knits and felts,
and is now into rug hooking. As
for me, my Ferguson
Communications business is going
great guns with clients like the
League of NH Craftsmen, Ski NH
and the NH Products Directory.
I’m working out of my home office
and just hired my first employee.
I’m also very active in the local
church, coach soccer, and do all the
usual kid things moms do with two
boys who are now 7 and 11. We’re
having a great time. I will write
about more of you who turned in
news for the reunion in the next
issue. Thanks so much for the
and this year received the
Distinguished Alumni Award. (In
1990 she received the Susan
Colgate Cleveland Medal for
Distinguished Service). Anita
Renzetti Brefini and Gary have
been married for 20 yrs. and have
two sons, Peter and David. Anita is
a science teacher at Lasell College
and she home-schools students for
the Mansfield Public Schools. She’s
also a den leader for Cub Scouts
and a Sunday school teacher. This
fall she’ll be taking son Peter on a
college tour and she plans on making Colby-Sawyer her first stop!
Still wild after all these years is
Helen “Hells” Poummit Curhan
who rides her bike about 100 miles
a week in Santa Barbara, CA, and
swims whenever she can. She works
as a nutritionist one day a week
and also does spiritual care. Caryl
Diengott is in Burlington, MA,
and has been working as a medical
social worker, mostly geriatric, for
the past 20 yrs. Betsy Pitman
Savage is in Goffstown, NH, and
has been working in the land title
business for over 12 years. She has
two sons, Chris and Jon and
recently bought a house with Bill
Regan, business editor for the
Manchester Union Leader, who
also has two sons, Jason and
Danny. Janet Lochhead Sullivan is
in Derry. She received her BS in
Bus. Admin. from Salem St. in ’84
and worked in optometry and
medical billing for many years. She
now works in a more relaxing environment at the local church where
she can spend more time with her
kids. Daughter Kim is a freshman
at Pinkerton Academy and son
Phillip is in sixth grade at West
Running Brook Middle School.
She keeps in touch with Mary
Hebert Aspesi and Rick. Victoria
Tyler-Millar, Mark, and daughters
Heidi and Marianna are in Cape
Elizabeth, ME, where she teaches
art at Portland High School. This
past year, she received the Maine
Art Educator of the Year award.
She has taught students from many
war-torn countries such as Bosnia,
Somalia, Rowanda, Ethiopia,
Cambodia, Vietnam, and several
in the towel. I consider that time as
my volunteer years. We’ve been
back in IL for twelve years. I hate
the weather and can’t wait to relocate. Hilton Head Is. works for
both Dave and me. The girls are
almost grown, Britta is 20 and
Whitney 16. Once Whitney is out
of HS, the dream to relocate gets
some serious consideration. I’ve
been at Clear Communications for
ten years and am working my way
around the ladder, moving into a
sales role last Jan. It is a challenge
and I meet people so it fits my
requirements of ’fun at work.’ I
finally took up golf this spring, but
haven’t been out on the course.
Frankly it scares me. What if I hit
someone or something expensive
like one of the Porches in the parking lot? To anyone who has a vague
chance of remembering me, I say
hi.” The 25th Reunion was great.
Lots of news came in from all of
you, even though many could not
attend this past June. Mary Hebert
Aspesi and Rick have a daughter
Kate and son Dan. She has been
running her own home transcription business for the past five years
and helps out with the church
youth group and the Danvers Girls
Softball. Anne “Annie” Winton
Black and Rick celebrated their
25th wedding anniversary this year.
They met on an antique fire engine
in the Hospital Day Parade in New
London in the summer of 1970!
Son Rod is at St. Lawrence U and
daughter Windy is at The Ethel
Walker School. Anne’s fundraising
involvement with her children’s
schools had influenced her current
interest in educational fundraising
and she is now a fundraising consultant and professional volunteer
in development and capital campaign programs. The greatest recipient of her experience and enthusiasm has been CSC where she is a
member of the Board of Trustees,
Ann Waggaman
3631 Ocean Drive
Vero Beach, FL 32963
(954) 231-5005
Email: [email protected]
Sorry, no news this time. If you
don’t send in news of what is happening in your lives, this column
remains empty. Please let me hear
from you.
Natalie Hartwell Jackson
Cypress Creek Estates
6187 9th Avenue Circle NE
Bradenton, FL 34202-0561
(954) 747-0406
Email: [email protected]
Four members of the class of ’83 enjoy a mini-reunion. (L to r)
Jennifer Parisella, Penelope Hanson Moschella, Kimberly
Quercia Leone and Bess Ratcliffe Hutchison.
Patricia “Trisha” Rufo Hiscoe runs
Rufo’s Greenhouse in Franklin, NH
and works for Concord Girls, Inc.,
an after-school program. The director there is Karen Landry Billings
’97, wife of John Billings ’96. Pete
and Trisha are foster parents and
have had a 16-yr old girl living
with them since Sept.’99. Janet
Hampton Judge and Wesley, an
environmental engineer, have two
children, Gregory and Erin. She
started her own business two years
ago as an independent consultant
with Usborne Books At Home.
Louise McQuillan Kirby is working several part-time on-call jobs,
two in cytology in regional hospitals and one as a postpartum doula,
trained and educated in the physical and emotional needs of postpartum women and their families. She
has two daughters. Alice Brandt
Lange and her three children live in
Palm Harbor, FL. Margaret
“Peggy” Wilcox Sinclair married
into a family with two small girls.
The oldest is now married and has
two daughters. Peggy has two
daughters, Charlette and Anna and
loves being a mom. Gayle Rini
White is a licensed social worker in
OH and is certified as a chemical
dependency counselor and supervisor. She is the District Prevention
Coordinator and most of her time
is spent working with troubled
teens. She also maintains a parttime private practice where she
does individual and family counseling. She and Bill have been married
for 15 yrs. Natalie “Lee” Hartwell
Jackson works part-time in a doctor’s office and is busy with her
four daughters. She and Ken built a
new house in Brandenton, FL and
moved in last Dec.
Pamela Aigeltinger Lyons
Y436 Rand Hill Road
St. Davids, PA 19087
(610) 989-0551
Lynn Guerra Wilson
197 Old Spring Street
Arlington, MA 02174
(781) 643-3638
Email:[email protected]
Reunion Committee:
Lisa McKenna Partridge
P.O. Box 137
North Sutton, NH
(603) 428-2223
Stahley Herndon LaRoe and Mary
Ellen Blatchford Walker represented the class of ’80 at reunion. For
the past two years Stahley has been
with the AIDS Institute, part of the
NY State Dept. of Health as the
administrator of a national HIV
care quality improvement project
called HIVQUAL. Theresa
Guarino Cable is still painting after
all these years and lives in White
River Junction, VT. Molly Murphy
Ettenborough and Peter live in
Newburyport, MA with their two
sons. She works part-time in
Boston for Citizens Energy in the
International Division. They love
to ski, play tennis, fish, and go to
the beach. Ronda Zimble Farthing
and Robert have two sons,
Benjamin and Lucas. She works as
a freelance TV commercial producer for four or five months and then
spends time with her family. Robert
has a successful construction and
fabrication shop and designs anything from children’s playgrounds
(for large shopping malls) to museum exhibits. Debra Grant Cassidy
lives on Martha’s Vineyard with
Michael and their children Gus,
Anna, and Samantha. She is a fulltime photographer specializing in
weddings and family portraits. She
also does fine art photography and
shows in a gallery during the summer months. She is the chairperson
of the PTO at her children’s school.
Jody Hambley Cooper
P.O. Box 333
New London, NH 03257-0333
(603) 526-4667
Email: [email protected]
Susanna “Sue” Webster Ries and
Fred are the proud new parents of
Heather Webster Ries, born on
March 30th. Sue will be going back
to work at Compaq (formerly
Digital). Patricia “Patty” Collins
Duffey and Brian celebrated their
22nd wedding anniversary this
Aug. They have three “wonderful”
children to keep them busy. Patty is
having some fun after leaving corporate lending at Fleet Bank last
year. Since then, she has been the
president of a medical products
company and is now president of a
cosmetic laser center with 20 locations throughout New England.
Patty spends her leisure time golfing, ballroom dancing, and weight
training. They purchased a vacation
home five years ago on Eastman
Lake in Grantham, NH and spend
lots of time in New London. Patty
hears from Debra Bray Mitchell
’79, Cynthia “Cindy” White
Asadorian ’79, and Maureen
Bertone ’77. I’m still living in New
London and keep busy at work, in
my garden, and at school. I’m still
working towards my M.Ed. at
Plymouth State College and taking
classes every semester. I’m about
3/4 of the way through my
required classes at which point I
will have to complete an internship. I took my son to look at
Lehigh, Lafayette, Muhlenburg,
Villanova, and U of DE. I also visited an old HS friend in Phoenix
and went to the Grand Canyon. I
need to hear from MORE OF
YOU! The tear-off postcard and
my email address are easy ways for
more people to send class notes.
Look forward to hearing from you
for the next issue.
Reunion Weekend and our 20th
reunion will take place June 1-3,
2001. Save the dates! Dabney
Woolford Blackwell lives in suburban Phila. with Scott and three
children. She works per diem as a
speech therapist in a rehab setting.
Lisa McKenna Partridge has volunteered to serve on the committee. Won’t you join her and help to
make your 20th a joyous occasion?
We need your ideas and suggestions.
Friends gathered to celebrate the wedding of Amy Carrier ’85 to
Jason Lyon on August 12, 2000. Shown at the reception in
Wilmot, NH are (L to r) Sharon Johnson Lavigne ’83, Peg
Rogers Andrews ’85, Amy, Mary Drueding ’83, and Jen Ellis
’85. Amy and Jason are living in Wilmot.
Well deserved, Jen! Sheila Lewis Henry, executive director of
alumni and community relations, congratulates Jen Ellis, president of the Chargers Club since 1992. Jen received one of two
Alumni Service Awards at the Annual Meeting of the Alumni
Association at Reunion Weekend. Her exemplary record of service
to the college and to the community includes being a volunteer
Patricia Woodburn Cloutier
232 US Highway 202
Bennington, NH 03442
(603) 588-4307
Email: [email protected]
Jennifer “Jenn” Parisella writes,
“CSC friendships last forever! At
our annual mini-reunion last
spring, Penelope “Penny” Hansen
Moschella, Kimberly QuerciaLeone and Bess Ratcliffe
Hutchison, and I, our husbands,
and ten children gathered together.
Every year we have a ball, meeting
at my house in Beverly, MA for an
overnight. Our husbands and children look forward to it as much as
we do. We’ve been getting together
since we left CSC in ’83.”
Cara Jean Landen Wall
10 Hillside Avenue
Marblehead, MA 01945
(781) 639-1827
Email: [email protected]
Robin Tobin Dwyer
East Warren Road
P.O. Box 1054
Waitsfield, VT 05673-1054
Email: [email protected]
Lisa Barnes
11 Allen Place
Sudbury, MA 01776
(978) 443-6816
Kudos to my co-chair Janet “Jen”
Ellis and committee members
Martha Cross and Jennifer Gould
Williams who helped make
reunion weekend such a wonderful
occasion. There is much news to
report. Margaret “Peg” Rogers
Andrews and Bob have a busy life
with their three sons and sporting
activities. Bob is the Recreation
Director for the Town of New
London and Peg is working in the
Annual Fund Office at CSC and
also has a very successful catering
business. Elizabeth “Beth” Reed
Bingham, her husband, and three
children moved from Boston to
Ridgefield, CT. Stephanie Pointer
Brunetta is the new Associate
Researcher and Planner for the
Chief Information and Planning
Officer at Hartwick College where
she has worked for the past five
years. She and her husband enjoy
time with son Peter. Amy Carrier
has been teaching for 15 yrs. and
currently teaches in the Kearsarge
School District. She has been a volunteer in the New London Fire
Dept. for 12 yrs. and is now a Lt.
Michelle Dulany is owner/director
of Midcoast Montessori School, a
pre-school and kindergarten program based upon Maria
Montessori’s philosophy and
methodology. Elizabeth
Dickson Valentine, also known as
Lisa Dickson, is enjoying life in PA
with husband Tom and 5-yr-old
Sam. She is working at the YogaLife
Institute in Phoenixville, PA and
studying to be a yoga teacher.
Have a change of address?
Need information on the
college or about your reunion?
Looking for classmates?
Contributing news for your
class column?
Email us at:
[email protected]
Congratulations to Amy who
received the Presidential Award for
Excellence in Teaching
Mathematics in ’99 and was recognized in Washington, DC. John
and Tami Kingsland Corbett have
a daughter Jessica and live in
Henniker, NH. She works parttime for an investment management firm as Marketing
Administrator and is an amateur
quarter horse rider. Janet “Jen”
Ellis married Peter Guest in ’96
and they live in Wilmot, NH. She
is the assistant women’s tennis
coach at CSC and president of The
Chargers Club, the athletic booster
club of the college. At the Annual
Meeting of the Alumni Association,
held during Reunion Weekend, Jen
was one of two recipients of the
Alumni Service Award.
Congratulations, Jen! Barbara
Bitter Hodsdon and Jim have a
business, Cash-Go Chimney Co.,
which keeps them busy. Ted and
Virginia “Ginny” Sandstrom Kern
have been married for 11 years and
have three children. Ginny worked
in medical records administration
for about six years and then pursued various part-time positions
once her children were born.
Currently, she is “at home” enjoying decorating their new house and
volunteering at her sons’ school.
They have traveled quite a bit as
Ted won sales incentive awards.
John and Julie Riggs Leahy live in
Costa Mesa, CA with Emily and
twins Sarah and Caitlin. Julie
received her MA in nursing and
now works two days a week as a
nurse practitioner. Leah McMahon
lives in Santa Monica, CA. She
received her MA in Oriental
Medicine. Donald and Kathleen
McPadden Pepper and their two
daughters live in Deering, NH
where she is the asst. principal and
teaches first grade at the HillsboroDeering Elementary School. She
has been the volunteer Director of
Welfare in Deering. Tom and Betsy
Luce Schwechheimer and their
twins live in Hampton, NH. Cara
Landen Wall and Kevin live in
Marblehead, MA with their two
daughters. Cara is a full time mom
and has started to volunteer on
some town and church groups and
Laura Bridwell Engel
Y165 Marmot Drive
Mogul, NV 89523
(702) 345-6802
Email: [email protected]
Reunion Co-Chairs:
Molly O’Shea
(603) 526-2346;
Marcie Eckert Stockwell
(603) 526-7095
Reunion Committee:
Sally MacDermott Morse
(603) 526-6446
Elizabeth Civetta Pontius
(508) 349-1328
Save the dates of June 1-3, 2001
and help celebrate your 15th
Lyndsay last Sept. Kelle has
received her nursing degree from
Rivera College. John and Allison
Tetreault Promise have a 2-yr old
daughter Emily. Nancy Miner
Hanes and Mark have switched
roles. While Nancy is working for a
computer company, Mark stays
home with daughters Laurel and
Abby. Allison Cunningham Bissett
has been busy managing a framing/art gallery in Milton, MA. I
have had a very busy year myself. I
was living in the Atlanta, GA where
Mike was working with the Army
in an exchange program. In
Dec.’99 we drove across the country to Mike’s new assignment at
Travis AFB, CA. I am a stay-athome mom to Tyler and also have a
German Shepherd, Dakota. I
would dearly love to hear from any
and all of you. Please let me know
what you have been doing since we
all left the hill in New London.
Susan “Sudie” Brown Danaher
51 Stepstone Hill Road
Guilford, CT 06437
(203) 453-9544
Email: [email protected]
Martha Barron and John
Greenwood tied the knot in Oct.
’99. Martha received her MA in
technical professional writing from
NE U in Boston. She is a medical
technical writer for Thermo
Cardiosystems in Chelmsford, MA.
John is a project manager for R.J.
Moreau Inc. of Bedford. In Sept.
’99, Amy Jane Lightfoot married
Eric Lindstrom. Amy is a Mental
Retardation Adult Service
Instructor at Southbury Training
School in CT and Eric is a local
subcontractor employed at The
Curtis House.
Sarah Peper Tompkins
25 High Street
Marblehead, MA 01945
(781) 631-8631
Email: [email protected]
Janette Robinson Harrington
13 Sherwood Road
Hingham, MA 02043
(781) 749-2571
(617) 563-6170 (work)
Email:[email protected]
Reunion was wonderful. It was
great to see Karen Morton Roy, Jill
Dean, Janice Johnson Madden,
Jane Barhoff Ypsilantis, Rebecca
“Becky” Sullivan McClintock,
Wenla Vincent Petry, and Wendy
Johnstone Collins. On Fri. night,
we hung out while everyone arrived
and 14 of us went to P.C.’s for
lunch on Sat. We all attended the
reception on Sat. night at The
Curb and the gala banquet in
Wheeler Hall. CSC moved The
Lodge (Colbytown Camp) to campus and built two new residence
halls since we graduated. We all
stayed in one suite of rooms in
Lawson Hall, one of the two new
halls. Kristin Mason Fagone is
busy with two children, Anthony
and Sophia. She worked for a
group of neurosurgeons for eight
years; now she
Heidi Van Wagenen Day
P.O. Box 1719
Travis AFB, CA 94535-0719
(707) 451-9798
Email: [email protected]
Tara Levin Nicholson and Paul
were married in Feb.’99, bought a
house in Stratham, NH the same
month, and welcomed daughter
Reeve in Mar. She has two stepchildren, Kyle and Emma. Tara had
been teaching 6, 7, and 8th grade
math and science and the gifted in
Derry, NH and Nottingham, NH.
After Reeve’s birth, she decided to
work at home managing apartments for the elderly. Tod and
Kellene “Kelle” Harrison Holmes
and son Sean welcomed a baby girl
works part-time to be with her
family. They own a home in
Naples, ME and spend their free
time skiing, camping, and biking.
Lynda Gross is running a very successful horse farm, coaches the
Williams College riding team and
competes in both the hunter and
jumper rings. In the last three
years, she has built a booming
Nikken distributorship. She is
preparing to become a pulse magnetic therapist. She also became
part of the horseracing world.
Tracy Howe has worked in corporate America in payroll and benefits. Early in ’99, she changed
careers to follow her lifelong dream
of becoming a professional horseman. She is now a licensed professional riding instructor and trainer
with an established farm in
Sherborn, MA. She is single, living
in RI, and travels throughout N. E.
to horse shows. In ’98, Tracy placed
8th in a national equestrian competition called the Ariat National
Adult Medal Finals and in 1995
she was named MHC Adult Medal
Finals Champion. Presently she is
the equestrian team club coach for
Wellesley College. After living in
VT for five years, Rebecca “Becki”
Brown Lucarelli, Sam, and children Max, Maddie, and Peter
moved to W. Chatham, MA. Sam
is a contractor and recently built
his first spec house, launching his
own business. Becki is enjoying her
work at the Chatham Candy
Manor dipping chocolates by hand.
She also makes handmade candy
canes at Christmas. Lisa McIntyre
Matschner works part-time as a
speech/language pathologist in the
public schools in FL. She and Rob
have a 2-yr. old son and are in
graduate school at UCF. In their
free time, they go to Disney World
to camp and relax or to the Keys.
They also travel to OR to a family
cabin in the mountains. Virginia
Morse is also living in FL. Son
Michael is living in the area working as a web designer. Virginia is an
accounting manager at Sun Style
Holidays, a big e-commerce travel
his due date, June 3rd. Laura
Fogarty O’Malley and Scott are
parents to Sean Patrick, and recently built a home in Sterling, MA.
Laura is back at work full-time
with the MA State Police working
in the Crime Scene Services Section
in Devens, MA. Laureen “Muffy”
Vivian ’91 plans to marry Bill
Douglas in Dec. in Yarmouthport,
MA. Bill and Muffy met through a
charity organization for which they
both volunteer. She has been working in the marketing department of
Moseley Corporation in Franklin,
MA, which does food service marketing. Bill works for Media Map
in Watertown, MA. They are looking for a place to settle after their
nuptials in Dec. Stephanie Kurtz
Cunningham and Bob live
inMarblehead and welcomed Julia
Elizabeth in July ’99. Stephanie
graduated from Simmons College
in ’97 with her MBA and now does
consulting work part-time for
Salem Hospital. Stephanie and her
family bought a house in
Marblehead. She keeps in touch
with Ben and Suzanne Lorange
Baxter. Sue works most weekends
for Delta Airlines. Julie Artico
Hinman and Jim moved from CO
three yrs. ago and live in East
Burke, VT. Bill and I live in
Hingham, MA. After nine yrs. at
Fidelity Investments, I left to be at
home with our children Billy and
Jackie full time. We are busy making plans for a mini-reunion in 2 Ω
years and plan to attend the 15th
reunion. Please call the Alumni
Office with your updated addresses
and phone numbers. I also need
more of your email addresses so I
can stay in touch with you.
Gretchen Garceau-Kragh Y-SAWYER
201 Peachtree Street
Fayetteville, NC 28305
(910) 483-0598
Reunion Chair:
Tammy Hoyt
(603) 641-0401
Email: [email protected]
Reunion Committee:
Kimberly “Schroeder” Steward
(603) 466-2721 x:130
Email: [email protected]
Jodi Dow Bonewald
(603) 526-2885
Email: [email protected]
Gretchen Garceau-Kragh
(910) 483-0598
Email: [email protected]
wholesaler. Leigh Crawford
Pescatore transferred from CSC in
’88 to NU where she graduated
from Bouve College of Health
Professions with a BS in athletic
training and cardiovascular health
and exercise. She married Peter, a
fellow NU grad in ’92. Leigh
worked as a medical transcriptionist
at an MRI facility for a few years.
She and Pete purchased their second home in ’98 and are in the
process of renovating everything
inside and out! Meghan was born
on Christmas Eve ’98. Leigh is now
a stay-at-home mom, working part
time as a self-employed medical
transcriptionist. Karen Morton
Roy and Kevin have two wonderful
sons, Austin and Hayden. They
built their own home and childcare
facility, which has a capacity for 38
children, aged 18 mos. to 9 yrs.
Karen hopes to go back to school
when the boys are older. After leaving CSC after freshman year,
Jennifer Smith West went to the U
of Southwestern LA in Lafayette
and earned a business degree. She
worked for an environmental consulting firm for three years, was laid
off and returned to school to pursue an accounting degree at
Southeastern LA U. For the last
three years, she has been a property
management accountant with
Stirling Properties, Inc. Husband
Jack is a Lt. with the Covington
Police Dept. and the Dir. of
Training and D.A.R.E. Officer for
the City of Covington Schools.
Jennifer and Jack love to travel and
ride their motorcycle. They have
been to Ireland twice and are looking forward to seeing other parts of
the world together. Wendy
Johnstone Collins married Dean in
July ’97 and they lived in the
North End of Boston while Wendy
finished up her MA. She taught at
Lasell College for 9 yrs. They
bought a house in Manchester-ByThe-Sea in June ’99 and daughter
Sophia Taylor was born in Aug.
Sarah “Sally” Williams-McIsaac
and Paul are parents to Hannah
and new son David Finlay, born on
It’s hard to believe but our 10th
reunion will be celebrated the
weekend of June 1-3, 2001. Please
save that weekend and join your
classmates and friends for a wonderful celebration on campus.
Gatia Abbott McChesney and
Michael bought a home in Elkins,
NH. She is an RN working in a
doctor’s office in New London.
Gatia keeps in touch with Theresa
Sombric-Westgard who is living in
Saudi Arabia. Jon and Shannon
Carr-Bates live in Longmeadow,
MA. They and daughter Chaia welcomed baby Jacob in spring ’99.
Dawn Lebreck-Bruneau and
Randy are in Andover, MA and had
a boy Shea Lebreck, in March ’99.
If anybody would like to volunteer
theirexpertise and join the reunion
committee, you will be most welcome. The more people we have
the better our reunion will be.
Please contact Tammy!
Have a change of address?
Need information on the
college or about your reunion?
Jennifer Barrett Sawyer
P.O. Box 404
Barnstable, MA 02630
(508) 362-0120
Email: [email protected]
Looking for classmates?
Contributing news for your
class column?
Robyn True Downs and Matt
reside in the UK but returned
home in June for a few weeks and
enjoyed a wonderful visit. There
was a gathering of CSC alumni at
Email us at:
[email protected]
Amy Koskey Kurja’s home in
Swampscott, MA which included
Amy, Janel McDonald Lawton,
Alycia Calavito Parkes, Alexis
Trowbridge Scavetta ’95, and
myself. It had been a while since we
had all gotten together and we had
some catching up to do! I bumped
into Erica Schilling ’91 this summer. She and her husband live in
Barnstable MA. She works at a
great boutique in Osterville and
sees Blair Talcott Orloff ’91 occasionally. I enjoyed the summer on
good ol’ Cape Cod and love my job
at the Christmas Tree Shops. Listen
carefully to radio commercials
(those of you in N.E.) and you
might hear the voice of a CSC
grad! Please let me hear from more
of you.
Todd Miller
74 Leach Street #2
Salem, MA 01970
(617) 880-0288 (work)
Email: [email protected]
Timothy Bruce is enjoying the
country life in Hopkinton, MA.
Apologies to Judy Baker Adourian
who noted that she was pleased to
see the announcement of her son’s
birth in the Fall/Winter ’99
Alumni Magazine. However, her
name is Judy not Judith and herhusband’s name is Jean-Marc not
Jan-Marc. She taught a week long,
one-act playwriting workshop in
Aug. at the annual International
Women’s Writing Guild conference.
She attended this conference several
times in the past, learning about
multiple genres of writing, and was
honored to be a workshop leader.
Congratulations, Judy! Robyn
Keating Ladd and Eugene are the
proud parents of Derek born in
Aug. ’99. Sandra “Sandy” Laurie is
a self-employed massage therapist
in Plainville, CT. Her clinic is
called Heart and Health Massage
Therapy. She is in her 5th year of
practice and is also in the process of
becoming a certified herbologist. I,
Todd, was promoted to analyst for
the Yankee Group, working in the
E-Networks and Broadband Access
planning service, specializing in
network security.
Michael King
112 South Route 5 #5
Norwich, VT 05055
Email: [email protected]
Marc Wysocki has left RI for
Topeka, KS. He is an athletic trainer for the Topeka Scarecrows of the
Central Hockey League. Marc is
contracted out to the team through
the Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital
and has become quite the celebrity
doing public appearances and signing the occasional autograph. Dyan
Pereqicz has also joined the professional ranks and is the athletic
trainer for the Orlando Miracles of
the WNBA.
Holly Ferris Merriam
8 Patty’s Circle
Rockport, ME 04856
(207) 236-0253
Email: [email protected]
What a wonderful turnout for our
5th reunion! I was able to get lots
of news from the scrapbook as well
as speaking to classmates at
reunion. I apologize for not getting
around to everyone. Please keep the
news coming! Christopher “Chris”
Andriski is working as a behavior
specialist at a middle school. He is
enjoying being back on the East
coast, living in Portsmouth, NH
after spending a couple of years in
FL. Tricia “Gish” Plasko Campbell
was married in Sept. ’99 to Jason
Campbell. They
reside in Boothbay Harbor, ME.
Gish works in a behavior program
for 7-12th graders called Midway.
Nicole Shipman Caporizzo and
Tony purchased their first home
and had their first child in August
’00. Heidi Skinner Chabot was
married to Scott in Aug. ’98. She
works as a copy editor at Foster’s
Daily Democrat and lives in Dover,
NH. Jacqueline “Jackie” Swain
Coe and Shawn Coe bought a
house in Sutton, NH and welcomed their first child Abigail
Muriel this Apr. Both went back to
school to earn their MAs. Jackie is
teaching HS social studies and
Shawn is a computer programmer.
Nadine Corrieri is living in Nashua
and is enjoying traveling in her profession as an international sales
manager. Lynn Hart Cutting and
Justin own a home in Hampton,
NH and welcomed their first child,
Parker, last Jan. Patrick Desmond
is attending graduate school for a
degree in health education at
Springfield Coll. His team assignments have included men’s soccer,
women’s basketball, and men’s
junior varsity baseball. Elizabeth
“Liz” Ford is a senior
reservations/internship coordinator
at Jellystone Park in Ashland, NH
and also works as an EMT Basic in
Danbury. Jill Kleimon graduated
with her degree in nursing and is
working at Emerson Hospital in
Concord, MA as an RN.
Christopher “Koz” Kozlowski has
been working as the executive chef
at the Governor’s Inn in Rochester,
NH. He also plans to attend BU to
receive his wine sommelier certification. Krista Barbagallo LaFemina
and Anthony had their first child in
Sept. and are living in Middlebury,
VT. She is working toward her MA
in counseling psychology and is
employed as a group home manager. Loretta Manning received her
MA in clinical psychology and lives
and works in Atlanta, GA as an inhome family counselor. Her specialty is with substance abuse mothers
and developmentally delayed children. Wendy Mansson headed for
SF, CA the Monday after reunion!
Heather Bigelow Oberheim
received her MA in dance movement therapy with a minor in
counseling. She started her own
dance therapy and creative movement business and also works as an
Remember the ’95 “Brat Pack”? Gathered at the barbecue at
Reunion are: (back row l to r) Jill Rivers, Julie Bradstreet,
Stephanie Hoffman, and Gretchen Erikson; (front row l to r)
Brenda Sherwood, Sara Gilderdale, Holly Ferris Merriam
and Lynne Morse.
infant teacher at an early enrichment center. Carrie Bibens Palmer
and Jeff Palmer ’96 have relocated
to Pittsburgh, PA. Carrie is
employed as a branch manager in a
case management company after
receiving her MA in rehabilitation
counseling. Robert “Rob” Peaslee
is back on the CSC campus as an
admissions counselor and has
joined the faculty as an adjunct
instructor of writing. Wendy
Morgan Root was married last
summer and she and Darrin own a
home in Manchester, NH. Wendy
teaches HS art and is a JV cheerleading coach. Brenda Sherwood is
teaching social studies at Kearsarge
HS and lives in New London, NH.
She is enjoying coaching some
sports teams as well. Dawn Sutton
is working in a daycare facility with
one and two-yr. olds and teaches
Sunday school for preK - 1st
graders. Karen Tucker is a senior
graphic designer for a large software
company in Concord, MA. She
also dedicates much of her free time
to an animal shelter and would love
to open one of her own in the
future. Matthew “Matt” Weaver
lives in Portland, ME and works as
the production associate/art director for the magazine Seafood
Business. Matt spends his free time
enjoying the outdoors, camping,
and cycling. Jill Rivers is now
teaching 2nd grade at a private,
Catholic, all-girls school in
Bethesda, MD. Deborah “Debbie”
Casner Shapiro and Matthew are
living in Wilmot, NH. She is a
kindergarten teacher in Sunapee. It
was wonderful to see so many “old”
faces at the reunion. Thank you to
all who made it possible. The campus looks beautiful and everyone
was so helpful and pleasant. The
past five years have gone by so
quickly. We now can look forward
to our 10th and, hopefully, another
great turnout.
Have a change of address?
Need information on the
college or about your reunion?
Looking for classmates?
Contributing news for your
class column?
Email us at:
[email protected]
currently a learning and behavior
specialist for 11th and 12th graders
at Souhegan HS inAmherst, NH.
Her fiancé is a trader for Charles
Schwab in Boston where they live.
Victoria Lambert married Aaron
DeMaio in Aug. She is teaching in
Andover, MA and he is attending
the UConn School of Dental
Medicine. Does anyone know
Patrick O’Neill’s address in
Chicago? If you do, please let the
Alumni Office know.
Gathered together before the Reunion banquet are (back row l to r)
Rob Peaslee ’95, Jeff DelliColli ’95, Jim Bullock ’95, (front row
l to r) Wendy Mansson ’95 and Tom Costello ’94.
Jody Smith Hickey
YP.O. Box 81
South Woodstock, VT
(802) 436-1438
Email: [email protected]
Reunion Chair:
Coralee Holm
(802) 879-5236
Email: [email protected]
Reunion Committee:
Peter Ladd
(207) 883-6752
Email: [email protected]
Diane Marsden
(781) 438-4115
Email: [email protected]
Amie Pariseau
41 Tremont Road
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 227-9695
Email: [email protected]
Jolene Thompson
RR1 21A
Lincoln, NH 03251
(603) 745-8821
Email:[email protected]
I, Amie, survived my first year of
teaching. I left the west side of
Manchester and am teaching at
Rundlett Middle School in
Concord. I will be compiling a list
of email addresses for our class
which I will send to you so we can
all stay in touch. Please send me
your addresses if you haven’t
already. I, Jolene, am living in my
hometown of Lincoln. I graduated
in May and I have one more exam
to go and I will then finally be a
certified dental hygienist. A Sept.
wedding was planned by Jennifer
Strong and Jeffrey Rain ’96.
Jennifer is an education specialist at
Parent Child Development Center
in Greenfield, MA and Jeffrey is
manager of Enterprise Rent-a-Car
in Brattleboro. Congratulations to
Christine Bucharowski, who welcomed a baby girl Kaitlin Elaine in
Feb. and to Lori Prue Bertone and
Tony Bertone ’94 who had their
first child in Aug. Lori has been
substitute teaching part-time and
Seems like old times! Members of the class of ’95 enjoy dinner
together at Reunion Weekend. From l to r: Sara Bryant, Jeanne
Corcoran, Allison Morton and Tricia Plasko Campbell.
Our 5th reunion will take place the
weekend of June 1-3, 2001. Save
those dates and plan to return for a
weekend of fun. Elvis Lowe is a
personal trainer, aerobics instructor,
and kickboxing instructor. He
recently won the New England
Karate Championship and was
going to the national tournament.
Amanda Wood and Anthony “A.J.”
Lopard will be tying the knot in
Jan. ’01. Amanda received her MA
in Education and Special Ed with
certification in learning and language disabilities and emotional
and behavioral disorders. She is
received her MA in broadcast journalism from Emerson College in
June. Amanda Cullen is planning a
March wedding. She is a recruitment coordinator at Harvard Grad.
School of Ed. and attends graduateschool there. Fawna Gallant is
getting married in Feb. and is still
living in FL working as a recreation
program coordinator. Regan Loati
is planning a summer wedding and
working at a cardiac fitness center
full-time. An old roommate will
become a sister-in-law! Regan is
marrying Amy-Jo Sichler
Baringer’s brother-in-law! Amy-Jo
is currently living in VA Beach and
working in human resources. She
hopes to relocate to N. E. next
summer. She chats with Julie
Sullivan ’98, Erica Wells, and Erik
Daly often. Matthew “Matt”
Swanson has been in NC for three
years. I am proud to say that my
favorite WSCS DJ is still kicking
on the NC radio waves. Alan
Handlir is living in OH. He
coached girls’ HS softball and is
going for his MA in marketing.
Jennifer “Jen” Bateman moved to
Chicago and is a sales rep. for
Dartmouth Printing Company. She
has the entire Midwest as her territory! Douglas Bennett has been
promoted to Assoc. Dir. of
Admissions at Fairfield U.
Christopher “Chris” Tulloch is
working in Boston as a senior lending administrator. Tanya Erno is a
live-in nanny in New London
while she is attending Lesley
College to earn her MA in creative
arts and learning. Karen Newton
continues to teach the AfterKindergarten Program at
Dartmouth and is living in Orford,
NH. Elizabeth “Liz” Cronin is
working in a special education
classroom in Burlington, MA.
Karen Wilkinson teaches 1st grade
in Epsom and coaches soccer and
basketball. She is living in
Manchester. Stacey Ouellette
received her oncology certification
last June and completed her 3rd
year at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Med.
Center in the hematology/oncology
unit. Lori Monroe has returned
from CO to Littleton. She is a fitness instructor at a tennis/sports
facility and works in a retail boutique. In her spare time, she is
working on an Internet project.
Troy Smith is working in Danvers,
MA at Strike One, an indoor sports
complex. Brian Morrisey is still in
CA, is a graphic designer for a large
medical company, and is publishing
a poetry magazine. Lauren
Calvarese continues to work at No.
AZ U as a marketing director. Peter
“Pete” Slabinski bought a house
with Susannah Chapman ’98 in
Park City, UT. Christopher
“Chris” Probert is living in Lake
Tahoe and planned an Oct. wedding. Mitchell and Nicole Ferland
Stone and their two boys are on
their way back to NH. He will be
CSC’s new RD in Lawson Hall.
Thanks for all the news! For those
of you we did not hear from, we
hope you are well. Please send, call,
or email your news.
Jamie Gilbert
33 Bretton Road
West Springfield, MA 01089
(413) 739-8163
Email: [email protected]
Christopher Quint
975 Washington St. #7
Denver, CO 80203-3530
(303) 282-5231
Email: [email protected]
Editor’s note: Please welcome Jamie
Gilbert and Christopher Quint,
your new class correspondents. Help
them stay in touch by sending in
your news. Hello, alumni! This is an
update from your outstanding class
correspondents! Thanks to all who
have responded to our requests for
news. What are we doing, you ask?
Jamie was working for an insurance
agency in MA and is at Greenfield
Community College studying massage therapy. Chris is the Dir. of
Volunteers at Planned Parenthood
of the Rocky Mountains, while also
serving as a co-campaign manager
for a state senate campaign. Amy
Blake Jackson and Christopher
“Chris” Jackson have a new home
in Whitefield, ME. Lisa Lachesky
Amie Pariseau ’97 and Rick Ellis ’95 relax at the ’95 barbecue
at Reunion Weekend. Rick is the associate director of admissions
at Colby-Sawyer and Amie is a class correspondent.
is working for Northwest Airlines
as a flight attendant in Cordova,
TN. Book a flight with Northwest
and receive that friendly Lachesky
smile. Martin Binette is a social
studies teacher at Kearsarge HS as
well as Bill Foti’s assistant men’s
basketball coach. Rachel Woodbury
lives in Newton, MA and is working for a local daycare as an infant
teacher while pursuing an MA in
social work at BC. Thomas “Jake”
Fish graduated from FL State this
spring with an MA in sport management. Robert “Rob” Gagnon
graduated from WMU in
Kalamazoo with an MA in athletic
training and will be working at the
U of MI Sports Medicine Clinic.
Rob will be tying the knot in May
’01. Samuel “Sam” Hamilton is in
VA Beach working as a substitute
teacher and an assist. athletic trainer at Salem HS. Kim-Laura Boyle
went to Paris with Mary Michaels
’97. She accepted a graduate assistantship at UNC-Wilmington and
started her MA in biology in Aug.
Craig Laabs is in Laredo, TX working for MESA International and is
also attending Texas A&M and is
pursuing an MBA in International
Trade. Theresa “Tee” Saucier is
currently pursuing an M.Ed. with
an emphasis in athletic training at
Old Dominion U. Jill Bishop
earned an MA in Social Work and
will be working at an adoption
agency near Augusta, ME while
still finding lots of time for travel.
Shannon Zimmerman graduated
from GWU with an MA in clinical
exercise physiology. She will be
teaching A&P come the fall and
has recently been accepted into PA
school for cardiac surgery. James
“Jamie” Pedersen is a graphic
designer for a magazine in NJ.
Taylor Larson is at Janus Mutual
Funds in Denver, CO. Woody
Wolthuis and Kristin Kolonoski
are living in Bixby, OK. Woody is a
police officer (did anyone expect
anything different?) in Tulsa, OK,
and Kristin is teaching 3-year olds.
They planned a July ’00 wedding.
Heidi Smith, who got married in
Sept. ’99, is stationed in Fort
Campbell, KY working at a
Combat Support Hospital.
Meredith DeCola is living in
Boulder, CO and working as a lab
technician at Boulder Community
Hosp. Sarah Prescott is living in
Saco, ME, working in early intervention. She is planning a May 12,
’01 wedding. Melissa Morgan is
graduated from Wheelock College
in Boston with an MA in Child
Life and Family-Centered Care.
She has been working at the Dana
Faber Cancer Institute. Andrea
“Pish” Pueschel is living in
Stamford, CT and working as an
RN in oncology. Kara Olivier and
Danielle Rychalsky are both at
Mass. General. Kara is in the
Chemotherapy Infusion Clinic and
Danielle is working on the urology
floor. Corenna Reeves and Jodi
Lambert are both at DartmouthHitchcock Med. Center. Robert
“Rob” Kasprzak came to
Commencement in May. He is
working as a jr. analyst for in Framingham, MA.
Ashley Waddell is at Mullen, an
advertising company in Wenham,
MA, as is Lisa Cote. Ashley is in
the PR dept. and Lisa is in advertising. Donald Libby is at the Boston
Globe in the ad dept. Kelly Keough
is on Cape Cod working as a financial broker/rep. for Conseco, Inc.
Tim and Heather Gearhart Davis
are living in Kansas City, MO with
their dog Abby. They are both
working for Cerner Corp. where
Heather is a product specialist and
Tim is a CCL/SQL computer programmer. Lauren Bodkin is teaching 11th grade at Brewster
Academy in Wolfeboro, NH and
spent the summer living in Boston
and working with underprivileged
children. Jeremiah “Scooby”
Boobar had been living in CA and
working for RockShox, but relocated to Colorado Springs in July.
John Durocher lives in Dallas, TX
and works for the Richards Group
in the finance dept. He is taking an
accounting course on his way to
getting his CPA. Jennifer
Jankowski graduated with an associate degree and completed her BS
at Guilford College in May. We got
a great response from many of you,
but we still need to hear from
many more. Keep in touch! Don’t
forget to notify the Alumni Office
of any changes of address, career, or
marital status.
Suzanne Kendall Blake
795 Mammoth Road #21
Manchester, NH 03104
(603) 623-1602
Email:[email protected]
Kelley Anne Healey
795 Mammoth Road #21
Manchester, NH 03104
(603) 623-1602
Hi everyone! Thank you for all of
your responses; it’s great hearing
from all of you. Please continue to
share your news with us via email or
by phone anytime. Your wonderful
class correspondents are now working and living together in
Manchester, NH and enjoying every
minute of being roommates again.
Kelley Healey is an employment
specialist and her weekends are spent
as a wedding photographer. She is
taking photography classes and pursuing an associate degree in photography. Suzanne Blake is a technical
recruiter. She is engaged to Ed
Gerety, a motivational speaker for
kids, who travels all over the country. Wedding plans are set for July
’01. Natalie Ciulla spent July studying in Italy. She moved to the No.
End of Boston and is teaching again.
Amy Hall resides in Allston, MA
with two friends and works at
Fitcorp. Benjamin Reeder was working for in NY but
transferred to the L.A. branch in
July. Angela Cloutier is a full-time
grad student at Rivier College in
Nashua, NH and will graduate in
May ’01 with an MA in Art Ed.
Gregory Hooven is still in Dallas,
TX. Andre Zdunczyk moved down
in the summer. Kara Crane,
Adrienne Shrekgast, and Heather
Gardiner are living together in
Boston and loving every minute of
it. Kara is a physical education director in a recreation dept. and a camp
director there in the summer. Paul
LaClair is in Sunapee and is the
computer technician for the
Kearsarge Regional School District.
He also works for the new local
Internet provider Kear.Net, and
moonlights on his own. Kevin
Pickering lives in Bristol, NH and is
an assist. athletic trainer and parttime science teacher at New
Hampton School. Mary Grace Nash
is living in Australia in Mt. Eliza, a
town like New London but on the
ocean, and working for Ralph
Lauren. Sara LeRoy is taking classes
at UNH in communication disorders. Ariane Lombardi worked in
Boston at NBC last winter, but
planned to move to L.A. Rebecca
“Becca” Blay is living in Aspen, CO
working in sales and marketing for a
condominium resort, The
Crestwood. She is racing mountain
bikes competitively in the Aspen
Cycling Club. Amy Bergeron works
at Parkers Maple Barn on weekends
and at UPS in Nashua. She volunteers at a horse barn in her hometown. Andrea Goupil is working at
Elliot Hospital in Manchester, NH
as an exercise specialist/community
education coordinator in
cardiac/pulmonary rehab. Nathan
Corddry was in a show called WIT
in VT. He was accepted in a summer
acting co. at the Williamstown
Theater Festival. He received a
teaching assistantship at the U of
Wisc. Madison for the fall as a
member of the MFA acting company. Joshua Bailey is working at the
Samoset Resort in Rockport, ME as
fitness/program director and head
personal trainer. Erin Ward is a full
time nanny for her new nephew.
Beth Freeman is living on
Nantucket and working for Hy-Line
Cruises as evening manager.
Kimberly Kogut is in Laconia, NH
and works in Concord, NH for
Granite State Management &
Resources. Michele Grodzicki is at
Concord Hospital in a medical unit
that specializes in oncology and diabetes. Tyler Blout works for
Enterprise Rent-a-Car in
Manchester, NH as assist. manager
and plays baseball in a variety of
leagues. Shawn Bachelder is athletic
director at the Boys & Girls Club of
Greater Nashua, NH. Kristin
“Krissi” Diachisin and Marc Ferlo
tied the knot in Aug. ’00. Gisella
Beauchenin passed her certification
exam. She lives in Millbury, MA.
Kyle Battis received his CSCS certification and currently works as a
strength and conditioning coach at
St. Paul’s School in Concord. Kevin
Pickering is assistant athletic trainer
at The New Hampton School in
New Hampton, NH. Brian
Frenkiewich also passed his certification exam and will be attending IN
State U as a graduate assistant this
fall. Please update your addresses
and send them to the Alumni
Office. We don’t want to lose track
of you and many are moving
Susan K. Datthyn
30 Greenview Drive
Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 624-2017
Editor’s note: We welcome Susan as
your class correspondent and wish her
well. Please keep in touch with her so
she has news to share about your classmates. Hello to all! I hope that life
after graduation is going as well as
was anticipated. This column will be
brief but I will give you some
updates. Jamey D’Amato is currently living in St. John, US Virgin Is.,
with her husband Ekiah. They plan
to move back to N. E. and settle in
Burlington, VT. Karrie Bierweiler
spent two weeks in HI at a pediatric
oncology camp. Kera Donovan is
working as a graduate nurse at The
St. Francis Nursing Home in
Laconia, NH. Jeremy Schnaittacher
had knee surgery and recuperated at
home in Woodstock, CT. Shannon
Goodfellow is working at a nursing
home on Cape Cod and is studying
for her state boards. George
Sylvester is living at home this summer and attempting to find a “real
job.” Emily Canton tied the knot in
June and Cara Tremblay was her
maid of honor. Sheila Raymond ’99
and Andrea Lemire ’99 were readers
at the ceremony. Other CSC guests
included Kerry Fleming, Danielle
Taylor, Shannon Goodfellow,
George Sylvester, Kera Donovan,
Jason Vargo, Michael Spinney,
Susan Datthyn, and Sara
Chugkowski ’99. A good time was
had by all. I, Susan, will be working
at Elliot Hospital in Manchester,
NH on an orthopedic unit. Please
let me hear from you by email,
phone, or letter. If you move, please
let the Alumni Office know
(email:[email protected]).
I look forward to hearing from more
of you.
In Fond Memory
1 9 3 7
1 9 5 2
Grenavere Stanley Todd ’24
April 28, 2000
Alice Gay Dexter ’26
September 11, 2000
Dorothea Thompson Howe
March 21, 2000
Margaret Coryell Lowrey
May 17, 2000
Marion Bool Wolfsohn
March 1999
Ann Nutter Germon
May 19, 1997
Donna Guido Lohmeyer
November, 1999
1 9 3 0
Martha Hardy Husbands
March 24, 2000
1 9 4 0
1 9 3 1
Barbara MacCormick Wood
May 2, 2000
Evelyn Parker Dow
date unknown
Elizabeth Porter
January 2000
1 9 3 2
Nome Thomas Seiler
July 14, 1999
Edith Stockman Ruettinger
August 1, 2000
Jane Chase Quinn
Margaret Duncan Short
July 1, 2000
Carole Nelson Burrill
June 25, 2000
Helen O’Neill Behney
June 2000
1 9 5 4
1 9 4 1
Muriel Blocksidge Justice
November 1, 1999
Doris Carter Stryker
October 13, 2000
1 9 4 2
Betty Neal Meader
June 12, 2000
Cynthia Janes Kimberley
September 13, 2000
1 9 5 6
Jane Schofield Meigs
February 22, 2000
Jean Harrison Randall
date unknown
1 9 5 7
1 9 4 3
1 9 3 3
1 9 5 3
Shirley McNab Mernick
March 20, 1999
Wendla Wilbert
March 15, 2000
Katherine Warwick
August 1, 2000
1 9 4 5
1 9 3 5
Eleanor Mastin
July 26, 2000
Barbara Tunison Lamson
August 5, 2000
Eleanor Sullivan Appleton
October 5, 2000
1 9 3 6
Barbara Babb Powers
February 8, 2000
Virginia Wakelin Oldershaw
September 3, 1999
Eleanor Holcomb Powell
March 18, 2000
Barbara Boynton Brown
April 10, 2000
1 9 6 5
Polly Bennett Carbonari
May 2000
1 9 7 9
1 9 4 7
June Curran Clark
April 21, 2000
Lucinda Best Brinsmade
April 6, 2000
1 9 8 8
1 9 4 9
Beverly Bartlett Olsen
May 21, 2000
Doris Vinton Hunter (also staff)
July 15, 2000
C o l b y - S aw y e r
C o l l e g e
Annual Report
of Gifts
“All colleges are dependent
on many factors for survival,
and the active
support of graduates
is one of the most essential.”
Dr. H. Leslie Sawyer
First President of Colby-Sawyer College
Board of
Tr u s t e e s
1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 1
William H. Dunlap P’98
Kathy Jones Nixon ’68
Walter Angoff
Executive Secretary
William S. Berger
Anne Winton Black ’73, ’75^
Cornelia Woolley Clifford ’50
Timothy C. Coughlin P’00^
Annual Fund Chairperson Nan Nielsen Williams ’59 proudly presents the alumni annual fund
donation to President Anne Ponder at Reunion 2000.
Peter D. Danforth P’83, ’84
Leslie Wright Dow ’57
Stephen W. Ensign
Andree Ivey Fontaine^
Eleanor Morrison Goldthwait ’51^
Nancy Woodring Hansen ’64
Honor Roll
o f Vo lu n t e e r s
Volunteers are an essential part of the Annual Fund team.
Many volunteers give their time, energy, and enthusiasm
to the Annual Giving programs for which the college is deeply
grateful. This year’s success is the result of the
determination and efforts of this indomitable core of
dedicated volunteers.
Philip H. Jordan, Jr.
Patricia Driggs Kelsey
Susan Morrison Mayer ’50, P’75
David T. McLaughlin^
Robin L. Mead ’72
The Annual Fund Chairperson
Throughout the years, many alumni have given generously of their time and talent to serve as Annual Fund
Chairperson. The Chair is the liaison between
the Annual Giving Office and the alumni. This year’s
Annual Fund advanced under the leadership and encouragement of Nancy Nielsen Williams, Class of 1959.
William C. Mercer*
Richard C. Munn
JoAnn Franke Overfield ’68
Jean Harding Pierce ’47
Mel A. Shaftel
Richard N. Thielen^
Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Richard M. Underwood
William S. Wesson
Daniel H. Wolf
Class Agents 1999-2000
Class agents are an indispensable link between the college
and its alumni. Throughout the fiscal year, from each July
to each June, Class Agents diligently communicate with
their classmates by letter and telephone to raise support
for, and participation in, the Annual Fund. They follow
gifts with grateful letters of thanks for the support of
thousands of alumni.
Pauline Rogers Barker
Barbara Melendy Parker
Miriam Cluff Worthley
Jean Moore Hartson
Shirley Tunison Eustis
Nancy Dean Maynard
Beverly “Bebe” Walker Wood
Cornella Fay Wilder
Dorothy Glover Grimball
Rita Ferris Briggs
* Retired Spring 2000
^ Elected Spring 2000
Ruth Gray Pratt
Joan Rablin Keppler
Ann Radcliff Wells
Elizabeth “Libby” Moss Phillips
Nancy Hoyt Langbein
Julie Miller
Constance Taylor Raven
Judy Gilmore Getchell and
Judith Christie Anderson
Gale Hartung Baldwin
Prudence “Pru” Jensen Heard
Joan Gibney Whittaker
Judith G. Butler
Susan E. Weeks
Anne Baynes Hall
Liz Lloyd Thorndike
Beth Constantinides Meurlin
Nancy Schaffer von Stackelberg and
Cynthia Warren Kelley
Melissa F. Langa
Suzanne Quimby Reed
Nancy Barnes Berkeley
Jody Hambley Cooper
Linda J. Botti
Nancy O’Day
Sharon Roper Alphas
Peg Rogers Andrews
Karen E. Craffey
Christine Palmer
Gretchen Garceau-Kragh
Kirsten Girard Lesburt
Carolyn L. Norris
Holly E. Irvine
Donald R. Varnum, Jr.
James “Jamie” K. Weber III
Amie L. Pariseau
Rachel Woodbury
Keith Perkins
If you do not see a Class Agent listed for your class and
you are interested in volunteering, please contact
Sandra Swain-Bromwell in the Office of Annual Giving
at 1-800-266-8253.
Annual Report
The 1999-2000
Leadership Donor
The Leadership Donor Committee is a
group of hard-working and productive
volunteers who make calls on behalf of
the Annual Fund to donors at the $250and-above levels. We offer our special
thanks to this year’s committee members.
Nancy Shumway Adams ’52
Walter Angoff, Esquire
Mrs. Gordon McAllen Baker ’53
Anne Winton Black ’73, ’75
Jane Wilbur Brown ’60
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dunlap
Joanne Fowle Hinds ’52
Barbara Hamilton Hopkins ’48
Martha McCracken Howard ’38, P’70
Carolyn Nagel Kaufman ’53
Polly Black Koerner ’53
Gerald M. Mayer, Jr.
Anne Dwyer Milne ’54
Susan Barto Monks ’60
Nancy Talbot Moulton ’68
Kathryn Jones Nixon ’68
Ramona Hopkins O’Brien ’46
JoAnn Franke Overfield ’68
Mary Trafton Simonds ’38, P’64
Richard A. Whiting
Nancy Nielsen Williams ’59
The 1999-2000
Parent Fund Committee
The Parent Fund Committee is a group
of parents who telephone other parents
on behalf of the Annual Fund. The college is grateful to Susan Hunt for chairing the 1999-2000 Parent Fund and its
successful fundraising effort.
Susan E. Hunt (Tracey ’01)
C a p i ta l G i f ts
Colby-Sawyer is grateful to the following
donors who made capital gifts.
† deceased donor
Gifts of endowment are given for unrestricted purposes, to support an existing
fund, or to establish an endowed fund. An
endowed fund may be created to establish a
scholarship, project, program or chair. We
are grateful to the following donors who
made gifts to the endowment.
Anonymous (3)
Mrs. Priscilla Fields Aloise ’50
Mrs. Judith Christie Anderson ’59
Mrs. June Ramsey Atwood ’50
Mrs. Barbara G. Bankart
Bank of Boston
Mrs. Pauline Rogers Barker ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrett ’83
Mrs. Helen Germundson Bartlett ’50
Mrs. Jean Davis Bates ’50
Mrs. Lynn Macdonald Bisho P’68
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Black, Jr. ’75
Mrs. Jean Wheeler Blackmur ’50
Mrs. Elizabeth Rockwell Booth ’72
Boston Edison Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers ’50, P’78
Mrs. Adele Shays Bowler ’45
Mrs. Roger P. Braman P’56
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Brandley ’50, P’82
Mrs. Bert M. Brannan, Jr. ’50
Mrs. Barbara Steen Bryant ’50
Miss Molly M. Callender ’71
Mrs. Virginia Hall Cameron ’50
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Cary
Miss Margaret E. Cawley ’41
Miss Marjorie Chisholm ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Churchill, Jr. ’58
Mrs. Carol Graves Cimilluca ’61
Mrs. J. F. Clark ’50
Mrs. Ann Kitfield Clarke ’50
Ms. Emily Morgan Clemmer ’45, P’73
Mrs. Hilary P. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Clifford ’50
Mr. John Coburn
Miss Anne E. Coghlan
Mrs. Gloria Demers Collins ’50
Ms. Margaret Carter Colony ’39
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Coughlin, Jr. ’46
Mrs. Rebecca Berry Cramer ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Crawford ’50
Mrs. Cynthia Leach Cudworth ’50
Mrs. Joan Wolff Cummings ’50
Ann Bemis Day ’50
Mrs. Dorothy Bartels Denault ’61
Mrs. James C. Munro ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Nottage ’50, P’72
Ms. Nancy O ’Day ’81
Ms. Nancy F. Oakes ’61
Mrs. William A. Oaks ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Old
Mrs. Kathleen Valliere Ouilette ’50
Mrs. Linda Lambert Palmer ’65
Mrs. Betty Alden Parker ’50
Ms. Jane Richardson Pearson ’50
Mrs. Martha Mueller Pfaff ’38
Phoenix New England Trust
Mrs. Nancy Brown Pieper ’50
Ms. Mary Louise Potter
Mrs. Beth Brundage Previti ’85
Mrs. Beverly Fraleigh Pulford ’50
Mr. Athens Clay Pullias
Mrs. Gailan Porter Read ’67
Mrs. Virginia Osborne Ricker ’89
Ms. Linda Thomson Righter ’58
Mr. Orville Robertson ^
Mrs. Judith Fuller Rogozenski ’71
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Rooke ’50
Mr. Robert B. Rose
Esther Rowland ’45
Mrs. Barbara Duryea Rybeck ’50
Mrs. Deborah Glidden Saliba ’65
Mrs. Harriet Patriquin Sanchez ’50
Mrs. Frances Sawyer P’66
Mrs. Phyllis Sanderson Scott ’50
Mrs. Charlotte Faye Shar P’50
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Shields
Mrs. Mary Cleveland Sholty
Mr. John W. Shroyer
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38, P’64
Mrs. Jane Grayson Slover ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snyder
Mrs. Pamela Roeder Specht ’76
Mr. Jay L. Stahl III
Mrs. Richard B. Stearns ’32
Mrs. Joanne Rhoades Storrs ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sundeen ’50
Mrs. Helene Cowan Taylor ’45
Mrs. Louise C. Taylor
Mrs. Kristin Takala Tishman ’86
Mrs. Ruth Shonyo Trask ’50
Mrs. Ruth Hanson Tuck ’50
Mrs. Robert H. Tullis ’50
Mrs. Avis Wilcox Van Vleet ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Vetter ’45,
Ms. Janice Von Oehsen ’81
Mr. and Mrs. C. Craig Waldbillig ’50
Mrs. Marilyn Clark Walker ’50
Ms. Lindy Fisher Weaver ’67
Mr. Alexander W. Wenner
Mrs. Betsey Loveland Wheeler ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wheeler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Wheeler
Mrs. Helen Reynolds Williams ’39
Mrs. Winifred Little Williams ’37
Mrs. Jeanne Marquis Williams ’50
Dr. and Mrs. Everett M. Woodman ’40
Mrs. Virginia S. Yarlott
Mrs. Jane Barhoff Ypsilantis ’90
R e p o r t
Mrs. Martine Baker-Anderson '59†
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Bright '61
Miss Mildred E. Buerkel '38†
Charles Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Patience Mather Cleveland
E n d ow m e n t
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Devaney ’68, P’99
Mr. John F. Dewey
Mrs. Helen Taylor Dodd ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Domina
Mrs. Ruth E. Dorey
Mrs. Jean Finley Doughty ’50
Mrs. Marilyn Colburn Dow ’50, P’83
Mr. William E. Dubben†
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Duffett ’50
Mrs. Gwenyth Hall Dunbar ’50
Mrs. Joan Smith Eastman ’50
Mrs. Mary Haines Eavenson ’50
Mrs. Barbara Decker Egbert ’50
Mrs. Lynn Lovelett Elizondo ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Fairall ’73
Frank M. Barnard Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Franke, Jr. P’68
Mrs. Ann Austin Freeman ’61
Ms. Nancy Teachout Gardner ’45
Mrs. Marilyn Winn Goodwin ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Gordon ’75
Ms. Marjorie N. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gorham ’50
Grace & John T. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Graf ’75, P’89
Mrs. Priscilla Johnson Greene ’50
Mrs. Anne Maher Grimes ’50
Mrs. Carol Howe Hagan ’50
Ms. Patricia Davis Hoffman ’50
Ms. Marilyn Smith Hooper ’50
Miss Linda R. Hosmer ’61
Mrs. Joy Waldau Hostage ’45
Ms. Pamela H. Hughes ’82
Mrs. Maxine Morrison Hunter ’50
Hunter Family Charitable Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Adolph M. Hutter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Peter Irish ’50, P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Joos ’57, P’79
Ms. Louise O. Jostedt
Mrs. Marianne Cushing Kiernan ’50
Mrs. Jean Fuller Knowlton ’50
Mrs. Ethel McCauley Kyle ’50
Mrs. Sally Clickner L ’Huillier ’54
Lake Sunapee Bank
Mrs. Nancy Hendrickson Latham ’50
Mrs. Janet Phelon Lawton ’50
Mrs. Mary Anderson Lazar ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Lewis ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Leyton ’71
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Mrs. Coralie Nash Liechti ’50
Mrs. Mary Pelletier Linman ’50
Mrs. Phyllis Scott Lobdell ’50
Mrs. Dorothy Randall Loft ’45
Miss Jean D. London ’41
Mr. and Mrs. M. Roy London, Jr.
Mrs. Dutton Harder Long ’45
Mrs. Jean Morley Lovett ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. MacLean ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mark, Jr. ’50
Mrs. Mary Lee Stratford Martin ’50
Ms. Michelle Baird Mathias ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mayer, Jr. ’50,
Mrs. Nancy Dean Maynard ’45
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mercer ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Meyer, Jr. ’50
Miss Genevieve Millar ’32
Mrs. Elisabeth Harrison Morgan ’50
Mrs. Doris Hammond Morgan ’50
Mrs. Barbara James Mueller ’50
A n n u a l
Committee Members
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coughlin
(John ’00)
Maggie Fawcett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jesser (Ali ’99,
Leisa ’01, Susanna ’02)
Linda J. Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thayer
Jean White
Mrs. Cornelia Woolley Clifford ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Danforth P’83, ’84
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Graf '75, P'89
Helene Fuld Health Trust
Beulah Kahler Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelsey
Douglas and Nancy Lyon
Mr. David T. McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mercer ’41
Mr. Orville Robertson†
Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snyder
Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin I. Sullivan '55
Mrs. Elizabeth Wood Werley ’49
Annual Report
Th e H e ri tag e
The Heritage Society was established in
1992 to provide special recognition to those
individuals who have provided for
Colby-Sawyer by means of bequests, gifts of
life insurance or life income gifts. Alumni
and friends of the college are invited to join
the Heritage Society when they inform the
college of estate plans that include
Colby-Sawyer. Requests for anonymity are
Anonymous (10)
Mary Lou Craffey Ackley ’45
Frances Morrison Archibald ’37
Douglas G. Atkins
Rebecca Safford Attridge ’38, P’65,
’67, ’72 †
Sally Stevens Ayres ’39
Collier W. Baird, Jr.
Gordon McAllen Baker ’53
Pauline Rogers Barker ’34
Dorothy Probert Bates ’38
Sally J. Biever-Ward ’60
Barbara Boyd Bradley ’42
Cynthia Alexander Carlson ’44, P’68
Mollie Jean Empsall Carr ’34
Frank R. Carvell
Helen Casciani ’49
Mark A. Clements
Eleanor Goodwin Cochran ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Cooper
(Ann Murdoch ’53)
Ada Shapiro Creighton ’39
Sydney L. Crook
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Dalton
(Olga Wells ’47)
Helen Dearing Day ’32
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Deacon
Joan Russell Desmond ’41, P’63
Suzette van Daell Douglas ’43
Leslie Wright Dow ’57
Elizabeth Kendig Eastman ’57
Sallie Lou Johnson Elliott ’55
Arline Soderberg Ely ’54
Jane Cooper Fall ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Farwell
(Mary Chambers ’34†)
Ernestine Bellamy Firth ’56, P’92
Margaret Olmsted Ford-Twombly ’32
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney R. Francis, Jr.
(Mary Westberg ’41)
Martha L. Friberg ’68
Eleanor Morrison Goldthwait ’51, ’52
Harriet Wickham Gorman ’40
Patricia O’Connor Gowling ’30
Susan Cleaves Graham ’52
Corinne Pierce Hellman ’35
Edith Tedford Hendricks ’32
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hinman
P’70, ’73 (Barbara Dent ’49)
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Hoppock
(Cora Farr ’37)
Martha McCracken Howard ’38, P’70
Marian C. Hurlin
Natalie Hartwell Jackson ’80
Rebecca Kittredge Johns ’38
Barbara A. Johnson ’44
Daniel P. Johnson
† deceased donor
Th e S t u d e n t C a l l i n g P r o g r a m
During the 1999-2000 year, the Student Calling Program raised over $186,000 for the
Annual Fund. Over 24,000 calls were made, resulting in 5,500 pledges. These dedicated student ambassadors enjoy contacting alumni, parents, and friends. This initiative provides an
opportunity for alumni and others to talk to the most important members of the college community, our students. They share news about Colby-Sawyer College, update information, and
ask for support for the institution.
Phonathon Members: (Back row): Maura Brady, Kerri Tuttle, Kelsey Barberi, Crystal Colby, Erin
Slavin (Middle row): Kevin Tilson, Supervisor, Amanda Gagnon, Hilary Cogen, Liz Steward,
Mariann Hunter, Supervisor (Front row): Jenn Ljungvall, Sabrina Bolianites, Lisa Noyes, Julia
Westcott, Graham White
Margaret Monroe Mink ’49
Kathy Jones Nixon ’68
Shirley E. Parsons ’42
Sally A. Randall ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Ray P’92
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ridgway
(Katherine Gordon ’42)
Dorothy Woodbury Rogers ’30
Edith Stockman Ruettinger ’32, P’57
Barbara Tracy Sandford ’38, P’69
Mrs. Rudolph J. Schaefer
(Janet Udall ’52)
Joan Rosenwald Scott ’41
Ruth Kerney Scott ’42
Dorothy W. Sears, Jr. ’44
Verna Williams Seidensticker ’49
Margaret Duncan Short ’33
Dorothy Winlock Sidebottom ’39
Blanche Worth Siegfried ’43, P’67
Gladys R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Smith
(Nancy Frost ’50)
Inez Gianfranchi Snowdon ’38
Nancy Amend Snyder ’40, GP’90
Arline Stevens Sobolewski ’40
Barbara Johnson Stearns ’32
Curtis M. Stendahl P’80
Sara Height Strawbridge ’56
Jeanne Hall Johnson ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Kaufman, Jr.
(Carolyn Nagel ’53)
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Kelly P’72
(Jane McCabe ’44)
Patricia Driggs Kelsey
William F. Kidder, Sr. ’29
Barbara Chandler Kimm ’57
Charles L. Kirkpatrick
Joan Kaufman Kirkpatrick ’54
Judith Clark Kitchen ’36
Eleanor Seybert Kujawski ’45
Nancy Hoyt Langbein ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lawson
Eileen Preble LeCain P’ 59
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leaver
(Jeanne Fairbanks ’44)
Joan Hadley Lena ’51
George M. Lethbridge, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Looney
(Lauren Piercy ’62)
Dorothy McKinney Malin ’38
Barbara G. Mason ’30
Joan Dryden May ’54
Susan Morrison Mayer ’50, P’75
Marcheta Sullivan McDowell ’44, P’69
Gladys Greenbaum Meyers ’39
Genevieve Millar ’32
Doris Carter Stryker ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Talcott
(Mary Gay Marble ’37)
Mary Scheu Teach ’43, P’ 70,
’71, GP’97
Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Barbara Hayden Townsend ’34
Edward Tuck P’78, ’89
Corrine Charron Turner ’38
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Vetter P’73,
’78 (Jean Jacob ’45)
Harriet G. Ward ’51
The Honorable Martha Ware ’37
Pauline McCusker Watt ’43
Alexander W. Wenner
Cornella Fay Wilder ’47
Janice Wilkins ’41
Harriet Kerschner Wilson ’35
David H. Winton P’73, ’75
Jane Earle Wright ’44
June Taylor Wright ’46
Faith Butterfield Wyer ’37, P’64
Honorary Members
Doris Reid Bowman ’28
Charlotte Shapiro Krentzel ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Thornton
Annual Report
D e f e r re d G i f ts
The college expresses its deep gratitude for
the foresight and generosity of the following
Mr. Sydney L. Crook
Mrs. Ralph G. Hurlin
Mrs. Joan Kaufman Kirkpatrick ’54
Mr. Charles L. Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore M. Scott ’41
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43, P’70, ’71,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilbur Townsend ’34
Mrs. Cornella Fay Wilder ’47
Eleanor Seybert Kujawski ’45
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lethbridge, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mayer, Jr. ’50,
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mercer ’41
New York Community Trust
Kathyrn Jones Nixon ’68 and Ted Nixon
Mr. John D. Norris P’01
Mrs. Jean Harding Pierce ’47
Mr. Orville G. Robertson*†
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rooke ’48, P’73
Spencer Foundation
State of New Hampshire
The Honorable Martha Ware ’37
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wesson
Miss Janice Wilkins ’41
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Winton P’75
B e qu e s t
The H. Leslie Sawyer
The college appreciates the thoughtful planning which provided support in the last
The H. Leslie Sawyer Society honors
one of the college’s most beloved presidents. Membership in this society recognizes donors who give $5,000 to
$9,999 in a single year to the Annual
Miss Mildred E. Buerkel ’38
Mrs. Dorothy Knowles Chilton ’32
Mr. Peter G. Harwood P’77
Mr. Orville Robertson
We are pleased to report that the
Colby-Sawyer College Annual Fund surpassed its $1,100,000 goal for fiscal year
1999-2000. Leadership gifts were
received from alumni, parents of current
students and alumni, grandparents, local
businesses and vendors, faculty, staff,
friends, foundations and other organization. Although every gift is important to
the college, leadership gifts of $1,000 or
more have significant impact and merit
special recognition.
The President’s Society
The Mt. Kearsarge Society recognizes
donors who made gifts of $2,500 to
$4,999 to the college.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Angoff
Wayne and Wendy Beckemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Black, Jr. ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Brown
in my life.”
Sally Conner Parry ’51
Mr. Mark A. Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Crawford ’50
Ms. Hope E. Damon
Allen and Sheila Lewis Henry
Mrs. Barbara Fetzer Herbert ’50
Mrs. Martha McCracken Howard ’38, P’70
Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Kaplan ’55
Lake Sunapee Bank
Mrs. Jean Morley Lovett ’45
Martin Salomon Morton & Gustel
Miss Julie Miller ’57
Elise Sollman Miller ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Peterman ’41, P’63
Phoenix New England Trust
Mrs. Joan Webber Plummer ’40
Mrs. John D. Quackenbos P’63, ’68, ’71
Miss Marjorie Rolfe ’35
Mrs. Edith Stockman Ruettinger ’32, P’57
Mrs. Rudolph J. Schaefer ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Schermerhorn
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43, P’70, ’71,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Craig Waldbillig ’50
The Susan Colby Society
Susan Colby, teacher and first principal
of Colby Academy and one of the
college’s most significant benefactors,
provides the inspiration for this giving
society which honors donors who give
$1,000 to $2,499 in a single year to the
Annual Fund.
Mrs. E.J. Martin Albergotti ’51
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Anderson ’59
Mrs. Pauline Rogers Barker ’34
Mr. and Mrs. Harris D. Berry ’68
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Biggar ’49
Mrs. Alfred F. Bonazzoli, Jr. ’63
Mrs. Anne Roraback Bowen ’50
Mrs. David Brownwood ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Burgess ’62
Mrs. John E. Burns, Jr. ’39
Campus Compact of New Hampshire
Dr. and Mrs. C. B. Carpenter ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Churchill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Clark, Jr.
R e p o r t
Agnes Lindsay Trust
Mrs. Charles I. Bowman ’28
Chargers Club
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Clifford ’50
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin P’75, ’76
Colby-Sawyer College Golf Classic
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Danforth P’83,
’84, GP’02
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dunlap P’98
Mrs. Margaret Olmsted Ford-Twombly ’32
George F. & Sybil H. Fuller Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jesser P’99, ’01, ’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelsey, Jr.
The Mt. Kearsage Society
“It’s a foundation stone
A n n u a l
The President’s Society recognizes individuals and organizations whose contributions total $10,000 or more in a single year. Members of the President’s
Society have made an extraordinary
level of commitment to the college.
Adventures in Learning
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Mrs. Hilary P. Cleveland
Mrs. Leslie Wright Dow ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Oley Firth ’56, P’92
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Greenspan P’62
Ms. Anne Baynes Hall ’67
Mr. and Mrs. David Heald ’40, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lawson
Mrs. Janet Sherman Lockwood ’34
Mr. Richard C. Munn
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dale Overfield ’68
Dr. Anne Ponder and Dr. Christopher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Robinson ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Mel A. Shaftel
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Smith, Jr. ’50
Mrs. Priscilla Swezey Teich ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Underwood
Ms. Sally Shaw Veitch ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Wolf
Why I chose
to support
Miss Barbara M. Clough ’31
Ms. Marcia S. Cohn ’58
Colby-Sawyer College Alumni
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland J. Cross
Mrs. Debra Murray Cross ’80
Mrs. Helen Dearing Day ’32
Mr. Robert P. Dean
Dignard Architectural Services
Miss Janet Marcia Drabble ’38
E. R. Taylor Investments
Delude Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Julie Dougherty Egenberg ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ensign
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bradford Evans ’62
Mrs. Valerie Hunt Evans ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Falconi P’99
Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon Faulkner ’37
Mr. and Mrs. Haynes H. Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Fifield, Jr. ’43,
Mrs. Dona Jane Hoffman Foerster ’76
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Fraunfelder P’02
Dr. and Mrs. Joel C. Goldthwait ’51
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon P’63
Gordon & Powers Insurance Agency,
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Gorman ’40
Mrs. Ann Doyle Gramstorff ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gray ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Gray ’75
Mrs. Jennifer Reggio Greenspan ’75
Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Gregory ’50,
Dr. and Mrs. H. Roger Hansen ’64
Dr. Donald A. Hasseltine and
Ms. Rebecca Bliss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hinman ’49,
P’70, ’73
Mrs. Jane Farr Hobbs ’40
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holstein P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond B. Hopkins ’48
Mrs. Elizabeth Roland Hunter ’70
Hunter Family Charitable Trust
Mr. George Jamieson
Jesseman Associates P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer D. Johnson ’43
Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Jordan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Kaufman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Koerner ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Krentzel ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Langbein, Jr. ’56
Mrs. Erving A. LeCain P’59
Jean Morley Lovett ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lyon
Mrs. Marcia Goodale MacDonald ’60
Mr. Leon F. Markoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Maslow ’52
Mr. and Mrs. George E. McClements
Mr. Bruce R. McClintock and
Ms. Carolyn A. Pelzel
Mrs. Hilda Hutchins McCollum ’58
Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. David G. McCollum
’62, P’88
Ms. Robin L. Mead ’72
Milestone Engineering
New London Barn Playhouse
Mrs. Janet Rich Nixon ’54, P’78
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. O ’Brien ’34
Mrs. Nancy Beyer Opler ’56
Mrs. Donald Shelton Pierce ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Putzel ’66
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Regan, Jr. ’64
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reid, Jr. ’50,
Mrs. Katherine Gordon Ridgway ’42
Mrs. Judith Riddell Riggs ’78
Mrs. Patricia Blake Sayles ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Isadore M. Scott ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Siegfried ’43,
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38, P’64
Ms. Kathryn E. Simons ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood T. Small
Mr. and Mrs. J. Deane Somerville ’46
Ms. Rosalie Belanger Sorenson ’65
Mr. and Mrs. James Southard
Reverend and Mrs. Frederick Stecker IV
Mrs. Jean Roach Tozier ’52
Mrs. Charlotte Schimmat Urban ’53
Mr. William B. Van Buren III
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Vermilya ’54
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Vulgamore
Mr. David Z. Webster
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Wentz ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Whiting P’89
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin D. Williams III
Mrs. Barbara MacCormick Wood ’40
Mrs. Clarissa Pickles Wooster ’37
G i v i n g C i rc l e s
The Giving Circles at Colby-Sawyer recognize those individuals and organizations
that generously contribute $150 to $999 to
the Annual Fund. These gifts have a significant and lasting impact on the future of
Colby-Sawyer. We extend a sincere thank
you to these donors.
The Eugene M. Austin
This society recognizes donors of $500 to
$999 in a single year to the Annual Fund
and honors the memory of Eugene M.
Austin, second president of Colby-Sawyer,
who led an impressive expansion of the
college’s physical facilities and academic
programs in the late ’50s and early ’60s.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams ’45,
P’69, ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Adams, Jr. ’52
Mrs. Judith Christie Anderson ’59
Avon Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Maxine Morrison Hunter ’50
Mrs. Ralph G. Hurlin
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacobson ’62
Ms. Barbara A. Johnson ’44
Mrs. Barbara Marsh Jones ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Judd ’60,
Miss Georgia Kanouse ’72
Mr. George W. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel S. Ketchum ’54,
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan
Mrs. Frances Bowen Kirkaldy ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick ’54
Mrs. Joyce Juskalian Kolligian ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Krumm, Jr. ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Langa ’47, P’74
Ms. Mary C. Lanius ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. LaVigne ’83
Ms. Nancy Bokron Lavigne ’71
Mrs. Jeanne Fairbanks Leaver ’44
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Linkroum
Mrs. Enid Belden Logan ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Low ’65, P’97
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Marck ’48,
P’76, ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mark, Jr. ’50
Mrs. Gretchen Richter Massey ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Matyiko P’03
Mayo Roofing, Inc.
Mrs. Carolyn Ayer McKean ’66
Mr. and Mrs. John S. McKeon ’69
Mr. David T. McLaughlin
Mrs. Carolyn Tilton Medgyesy ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Meyer, Jr. ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Miller P’03
Mr. F. Warren Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Mills P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Milne, Jr. ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Misanko P’99
Mrs. Jane Vose Mook ’57
Ms. Deborah Ritter Moore ’73
Mrs. Nancy Talbot Moulton ’68
Dr. Judith A. Muyskens
Mrs. Barbara Baldwin Newby ’72
Mrs. Heidi Grey Niblack ’68
Mrs. Barbara Moore Noble ’46
Mrs. Ramona Hopkins O ’Brien ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Olivier P’98
Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Ordman
Mrs. Mary Merrow Paden ’52
Mrs. Barbara Melendy Parker ’36
Mrs. Mabel Livingstone Pattridge ’46
Mrs. Joan Van Iderstine Peterson ’50
Mrs. Paula Scammon Poire ’57
Mr. Anthony Quinn
Ms. Edith M. Radley ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Raeburn P’00
Mrs. Wendie Grant Riordan ’66
Mrs. Anne Carty Rogers ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rucci P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Straube ’42
Mrs. Garnett Seifert Shores ’57
Mrs. Carol Weissenborn Smith ’48
Mrs. Mary Hood Smith ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Smith ’58
Mrs. Nancy Amend Snyder ’40, GP’90
Mrs. Arline Stevens Sobolewski ’40
Mr. and Mrs. C. Archer Sterling, Jr.
Sugar River Savings Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin I. Sullivan ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Taussig P’73
To p F i v e C l a s s e s
By Dollar
A m o u n ts
( fiscal year 1999-00)
Mrs. Lani Kalergis Becker ’73
Ms. Charlotte Bell ’67
Dr. Anne R. Bewley
Mrs. Judith Weisfeld Block ’59
Ms. Linda J. Botti ’80
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Bradley ’42
Ms. Karen Anderson Breed ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Brown ’41
Ms. Pendleton Gray Burroughs ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calhoun, Jr. ’52
Carroll Concrete Co., Inc.
Ms. Deborah Ross Chambliss ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Child, Jr. P’70
Mrs. Sally Roesser Christy ’55
Mrs. Hildegarde Body Clark ’66
Mrs. Patricia Holmes Clark ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Clark, Sr. ’53
Mrs. Brenda Drechsler Cocco ’59
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Cochran ’71
Mrs. Katherine Baldwin Colman ’68
Mrs. Anne Matternes Congdon ’65
Mrs. Mary Dixon Cope ’67
Mrs. Barbara Pinkerton Corns ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cowans ’83
Mrs. Robert O. Crabbs ’46
Mrs. William Crosby ’36
Mrs. Jane Keese Darling ’56
Mrs. Elizabeth Boothe Davis ’60
Mr. Tomie dePaola
Mrs. Ann Buckman Dickson ’48
Mrs. Anne Nordblom Dodge ’70
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Duffett ’50
Ms. Janet M. Ellis ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Feins
Ms. Nancy Dana Fifield ’84
Mrs. Gloria Hirsch Flanzer ’44
Mrs. Martha Siegfried Fritz ’67
Ms. Shelli Gay
Mrs. Robin Morsman Geis ’63
Mrs. Sarah Bond Gilson ’53
Mrs. Priscilla Beardsley Glenn ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard D. Goldstein ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gray
Mrs. Rosli Hanslin
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherburne Hart
Mrs. Edith Tedford Hendricks ’32
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Hinds, Jr. ’52
Mrs. Barbara Brown Hoffman ’37
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hunt P’01
Mrs. Marilyn Asbury Taylor ’51
Mrs. Barbara-Jane Smith Thompson
’48, P’86
Mrs. Karen Greene Timm ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tuck P’78, ’89
Linda and Don Varnum P’95
Mrs. Jane Dittmann Voss ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Watts ’48
Mrs. Catherine Morley Wendland ’45
Mrs. Roger T. Wickers ’6
The Julia M. Gay Society
Named for Julia M. Gay, an 1890
graduate of Colby Academy and beloved
teacher, this society recognizes donors
who contribute gifts of $250 to $499 in
a single year to the Annual Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Abbey ’40
Miss Carol Adams ’64
Mrs. Nancy Morris Adams ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Adler ’41
American Plate Glass Company
Mrs. Barbara Conkey Armstrong ’49
Mrs. Barbara Colwell Armstrong ’44
Mrs. Margery Bugbee Atherton ’51
Mrs. Cynthia Waters Avilla ’76
Miss Reva E. Bailey
Mrs. Gordon McAllen Baker ’53
Mrs. Gale Hartung Baldwin ’60
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Barlow ’71
Ms. Audrey Barrett ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barrow ’67
Barton Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mrs. Jane Thompson Belsky ’53
Mrs. Diana Curren Bennett ’61
Mrs. Alice Ensdorf Bergstrom ’58
Mrs. Elaine Leviton Blumberg ’55
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Brandley ’50,
P’78, ’82
Mrs. Jane Wilbur Brown ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Brush
Mrs. Ann Johnston Bunis ’46
Mrs. Phyllis Slater Burgess ’44, GP ’03
Mrs. Jean Anderson Burnham ’39
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cadwell ’42
Mrs. Justine Mintie Caldwell ’37
Mrs. Dorothy Booma Carangelo ’53
Mrs. Stephanie Brown Carleton ’55
Mrs. Ann Siegfried Carlson ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Carter
Mr. Charles D. Caswell ’93
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cavallaro
Mr. and Mrs. Winsor L. Chase
Mrs. Jane Marcelais Childers ’56
Jean and Jim Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Clarke
Clarkes’ Hardware
Miss Mary G. Clay ’80
Mrs. Jennifer Lubrano Clayton ’82
Ms. Patience Mather Cleveland
Mrs. Elinore Cochran GP’95
Ms. Deborah L. Coffin ’76
Mrs. Carolyn Gahan Collari ’61
Miss Anna R. Conklin
Ms. Sally King Cramer ’43
Annual Report
Why I chose to support
Colby-Sawyer College
“I consider giving to the institutions
I believe in an obligation.
Having learned this habit from my parents,
giving to me seems akin to breathing.
Teaching at Colby-Sawyer has been
akin to breathing too, so I have a fully
formed obligation to support the college
which has supported
my scholarship and teaching.”
Ann Page Stecker
Associate Professor, Humanities
Colby-Sawyer College
Mrs. Eleanor Galt Stafford ’48
Mrs. Barbara Johnson Stearns ’32
Mrs. Sandra Edgcomb Stiger ’64
Mrs. Sara Gray Stockwell ’71
Mrs. Martha Mullendore Storey ’65
Mrs. Margaret Whitney Strohbeck ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sundeen ’50
Mrs. Sandra Swain-Bromwell
Mrs. Elaine Swenson ’85
Mrs. Helena Fortuna Szepan ’46
Mrs. Joyce Danielson Tatoian ’61
Mrs. Barbara Schramm Taylor ’48
Mr. Todd K. Thompson
Mr. George B. Thomson P’81
Mrs. Kristin Takala Tishman ’86
Mrs. Anne Grier Tourtellotte ’47
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilbur Townsend ’34
Twin Press
Mrs. Marjorie Campbell Upson ’43
Mrs. Pamela Bligh Varriale ’78
Mrs. Barbara Eldredge Watt ’41
Mrs. Ann Radcliff Wells ’53
Mrs. Catherine Harman White ’62
Mrs. Pamela Kinsella White ’76
Dr. and Mrs. John Paul Whiteley ’57
Ms. Theresa R. Whiteley ’94
Mr. and Mrs. Chris T. Whittaker ’63,
Mrs. Mary Williams P’00
Mrs. Betsey Cook Willis ’48
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Wilson
Mrs. Marsha Smoller Winer ’56
Mrs. Beverly Walker Wood ’46
Mrs. Miriam Cluff Worthley ’39, P’68
Mrs. Carolyn Handley Young ’46
The Circle of GOLD
Mrs. Jane Cowles Parmenter ’44
Mrs. Jennifer Harwood Petersen ’77
Dr. Joan Peterson ’49
Mrs. Mary Davenport Phelan ’76
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pierson ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Poh
Mr. Howell L. Potter P’55
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pratt ’51, P’80
Mr. George P. Quackenbos
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Ries ’78
Mrs. Nancy Mitchell Rinck ’36
Mrs. Jeannette Shapiro Rosenberg ’33
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rosenfield
Mrs. Grace MacDonald Ross ’45
Mrs. Martha Packard Ross ’69
Rotary Club of New London
Mrs. Susan Porter Saunders ’60
Mrs. Frances Sawyer P’66, ’71, GP’92,
Mrs. Coreen Wallace Scharfe ’70
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schmitt ’48
Mrs. Ruth Levy Schultz ’54
Mrs. Robert T. Searing, Jr. ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Stuart ’72
Mrs. Martha Cary Shuster ’72
Mrs. Rebecca Zagorski Silver ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Slattery P’89
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Sleight ’73
Mrs. Jane Grayson Slover ’50
Dr. William M. Smedley
Mrs. Gladys R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Snow ’47
† deceased donor
Founded in 1997, “Graduates of the Last
Decade” was formed to recognize graduates from 1989 to 2000 who donate gifts
of $150 or more to the Colby-Sawyer
College Annual Fund.
Ms. Julia Kate Dow ’90
Mr. Jacob Z. French ’98
Mrs. Kimberly Thompson MacLauchlan
Kathleen Peterson, RNC ’92
Mrs. Stephanie Stratton Schell ’93
Mr. Jayson R. Thyng ’99
Ms. Kathleen Ventura ’93
Ms. Theresa R. Whiteley ’94
R e p o r t
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lemire P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Logan
Mr. James M. Lorette
Mrs. Marguerite Biggs Lovelace ’40
Ms. Pamela Low
Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand W. Lummus
’57, P’86
Mrs. Sally Nathan Lusk ’58
Mrs. Margaret Legg Lynch ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. MacLean ’50
Mrs. Charlotte Lacey MacLean ’44
Mrs. Dorothy Huggins Mannix ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Martin ’76
Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Martinson
Mrs. Nancy Hess Mathes ’51
Mrs. Joan Eaton Mauk ’50
Mrs. Esther Ellet Mayo ’37
Mrs. Christine Close McKisson ’39
Ms. Gladys Greenbaum Meyers ’39
Miss Genevieve Millar ’32
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Miller P’02
Ms. Debra Bray Mitchell ’79
Mrs. Susan Barto Monks ’60
Mr. and Dr. Mark S. Mordecai
Mrs. Elisabeth Harrison Morgan ’50
John and Louise Moses
Mrs. Barbara James Mueller ’50
Dr. H. Nicholas Muller III
Mrs. Margaret Lasher Muller ’42, P’67
Mrs. Polly Parsons Nash ’55
Mrs. Mary Watt Frischkorn New ’61
Mrs. Elizabeth Manning Niven ’51
Mrs. Jean Frye Noyes ’40
Mrs. Barbara Zenker Parker ’76
A n n u a l
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Crandall ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Crossan P’84
Mrs. Deborah Smith Darby ’58
Mrs. Bridget Gallagher Davis ’83
Mr. J. Michael Deasy P’94
Mrs. Charles S. Denny
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Devaney ’68,P’99
Mrs. Susan Hovey Dickow ’77
Mrs. Jane Messeck Does ’47
Ms. Molly F. Doyle ’63
Mrs. Priscilla Drake P’60
Mrs. Nancy Stursberg Drapkin ’55
Mrs. David C. Dressler ’49
Ms. Carolyn M. Eames ’65
Echo Communications, Inc.
Mrs. Janet Weldon Egan ’84
Mrs. Joan Campbell Eliot ’67
Mrs. Barbara Perkins Emmenegger ’39
Ms. Elizabeth Tobey Erb ’34, P’69
Mrs. Ann Franklin Ewig ’64
Mrs. Charlotte Flink Faulkner ’56
Mrs. Rosa Touret Foote ’72
Mrs. Mary Westberg Francis ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Don Franco P’93
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Franke, Jr. P’68
Dr. Nancy E. Furstenberg ’44
Mrs. Coleen Ann Gilhooley-Grissler ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goddard II P’80
Mrs. Jodi Potter Goliber ’80
Mrs. Jane Hollings Gordon ’40
Mrs. Patricia O’Connor Gowling ’30
Mrs. Susan Cleaves Graham ’52
Mrs. Barbara Janson Green ’44
Mrs. Dorothy Glover Grimball ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Gruning ’39
Dr. Carol J. Guardo
Ms. Janet Nordbeck Hall ’73
Mrs. Suzanne Simons Hammond ’66
Ms. Irene Hanslin ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Harmon ’55,
Mrs. Susan Carroll Hassett ’77
Mrs. Carolyn Chase Hatch ’49
Mrs. Joan Harwood Hazelton ’67
Miss Sarah L. Hinman ’75
Mrs. Martha Ryan Hogan ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Hoke
Ms. Prudence Hostetter ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Leverett M. Hubbard, Jr.
Mrs. Susan Kearns Hubbard ’79
Mrs. Martha Miller Hyatt ’44
Mrs. Joanne Priest Jackley ’49
Mrs. Beatrice Korab Jackson ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Alf E. Jacobson ’83, P’81
Mrs. Constance Crabtree Jones ’36
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaplan
Kearsarge Ecumenical Refugee Support
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Kelly ’44,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Kidder III ’52
Mrs. Virginia Putnam Kinkead ’57
Mrs. Joan Trainer Kirsten ’49
Mrs. Judith Clarke Kitchen ’36
Miss Lydia E. Klein ’45
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Kren
Mrs. Ethel McCauley Kyle ’50
Vice Adm. and Mrs. Julien J.
Annual Report
Pa re n ts
Every year the college is impressed by the
continued participation of current and past
parents and grandparents. We gratefully
acknowledge those donors listed below.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Abbe ’49, P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Abbott ’64,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adams ’45, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Adams P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Agnew P’96
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Alderton III ’51,
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Aldrich ’48, P’76
Reverend and Mrs. David A. Allen P’91
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson P’02
Mrs. Richard Andrews P’77
Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Andrus P’01
Mrs. Eleanor Sullivan Appleton ’35,
Mrs. Isabelle S. Appleton ’58, P’87
Mrs. Jessie Fyfe Armstrong ’44, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle G. Arthur P’78
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Ashley P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Neil P. Atkins P’80
Ms. Earlene J. Austin P’03
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin C. Baack P’96
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Babine P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Bachelder P’99
Mrs. Brenda B. Bailey P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Bailey P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Banas ’76,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bannister P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Barnes P’82
Mrs. John T. Bascom ’46, P’77
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Bates ’59, P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Beach ’49, P’71
Mrs. Ernest F. Beattie P’85
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Behn P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Behney ’53,
Mrs. Margaret Van Duser Bell ’40,
Mrs. Wynanda C. Bell P’99
Mr. John R. Berger P’01
Mrs. Lois K. Berger P’02
Mr. Charles J. Berkey P’02
Mrs. Constance B. Berkey P’02
Mrs. MaryAnn Besecker P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Andre J. Bessette P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Bethune P’70
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron Betts P’03
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bingle, Jr. P’03
Mr. George F. Birner P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Donal H. Birnie P’84
Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding Bisbee III P’00
Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop P’03
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Bissell P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bisset ’69, P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H. Blair P’03
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harper Blaisdell, Jr.
’37, P’64
Mrs. Tina Lundberg Blount ’58, P’82
Ms. Anne P. Bolianites P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Borden P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. Boutin P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers ’50, P’78
Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah Boynton III
’46, P’82
Mrs. Freeman Boynton P’75
Mrs. Ruth Gunnarson Brandes ’45, P’77
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Brandley ’50,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred K. Braun P’00
Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson Bray ’53, P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Breen ’41, P’80
Mrs. Wilburn F. Bridwell P’86
Mr. and Mrs. D. Sheldon Brown P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Brown P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Browne, Jr. P’86
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Bruce P’93
Ms. Maryellen Bruce P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bryer P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Buckley P’02
Mrs. Benjamin L. Bucklin P’81
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Bucknam P’83
Mr. and Mrs. Henrik H. Bull ’51, P’88
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Burke P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Burke P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Morton H. Burman P’00
Mr. Michael J. Burnham P’02
Mrs. Shirley Peer Burns ’47, P’75
Mrs. Jacquie A. Bussiere P’98
Mrs. Agnes Collins Byrne ’43, P’74,’86,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Cailler P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caillouette P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Calabro P’03
Mrs. Carroll D. Campbell P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cannizzaro P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Canton P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Carney P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Carroll P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Casner, Jr. P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Cassidy P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Caswell P’93
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Caswell P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Cesati P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Walton Chadwick, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Chaffee P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Chandler P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Child, Jr. P’70
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Chipley P’01
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Christensen P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark, Jr. ’48,
Ms. Emily Morgan Clemmer ’45,
Mrs. Carleton H. Clogston P’72
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Clough P’97
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Coffin P’75,’76
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Cogen, Jr. P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan H. Cogswell ’37,
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Collins P’03
Mrs. Betty Jane Goss Conant ’43, P’66
Mrs. Daniel W. Connell, Jr. P’72
Mr. William B. Conner P’80
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Conway P’85
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Cook ’47, P’71
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Cooke P’85
Ms. Donna L. Cooney P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Corcoran III
Mrs. Ann Cormier P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Costello P’01
Mrs. Evelyn Hesse Coughlan ’49, P’75
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coughlin P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cowmeadow ’73,
Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Cozens P’00
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Craffey ’59, P’86
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Craig P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Crane P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Crawford, Jr. P’66
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Creighton P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Crimmins P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Crossan P’84
Mrs. Marcia Sickels Crowley ’42, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Cummings ’54,
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Curran ’47, P’77
Mr. Michael A. Curran P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Curtis P’91
Mrs. John W. Cutler ’44, P’74
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dennis Cutler, Jr. P’69
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Cyr P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Danaher P’02
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Danforth P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Danforth P’83,’84
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dannecker P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Dargis P’82
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Datthyn ’61, P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Armand A. Davy P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. DeBragga P’79
Mr. and Mrs. David M. DeCosta P’03
Mrs. Debbie DeMauro P’02
Ms. Ellen DePasquale P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Deane P’03
Mr. J. Michael Deasy P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Del Regno P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. deNapoli ’44, P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Desmond ’41, P’63
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Devaney ’68,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Devaney P’02
Mrs. Frederick A. Dexter P’59,’61,’66
Mrs. Donna M. DiBiccari P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Dickson P’02
Mrs. Anne M. Dielhenn P’63
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Dodier P’97
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Doenges P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dolan P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Donelan, Jr. ’53,
Mrs. Laura Homan Dow ’82, P’79,’90
Mrs. Ruth Hall Dowden ’41, P’70
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Drescher P’89
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. DuBois P’01
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dunlap P’98
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dunn P’00
Ms. Karen Dunn ’63, P’90
Ms. Susan Durfey P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Jody Dwight P’02
Mr. Ralph L. Earle, Sr. P’76, GP’95
Mr. and Mrs. Yates P. Eckert ’51, P’86
Mr. Arthur D. Eckman P’99
Mr. and Mrs. John Munn Ellis, Jr. P’85
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Ennis P’01
Ms. Elizabeth Tobey Erb ’34, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Erickson P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Ernst P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Ervin P’98
† deceased donor
Why I chose
to support
“The college is still very
precious to me!”
Eleanor Murray Wiggins ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Everett P’02
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace K. Ewing P’81
Mrs. Donna J. Ezekiel P’02
Mr. Michael M. Ezekiel P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Falconi P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace J. Farr P’64
Mrs. Pauline M. Farrand P’59
Mr. Robert S. Faulkner P’01
Mrs. Ruth B. Faulkner P’01
Mr. and Mrs. C. Conway Felton III P’03
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Ferguson, Jr. P’75
Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. Ferlo P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ferullo P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Fifield, Jr. ’43,
Mrs. Susanne Strong Filkins ’40, P’68
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Fillion P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry J. Finnigan P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Oley Firth ’56, P’92
Dr. and Mrs. Warren H. Fisher P’88
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Fitz, Jr. P’62
Mrs. Maureen D. Fleming P’00
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fletcher ’68, P’02
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Foley ’65, P’87
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Foose P’88
Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Foss P’02
Mr. and Mrs. D. Donald Foster, Jr. ’55,
Mrs. Rosemary Beede Fournier ’45, P’69
Mr. Alan D. Fowler P’01
Mrs. Gretchen L. Fowler P’02
Mrs. Nancy J. Fowler P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie L. Fox P’02
Mrs. Richard B. Fox P’58
Mr. and Mrs. Don Franco P’93
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Franke, Jr. P’68
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Fraunfelder P’02
Mrs. Constance Alley French ’35, P’62
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. French ’32, P’60
Mrs. Jean Bush Gabriel ’44, P’02
Mr. Charles W. Gaede Sr. P’00
Mrs. Kathleen A. Gaede P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Christos S. Ganas P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gardiner P’99
Mrs. Edith Stedfast Gardner ’49, P’71
Mrs. Edith Blake Gaudes ’35 P’69
Mr. Joseph L. Geiger P’94
Dr. and Mrs. John Robert Gerrein P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gilbert P’98
Mrs. Robert E. Gillespie P’68
Annual Report
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Lavigne P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lavigne P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lazarus P’82
Mrs. Erving A. LeCain P’59
Mrs. M. Denise Leach P’72
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Lefebvre P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine Lekas P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lemire P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Lewis P’03
Mrs. Carolyn M. Lewis P’96
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lewis P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lewis P’99
Mrs. Richard B. Lewis, Jr. P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lienhard P’03
Mr. Donald G. Lightfoot P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Lindberg P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Lindquist P’99
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Linkroum
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Liteplo P’96
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Lloyd P’01
Mrs. Omar D. Lloyd P’68
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Loehr ’51, P’73
Mr. and Mrs. Primo A. Lombardi P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Olin M. London ’48 P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Lopes, Sr. P’00
Mr. Brian D. Lovell P’03
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Lowe P’02
Mrs. Susan Lowe-Stockwell ’91, P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Lowell P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Lozeau P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Lubinski P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand W. Lummus ’57,
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lyle P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Lynch, Jr. P’02
Mr. William M. Lyons P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maccioli P’02
Mrs. Marcia Brown Macintosh ’41, P’67
Mr. and Mrs. Ian R. Mackenzie P’96
Dr. and Mrs. E. Scott Macomber ’66,
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Manning P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Maranian P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Marck ’48,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Martel P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Philip K. Martin P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T. Matty P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Matyiko P’03
Ms. Jeanette Smith Maxwell ’62, P’92
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mayer, Jr. ’50,
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott R. Mayo P’94
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McCabe P’01
Mr. and Mrs. David G. McCollum ’62,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Joel McCorkle P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCue P’02
Mrs. Marcheta Sullivan McDowell ’44,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGee P’03
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGowan P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop H. McGown ’37,
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McKelvey P’80
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. McKinlay P’82
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McLaughlin P’61
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McLaughlin P’02
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McMahon P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon T. Meador ’44, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Medailleu P’94
To p F i ve C l a s s e s
B y Pa rt i c i pat i o n
( fiscal year 1999-00)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I. Meharg P’01
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Meisel P’86
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Melville P’79
Dr. and Mrs. David Mendelson P’88
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Mercurio P’03
Ms. Elaine R. Meredith P’90
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Merrick ’60,
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley S. Merrill ’44,
Ms. Barbara E. Merrill ’48, P’77
Mrs. William Metcalf III P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Meyer P’58
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Micarelli P’03
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Michaels P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Miller P’03
Mrs. Elizabeth Leonhard Miller ’44,
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin G. Miller P’93
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Miller P’02
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Miller P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Mills P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mills P’96
Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Misanko P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Mitchell P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Moll ’56, P’81
Attorney James P. Mongeon P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Girard A. Montcalm P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Moosreiner P’01
Mr. Richard H. Moran P’02
David R. Morcom P’96
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Morel P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Moreton P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Morgan P’93
Mr. and Mrs. Murdock J. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Morrison P’01
Mrs. Cheryl M. Moynahan P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Muenzberg ’49,
Mrs. Margaret Lasher Muller ’42, P’67
Mrs. Katharine Tilson Murray P’65
Mrs. Freda L. Nadon P’03
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nathan P’91
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Neff, Jr. P’01
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Nelson P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Norman N. Nichols ’51,
Dr. and Mrs. Wesley G. Nichols P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Nickerson ’52,
Mrs. Janet Rich Nixon ’54, P’78
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Nordbeck ’40,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nordstrom P’70
Mr. John D. Norris P’01
Mr. Robert Norris P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Stacy R. Noyes P’03
R e p o r t
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Howard ’55,
Mrs. Dorothea Thompson Howe ’37,
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hudler ’39, P’71
Mrs. Albert Hughes ’48, P’71
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hunt P’01
Mrs. Donna Huston P’62
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hutchins ’44,
Ms. Viola D. Hylander P’95
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Insinga P’00
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ippolito P’02
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ives ’49, P’75
Mrs. Anne Stedfast Jacobs ’46, P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Alf E. Jacobson ’83, P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Janick P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jankowski P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Jarrett ’48,
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Jarvela P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jefferson P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Jepson P’97
Mr. and Mrs. Benn W. Jesser P’62,’77,
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jesser P’99,’01,’02
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Johnson P’90
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Johnson P’02
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Johnston P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Johnston P’79
Ms. Meredith H. Jones ’67, P’94
Ms. Deborah Jordan P’03
Dr. and Mrs. James G. Joseph P’03
Mrs. Margery Gifford Joyce ’41, P’73
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Judd ’60,
Mr. and Kenneth A. Kadish P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kahn P’03
Mrs. Margot M. Karbel P’99
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Keady, Jr. P’80
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kelleher, Jr. P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Kelly P’02
Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Kelly ’44,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kelly P’02
Ms. Janet Kelsey P’03
Mr. Gebhard W. Keny P’64
Mr. Steven P. Kerner P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey R. Kimball ’38,
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Kimberley ’54,
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. King ’49, P’72
Mrs. G. Howard Kingsley, Jr. P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Kinsella, Jr. P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Kirchdorfer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Klenk P’91
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Knight P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Yoshihiko Koshimizu P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kozlowski P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Randold Kuerzel ’61, P’86
Mr. and Mrs. Galen R. LaRose P’70
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. LaRose ’68, P’98
Mr. Walter B. Ladabouche P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Ladd P’96
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre P. Lafitte P’99
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lambert P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Lane P’00
Mrs. Mary Jane Critchett Lane ’51, P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Langa ’47, P’74
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Langevin P’02
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffery Lashar P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lavallee P’03
A n n u a l
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goddard II P’80
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon P’63
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Goupil P’99
Mrs. Doris Grady P’75
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Graham ’37, P’62
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard P. Greaney P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Greene P’01
Ms. Sofia P. Greenlaw P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Greenspan P’62
Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Gregory ’50,
Mr. and Mrs. Clark A. Griffiths ’57,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Grinnell ’63,
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Guarda P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Gully P’00
Mrs. Diana Yale Hake ’59, P’86
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Halbleib
Mr. and Mrs. Byron J. Hall P’85
Mrs. Helen Clark Hall ’41, P’63
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Hambley
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Hancock P’89
Mr. and Mrs. David Y. Handlir P’97
Mr. Thomas E. Hanrahan P’02
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Harding P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Hardy P’96
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Harmon ’55,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harris, Jr. P’72
Mr. and Mrs. Henry U. Harris P’01
Mrs. Jean Moore Hartson ’43, P’72
Mr. Bruce F. E. Harvey P’60
Ms. Mary Louise Williams Haskell ’41,
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Hay P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Hazelton P’01
Mr. and Mrs. David Heald ’40, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Heald, Jr. ’53,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heath P’96
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Heavey P’02
Mr. Bruce G. Henderson P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Heon P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Herz P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Hewitt P’66
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Hilfinger, Jr. P’65
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hill ’49, P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Hilton ’43,
P’73, GP’02
Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Hinkle P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hinman ’49,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hirshon P’79
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Hitch P’03
Mr. Edward Hobbie P’86
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Hockmeyer P’92
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin D. Low ’65, P’97
Mr. Harry J. Holcombe P’02
Mrs. Sharon B. Holcombe P’02
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Holler ’57, P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S. Holmes ’65,
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holstein P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Jay F. Hood P’01
Mrs. June Russell Hoppe ’32, P’62
Mr. Richard P. Horn P’03
Mr. and Mrs. James M. House ’71, P’97
Mrs. Martha McCracken Howard ’38,
Annual Report
Col. and Mrs. Charles K. Nulsen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John B. O ’Brien P’78
Mr. and Mrs. William O ’Brien P’01
Mr. and Mrs. John O ’Connor P’03
Mr. and Mrs. David C. O ’Donnell
Dr. and Mrs. John F. O ’Hara ’47,
Mrs. Ann Simonds Oakes ’42, P’66
Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Olivier P’98
Mr. George F. Osborn P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Osmun P’02
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ostrow P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Owens P’03
Mr. and Mrs. F. Wayne Packard P’69
Mrs. Betsey Palmer P’87
Mr. and Mrs. R. Joseph Palmer P’80
Mrs. Karen M. Panza P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Pappas P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard M. Paquette P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Park P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Cragin P. Parker P’73
Mrs. Albert C. Parker ’54, P’77
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker ’41,
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Parsons P’00
Dr. Philip F. Partington P’69
Rev. and Mrs. Herbert F. Peacock ’41,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Pedersen
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon A. Pedersen P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Pellecchia P’80
Mr. Winston Pendleton P’03
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Peninger P’93
Mr. Robert C. Penna P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Dana M. Perewicz P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler M. Perkins ’57,
Mrs. Pamela A. Perkins P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Ruso H. Perkins P’67
Mr. and Mrs. Marcel R. Perry P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Perry P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Pesare P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Peschel P’01
Mrs. Warren W. Peterman ’41, P’67,’70
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney C. Peterman ’41,
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Peterson P’02
Mrs. Patricia Pflanz P’02
Mr. and Mrs. William Phelps P’96
Mrs. Polly White Phillips ’47, P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pianowski
Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Picard P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Piccini P’93
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Pickering P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pilibosian P’96
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Pincelli P’98
Mr. and Mrs. William Pomerantz P’70
Mr. and Mrs. Kendall R. Porter P’01
Mr. Howell L. Potter P’55
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Potter P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Powers, Jr. ’66,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pratt ’51, P’80
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Prescott P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Preve P’02
Mr. George Price P’62
Mr. and Mrs. Robin J. Price P’02
† deceased donor
Why I chose to support
Colby-Sawyer College
“I have chosen to give a gift to
Colby-Sawyer College because I learned a lot
there — not only in my studies,
but also how to get along with other
people. I enjoyed every day there.”
Janet Marcia Drabble ’38
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ryan P’73
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saitow P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn F. Sallee P’02
Mr. Brian R. Saltus P’87
Mrs. Patrick J. Sansonetti P’98
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Sargent ’49, P’77
Mrs. Frances Sawyer P’66, ’71, GP’99
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Schilling P’75
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Schlueter P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schmidt, Sr. P’93
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Scott P’02
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Scott ’41, P’66
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Scuccimarra
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Scudder P’67
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Shapiro P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Shaw P’93
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Shaw P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sheehan P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Irving C. Sheldon ’43,
Ms. Kathryn Sheridan P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shervin P’03
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Shrekgast P’99
Mr. Eric Sichler P’97
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Sieczkowski, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Siegfried ’43,
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38, P’64
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Simpson ’40,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Sinacola P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Slattery P’89
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Slavin P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman H. Smith ’60,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Smith P’01
Mr. Stanley P. Smolenski P’02
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Snow P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Yoo Bok Sohn P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Kaj Sonne P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Soule, Sr. P’03
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Squires P’93
Mrs. Jo-Anne M. St. Jacques P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Aurlow E. Stanley P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steers II ’45, P’74
Mr. Walter K. Price P’99
Mrs. Ruth C. Priddy P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Prudden P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Raeburn P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Raiano P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Raposa P’84
Mr. Thomas J. Reagan P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard F.B. Reed ’54,
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Reeder P’02
Mrs. MaryEllen Regis-Civetta P’86
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Reid, Jr. ’50, P’80
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Reilly P’84
Mr. and Mrs. Parker C. Reist P’00
Mrs. Raymond A. Remick P’78
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Remmers P’02
Mrs. Edwina Renaud P’88
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Reney P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Richardson P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Richardson P’03
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Ridley P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Riley ’44, P’72
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Robbie ’41, P’65
Mrs. Jacquelyn A. Roberson P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Robinson P’01
Mrs. Irving E. Rogers P’77
Mr. James H. Rogers P’95
Mrs. Joanne Rogers P’03
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Romanos P’91
Mrs. Gale Collins Rome ’70, P’03
Mr. Robert W. Roofe P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rooke ’48, P’73
Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Rose P’03
Mr. and Mrs. William Rosmus P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouleau P’03
Mrs. Mary C. Roy P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Rozak P’03
Mrs. Mary Frances Rozak P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Rucci P’01
Mrs. Edith Stockman Ruettinger ’32,
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rumery P’75
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Russo P’02
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Rutherford ’69,
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rutledge P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton D. Ruyle, Jr. ’62,
Mrs. Harriet E. Ryan P’01
Mr. and Mrs. C. Archer Sterling, Jr. P’74
Mrs. Charles B. Steward P’91
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Steward P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Hebert L. Stiles ’57, P’68
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Stoops ’54,
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Strand P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred T. Strazza P’01
Mr. and Mrs. H. Douglas Struven II
Ms. Rilla Stuart P’94
Mrs. Sheila Devine Suarez ’47, P’69
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Such P’02
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Suderman ’56,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Sullivan P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Surowiec P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Sutcliffe ’48,
Mr. and Mrs. Yasuo Suzuki P’98
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Svirsky P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Sweeney P’98
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Sweetland P’89
Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Sweetser P’57
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sykes, Jr. ’68,
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sylva P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Tauchert ’57,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick F. Taussig P’73
Mrs. Robert R. Tawney P’93
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43, P’70,’71,
Ms. Nancy L. Teach ’70, P’97
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Teasdale ’57,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thayer P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Thomas P’93
Mrs. Barbara-Jane Smith Thompson ’48,
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Thompson P’97
Mrs. Karen H. Thomsen P’00
Mr. George B. Thomson P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomson P’01
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Thorn P’98
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Thurau P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Thyng P’99
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tocci P’03
Mrs. Janet E. Toole P’94
Mr. John Tooley P’03
Mrs. Elizabeth Blake Tornaritis ’51, P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Trefry P’85
Mr. Richard S. Trussell P’00
Mr. Selden E. Tubbs P’74
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tuck P’78,’89
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Tucker ’53,
Mrs. Ruth Forbes Tudeen ’44, P’74
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tuite P’03
Mr. John S. Tulloch P’97
Mr. James J. Tyrrell, Jr. P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Uden P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Urbec P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Valero P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Van Dine ’44,
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Van Dyke P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Vetter ’45,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Vigneau P’03
Mrs. Cheryl J. Vose P’03
Honorable and Mrs. Robert W.
Wakefield P’80
Annual Report
Tru s t e e s ,
Fac u lt y, S ta f f,
and Friends
Colby-Sawyer is grateful to this special
group of donors who contribute to the
The Annual Fund.
Mrs. Marilyn Colburn Dow ’50, P’83
Mr. and Mrs. Allan M. Doyle, Jr.
Mr. William E. Dubben†
Mr. Thomas P. Dugan
Mrs. Robin Chandler Duke
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dunlap P’98
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Dutton
Mr. Robert L. Eckert, Jr.
Dr. Regina EcKrich
Mr. Harold Edwards, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Mr. Kenneth E. Ekwurtzel
Mr. and Mrs. H. Newcomb Eldredge
Mrs. Janet P. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Emeny
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ensign
Mrs. Walter G. Ensign
Mrs. John S. Ensor
Mr. and Mrs. William Faccone, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Faughnan
Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Feins
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Haynes H. Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Firth
Mrs. Charlotte G. Fletcher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Murray N. Forbes
Mrs. Constance Klee Foulkes
Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. Fradenburgh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fraley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Garlock
Ms. Shelli Gay
Mr. W. Charles Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Randle H. Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goldthwait
Ms. Marjorie N. Gordon
Mrs. John S. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gray
Mrs. William Green
Mrs. Janet B. Grevstad
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Griffin
Dr. Carol J. Guardo
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Gutgsell
Miss Elizabeth Hagedorn
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Hajek
Mr. Harry D. Hall
Mr. Sheffield J. Halsey
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Hamm
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hammond
Mr. Robert C. Hannah
Dr. and Mrs. H. Roger Hansen ’64
Mrs. Rosli Hanslin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Harkness
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Harkness
Mrs. Alice Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Townes M. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherburne Hart
Mrs. Edward J. Haseltine
Mr. Donald A. Hasseltine
Mrs. Thomas Hearne
Mr. John Hegedus
Sheila Lewis Henry and Allen Henry
Ms. Janet Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Hill
Mr. David I. Hitchcock
Miss Elizabeth J. Hodges†
Aryn and Howard Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hollis
Mrs. Anne Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Homan
Mr. and Mrs. David Howard
Mrs. Malcolm B. Hoyt
R e p o r t
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Adie
Mr. Dan H. Allen
Mrs. Marion L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Angoff
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Annon
Dean Robert P. Ashley, Jr.
Ms. Josephine Atlass
Ms. Maria Aveni
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Bacon, Jr.
Mrs. Floyd P. Bailey
Miss Reva E. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Collier Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baldwin
Mr. John P. Banjak
Mrs. Barbara G. Bankart
Mr. James S. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer P. Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Barningham
Mrs. Judith D. Barrett
Mrs. Gwen Basile
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Beal, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Beardsley
Mr. Theodore R. Beatty
Wayne and Wendy Beckemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Beckwith
Mr. Winsor H. Beebe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Belle Isle
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Dr. Anne R. Bewley
Mrs. Dorothy S. Bischoff
Mr. George A. Blair, Jr.
Mrs. William Blanc
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Blunt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bowers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Bradford, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breck
Mr. Bernard J. Brennan
Mrs. Evans V. Brewster
Mrs. Gladys H. Brooks
Ms. Peggy Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Brush
Mr. K. Robert Bunten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Burgess
Mr. D. Oliver Burkey, Jr.
Miss Helga B. Buss
Mrs. Elizabeth Buzby
Mrs. Lester Caemmerer
Mr. John Callahan
Mr. Nathan S. CamP’98
Mr. Robert W. Camp
Mr. and Mrs. Colin S. Campbell
Mrs. Barbara Henderson Cangiano
Dr. and Mrs. Roland Carreker, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Carroll
Ms. Dorothy Carruthers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Carter
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Cary
Dr. Donald Catino
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cavallaro
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Chapin
General and Mrs. Curtis Chapman, Jr.
The Reverend Harold Chase
Mr. and Mrs. Winsor L. Chase
Jim and Jean Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Clark, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Clark
Mr. Jake Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Clayton
Mr. Mark A. Clements
Ms. Cotton M. Cleveland
Mrs. Hilary P. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Cleveland
Ms. Patience Mather Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Clifford ’50
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Clough
Mr. John Coburn
Miss Anne E. Coghlan
Mr. Robert F. Cole
Ms. Sandra Cole
Mrs. Ruth Coltman
Miss Anna R. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford E. Cook
Mr. Fred G. Coombs
Dr. Donald E. Coonley
Ms. Beth Cote
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coughlin
Miss Marion Crampton
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Crawford
Mrs. Shirley Crepon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cricenti
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Critchley, Jr.
Mrs. Adele W. Crolly
Mr. Sydney L. Crook
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland J. Cross
Mrs. Janice A. Cundey
Mr. and Mrs. John Curley, Jr.
Mr. Harold F. Currier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cushing
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. D ’Alton
Ms. Hope E. Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Dancy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Danforth
P’83,’84, GP’02
Mr. Roger Daum
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. DeMille
Mr. Robert P. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Delafield
Mrs. Charles S. Denny
Mr. Tomie dePaola
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Detjen
Mr. John F. Dewey
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Di Martini, Jr.
Hon. and Mrs. Joseph DiClerico, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Dillinger
Ms. Beatrice Dingman†
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Domina
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Doolittle
Mrs. Ruth E. Dorey
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dorr, Jr.
Mrs. Leslie Wright Dow ’57
A n n u a l
Drs. Robert and Ruth Waldbaum P’94
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wallerstein P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Ward P’03
Mrs. Elsa L. Warner P’70
Mrs. Marilyn Upham Waters ’45, P’78
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Watson P’02
Mr. and Mrs. William Watson, Jr. P’65
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Watts P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Way P’93
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Weaver P’95
Mrs. Margery M. Webbe P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber P’77
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Weigler P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Welch, Jr. P’83
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Welch P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Wells P’97
Mr. Bruce Westcott P’03
Mrs. Barbara F. Westdale P’00
Mr. Edward C. Wetherby P’03
Ms. Judith Lynah Wheeler ’57, P’83
Mr. David L. Whitcomb P’01
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford White ’53, P’90
Ms. Jean White P’03
Mr. Jerry White P’03
Mrs. Judith Tinsman White ’56, P’90
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. White P’68
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Whiting P’86
Mr. and Mrs. Chris T. Whittaker ’63,
Mrs. MaryEllen Wigmore P’02
Mr. Stephen P. Wigmore P’02
Mrs. Richard J. Wilcox P’77
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wilfert P’03
Mrs. Marsha A. Wilkins P’93
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wilkinson P’97
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Willey P’00
Mr. J. Bryan Williams III P’00
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Williams ’35,
Mrs. Mary Williams P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford L. Williams ’51,
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wilson P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilson P’77
Mrs. Noel Roe Wilson ’53, P’83
Mr. and Mrs. Werner E. Wind P’82
Mr. and Mrs. Milo G. Wingard, Jr. ’51,
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wixon P’00
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wolslegel P’03
Mrs. Miriam Cluff Worthley ’39, P’68
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Wright P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wuori P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wyer ’37, P’64
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wynn, Jr. P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Wysocki P’94
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Yates P’95
Mrs. Lawson R. Yeo P’69
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Zemetis P’03
Dr. and Mrs. David O. Zenker P’76
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ziegler P’03
Annual Report
Mr. John M. Huber
Rev. and Mrs. Ira D. Hudgins
Mrs. Mariann Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Millard B. Hunter, Jr.
Mrs. Ralph G. Hurlin
Dr. and Mrs. Adolph M. Hutter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Jacewicz
Mr. George Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Jennison
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Philip H. Jordan, Jr.
Mrs. William F. Jordan
Ms. Louise O. Jostedt
Mr. Frederick E. Junker
Mr. Lloyd W. Justice
Mrs. John H. Kagle, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaplan
Mr. Frederic S. Kaufman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Keefe
Mr. George W. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kellom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelsey, Jr.
Mr. Charles Kennedy
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan
Mrs. Lillian King
Mr. Russell Kingman
Mr. Charles L. Kirkpatrick
Dr. David L. Knight
Ms. Linda J. Kobokovich
Mrs. Victoria V. Koron
Ms. Susan Austin Kraeger ’68
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Kren
Mrs. Diane Kusinski
Mr. William Ladd
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lamontagne
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lawson
Vice Adm. and
Mrs. Julien J. LeBourgeois
Mrs. Connie Leathers
Mr. Norman M. Leger
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lethbridge, Jr.
Ms. Janet Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Linehan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Little
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Littlefield
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Logan
Mr. and Mrs. M. Roy London, Jr.
Mr. James M. Lorette
Ms. Pamela Low
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Lowell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lull
Douglas and Nancy Lyon
Mrs. Norman MacDonald
Mrs. Bruce MacFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. John M. MacLeod
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Madden
Mrs. Charles J. Maguire
Mr. John A. Manley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marashio
Mr. Leon F. Markoff
Ms. Betty O. Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Marston
Mrs. Laurel Barber Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Martin
Ms. Patrice Massa and
Richard LieBerman
Mr. Charles H. Massey
Mr. and Mrs. George Matarazzo
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Matthews
Ms. Lydia Matthews
Mr. Peter Dolan Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mayer, Jr. ’50,
Mr. Bruce R. McClintock and Ms.
Carolyn A. Pelzel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFarlin
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McLane
Mr. and Mrs. H. Parker McLaren
Ms. Robin L. Mead ’72
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Griswold Merrow
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. Metsch, Sr.
Mr. F. Warren Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mills
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mitchell
Mr. Joseph Montwell
Dr. Thomas Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Moore
David R. Morcom P’96
Mr. and Dr. Mark S. Mordecai
John and Louise Moses
Mr. David F. Moyer
Dr. H. Nicholas Muller III
Mr. Richard C. Munn
Dr. Judith A. Muyskens and
John Harraghty
Mrs. Helen T. Nelson
Mrs. Roberta J. Nicholson
Kathy and Ted Nixon ’68
Mrs. John L. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Nowell
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Ohler
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Old
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Olney
Dr. and Mrs. Edward T. Ordman
C. W. Ostrom Builders
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Otto, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dale Overfield ’68
Mr. T. N. Papleacos
Mrs. Raymond Paynter, Jr.
Mr. Robert M. Peaslee III ’95
Mr. Gordon C. Perine
Ms. Mary Perry
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Perry
Mrs. Jean Harding Pierce ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Poh
Dr. Anne Ponder and
Dr. Christopher Brookhouse
Ms. Mary Louise Potter
Mr. Norman D. Potter
Mr. Howard M. Pratt
Mr. Athens Clay Pullias
Mr. George P. Quackenbos
Mr. Anthony Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Radasch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Reed
Dr. and Mrs. N. Chester Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Channing Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Riedel
Ms. Christine Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E. Robar
Why I chose to support
Colby-Sawyer College
“I gained an excellent education and
made life-long friends.”
Barbara Phillips Mello ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Winslow H. Robart
Mr. Lester E. Robb
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roberts
Mr. Orville G. Robertson†
Mr. Jack B. Rochester
Mr. Robert A. Rock
Ms. Yvette M. Rock
Reverend and Mrs. Herschel W. Rogers
Mr. Robert B. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rosenfield
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Sahler
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Salisbury
Dr. Fred W. Salvatoriello
Mr. and Mrs. Emory W. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Schermerhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. F. Augustus Seamans
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Seamans
Mrs. Rachel Seamans
Mr. J. Kirk Seaton
Mrs. Thomas P. Segerson
Mr. Harry Seidel
Mrs. Julie Dunham Shaal
Mr. and Mrs. Mel A. Shaftel
Mrs. Deirdre McCrystal Sheerr
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shepard
Mrs. Lucille V. Shevett
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Shields
Mrs. Mary Cleveland Sholty
Mr. John W. Shroyer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson
Ms. Martha B. Slacum
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood T. Small
Dr. William M. Smedley
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Smith
Mrs. Emma M. Smith
Mrs. Gladys R. Smith
Mrs. Kathleen A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Smith III
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. James Southard
Ms. Zora St. Martin
Mr. Jay L. Stahl III
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Stanley
Mr. Raymond E. Stearns
Reverend and Mrs. Frederick Stecker IV
Mr. and Mrs. William Steel
Mrs. Elinor Stevens
Mr. Edwin F. Studwell
Mr. Andrew R. Supplee
Ms. Sandra Swain-Bromwell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Sweetland
† deceased donor
Ms. Audrey V. Sylvester
Mrs. Louise C. Taylor
Ms. Nancy L. Teach ’70, P’97
Mr. John E. Terrell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Theroux
Mr. Todd K. Thompson
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Thurston
Mrs. Regina R. Tillotson
Mr. John Q. Tilson
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Trepanier
Mr. and Mrs. Gino R. Treves
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Twombly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Underwood
Mr. William B. Van Buren III
Mr. Randolph G. Van Cise
Ms. Barberie Van Valey
Linda and Don Varnum P’95
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vernon
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Vulgamore
Mr. Bertus H. Wabeke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Wallace
Mr. Gilmore A. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Weber, Jr.
Mr. David Z. Webster
Miss Margaret M. Webster
Mr. Alexander W. Wenner
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wesson
Ms. Patricia Kangas Wetherall ’87
Mrs. Henrietta E. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wheeler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Whidden
Mrs. Betty Whittemore
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien S. Wigdor
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Wilcox
Mr. Oliver N. Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams
Mrs. Robert D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Reade Williams
Mrs. Frances Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor Winner
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wood
Mr. Harry E. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Work
Mrs. Virginia S. Yarlott
Ms. Barbara Holden Yeomans
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Zeller
Annual Report
Bu s i n e s s a n d
Ve n d o r s
Local and area businesses and college
vendors are consistently supportive of the
Annual Fund. They have experienced the
positive impact the college’s growth and
vitality have had on the community and
they have demonstrated their commitment
to Colby-Sawyer College through generous
financial support.
F o u n d at i o n s
Gifts from foundations are expressions of
confidence and trust, and Colby-Sawyer
College gratefully acknowledges the foundations that made gifts to the college during the 1999-2000 fiscal year.
The college is grateful to this special group
of donors who make a significant difference to Colby-Sawyer.
Adventures in Learning
Campus Compact of New Hampshire
Chargers Club
Colby-Sawyer Alumni Association
Colby-Sawyer College Golf Classic
Kearsarge Ecumenical Refugee Support
Rotary Club of New London
Sage’s Interiors, LLP
State of New Hampshire
Student Caller Program
C h a rg e r s C lu b
Organized in 1982, the Chargers Club is
an independent volunteer organization
whose primary purpose is to provide financial support for athletic programs and
facilities at Colby-Sawyer College.
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Anderson P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Angoff
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baldwin
Mrs. Pauline Rogers Barker ’34
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Mrs. Anne Winton Black ’75
Mrs. Katherine Boynton P’75
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Breed, Jr.’48
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Brown P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Carter
Dr. Donald Catino
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Cesati P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Chambers
Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Chapin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Clarke
Mrs. Ruth Coltman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Costello P’01
Ms. Nancy Edwards Cox ’39
Mrs. Adele W. Crolly
Mr. and Mrs. Courtland J. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Curtis P’91,
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Danaher P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Danforth P’83 &
’84, GP ’02
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Duffett ’50
Mrs. Janet M. Ellis ’85
Ms. Jennifer Ellis ’94
Mr. and Mrs. John Munn Ellis, Jr. P’85
Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ensign
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Everett P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Haynes H. Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. C. Conway Felton III
Mr. and Mrs. Saul Greenspan P’62
Ms. Anne Baynes Hall ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson W. Hambley
P’78, ’79
Mrs. Rosli Hanslin
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Johnson P’90
Nancy Wilkins Kaplan ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Kaufman, Jr.’53
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Kelsey, Jr.
Mrs. Polly Heath Kidder ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Langa ’47, P’74
Mrs. Nancy Hoyt Langbein ’56
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffery Lashar P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lavigne P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lemire P’99
Mr. George M. Lethbridge, Jr.
Mrs. Christine Lyons ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Ian R. Mackenzie P’96
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mayer, Jr.’50,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McCormick
McCrillis & Eldredge Insurance, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Meisel P’86
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mercer ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Micarelli P’03
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Miller P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Mills P’02
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Otto, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dale Overfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Poh
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Potter P’00
Dr. and Mrs. N. Chester Reynolds
Mr. Matthew N. Richards ’95
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roberts
Mrs. Rebecca Young Robinson ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Scott I. Rose P’03
Mr. Roger Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sheehan P’02
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38, P’64
Mrs. Gladys R. Smith
Mrs. Barbara Johnson Stearns ’32
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Surowiec P’03
Mrs. Robert R. Tawney P’93
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43, P’70 &
’71, GP’97
Ms. Nancy L. Teach ’70, P’97
Mr. George B. Thomson P’81
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Twombly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Underwood
Mr. Donald R. Varnum, Jr.’95
Linda and Don Varnum P’95
The Honorable Martha Ware ’37
Mr. Richard A. Whiting P’89
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wilfert P’03
Mrs. Janet Canham Williams ’40
R e p o r t
Agnes M. Lindsay Trust
Avon Family Foundation, Inc.
Charles Foundation
Community Foundation of
Silicon Valley
Crow Foundation
Dulude Family Foundation, Inc.
George F. & Sybil H. Fuller Foundation
Beulah Kahler Foundation
Martin Salomon Morton & Gustel
New York Community Trust
Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable
Spencer Foundation
W. S. Johnston Foundation
O rg a n i z at i o n s
A n n u a l
Abercrombie & Bridge
American Plate Glass Company
Artic Dreams
Babson Group, Inc.
Back Room Art Supplies, Inc.
Barton Insurance Agency, Inc.
Bob Shevett Photography
Burpee Hill Cabinets
Carroll Concrete Co., Inc.
Casino Drywall
Central Paper Products Company
Chadwick Funeral Service
Chase the Mover
Cherry Pond Designs
China City Restaurant
Clarke & Company Earthwork
Clarke’s Hardware
Clayton A. Miller, Inc.
Coca Cola
Coldwell Banker/Milestone Real Estate
Colonial Farm Antiques
Colonial Farm Inn
Compass Travel
Concord Orthopedics
Suki Coughlin Photography
The Country Press
Cricenti’s Markets
Dalbello Ski Boots
Dawn Chambers Agency, Inc.
Dignard Architectural Services
Donn Swift Certified Public Accountant
E. R. Taylor Investments
Echo Communications, Inc.
Evans Expressmart
Falconi Companies
Flash Photo
Follett Company Bookstore
Flying Goose Brew Pub
Georges Mills Cottages and Lodging
Gordon & Powers Insurance Agency,
The Hair Station
Heath & Lull, Inc.
Henry Heydt Consulting Group
Hogan Sports Center
Jack’s Coffee
Jag Construction
Jesseman Associates P.C.
Kearsarge Counseling Center
Kearsarge Heating Oils
Labsphere, Inc.
Lake Sunapee Bank
Lake Sunapee Country Club
Lauridsen Auto Body, Inc.
LaValley Building Supply, Inc.
Legends Golf
Marshall’s Garage
Mayo Roofing, Incorporated
McCrillis & Eldredge Insurance, Inc.
Merchant Nissan
Mesa International
Milestone Engineering
Morgan Hill Bookstore
Mountainside Racquet & Fitness Center
New London Barn Playhouse
New London Gallery
New London Inn
Northeast Delta Dental
Northscape Design, Inc.
Pizza Chef
Protectworth Catering Company
Prudential Country Houses
R. P. Johnson & Son, Inc.
Richard D. Bartlett & Associates
Schmidt Therapies, LLC
George Schuetz, DDS, MS
Serendipity Boutique
Shorty’s Mexican Roadhouse
Skinner’s Ski & Sport Shop
Sodexho Marriott
Spring Ledge Farm
Stoneyfield Farm
Tio Juan’s Salsa
Mount Sunapee
M. V. Mt. Sunapee II
Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc.
Sugar River Savings Bank
Trapper Brown Corporation
Truly Natural Marketing
Twin Press
Volkl Ski & Tennis
White & White, Inc.
Wildberry Bagel Company
Wright Communications
Annual Report
F ri e n d s o f
t h e L i b r a ry
In 1967, a group of New London area
summer and year-round residents founded
the Friends of the Library to support what
is now the Susan Colgate Cleveland
Library/Learning Center. In addition to
raising funds to enhance the Library, the
Friends support several programs throughout the year, which are open and free to the
public. The college is grateful for the enduring support of the Friends of the Library.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Abbott
Mrs. Marion L. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Bacon, Jr.
Mrs. Gwen Basile
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Beardsley
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Beckwith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Belle Isle
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bewley ’43
Mr. and Mrs. David Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton R. Bradford Jr.
Mrs. Gladys H. Brooks
Dr. and Mrs. Roland Carreker, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cavallaro
Mr. and Mrs. Luther M. Child, Jr. P’78
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Clayton
Ms. Cotton M. Cleveland
Mrs. Hilary P. Cleveland
Mrs. Elinore Cochran GP’95
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Conklin
Mr. Fred G. Coombs
Ms. Beth Cote
Mrs. Shirley Crepon
Mrs. Janice A. Cundey
Mrs. Alison Faulk Curtis ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Dancy
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Delafield
Mrs. Charles S. Denny
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Dillinger
Ms. Beatrice M. Dingman†
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Doolittle
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dorr, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Ensign
Mrs. Walter G. Ensign
Mrs. Robert L. Evans GP’95
Mrs. Susanne Strong Filkins ’40, P’68
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Forbes
Mrs. Constance Klee Foulkes
Mr. and Mrs. Evan A. Fradenburgh
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon
Mrs. John S. Graham
Mrs. Paul E. Grevstad
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Griffin
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Gutgsell
Mrs. Rosli Hanslin
Mrs. Alice Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Townes M. Harris
† deceased donor
Mr. David I. Hitchcock
Miss Elizabeth J. Hodges†
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Hoke
Mrs. Malcolm B. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. Millard B. Hunter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Jennison
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan C. Jones
Mrs. Constance Crabtree Jones ’36
Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Kaufman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kellom
Mr. Charles Kennedy
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kiernan
Mrs. G. Howard Kingsley, Jr. P’79
Mr. Charles L. Kirkpatrick ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Krumm, Jr. ’47
Mrs. Diane Kusinski
Vice Adm. and
Mrs. Julien J. LeBourgeois
Mrs. Connie Leathers
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Lethbridge, Jr.
Mrs. Richard B. Lewis, Jr. P’79
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Linehan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Littlefield
Ms. Pamela Low
Mrs. Bruce MacFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marashio
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. Matthews
Ms. Lydia Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Mayer, Jr. ’50,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Griswold Merrow
Miss Genevieve Millar ’32
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Moore
Mrs. Katharine Tilson Murray P’65
Mrs. Roberta J. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Nowell
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Ohler
Ms. Mary Perry
Mr. and Mrs. R. Wendell Phillips ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Poh
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Radasch
Dr. and Mrs. N. Chester Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Channing Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rosenfield
Mrs. Frances Sawyer P’66 & ’71; GP’92
& ’99
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Seamans
Mr. Harry Seidel
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shepard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Siegfried ’43,
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Sisson
Dr. William M. Smedley
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Snow ’47
Mrs. Barbara Johnson Stearns ’32
Mr. and Mrs. William Steel
Mr. Andrew R. Supplee
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Sweetland
Mrs. Robert R. Tawney P’93
Mrs. Mary Scheu Teach ’43, P’71 & ’78,
Mr. George B. Thomson P’81
Ms. Patricia A. Thornton ’56
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Vernon
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Vulgamore
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Weber, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Wilcox
Mrs. Robert D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Reade Williams
Mrs. Frances Wilson
Ms. Barbara Holden Yeomans
M e m o r i a l G i f ts
G r ave s M u g a r
A rt G a l l e ry
Mary Barrett
Mrs. Judith D. Barrett
Mrs. Barbara Henderson Cangiano
Mrs. Hilary P. Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Gowling, Jr. ’30
Sheila Lewis Henry and Allen Henry
Mrs. Marilyn Kidder
Mrs. Anne Weston Miller ’41
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Santos
Mrs. Nancy Cleveland Sholty
Mrs. Richard B. Stearns ’32
Miss Janice Wilkins ’41
Friends of the Marian Graves Mugar Art
Gallery was founded in 1999. The Friends
raise funds to mount special shows at the
Gallery from major museums and other
outside sources for the benefit of the college
and the New London area community. The
college is grateful to the following people
who made gifts between July 1, 1999 and
June 30, 2000.
Marilyn B. Andrews
Luther and Virginia Child
John and Sue Clough
Suki Coughlin Photography
Wayne and Van Crawford
Charles and Alison Faulk Curtis ’53
Tomie dePaola
Martin and Michelle Feins
Rosli Hanslin
Allen and Sheila Lewis Henry
Janet Hicks
Frances Hoyt
Robert and Kathryn Joseph
Victoria Koron
Norman and Dusty Logan
Carol Travers Lummus ’53
Lois Enman Marshall ’53
Anne Dwyer Milne ’54
John and Priscilla Ohler
Jane Cowles Parmenter ’44
Robert and Timathy Poh
Susan Webster Ries ’78
Frances Sawyer
Judith Child Schwartz ’70
Donald and Ruth Sisson
James and Sally Southard
Barbara Johnson Stearns ’32
Audrey Sylvester
Mary Scheu Teach ’43
Robert and Janis Wallace
Austin and Sue Wood
A memorial gift to Colby-Sawyer College is
a special way to honor and pay tribute to a
friend or loved one. Colby-Sawyer is grateful for these generous gifts given by the following people in memory of those listed in
bold type.
Virginia Getchell Beebe ’41
Mr. Winsor H. Beebe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Moreton P’02
Yolande Mulethaler Bigelow ’54
Mrs. Sally Clickner L’Huiller ’54
Thomas Biuso
Miss Genevieve Millar ’32
Gertrude Francis Camp ’40
Mrs. Jane Hollings Gordon ’40
Susan and Mather Cleveland
Mrs. Mary Cleveland Sholty
Carl Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Bacon, Jr.
Mrs. Floyd P. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Beal, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Bewley ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Bradford, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Carroll
Miss Margaret E. Cawley ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Walton Chadwick, Sr. P’79
Mrs. Hilary p. Cleveland
Ms. Patience Mather Cleveland
Miss Anna R. Conklin
Mrs. Daniel W. Connell, Jr. P’72
Ms. Dorothy Ann Egan
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace K. Ewing P’81
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Fifield, Jr. ’43,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Firth
Mr. and Mrs. Randle H. Gillespie
Mrs. Dorothy Gordon P’63
Mrs. Paul E. Grevstad
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Harkness
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Harkness
Mrs. Alice Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall P. Hoke
Rev. and Mrs. Ira D. Hudgins
Mr. Pete Lauridsen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Little, Jr.
Miss Jean D. London ’41
Annual Report
Mrs. Susan Lowe-Stockwell ’91, P’95
Mrs. Norman MacDonald
Mr. Charles H. Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McFarlin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Miller
Mrs. Helen T. Nelson
Mrs. John L. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Norton
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Ohler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Poh
Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Ramsey ’43
Ms. Yvette M. Rock
Mrs. Frances Sawyer P’66
Mrs. Mary Trafton Simonds ’38, P’64
Ms. Martha B. Slacum
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Smith
Mrs. Richard B. Stearns ’32
Ms. Zora St. Martin
Mrs. Robert R. Tawney P’93
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Wallace
Mrs. Betty Whittemore
Ms. Barbara Holden Yeomans
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Zeller
Nancy Davis ’47
Mrs. Nancy Wiggin McVickar ’41
Frank D. Day III
Ann Bemis Day ’50
Eleanor Dodd
Mrs. Pauline Rogers Barker ’34
Miss Margaret E. Cawley ’41
Miss Anne E. Coghlan
Miss Jean D. London ’41
Mrs. Frances Sawyer P’66
Mrs. Richard B. Stearns ’32
Mrs. Winifred Little Williams ’37
Dr. and Mrs. Everett M. Woodman ’40
Carol McKenney Dunham ’54
Mrs. Julie Dunham Shaal
Elizabeth Duval ’32
Miss Genevieve Millar ’32
Caroline Cox Eckert ’57
Mr. Robert L. Eckert, Jr.
Mary C. Farwell ’34
Mrs. Barbara G. Bankart
Mrs. Elizabeth N. Cary
Mr. John Coburn
Mr. John F. Dewey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Domina
Mrs. Ruth E. Dorey
Mrs. Mary Haines Eavenson ’50
Ms. Marjorie N. Gordon
Mr. David W. Hoffman
Dr. and Mrs. Adolph M. Hutter, Jr.
Ms. Louise O. Jostedt
Mr. and Mrs. M. Roy London, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mercer ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Old
Ms. Mary Louise Potter
Mr. and Mr. Warren L. Shields
Mrs. Louise C. Taylor
Mrs. Virginia S. Yarlott
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Wheeler
Clayton E. Fisher
Mrs. Ruth Shonyo Trask ’50
Ruth Weber Greenberg ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Weber, Jr.
Why I chose to support
Colby-Sawyer College
“I choose to give to the Annual Fund because it
provided me with so many wonderful opportunities
scholarships. Now that I have graduated,
it is my turn to give back to the
community as well as any future students who
deserve and appreciate
Ruth Hunter Johnson ’45
Mr. William R. Hunter
Muriel Blocksidge Justice ’41
Mr. Lloyd W. Justice
Alice Libby Junker ’39
Mr. Frederick E. Junker
Georgene Maier Kelley ’40
Mr. George W. Kelley
Mary Polly Kelly
Mrs. Mary Sullivan Martin ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Everett F. Kidder
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harper Blaisdell, Jr. ’37,
Dr. Margaret Kurtz
Mrs. Judith Christie Anderson ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrett ’83
Mrs. Elizabeth Rockwell Booth ’72
Miss Molly M. Callender ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Churchill,
Mrs. Ann Austin Freeman ’61
Mrs. Marilyn Winn Goodwin ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Gordon ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Graf ’75, P’89
Ms. Pamela H. Hughes ’82
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Joos ’57, P’79
Ms. Michelle Baird Mathias ’75
Ms. Nancy H. O’Day ’81
Ms. Janice Von Oehsen ’81
Mrs. Linda Lambert Palmer ’65
Mrs. Gailan Porter Read ’67
Mrs. Virginia Osborne Ricker ’89
Ms. Linda Thomson Righter ’58
Mrs. Pamela Roeder Specht ’76
Mrs. Kristin Takala Tishman ’86
Ms. Lindy Fisher Weaver ’67
Mrs. Jane Barhoff Ypsilantis ’90
Marylyn Goldstein Markoff ’55
Mr. Leon F. Markoff
Emily Sparks May ’46
Mrs. Elizabeth Schott Antaya ’44
Mrs. Helene Walczak Ross ’45
Mrs. Lois Wetsel Schweizer ’42
opportunities as much as I did!”
Shannon Rowell ’00
Jo Hammon Miller ’39
Mr. F. Warren Miller
Marion Brown Newcomb
Miss Genevieve Millar ’32
Mary Jean Ross Rock ’38
Mr. Robert A. Rock
Holly M. Rose ’83
Mr. Robert B. Rose
Jake Shumway
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Snyder
Cynthia Newcomb Smith ’53
Mrs. Lee Booma Carangelo ’53
Harriet Francis Smith ’38
Mrs. Martha Mueller Pfaff ’38
Rachel D. Smith ’53
Mrs. Sarah Bond Gilson ’53
Charlotte Cobb Stahl ’51
Mr. Jay L. Stahl III
Betty Samuelson Stearns ’44
Mr. Raymond E. Stearns
Susan C. Tobey ’61
Mrs. Carol Graves Cimilluca ’61
Ms. Nancy F. Oakes ’61
Nancy Merritt Underwood ’50
Mrs. Joan Smith Eastman ’50
Joy Griffin West ’39
Mrs. Helen Reynolds Williams ’39
Wayne K. Wheeler
Mrs. Betsey Loveland Wheeler ’60
Nancy Pierce Williams ’39
Mrs. Meredith Chase Boren ’58
Betsy Breed Woodacre ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sundeen ’50
R e p o r t
the value of scholarship and
Ralph Hurlin ’08
Mrs. Ralph G. Hurlin
George F., Josephine C. and
Richard Hardy Millar
Ms. Nancy Teachout Gardner ’45
Mr. William R. Hunter
Miss Genevieve Millar ’32
A n n u a l
at Colby-Sawyer, the most important being
Helen “Teeny” Grosvenor ’46
Mrs. Adele Shays Bowler ’45
Ms. Emily Morgan Clemmer ’45, P’73
Mrs. Joy Waldau Hostage ’45
Mrs. Dorothy Randall Loft ’45
Mrs. Dutton Harder Long ’45
Mrs. Jean Morley Lovett ’45
Mrs. Nancy Dean Maynard ’45
Mrs. James C. Munro ’45
Ester Rowland ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Vetter ’45,
Annual Report
Honorary gifts are acclamation of appreciation for others. The honorees are noted in
bold type, and the donors are listed below.
Nancy Hoyt Langbein
Ms. Josephine Atlass
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Brownell
Ms. Betty O. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. H. Parker McLaren
Pamela and Stanley Bright
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Stanley
M. Roy London
Miss Jean D. London ’41
Robert Colby Campbell
Mrs. Jacquie A. Bussiere P’98
Kathy Thies
Mr. and Mrs. Austin L. Conley
H o n o r a ry G i f ts
Class of 2000 Senior Gift Campaign
Ms. Kristin G. Anderson ’00
Miss Rebecca L. Banas ’00
Mrs. MaryAnn Besecker P’00
Ms. Chelsea L. Bisbee ’00
Mr. Alexi Bobolia ’00
Mrs. Carroll D. Campbell P’00
Ms. Zanna C. Campbell ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Craig P’00
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dunn, Sr. P’00
Ms. Holly G. Filasky ’00
Ms. Kerry L. Fleming ’00
Mr. Jason R. Frew ’00
Ms. Jillian C. Gragnano ’00
Mr. Todd M. Gully ’00
Mr. Matthew Hay ’00
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Johnston P’00
Miss Sheridan M. Johnston ’00
Miss Sarah B. Labrie ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Lane P’00
Miss Kathleen E. Lovell ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Maranian P’00
Ms. Lisa Maranian ’00
Miss Colleen R. McInnis ’00
Mr. Richard J. Miles ’00
Mr. Zachary S. Pinard ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Potter P’00
Ms. Catherine A. Raeburn ’00
Ms. Shannon Rowell ’00
Ms. Kelly I. Sargent’00
Mr. Jeremy A. Schnaittacher’00
Mr. Ryan Smith ’00
Mr. Michael J. Spinney ’00
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Sykes, Jr.’68,
Miss Katherine W. Sykes ’00
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sylva P’00
Mr. Richard S. Trussell P’00
Ms. Kaitlyn A. Tuite ’00
Miss Cristy S. Vallee ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wallerstein
Mr. J. Bryan Williams III P’00
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Wixon P’00
Alicen Jesser ’99
Mr. and Mrs. Benn W. Jesser P’62, ’77,
GP’99, ’01, ’02
Joyce Kolligian ’55
Mr. Gordon C. Perine
Why I chose to support
Colby-Sawyer College
“I strongly believe in showing my
gratefulness to the place that has contributed to
G i f ts - i n - K i n d
my fortunate life. The campus beauty,
Gifts-in-kind are non-cash gifts of tangible
personal property such as art objects, jewelry,
silver, and antiques. A gift-in-kind may
also be a service, i.e., donated printing costs
or landscaping. Colby-Sawyer appreciates
this year’s gifts-in-kind from the following
the opening of my mind, my roommates;
all of this greatly enriched my life.”
Marilyn Adams ’61
Jesseman Associates P.C.
Colonial Farm Inn
Dignard Architectual Services
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Baldwin
Ms. Hope E. Damon
Mr. George B. Emeny
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherburne Hart
Allen and Sheila Lewis Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Homan
Mrs. Martha McCracken Howard ’38,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mills
Mrs. Jane Cowles Parmenter ’44
Dr. Anne Ponder and
Dr. Christopher Brookhouse
Mrs. Mary Knox Tatnall ’57
Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
Bank of Boston
Bank of New York
Becton Dickinson and Company
Bell Atlantic Corporation
BellSouth Telecommunications
Boeing Company
Boston Edison Foundation
CIGNA Foundation
CK Witco Corporation
COM/Energy Services Company
Caterpillar Foundation
Chase Manhattan Foundation
Chevron Corporation
Clariant Corporation
Coca-Cola Company
ConAgra Foundation
Cooper Industries
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Delta Air Lines Foundation
Dow Chemical, USA
The Duke Energy Foundation
Duke Power Company Foundation
Eastern Associated Foundation
Eaton Corporation
Eli Lilly and Company
Exxon Education Foundation
Fleet National Bank
Fort James Foundation
General Electric Fund
General Mills Foundation
General Telephone & Electronics Found.
General William Mayer Foundation
Gillette Company
Guardian Life Insurance Company
H. J. Heinz Company
Hartford Insurance Group Foundation
The Henry Luce Foundation
Hercules, Inc.
Heublein Foundation, Inc.
Hewlett Packard Company
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.
Houghton Mifflin Corporation
M atc h i n g G i f t
C o m pa n i e s
Matching gift programs work by matching
an employees philantropic or charitable contribution, and effectively doubling or
tripling their gifts to Colby-Sawyer College.
If you believe that your present or former
employer has a matching gifts program,
please check with your human resources
department for more information.
ABB Combustion Engineering
ARCO Foundation
AT&T Foundation
Aetna Foundation
Allmerica Financial Charitable
American Express Financial Advisors, Inc
Ashland Inc. Foundation
IBM Corporation
ITT Industries, Inc.
Ingersoll-Rand Company
International Paper Company
J. P. Morgan & Company, Inc.
John Hancock
Johnson & Johnson
KPMG Peat Marwick LLP
Kenbeck Company
Key Corporation
Kingsbury Corporation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lucent Technologies
Lyondell Chemical Company
MBNA America Bank, N.A.
Massachusetts Mutual
Merck Company Foundation
Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
Minerals Technology, Inc.
Mitsubishi International Corporation
Mobil Corporation
Morgan Stanley & Company, Inc.
Motorola Incorporated
New England Electric Systems
New England Financial
New York Times Company Foundation
North Charles Street Design
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Norton Company
Pfizer, Inc.
Philip Morris Companies
Polaroid Foundation
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Prudential Insurance
Company of America
Raytheon Company
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Sentry Foundation
SmithKline Beecham Company
Stanley Works Foundation
Summit Bancorp
Telcordia Technologies
Tenet Healthcare Corporation
Texaco, Inc.
Texas Instruments Foundation
Annual Report
Time Warner, Inc.
Times Mirror Company
United Technologies Corporation
Walt Disney Company
Xerox Corporation
Class of 1950
E n d owe d
M e m o ri a l
The Class of 1950 Memorial Scholarship
Fund, was created by class members as a
memorial tribute to their classmates. This
endowment provides a scholarship that
will be awarded to a deserving student
each year, beginning in Fall, 2000.
A lu m n i D o n o r s
Colby-Sawyer College treasures its caring
and generous alumni. Alumni donors are
listed by class year in alphabetical order by
last name. Summaries at the beginning
of each class year reflect the amount contributed to the Annual Fund. Class participation is measured on Annual Fund
giving only. We gratefully acknowledge this
group of loyal alumni.
Annual Fund:
Doris Reid Bowman*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Helen Kelley Smith*
Dorothea Lamson Stibitz*
Annual Fund:
Marjorie H. Sholes*
Annual Fund:
Lily Hokenson Gannon*
Anna Gay Rich
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Mary Baldwin Armitage*
Barbara Laier Ashmore*
Pauline Rogers Barker*
Hildreth Aiken Bourn*
Ruth Zoller Bowen*
Rebecca Berry Cramer*
Elizabeth Tobey Erb P’69*
Helen Noden Evans*
Ruth Carlton Hall*
Janet Sherman Lockwood*
Miriam Morrow*
Ruth Watson O’Brien*
Helen Corey Penick*
Robenia Myrer Smith
Barbara Hayden Townsend*
Mary York Wolfe*
Marjorie Williams Worthen*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Frances Crosby Allen GP’01*
Elisabett Bardsley Andrews*
Elizabeth Smith Angier GP’86*
Eleanor Sullivan Appleton P’59*
Martha Doud Battles*
Ina Faulkner Bourgard
Mildred Messer Burnett*
Doris E. Cooper*
Barbara Stone Cornwell*
Jane Judd Eastmond*
Constance Alley French P’62*
Edith Blake Gaudes P’69*
Bessie Wilner Grad
Katharine Field Hinman*
Arline Lebow Hootstein
Barbara Crampton Jones*
Ruth Phillips Jones*
R e p o r t
Ramona Adams Bieder*
Nancy Gaunt Bradford*
Alice Todd Castello*
Dorothy Knowles Chilton*†
Esther Sweezey Clark*
Helen Dearing Day*
Margaret Olmsted Ford-Twombly*
Helen Reece French P’60*
Edith Tedford Hendricks*
Theodoris L. Hoffman*
June Russell Hoppe P’62*
Dorothy Goings Hubbard*
Elisabeth Ball Hughes*
Gertrude Ball Humphrey*
Evelyn Kelley*
Barbara Wilson Lenox*
Florence Spitz Leventhal*
Genevieve Millar*
Louise Larkin Nelson*
Harriet Isherwood Power
Mary Kennon Robertson*
Mary Finch Robeson*
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Charlotte Evans Gordon*
Jeannette Shapiro Rosenberg*
Martha Stobie VanBuskirk*†
Annual Fund:
Class Agent Needed
Francis B. Duemmling*
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Class Agent:
Pauline Rogers Barker
Barbara M. Clough*
Elinor Clark Cole*
Irene M. Hicks*
Elizabeth Porter*
Dora Lyman Ribero*
Mary Eliose Carpenter Sloan*
Elizabeth Grimes Smith*
Harriett Gray Vangsness*
Edith Sumner Whittum*
Helen Goodwin Yeagle*
Class Agent Needed
Patricia O’Connor Gowling*
Barbara G. Mason*
Dorothy Woodbury Rogers*
Viola Hicks Shaw*
Elizabeth Page Winslow*
Annual Fund:
Edith Stockman Ruettinger P’57*†
Dorothy Melendy Scott*
Barbara Johnson Stearns*
Helen Estabrooks Tebo*
A n n u a l
Mrs. Priscilla Fields Aloise
Mrs. June Ramsey Atwood
Mrs. Jean Davis Bates
Mrs. Jean Wheeler Blackmur
Mrs. Virginia Colpitts Bowers P’78
Mrs. Joan Lucas Brandley P’82
Mrs. Bert M. Brannan, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Steen Bryant
Miss Marjorie Chisholm
Ann Kitfield Clarke
Mrs. J. F. Clark
Mrs. Cornelia Woolley Clifford
Mrs. Gloria Demers Collins
Mrs. Shirley Smith Crawford
Mrs. Cynthia Leach Cudworth
Mrs. Joan Wolff Cummings
Ann Bemis Day
Mrs. Helen Taylor Dodd
Mrs. Jean Finley Doughty
Mrs. Marilyn Colburn Dow P’83
Mrs. Jean Holmes Duffett
Mrs. Gwenyth Hall Dunbar
Mrs. Joan Smith Eastman
Mrs. Barbara Decker Egbert
Mrs. Marjorie Hamilton Gorham
Mrs. Priscilla Johnson Greene
Mrs. Anne Maher Grimes
Mrs. Carol Howe Hagan
Ms. Patricia Davis Hoffman
Ms. Marilyn Smith Hooper
Mrs. Maxine Morrison Hunter
Mrs. Joan Reynolds Irish P’79
Mrs. Jean Fuller Knowlton
Mrs. Ethel McCauley Kyle
Mrs. Nancy Hendrickson Latham
Mrs. Mary Pelletier Linman
Mrs. Barbara Bishop MacLean
Mrs. Mary Lee Stratford Martin
Mrs. Susan Morrison Mayer P’75
Mrs. Jean Hubley Meyer
Mrs. Elisabeth Harrison Morgan
Mrs. Barbara James Mueller
Mrs. Lois Carpenter Nottage P’72
Mrs. William A. Oaks
Mrs. Betty Alden Parker
Ms. Jane Richardson Pearson
Mrs. Nancy Brown Pieper
Mrs. Anastasia Payne Rooke
Mrs. Barbara Duryea Rybeck
Mrs. Harriet Patriquin Sanchez
Mrs. Phyllis Sanderson Scott
Mrs. Jane Grayson Slover
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sundeen
Mrs. Helene Cowan Taylor
Mrs. Ruth Shonyo Trask
Mrs. Ruth Hanson Tuck
Mrs. Mary Stanton Tullis
Mrs. Leslie Moore Waldbillig
Mrs. Marilyn Clark Walker
Mrs. Jeanne Marquis Williams
Annual Report
Lorna Hazell Lange*
Gladys Rusk Marks*
Dorothy Pickett Reid*
Marjorie Rolfe*
Catherine Whited Shoemaker*
Marjorie Cain Spence*
Ethelyn Dorr Symons*
Mary Metzler Szafarz*
Mary Giddings Williams P’61*
Annette Briggs Young
Class Agent: Barbara Melendy Parker
Annual Fund:
Elizabeth Read Barto*
Geraldine McKewen Bateman*
Marjorie Underhill Christian*
Beulah Carrigan Crosby*
Eleanor Nadler Duffy*
Lois Wheatley Hopkins
Constance Crabtree Jones
Judith Clarke Kitchen*
Nancy Martin LaBahn
Constance Mason Lane*
Marion Alexander Michel*
Priscilla Jameson Mullen*
Barbara Melendy Parker*
Gertrude Hawes Reynolds*
Nancy Mitchell Rinck
Pauline Cluff Stevens*
Trudie Myers Sunderland*
Mariam Clemmer Wakelin*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Frances Morrison Archibald*
Ruth Christie Barnes
Joan Chandler Beer*
Marianne Holehouse Bevan*
Marjorie Kidder Blaisdell P’64*
Eleanor Rich Brothwell*
Ruth Reed Brown*
Justine Mintie Caldwell*
Barbara Cooper Cogswell P’63*
Jane Fairclough Counselman*
Dorothy Rodgers Dexter
Virginia Enslin Fagan*
Frances Harrell Faulkner*
Lois Alley Ferguson*
Lois Nutting Fitch*
Gladys Bachman Forbes*
Carol Everett Fraser*
Barbara Thomas Graham P’62
Eleanor Hedges Hale*
Jean Huckins Hawkes*
Margaret Raleigh Hennessey*
Barbara Brown Hoffman
Dorothea Thomson Howe P’62*†
Priscilla Barton Hutton*
Margaret Coryell Lowrey*†
Constance Arnold Martin
Esther Elliott Mayo*
Marjorie Hudson McGown P’62*
Doris Nichols Pester*
Constance Warner Regli*
Marjorie T. Reynolds*
Doris Nielsen Sheets
Mary Marble Talcott*
Alice Chase Taylor*
Betsy Mullens Tolman*
Lois Milhening Vincelette*
The Honorable Martha Ware*
Clarissa Pickles Wooster*
Faith Butterfield Wyer P’64*
Virginia Wells Chandler*
Ai-Li Sung Chin*
Janet Morton Coates*
Margaret McGahen Connors*
Nancy Edwards Cox*
Ada Shapiro Creighton*
Marilyn Cross*
Miriam Runels DeMallie*
Virginia Hayes Earle*
Barbara Perkins Emmenegger*
Constance Campbell Forsham*
S. Jane Cummings Gilbert*
Jane Gedney Gruning*
Elizabeth Higgins Hassell*
Anne-Shirley Orent Hudler P’71*
Joan Helms Hunter*
Mary Russell Little*
Christine Close McKisson*
Gladys Greenbaum Meyers*
Norma Nordlund Overbeck*
Suzanne T. Pierce*
Carolyn Disbrow Scotton*
Dorothy Winlock Sidebottom
Ruth L. Thompson*
Barbara Mix Wells*
Miriam Cluff Worthley P’68*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Jane Hedlund Adams*
Elizabeth A. Allenson*
Barbara Symonds Ayers*
Jean Kennedy Calamai
Louise Campbell*
Barbara Rounds Carson*
Janet Stanyon Casey*
Olympia Frangedakis Conant*
Effamay Thomas Dahlstrand*
Janet Marcia Drabble*
Jane Seavey Emerson*
Martha McCracken Howard P’70*
Eleanor Ray Kimball P’68*
Dorothy McKinney Malin*
Sidney Newberry*
Stuart Lydiard Patterson*
Martha Mueller Pfaff*
Ruth Gray Russell*
Mary Trafton Simonds P’64*
Betty Denson Sleath
Inez Gianfranchi Snowdon*
Shirley Johnson Watt*
Barbara Howard Welch*
Elizabeth Luders Wesner
Joan Davidson Whitney*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Mary Robins Abbey*
Margaret Van Duser Bell P’65*
Dorothy Benham Bishop
Kathryn Richman Bourland*
Jean Porter Broders*
Elizabeth Luitwieler Burke*
Almira Taylor Campbell*
Janet Rockwood Cartmill
Margaret Brewer Cooley*
Thelma Corey Daniels*
Helen Tripp Davies*
Elizabeth Thomas Densmore*
Susanne Strong Filkins P’68
Harriet Tillinghast Fuller*
Jane Hollings Gordon*
Harriet Wickham Gorman*
Barbara Weare Grover*
Jean Lincoln Hart*
Jane Winey Heald P’69*
Jane Farr Hobbs*
Jeanne Schwob Homer*
Phyllis Fielding Hosmer*
Helen B. Johnson*
Phyllis Worthen Kent*
Eloise Gedney Lawson
Marguerite Biggs Lovelace*
Eunice Lamarsh MacDonald
Barbara Buckley Maner*
Rosemary Gamwell McCrudden*
Reid Francis Morris*
Virginia Tousley Nordbeck P’73*
Jean Frye Noyes*
Eileen Mattis O’Brien*
Lois M. Parker*
Joan Webber Plummer*
Juliette Conover Reinicker*
Harriet Cargill Riese*
Nancy White Simpson P’68,’70*
Nancy Amend Snyder GP’90*
Arline Stevens Sobolewski*
Class Agent: Miriam Cluff Worthley
Annual Fund:
Lucienne Jones Albro*
Frances Holbrook Armstrong*
Sally Stevens Ayres*
Virginia Paul Barchard*
Edith Trollope Benjamin*
Lucile Woolam Berrizbeitia*
Annette Caldwell Blais*
Marion Sage Boyd*
Jean Anderson Burnham*
Martha Morgan Burns*
Louisa Harrington Butcher*
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Winifred Rand Welch*
Janet Canham Williams*
Barbara MacCormick Wood
Jeanette Goodwin York*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Betty-Anne Hardy Adams*
Deborah Burton Adler*
Elizabeth S. Ballentyne*
Virginia Brunnckow Best*
Alice Iffland Booth*
Constance Linberg Borden*
Louise Norris Breen P’80*
Helen Powell Brown*
Persis Childs Brown
Margaret E. Cawley*
Barbara Moulton Chase*
Elizabeth Collins*
Joan Russell Desmond P’63*
Ruth Hall Dowden P’70*
Jean Laskey Drew*
Barbara Ellis*
Mary Westberg Francis*
Shirley Hemming Garwood
Barbara Owens Geiger*
Helen Clark Hall P’63
Harriet Lipphardt Hammock*
Mary Louise Williams Haskell P’70,’81*
Ruth Harris Haskell
Helen McGrath Hayes*
Barbara Bartlett Hill
Margery Tunison Hoch*
Jeanne Hall Johnson
Margery Gifford Joyce P’73*
Muriel Blocksidge Justice*
Margaret Turner Kezer*
Virginia Tunstall Knox*
Margaret L. Law*
Priscilla Karle Leach*
Eleanor Sanford Logie*
Jean D. London
Anne Fuller Lyons*
Marcia Brown Macintosh P67*
Jean Macpherson McClements*
Eleanor Rowell McPherson*
Ramona Wells Mercer*
Anne Weston Miller
Elise Sollmann Miller*
Katharyn Crane O’Loughlin
Susan Speir Parker P’72*
June Skinner Peacock P’72
Lucille Stearns Perkins
Dorothy Jordan Peterman P’67,’70 *
Helen Newton Peterman P’63*
Charlotte Cuddy Pozniak*
Nancy Sanders Reed
Mabelle Goodrich Robbie P’65*
Marian Fischle Scott P’66*
Elsie Hansel Slauson
Bette Dempsey Smith*
Annual Report
Dorothy Hess Spears*
Mary Levis Steiner*
Zada Lynch Travaglini*
Virginia Taylor Voorhees
Barbara Eldredge Watt*
Barbara Vaiden Weiland*
Miriam Tibbitts Wheeler*
Janice Wilkins*
Elizabeth Haggas Zwicker*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Class Agent: Jean Moore Hartson
Class Agent: Shirley Tunison Eustis
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Clarisse Davis Adams
Priscilla Coan Barnes*
Dorothea Gay Bewley*
Jean Spencer Brown*
Doris Douglas Butler*
Virginia Stevens Buttinger
Agnes Collins Byrne P’74, GP’01*
Betty Jane Goss Conant P’66*
Rita Fitzgerald Conant*
Priscilla Parker Craig*
Sally King Cramer*
Patricia Stickel Crandall*
Joan Creesy Eriksson
Marilyn Maier Feinberg*
Sally Kleindienst Fifield P’84*
Virginia Hansen Gato*
Virginia Mack Gregory*
Alyce Czelusniak Gustavis*
Jean Wackerbarth Hadidian*
Rosamond Jones Hannum*
Jean Moore Hartson P’72*
Jean Stewart Hilton P’73*
Carolyn Sigourney Holtz*
Jane Hamlin Horton*
Margaret DeGraff Hotaling*
Eleanor Davis Howard
Barbara Constantine Johnson*
Dorothy Johnson Jones*
Elizabeth Floyd Knowlton*
Mary Deming Kramer*
Charlotte Shapiro Krentzel*
Arlene Porter Levenson*
Enid Belden Logan*
Virginia Davis McGlynn
Olive Heyman McLaughlin
Barbara Huntington Megroz*
Frances Morton Nugent*
Jean Thurman Ramsey*
Jean Aronson Rea*
Shirley Mowry Reichenberg*
Margaret Christensen Reilly*
Dorothy Allen Rogers*
Norma Miller Roth*
Shirley Webster Sheldon P’68*
Patricia Peck Shepard*
Blanche Worth Siegfried P’67*
Janet Thompson Smith*
Lois Knapp Stovall
Lucille Clark Taylor*
Mary Scheu Teach P’70,’71, GP’97*
Hanna Tardivel Teschner*
Margaret Morse Tirrell*
Marjorie Campbell Upson*
Natalie Reid Walsh
Julia Ann Keeney Walton*
Winona Brown Weeks*
Class Agent: Nancy Dean Maynard
Annual Fund:
Mary Lou Craffey Ackley
M. Janice Cooper Adams P’69
Pat Brewster Austin*
Mary Starbird Bardwell*
Audrey Barrett*
Susan Roberts Bean*
Priscilla Donle Berry*
Adele Shays Bowler
Ruth Gunnarson Brandes P’77*
Irene Bartholomew Brower*
Margaret Wells Bush*
Evelyn Simm Butler
Janice Murray Carpenter*
Emily Morgan Clemmer P’73*
Leah Keever Cotton*
Dorothy Hatch Davis*
Janet Green Dean*
June Mitchell Douglas-White*
Margaret Wheeler Dyer GP’95*
A. Lillian Quimby Easton*
Rosemary Beede Fournier P’69*
Ruth Gray Frederick*
Nancy Teachout Gardner
Emma Jane Goldhorn*
Lucille Rahe Holland*
Joy Waldau Hostage*
Suzanne Needham Houston*
Charlotte Epps Irion*
Janet Davis Keegan
Betty Southwell King*
Mary June Troup Kingsbury*
Frances Bowen Kirkaldy*
Lydia E. Klein*
Eleanor Seybert Kujawski*
Joan Janpol Kurz*
Virginia Dellinger Ladd*
Frances Strode Lamberti
Jane Peters Layton*
Dorothy Randall Loft*
Dutton Harder Long*
Jean Morley Lovett*
Dorothy Georger MacConnell*
Nancy Dean Maynard*
Joan Smith McIver*
Kathryn Walker Munro
Nancy Erickson Murphy*
Ruth Anderson Padgett
Elizabeth Bryant Parker*
Jean Shanley Puckhaber
Grace MacDonald Ross*
Helene Walczak Ross
Esther Rowland*
Joan Morse Salas
Suzanne Curtis Smythe
R e p o r t
Constance Brailey Ackroyd
Jean Nova Allen
Elizabeth Schott Antaya*
Barbara Colwell Armstrong*
Jessie Fyfe Armstrong P’69*
Ann Bayer Birmingham*
Jeanne Losey Bole*
Gertrude Woods Boyd*
Shirley Merz Bryant*
Priscilla Bullock Bubar*
Phyllis Slater Burgess GP’03*
Margaret Kentfield Burkey*
Ann Tilton Carpenter*
Ann Hartford Cochran
Phyllis Jones Collins*
Frances Walsh Cook*
Laura Stone Cutler P’74*
Phyllis Carter deNapoli P’81
Shirley Tunison Eustis*
Jane Cooper Fall*
Gloria Hirsch Flanzer*
Nancy E. Furstenberg*
Jean Bush Gabriel P’02*
Janet Peters Gardiner*
Natalie Slawson Goslee*
Barbara Janson Green*
Rosamond Holt Haley*
Elinor Files Halsted*
Barbara Delano Harding*
Inez Nosworthy Hitchcock*
Margaret Nelson Hornbrook*
Grace Riley Hunt*
Carol Cathcart Hutchins P’75*
Jane Eddy Hutchinson*
Martha Miller Hyatt*
Barbara A. Johnson
Jane MacCabe Kelly P’72*
Catherine English Kipe*
Ann Richmond Knipe*
Louise Fiacre Krauss*
Jeanne Fairbanks Leaver*
Natalie L. MacBain*
Charlotte Lacey MacLean*
Barbara Tolley Martz
Mary Jane Niedner Mason GP’02*
Marcheta Sullivan McDowell P’69
Madeline Chamberlain McKinnon*
Alicia Meisser McMurtrie*
Marjorie Parker Meador P’69*
Barbara Phillips Mello*
Ann Norton Merrill P’66*
Elizabeth Leonhard Miller P’70
Elizabeth VanGorder Minkler*
Mary Root Mollica
Jean Marquier Molloy
Mary Cushman North
Jane Cowles Parmenter*
Mary French Pelsor*
Cynthia Tunison Ream*
Ruth Ross Reebie*
Alice McKown Riley P’72
Kathleen Howden Shellington*
Elaine Atwood Smith*
Grace McLean Smith*
Virginia Barnes Still*
Anne Alpaugh Stone*
Miriam Kirven Sweetland*
A n n u a l
Edith Doe Ballard*
Claire Basch Barger
Barbara Boyd Bradley*
Patricia Reid Brailey*
Jean Craig Brooks
Marion Huggins Brown*
Sara Felton Bruins
Dorothy Wentzell Butcher*
Mary Allen Cadwell*
Ruth Murray Carkeek*
Marcia Sickels Crowley P’69*
Sally Bisset Douglas*
Ruth Kennedy Edmonds*
Ruth Richardson Emery*
Shirley Walter Ferguson*
Barbara Hughes Ford*
Jeanne Arbogast Fuchs*
Pearl Leigh Fuller*
Betty Carmody Giddings*
Jane Rayner Groo*
Kelsey Beach Hale
Grace Braithwaite Hayden*
Virginia Coleman Hunter*
Phyllis Latham Ide*
Alberta Schield Kalish*
Marjorie Griffin Lesher*
Evelyn Frenier Lucchesi*
Caroline Boller McKee*
Helen Starbuck Moore*
Margaret Lasher Muller P’67*
Nancy Lewis Nemec*
Beatrice Neal Niemi*
Ann Simonds Oakes P’66*
Barbara Leary Parrish*
Shirley E. Parsons*
Eleanor Brown Pearce*
Evelyn Pulver Petrie*
Nancy Nelson Price*
Virginia Wells Radasch*
Katherine Gordon Ridgway*
Nancy Bowman Rutherford*
Caroline Russell Ryder
Lois Wetsel Schweizer*
Ruth Kerney Scott*
Audrey Rembe Sharpe
Marcia Barnes Shaw-Straube*
Constance Colby Shelton
Nancy Allan Specht*
Betty Miller Stinchfield*
Audrey Shirey Tarbox*
Barbara Molander Warner*
Elizabeth H. Terry*
Ruth Forbes Tudeen P’74*
Margaret Jardine Van Dine P’73*
Jean Ferguson Wilcox*
Mary Helen Mitchell Williams*
Jane Earle Wright*
Annual Report
Shirley Glidden Splaine*
Martha Whitney Steers P’74*
Dorothy Jones Trudel*
Jean Jacob Vetter P’73, ’78*
Gloria Hamburger Vise
Marilyn Upham Waters P’78
Barbara Macaulay Watkins*
Catherine Morley Wendland
Eileen Lutz White
Class Agent:
Beverly “Bebe” Walker Wood
Annual Fund:
Jane Phillbrick Armstrong*
Jean Arnold Baggs*
Margaret Hale Bascom P’77*
Jean Andersen Bazzani*
Jane Hatch Benson*
Frances Wilde Boynton P’82*
Virginia Parsons Breuer
Dorothy Rice Brown*
Ann Johnston Bunis*
Ann Strover Buttler*
Charlotte Knight Carrasco*
Barbara Bell Clark*
Ann Porter Colley*
Mary Phinney Crabbs*
Janet Reynolds Crandlemire*
Barbara Bingham Day*
Jean Schabacker Donati*
Dorothy Wallsten Drake*
Marianne Savage Edgarton*
Barbara Morse Elcik*
Sylvia Small Erb*
Lila Labovitz Fried*
Ann Clark Gallagher*
Priscilla Beardsley Glenn*
Elizabeth Abt Hardy*
Althea Bennett Hatch*
Shirley L. Holmes*
Anne Stedfast Jacobs P’70,’82*
Lucille Lane Kelleher*
Suzanne Carpenter Kemp*
Elizabeth Joel Kempton*
Lois Lippincott Lang*
Marjorie Hernandez Lau
Sally Hale Lecour*
Priscilla Meehan Lowery*
Barbara Kent MacDonald*
Dorothy Huggins Mannix*
Ann Freeland McKenna*
Ruth Northridge Messer*
Nancy Olcott Moreland*
Priscilla Edwards Nerbonne
Barbara Moore Noble*
Jane Treadway Noel
Ramona Hopkins O’Brien*
Annette Croughwell O’Keefe*
Mabel Livingstone Pattridge*
Catherine Otterman Peixotto*
Lorraine Casciani Quinlan*
Janet Bromage Rogers*
Shirley Rimbach Rohan
Polly White Phillips P’82*
Jean Harding Pierce*
Annette Hill Rea*
Priscilla Dobbs Ritz
Marilyn Perry Sagar*
Jocelyn Newton Schermerhorn*
Nancy Williams Siddons
Nancy Nutter Snow*
Sheila Devine Suarez P’69*
Emily Hanson Tourtellot*
Anne Grier Tourtellotte*
Joanne Donnelly Vaughan*
Doris Charrier Vladimiroff*
Natalie Johnson Whitney*
Eleanor Murray Wiggins
Grace Greene Williams*
Mary Humphreys Williams
Mary Leigh Woodrow*
Jean Goubert Sisley
Harriet Close Skipton
Betty Bauersfield Soderberg*
Janice Hesse Somerville*
Marian Casey Spang*
Lillian Whiteman Spear*
Shirleyann Fuller St. Pierre
Marjorie Geerts Swanton*
Helena Fortuna Szepan*
Nancy Grimes Traverso*
Barbara Arnesen Wheaton*
Phyllis Dana Wilcox*
Beverly Walker Wood*
Frances Randall Wood*
June Taylor Wright*
Carolyn Handley Young*
Barbara Lutz Zakel
Class Agent: Cornella Fay Wilder
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Marcia Jacobs Adam
Virgina Horton Adams*
Dorothy Fitch Adamson*
Beth Piatt Bascom*
Emily Blunt Batten*
Ann Savoye Beddiges*
June Starbird Brown
Lindsay Cochrane Burdick
Shirley Peer Burns P’75*
Eleanor Hayne Chisholm
Agnes Cornell Cook P’71*
Elizabeth Doele Curran P’77*
Olga Wells Dalton
Caroline Scofield Davis*
Jane Messeck Does*
Nancy Stead Duble*
Shirley Holmes Dunlap GP’98*
Alice Hubbert Forbes*
Lynda Childs Fritz*
Jeanne Courtemanche Gay*
Renee Goldblatt Gilbert*
Jean Thomas Gray
Patricia W. Grouls*
Joan Curtis Hall*
Dorothy Morse Hunt*
Elizabeth Owen Jacoby*
Patricia O’Connor Joyner*
Martha Turner Klenk*
Joan Watson Krumm*
Margaret Fish Langa P’74*
Judith Hidden Lanius*
Josephine Symons Lee*
Nancy Wiggin McVickar
Claire Couble O’Hara P’76,’80*
Martha Worth Oberrender*
June Morse Parker*
Marjorie Lanz Parker*
Marion Nickerson Paulson*
Barbara Hunt Peirson*
Annual Fund:
Sylvia Jacobs Alden*
Nancy Dexter Aldrich P’76*
Patricia Youngman Ames*
Elizabeth Forrest Annis*
Barbara Smith Barnett*
Barbara Witte Baron*
Beverly Johnson Bitner
Dorothy Sanborn Breed*
Beryl Knight Brown
Elizabeth Barnes Carpenter
Madelon Pennicke Cattell*
Katherine Heinrich Clark*
Frances Wannerstrom Clark P’79*
Louise Cornish Creel*
Dori Shays Dangerfield*
Jane Adams Darnell*
Priscilla Irish Demos
Susan Hight Denny*
Ann Buckman Dickson*
Katharine Sutro Dougherty*
Grace James Evans*
Sara Ackerman Frey*
Jean Klaubert Friend*
Marilyn Belding Hilly*
Eleanore L. Hodson*
Sallie Fillebrown Hofmann*
Barbara Hamilton Hopkins*
June Paton Hughes P’71*
Ann Wyllie Jarrett P’86
Jane Martin Kant*
Jean Cummins Kurtis*
Margaret Perkins Lombard*
Roberta Ware London P’79*
Carol Shoemaker Marck, P’76’82*
Olga Kavochka Mayo*
Phyllis McLoon
Barbara E. Merrill P’77*
Joan McGrath Moran
Patricia Bentley Nye
Ruth Dresser Paulson
Virginia Esty Pendlebury*
Rachel Cole Phinney*
Nancy Hobkirk Pierson*
Barbara Cassky Raitto*
Jeanne Woodruff Ramsey*
Lois Booth Robbie*
Natalie Davis Rooke P’73*
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Class Agent: Dorothy Glover Grimball
Class Agent Needed
Ann Ackerman Rourke*
Patricia Anderson Schmitt*
Catherine Crosby Sherman
Carol Weissenborn Smith*
Eleanor Galt Stafford*
Mary Ogden Sutcliffe P’85*
Barbara Schramm Taylor*
Barbara-Jane Smith Thompson P’86*
Anne Franklin Van Oppen Cook*
Barbara Schulz Watts*
Phyllis Harty Wells*
Virginia Orr Welsh
Martha Dimmitt White*
Janet West Williams
Betsey Cook Willis*
Polly Wheaton Wimer
Joan Rowell Abbe P’82*
Barbara Conkey Armstrong*
Patricia Trewhella Armstrong*
Barbara Hoyt Baker*
Althea Currier Barker*
Patricia Smith Beach P’71*
Margery Stouffer Biggar*
Jane Nicholas Birge*
Susan Park Blackwell*
Cynthia Overton Blandy*
Penelope Morse Bolton
Audrey A. Bostwick*
Annabelle Gates Broderick
Patricia Pease Calvo*
Helen Casciani*
Cathryn Joslin Center*
Evelyn Hesse Coughlan P’75*
Sisamme Ott Dana*
Constance Apostoles Dimou*
Dorothea Walker Dressler
Barbara Cocks Eastman*
Bernice Labovitz Frisch*
Edith Stedfast Gardner P’71*
Dorothy Glover Grimball*
Barbara Learmonth Hall*
Patricia S. Hammond*
Sally Woodbury Handy*
Jean Monroe Hanna*
Ann Kimball Hanold*
Margaret Thomas Hansen*
Jean Larkum Hardcastle
Carolyn Chase Hatch*
Elizabeth See Hill P’76*
Barbara Dent Hinman P’70,’73*
Ann Poindexter Ives P’75*
Catherine Chiquoine Jaccodine
Joanne Priest Jackley*
Constance Dickinson Johnson*
Jacqueline Cricenti Kelly*
Sally Jenkins Kimball*
Barbara Hallett King P’72*
Joan Trainer Kirsten*
Sally Woodbury Korn
Pauline Dunn Lanata*
Annual Report
Joanne Hogg Loomis
Jane Coulson MacDonald*
Joanne McMullen Mason*
Elizabeth Reynolds Matthews*
Julie Hamm McDowell*
Jean Bryant Meyer
Margaret Monroe Mink*
Donna Oosting Muenzberg P’79*
Joan Peterson*
Jane Cluff Pickering*
Louise Widen Pittenger
Sarah Church Popko*
Barbara Laurie Prescott
Helen Gardner Pugh*
Miriam Coffin Ragsdale*
Sally Nicolosi Rattray*
Frances Comey Reid*
Janet Sargent Russell*
Anne Hull Sargent P’77*
Barbara Russell Sayward*
Doris Semisch Shearer*
Lois Patterson Sligh*
Margot Hageman Smith*
Joan Hamilton Sweetland
Priscilla Swezey Teich
Sally Harlow Terry*
Elizabeth Wood Werley*
Susanne Neiley White*
Nita Michelini White*
Marcia McNeil Wilbor*
Margaret Starbird Yanik*
Class Agent: Ruth Gray Pratt
Class Agent: Rita Ferris Briggs
Annual Fund:
Mary Pelletier Linman*
Lindy Clapp Macfarland*
Mary Stanier Maloney*
Mary Kridel Mark*
Joan Eaton Mauk*
Susan Morrison Mayer P’75*
Jean Hubley Meyer*
Elisabeth Harrison Morgan*
Barbara James Mueller*
Kathleen Valliere Ouilette
Betty Alden Parker*
Jane Richardson Pearson*
Joan Van Iderstine Peterson*
Nancy Palmer Reid P’80*
Barbara Duryea Rybeck*
Harriet Patriquin Sanchez*
Deborah Rosenblum Shapiro*
Anne Bailey Shealy*
Jane Grayson Slover*
Nancy Frost Smith*
Mary Hood Smith
Elizabeth Simpler St. George*
Joan Hubley Sundeen*
Lois Smith Thornton*
Ruth Shonyo Trask*
Ruth Hanson Tuck
Mary Stanton Tullis*
Leslie Moore Waldbillig*
Class Agent: Joan Rablin Keppler
Annual Fund:
Martha Marano Ackermann
Nancy Shumway Adams*
Evelyn Shankman Bazer
Isabelle Barnett Berglund*
Noel Hendriques Brakenhoff*
Mimi Bently Burton*
Constance Hutchins Cahill*
Marian Pennock Calhoun
Carol Hunter Christophe*
Betty Gundlach Currier*
Ingrid M. Davidge
Barbara Smith Day*
Class Agent: Ann Radcliff Wells
Annual Fund:
Nancy Baldwin Adams*
Jane N. Bacon*
Gordon McAllen Baker*
Nancy Stone Barrett*
Nancy Ober Batchelder*
Janet Graves Bates*
Joan Pilkington Becker*
Sally O’Neill Behney P’77
R e p o r t
Joan Booth Adams*
E.J. Martin Albergotti*
Helen Simms Alberti
Joan Howie Alderton P’83*
Nancy Wallace Ashton*
Margery Bugbee Atherton*
Ruth F. Bannister*
Nancy MacCalla Bazemore*
Dorothy Ernst Bean*
Marguerite Cline Beckman*
Joan Taylor Beucke
Ellen Harman Bishop
Cornelia Bingham Boland*
Dorothy Redfield Brooks*
Barbara Alpaugh Bull P’88*
Eleanor Merklen Cambrey*
Ann L. Carter*
Anne Rantoul Conner*
Ann Houston Conover*
Joan Gilbert Crossley*
Roberta Green Davis*
Ursula Meyerhof Davis*
Patricia A. Day*
Mary Loudon Eckert P’86
Susan Adams Ellis*
Jane Laidlaw Fisher*
Marilyn Savely Fotheringham*
Eleanor Morrison Goldthwait*
Mary Mitchell Hadley*
Marsignia Meyer Hale*
Marilyn Smid Hoffman*
Ann Withe Holmgren
Susan Clapp Humphrey*
Sally Hueston Day
Patricia Caswell Dey*
Elaine Marks Disick
Marilyn Woods Entwistle*
Jean Easton Erb*
Valerie Hunt Evans*
Marye-Jane Harrington French*
Nina Hall Geilich
Corinne Smoller Goldstein*
Susan Cleaves Graham*
Ann Doyle Gramstorff*
Margaret Scruton Green*
Ann Raabe Halloran*
Joanne Fowle Hinds*
Nancy Keefe Hirschberg
Anne Prindle Johnson*
Natalie Clarke Jones*
Phyllis Reynolds Kapner*
Junia Dunham Kennedy
Joan Rablin Keppler*
Polly Heath Kidder*
Carol Moffitt Kline
Mary C. Lanius
Barbara Hallett Lester
Ruth Richards Lovingood*
Lee Miller Lower*
Mary Anne Lutz Mackin
Marilyn Moore Maslow*
Janica Walker McDonough
Nancy Garland Menchetti*
Sally Smith Miller
Mary Jane Fritzinger Moeller*
M. Jane Montgomery*
Joan Salmon Nesbit*
Judith Chamberlain Nickerson P’76
Sally Humphreys Nicoll*
Kristine Eldridge Osborn*
Mary Merrow Paden
Elaine Achber Pfeiffer
Leslie Van Riper Raths
Joan Thompson Sahler*
Elizabeth Carlson Salomon
Janet Udall Schaefer*
Carol Woods Searing*
Coralie Huberth Sloan*
June Parker Smith*
Elizabeth Borgerson Stevens*
Lydia Ashmead Strother
Nancy Angell Taylor*
Patricia Simmers Thompson*
Jean Roach Tozier
Melba Harrison Wallace*
Virginia Lawrence Warner
A n n u a l
Martha Frey Allen*
June Ramsey Atwood*
Helen Germundson Bartlett*
Jean Wheeler Blackmur
Barbara Reed Bordeaux
Sally Hartwell Born*
Ann Roraback Bowen*
Virginia Colpitts Bowers P’78*
Joan Lucas Brandley P’82
Sally Ritchie Brannan
Rita Ferris Briggs*
Josephine Carlson Clark*
Ann Kitfield Clarke*
Elizabeth Hansen Cohen*
Shirley Smith Crawford*
Cynthia Leach Cudworth*
Ann Bemis Day*
Jean Holmes Duffett*
Gwenyth Hall Dunbar*
Patricia Jaffer Ellis*
Gretchen Siegfried Estensen*
Sally Ives Foster*
Marjorie Hamilton Gorham*
Priscilla Johnson Greene*
Joan Magavern Gregory P’85*
Barbara Fetzer Herbert
Harriet Fitkin Hill
Patricia Davis Hoffman*
Marilyn Smith Hooper*
Gisele Gonfreville Hornbostel
Maxine Morrison Hunter
Katherine V. Jones*
Jean Fuller Knowlton*
Ethel McCauley Kyle*
Janet Phelon Lawton*
Annual Fund:
Joan Weaver Hylander*
Shirlie Flanders Ireland
Janet Nordhouse Kennebeck*
Beverley Cushman Knudsen*
Polly Ford Labalme*
Denise van Valkenburg Lalim*
Mary Jane Critchett Lane P’76
Joan Hadley Lena
Carol Warshaw Levine*
Elaine Wahlstad Littlehales*
Gerry D’Amico Loehr P’73*
Joan Barr Lowell*
Barbara Easterbrooks Mailey*
Nancy Hess Mathes*
Carolyn Tilton Medgyesy
Ann Harrison Michels*
Beverly Janson Mogensen*
Eunice Morse*
Jean Malony Murdock*
Lynn Healy Nichols P’74*
Mary Geissler Nilsson*
Elizabeth Manning Niven*
Sally Conner Parry*
Janet Ten Broeck Pierce*
Elizabeth Booth Pilling
Ruth Gray Pratt P’80*
Susan Roesser Putnam*
Catherine Miller Ray
Marcia Rogers Reilly*
Frances Black Rosborough*
Irene Baker Salmonsen*
Joan Gillette Schmidt*
Bernice Patkin Shuman*
Anmarie Roessler Smith*
Joan White Snively*
Carole Katz Spatz*
Ellen Duane Stumpf*
Joan Zimble Sudikoff*
Joan F. Sullivan*
Marilyn Asbury Taylor*
Marie Lecour Taylor*
Elizabeth Blake Tornaritis P’79*
Marion Weait Tresouthick*
Amy Deyo Trinkino*
Janice Rundle Trucksess*
Barbara Gesen Trulson*
Mary Ann Harman Wagner
Jane Radcliff Weimar*
Nancy Tobey Williams P’82*
Patricia Pearson Wingard P’79*
Muriel Hubbert Wood*
Maryann Henry von Dwingelo*
Annual Report
Jane Thompson Belsky*
Marilyn Pond Bonasia*
A. Watson Bray P’79*
Barbara Hynes Brown*
Barbara Young Camp*
Lee Booma Carangelo*
Ruth Sampson Clark*
Ednamae Nichols Clarke
Martha Jost Claxton*
Clare D. Conover*
Ann Murdoch Cooper
Alison Faulk Curtis*
Elsa Holstebro DeFrances*
Jane Pearl Dickinson*
Joyce Bertram Diehl*
Joan Vincent Donelan P’81*
Sybil Scott Dupuis*
Nancy Carter Eaton*
Jane Bingham Fawcett*
Louise Dumontier Gaumer*
Sarah Bond Gilson*
Peggy Yeaton Gleckler*
Diane MacKenzie Griffiths*
Helen Grove Haerle*
Janet Butterfield Haworth*
Myrna Perry Heald P’74*
Sally Heald*
Susan Rivoire Hostnik*
Darthea Wells Hunt*
Virginia Merklen Hutchins*
Lydia Bates Ingraham*
Barbara Freeman Jones*
Barbara Marsh Jones
Norma Holstebro Jordan
Carolyn Nagel Kaufman*
Polly Black Koerner*
Judith Bingham Larsen*
Marina Filides Latchis*
Mary Eberlein Longabaugh*
Lois Enman Marshall
Virginia Erb McGinley*
Joan Hunter Miller
Martha Funk Miller*
Phyllis Coppeto Mischou*
Patricia Dobbs Montgomery
Naomi Nylund Ogden*
Sonia Collom Oram*
Joan Otis Peterson
Sally Hurl Phelps*
Katharine C. Purrington*
Vaughan Peters Rachel
Sandra Sharp Rhodes*
Nancy Messenger Roby*
Barbara Johnston Rodgers*
Margaret Magoun Rothrauff*
Joan Bartram Sawyer*
Patricia Blake Sayles*
Diane Eppel Schryber*
Nancy Prann Segee*
Tracy Rickers Siani*
Elaine Olson Smith*
Irene Crossley Tarnowski*
Barbara Howe Tucker P’81*
Sheila Welsh Tuller*
Charlotte Schimmat Urban
Joan Houlihan Van Nest*
Ellen Barrows Van Winkle*
Audrey Davis Walker*
Ann Radcliff Wells*
Nancy Southwick Westland*
Gretchen Hoch White P’90*
Sally Wheeler Whitney*
Noel Roe Wilson P’83*
Suzanne Hilty Wilson*
Barbara Fenn Wysession
M. Catherine Oberrender von Glahn*
Ruth E. Rice*
Laurette Lukens Rindlaub*
Joan O’Neil Ross
Coralyn Whiting Samson*
Helen Johnson Sargent*
Ruth Levy Schultz
Lois Kilpatrick Shelton*
Enid Karmazine Shocket
Patricia Jezierny Short
Wilma Smiley
Joanne Ripley Spencer*
Jean Samuels Stephens*
Louise Moser Stoops P’83*
Sachiko Mizoguchi Taneda*
Judith Dickinson Taylor*
Ann Hilton Thompson*
Margaret C. Thompson*
Sidney Faithfull Van Zandt
Gertrude Bast Vermilya*
Natalie Langley Webster*
Mary-Jane Mahoney Wright
Judith Miller Wyatt*
Class Agent:
Elizabeth “Libby” Moss Phillips
Annual Fund:
Marjorie Dexter Ayars*
Barbara Rogers Berndt*
Jane Doherty Bissell*
Patricia Blackwood
Virginia Sbarra Boeck*
Deborah Mathes Brabec
Emily Spencer Breaugh*
Frances Kiehn Browne*
Claire Mufson Carter*
Gloria Fish Chick*
Blenda F. Covill*
Elinor DeFord Crane*
Nancy Brown Cummings P’74*
Anne Batchelor De Grazia*
Virginia Kelly Doyle
Ruth Crimp Felker*
Myrtle Westhaver Flight*
Sally Browne Foster*
Joan Chace Hallberg*
Janet Hofmann Hansen
Glenice Hobbs Harmon*
Elizabeth Margeson Harrison*
Nancy Tripp Herrington*
Ann Blessing Hibler*
Dorothy Colburn Holstine*
Barbara Dennett Howard*
Sara Bassett Howe*
Deborah Boyer Hyslop*
Jean Cragin Ingwersen*
Cynthia Janes Kimberley P’80*
Sally Clickner L’Huillier
Elizabeth J. Laidlaw
Ann Vincent Lee*
Martha Kenney Lewis
Shirley I. Marshall*
Joan Dryden May*
Judith Adams McAllister*
Anne Dwyer Milne*
Margaret Lewis Moreland*
Shirley Goebel Muller*
Joan Potter Nelson*
Sara Hay Nichols*
Janet Rich Nixon P’78*
Joan Potter Palatine*
Nancy Paige Parker P’77*
Barbara Ritter Peterson*
Elizabeth M. Phillips*
Suzanne Curley Price*
Joan Durkee Reed P’85*
Carol Nelson Reid*
Carol Crocker Rice*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Martha Dodge Altemus*
Terry Whitten Bailey*
Barbara Brown Bateman*
Marinda Helmer Beinert*
Grace Meeks Berg*
Elaine Leviton Blumberg*
Martha Thorp Brightman*
Stephanie Brown Carleton*
Ann Siegfried Carlson*
Sandra D. Carpenter*
Sally Roesser Christy*
Barbara Jerauld Coffin*
Nancy Mahon Collins
Nancy Little Cotton*
Jeraldine Davis Dean*
Elaine Andrews Demetroulakos*
Constance Valpey Deschenes*
Judith Meyer Desenberg
Carol Myers Ditmore*
Sara Paul Dommel*
Margaret Judge Dooley
Nancy Stursberg Drapkin*
Ann Atkinson Edinger*
Sallie Lou Johnson Elliott*
Mareen Dedrick Evans
Frances Kennedy Finch*
Julia Snyder Fink*
Sally Gay Flynn*
Jane Langer Fortmann*
Sally Beardslee Foster P’84*
Ruth Houston Fowler*
Cynthia Cheney Gilmore
Mary Roberts Giolito
Marilyn Williams Greene
Carole Binney Haehnel*
Marcia Symmes Harmon P’78*
Linda Fitzpatrick Heggy*
Ann Whaley Hosted*
Sally Eldridge Howard P’77*
Judith Engel Hunter*
Jane Lawler Jackman*
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Eleanor Faulkner Jones
Nancy Wilkins Kaplan*
Sandra Goodchild Karstens*
Gail Burnett Kass*
Jane Kaup*
Rosemary Carhart Keenan*
Diane Longmaid Kelly
Nancy Fisher Kerr*
Irmeli Ahomaki Kilburn*
Joan Cole Knost*
Joan Juskalian Kolligian*
Linda Valpey Langan*
Alethe Laird Lescinsky*
Barbara Drenckhahn Loughran*
Sylvia Howard McCarthy*
Joanne Holden Miller*
Barbara Harris Mimmack*
Nancy Sellers Mion*
Eleanor Coughlin Murphy*
Polly Parsons Nash*
Jean Warwick Osgood*
Sally Stayman Palmer*
Marilyn Potter Perakos
Cynthia Ward Peters*
Bettina French Pietri
Elizabeth Ann Rintels
R. Sandra Rieger Ryan*
Virginia Beck Sanborn*
Barbara Harmon Sawyer*
Joan-Lee Goldsmith Shames*
Dona Smith Shanklin
Susan Bailey Sink*
Georgianna Hubbell Sorensen*
Jane Shoemaker Storm
Barbara Curtis Sturgeon*
Bryce Loudon Ten Broek*
Janice Spurr Titus*
Carolyn Hayward Wallace*
Janet Taber Walls*
Barbara Strait Wentz*
Frances Roberts Wilson*
Class Agent: Nancy Hoyt Langbein
Annual Fund:
Nancy Morris Adams*
Carol Sellers Baldock*
Patricia O’Brien Barnett
Barbara Beals Beal*
Lise-Lotte Hindenburg Becker*
Carol Washburn Brown*
Doreen Corkum Bushman*
Eleanor Kent Chastain*
Jane Marcelais Childers*
Suzanne Higi Clancy*
Dawn Allman Clark*
Shirley Croft Coleman
Joan DeBevoise Corbin*
Abby Hoge Csaplar
Liz Zeller Curley*
Jane Keese Darling
Patricia Cooke Dugger*
Carolyn Fantasia
Charlotte Flink Faulkner*
Ernestine Bellamy Firth P’92
Ann Petty Germano*
Annual Report
Class Agent: Julie Miller
Annual Fund:
$ 15,145
Althea T. Weeks*
Linda Hano Weintraub*
Judith Lynah Wheeler P’83*
Kim Yaksha Whiteley*
Carolyn Day Wilson*
Catherine Farrell Wilson*
Joan Sweetser Wright*
Roland Zavada*
Carol Adamian Zeytoonjian*
Class Agent: Constance Taylor Raven
Annual Fund:
Isabelle S. Appleton P’87*
Mary Stewart Baird*
Julia Igo Bantly*
Katherine Gregory Barnard*
Helen Storey Barrow*
Judeen Cameron Barwood*
Alice Ensdorf Bergstrom*
Tina Lundberg Blount P’82*
Meredith Chase Boren*
Marlene Williams Boyland*
Joyce Robinson Bridgman*
Jo-Ann Matukas Churchill*
Marcia S. Cohn*
Susan B. Colby*
Karyl Allyn Condit*
Nancy Wiesner Conkling
Stephanie Smith Cross*
Deborah Smith Darby*
Lisabeth Miller Dearborn*
Mary Ellen Kimball Egan*
Nancy Devaux Eidam*
Lynn Johnson Evans*
Joanne Macurdy Fairchild*
Sandra Clare Fessenden
Anne Fox*
Sally Bryant Francis*
Diana Healey Glendon*
Susan Copeland Grant*
Sarah Seekins Gunther*
Monica Wetterberg Gustafsson*
Nancy Stuart Heath
Priscilla Hall Hooper*
Barbara Billings Howe*
Susan Grove Hyson*
Martha Reed Jennings
Jacqueline Walker Keller*
Marcia Vieth Koppes
Susan Macfarlane Lanham*
Elizabeth S. Ledyard*
Sally Nathan Lusk
Sandra McBeth*
Hilda Hutchins McCollum*
Joan Perkinson Middleton*
Kathleen McAlear Mitchell*
Barbara Lefebvre Morse*
Jean Johnston Mulligan*
Sandra Dichter Nelson
Patricia Whitten Norton
Katina Schneider Powell
Edith M. Radley*
Susan Randolph Ramsey
Constance Taylor Raven*
Carol Diem Recht
Nancy Nordlie Reycroft*
Linda Thomson Righter*
Mary Ann Link Russell*
Nancy Carrell Sanborn*
Carol Malloy Seymour
Barbara Rushforth Speir*
Mary Jo Scott Springer
Jean Esval Stillwell*
Margaret Whitney Strohbeck*
Sally J. Todd*
Katherine Filides Tsouros*
Diane Hodgson Tully*
Susan Schladermundt Ulseth
Shirley Waters*
Jill Matthews Whelan
Marcia Newson White*
Donna Watkins Zorge*
Class Agents:
Judith Christie Anderson
Judith Gilmore Getchell
Annual Fund:
Marlene Nelson Allison
Bette Silven Alsobrook*
Judith Anderson Anderson*
Virginia Tupper Anderson
Joan Giglio Ash*
Nancy Scrivenor Atwood
Priscilla Tufts Bartle*
Mary Wellman Bates P’81*
Margaret Scott Black*
Sandra MacPhail Black
Judith Weisfeld Block*
Sandra Backer Broadbridge*
Merrily Appleton Brown*
Susan Gurney Buckey*
Martha Burke*
Diane Taylor Bushfield
Gail Keppel Butler*
Mary Willand Calhoun*
Brenda Drechsler Cocco
Elizabeth Laidlaw Cochran*
Ruth Malmquist Craffey P’86*
Marion Hill Dunn*
Barbara Mitchell Ellis*
Bonnie Bladworth Fallon*
Anne Goodman Finley
Janet Chaffe Fischer*
Ada Joslin Flanagan*
Sarah Beal Fowler*
Barbara Butler Fraser
Joan Blair Freund*
Anne McCombe Frost*
Martha Reynolds Gauger*
Elaine Lewis Grable
Ann Darracq Graham*
Lorrie Leen Grossman
Carolyn Farrand Hager*
Diana Yale Hake P’86*
Marion Henshaw Hauck*
Susan Starr Hayes*
Catee Gold Hubbard*
Gretchen Seabold Johnson*
Marsha Halpin Johnson*
R e p o r t
Melinda Weber Achenbach
Deborah Knapp Adams*
Sandra Dennis Allen*
Janice Mahoney Amidon*
Diane Waplington Beck*
Marcie Pokorny Bentz
Diane Gash Brusman
Sally Matherson Carlson*
Brenda Schneckenburger Colby*
Elizabeth Grayson Deal
Charlotte Dorney DiMartinis*
Leslie Wright Dow*
Sally Little Dussault
Elizabeth Kendig Eastman*
Carol McMahon Ehnat
Joy Skaarup Evans
Ruth Harvey Evans*
Eunice Haugan Fly*
Diane Shugrue Gallagher
Judith Morrison Gentry*
Deborah Stafford Gilchrist*
Nadine Nellis Glover*
Jean Holdridge Goheen*
Joan Lowcock Goodison
Adelaide Anthony Griffiths P’78*
Elaine Schrader Head*
Barbara Rivers Hibbs*
Cynthia Halliday Holler P’82*
Eleanor Carlson Hutchinson*
Ellen Fotter Jamison*
R. Gayle Sheldon Juliani*
Virginia Keith
Gretchen Grohe Keyworth*
Barbara Chandler Kimm*
Elaine Elmore King
Virginia Putnam Kinkead*
Bertrand W. Lummus P’86*
Elaine Mecca Madden
Mary Sullivan Martin
Sally Litchfield McEvoy
Julie Miller*
Eva Lorange Mitchell
Jane Vose Mook*
Marie Seibert Moyer
Carol Dornemann Otis*
Debra Lamson Perkins P’79*
Elizabeth Lucie Perreault*
Nancy Brayton Peterson
Paula Scammon Poire*
Ruth Gillis Pucciarelli*
Wendy Wilkerson Pyper*
Emily Beckett Reed
Jean Anderson Reis*
Jane Baxter Richardson
Linda Roemer Rideout*
Anne Carty Rogers*
Carolyn Fletcher Ryan
John N. Schullinger
Carol Glock Seving*
Kathryn Stott Shaw
Garnett Seifert Shores*
Ann Smith
Barbara Watrous Smith*
Nancy Bailey Smith*
Suzanne Staley Spaulding
Barbara Koontz Stevens*
Barbara Soutelle Stewart
Eileen Gay Stiles P’68
Elizabeth Nelson Summers*
Janet Fisher Swanson*
Elizabeth Allen Swim
Sarah Taber*
Mary Knox Tatnall
Ann Bradlee Tauchert P’80*
Dorthea Wind Teasdale P’82
Barbara Tucker*
Barbara Addessi Vaccaro*
Suzanne Vander Veer
Karen Fahlgren Warrick*
A n n u a l
Patricia Beckley Governale*
Adrienne Pease Guptill*
Sarah Clemence Hardy*
Barbara McIntire Haskins*
Pamela Scott Heydon*
Marilyn Lewis Hobson
Karen F. Johnson
Carole Scherer Judge*
Elizabeth Ferguson Jump*
Patricia Lowry Keeley
Anneke Denhartog Keith*
Marjorie Schick Kenny
Nancy Miller Knopp*
Ida Gechijian Kolligian*
Ginny Messmer Krebs*
Ruth Rissland Kreuter*
Nancy Meaker Laird*
Nancy Hoyt Langbein*
Carol Molander Linsley*
Patricia Anderson Little
Myrna Chernin Lord*
Nancy Allen MacLean
Ann Gregory Metzger
Patience Foster Moll P’81*
Lynn Shepherd Nichols*
Anne de Mille Nieman*
Nancy Beyer Opler*
Joan Cochrane Pelletier*
Judith Purcell Plank*
Priscilla Nelson Richardson*
Judith Oglee Sanders
Patricia Harbison Sauter
Ann Boyd Seidel*
Judith Hanson Shade
Cynthia Oswald Sipos*
Marilyn Stott Smith*
Anne Camp St. John*
Augusta Crocker Stewart*
Barbara Bradway Stone*
Frances Glenn Suderman P’79*
Deborah D. Sullivan
Louise Bomengen Swenson
Rene Driscoll Tanner*
Sarah Rudy Terhune*
Linda E. Thompson
Patricia A. Thornton*
Sally C. Townsend
Lorna Burke Tseckares*
Judith Westphal Waggoner*
Gail Craven Watson*
Joan Muller Weinstein*
Judith Tinsman White P’90*
Marsha Smoller Winer
Annual Report
Judy Gamage Kelly*
Patricia Bowker Lach*
Nancy Cooke Latta*
Jane Bruns Lenher
Rebecca B. Lovingood
Jacquelyn Chriss Mason*
Barbara Hilliard Matteson
Leslie Fritz Moss*
Barbara Nielsen
Joanne Rowland Osgood-Slater*
Barbara Brodrick Parish*
Virginia Case Parkin*
Janet Preble Prew*
Rosamund Read*
Alice Fitch Richards*
Phyllis Hall Rick
Joyce Bigelow Sandberg*
Kimberly Gordon Snyder
Marilyn Stark Steen*
Frances Hamilton Streeter
Judith McCormick Taylor*
Suzanne Parris Ten Broeck*
Anne Tracy*
Coralie Alan Tweed*
Martha Penfield Umba*
Jane Dittmann Voss*
Sibyl Mueller Weinstein*
Carole Hamell Wenthen*
Doris Evans Williams*
Nan Nielsen Williams*
Virginia Dana Windmuller*
Linda Brereton Wirts
Joan MacFadyen Worgan*
Class Agent: Gale Hartung Baldwin
Annual Fund:
Sharon Quinn Ainslie*
Margaret Alderfer
Nancy Willets Ardizone*
Carolyn Metzger Asbury*
Gale Hartung Baldwin
Ellen Cook Barnes*
Laura Clarke Barton*
Sally J. Biever-Ward*
Harriet Butler Boyden
Jane Wilbur Brown*
Roberta Newton Brown*
Sharley Janes Bryce*
Hope Tyler Buckner
Sally Kimball Campbell
Caroline Clark Chipman*
Emilie Merritt Cobb*
Rachelle Morency College*
Sherol Squier Cooley
Wendy Shaw Curley*
Judith Dallin Cutts
Judith Gemmill D’Errico*
Elizabeth Boothe Davis*
Caroline De Forest
Elizabeth Foss Dinsmore*
Christine Carlson Dolan*
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Katherine Fitzpatrick Donnelly
Jean-Carol Ames Dunham*
Patricia Canby Dushane*
Julie Dougherty Egenberg*
Kathryn Weaver Ferguson*
Joyce Klapproth Forsyth*
Susan Rubin Frankel*
Anne Johnson Frost*
Judith Johnson Gibbs*
Judith C. Godden*
Kathi Schmid Grant
Jane Spangler Green*
Josephine Emerson Howard
Dorothy Summers Howell
Rosemary Rood Idema*
Judith Provandie Johnson
Sarah Stevens Johnson*
Ellen Brainard Judd P’89*
Diana Davis Kingman*
Ann Parsons Klump
Barbara Taeffner Kulp*
Elizabeth Abel Lane*
Joyce Nichols Lewis
Susan Atkinson Lukens*
Marcia Goodale MacDonald*
Fredrica Furlong Mack*
Linda Buerk Matt*
Linda Beals McCollister*
Brenda Berry McKenna*
Susan McKenzie
Charlotte Heyl McLaughlin*
Brenda Cowles Merrick P’86*
Susan Barto Monks*
Sally Winters Mouawad*
Cynthia C. Naylor*
Barbara Lippi Neal*
Sarah Macomber Nicholson
Ann Skeels Nielsen*
Nancy French O’Neill
Linda Werner Oliver*
Marianne Harvey Olsen*
Patricia Stiriz Parliman*
Marcia Williams Perry*
Sue Hillier Puffer
Judith Levenson Ross*
Ellen Winslow Ruhl*
Susan Porter Saunders*
Nancy Adams Scherer*
Marcia O’Donnell Schoeller*
Jane Lundberg Scott*
Nancy Lucas Sheridan*
Catherine Baird Smith*
Barbara Swanson Smith P’84*
Trina Hendershot Smith*
Brenda Hirst Stone*
Birgit Rasmussen Talbot*
Pamela Fitch Tausta*
Barbara Bruce Welt*
Susan Kershaw Brostoff*
Marcia Hewett Burnett
Sally Reynolds Carlin
Carol Graves Cimilluca*
Martha G. Clark*
Carolyn Gahan Collari
Winifred Poor Crocetti*
Toby-Ann Grossman Cronin
Barbara Steinemann Crosby*
Stephanie Morrison D’Alessandro*
Linda Thelin Daisley
Susan Olney Datthyn P’00*
Joan Bryan Davis*
Louise Lederer Davis
Susan Lawsing Dow
Virginia Connick Dwight*
Sandra Trimble Enck ’61
Ann Hoar Floyd*
Faith Damon Frasca*
Marion Stevens Gannett
Judith Mulholland Genge
Judith O’Grady Gordon*
Esther Fuller Graham-Yooll*
Barbara Green Gramenos
Susan A. Greene*
Sally Cook Gregg
Judith Boldt Haly
Judith Holden Harris*
Sally Morris Hayen*
Ruth Cluett Hendricks*
Joanne M’Grath Hetrick*
Alix Littna Heuston*
Jane Mullen Hildreth
Ruth Bowden Jacobs
Constance Lewko Jones
Kathie Warner Kirkpatrick
Jessica Stiteler Koeberle
Jean Davison Krieg*
Darlene Austin Kuerzel P’86
Sandra Senftleben Kuster*
Sue Romer Ladouceur
Elizabeth Schmidt Larson
Elizabeth Lennox*
Janice Weaver Lima*
Frances Wilson Lloyd*
Virginia Fitz Loeffler
Jacquelyn Taft Lowe
Elizabeth Walker Lum*
Barbara Kemp McGillicuddy*
Susan Colcock Mitchel*
Elizabeth Monohan*
Anne Mansell Moodey
Marianne Walling Morris
Sarah Watterson Mortimer*
Mary Nelson Myers
Mary Watt Frischkorn New
Emily Novotny Oelkers*
Carolyn Stanton Peirce*
Lynne Russell Pillsbury
Gail Putnam
Peggy Burt Rizzotto
Judyth Rossee
Patricia Faragher Sahm*
Carolyn Hanford Saum*
Linda Dexter Schmid*
Elizabeth Burbank Sink*
Karen Condon Stewart
Sara Cole Tague
Joyce Danielson Tatoian
Jane Gilmore Trethewey
Sara Read Walden
Deborah Tracy White*
Class Agent:
Prudence “Prue” Jensen Heard
Annual Fund:
Marilyn Adams
Judith Froehlich Amato*
Brenda Birkemose Arnold*
Betsy Rockwell Bartholomew
Diana Curren Bennett*
Susan Heath Bint*
Paula Haight Briggs
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Edith Moser Apostal
Joan Truex Barton*
Betsey Soule Boothby
Susan Jannicky Brownwood
Sally Roberts Burgess*
Ellen Gessner Clowes*
Anne Longstreth DeLay
Emily Jones Dix*
Diane Huston Dobbins*
Juditha Johnson Dowd*
Jean Scott Dybdal*
Lynn Dysart Elwell*
Holly Williams Enderlin*
Barbara Reed Evans*
Cynthia Carlisle Felt*
Sandra Dix Fesler
Jane McGown Flynn*
Ellen M. Forbes
Fredericka Herrmann Ginther*
Gail Graham
Joyce Rogers Harrington
Taska Wakefield Hener
Barbar Hodge Holmes*
Carol Carpenter Hudson
Barbara Greenspan Jacobson*
Virginia Ryan Joffe*
Maritza Barnett Johnson*
Joan Maclaurin Kearsley
Virginia Brown Kellner
Erna Hoppe Killion
Beverly Brookfield Kinraide*
Judy Park Kukk*
Deborah Mawney Larson
Sally Mollenberg Lawlor
Anne Bibby Lesher
Carolyn Howe Lewis*
Judith McPherson Marks*
Dorothy MacKenzie Mason*
Jeanette Smith Maxwell P’92*
Suzanne Mayberry McCollum P’88*
Wynne Jesser McGrew*
Carol Moran Mosier
Patricia White Nash
Maxine Manning Norton
Joanne Johnson Olson*
Patricia Matthews Pope*
Carolyn Walther Pratt*
Barbara Stone Ramsay*
Linda Wright Robbins*
Mary Skiles Roberts*
Merle Rockwell-Modell
Gwenyth Harris Ruppert
Jill Hansen Ruyle P’91
Susan Sawyer*
Ann Knight Schaper
Carol Eidam Schmottlach*
Lynne Wavering Shotwell
Susan Northrop Sperry
Nancy Riddiford Stapenell
Penelope Read Stevens
Jane Howe Trainor
Annual Report
Sally Coronis Vallance*
Jill Schofield Wainwright
Pat Bryant Webber*
Ellen Gebhart Weingart*
Diane Randall Wells*
Carolyn Pierce Wescott
Alice Bash Weygandt
Catherine Harman White
Kathryn Oram Why*
Martha Hale Williamson*
Margot Fraker Wynkoop
Class Agent: Joan Gibney Whittaker
Annual Fund:
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Class Agent: Judith G. Butler
Annual Fund:
Ann Ryerson Avenenti
Katharine Temple Azoff*
Linda Crowley Bainer*
Jane F. Baird*
Leslie Carvalho Barlow*
Georgia Bizios*
Carlyn Druy Blum*
Sarah Briggs Boyd*
Suzanne Sincerbeaux Brian*
Elizabeth Smith Budelman
Judith G. Butler*
Leah R. Caswell
Mary Allen Chaisson*
Johanna Schroeder Chase*
Anne Fisher Colby
Anne Matternes Congdon*
Frances Crawford*
Bonnie Ray Cueman*
Julie Slocum Dahlgren*
Barbara Blank Danser
Pamela Dodd*
Carolyn M. Eames*
Vicki Aranow Feiner*
Susan Wells Ferrante*
Christine Biggs Ferraro*
Kathie Drohan Flatley
Ellen Vergobbe Foley P’87*
Jane Morris Gray*
Alison Wieting Hall*
Emily Moulton Hall*
Sarah Watson Healy*
Susan Robbie Heckerling*
Susan Coon Heidbrink*
Ann Hodgkinson-Low P’97
Jill Barry Hodsdon*
Dorothy Holland
Ruth Elliott Holmes P’95*
Dianne Ware Holzel*
Georgie Sawyer Hutton*
Molly Jaeger-Begent*
Martha Ritzman Johnson*
Deborah Holloway Kelley*
Mary A. Kenison*
Susan Feltham Kenyon*
Cathleen Earl Kostamo
Gertrude Dibble Lyon*
Susan Woodruff Macaulay*
Susan Thomas Maloney
Ginnie-Lee Cutter McCaddin
Janet MacDonald McDermott
Gail Valtz Mecklem
Barbara Rooney Nevius*
Ford Sargent Orr*
Rebecca Atwood Patton
Sue Elliott Pitcher
Judith Attridge Priestley*
Kathryn Wardner Riddle
Elizabeth Donovan Ripple
Susan E. Robinson
Joan S. Rockwell
Jane Hardy Roiter
Elaine Joseph Rossi
Sarah Robinson Safko*
Margot Stuart Salisbury
Ann Gorman Schenck*
Judith Emery Schoolwerth*
Diane E. Shaw*
Gale Schippers Sigloch*
Deborah Detwiller Smith*
Rosalie Belanger Sorenson*
Susan Morris Steen
Martha Mullendore Storey*
Virginia Floyd Sullivan*
Janice Condon Tew*
Sarah Hilfinger Tomb
Deborah L. Viles*
Andrea Sawtelle Vincent*
Nancy Sawyer Wadsworth
Leslie Seymour Wears*
Deborah Wheelock*
Pamela Stowe Wight*
Suzanne Hewson Wise
Sara S. Wolf*
R e p o r t
Pamela Dixey Abbott P’91
Carol Adams*
Ann Stevens Albert
Edith Wilkinson Allen*
Louise Robinson Allgaier*
Marjorie Darling Barnard
Pamela Pease Behn
E. Susan Bibby*
Susan Prentice Brainard*
Lucia Berger Brooks*
Pendleton Gray Burroughs*
Judith McGregor Caldwell*
Roberta Morrow Cobbett
Linda Tilton Coker
Martha Conant
Barbara Pinkerton Corns*
Linda McCutcheon Crow
Betsy Curtis D’Angelo*
Lucy White Dean*
Nancy Maclaurin Decaneas
Andrea Hobbs Dinolt
Genevieve M. Ebbert*
Ann Franklin Ewig
Caroline Mechem Fenollosa*
Margaret Davison Freeman*
Patricia Browne Frierson
Joyce Starratt Galliher*
Dorothy Clark Gould
Linda Robbins Graninger
Leslie Norris Gray*
Nancy Woodring Hansen*
Cynthia W. Hayes*
Stephanie Lowry Heneghan*
Marilyn McComb Houston
Katherine Kayser Hudson*
Betsy Myers Hunnewell*
Mary Miller Johnson*
Patricia Rogers Johnston*
Mary-Lynn Rand Jost*
Leslie Henchey Kehoe*
Joan Williams Laundon*
Alice Lawton Lehmann*
Eleanor Love-Ammermann
Joanne Fay Lyons*
Julie Hodgson McClennan*
Elisabeth Keny McDonald*
Clare Miller McFarland-Honan*
Elizabeth Reisner Murray*
Cynthia Adams Neily
Martha Hicks Ousback
Mary-Jane Riley Poirier*
Amy Harper Regan*
Susan Patricelli Regan
Gretchen Reuter
Bonnie Hamilton Rising*
Wendy Wadsworth Roberts*
Rebecca Young Robinson*
Ellen Terhune Schauff*
Patricia Havey Sexton*
Judith Adams Shadron*
H. Lonsdale Torrey Snyder*
Ann Tomlinson Sollo*
Sandra Edgcomb Stiger*
Lois Richardson Strauss*
Ann Wardwell Tanner
Diana W. Tripp
Jean Howell Vose*
Nancy Bland Wadhams*
Jean Berry Weber*
Binney Kitchel Wells*
Patricia Halbleib Werth
Valerie Taft West*
Virginia Simonds White*
Judith L. Wyer*
A n n u a l
Mary Lew Adams*
Martha Idell Anderson*
Mary Rand Anderson*
Jane Ingraham Ashford*
Elizabeth Effinger Baker*
Lacey Smallwood Bangs
Susan Bladworth Beeson
Edith Tupper Bishop*
Marna Nielsen Blanchette*
Carol Davis Bonazzoli*
Pamela Richardson Booma*
Marguerite MacCoy Borden*
Elizabeth Kane Burns
Diane Doolittle Burrell*
Charlotte Carlson Calhoun*
Pamela J. Causer*
Margot Dewey Churchill*
Susan Pinkerton Clarke*
Barbara Smythe Collins*
Molly F. Doyle
Karen Brown Dufault
Karen Dunn P’90*
Anne Haskell Ekstrom*
Tara Purcell Fell*
Sandra Newbert Fitts*
Robin Morsman Geis*
Susan McBride Gottschall*
Phyllis McPherson Grandbois*
Sandra Thompson Grigg
Donna Johnson Grinnell P’91*
Linda Robinson Harris
Corinne Dalzell Hodgson*
Linda Fehlinger Hoey*
Sandra Owens Holland*
Karen Archambault Hubbard*
Virginia Ward Jenkins*
Mary Buttrick Johnson
Beatrice Campbell Kempster*
Pamela Bartol Kennedy
Cheryl Gemberling Kozloff
Elizabeth Kouns Lamond*
Susan Sweet Lombard
Marion Ahbe Lord*
Barbara Buck MacDonald*
Sharon M. MacKnight*
Linda Oman Manning*
Pamela Rich Marston
Sara Wallace McCracken
Beverly Smart Meginley*
Frances Lee Montgomery
Sandra Carbine Morton*
Janice Wilson O’Connor*
Judith Boujicanian Oljey*
Jane Dielhenn Otis*
Susan Barney Papanicolaou*
Meredith McKenzie Parker*
Cynthia Nelson Pitcher*
Katherine Klimpke Richman*
Elma Abbe Rickards*
Alicia Sorensen Robertson*
Patricia Thomson Russell*
Janet Durbin Sisto*
Barbara Grimes Staats
Katherine Fulenwider Strickland*
Patricia Cunningham Sullivan*
Christine Turton Talbott*
Ann Nutter Thompson*
Nancy Burgess True*
Nancy Woodruff Vaught*
Susan Gordon Venable*
Marjorie Clarke Warden
Kathleen Burke Wheeler
Joan Gibney Whittaker P’97*
Martha Herndon Williamson*
Fay Woodruff
Nancy Ketchum Young*
Annual Report
Class Agent: Susan E. Weeks
Annual Fund:
Polly Colburn Adamoyurka
Carolyn Humphrey Brown*
Mary Ann Kenney Brown
Mary Ann Downing Butson*
Susan Tydings Carlin*
Barbara Anderson Carvey*
Joyce Chapman Cerny*
Jane Steege Charlesworth
Sandra Treptow Chidester
Hildegarde Body Clark
Barbara Walton Cluse*
Laura Braman Corcoran*
Nancy Doubleday Demeritt*
Sandra Hall Devine
Constance Griffith Dix
Susan Heath Everett*
Georgia Mower Exner*
Patricia Lenehan Farrand*
Sandra Scott Fullerton*
Janet Weden Gearan*
Drina Sherwood Gordon*
Susan Richmond Gouldman*
Susan Oakes Green*
Suzanne Simons Hammond*
Helen T. Hardy*
Martha Frisbie Hastings*
Janis Greenwood Heiden
Kathleen Kock Hewko*
Linda Brooks Hiross*
Sharon Finnegan Huff*
Susan Gibson Jackson*
Perry Crouse Jeffords*
Sandra Richards Johnson*
Katharne French Keenan*
Rebecca F. Ketchum*
Susan Ramsay Knaysi*
Nancy Buermann Konopacki*
Judith LeBeau*
Antoinette Curtis Ledzian*
Carol Turnbull Lindsay*
Susan Anderson Longsjo*
Deborah Shaw Macchi
Cindra Bishop Macomber P’01*
Bonnie Brown Mathews*
Nancy Gates Mazur
Edith Denious McAlpin
Carolyn Bosqui McGraw*
Margaret Fletcher McIntosh
Carolyn Ayer McKean*
Mary Cook Millard*
Carol Robertson Milld*
Ann Parks
Beatrice Jordan Patterson
Constance Forte Pellerin
Laura Crawford Pepin*
Dorothy S. Post*
Patricia Sawyer Powers P’99
Susan Dexter Proctor*
Ann Blackman Putzel
Prudence Kimberley Ragsdale*
Lynda Allen Rayner*
Wendie Grant Riordan
Karen Class Roberts*
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Mary Putnam Mitchell*
Joan Weed Montagne*
Emily Waterman Mooney*
Whitney McKendree Moore
Demaris King Neilson
Lynn L. Neville*
Kathleen Lonergan O’Callaghan
Susan Erdman O’Connor*
Caroline Parke Oldenburg
Katherine Pantlind
Nancy Fearing Passavant*
Page Paterson
Pamela Barningham Phillips
Edith Parker Posselt*
Peggy Philbrick Prew
Gailan Porter Read
Susan Ittner Rock*
Lee Burbank Ross*
Nancy Kean Salmela*
Jean Pollay Scelza*
Lucinda Post Senning
Janis Christ Sicard
Sarah McCracken Smith*
Marcia Bibens Tammeus*
Frolic Taylor
Nancy Taylor*
Randi Van Dusen Thekan
Sandra Bell Tomko*
Katherine Baxter Torrance*
Joan Dubin Valle*
Caryl A. Walker*
Jennifer Bonthron Waters*
Elise Phillips Watts*
Polly Dewitt Webb*
Nancy Keister Wellington*
Jennifer Lucas West
Sarah Williamson Whinery*
Sally Bickel Wickers*
Carol Givens Wiig
Sandra Tarris Williams*
Lynda Floden Wyman*
Susan Swan Zink
Ruth Hanchett Sinclair*
Lynn Stranges Slawson*
Charlotte Williams Sobe*
Ann Cluthe Stewart*
Suzanne Wilson Stewart
Ann Dickerson Swanson*
Joyce Copenhaver Thoma*
Joan Thacher Tiffany*
Jane Skelton Veitch
Sally Shaw Veitch*
Barbara Jackson Wade*
Constance Farrow Webster*
Diane Webster-Brady*
Pamela Merkel Whipple
Talley Proctor Wright*
Vicki Stein Zwerdling
Class Agent: Anne Baynes Hall
Annual Fund:
Dorcas Sheldon Adkins
Lucinda Lord Ardizzone*
Susan Cameron Barrow
Charlotte Bell*
Susan Jordan Biggs*
Donna Lee Chick Brooks*
Deborah Gannett Brooks*
Nancy Rae Burrows*
Janet Sawyer Campanale
Janice Moore Canavan*
Pamela Don Cassidy*
Deborah Clapp*
Mary Dixon Cope*
Yvonne Daniels Cosgrove*
Barbara Evans Decker*
Pamela Amesbury Doyle*
Bonnie McDonnell DuBrino
Holly Van Blaricom Egner*
Joan Campbell Eliot*
Deborah Ellington*
Karen Kaiser Falone*
Cheryl Fisher*
Susan Brooker Fradkin*
Martha Siegfried Fritz
Suzanne Eberhard Gabriel*
Joanne Gardella Gardiner*
Jean Pullan Gaul*
Susan Palmer Gaunt
Catherine Harper Goldsmith*
Deborah H. Gould
Carolyn Jean Grant*
Ellen Grant*
Patricia Terry Haine*
Anne Baynes Hall*
Joan Harwood Hazelton
Cynthia Buck Herbst
Prudence Hostetter
Charlotte Eschenheimer Johnson
Nancy Pearsall Johnson*
Meredith H. Jones P’94*
Suzanne Milo Kane*
Frances B. King*
Sis Hagen Kinney*
Allison Hosford Knight*
Barbara Huntington Larsen*
Beverly McNutt Lawrie*
Cynthia Thorson Lindley
Lynn Farrington Miller*
Andrea Perkins Miller
Anne Stocker Mills
Class Agent: Liz Lloyd Thorndike
Annual Fund:
Jane Farnum Beard
Jean Wyman Beebe
Dorothy Waldinger Bentley*
Georganne Hoffman Berry*
Margery Tichnor Bialeck*
Lynn Macdonald Bishop*
Marguerite Bounds Briggs
Carla Newberth Bue*
Pamela Brodie Butler*
Nancy Charlton-Venezia*
Katherine Baldwin Colman*
Carol Atherton Currier*
Betsey Martin Devaney P’99*
Kelly McWilliams Dvareckas*
Babbie Wastcoat Earle*
Kris Carlson Fletcher P’02*
Nancy E. Foley
Beverly Shipman Gibson*
Judith Garner Gillis*
Nancy E. Greene
Linda McElfresh Hamilton*
Barbara Becker Harris*
Judith Von Gal Highmark*
Penelope Hinckley
Jacqueline Van Cleve Hinshaw*
Merritt McWilliams Hogan
JoAnne Swan Hogg*
Joan Von Maur Holcomb
Elizabeth Williamson Hunt*
Natalie Loomis Jones
Joy Sulka Kant
Judith Cook Kestenbaum*
Pamela Prescott King*
Faith Knowles*
Susan Belmer Kollet-Harris
Susan Austin Kraeger*
Jacqueline Polito Kulhowvick*
Wendy Russell LaRose P’98*
Gusty Lange*
Lynn Gage Lochhead*
Priscilla Kimball Luke
Margaret Legg Lynch
Barbara Marchetti Mastro*
Susan Filkins McLeod*
Sharon Fitzpatrick Merrill*
Sherry Lynne Merrow*
Beth Rowley Michelon
Martha Cashman Miller*
Janet L. Montgomery
Diane Polk Morgan
Meredith Worthley Motyka*
Nancy Talbot Moulton*
Heidi Grey Niblack*
Susan Johnson Nichols*
Kathryn Jones Nixon*
JoAnn Franke Overfield*
Carolyn Noyes Parrack*
Molly Pfanschmidt Sage
Cynthia Howe Schad*
Ann Bainbridge Simonds
Brooke Buchanan Stokes*
Mary Barber Stone*
Gail Barber Sykes P’00
Carol Sawyer Tallino
Judith Leeming Thompson*
Elizabeth Lloyd Thorndike*
Joan Tims*
Patricia Whitney*
Victoria Crear Winslow
Carol Way Wood
Cornelia Y. de Schepper
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Judith F. Armstrong
Judith Johnson Austin
Nancy Nichols Bagin
Elaine Fraser Baird*
Claire Rapp Bean
Marjorie R. Berger
Mary Jo Fournier Bergeron*
Jane Forsberg Berriman*
Catherine Guyer Bisset P’02*
Judith Hubbard Bowen
Betsey Ball Coleman
Clare Stroup Cornell*
Annual Report
Laurie Rendall Coursin
Cynthia Darling-Fisher
Louise Cutting Dorian
Lynda Pease Doyle
Barbara Podmaniczky Edmondson
Anne Laverack Gallivan*
Kathleen Robinson Gillooly
Emily Apthorp Goodwin
Jean Campbell Hendry*
Cynthia Cole Heslam
Karen Gaudes Jache*
Deborah Adams Johnston*
Cynthia Jorian*
Susan Wilson King*
Jane Catir Knapp*
Marcia Somers Krause*
Margo McVinney Marvin*
Roberta A. Maxfield*
Linda McCutcheon
Theresa Reynolds McKeon*
Martha Halloran McLaughlin*
Marni Fowler Most*
Ruth Rhodes Nahm*
Linda Britton Nitschelm*
Marjorie Trapp Olschan*
Frances Smithwick Perkins*
Susan Farnum Rippey
Susan Bayer Roberts*
Susan McGarvey Roper
Martha Packard Ross
Leslie Purdum Rutherford P’01
Cheryl H. Sauerbrun
Marilyn Doty Shaver*
Madelyn Carey Simpson*
Gale D. Sparrow
Marta King Stone
Julia Stoddart Strimenos
Deborah McNeil Stroope*
Barbara Siferd Sunshine
Sara Macomber Sutcliffe
Karen Greene Timm*
Darsie Putnam Townsend
JoAnn Johnstone Vitali
Janette MacLean Weir*
Allison J. Whitmore*
Joan Przybyla Wilson
Sally Heald Winship*
Ann E. Wodtke
Class Agent:
Beth Constantinides Meurlin
Annual Fund:
Susan Amory Barber*
Lois Staiger Barbour
Carol Higley Benante
Laura Gillingham Budd*
Barbara Blanchette Burns*
Nancy Hale Cilley*
Christina Leach Clark
Patricia Holmes Clark
“My gift to Colby-Sawyer expresses
appreciation for the many lessons provided by
Dr. Sawyer and the college community
emphasizing a life balanced
between giving and taking.”
Marcia Barnes Shaw-Straube ’42
Gale P. Spreter
Suellyn A. Stark
Keppele Miller Sullivan*
Nancy L. Teach P’97*
Valerie L. Turtle*
Deborah Merrill Velli
Jeanette Colardo Vermilyea*
Lynn Winchester
Dana Stevens Woessner*
Julie Mayo Wooden*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Cathy Allen Abbott
Kimberly Crowell Arndt
Jean Wild Bannister
Sally Leyland Barlow*
Constance Brown
Barbara Cavin
Eleanor Goodwin Cochran*
Caroline Beever Connelly
Betty Ann Copley-Harris
Anne Corrigan*
Susan Rich Daylor*
Gratia C. Deane*
Susan Kimball English
Eugenia Ferguson
Bonnie Pratt Filiault*
Janet Martin Fisher*
June Bates Fitzpatrick*
Karen Siney Fredericks*
Nancy Odell Gavryck
Martha Day Gilmore*
Ann H. Grinnell*
Susan Gronbeck*
Anne Alger Hayward*
Paula Ricker House P’97*
Katharine Jewett*
Lucia Sontag Johnson
Janice Armesy Kervick
Angela George Laufer*
Class Agents:
Cynthia Warren Kelley
Nancy Schaffer von Stackelberg
Annual Fund:
Melissa Barrett*
Brandie Frank Baumann*
Linda Formica Bertolini
Bonnie Sklar Boblitt
Miranda Fuller Bocko
Karen Anderson Breed*
Deborah Ross Chambliss*
Lisa Feldmeier Clark*
Heather Rankin Clark
Melinda Clogston Connor*
Cynthia Kirch Damelio*
Nancy Whitehead Dowling
Sarah Elliott
Janet Schwarzkopf Falkenstein
Rosa Touret Foote
Stacey Zwerling Foulsham*
Nancy Balcom Ganley
Joanne Johnson Gaspar*
Theresa O’Brien Golden
Kathleen Noonan Grady
Serena Davis Hall*
Deborah Berry Hall
Carole J. Hall*
Elizabeth Doonan Hampton*
Jane Hindenlang
Deborah Matthews Hirt
Rosemary Landino Hofmiller
Anne Dolan Honahan
Margaret O’Meara Horvitz
Sherrill D. Howard
Marilynn Pyle Johnson
Ann Strout Jones*
Georgia Kanouse*
Cynthia Warren Kelley*
Victoria Tuthill Kimball*
Janet Norris Krein
Constance Scott Lea*
Sarah Cary Lemelin*
Michelle Samour Lenox
R e p o r t
Pamela E. Conze*
Carolyn Marshall Craven
Deborah Marcoux Deacetis
Alice Roberts Dietrich*
Anne Nordblom Dodge*
Sara Cuddeback Egan
Martha Clark Faucher*
Alexander Forbes*
Sarah D. Haskell*
Nancy Blatt Hirsh
Christine Spahn Howland*
Elizabeth Roland Hunter
Pamela Irving
Beatrice Korab Jackson*
Mary Johnson*
Constance Kastberg
Janet Elenbaas Kemps
Heidi Rice Lauridsen
Cynthia L. Lawrence
Linda Howard Lupton*
Melinda Bishop MacColl*
Claudia Connelly Marks*
Barbara Brinckerhoff Maver
Wendy Moore
Paula Caldarone Morris
Susan Taylor Morris*
Susan Perkins Parker
Jill Fuiks Parker
Kathleen Johnson Peterson*
Mary Hinman Pfeifle
Roberta Sisson Proctor*
Nancy Brown Pulliam*
Joan Kirby Ragsdale*
Deborah Almy Ransom
Carolyn Statuta Reynolds
Linda Von Oehsen Roach*
Alison Beebe Robie*
Gale Collins Rome P’03*
Nancy J. Rowan
Coreen Wallace Scharfe*
Judith Child Schwartz*
Ann Felton Severance
Ellen Simpson Sivret
A n n u a l
Why I chose to support
Colby-Sawyer College
Nancy Bokron Lavigne
Jill Pottenger Lynch*
Karin Armstrong Newhouse*
Barbara S. Nieman*
Leslie L. Parsons
Anne W. Pouch*
Katherine V. W. Proctor*
Jaqueline Beach Purcell*
Candice Corcoran Raines*
Nancy Whitmore Ridge
Judith Fuller Rogozenski*
Ann Lozier Rohrborn
Penelope Kanouse Scott*
Margot Woodworth Seefeld*
Sara Gray Stockwell*
Susan Adams Swann
Mary Clark Whalen*
Devon L. Wilson*
Donna Teach Young
Deborah Welwood Yurko
Annual Report
Michelle Sullivan Lichtenberg
Deborah Congdon Lorenson*
Liz Weightman Manning*
Marilyn Wood Mazer*
Anne Butler McNerney*
Robin L. Mead*
Karen Schell Murphy
Barbara Baldwin Newby
Bethel Bladen Norcross*
Martha McKay Novis*
Gail Rogers-Sudduth*
Christine Armbrust Rooks*
Katherine Dixon Rose*
Nancy Kipp Rosenblum*
Katherine Shaw-Stuart*
Ruth Ann Riley Shuler
Martha Cary Shuster*
Sharon Austin Smith*
Stephanie Rahner Stetler
Brooke DeLench Straus
Elizabeth Sturges
Lydia Biddle Thomas
Joan Messenger Tolles
Barbara Hartson Tricarichi*
Moina Varkie
M. Lee Sherman Wainwright*
Margaret Orchard White
Lynn Emerson Whitney
Linda Roberts Williams*
Nancy Schaffer von Stackelberg*
Elizabeth Hough-Harden*
Sugar Smookler Howar*
Barbara A. Kelczewski*
Elizabeth Burkham Kenney*
Mary Cunniff Lambert
Jan Lyle Malcolm
Jane Erskine McCoy*
Patricia Crowell Mitchell*
Deborah Ritter Moore*
Pamela Newton Newkirk*
Jane Hopkins O’Donnell
Karen Terrio Onderick*
Phoebe Orr-Richardson*
Susan Torrey Perez*
Anne George Piroso*
Diane LaFerriere Plante*
Carol Alley Priem
Mary Van Schoick Ritchings
Anita Savaria Rochefort*
Marie Mulhall Roome
Leslie Tyson Rudolph*
Nancy Mallory Sansouci
Elizabeth Williams Shake*
Ellen Shea
Susan Bedford Sleight
Alexandra Cumings Sullivan*
Jacqueline Vetter-Avignon*
Elizabeth Marshall Weaver
Jean Smithers Williams*
Why I chose to support
Colby-Sawyer College
“Colleges depend on constituent giving and
I believe in giving every year.
I loved Colby-Sawyer during my two years and my
daughter, Elizabeth Holloway ’87, adored her four
years there. I am very pleased to see the
school’s upward progress!”
Isabelle Spurr Appleton ’58
Maureen A. Shea
Bonnie Niblette Stephens
Lizabeth Ford Thurston
Diane Trinity-VanHouten*
Dale Carder Van Wart
Nancy Veneklasen Wanty
Susan Elizabeth Brown Warner*
Virginia Halbleib Watson*
Jacqueline Welsh
Brooke Wiley
Clare Steers Wilich*
Claudia Ripley Worth*
Jamie Healy Yalla
Class Agent: Melissa F. Langa
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Janet Keller Anderson*
Sara Anderson
Wendy Phillips Barrett
Lani Kalergis Becker*
Kelsey Cameron Bennett*
Kimberly Bradshaw Britt*
Susan Becker Callaghan*
Catherine Fontaine Cantwell*
Patricia Weliska Clarke*
Elizabeth Heckman Cleveland
Andrea Dzierson Coleman
Susan Hilton Cowmeadow P’02*
Christine Gram Croarkin*
Sharon Sawyer Cross
Janet Gregory Dailey
JoAnn Daly*
Dierdre Dennis-Devries*
Margaret Carder Dupee*
Marguerite Russell Farnum
Deborah Rodd Ferguson
Priscilla Taylor Galarneau*
Susan Ryan Goodspeed
Jill Crawley Graff*
Barbara Joyce Halavik
Janet Nordbeck Hall*
Elizabeth Hammond-Robinson
Elizabeth Rowan Hargrove*
Wendy Parsley Haupt*
Pamela Smallwood Herring*
Bethany Scofield Hill
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Annual Fund:
Mary Elizabeth Allen
Judith W. Ashton*
Elizabeth Eady Bacon
Susan Tubbs Blakeslee
Eleanor Cummings Bowe*
Karen Raymond Brown
Mary M. Buckey
Laurie Cameron Carson*
Marcia Pearce Chaffee
Charlene E. Churchill*
Sally Williams Cook
Carolyn D. Cutler
Ann Flanders Damon
Leslie Clemmer Dean*
Holly Hurd DiMauro
Ellen Attridge Dickhaut*
Laurel Najarian Doghramji*
Mary Ann Austin Fleming
Eleanor Richardson Heikkinen
Martha Jo Rogers Hewitt
Susan Brown Holtham*
Lisa Falkenstein Jenkins*
M. Dawn Larsen Kerivan
Suzanne Cook Kinsellagh
Susan Marcotte-Jenkins*
Nancy H. Mastin
Sally Kilpatrick Mathis*
Marilyn Heald McAllister*
Lorraine Bellows McKay
Kathryn Roberts McMullen
Kathleen Malloy Morsey
Elizabeth Janes Nesbitt*
Susan Keegan Nicholson
Barbara Battis Nowakowski
Guy N. Piegari*
Deborah Crocker Richie
Class Agent: Suzanne Quimby Reed
Annual Fund:
Gina Romano Armano
Leslie Brown Bell*
Anne Winton Black*
Gail Gorton Bowman*
Nancy Ross Brink
Kathleen Kirk Brown
Dana Swezey Carney*
Pamela Brett Carpenter*
Nancy Weil Castino*
Karen L. Chani*
Sandra Comstock*
Patricia Thomas Corazao*
Susan Baker Cox
Helen Poummit Curhan*
Sandra Kezer Dempsey
Patricia Grady Dewhirst*
Caryl Diengott
Ellen Doherty Draper
Candace Booker Elefante*
Karen Weliska Elliott
Laurie Ferguson
Jill McLaughlin Godfrey
Eliza Jewett Gray*
Jennifer Reggio Greenspan
Sally Hart Greiner*
Sarah L. Hinman*
Lynn Nelson Hjelmstad*
Martha Ryan Hogan
Charlotte Lipton Kelman*
Barbara Petzoldt Koski*
Elizabeth Ellis Leary
Christina M. LoBello
Elizabeth Droney Lowe*
Christina Nutter MacDougall
Lauren Curtis McCarthy
Lisa Mooney McDonald*
Joanne Colter McNamara
Mary Swart O’Donoghue*
Bradley Nevins Olufs
Holly Hawkes Pascoe*
Betsy Coleman Potter
Suzanne Quimby Reed*
Nancy Forbes Robertson
Laurie Coughlan Sanders
Mary Onoroski Schirm*
Maribeth Shannon Smith
Holly Leonard St. Laurent
Paulette Guay Stelmach
Janet Lochhead Sullivan
Toria Tolley
Carol Blondell Tuttle
Anne Stahlberg Walsh*
Nancy McIntire Zemlin*
Class Agent: Nancy Barnes Berkeley
Annual Fund:
Marcia Abbott*
Cynthia White Asadorian*
Cynthia Waters Avilla*
Pamela Earle Banas P’00
Pamela Bartlett*
Nancy Barnes Berkeley*
Deborah Costello Berman*
Annual Report
Susan Welch Bradley
Anne Tilney Brune
Barbara Carroll
Elizabeth Carruthers*
Wendy Hiller Clark
Dawna M. Cobb*
Deborah Coffin
Licia Peterson Conforti
Cindy Bibbo Currier*
Silvia Pilatti Doe
Susan Hooker Drum*
Dona Jane Hoffman Foerster*
Linda Ewing Forsman*
Susan Thaeder Goodhouse*
Sally Gordon Hogan
Linda Johnson*
Carol Sterling Laro*
Leslie Kerr Lindquist*
Cynthia Flowers Lister
Jacqueline A. Loewy
Karen Dykes Lucas*
Elizabeth Hill Lynch*
Lynn Specker Martin*
Elizabeth Bernstein Miller*
Donna Bourque Mohan
Jody Peterson Morrison
Barbara Stevens Morton*
Lynne Osborn
Betty Richardson Parker*
Barbara Zenker Parker*
Nancy Hill Pettengill*
Suzanne Pfeiffer
Mary Davenport Phelan*
Margaret Parker Rand
Sharon Croft Risley
Martha Stengel Ryan*
Deborah Butterfield Sandberg
Ann Erickson Shaw*
Rebecca Zagorski Silver
Joanne E. Simpson*
Nancy Hill Smith*
Janet E. Spurr*
Colleen O’Hara Tondorf
Elaine Young Towle
Denise Broncatello Trezza
Adalyn Esler Vail*
Sandy Warner Vanlerberghe*
Mary McEvoy Webster*
Natalie Macdonald Whelan*
Heidi L. White*
Pamela Kinsella White*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Class Agent: Jody Hambley Cooper
Annual Fund:
Suzanne Gallagher Adams
Morah L. Alexander*
Jill Muir Andrascik
Deborah Ann Bisson*
Jennifer R. Brown*
Deborah Henken Brunetti*
Melissa Ordway Carroll
Catherine Cassidy
Lee Bowers Desai*
Edith Safe Devnew*
Linda Tanoian Doherty*
Susan Johns Dorshimer*
Deborah Wright Dyer*
Holly Sebell Fenn
Karen Gallagher Grant*
Mary Anne Stolt Hadwen
Sarah Lucy Hopley
Heidi Joyce
Nancy Walker Keiter
Susan Jacoby Marks
Lori Porter Mead
Carol DiGennaro Meyer
Linda Simon Miller*
Susan Benedict Mott
Mary Jane Raftopoulos*
Rebecca Reeves*
Susanna Webster Ries*
Judith Riddell Riggs
Lisa Wetherald Robinson*
Mary Monko Ruggieri
Jennifer Vetter Sausville*
Florence Seufert
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Cynthia Kehoe Barrett*
Kathleen O’Brien Bascetta
Eden Bethune
Traci Fletcher Billesimo*
Anne E. Brenton
Annchen Gager Brown*
Laurand Donnelly Bryant
Celia Campbell*
Penelope Reilly Cataldo*
Margaret Webbe Colley
Nancy Wilson Cormier*
Ellen Fitzpatrick Criscione
Amy Leonard Crowley
Diane Guilbault De Biasi*
Josette DeBragga-Levendosky*
Mary Gilman Dennis
Ginger Gault Donaher
Diane Bogosian Fanshel
Lynne Atkinson Florian*
Coleen Gilhooley-Grissler
Marion Chadwick Hafner*
Kimberly Dahl Hoag*
Susan Kearns Hubbard
Kathleen Finn La Tronica
Marion Hooke Leddy
Cynthia Royal Lowe*
Elizabeth Wey Lyons*
Rebecca Sheridan Mazen
Andrea Melville
Debra Bray Mitchell
Patricia A. Najarian
Lindsay Peach Nicholson*
Cynthia Parker Noyes
Cammi Oyabe-Huckman
Catherine Cole Paules
Pamela Perkins
Geraldine Surette Rogers*
Elizabeth Johnston Schneider*
Donna Wymore Severance
Tracy Skillin-Lanou
Yvonne Martini Small
Patricia Taylor Spae
Elisabeth Moles Sykes
Julianna Hoblitzell Tompkins*
Ann Dionne Twomey*
B. Ann Waggaman*
Diane Davies Wallace
Susan Chapman Warren
Molly Cutting Werner
Teridale Brown Wiley
Class Agent: Linda J. Botti
Annual Fund:
Cynthia Pratt Almquist
Gay E. Baker
Cynthia Conner Best-Devereux
Linda J. Botti
Jennifer Buzby
Theresa Guarino Cable
Sara Reid Campbell*
Mary G. Clay*
Debra Murray Cross*
Sara Close Crowther
Jane L. Curry
Barbara Basso Dowd
Belinda Normandie Evans*
Anne Phaneuf Falvey
Janice Christopher Gershoni
Jodi Potter Goliber*
Natalie Hartwell Jackson
Janet Hampton Judge*
Diane Connolly Keohane*
Louise McQuillan Kirby*
Cynthia Rowley Knight
Stahley Herndon LaRoe*
Kim Hines Latz*
Mary F. Marengi
Jodi Godlewski Melvin*
Kristine Westerhoff Nadeau
Lauren Forsberg Olson
Carolyn Hamilton Schwartz*
Sarah Brown Slaght*
Stephanie Holker Spalding
Carol Stackpole
Diane J. Stendahl*
Nancy Walsh Toohey
Candace Lee Cash Trombly*
Mary Ellen Blatchford Walker*
Melinda Hanson Walter
Gayle Rini White
Class Agent: Nancy O’Day
Annual Fund:
Dabney Woolford Blackwell
Vickie E. Branch*
Karen Wessel Cohen*
Mary Kyle Dyer*
Martha Colinan Ellicott*
Robin Mohn Ely
Gwendolyn Fager-Cheek*
Nancy Norlie Flynn*
Lauren Bates Foos*
Cordelia Longstreth Fort*
Elizabeth Howard Heffernan
Susan L. Herrick*
Jessica Landsman-Baker
Ellen Achenbach Lewis*
Pamela Aigeltinger Lyons*
Debi Overdorff Malloy*
Wendy Fallon McKeon
Lisa McKenna Partridge*
Jennifer Tucker Perley
Janet McGee Saunders
Ann Goodwin Shatford
Alyson Priddy Taubert*
R e p o r t
Susan Sommer Ballou*
Lisa Maroney Bareiss*
June E. Bascom*
Meredith Andrews Benjamin
Janice Boudreau*
Elizabeth Clowney Byrnes
Marjorie Lappin Cantor*
Margot Harris Corona
Louisa Herrick Crosby*
Elizabeth Smillie DeArmond
Carol E. Dellacona*
Susan Hovey Dickow*
Deborah Rogers Doherty*
Deborah Lloyd Fetterman*
Karen Griffiths Smith
Natalie Foote St. John
Abigail Wogisch Thomason
Laurie Russell Title*
Alice M. Turner
Katherine Vance
Pamela Bligh Varriale*
Maureen Conlon Weir*
Kathleen Webster Whitmire*
A n n u a l
Sally Watson Gushue
Irene Hanslin
Susan Carroll Hassett*
Susan Bak Hitchcox
Toni L. Houghton*
Marie O’Neil Jaxtimer*
Gail Cerulli Kallis*
Carol Baldwin LeSage
Charlotte Pattison Mann*
Kim Kovach Martino*
Laurie Hurd McDonald
Martha Wilcox McDonough
Dorothy Wilson McQuillan*
Joan Heffernan Meek
Wendy Hiller Meyer
Stephanie Allen Palenski
Bruce J. Parsons*
Jennifer Harwood Petersen*
Katharine Fidler Pickett*
Nancy Ledgard Quinn*
Barbara Blackmer Richards*
Susan Gregory Rodenhizer
Kathryn E. Simons
Jane Sargent Sweeney*
Susan Goodman Tassinari*
Jennifer Taylor-Rossel*
Kathy Brown Teece*
Janice Lowell Tilley
Anne Sullivan Tobin*
Susan Brandes Turner
Annual Report
Class Agent Needed
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Lisa Barnes
Victoria L. Bextel*
Sharon A. Blount*
Susan Wilbur Caruso*
Jennifer Lubrano Clayton
Siobhan B. Daly
Laura Homan Dow P’79,’90*
Frances Richards Flynn*
Diane Buecking Haffner
Sandra McLean Hollingsworth*
Cynthia Elder Latham*
Barbara Allen Lewis
Gretchen Richter Massey
Margo S. McKinlay
Roxie Norton Mulhall*
Sandra B. Phillips*
Anne Sanborn Rowe*
Kimberly Abbe Thomas*
Jayne U. Weliska*
Kathryn C. Wolcott
Gretchen Forsgard Worthington
Emily Boynton*
Sarah Foster Chaney
Janet Duff-Lewis*
Michelle Dulany
Janet Weldon Egan*
Naomi Flint Ferris
Nancy Dana Fifield
Christine Smith Grande
Brigid Rice Gunn
Cornelia Reeder Mitchell
Lori Keller Muscaro
Carline Keating Soutter
Pamela Birnie Spearing*
Diane Place Statkus
Susan Copeland Taylor*
Elizabeth Dickson Valentine
Laura Crossan Van Ryswood*
Joann Thomas-Wing
Class Agent: Peg Andrews
Class Agent: Sharon Roper Alphas
Annual Fund:
Participation: 1
Leslie Blair
Elizabeth Ann Bucknam
Bridget Gallagher Davis*
Simone DeCaro-Young
Nancy Lawrence English
Suzanne Macey Farrell*
Joanne Tate Franklin*
Leslie Rutter Gale
Sonja Torstenson Jacobson P’81
Sharon Johnson LaVigne*
Polly Birdsall Martinson*
Julie P. Mayo
Jennifer Norsworthy McCracken*
Penelope Hansen Moschella*
Ellen Demers O’Kane
Eileen F. O’Leary*
Jennifer Parisella*
Lisa H. Robie
Donna Ziminsky Rowe
Grace Grasmere Schust
Kathryn Pepka Wagner*
Sharon Carroll Weiss*
Karen Walles Wilber*
Suzanne Williamson-Vico*
Sallianne Ficara Lake
Catherine Marquardt*
Anne Scagnetti McKernan*
Margaret Mill
Eileen Meisel Nunez*
Mary Jane Thompson O’Hare*
Katherine Foley Pierson*
Elizabeth Civetta Pontius*
Lisa Tripp Sharpe*
Heather Von Maur Tinsman*
Kristin Takala Tishman*
Erica Rice Waltz
Class Agent: Gretchen Garceau
Class Agent: Christine Palmer
Laura Hoffman Boucher
Constance Hooker Panetski
Elizabeth Johnson Tecca*
Patricia Kangas Wetherall
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Susan M. Andrews*
Angela Hall Balmes
Marilyn Nolf Bedell
Christina Pascual Colon
Catherine Long Holtgrave*
Melissa McCollum Isherwood
Maria Scanlan Mulloy
Susan Glasheen Reeves
Joanne Renaud*
Elizabeth Reed Bingham*
Stephanie Pointer Brunetta*
Stephanie Greene Cascais
Tami Kingsland Corbett
Martha A. Cross*
Janet M. Ellis
Laurie Hall Forrest
Jennifer Dorey Geissler
Sheila Kelly Hart
Kim Mohr Howe*
Jill Johnston-Barton
Cindy L. LeMay
Lynn Littlefield Lucier*
Johanna Anderson Mills
Kathleen McPadden Pepper
Brenda Ajami Pollock*
Doris Dean Rich*
Betsy Luce Schwechheimer*
Merit Scotford*
Elaine Swenson
Tracy Shipman Thompson*
Cara Jean Landen Wall*
Jennifer Gould Williams*
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Meredith Anderson*
Rebecca Barnes
Susan Judd Dely
Kimberly Spillane Gobeille
Susan Drescher Hague
Nancy Misner Haines
Allison Paul Sugarman
Class Agent: Karen E. Craffey
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Lucinda Balser-Eaton
Sara Bloodgood Brawley*
Karen E. Craffey*
Kathryn Frizzell DeRosia
Rachel Hobbie
Karen Williams Jason
Laura Merriam Kyle
Suzanne Lorange Baxter
Deirdre Meredith Busse
Lisa E. Clouet
Jennifer Goderre Cummings
Ellen Deprey*
Anne Thomas Donaghy*
† deceased donor
* five years of consecutive giving
Julia Kate Dow
Kristin Mason Fagone*
Therese Zimmer-Farid
Tracy E. Howe
Rebecca Brown Lucarelli
Laura Fogarty O’Malley
Leigh Crawford-Pescatore
Greta Sanborn Shepard
Dore’ M. Thomas*
Eileen Cremin Urquhart
Karen Boucher Wheeler
Annual Fund:
Christina Curtis Barry*
Katie DeWolfe-Gardner
Gretchen D. Garceau-Kragh
Amy E. Hancock
Susan Lowe-Stockwell P’95*
Kimberly S. Steward*
Sandra M. Stubbs
Janet Nathan Wright*
Class Agent: Kirsten J. Lesbert
Annual Fund:
Karen Pillsbury Cabral*
Martha J. Chevlin*
Kendall H. Crowley
Julie Sanborn Higgins
Kelly A. Lynch
Christine Lyons
Kimberly Thompson MacLauchlan
Christine M. Marquis
Margaret McCabe-Davin
Ellen Dickie McPhetres
Sarah van Merkensteijn Moran
Kathleen Peterson
Jennifer Barrett Sawyer
Sara Lawson Straw
Class Agent: Carolyn L. Norris
Annual Fund:
Matthew F. Barrington
Leslee J. Cammett
Charles D. Caswell
Elizabeth J. Franco*
Sarah Thomas Harriman
Sarah Kidder LaBombard*
Jennifer L. McGee
Laura McGuinn
Sandra L. Morgrage
Carolyn L. Norris
Rebecca Morin Nye*
Mara Rosenberg
Dale Murphy Rozek*
Stephanie Stratton Schell*
Kathleen Ventura*
Mary C. Wakefield
Lisa Adami Weldon
Annual Report
Class Agent: Holly E. Irvine
Class Agent: James “Jamie” K. Weber III
Annual Fund:
Annual Fund:
Jeannine Timchak Audet
David K. Bannister*
Daniel J. Berry
Patricia Randall Berry
Kristen Kelly Blankenship
Alison Burke
Julie A. Camp
Jennifer Deasy
Pamela Reed Doubleday
Holly Y. Ehrbar
Jennifer Ellis
Robin Fisher
Alyson Grant-Drew
Traci A. Green*
Kimberly A. Hillman
Holly E. Irvine
Simon J. Mendez*
Maria Sinacola
Jack A. Tremblay
Hillary Waldbaum
Theresa R. Whiteley*
Marc Wysocki
Rebecca Yturregui
Class Agent: Donald R. Varnum, Jr.
Annual Fund:
Jennifer A. Belisle
Joanne M. Forrest
Jody Smith Hickey
Andrew G. McDonough
James D. McGilvery
Deirdre J. Ouellette
Larissa A. Sannakorpi-Lavin
Hillary Woodward
Each year a committee of seniors volunteers their time to assist with the
Senior Gift Campaign. Thanks to the committee for raising more than
$3,000 to support the Annual Fund in honor of their year 2000 graduating
class. Committee members (left to right) Shannon Rowell, Kerry Fleming,
Alexi Bobolia, Becky Banas and Sophia Reist present President Anne Ponder
with their class gift.
Class Agent: Amie L. Pariseau
Annual Fund:
Frank B. Abel IV
Amanda M. Cullen
Jennifer D. DeMarco
Matthew D. Jepson
Katherine A. Josephs
Amie L. Pariseau
Laura J. Powell
Lisa A. Raymond
Aaron M. Sherman
Lauren C. Smyrl
Jennifer M. Strong
Donna M. Studley
Melisa Yachimski
Class Agent: Keith Perkins
Annual Fund:
Class Agent: Rachel Woodbury
Annual Fund:
Shawn B. Bachelder
Amy J. Bergeron
Suzanne K. Blake
Tyler W. Blout
Dina M. Cannata
Angela B. Cloutier
Matthew C. Collins
Hilary E. Crane
Jeff Devaney
Mark O. Everette
Cara J. Falconi
Brian J. Frenkiewich
Michele L. Grodzicki
Marc J. Harding
Kelley A. Healey
Kimberly Ann Kogut
Rebecca C. Lewis
Paul R. Morse
Keith Perkins
Alison A. Pogue
Tracy A. Rowse
Adrienne M. Shrekgast
Jayson R. Thyng
Jena J. Van Stelten
Class Agent Needed
Annual Fund:
Kristin G. Anderson
Rebecca L. Banas
Michelle A. Berger
Chelsea L. Bisbee
R e p o r t
Michelle L. Arsenault
Jodi Bailey
Martin J. Binette
Jill E. Bishop
Kim-Laura Boyle
Rebecca J. Bussiere
Nathan S. Camp
Lauren T. Ferullo
Jacob Z. French
Robert P. Gagnon
Sean J. Haggerty
Shelby P. Hunt
Jodi L. Lambert
Lisbeth R. Marino
Elise H. Picard
Andrea M. Pueschel
Christopher Galen Quint
Danielle R. Rychalsky
Laurie A. Waterman
Rachel Woodbury
Alexi Bobolia
Alison L. Calvarese
Zanna C. Campbell
John C. Coughlin
David E. Curtis, Jr.
Jessica L. Dannecker
Susan K. Datthyn
Holly G. Filasky
Kerry L. Fleming
Jason R. Frew
Jillian C. Gragnano
Todd M. Gully
Matthew Hay
Seth H. Hurley
Jaime M. Insinga
Sheridan M. Johnston
Darcy K. LaFrance
Sarah B. Labrie
Julie L. Longtin
Kathleen E. Lovell
Lisa Maranian
Colleen R. McInnis
Richard J. Miles
Eric Peterson
Zachary S. Pinard
Jennifer B. Prudden
Catherine A. Raeburn
Sophie A. Reist
Shannon Rowell
Kelly I. Sargent
Tara L. Schirm
Jeremy A. Schnaittacher
Shirah J. Sinclair
Ryan Smith
Michael J. Spinney
Michelle E. Stantial
Tara M. Strand
Katherine W. Sykes
Danielle N. Taylor
Carla M. Tornifoglio
Kaitlyn A. Tuite
Cristy S. Vallee
Halley B. Westdale
Melissa A. Weymouth
A n n u a l
Christopher M. Andriski
Clifford F. Ashley
Laurel Rickert Ciechon
Jacqueline Swain Coe
Shawn A. Coe
Daniel T. Cole
Nadine M. Corrieri
Jeffrey DelliColli
Elizabeth Estabrook-Hatfield
Elizabeth A. Ford
Caroline M. Herz
Erik G. Holman
Rita M. Jope
Jill A. Kleimon
Christopher S. Kozlowski*
Catherine A. Luecke
Catherine A. Maykut
Anne T. Michaels
Eric P. Monheimer
Sara Hodgkins Morin
Carrie Bibens Palmer
Robert M. Peaslee III
Matthew N. Richards
Jill A. Rivers*
Wendy Morgan Root*
Rebecca Cochran Rowe*
Robyn J. Ryan
Stefan D. Schwarz
Deborah Casner Shapiro
Megan V. Starrak
Dawn A. Sutton*
Karen A. Tucker
Sarah Racine Vallieres
Donald R. Varnum, Jr.*
Annual Report
Ways To Give To
Colby-Sawyer College
Gifts to Colby-Sawyer College can be made in many ways, and mayyield very attractive tax benefits.
Listed below are ways in which you can contribute to Colby-Sawyer.
Real Estate
Gifts of cash are deductible up to
50% of a donor’s adjusted gross
income (AGI). Any excess can be
carried over for five years.
Gifts of real estate may be made to
the college outright, in whole or in
part, through transfer in a bargain
sale, or to fund a gift annuity or unitrust. Donors may also contribute
real estate to the college while reserving the right to occupy the property
during their lifetime. Each approach
has specific estate and tax benefits.
Matching Gifts
Corporate matching gift program
companies allow employees to effectively double or triple their gifts to
Colby-Sawyer College. Typically, the
employee obtains a company form
and submits it to the college with
his/her contribution. Please check
with your human resources department for more information.
Tangible personal gifts of property,
art objects, jewelry, silver, and
antiques can be donated to the college for educational purposes or for
resale. Tax deductibility will vary.
Personal property may also be contributed to a trust which will produce income for the donor while
avoiding or reducing taxes.
Gifts of appreciated stocks (including mutual funds), bonds, and other
securities may offer considerable capital-gains tax savings.
Planned Gifts
Life income gifts bring donors many
benefits, including income for life or
for a term of years, income for a second beneficiary, and reductions in
income, capital gains, gift, or estate
taxes. These gifts take many forms
including annuities, remainder
trusts, life insurance, and bequests.
As a donor, you may wish to plan
your future giving to work to your
advantage as well as benefitting the
college. Please contact the ColbySawyer College Office of Planned
Giving (603) 526-3723 or consult
with your financial advisor, tax attorney for more information.
Fo r m ore i nf or m a t i on, p l ea s e co ntact Sa ndra Swain-Bro mwe ll a t (603)526.373 3.
C o l b y - S aw ye r O f f i c e o f A dva n c e m e n t
a n d O f f i c e o f A lu m n i & C o m m u n i t y R e l at i o n s
Donald A. Hasseltine
Vice President of Advancement
Becky A. Bowles
Operations Specialist
Jill A. Metsch
Operations Administrator
Robin Shaffer
Operations Manager
Sharon K. Ames
Coordinator of
Special Programs and Events
Heather L. Ceccarelli
Assistant Director of
Annual Giving
Suellen Peluso
Director of Development
Lucille V. Shevett
Assistant Director of
Alumni and Community Relations
Margaret A. Andrews
Leadership Giving Officer
Jean M. Christensen
Major Gift Officer
Claire Pozniak
Staff Assistant, Development
Sandra Swain-Bromwell
Director of Annual Giving
Sue Reagan
Annual Fund Gift Officer
Susan A. Kraeger
Senior Staff Assistant
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If your name is missing, misspelled, or if we have your affiliation incorrect, please accept our apologies
and please let us know. Write to Sandra Swain-Bromwell, Office of Annual Giving,
100 Main Street, New London, NH 03257 or call 1-(800)-266-8253 or e-mail: [email protected] with your correction(s).
Thank you.
Emma Duffet Langner ’41,
Member of The Greatest Generation.
“This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.”
– Franklin Delano Roosevelt –
In the title of his book The Greatest Generation, author Tom
Brokaw is referring to those men and women who served this
country during World War II. As Brokaw says, “It was a critical
time in the shaping of the nation and the world.” And there were
many from Colby Junior College who had a hand in that shaping. In fact, during a Founder’s Day assembly in 1942, President
H. Leslie Sawyer unfurled a special flag honoring 87 alumnae of
Colby Junior College who were at that time serving in branches
of the armed forces.
One of those honored was Business graduate Isabelle Emma
Duffett Langner ’41 (above in Navy uniform circa 1943). Emma,
as she is known, comes from a long line of those who attended
our college, dating back to the Civil War. Her father and mother
both attended Colby Academy. Three of Emma’s aunts and her
maternal grandfather graduated from Colby Academy. Both of
her maternal great-grandparents attended the school when it was
called the New London Literary and Scientific Institution in
1860. In addition, Emma has six cousins who graduated from
our college.
Upon graduation, Emma obtained a good job in Concord, New
Hampshire, with the state advertising agency. However, conflict
raged in Europe and in the Pacific, and she was, as Brokaw
described these patriots, one of the “young men and women who
were eager to be assigned to help win the war. They understood
what was required of them, and they willingly volunteered for duty.”
fter training at Hunter College in New York and at
Aerographer’s School at Lakehurst, New Jersey, Emma was a
WAVE (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service)
assigned to the Naval Air Station at Opa-Locka, Florida, where
fighter pilots trained. As an aerographer (meteorologist), one of
Emma’s numerous duties was to receive weather reports in code,
decode them, and post them so the pilots would know what conditions they were facing on training missions.
Emma is a modest woman. She feels she did nothing special in
leaving the safety of job and home to join the armed forces
because, as she says, “everyone in the country was contributing to
winning the war.” Perhaps it is this sense of selflessness and duty
that makes all Americans proud of the generation that saved the
world, and perhaps it’s why there is never a whisper of disagreement when they are called our “Greatest Generation.”
— by David R. Morcom —
Office of Advancement
U . S . P O S TA G E
Colby-Sawyer College
100 Main Street
New London, NH 03257