All the Poop - Four Corners Equine Rescue


All the Poop - Four Corners Equine Rescue
Spring 2013
Rescuing Horses in Peril
Spring Has Sprung - Here They Come!
To all
those that
You’re the
Spring has sprung! Life bursts onto the stage in an annual rendition of
the cycle of life. And once again FCER launches into action to help the pregnant
mares and babies in danger. In January we received two mares from the New
Mexico Livestock Board (NMLB) that were pregnant - Darla and Callie. Callie
is accompanied by her weanling colt, Smokey and is pregnant with this year’s
baby. Neither Darla nor Callie care for human contact. They were free on the
range near Chama prior to being rounded up.
April saw 3 more mares come in from
NMLB - they were part of a band of 12 trespassing
on USFS land. The other horses were claimed, but
these 3 ladies were not.
Pomona came with her 3 -day -old colt,
Spatz, along with pregnant mare Ruth and pregnant
mare Ashanti. None of these mares can be handled,
Pomona and Spatz
and all came in with upper respiratory infections, adding
to the critical nature of the situation. In 3 days Spatz developed pneumonia, requiring intensive treatment at Animal Haven Clinic. While at the clinic trainer
DeLaws Lindsay worked with Pomona so she and Spatz could
be treated. Healthy now, Spatz is looking forward to his days
of playing in the sun with Carma.
Ashanti gifted the world with her precious gift - Carma
4 days after arrival. Thankfully, both mom and daughter are
healthy and doing well without human
intervention. Carma loves to have her
butt scratched, which is allowed unAshanti & Carma
der the watchful eye of Ashanti, who
remains aloof to human contact.
As of the writing of this newsletter Ruth has
still not delivered her baby. Ruth is a special case, as
she is the thinnest and in need of dental care. Lucky for us, foster
Mom Kelly stepped forward to provide a temporary home
for Ruth where she can be worked with and cared for on
an accelerated basis.
Darla has been accepted into the program of Mustang Ministries in Madrid, NM. She is a special mare, as
Darla is blind in one eye. This makes her training much
Clint gets a kiss from
more challenging, and needs special attention Clint &
Darla’s daughter - Mini
Teresa can give her. She gifted the world with her filly the Cappuccino
end of April.
The Institute of Higher Learning Sponsorship Program
Horse Head
by Artist
Mike Toledo
Retail Value
Tickets are
$5 ea.
3 for $10
Oct. 19, 2013
Can Ship!
Email or call for
more info
Page 2
Have you wanted to help a specific horse and be a part of
his/her success? Here is your chance to participate! Several of our horse’s biggest obstacle to moving on to a new
home is lack of training. The sponsors of these horse will
commit to providing 3 months of professional training to
their horse recipient, and be a part of the training process
as well as the adoption process. These training sponsorships are for $500 a month for 3 months. A huge commitment! But the benefits will provide the horse with a
lifetime of successful partnership with people! Candidates
include -
Interested? Contact Debbie at the FCER
office - 505-334-7220 or
[email protected]
Is Horse Slaughter Returning to the US?
The short answer is - nobody knows. The proposed opening of the slaughterhouse
in Roswell, NM is frighteningly possible. Powerful forces on both the pro-slaughter
and anti-slaughter sides are hard at work, much of it behind closed doors. P u b l i c
pressure is absolutely essential if we are to save America’s horses. Now is the time
for every person to speak up in opposition to horse slaughter. Call your state and
federal representatives and let them know how you feel. If your representatives
share your position, please take a moment to thank them for their hard work on
this issue. In New Mexico, please call the Governor’s office (505-476-2200) ,and
the Attorney General’s office 505-827-6000) as well. The link to the US Congress
Directory is here
There are several things happening on the Federal level to stop horse
slaughter - The SAFE Act (Safeguard American Food Exports) which will ban
slaughter has been introduced in the Senate as S 541 and in the House as HR 1094.
The Agriculture budget for 2014 submitted to Congress has excluded the funding
of inspectors in horse slaughter plants.
Every voice counts! Don’t rely on internet petitions - call, write, and urge your
friends to do the same.
Look Who’s Coming! - New Arrivals
Left to right—Sparkles, Moxie (NMLB cruelty case), Regalo
(a stallion from a mustang breeder)
Top Row - Cid (stallion from a mustang breeder)
and Callie (a stray from the Chama area),
Bottom Row - Smokey (Callie’s son) and Darla
Winter 2012-2013
Page 3
Where are They Now?
Princess with Kate and
Zach enjoying the first
ride of the season.
Princess - 2007
In 2007 FCER joined forces
with other rescues to save as
many PMU mares as we
could. The PMU (pregnant
mare urine) industry was going through a major contraction in large part due to a study by the WHI linking HRT to cancer and other health issues. Princess
came to us from Canada. Twice divorce resulted in
Princess being returned to FCER. Now, at 20 years
old, Princess has her third home with Mary Friis and
her family. Princess is a cherished member of the
family, caring for her mistress, 7 year old Kate and
younger brother, Zach who is 4.
Thanks to Our Newsletter Sponsors
Your Ad can be here!
Contact [email protected]
for more info
Brochure distribution to local
School Outreach
“Horsin’ Around w/ History”
Barnyard Volunteers
Barnyard Tour Hosts
Email or call FCER for more
A Tribute
It is difficult to include this section in the newsletter,
and many would advise against it. As much as it hurts us
to see and hear of these deaths, you are the people
that will honor the value of their lives. Thank you.
Our beloved
program horse
who taught
many children
the joy of
horses and was
an incredibly
kind and patient
Rose came with a
badly healed
pelvic fracture
and died trying to
give birth to her
foal. The baby did
not survive either
Rescued from the kill pen at
a sale barn in 2010, Hope
lived out her remaining years
in peace and comfort, knowing the kind hand of people
that she seemed to covet,
regardless of the way we
treated her in the past.
Off to New Homes
Congratulations to All!
Upcoming events
15 Open Barn Tours
22 Vol. Orientation
20 Open Barn Tours
27 Volunteer Orientation
Four Corners Equine Rescue
22 Road 3334
Aztec, NM 87410
FCER Mission Statement
Four Corners Equine Rescue is an all volunteer non-profit group dedicated to the rescue of horses, burros, and mules, their
rehabilitation (both physically and mentally), and their adoption in to good, loving homes. We will assist, wherever and whenever we can, to help horses in need.
Located in the Four Corners area of New Mexico, we are licensed by the State of New Mexico, and follow the guidelines for
rescues as set by the AAEP (American Association of Equine Practitioners).
FCER is a nonprofit501(c)3 charitable organization and all donations are tax-deductible.
New Mexico Livestock Board Equine Rescue License #08-0001-06.
Call 505-334-7220 or e-mail: [email protected]
We’re also on the web at:
Did You Know?
Visitor Hours
Monday - Friday:
By Appointment
A horse typically sleeps 2 1/2 to 3
hours a day
Horses sleep longer in the summer
than in the winter
A horse’s heart weighs 9 pounds
Horses generally dislike the smell
of pigs
Horses are measured in “hands” the width of a mans hand, now set
at 4 inches