Old-Fashioned Summer Peach Dumplings....and me in tears...(not


Old-Fashioned Summer Peach Dumplings....and me in tears...(not
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Old-Fashioned Summer Peach Dumplings....and me in tears...(not related)
Well, at this point I find myself starting to get my lists made for school shopping. Only this time for the first time, I will be
preparing two kids for school. My little one who will only be 3 years old next month will be starting pre-k. I am going to be very
honest here....I find the thought of sending such a little one off to school at this age to be terrifying!!!! Ordinarily, I would not be
sending her to school until she was 4 years old like I did with my oldest child, but I am blessed to have my oldest daughter in the
best school in our county. In order to ensure that my little one would be able to attend the same school I needed to have her be a
registered student at the same time as the oldest is registered in the same school (the sibling advantage). This school has a horribly
long waiting list and is generally filled by the lottery system. I was scared to death that I would not win the amazing school lottery
twice. Soooo....I have to go against my better judgment and send her to school at 3 years old. She made the cut off age by about 1
I am simply horrified at the thought of dropping my tiny 3-year-old off for a whole day of school. I swear just writing this brings me
to tears! I will not be having anymore children....the doctors said I would not have the 2 I have (poly-cystic ovary syndrome). It is
very rare to have natural conception with this disorder, somehow though 7 years apart both of my kids were conceived naturally. I
am not sharing this just over share....I am sharing this because this condition is common and somewhere there is a woman hurting
over the thought she may never be a Mom....she could be reading this and may take comfort in knowing that miracles really do
happen! That said, I have to force myself to go out and buy school supplies and ready myself to leave my baby for the first time. I
am so thankful she will have this one year in the same school with my oldest (my oldest is off to middle school next year). I am
trying to take comfort in the thought that if my wee one gets scared or hurt she can have her sister with her quickly. Sigh....I am
scared. Truly scared. I bet she will be just fine and I will be a weeping wreck. Good grief it's hard to let go!!!!
Anyway....I did what I do...I cook or I bake (or I can or make cheese....). Today I made old-fashioned fresh summer peach
dumplings. The only thing missing was some vanilla ice cream. I didn't make ice cream this week and the ice cream I made last
weeks was chocolate. I think vanilla ice cream would have made these dumplings just off the charts amazing. I warn you
though...even though each dumpling has only one peach inside they seem to get rather large. Hubby and I shared one. It was
perfect! Please enjoy...
Old Fashioned Summer Peach Dumplings ~ Tamatha Mavraides
1 recipe (double crust) pâte brisée ~ you can find my recipe here
6 large ripe (but not over ripe) peaches ~ cut each peach in half and remove the pit
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons butter
pinch of fine sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground nutmeg
pure vanilla extract
1 egg for egg wash
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Sanding sugar
For the sauce
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 1/2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon pure vanilla
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 cup pf brandy
pinch of fine sea salt
1 extra tablespoon of butter (added at the end)
Here we go....
Roll out the dough into a rectangle so it is about an 1/8 of an inch thick (no more than a 1/4 inch). Cut the dough into 6 squares.
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On sheet pan lay out your peach halves. Sprinkle the sugar and spices evenly over the peaches. Drizzle a few drops of vanilla onto
the peaches then add a bit of the butter to the center of each peach half.
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Now take 2 halves of the peach and close them with the butter, sugar and spices inside. Hold them closed. Place the held closed
peach into the center of a dough square. Pull the sides of the dough up around the peach. pinch the dough closed to seal the peach
inside. Once the dough is closed, with your hand gently mold the dough so it hugs the peach and stays in shape. If you have extra
dough hanging cut it off (you will gather the extra dough scraps and make leaves later). Repeat this with all of the peaches.
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Heat your oven to 450 degrees. In a baking dish that will fit comfortably all of your peaches gently place your dough covered
peaches. Set the baking dish in the fridge while you make the sauce and leaves. The leaves are just cute, leave them off if you are
not in the mood for the fuss.
In a small saucepan heat the sugar and the butter. When the sugar begins to color swirl the pan to make the sugar color evenly. Be
very careful...the sugar is EXTREMELY HOT. This should not be done by or with children!!!! When the sugar has taken on a
nice amber color add the heavy cream. With a whisk make sure all the sugar is dissolved. Add the brandy...continue to stir. Once
you no longer smell alcohol turn the heat down and reduce the sauce (at a simmer) for a couple of minutes. Take the sauce off the
heat once its a slightly thickened and add the vanilla, salt and the final tablespoon of butter . Combine with the whisk. You should
have a smooth velvety wonderful flavored caramel sauce. This stuff is delicious even without the dumplings!!!!!
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Now gather your dough scraps and re-roll them so you can cut out leaf shapes to garnish your dumplings. You can make the leaf
veins using the back of your knife. Egg wash the dumplings and attach the leaves (I made two leaves per dumpling). Next, sprinkle
sanding sugar over the dumplings.
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Now you will pour the caramel sauce into the pan with the dumplings without pouring the sauce onto the dumplings themselves.
This is very important!!! The sauce should go between and around but NOT over or on the dumplings.
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Bake the dumplings at 450 degrees for about 45 minutes. If they seem to be getting too dark turn the temperature down to 400 for
the last 10 minutes or so. Use your judgement on that.
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Have a platter ready to move the dumplings to when you take the pan out of the oven. The dumplings will need to be moved after
they rest in the pan for 5 minutes. Use a spatula to move them. They will be fragile on the bottom. The sauce will be caramelized
and thick. Drizzle a little of it over the dumplings or around the sides.
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Serve while warm...with ice cream if you like.
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